Reflections Theme 2018-2019: “Heroes Around Me”

Samantha Brackesy - Middle. Gabriela McSweeney - Middle. Danielle Goodall - Middle. Kendall Lebel 1 - Primary. Kendall Lebel 2 - Primary. Kemrys Tabory - Primary. Lily Coady - High School.

Reflections Art Program

Zoey Piccolo - Intermediate. Anna Martin - Intermediate. Bridget Williams - Intermediate. Rosie McQuilkin - Middle. Melanie Harmon Stone - Primary. To access music, please click the link then hit the download button. Kayla Baldwin - Intermediate. Ania Szczeszynski - Middle. Honorable Mention - Thaddeus R. Award of Merit - Mahika K. Honorable Mention - Riya T.

New Jersey PTA | Reflections

Award of Merit - Jaityn R. Award of Merit - Anjali A. Advances to the district level Award of Merit - Shivani C. Honorable Mention - Krithika N. Award of Merit - Inika A. We will be celebrating the 50th year of Reflections Program.

Woodworth Middle School

The deadline for Live Oak is October 15, You can drop off the student's artwork at the front office. Let your imagination fly and unleash your inner artistic talent! Choreograph a dance, produce a film, write a poem or story, compose a song, take a picture or create a piece of visual art and tell us what the theme: New academic standards require more critical thinking and problem solving, which translates into more creativity and deeper reflection.

Put your thinking hat on during summer and get creative! The Reflections Art Program which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since And California State PTA and its members, families and kids are on the forefront of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education. Reflections encourages students of all ages to: The same is true for the human experience.

There are phases of life when despite our best efforts, everything seems to go awry. And then there are times when even in the absence of any exertion, things fall into place. I really like this triptych of lit up leaves. Opens up for the mind to play with the elements. Beautiful as ever, Sally. I also really like the quote about gardening. Although I think it can be expanded to encompass life in general! Superb biomorphic abstraction with salient elements of creativity evolving in the same way as nature, Sally.

Enthralled by the contrast between the fluorescent greens and the harsh shadows. I love that vibrant green and the intense light.

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The quote from the NYT is great too. It is very wise.

Hope you have some cool breezes coming your way! Patti, thanks for your response. Yesterday it was over 95, and today a few degrees cooler but high humidity. I like the peek-a-boo aspect of the last image, Sally. Lovely shades of green in all three. Lovely artistic work, Sally. We just need to see them, or perhaps not see them, to appreciate them..


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Lens and Pens by Sally.