Notice the unusual construction in Genesis 1: I believe that at this point God removed the translucent cloud cover from the planet to allow the stars, moon, and Sun to be seen from the surface of the earth the frame of reference of all Genesis 1. The text then reiterates what God had already done in Genesis 1: The time frame describes events over days, seasons, and years - obviously more than 24 hours long.
The fifth day describes a period of time longer than 24 hours as swarms of living creatures are multiplying in the sea. On the sixth day God created the "beasts of the earth" in Genesis 1: Therefore, the wild and domesticated mammals and rodents were created on the sixth day.
The last creation of God was mankind, who was also created at the end of the sixth day. What about humans and three million year old fossil remains of bipedal primates? I believe in a literal Adam and Eve, although I do not believe they lived millions of years ago. The Bible indicates that Adam and Eve had a relationship with God Genesis and the text says that unique among all the animals, humans are endowed with a spirit Hebrew, ruach, Greek, pneuma , by which they are able to communicate with and love God. Scientists have found no evidence of religious artifacts before about 25, to 50, years ago 16 , which is the point at which I propose God created Adam and Eve.
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The Bible states that the covenant and laws of God have been proclaimed to a "thousand generations" A biblical generation, described as being 40 years, would represent at least 40, years of human existence. However, since the first dozen or more generations were nearly 1, years, this would make humans nearly 50, years old, which agrees very well with dates from paleontology and molecular biology see Descent of Mankind Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology.
Therefore, I believe that bipedal primates that existed before Adam and Eve, were just part of the animal kingdom, and were not endowed with the characteristics that make humans distinct from animals.

Consider some examples showing that science and the Bible agree and that the Bible contains scientific facts that differed greatly from the beliefs of many people living at the time it was written. The universe had a beginning. The Babylonians believed that the gods that gave birth to the universe came from two oceans. Other legends say that the universe came from a giant egg. The universe is governed day-to-day by rational natural laws, not by the whims of deities.
The earth is suspended in empty space. Rivers and springs are fed by water that has evaporated from the oceans and other sources and then has fallen back to earth as rain, snow, or hail. Sanitary practices protect health. The Law given to the nation of Israel included regulations for washing after touching a dead body, quarantining those with infectious disease, and disposing of human waste safely.
Are there scientific errors in the Bible? A reasonable examination of the Bible shows the answer to be no. Here are some common misconceptions about the scientific accuracy of the Bible: The Bible says that the universe was created in six hour days. According to the Bible, God created the universe in the indefinite past. The Bible says that vegetation was created before the sun existed to support photosynthesis. The Bible says that the sun revolves around the earth. The Bible says that the earth is flat. It is also possible that the circumference and diameter represented inner and outer measurements of the basin respectively.
Hugh Ross While it is true that they were the first to detect the radiation left over from the creation event,1 they were not the first scientists to recognize that the universe expanded from an extremely hot and compact state. In George Gamow calculated that nothing less than the universe expanding from a near infinitely hot condition could account for the present abundance of elements. That is when Albert Einstein noted that his field equations of general relativity predicted an expanding universe. This principle of transcendent creation is made more explicit by passages like Hebrews Biblical claims that God predated the universe and was actively involved in causing certain effects before the existence of the universe is not only found in Colossians 1 but also in Proverbs 8: What is particularly interesting about the eleven verses is that different Hebrew verb forms are used to describe the cosmic stretching.
Seven verses, Job 9: Four verses, Isaiah This form literally means that the stretching of the heavens was completed or finished some time ago. There we find two different verbs used in two different forms. Feb 25, Jeff rated it really liked it. What I found was a decent layout of OEC though it was never labeled as such , and plausible scenarios for various events in the first part of Genesis e. Ross does a decent job of laying out his arguments and showing how they comport with both the Biblical accounts and with scientific thought.
Unfortunately, Ross's writing can be a l 3. Unfortunately, Ross's writing can be a little scattered. On more than one occasion, he goes into sermonizing when he would be better off explaining how we arrived at his conclusions. I would have also liked it if he spoke more about other possible scenarios than the one he espouses e. I ended each chapter understanding the basics of Ross's arguments, but always wishing there had been a little more there.
The money quote for the book comes on the second to the last page: Overall, if you're interested in the 'creation vs. Very interesting and well structured I'm glad that I read this book, gives a great insight into a analytics view of genesis. Beside any preference it shares a well explanation of the words and meanings as possible on those first chapters related to the creation. Aug 02, Rachel rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jan 10, Patrick rated it really liked it Shelves: The first eleven chapters of Genesis contain the portions of Scripture that are most often criticized as being unbelievable or unscientific e.
Navigating Genesis challenges this popular perception. Ross, arguing that Scripture and science can be "constructively integrated," aims to show that the details described in Genesis fit quite nicely with current scientific knowledge. Ross does not seek to refute mainstream scientific facts, but employs The first eleven chapters of Genesis contain the portions of Scripture that are most often criticized as being unbelievable or unscientific e. Ross does not seek to refute mainstream scientific facts, but employs them to bolster the credibility of Bible.
Apr 01, Luke Nix rated it really liked it Shelves: I was introduced to astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross president of Reasons to Believe in the early 90's but did not really begin investigating his model of origins until the mid 's when my view of origins and my Christian worldview was beginning to be challenged by observations of scientists in many different disciplines.
I was hit by the higher critics who wished to interpret Genesis in a metaphorical and not historical light. Some of their points seemed valid, but others were questionable. Ross' approach of integrating all of Scripture with all the sciences quite intellectually attractive. It offered the possibility to reconcile the findings of modern science and the research of the higher critics with the Genesis accounts. However, before I was willing to change my view of origins from young-earth universe is 6, - 10, years old , despite the observational evidence, I had to see a proper interpretive treatment of the Genesis accounts of creation that recognized them as historical events, granted the poetic writing style, understood the ancient cultural context, and consistently preserved all the essentials of Christian theology including original sin and Christ's atonement.
All those requirements have been satisfied, and "Navigating Genesis: A Scientist's Journey Through Genesis " shows how it is accomplished through a careful examination of the Genesis accounts. As a Christian who struggled with the higher critics' charges and the findings of modern science, this reviewer has found Dr.
Ross' testable creation model intellectually satisfying and theologically and biblically sound. In Navigating Genesis Dr. Ross lays out his interpretation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis.
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He demonstrates how his interpretation, in some cases, is fully compatible with the text while others are also , and other instances where it is the only interpretation consistent with the rest of scripture a necessary demand of his commitment to the doctrine of biblical inerrancy. His approach is to not merely look at Genesis, but to bring together the entirety of the Word of God to find the most consistent interpretation. He also provides insight into what is not recorded in scripture via the sciences. He is careful to not allow science to interpret scripture, but rather the observations of nature science is an interpretation of these observations that God has provided God's creation will never contradict His spoken Word.
I highly recommends Navigating Genesis to any Christian who may be struggling with reconciling an interpretation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis as historical events with the observations of modern scientists. It is also recommended for any defender of Christianity who often addresses the issue of the Bible's record of origins. The interpretation of the whole of scripture and the scientific observations shown to be fully compatible presented in this book allows the apologist to defend a more robust and consistent Christian worldview. Genesis does not need to be a scientific or historical stumbling block for skeptics, and Dr.
Ross demonstrates how this is true. For the full chapter-by-chapter review, please follow this link: May 22, Chris rated it it was amazing Shelves: Scientific Advances and the Accuracy of Genesis. Several years ago, I came to see that Dr. Ross expounds what I believe better than anyone else. God's word in scripture reveals truth and nature reveals truth. If that is correct then they cannot contradict, but theologians and scientists can misinterpret.
Hugh Ross shows once again as he goes through chapters of Genesis, how it does speak to material creation and supports a da A great update on Hugh Ross' previous book, The Genesis Question: Hugh Ross shows once again as he goes through chapters of Genesis, how it does speak to material creation and supports a day-age view and a local universal flood. As he does so, he uses studies some recent ones after the former book was published from geology, astrophysics, meteorology, and other sciences to make his points.
He doesn't force the latest science onto scripture. It is more of showing by systematic exegesis of scripture how this view, even if there were no scientific knowledge, is a valid interpretation. I like that there are 45 pages of endnotes. The reader can look up in more detail what Ross mentions. I particularly like how Dr. Ross often calls the scientific method, the "biblical method". He mentions how Reformation-era scientists discovered that scripture uses a pattern when describing events and that pattern was conducive for performing scientific studies. Frame of reference is an important key to the method.
Ross shows how much hinges on the fact that the frame of reference changes from Genesis 1: Once this is understood, his case for a chronological sequence of creation events over a long period of time makes solid sense. I won't get into Noah's flood, but again Dr. Ross makes a compelling case for it as a local flood. Anyone interested in peacemaking between science and theology without compromising either should read this. Feb 28, Frank Peters rated it really liked it.
For the last few years I have really appreciated the ability of Hugh Ross to communicate verbally in various discussions and debates. I have hoped to find one of his books that would prove to be similar in style to the way he speaks. This is now my favourite of his books that I have read, and would definitely encourage anyone who is interested in the topic to read it.
In the current debates on origins, there is the full spectrum: Hugh Ross fits in the middle, in the same Christian category as I do, where we believe that God has spoken through His word — the bible, as well as through nature. As the author of both, there cannot be any real conflict. Any perceived conflict is rather a result of not interpreting the evidence biblical or scientific correctly.
This book therefore presents his arguments for both the truth of scripture as well as how this fits with contemporary science. He provides many interesting potential explanations concerning passages in the first 11 chapters of Genesis. This is an outstanding comparison of the first eleven chapters of Genesis with the latest scientific discoveries, showing that the facts in both are compatible. The Prophets Isaiah Complete Promise Topical Bible.
Complete Personalized Promise Bible Original. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD. Meredith's Complete Book of Bible Lists. The Digital Puritan - Vol. They Spoke from God. Old Testament Made Easier Pt. Riches, Money, Gold and Silver: From the books of the Bible. Treasures in the Psalms. A Logion Press Commentary. Sun, Moon and Stars: Laying Up Treasures In Heaven. The Blood Of The Cross. Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews. The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ. How Jesus Christ who is God died for our sins. The World of Christian Doctrine, Vol. The Blessed Seed of Abraham. The House of Levi.
Martin G Tharp PhD. The Eternal Plan Of God. Full Life in Christ. The Revelation of Christ. Christ in All the Scriptures. The Desire of Ages. The Power of the Cross. The Book of Genesis presents essential religious teachings about God and his relation to man: This is revealed in the text of the Law Exodus Characteristics of ancient Hebrew language, as well as common themes that course through the Torah, support one original author for the Law of Moses or Pentateuch.
Modern theory suggests the text of the Pentateuch developed through the ages. The primeval story of creation in Genesis has been compared to other ancient literatures, such as the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, the Atrahasis Epic, and the Babylonian Enuma Elish, as well as ancient writings of Egypt and Greece. These diverse writings indicate the universal concept of God and the creation of the world. Seven key themes of Hebrew Scripture are initiated in the Book of Genesis and are developed throughout the Torah: God is one; the goodness of creation and the world; God's undying love for his creation mankind in spite of man's sin and disobedience; God presides with justice and mercy; God is active in history by making covenants with Israel, his chosen people; the proper response of obedience to God's Word through observance of traditions and institutions will bring blessings; the gift of Hope through prophecy of the coming Messiah.
The first three chapters of Genesis are the best known of Hebrew Scripture: Chapter One presents God's creation of the world. The idea of human dignity, that we are created in the image of God 1: Chapter Two provides further detail on the creation of man and woman.
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Chapter Three records the temptation and fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. The first line of Genesis is truly one of the most famous lines of Hebrew Scripture: The presence of the ancient Hebrew epicene personal pronoun that begins the second sentence of Genesis 3: The fall of Adam and Eve led to a geometric progression of sin.
God finally brought judgement through the Flood, but made a Covenant with Noah, his family, and all living creatures Genesis 9: Eber an eponym for Hebrew was a descendant of Shem In spite of man's disobedience, God remains faithful to his creation, the human race. The consistent pattern of covenant, fall, judgement, and redemption that is evident in Genesis persists throughout Hebrew Scripture. The Lord God made his Covenant with Abraham first in Abraham was called a "friend of God" throughout Scripture 2 Chronicles Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for the sin of sodomy Abraham had two sons, Ishmael by Hagar and Isaac by his wife Sarah.
Chapter 21 describes the birth of Isaac and the plight of Hagar and Ishmael. Abraham is tested through Isaac Abraham bought land in Hebron 23 as a burial plot for Sarah. Isaac and Rebecca had Esau and Jacob God first refers to his Commandments in Genesis Jacob returned to Haran and had twelve sons by his wives Leah and Rachel and their maidservants.
God renamed Jacob "Israel" Chapters 37 to 50 primarily cover the saga of the virtuous Joseph. The institution of slavery is recorded in the Book of Genesis, for the vanquished became slaves to the victors. God warns Abram - "Know for certain that your descendants shall be strangers in a land not their own, where they shall be enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years" Genesis Even Joseph is sold into slavery by his own brothers for twenty pieces of silver Genesis King James I commissioned a group of Biblical scholars in to establish an authoritative translation of the Bible from the ancient languages and other translations at the time, and the work was completed in The original King James Bible included the Apocrypha but in a separate section.
A literary masterpiece of the English language, the original King James Bible is still in use today. All rights reserved throughout the world. And it was so. And God saw that it was good.
He also made the stars. And there was evening and there was morning a sixth day. In the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5 when no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up - for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the ground; 6 but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.
And the fourth river is the Euphrates. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'? She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.
Adam knew his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil.
Navigating Genesis: A Scientist's Journey through Genesis by Hugh Ross
The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Why is your face downcast? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.
Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Shem, Ham and Japheth. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.
Everything on earth will perish. Then the Lord shut him in. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark. But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down, 4 and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. He reached out his hand and took the dove and brought it back to himself in the ark.
Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. Noah then removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.
Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.