Providing healthcare to the individual involves two subjects: The logic of health care permeates the right to health, which is internalized in social rights, as a right intrinsic to the principle of human dignity, which is closely related to life and social well-being 1. In this dimension, Dallari and Maggio 2 refer to health as a right of all, whose actions must be organized and efficient, to be disposed to the population, although it is evident the conflict between the discourse of human rights and economic conditions to provide care.

As a response of the State to the needs experienced by civil society, Mendes 3 insists that the discussion about the proposal for the organization of the Unified Health System SUS should start from the analysis of what needs the Brazilian population, according Humenhuk 4 a set of legal norms aiming at health care, as part of second generation law: In this direction, Barbianni et al. Constitutionally, in the articles to , health is a "right of all and duty of the State, guaranteed by social and economic policies aimed at reducing the risk of disease and universal and equal access to actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery" 6.

In the action of health professionals can still be seen as a result of historical construction linked to the inherited condition of exclusion, reproduction in some degree of this inheritance when on the one hand the professional conceives his actions not as its obligation and right of the user, and on the other, on many occasions, the service user accepting such a posture, for having the conception that the care given to him is given as charity. Thus, this research aims to analyze the conceptions of right to health in the practice of the middle level technical professional in the Unified Health System - SUS.

The methodology adopted in this work was oriented by two focus groups guided by the logic proposed by Minayo 10 , Severo et al. Focus groups provide a qualitative analysis that is important for understanding the internal logic of groups, institutions and actors, it includes: This approach considers belief, cultural relations and power, which is constructed in various ways in daily life From this perspective, Bauer and Gaskell 12 argue that qualitative research deals with interpretations of social realities.

Trad 13 states that, when organizing the focal group, attention should be paid to the necessary resources, including moderators, participants 'and groups' definition, selection process and length of time, in order to succeed in this proposition. Participants were school leavers identified through analysis of the conclusive lists provided by the institution. Based on the norms to conform focus groups, it was established as inclusion criterion those professionals who were working in the SUS, totaled 12 graduates, 3 of the participants were absent at the moment of doing the groups, left a total of 9 participants.

The format of these groups had the representativeness of the 3 training areas chosen for this study and followed the orientation of the literature regarding the formatting of small groups, thus making two groups, one composed of 4 and the other by 5 graduates, respectively. Finally, in the fourth moment, the questions asked were applied. For the data collection, a structured script was used composed of 12 questions that guided the work, varying according to the direction of the discussions, such as: Who has the right to health?

How has the technical training offered by ETSUS contributed to their work practice in order to contemplate the "Right to Health" of the citizen? The meetings took place on the premises of the institution on different and sequential days, April 29th and 30th, , and developed in approximately two hours each and every day. These were recorded and later transcribed to analyze the statements of each participant, using the technique of content analysis proposed by Bardin 14 , which resulted in the definition of three categories.

Note that the recordings were destroyed at the end of the study. In this stage of the research the categorization of the analysis was performed in a total of three categories according to the steps of Bardin14 and gathered a set of testimonies referenced by the focus groups, by reason of the common characters, under a given title, summarized in Table 1.

Concepts of health and the right to health and Conceptions of health. Life experiments, unique to people, provoke sensations that can trigger responses embodying the improbable or the unusual.

Panorama Institucional

In this perspective, living the concept is always linked to a problem related to this experiment. Regarding health, it is possible that its concept of origin does not conform scientifically, which makes it accessible to all, bringing a common but rejected thinking, relating physical exercise and diet 15, However, in the old age, Dallari and Nunes Junior 16 refer that the Greek term hygieia represented health and encompassed the condition of the person who is well in life. Complete wellness in physical, mental and social, not simplified the simple absence of diseases is a concept of health established by the World Health Organization - WHO Such a concept, Bezerra and Sorpreso 18 , due to its comprehensiveness, subjectivity and imaginary of fullness, caused great questions.

Vasconcelos and Santos 19 show similar thinking when they point out that it is necessary to understand how illusory and baseless it is to achieve full health. The graduates advance towards a conceptualization of the right to health that transcends the care base reaching the individual and environment. I will take to the spiritual part. Sometimes we want so many things and we do not have, because we lack the peace of God!

A retórica do direito à saúde no Supremo Tribunal Federal.

And when all this is balanced we can be healthy. I have the right to have a food that is not harmful to me, to drink water that is not harmful to me The right to health is paramount, but it does not happen. The health must be inserted in the school In this way, expressed health concepts accommodate the person in its plurality, with their relationships and links, in line with the rules governing the SUS and the World Health Organization WHO , which, according to its Constitution of July 22, , admits as objective the attainment of the highest level of health possible, by all peoples.

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To that end, it defined each government as responsible for the health of its people, which can only be achieved through coherent sanitary and social measures Thus, in the 70's, the relevant records conformed the Lalonde Report, the Alma-Ata Declaration and others; in the s, it was the turn of the Black Report, Toronto Healthy , the Ottawa Charter among others; In the s cite the Sundsvall Declaration, Jakarta and other records.

In these circumstances, the study participants identified a health concept aligned with the WHO, considering the individual and its surroundings, and the Unified Health System. Health is therefore a collective value, a good of all, and should be each to enjoy it individually, without prejudice to others and jointly with all The above argued by the authors is therefore pertinent to one of the dimensions of the first concept of citizenship developed by Marshall in in the book Citizenship and Social Class, that is, social citizenship which included a series of social rights In periods of unemployment and illness, in the twentieth century, allowing the presence of people in the processes of economic and social well-being of the community It should be noted that in addition to the levels of economic and social well-being, technicians also address the issue of spirituality, recognizing the broader conceptualization of health.

This, as a necessity of the people to be settled by the State acting in the various interfaces, corresponds to a constitutionally established right, so verbalized by the technicians rescuing the intersectoriality, human dignity, knowledge of the laws and the appropriation of information, as well as the tax payments. Leite and Mafra 24 identified in a survey about the trajectory and perceptions of the SUS users in the access to medicines by the judicial route that, in the available studies, the understanding of the right to health by the users is still little explored; however, it is the thinking of the leaders of health processes - professionals and managers, in addition to researchers, that comes.

As in Brazil, Mitano et al.

A recusa dos serviços de saúde reprodutiva por motivo de consciência na América Latina

Thus, the authors understand that there is an asymmetry between the health policies predetermined by the State and the current practices, and also perceive that the focus on equity and quality is incipient Health and disease do not have a unique meaning for everyone, because the existence of individual, religious, philosophical values, as well as temporal, spatial and social aspects, integrate an entire conjuncture However, in the concepts and conceptions of health brought by the research technicians, it is observed the interaction of the agent with the social phenomenon once it is built of socially representative constructions, which allow understanding and interpretation of the reality studied Thus, proposing healthcare assistance implies deciding on actions that are consistent with the peculiarities inherent in each population, otherwise it will fall into a vicious cycle of attention that is not aligned with the needs of users.

This syntony encompasses cultural meanings showing that the language of disease is not only about the sickness and dying of the body, but language directed to society and to historical social relations Health Practices and Care Access.

Talking about health presupposes positions in the direction of national health policy accompanied by knowledge that materialize the model of care proposed by SUS. However, considering the various aspects, economic, social, political and cultural, discussing health by combining such approaches may be a not so simple exercise. Although it may be difficult to present, this process provides critical reflections on the practices carried out The practices adopted are not always aligned with the organizational proposal of the national health policy oriented through established flows and processes.

It can be seen through the testimonies of the participantes a certain preference for working in the health field linked to the guarantee of the Law, but also they use the favoring of their peers mediated by the distribution of medicines and technical acts going through the parallel path friendship to reach or SUS; they question about the SUS user by the private health care service and associate prevention, cure, rehabilitation and the right to health with the payment of taxes. The state already had [ It's because they have to sleep in the queue.

Services on Demand

I do what I can do! They ask for medicines to see me [ I live in an area next to BR and people ask me for medicines. I say I only get the medicines with the prescription; A neighbor said: I went for a tooth extraction and it was not removed because my blood pressure was up there. You do not make it easy for me? What if you die in the chair? In the itinerant, we see how much these people need us. Sometimes I get to be taken care of, but there is complaint.

Its not just to be charitable and the person who will treat the pain does not agree to it! To pay the employee, to have income to pay for that exam, the doctor, everything that includes the expense, as they say It is important for us not to be alienated, accommodated, if we can involve individual enlightenment" TE7. No prevention, just the curative part. When I give an explanation, they do not want to know!

Although they refer to the legal aspect, the research participants make clear the connection between the right to health and the issue of access, simplified in obtaining the consultation, and medicine that is out of the dimension of promotion. Em alguns deles, tomaram-se medidas para regulamentar a OC de forma a proteger os direitos fundamentais das mulheres. Technical and Policy Guidance for Health System s, 2nd ed. Este artigo sugere que existe uma necessidade concreta de que os Estados, bem como os organismos de direitos humanos, imponham limites e diretrizes claras ao uso da OC, a fim de proteger os direitos fundamentais das mulheres.

A humanização dos serviços e o direito à saúde

Tysiac v Poland , Application no. Ver Pichon and Sajous v. Pichon and Sajous v. No caso de RR vs. Poland , para — Case of Artavia Murillo et al.

Alguns desses tribunais deliberaram sobre a OC e procuraram definir os seus limites. Colombia, Corte Constitucional C.