First and foremost, you will avoid shady employees. We are living in the era of globalization and many companies face dishonesty from their in-house workers. For example, there was a case when an employee was paid a good salary, but he hired another Chinese guy to do the job instead of him , and simply spent working hours by scrolling subreddits. Is that a type of workers you are looking for? Do you want to spend a fortune on lazy people who work 10 to 18 and want extra social goodies for that?

No Language Barrier Do not worry about misunderstanding.

The Best Countries for Outsourcing: Where to Hire Remote Workers | Nomad Capitalist

Our PMs and coders have good language proficiency, starting from B2 level and higher. Qubit Labs hires European developers only who have similar mindset and corporative culture. No Poor Quality We value our reputation on software development market and make sure to hire honest managers and top developers. No Copy Code We sign a strict NDA for every project and pass all intellectual property rights on the software developed by our coders to the client. No Priority Lists If you hire developers with Qubit Labs, they will work exclusively on your project 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

No Hidden or Extra Costs We never steal from you. Our developers deliver tasks on schedule, not extending development process forever.

Social Media

Looking for expert developers, but still unsure about outsourcing? We gathered a pool of talented Eastern European developers with a similar mindset, cultural values and experience in various development services. Forget about discredited outsource companies doing shady business. We will show you that software development outsourcing works!

Phone number or Skype ID. Your message is already in our Inbox and we will be contacting you shortly to follow up. Not only was Venezuela a surprising find in terms of how easy it is to work with remote workers there but I have also been extremely impressed by their quality of work. I know several entrepreneurs who have moved out of Panama City and gone to Europe — including to countries as expensive as Germany — because they found that the productivity in Germany is better than in places like Panama.

The challenge with a lot of Spanish speakers is that there is a very large Spanish-speaking ecosystem. You basically have to learn another language, and that second language is almost always English. At one point, I had one of my team members do a test for other websites and we hired several Venezuelans to create content for those sites.

The English content they produced was pretty good and came at very reasonable prices. Those reasonable prices do come for a rather sad reason, though. Venezuela has been suffering an ongoing economic crisis and that has made labor somewhat affordable. As unfortunate as it is, rates are low and I have found people in Venezuela to be really on the ball.

When I first started hiring in Venezuela, I was kind of surprised it worked out so well. And I am continually pleased to see great work come out of Venezuela. Again, I have found great success in hiring virtual assistants and people who can help with writing and data entry. However, you get a more western mindset and better communication in my experience than hiring from Bangladesh or going after the cheapest options.

Overall, Venezuela is an interesting place to hire that not everyone knows about that offers great rates and quality work. People know it largely for IT, to the point that IT workers from Ukraine are becoming a bit more expensive. Poorest country or not, Ukraine has incredibly good IT workers. They also have great talent when it comes to graphic design and marketing. Ukraine has a very expressive culture with many people who are interested in fashion.

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Many of the people I know from Ukraine are focused, on-the-ball, and tough. The combination makes for a wide variety of reliable talent. Kiev is certainly not a bad place to live if you want to be managing your team, either. I have a client who recently moved his operations from Poland to Ukraine for the lower cost of living and the more affordable and better quality labor. He sees that the Ukrainian people have greater focus and a hunger to perform.

Another benefit to working in Ukraine is that the culture is very similar to Russia. It is still kind of a wild, wild west for some legal aspects, but not a bad place to potentially put a large part of your team. The one potential downside to working with folks from Ukraine is their super direct nature. Off-the-radar and extremely affordable, Moldova is also home to highly skilled foreign workers.

Moldova is a bit more of a hidden gem than Ukraine. People who are deep into the IT and programming world probably know about Moldova.

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I have met people in Bucharest who speak perfect American English with American accents and everything. Add to that the fact that Romanians have a more western mindset, making it easier to communicate and easier to work with them because you can give them a task and then walk away knowing that they will get the job done. The Moldovan people share many of the same characteristics. They speak Romanian and have many cultural ties to Romania. The advantage you have hiring someone from Moldovan versus Romania is that Moldova is a much smaller, poorer, off-the-radar country.

There is not a lot of economic potential for the country as a whole to develop and so many people have left already, but the talent is there and is high quality. So, while you may not set up a company in Moldova, you could certainly build a talented team of Moldovan workers and do so with potentially much less red tape than in places like Ukraine.

I run a team of Serbians. Because I have a lot of experience hiring Serbians, I also know that there are many mistakes that people make when hiring in Serbia. One of the mistakes I see people make is that they choose Serbia for all the wrong reasons. Too many guys go to Belgrade and fall in love with the women — and the women are stunningly beautiful, you basically run into supermodels at every turn — but many guys fall into that and use that as their excuse to hire in Serbia.

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The Balkans also have a different culture than many other places. Whereas in Ukraine people are pretty rugged and tough, in Serbia you have to filter.

Still, the more laid-back mindset can be a positive. In the end, the bottom line is that you can find some really smart people in Serbia who can become great additions to your team. Armenians stand out among other offshore workers for their valuable talent and affordable prices.

The Best Countries for Outsourcing: Where to Hire Remote Workers

I spend a lot of time in Georgia which means that I have heard and seen quite a bit of the cultural rivalry between Georgia and Armenia. As much as I love Georgians and living in Georgia, I have to admit that the people there are a bit laid-back. While I enjoy the slower and more relaxed culture for lifestyle purposes, when it comes to hiring workers for business, I would actually recommend Armenia first.

Armenians are really on the ball. I once tested a couple Armenians to do some research for me and I was amazed at how thorough their reporting was with meticulous spreadsheets that included everything I wanted. And it was all done lightning fast. Armenia has a relatively wealthy and global diaspora. There are many Armenians in Paris, for example, as well as in Los Angeles and other places around the world.

That is one reason why real estate prices in Yerevan can actually be higher than in other places in the region like Tbilisi.

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  8. Having gotten to know a lot of Armenians in my recent travels, I found them to be really on the ball while also being in a country that is off the radar from the more obvious places like Ukraine or Romania. But no one is talking about Armenia. You would also have lower costs of operation if you actually wanted to set up a bigger office there.

    There are so many possibilities in Armenia. I've helped hundreds of guys develop and implement legal strategies for lower taxes, dual citizenship, and lifestyle freedom. Would you like to be next?