The Smith's Bible Dictionary has thousands of entries explaining biblical words. The KJV isn't dificult to understand. Some words could be "archaic" and this dictionary has almost entries. This is the original KJV translator's foot notes. To access it tap the "dagger" symbol at the end of verses. This dictionary contains more than entries specific to the King James Bible, many of them with passages, to better study the Word of God.
Spurgeon, the "Prince of Preachers" with comments on the Psalms. Text Highlight, Bookmarks and Notes. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Description "Where the word of a king is, there is power" Ecclesiastes 8: King James disapproved of the Geneva Bible because of its Calvinistic leanings. He also frowned on what he considered to be seditious marginal notes on key political texts.
A marginal note for Exodus 1: The King James Version of the Bible grew out of the king's distaste for these brief but potent doctrinal commentaries. He considered the marginal notes to be a political threat to his kingdom. At a conference at Hampton Court in with bishops and theologians, the king listened to a suggestion by the Puritan scholar John Reynolds that a new translation of the Bible was needed. Because of his distaste for the Geneva Bible, James was eager for a new translation…. In addition to being a threat to the king of England, the Geneva Bible was outspokenly anti-Roman Catholic, as one might expect.
Rome was still persecuting Protestants in the sixteenth century. Keep in mind that the English translators were exiles from a nation that was returning to the Catholic faith under a queen who was burning Protestants at the stake. The anti-Roman Catholic sentiment is most evident in the Book of Revelation: Calvin knew that the job of reforming a city seemingly bent on destruction would not be easy. Immorality was at an all-time high, with gambling, street brawls, drunkenness, adultery, and public indecency common everywhere. But not all was dark.
When he arrived on September 13, , a change had come over the city. The people actually wanted him to return. The city officials bestowed honors on him and apologized for the way he had been treated. The Council members assured Calvin that they would cooperate with him to restore the Gospel and moral order. The businessmen were equally relieved to learn that Calvin might return. Calvin was overwhelmed by the outward display of affection and decided to return to Geneva. On September 16th he wrote to Farel: I am held fast here. May God give His blessing.
Calvin continued his work of reformation, not by a heavy-handed use of the civil magistrate, but with the preaching of God's Word and the building of the Church. Church government was lacking, not only in Geneva, but all over Protestant Europe. Calvin understood that only the Church, not the State, could define orthodox theology and bring about true long-term reform. According to the Bible, the State and the Church were jurisdictionally separate. Each had its God-ordained area of jurisdiction and authority - one civil the State and one ecclesiastical the Church.
Even so, Calvin insisted, both Church and State were ordained by God and obligated to follow His laws as they applied to their specific appointed jurisdictions. Calvin's view that God reigns everywhere and over all things led him to develop the biblical idea that man can serve God in every area of life - church, civil government, education, art, music, business, law, journalism.
There was no need to be a priest, a monk, or a nun to get closer to God. God is glorified in everyday work and family life. Calvin's teaching led directly to what has become known as the "Protestant work ethic. Stricken with tuberculosis, Calvin preached his last sermon on February 6, Although bedridden until his death on May 27, , Calvin continued to work, extending his legacy in the lives of those who sat under his teaching.
Thanks to the Institutes of the Christian Religion , his printed sermons, the Academy, his commentaries on nearly every book of the Bible except the Song of Solomon and the Book of Revelation , and his pattern of Church and Civil government, Calvin shaped the thought and motivated the ideals of Protestantism in France, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungry, Scotland, and the English Puritans; many of whom settled in America.
The great American historian George Bancroft stated, "He that will not honor the memory, and respect the influence of Calvin, knows but little of the origin of American liberty. Religious liberty owes it most respect. Introduction to the Geneva Bible By Dr. The Geneva Bible has been the lost treasure of Christendom for almost years. Nearly forgotten by the modern world, this version of the Holy Scriptures was translated and compiled by exiled reformers in Geneva and stands alone in history as the force that transformed the English speaking world from the backwater of history to the center of civilization.
The edition is the first completely new publication of the Geneva Bible available in modern times…. Barbarous England in was less than civilized. Over men were burned at the stake by the Catholic tyrant, "Bloody Mary Tudor, merely for promoting the English Reformation. Most of the semi-illiterate clergy both Catholic and Protestant in the established church compounded the problem, since most received their parish jobs as pay offs and often were incapable or unwilling to preach. The impoverished and spiritually starved masses frequently found solace in the bottle, while the Gentry class compromised their conscience and virtue to cater to the intrigues of the royal court.
Into this "trough of despair" the light of God's written Word began to liberate the English speaking nations as it penetrated the hearts and transformed the minds of the population. It is no exaggeration to say that the Geneva Bible was the central catalyst that catapulted England, Scotland and America out of slavish feudalism to the heights of Christian civilization. As the first Bible to be read by the common people in English, the Geneva Bible spread self-government, free enterprise, education, virtue, protection of women and children and godly culture.
John Knox used the Geneva Bible as he preached with power at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh and brought Scotland back from clan dominated, semi-pagan barbarity to Christian faith and liberty…. As the following history illustrates the providential invention of movable type, coupled with the Geneva Bible, brought His Book into the lives and homes of the English speaking world.
It is hard for us in our day to realize that the Bible has only been available to the common Christian in his own language for years. Before the printing of Luther's German Bible in and the Geneva Bible in English, laymen, regardless of nationality, for years had never had a Bible of their own. The Church and kings kept all but clergy and Latin scholars from reading the Scripture.
Since , in England, it had been a capital crime to read the Bible in what a royal edict called the "vulgar tongue" or the English language. He escaped to Germany and then to Belgium to fulfill a commitment made shortly after his conversion. Speaking to a Dublin cleric, Tyndale declared: Fulfilling his promise in that year, he translated and published the first-ever mechanically printed New Testament in the English language. Six thousand first-edition copies were smuggled back into England and lit a fire that could not be put out.
On March 6, , Tyndale was strangled and burned at the stake as he proclaimed, "Lord, open the King of England's eyes.
But these were pulpit Bibles for the clergy and still the people had no Bible they could afford and, for the most part, they could not read. She tried violently to stamp out the Reformation and force the people of England back to Roman Catholicism. She tried to burn all copies of the Bible in English and burned at the stake over of the reformers, pastors and Bible translators.
Thus she earned the well -deserved nickname -- Bloody Mary. Queen Mary's madness caused the Marian Exile which drove approximately English scholars to the Continent. But God used this exodus to gather, in Geneva, a number of the finest biblical thinkers in history.
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They produced a new English Bible that was not be beholden to any king or prelate -- The Geneva Bible. William Whittingham, John Calvin's brother-in-law and an excellent scholar, led this impressive group as they produced the first English Translation from the original languages since William Tyndale's revised New Testament of The reformers wanted a Bible for the English people that was not based on the less authentic Latin Vulgate which Queen Mary was sure to promote. They researched the most recently collected Greek and Hebrew manuscripts and translated directly into English.
Almost immediately, work began on a revision of the whole Bible. The translation took over two years of toil night and day. They drew upon painstaking translation from the original languages, Theodore Beza's work and other continental translations, such as Luther's. The undertaking had the overseen and supported by reformers like John Knox and John Calvin.
It was the first biblical translation produced by a committee rather than by one individual. The completed Geneva Bible was published in and dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, who had succeeded her half sister, "Bloody Mary", to the throne and, at least for political reasons, supported the break with the Church of Rome. The Bible was an instant success that captured the hearts of the people with its powerful, uncompromising prose and over , words of annotations in the margins to aid in personal study and understanding.
This unique edition of the version of the Geneva Bible uses Tomson's revised New Testament a later revision of Whitingham's New Testament of and Junius's annotated notes on "Revelation. It also has a table of interpretations of proper names, which are chiefly found in the Old Testament, and a table of principle subjects contained in the Bible. The Books of Psalms are collected into English meters by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others as they were sung in the early churches….
For generations after its first printing, the Geneva Bible remained the Bible of hearth and personal study in England, Scotland and then in America. A Scottish edition of the Geneva version was the first Bible printed in Scotland and soon became the standard of the Scottish Kirk. The Scottish Parliament passed an act soon after the publication of the Geneva Bible in Scotland making it mandatory for every householder worth marks and every yeoman and burgess worth pounds to have a Bible in the "vulgar tongue" in their homes, under a penalty of 10 pounds. The Geneva Bible came to be called affectionately the "Breeches Bible.
So popularity was the Geneva Bible that between and there were at least editions were published, versus only 5 editions of the far inferior Bishops Bible. The Geneva Bible was driven from prominence only after the King James Authorized Version of was widely promoted by the King and the king's Bishop Laud outlawed the printing of the Geneva Bible in the realm. When this version disappeared, the people complained that they "Could not see into the sense of Scripture for lack of the spectacles of those Genevan annotations. The Geneva Bible stands as one of the great achievements of Biblical scholarship.
It is the Bible of " firsts ". The fall of Constantinople had a providential benefit in the discovery of unknown Greek and Hebrew manuscripts of the Scriptures that were then brought to the West by Christians fleeing the Islamic onslaught. The obsession with antiquity during the Renaissance also brought other authentic documents and history to light by the time of the Geneva translation.
The scholars in Geneva made full use of all the most accurate manuscripts to produce a Bible that can be trusted for its authenticity. This new edition of the Geneva version takes the next step in re-typesetting the text in an easy-to-read form, rather than just offering a facsimile reproduction of a 16th Century edition. Check with publisher on details of the layout changes.
The translators used these annotations to inform the reader about the original script, to clarify ambiguous meanings and for cross-referencing. It is a tribute to the intellectual integrity of the translators that they also used italics for the interpolated words that were not in the original language, but helpful for the English vernacular.
This was also a first. Imagine the ease this created in finding passages, memorization and recitation. This created a nation of Bible readers. This made it suitable for family use without expensive folios.
7 things you may not know about the King James Bible
Every Pilgrim family, for example, would have a Geneva Bible as the center of daily life. The Geneva Bible literally helped create the modern English language which is the preaching and political language of the world today. With much credit to William Tyndale's linguistic genius and the poetic mastery of Miles Coverdale with his earlier translation of the Poetic Books, the Geneva Bible became the central tool that sparked the literary excellence of the 17th and 18th Centuries in the English speaking world. It was the Bible that John Rolfe would have likely used in the conversion of Pocahontas at Jamestown in The impact of the annotations and commentary in the Geneva Bible cannot be underestimated.
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It was the Calvinist notes of the Geneva Bible that infuriated King James I at Hampton Court in and caused him to authorize a group of Puritan scholars to produce a non-annotated version of the Bible for him. The excellent Authorized Version probably would never have been written had it not been for King James's anger toward the Geneva Bible. The marginal notes of the Geneva Bible presented a systematic biblical worldview that centered on the Sovereignty of God over all of His creation, including the church and the king. This unique Biblical emphasis, though politically dangerous, was one of the great contributions of John Calvin's influence on the English Reformers.
For example, the marginal note in the Geneva Bible for Exodus 1: King James railed against such interpretation, calling it "seditious. Calvin and the reformers were not going to change the clear meaning of Scripture to cater to the whims of king or Pope.
The marginal notes of the Geneva Bible, along with all of its other unique qualities, led the whole English speaking world away from the ignorance, heresy and tyranny of the Middle Ages into a full understanding of God's Kingdom ruling over all. Calvin and the English reformers who followed in his footsteps and who wrote the Geneva Bible, expounded the whole council of God concerning the liberating doctrines of sola scriptura- the Word of God alone as inspired and directional for our lives and culture, sola fide -- faith alone as our only means of justification before God, sola christus -- Christ alone as our only mediator, lord and king, sola gratia -- grace alone as our only hope of salvation and sanctification, and soli deo Gloria -- God alone receiving the glory He is due in heaven and on earth, not king or pope.
These theological articles listed above may seem rudimentary or innocuous when merely listed. But when they were systematically taught from Scripture and applied to life, as was done in the commentary in the Geneva Bible, whole nations were transformed. The knowledge of and obedience to God's written Word led to constitutional, limited government, the end of slavery and the caste system, free enterprise and private property, the Puritan work-ethic which inspired the scientific and industrial revolutions, wholesome, uplifting literature along with cultural optimism and development.
The bold innovations of the Geneva Bible impact our world even today. Because of its readable type, cross references, verse divisions, and commentary, the Geneva Bible became the foundation for what we call group Bible study. It became the catalyst for individuals to learn to read and study God's Word as they understood the liberating doctrine of the "priesthood of all believers.
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This may be taken for granted in our time, but such discussion was forbidden in the organized medieval church before this time and was also limited because the people had no Bible and could not read. The Geneva Bible was providentially unleashed upon a dark, discouraged, downtrodden English speaking world.
By the time of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in , just 28 years after the first printing of the Geneva Bible, it was already being said of the English that they were becoming a "people of the Book. Almost years later, our culture is once again desperate for the Truth. Most have forgotten the great lessons of the Reformation and the Biblical theology that buttressed the greatest accomplishments of Western Civilization.
We fervently pray that the re-introduction of this powerful tool of godly dominion, the Geneva Bible, will, with God's favor, light the fires for another powerful reformation. As we read this sacred volume, let us remember the sacrifice of the persecuted scholars on the shores of Lake Geneva. John Calvin, in exile in Geneva, surrounded by pagan kings, wars, and a corrupt Roman church, said these optimistic words about the spread of God's Word. Let us hope boldly, then, more than we can understand; He will still surpass our opinion and our hope.
May we be inspired from His Word, as our spiritual forbears were, to be fearlessly optimistic about the power of His Gospel and the furtherance of His Kingdom on earth. It is a comprehensive digest of over 20, topics and sub-topics with more than , associated Scripture references. The most significant references for each topic actually include the full text of the verse cited and all verses are from the King James Version of the Bible--RB -- saving the need to separately look up each verse. Because Nave's groups verses by 'idea' or 'topic' , it offers a better overview of relevant Scriptures than a concordance , which only lists or indexes verses according to specific words.
This edition also includes the helpful Scripture index left out of some other editions , which makes it possible for the reader studying a particular biblical text to locate every topic and grouping of Scripture in Nave's whenever a particular verse is included. That way, it is possible for the reader to study either all the verses related to a particular topic or all the topics related to a particular verse -- it works both ways.
For the pastor or teacher interested in saving hours of time but not willing to give their second best, and for anyone wanting to be challenged by what God has to say about a given subject, Nave's Topical Bible is the passport that will allow immediate and successful entry to the many points of interest" back cover. Martin Luther Bible of Complete Facsimile Edition in German. Martin Luther's Bible, first printed in , was not only the first complete German publication of the Bible but also a major event in the history of Christianity. Luther's revolutionary translation, very modern in vernacular and interpretation, made the Bible accessible to laypeople for the first time in history and gave new life to Protestantism the religion of the Bible.
The Luther Bible remains the most widely used version in the Germanic world today. This sumptuous reprint of this seminal book includes both the Old and New Testaments, separated into two volumes totaling over pages. The complete Luther Bible has been meticulously reproduced from a rare colored copy of the original. Careful attention has been paid to Lucas Cranach's woodcuts and elaborate ornaments, which are printed in color and gold so as to be perfectly faithful to the original.
Contained in a third volume is Stephan Fuessel's introduction, providing an English overview of Luther's life, a discussion of the significance of his Bible, and detailed descriptions of the illustrations. Books by and about Luther at: Martin Luther and the Lutherans Super Sale http: Manufactured by Cambridge University Press.
An exquisite new edition of the widely admired, top-of-the-line Calfskin King James Authorized Version, with plenty of inter-line spacing to make it easy to read. There are comprehensive centre column cross references, a useful Glossary and a page Concordance. The page size is generous, with wide clean margins all around the text making it ideal for note making and note taking, as well as beautiful to read and study. Notably, this edition includes the fascinating Preface to the original King James Version, the 'Translators to the Reader," rarely found in modern printings.
7 things you may not know about the King James Bible | Marg Mowczko
Finally, there are 56 extra ruled pages of heavier paper at the back of this Bible for note taking, and 15 comprehensive color maps with full gazetteer. Black leather hardcover with gold foil stamping. This " translation to end all translations " became the most printed book in the history of the world.
Own a piece of original Bible history. Read by Alexander Scourby. Digitally mastered stereo compact discs with no musical background. King James Bible Cassettes. OT and NT on 48 Cassettes. NT only on 12 Cassettes. OT only on 36 Cassettes. All these Bibles also contain the.
Published by the Trinitarian Bible Society. On Bible history, textual criticism, etc.

Unholy Hands on the Bible. Burgon in the end of the last century. This book pinpoints hundreds of corruptions that are found in the modern versions and is crammed full of useful information" CLW. Dean Burgon defends the traditional text of the New Testament. He also shows clearly the defects in both manuscript "B" Vatican and manuscript "Aleph" Sinai. It contains, as do all of his books, overwhelming evidence from manuscripts, lectionaries, ancient versions, and church fathers showing clearly three deficiencies: His arguments are powerful and convincing.
The appendix of this edition shows conclusively that the false revised Greek text and theory of Westcott and Hort are virtually identical to the false revised Greek text and theory of Nestle-Aland and the United Bible Society. Therefore, The Revision Revised forms a strong basis for a refutation of the false Greek texts and theories rampant today which form the basis for the modern English versions.
The King James Version Defended , Hills in his work The King James Version Defended represents a sober and compelling argument for the 'old tradition. With the sometimes widespread and uncritical acceptance of such translations as the New International Version by pastors as well as laymen, this defense of the historic, English Protestant Bible should be read by all who share an interest in these areas " back cover. If indeed, as Dean Burgon shows clearly, "B" Vaticanus and "Aleph" Sinaiticus are in serious error here, they cannot be trusted elsewhere either.
The manuscripts, the lectionaries, the ancient versions, and the quotations from the church fathers all unite to show that Mark The Ancient Text of the New Testament Since Revised Version , most new translations follow another type of Greek text than was followed in the older Bible translations e. However, this does not mean that there is unanimity regarding the correct text. In the newer translations, many changes occur because the science of New Testament textual criticism continually arrives at different conclusions. Is the majority vote of a few modern scholars worth more than the majority vote of the old manuscripts?
Does the division of opinions that exists today not indicate that there is reason enough to return to the ancient ecclesiastical text?
Van Bruggen challenges the arguments raised against this ancient text by Hort and others after him. Briefly he surveys the field of textual criticism from Hort to Aland and Metzger. In footnotes, he refers to much literature on the topic. His conclusion is that the arguments against the text found in most manuscripts, nowadays are even less convincing than in the past. For exegesis, as well as for Bible translating, it is of significance which manuscripts are used. Whoever wants to make his own judgment about this matter will find a scientific and succinct survey of the arguments in this book of Van Bruggen from the back cover.
Using verses, it compares five versions including the KJV based on the Received Text with the following seven modern versions: It demonstrates how these seven latter versions seldom give a firm witness to the deity of Christ. Also included is the Interlinear Bible with the Greek of the Received Text and the literal English translation for each of the verses that are the subject of this study" CLW.
The Dutch Annotations upon the Whole Bible This book is a massive folio volume -- almost 10 inches wide and just a little over 13 inches tall.