This science replaces the spontaneous age-old constant of militaristic growth with the new eternal conscious constant of " a peace race " , which stimulates democratic and economic growth. Only science is capable to promote the necessary systemic changes with the priority of preserving peace and nature, its ecology and climate. Therefore, in " a peace race " the world expects from the second meeting these leaders similar a reasonable, scientific and fundamental step.

Avery , Nobel Peace Laureate: Leo Semashko , editor of the GPS first version by co-authors from 34 countries: And other peacemakers and world citizens. Many thanks for your email. Thank to you and your colleagues for all your great work for the Global Peace science project and campaign for the G20 meeting. I am honoured that you have added my name to this campaign for Peace and like you, celebrate the fact that Putin and Trump have met and hope this will be the beginning of cooperation and steps towards peacemaking and not war!

Thank you for letting me see the banner you have written following the G20 meeting and I agree to you putting my name to this. Peace to you and your family and with deep appreciation for all you continue to do for peace through harmony for the human family. Thank you for your kind words about the global peace science GPS. As for adding your name, I do not understand what kind of document you talking about.

Likewise, with the letter draft to the G20 leaders, which was discussed since June 18 http: In both cases, I accepted your silence for a natural consent sign, because it was about peacemaking projects and your strong advertising as a Nobel Laureate, against which you would hardly object. Maybe you changed its form, but we did not receive feedback from you. Have we done it badly? Your name sounded strong in our peacemaking action, it was repeatedly heard by the G20 leaders.

What's wrong with that? Therefore, I have sent and will send you our documents with your name, and we will be grateful for any of your responses: It's better than silence. As for the many ways to peace and their respect and dignified evaluation, I completely agree with you. In our GPS book, dozens of similar paths have been collected and combined with respect and worthy evaluation.

But this does not exclude mutual criticism and understanding of the general weakness of traditional peacemaking, at which for more than years militarism, wars, violence and aggression have only grown. This is an obvious fact of history. We can not ignore it and it requires fundamentally new, scientific ways of developing peacemaking.

I invited you many times to discuss this acute problem and invite again. Could you discuss our GPS book which we sent you in four copies in your wonderful organization " Peace People " and get reviews of it from your scientists? We will not be able to qualitatively improve peace mak ing unless we change it and update it.

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Why not discuss it? This science needs your help and the help of other Nobel Laureates. Could you invite them to discuss this peace science? Why not for them? Do you agree with its use here, or not? A similar question is and for my dear John. We are all inextricably linked into these peacemaking ideas, we are in solidarity with them in essence. But you are always free to refuse the form of their expression or for another reason or offer a new option, etc. Thanks for your feedback. With love and the best wishes of peace from harmony,.

Many thanks for your work for global peace science. However Leo I would request that if you are adding my name to any letters please let me see these before you add my name. Peace to you and your family. Ps dear John Avery,. Hope you are well. Latif, dear GHA leaders,. We are grateful to Mr. We are happy to congratulate Mr. We highly appreciate Mr. We are also grateful to Mr. Latif and the proposals of Dr. Chandra in the attachment. Else we invite to the Contract discussion also Dr. Sharma, if they want. If they do not want or cannot, they will let us know this.

Let us accept the rule of good tone: It is better to know "NO" than to know nothing. I think everyone will agree with it. What is email of Dr. You know that 18 GHA members took part in this action for G20 leaders. We hope, he will agree with this and we will discuss this issue separately. Friendly, with the best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr.

It received many support responses and not a single objection or refusal. I received three its edited versions: Timi Ecimovic, Slovenia and Dr. In the final version, together with all the responses, it was published here: The GHA expresses sincere gratitude to all its editors and all who sent the words of support for this extremely important global peacemaking project in our very bad military and terrorist time.

In the GHA, the dispatch of this Message to the leaders of the G20, which will be held a month later in Hamburg, Germany, will be carried out by a special team, the composition of which I will report in the coming days. Who wants to participate in it, please tell me personally. Friendly, with love and best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr. Many thanks for your frank opinion about Russia and the United States, about their Presidents and for your original opinion in general, which was published here: We agree with you that politics has become corrupt and militaristic.

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But to make it honest and peaceful, we need the Global Peace Science , which we, the GHA, have been developing for over 12 years. Please, help us in this, to prevent war and terrorism. Could you donate to re-publish this book in India and send it to all politicians? Consortium of Social Reforms Organization Addess: This will be your real contribution to global peace in order to change the policy for the better. Leo Semashko that Russia and Mr. Putin make the best for the peace in Iraq, in Syria and in the World.

Much better than Obama of the USA. It seems that we would be in the End of the World. That's to say the reason I don't invert any time to hear or to read about politics, much better to work and to be useful for others. I am happy to announce that the four of us, together with Professor John Avery, Nobel Peace Laureate, an expert in thermodynamics, with Prof.

Vera Afanasyeva and Prof. Timi Ecimovic completed a difficult, more than a month's work with a joint article: This article expresses the innovative idea of integrating the physical science Thermodynamics and social Global Peace Science in the new scientific discipline " Global Peace Thermodynamics ", the term of which was proposed by Prof. The theoretical basis of this science is the theory of Spheral classes of the population Spherons in their stochastic statistical nonclassical interpretation of Prof. Afanasyeva and their environmental interpretation of Prof.

This science opens up a fundamentally new theoretical approach to the scientific understanding of the global peace laws through the laws of Thermodynamics in their sociological application, therefore it constitutes an organic part of Global Peace Science and at the same time the social section of Thermodynamics, expanding its scale. Entropy of Partons, partial classes, groups, elites and nation-states: Ivan Ivanov for his original design in this banner. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for allowing me to participate in your important efforts for global peace and harmony, and especially for the great honour that you propose to give me.

I will of course be enormously happy to be included among the "World Harmony Creators". Regarding the title, may I propose a very slight change? Global Peace Thermodynamics "? I would prefer this, but please use the title that you mention in your letter if you don't like my suggestion. Finally, thank you so much for your very kind offer to send two copies of your book "Global Peace Science".

But please don't send any books to me. I cannot afford to pay the huge amount that Customs would demand. In any case, my eyesight has deteriorated to such an extent that I cannot read ordinary books. But many thanks for your kind thought. With love to you and to your co-workers in our mutual quest for peace, John Avery, Nobel Peace Laureate, http: Unique reviews in May.

The authors of these reviews are outstanding sociologists from England and Japan, with whom I have been cooperating professionally since Bernard Scott and Prof. The authors have long worked with the reviews and made many corrections in them. On each personal page there are also published unprecedented sociological works of the authors.

But I send you also these wonderful reviews, which can be unique examples of sociological critical thought, in an attachment in two languages and with excerpts. The authors promised to publish their reviews in Western sociological journals. On the Website Home page are published the banners of reviews and articles of these authors.

I am happy to express my warmest gratitude and appreciation to my old colleagues and friends, with whom we have been cooperating professionally for over 15 years, and wish to them good health, vivify spirits, happiness, love and harmony, which they own completely and to which I learn from them how I can. With love and friendship, sincerely yours, Leo Semashko, My dear friend John Avery,.

We hope all is well with you. I recommend everyone read it. What is your general opinion about our article? What do you think about its title? Maybe the short title is better: In the list of its co-authors, I want to put your name by the first, because the source of this article was your wonderful interview. Do you agree with our temporary terminological convention? By the way, the sociology professor Reimon Bachika from Japan wrote to me that now: Especially the plural form sounds best.

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Reimon Bachika, Japan Or for you the term " spheral classes " is better? Thank you, Cordially, Leo, Mothers, women represent and embody Peace-Harmony-Life from nature via their natural deep intuition. Could you write Poem about this philosophical matter of our days: Congress, San Francisco, Dubrovnik, etc. You are absolutely right that peace makers cannot be limited to anti- war actions. Unfortunately, traditional pacifist peacemakers are far from this understanding. This is weakness of the world civil society: I have to admit with bitterness that the organizations with which the GHA has been cooperating for a long time and whose leaders have contributed to this science have not done this.

I must honestly and directly, w ithout fear of condemnations of my criticism, for the sake of positive peace and n ot belittling other outstanding merits call these organizations-outsiders of positive PEACE and positive PEACE Sciences: World Citizens Association, President, Dr. Nonviolence Charter M ovement, Founder.

Evelin Linder, and etc. This is a fact of sociological observation and analysis, accessible to every honest scientist. If you have criticism of this center, why you did not express it earlier? Why you cannot express it through a year and a half after publication of this science, which spreads around the world, across all continents? What is the reason: The conflict within the peacemakers has matured long ago, and it requires an honest dialogue, discussion and recognition of the need to develop internationally Global PEACE Science, which has many shortcomings awaiting joint resolution.

Sincerely, best wishes for peace from harmony, Dr. Dear GHA members, friends! The ingenious French mathematician and philosopher Henri Poincare in the early 20th century, summarizing the intuitive guesses of harmony, starting with Buddha, Confucius, Pythagoras, Plato and many other thinkers, formulated the great existential law of Universe: It acts as adamantly and rigidly as any natural law: Therefore, in society, as in nature, the struggle against violent, aggressive disharmony and its destruction is a necessary particular moment of harmony , its immutable law.

In the history of mankind, all violent, aggressive disharmonies of empires, classes, nations, elites have been ruthlessly destroyed by the SPHERONS harmony. So it was with the Roman Empire. So it was with the French Empire of Napoleon. So it was with Nazi Germany Hitler. So it was with Marxist, communist violence. So it was and will be with any aggressor against harmony in the future. It defeats any disharmony in history! For conscious and reasonable people, classes and peoples, capable to understand it at least intuitively, capable to obey it voluntarily and finding it in mutual relations, it provides peace and happiness.

For unreasonable people and nations, raping harmony, fighting with it, it turns into an inevitable destruction. The attempt of the first scientific comprehension of this law was undertaken in the unprecedented international " Global Peace Science ", created in the GHA during 11 years by the efforts of coauthors from 34 countries http: But its knowledge, like any science, has no end and limits of perfection. Many thanks for your very interesting information. I think that your friend is right, first of all, that we peacemakers-pacifists "act without thinking," more precisely, without the new thinking of the 21st century, remaining at the level of thinking years ago.

I really like that you, a thinking Palestinian, understand this and organize in your wonderful "Palestine Institute of Biodiversity" a unique "brainstorming" meeting aimed at "a human society in peace and harmony" and "the development of consciousness and recognition of our common humanity and our common responsibility ". Why do we ignore the international " Global Peace Science " pages: Do you have the courage to do it? After all, you studied in the US and probably think the same way as the most militaristically zombied and manipulated Americans - this will be conditioned by your refusal.

But if I'm wrong I hope so and you think otherwise, I'm happy to invite you, your Institute and your "brainstorming" meeting, to a discussion of peace science, which alone will give you hope for resolving your year-old conflict with Israel , without which it will last for another years. In this case, I invite you to contacts with thinking Israeli peacemakers - a sociology Professor from Haifa Devorah Kalekin and a doctor of philosophy, leader of the Interfaith Association Yehuda Stolov from Jerusalem.

More details about them you can find in my other similar letters here: But first of all, I invite you to write and send us in the GHA your short review , let in 10 lines, about the theoretical argumentation of SPHERONS, which makes up the logical center and heart of peace science see attachment in order to understand and find the key to it. If you are an honest scholar and peacemaker, then you should write it, whatever it was.

I will be happy to send you its books if you tell me your address. Best wishes for success of your "brainstorming" meeting, which will include a dialogue of Palestinians and Israelis about peace science. May humanity unite on May Day. A friend sent an email with this quote in the signature line: Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons: We act without thinking, or we keep thinking without acting.

Many of us have been thinking about and hoping for some better organizational structure of people engaged in seriously addressing issues of acting to create a sustainable peaceful world. Many ranging from Kahlil Gibran, to Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King to Edward Said to the Dalai Lama have called for raising consciousness and recognizing our common humanity and our common responsibility. The first steps in increased action is increased knowledge and actually doing something. Thursday 4 May 3 - 6 PM. PMNH, map here palestinenature.

The meeting is in honor of hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. Mazin Qumsiyeh mazin qumsiyeh. Dear Robert and pacifist friends in the Nonviolence Charter,. Thank you very much for your great efforts in spreading this pacifist Charter. But let us look at it critically. Even if all people sign this Charter, it will not stop the acceleration of violence by its chaotic signatures.

I am a supporter of this Charter, but I go further, not stopping at it and understanding its fundamental limitations. If years ago pacifists were like a snail that tried to catch up and stop the armored train, today we are like a snail that is trying to catch up and stop a nuclear missile. But this tool is almost ignored by pacifists that makes them powerless before the accelerated growth of violence. You know that in , the GHA published, after 11 years of hard work, the unique " Global Peace Science " by unique collaborators from 34 countries as your Charter , many of which are the Charter advocates.

Now we need a broad discussion of this peace science, its unprecedented discovery of peacekeeping harmonious spheral classes of the population, called SPHERONS, among pacifists. The GHA calls upon all pacifists to an international dialogue about peace science, to elementary reviews of its center and heart in SPHERONS of new scientific peacemaking and to its inclusion in the agenda of all non-violent acts.

This appeal applies to all pacifists without exception, including supporters of your remarkable Nonviolence Charter, which will find in peace science fundamentally new peacemaking energy capable of stopping and overcoming any violence by the social harmony of SPHERONS spontaneously organized in four spheres of social production. However this energy needs to be comprehended and understood in order to use it, and for this we need the widest dialogue and discussion about this science, which penetrates into the unknown deep and constant genetic structure of the peace-making nature of humanity.

But this science has many shortcomings and requires constant development. Let us begin its honest, without concealment and fear, its broad discussion among the pacifists. With the hope for your support of this nonviolent call. Dear fellow signatories of the Nonviolence Charter. How are you all? And welcome to our most recent signatories and organizations!

Our collective effort to build a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts continues to make progress, even against rather overwhelming odds! You can use the search facility if you want to look for a specific name….. I have today received copy of your email to Antonio Rosa, requesting he. I have however asked Antonio not to publish this as it has incorrect information. Please also advise Dr. Kilekin, whose email I do not have, that I am sorry but due to many other commitments, I am unable to participate in the dialogue as you propose.

I receive regularly emails from Dr. Stolov in Jerusalem and admire his interfaith work and wish him every success with this. Peace to you Leo, and thank you for your work for peace. Dialogue about Peace Science will begin between Israelis and Palestinians. You will receive them at the end of May. The GHA wants to help your courageous peacemaking action in the peaceful resolution of a long, almost 60 years, conflict between Israel and Palestine. The GHA has created several projects for this purpose http: You could give this book to the leaders of Israel and Palestine for a peaceful dialogue.

Devorah Kalekin, a sociology professor from the University of Haifa, and Dr. Yehuda Stolov , The Interfaith Encounter Association head in Jerusalem, as well as several peacemakers from other countries below. Unfortunately, the peace science remained outside their agenda. Let its beginning and subject will be the international peace science, which you could look at our website or I can send you its copies if you let me know your addresses. Let the dialogue beginning will be your short reviews in lines about the GPS logical center and heart see attachment - discovery and theory of Spherons - constant harmonious classes of any population, including Israel and Palestine.

The Third Way of Religions Reconciliation " in the attachment, because " there may be many things that we do not know " from the Divine Creation. Who will do it except us? This science is inextricably linked with the ecology that was unfolded in our joint booklet with Dr. John Avery, Nobel Laureate and Prof. It would be a great peacemaking action of intellectuals! The effectiveness and meaning of your peacemaking work in this case will increase many times and give new hope to the peoples of Israel and Palestine. The most important thing is to start this dialogue and show its example for the world civil society.

These are all epigraphs of GPS. What prevents dialogue about peace science today? Let us begin this dialogue with the Women's boat, with short, in lines reviews about the theoretical center, heart and nerve of this science - about the Spherons argumentation. The first examples of such reviews from all continents can be found in the attachment. If we do not do this, then we, voluntarily or unwittingly, extend militaristic sanctions to the peace science. Then, what about our peacemaking will the population and history think?

Please let us know, are you agree to begin this difficult but necessary dialogue, without which there can be no peace between Israel and Palestine, as also Global Peace. Can civil society hope for your support of a dialogue about peace science starting with Women's Ship? This will be the beginning of a dialogue about it. I do not think that among the peacemakers there will be opponents of this dialogue. Please send books to me: North Ireland and I will give to Women's boat to Gaza friends.

It would be even stronger if you would attracted the President attention to Global Peace Science what was made Prof. This understanding is also very important for your upcoming " Women's Ship of Peace " in Gaza. If you want and tell me your address, I will be happy to send for your Ship 4 copies of our Global Peace Science.

Dear GHA members, friends: Each of the coauthors made his unique contribution to it: John Avery, Nobel Peace Laureate, - his deep concern about the planetary climate and his fundamental knowledge about it. Timi Ecimovic - his fundamental knowledge of nature and environmental issues. Leo Semashko - his fundamental sociological knowledge about SPHERONS, eternal harmonious classes of humanity capable to solve all global problems, including the climatic t ogether with global peace through its science. Many thanks for your congratulations below!

I wish to your unique 41 years harmonious interreligious Seminar " The Future of Religion: The main from them is understanding your goal and your main question as you write: That is our presupposition! Our main question is, how such a new religion and enlightenment can possibly come about in the face of a large plurality of diverse, positive, historical religions and secular enlightenment movements, and their different moral codes?

Are you agree with this joint presentation? Is it OK for you? Thank you for your great peace work! Several Russian friends will be with us in Dubrovnik this years, together with friends from Iran, Germany, Croatia, Bulgaria, India, and from Slovenia. You shall be with us in spirit! Best wishes for you, and your family, and your great Spherons work! Rudolf Siebert , Ph. With love, Leo, Please, receive my heartfelt condolences for the victims of the horrible terror act in St.

The American and the Slavic Worlds must stand together against terrorism, all the way from St. I think you are right about God and the blindness of the people. Best wishes, in solidarity, your Rudi, from the House of Mir. Dear Guy , Timi , Takis and all: Many thanks for your condolences to the innocent victims of terrorist attack in St-Petersburg. But why we do not have solidarity in this saving science? Why we cannot think beyond blood and condolences, from which innocent victims will not come to life and which will not save new innocent victims in the future?

Why we do not see solidarity in this science? Why do we, the peacemakers, ignore it? It has long been known that God deprives the mind of those people whom he wants to punish. Obviously, God deprived modern people of reason and the ability to think about peace from harmony, to punish them with a global calamity Donald Trump from Dr.

They three are very needed in this science to build global peace together and exclude any war, especially nuclear. Many thanks for your warm words about GHA. They are a great sign of your "qualifications of personality,. This is an honest diagnosis of the doctor. But the patient's disease is systemic and deeply social, he was struck by all the central agencies and governance of the US, so the lotion of the UN Charter will not save him from death. Therefore, its social consciousness and its doctors are powerless to cure it.

Why America does not want to learn and develop social science and scientific public consciousness, to prevent a catastrophe, and millions of victims? Would you like a doctor to answer this key question? But it got worse. Many thanks for your excellent publication http: The Trump administration needs to present a different Washington to the world.

The Golden Rule, to which Prof. Siebert from Michigan University devoted more than 40 years of studies http: Are you a Christian or an atheist? In any case, you are showing your ignorance here. This is what we are seeing in the world today. It is known for a pupil but you do not know it, unfortunately. Therefore, your ideology and organization "World without Wars" http: We are very sorry that there are such ignorant and fake peacemakers, who are harmful to peace and do not help to peace.

Perhaps another reason for your refusal is your militaristic resistance to peacefulness of Trump and fear to support his? Or are simply ignorant pests of peace? Please, eliminate our emails from your mailing list and we - you. We do not want to have anything to do with the pests of peace. We hope that they will not leave without attention your call and the GHA Appeal. With love and best wishes for peace from harmony,. Unfortunately, the level of your thinking is that it you cannot even adequately understand the key idea of GPS — unprecedented discovery of the deep societal structures of humanity SPHERONS at all levels, which is "harmonious human nature," according to Kant.

Albert Einstein well-defined the main typical defect of your thinking: We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. Where is your "serious way"? We do not see it, because it does not exist. Of course, we understand that to throw the fake accusations is easier, - you were taught that by your American fake media and zombified by them, - than to propose own peace science as an alternative to GPS. Before that you have not grown yet but we do not lose hope for this, so we continue the discussion with you to convince you as a peacemaker in the need for a new manner of thinking according to Einstein.

Please,carry out an investigation of this if you can. Only Trump is able to save America and world from it. Many thanks for your valuable information about the next critical book. It continues and develops the great critical anti Pentagon tradition of Chomsky, Corrigan, Galtung, Avery, Engdahl, Bloom, Chossudovsky, Giroux, Burrowes and many other Western thinkers, who are wide presented in the unique, the first in the history "Global Peace Science" http: His quest for nuclear disarmament with Russia Trump said yesterday in an interview with the British and German journalists.

We invite all interested in nuclear disarmament and prevention of nuclear war through peacefulness of Trump-Putin to join our projects, send me your "YES". Everything flows, everything changes. The eternal truths remain but they change the forms of expressive reflection in different times, in different cultures and civilizations. Immanuel Kant suggested its philosophical reflection in the definition of social harmony as human nature, which excludes war and provides "perpetual peace.

This is the historical significance of GPS as a common spiritual ground of harmony, like the Golden Rule, for peaceful cooperation of American and Slavic worlds and other civilizations. Full text is here: See in more detail: The Slavic and the American World: The Possibility of Peaceful Cooperation. Siebert was able to penetrate into the deepest spiritual truth of GPS kindred to the Golden Rule truth.

It makes his a peacemaking model for all peacemakers, especially Western and American, which say more about war than about peace, its methods and science. With love for peace from harmony, Leo, Dr. We know for a long time in the GHA your Earth Constitution and highly appreciate its peaceful aspiration.

Without a fundamental social base, they are nothing more than interesting fantasies, castles in the sand or air palaces. I wrote to you about this many times, but you have ignored all the scientific counter arguments and all offers of cooperation in scientific understanding for the social base of your Constitution. So I think your rapid activity to spread your utopian Constitution, devoid of scientific basis, is meaningless and deceptive non-critical audience. You promote it more than 20 years with a zero result and you will push it another years with the same result without a fundamental social base.

In my opinion - it is irresponsible and unethical without such scientific knowledge. The lack of deep social base does not allow your Constitution, as well as the American, to overcome the four generic defects of traditional liberal democracy: We have repeatedly offered to you to combine the advantages of our GPS and your Constitution, but you have ignored this proposal, which is reflected in your destructive letter dated 28 May and published in GPS op.

We are happy to cooperate and publish those supporters of your Constitution, which does not ignore our opinion and are willing to discuss common problems, such as Dr. It is closed to development. Our GPS is radically different from your Constitution; it is opened to criticism, development and integration with other ideas and projects, including your Constitution but in the updated content.

But we remember since December your brilliant assessment of the GPS theoretical basis — Tetrasociology, science of social harmony as "our new planetary paradigm, the fundamental revolution in science and paradigm shift in human consciousness" in The ABC of Harmony http: You are wise to determine here your Constitution as "one fundamental aspect of the ascent to civilizational harmony [in which] the Constitution for the Federation of Earth… provides a democratic and legal framework for the truth expressed by the ABC of Harmony", where the truth is SPHERONS.

Therefore, I like to invite you again, after almost three years, to cooperate and start it with the publication of our letters to our websites. Could you publish my response to your website? We willbe to develop your Constitution in any case, but would like to do it together with you. Do you agree with that? We will be happy to reengage with you in this direction, which is vitally important for our mutually complementary projects of global peace.

In December, I was in Nepal for 9 days. Pradhan and a number of other prominent civil leaders in that country. While there, we visited four ex-prime ministers, a supreme court justice, and several other prominent politicians and government officials. We gave them all copies of the Earth Constitution and all of them agreed with this goal of joining the Earth together under a single democratic order that disarms the nations, protects universal human rights, and establishes environmental sustainability. The chapter there wants to make Nepal a model country and leader in the worldwide movement to ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.

This is the way forward for humanity. We invite all of you to join this exciting and fulfilling action-plan for creating a truly decent world system for all people and nations. Happy New Year to you all, Dr. America will continually play the role of peacemaker. And we must make America great again. None of the 44 previous US presidents ever reached in his thinking with a similar level of peacefulness. Their meaning is expressed by our Primer top banner in the next design http: You could now create your version of the GPS Primer for your children and students in your schools and universities in different countries, cultures and civilizations.

It is the most demanded pedagogical creativity today aimed at training new peace-loving generations of world citizens through scientific knowledge of social harmony. I express my deepest gratitude to my assistant Ivan Ivanov for its technical implementation of the home page design - visual GPS Primer. This Primer is open for free access to anyone who wants global peace and wants to get its scientific understanding. Best wishes for peace from harmony through science, Dr.

Thank you very much for your highly inspiring message. I enjoyed hearing the presentation of Vladimir Putin, which was very constructive. Events of this nature need to be brought to the attention of people from across every country that they may be more encouraged to work for peace by all means every single day of their lifetime. Many thanks you for your active participation in the discussion and support of my position but from different perspectives and with different arguments.

Your replies relate to support and promote a rational alternative to war, which concentrates the Global Peace Science and scientific works of each of us complementing each other. The Russophobic hysteria and lies of the ruling elite, profitable for it by the growth in military spending, humiliated the United States to the level of a banana republic, where USA lose their greatness.

The elite professors close to the mainstream, like Troy, objectively assists the fall and humiliation of their country. Therefore, it may be more prudent not to multiply lies and hysteria and use your mind for the development of Global Peace Science and all rational ways to peace from harmony. Our short discussion came to this conclusion. Your response to Troy Davis was very good. Your mind is very clear and you need to be congratulated for doing such a wonderful job in the promotion of international understanding and world peace.

Keep up the good work. The entire world needs people of your caliber by all means. This is my response to your exchange. Troy said about Russia and this is his perception can be said about the US and this shall be equally wrong or right perception. In fact Russia acts as a legal entity in Syria. Russia had also some valid reasons to annex Crimean peninsula. I am now in my early sixties. I remember the cold war. There is a fundamental difference between those times and now.

At that time the ideological differences between both parties were greater than today, and yet there was a lot of rationality in the way in which both sides tried to resolve conflict. Also, my generation at schools and elsewhere was educated for peace. Today, this is just opposite. This is very regrettable. This means we have all failed. I personally saw the fall of the Berlin Wall. This was such a hope! And then, the US has imagined itself that it could now become a world empire and "do this alone". This was a fundamental mistake. May I just recommend my recent book Tractatus Politico-Philosohicus which includes seven principles of rationalism in international relations and seven principles of a happy society.

I am afraid that Troy's view of Russia as the "bad guy" has it backwards. It is the United States that is determined to go to war, not the Russians. It is the United States and Israel that has routinely violated international law such as the invasion of Iraq -- a world crime. Troy Davis apparently is depending upon Establishment media. If so, it is a mistake.

Chapter 3. GPS Prehistory: From Intuition of Harmony to Theory of SPHERONS. Global History of Peace

Barrett and other investigative journalists such as ex-CIA operative Robert David Steele have revealed the truth behind many so-called "terrorist" events -- both in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. Some were painted flat black. He also observes the tent city that sprang up includes temporary barracks and hangars for both US Air Force and Navy personnel. Speaking of which, the eyewitness also noticed that US Navy vessels were offshore and the island docks were busily unloading countless pallets of bombs.

Obviously sneaky Obama is up to something very big against his targeted cold war enemies potentially including nuclear powered Russia and China. Thank you for your vivid example of American mainstream manipulation and propaganda zombie. But its end is inevitable. It has proved Johan Galtung 15 years ago, and then in his book http: Your lies is also an justification of your "Nobel warlord Obama" who established a "war without borders" http: I would say more: Trump and Hilary Clinton revealed that US democracy is a cloaca of militarism, corruption, Russophobia, lies, deceit, sex, show, pathology and other dirt.

You ignore them, you are not able and do not want to see them! With a lie do not argue, it is ignored as garbage. Therefore, your calls for "peace everywhere" are not worth a penny, because they are in line with Washington's zombie mainstream as smokescreen of its militarism. What are you a peacemaker, if you trampling similar scientific projects and are not able to offer anything? So excuse me, I have nothing to say to you, if you reject the project.

To each his own suum cuique. You are repeating the talking points and war propaganda of the Kremlin. Putin is talking openly about wwiii to cover his crimes in Ukraine and Syria and even in Russia itself where he steals democracy and kills Journalists and political Opponents. Putin's strategy is as old as the World: But his crazy because he threatens total nuclear war just to save his own power and ego.

The sad fate of Hitler is well-known to everyone, to every schoolchild! Is the United States wants to repeat this fate for themselves and their European allies???? This article center is "US-Russian relations", which require to develop the Hunter's approach in more deep and wide manner, in more fundamental approach.

Do you agree with this fact obvious to all? You also could publish it for discussion. Putin rightly said that Americans do not like discussions, they like to dictate. Could you and Hunter refute this by your example through publication of other position? Many thanks for your interesting opinion and your great "Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus" in the spirit of Wittgenstein.

This is not the way to human harmony and peace. So what, should be done? This is a difficult question. Please, could you write this book short 1 -2 pages review to join and integrate our efforts in answer to this question? I am happy to announce about great translation work, completed by four members of the GHA. On behalf of the GHA, I express our heartfelt gratitude for the selfless work and great contribution to the dissemination of Global Peace Science in the new linguistic areas the following members of the GHA: This picture is central, key image of our site "Peace from Harmony" it is now posted here: We went to it 12 long and hard years!

A lot of work to translate 25 pages of the GPS synopsis GPS primer into different languages waits us ahead, for which a small monetary reward will be installed. With love and best wishes for peace from harmony through science and education in GPS, Dr. The key right is the right to peace and freedom from war. In this project, we offer ten items for the Global Peace Summit Agenda of two nuclear superpowers, in whose hands are the keys to the nuclear hell of humanity in the 21st century. This Agenda humanistic center is "a sacrosanct right to global peace and freedom from war for every human being.

But how is that possible? However, we emphasize that it is not possible without the recognition of global peace from harmony of SPHERONS, global classes of harmony, which in contrast to all private and temporary groups, classes, nations, states, ruling elites, etc. It is revealed in detail in our GPS, in which you have made a significant contribution - 6 articles http: It lacks in the Declaration, but without which its right to life article 3 are converted, as we have seen, in fiction.

This allows the United States to bring tens of millions of victims to the sacred altar of their endless war and threaten the life of all mankind by global nuclear war, in full compliance with this fictitious Declaration of Human Rights. You stressed many times this thought in your wonderful antimilitarist articles.

Best wishes for peace from harmony through science GPS , Dr. Thanks for your highly important message. It is full of inspiration and I hope we implement the ten items you enlisted. Like your statement number 3 well states, every human being has a sacrosanct right to peace and freedom from war. All deadly war devices should be eliminated by all means. Needless to say, global disarmament is a sine qua non condition to eliminate all possible future wars. Full cooperation between Russia and the USA is indispensable.

Like you proposed, we may read more about this in the following website: Please continue to keep this good work. I posted yesterday your wonderful article about Gandhian nonviolence: But today, as many times in the past, we read your thoughts in the spirit of traditional pacifism, which showed its secular impotence before the war, was helpless and powerless to prevent the two world wars and hundreds of local wars with more than million of victims in the 20th century. You slept through the bloodiest war with Hitler, as well as a continuous series of the US wars around the world since with 20 million of victims.

They not be stopped by the thousands of your pacifist declarations, protests, appeals, articles and books. Maybe your Association World Citizens, headed by you is afraid of this revolution? We have not heard from you constructive peace proposals and projects and you do not accept our. How do you decide it for yourself? When to our heads will fall the nuclear bombs, it will be too late to think about peace and "to over-stress the degree of tensions.

For the task of preserving peace and preventing war, especially nuclear and lightning the "over-stress degree" does not exist. Do you agree with me? I do not think that it is useful to over-stress the degree of tensions with Russia which Leo does to an unreasonable degree. I think that cooler, world citizen proposals are needed to propose tension-reduction measures even if they are not acted upon at present.

Divine Sparks at the Zack

The Association of World Citizens has been pushing for more federal structures for Ukraine and for good faith negotiations for the Syria-Iraq conflicts. Thank you very much for your high praise of the GHA peacemaking efforts as "unique and radical" and for understanding of their complexity. I think many Universities around the world, as well as peacemaking and educational organizations would be happy to participate in this joint Conference of your Center and GHA.

This Conference is in our common interests. It is possible for you? Thank for your response, Dr. Thanks for your letter. Your effort is unique. It is welcomed, but it is very much complex. The entire system is deformed. It needs a radical change. Sri Aurobindo did tapasya for 50 Yrs. He descended Supramental Power for transformation of the world. It is under process. I extend the positive work as per possible in my field. I am also a founder of Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Centre for 20 years and members of 8 important organisations in India.

Our site has a daily thousand visits. We have created 8 peacemaking 8 books, the apex of which is Global Peace Science by co-authors from 34 countries, , p: I am also a Russian dissident and for me hard to publish. In connection with this, I like to invite you to cooperation and solidarity in the "struggle for peace and social justice" in the world. I took the first step by publishing your article.

Thank you for your understanding and participation. Among its 42 coauthors from 21 countries are three Nobel Peace Laureates and etc. Sincerely, with deep respect, Dr. Therefore I republish them as the valuable parts of GPS and its additions. Many thanks you for your antiwar efforts! Best wishes for peace from harmony via science GPS , Dr. The US, in the past, had succeeded to grab, exploit and profit from the resources of other relatively weak countries.

A very vast and major portion of it's accumulated wealth has been acquired through manipulation, arm twisting, bullying and plundering the resources and extortion by ruthlessly imposing corrupt regimes upon many countries. It is a long list. It is at war with it's own self like a demonic monster who has tasted blood and cannot survive without sucking blood. Russia, China, should take a bold step by creating a situation and policies that can police this monster, i. US Neocons, and send it back to its borders despite the fact that those borders were acquired through deception and cruel killing of the Red Indians.

War famously being "hell," why do we Americans do so much of it? There are two big reasons we have wars…. Could you publish it if you want peace and are not afraid a different opinion about it? Could you discuss peace and not war? Peace as a war starts with the mind About the USA nuclear annihilation see here: Petersburg and from Northern Ireland.

Please send our RUSAP project or call to the leaders of Russia until 21 September, and in December — to the new leaders of America with the hope that they will be more prudent and peaceful than Obama. The addresses of Russian leaders are below. Roerich merit is the emphasis of peace-building mission of Russia, without which the development of global peace is impossible. This idea is making a key for GPS. If Johan Galtung has defined the main obstacle of global peace as the USA empire, that Nicholas Roerich after Dostoevsky identified the main energy to overcome it as peacebuilding mission of Russia together with all peace-loving peoples.

At the end of the 20 th century the scientific progress brought up the question of unity of the whole as a property not limited to the sheer sum of features of its parts. A new property of the world has come into the limelight: It is exactly now that a new paradigm of natural science is appearing in the Russian World. Russians are responsible for the correlational unity of the world, or, in other words, its spiritual unity. It has become a cultural and historic phenomenon that appeared due to the peculiarities of the language with its thousands of years of history that was influenced by the endless spaces and the time of being of Russian people, as well as their peaceful coexistence with other peoples and ethnic groups.

Spiritual unity might seem slow or clumsy, and is sometimes regarded as a slave-like state of mind. This happens because a person embracing such spiritual unity, even unconsciously, is not willing to lose it, which is why they neglect the material profit, the expression of free will, etc. Something we know since early childhood: In the 19 th century, the Russian World announced its mission through the writers and philosophers, in the 20 th century through the social creation and the scholars, due to whom dialectical materialism became irrelevant by the s and gave birth to a large noospheric movement with a different idea of the integrity.

In the 21 st century, after getting rid of the deceptive appearance of the formal philosophy and different forms of historical being, the Russian World as such comes to the world geopolitical stage. To consider the cultural phenomenon of Russians as a purely ethnic characteristic means to destroy the Russian World.

It should not be locked in its autonomy, but rather unlocked, open to the world, the entire humanity. The hardship of the start are not a tragedy but rather the completion of the historic part us. It hurts, but the whole world is in front of us. An important and profound article by Vadim Tatur appeared in the Trinitarian Academy edition in December This unity is always peaceful and by definition excludes militarism.

The people from EU 28 member states are broke, they have spent all of their assets and resources, they are no longer credible economically, and they are hungry for a new virgin land to rip apart, and to divide as they have done to themselves over centuries of wars. Russians know better than being "occupied" or "invaded economically". They are not Europeans! They are a responsible people! And Russia is the land to protect, to live in! Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev ended the Cold War in because of the economy of his nation was suffering from the unsatisfying appetite of the military.

He had the guts to end the Cold War to save his people from a nuclear war. A leader of Peace and Harmony! Why have the United States not followed his leadership in creating an open and safe world? If America had followed his leadership the American economy would not have been bankrupted today. For years after the Cold War ended, American businesses have taken advantages of Russia openness and dragged Russian economy even more down further….

The more than a half billion people from the EU 28 member states are much like piranhas. Piranhas have a reputation as ferocious predators that hunt their prey in schools as a means of cooperative hunting. That is why the 28 member states are re-uniting themselves as the EU, a new Union of predators badly needing of a new prey, a fresh body to eat, and Russians and Russia will do just fine they say.

Russians and Russia will be divided. Not even a Soul left! The Russia we know today will become much like the 28 member states: Over the past decades, global warming of the planet and climate change were problems mostly created in Britain and in the USA. With climate change and the melting of the North ice, Russia will enjoy a new land to appreciate for the generations to come. Their future as Russians is good. They should not lose it to the EU. Russians are a responsible people. Russia is a wonderful place to be born in and with a great future ahead of Russians for many generations to come.

They should not lose it all to the EU member states desperate and hungry to invade them militarily and economically. Now they are trying again but this time they are more vocal and forceful. They have caused an illegal " coup d'etat " in the Ukraine and trying the same in Syria for the purpose of pushing Russia to react forcefully. We all know Russia resources are again the target of the half billion people from the EU 28 member states and the USA mercenaries….

The USA was allowed to invade other nations, change their governments, and has often made lies in speeches to the UN, to the world. And the leadership of the UN never did anything to reprimand the US representatives and implement hard sanctions for the invasion of Iraq. Where was the UN leadership? What has the UN done to stop the invasion? The UN has never done anything to help humanity. And that is a crime against humanity. He is a criminal because he had the power and was able to show leadership as per the Charter of the UN but never did anything to follow those principles in the Charter he was supposed to be standing for.

It is pure disgrace that we now have the UN organization allowing the USA trying to break the friendships between the different communities of the Middle East, creating hate between communities. In Iraq and Afghanistan you have bombed the place so much and killed at least a million people, committed genocide ten times over, and got those nations back to stone age. All under the United Nations approval! And no American President ever got taken to the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.

Was the Court bias? Obviously the United Nations is an organization promoting and subsidizing conflicts and wars …. Promoting conflicts and wars should never be an option at the UN. Diplomacy is the only option…. And again, of course, following the lead of Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, other nations interested in selling arms to the terrorists i. Great Britain, France and the United States, were just waiting the best time to do so. Because Syria is a friend of Russia…. And guess who is next: Americans want the people of China to be just like they are: And the invasion of China is their long term economic and military plan.

North Korea is just a strategic military test to see how far and how well Americans can do invading the region without being told off. And what will be China's reaction? If China does nothing meaningful to stop the invasion then America will continue further its progressive 'democratisation' of the world. As a conclusion to this paper, over time Russians showed the world they were better people then any of the people in the so called Allied nations.

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  • Global Community approves of what you are doing to protect Russians outside Russia. Dont trust the UN to do it for you. Protect your formidable natural resources and the global life-support systems. Global Community is proud of what you have become and achieved. He was the greatest of all Soviet leaders, and he is my personal hero. Russians are all my heroes for what they have endured during and after WW II. The Soviet Union saved the world. You can do it better than anyone else in the world. If there has to be a third world war, Global Community wants Russia to survive us all because you are truly a better People than all of us put together, than all Life has ever created through the evolutionary process.

    Russians are the best people the human species has ever had so far. God bless you Russia, and God bless all Russians [13]. No need to fall further by working against itself. Elections have moved the country from "red-green" to "blue-blue" coloring of the same color blind foreign policy: Yes, the Red Army came and liberated Kirkenes 25 October , the northernmost city. Everybody knows Operation Barbarossa, Hitler's three-pronged attack toward Leningrad the siege , Moscow to beat Napoleon?

    The proofs are abundant in the political history from till today. The Soviet Union may have lost more soldiers close to Kirkenes against nazism than Norway all over Norway during the war. True, the present King, Harald, expressed gratitude last October. But 9 May is about the whole war: Problems can be discussed the day after. However, even if Article 5 in the new Norwegian Constitution defines the King or Queen as "holy", Harald may not be permitted by the multicolored consensus ballad "above political parties", choreographed by the US embassy in Oslo.

    A chance for peace lost. Take the Islamic state: Norway has more severe problems than declining oil revenues: The country is rich enough so far to pay. Add loneliness, look at the movie OSLO, and understand why so many Norwegians, and many, many more French, convert to an Islam offering togetherness and sharing instead. And then they experience their own country thoughtlessly, as kneejerk reflex, attacking the source of their own new salvation.

    And the front against Islam becomes an ice front, also inside the West. Like for the Islamic state the knowledge of detail is minimal. But there is a compass to go by, religion: This position, that stands, has been prescribed well in advance. From for Ukraine, by those who divided the Roman Empire in a Catholic and an Orthodox part "universal" and "right faith", not very modest. East of that border running through Ukraine is the wrong Christianity, the wrong alphabet, the wrong location.

    From for Islam, by those denying Christ's divinity: Washington, with its geopolitical designs, has an easy job in Oslo. All badly handled, pushing others away by the deep culture of religion-history and simple geography, by lack of consciousness, lack of work to know, feel, and understand, by no empathy. Norway is among the worst, embracing Obama and rejecting Putin more than any other country according to a recent Gallup poll.

    Extreme ignorance goes well with extremist positioning; pushing neighbors away, embracing the Father substitute in Washington. Superficially for thousands of ecological-economic-political refugees. Deeper down much much more: Actually, all of the above. Maxi problem, mini answer. There is a solution. Encourage, help the African Union effort to emulate the European Union: In short, exactly what Gaddafi tried.

    The Western kneejerk was bombing, killing. And who killed most? Norway, with the "socialist", "leftist" party. Continue along these lines. Forget millions of Russians who died to defeat Napoleon; without that no Kiel Treaty 18 January , no Norwegian independence 17 May. Forget 27 million Russians who died to defeat Hitler.

    Without Russia, where would we have been? Continue, and make the West fall further. The relations between the two nuclear superpowers, Russia and the U. To learn how Russian citizens perceive the situations in Ukraine, Crimea and the Washington-based economic sanctions they are now under. We wanted to get clarifying information from them , to share our views with them, and to examine how to begin new efforts to break through the existing barriers between our two countries…. No other country has been so persistently maligned in US mainstream media MSM over the past decade as has Russia; this demonization has been initiated by a thin segment of Washington's current policy makers and America's compliant MSM.

    It is said to have started in when Yeltsin turned over the reigns of the "new" Russia to then unknown Vladimir Putin. To some, this meant total security for Americans in the future; to others, it meant sinister plotting to do whatever necessary to maintain America's power and hegemony Google Full Spectrum Dominance.

    Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens - Full Debate [HD]

    With the emergence of Vladimir Putin in , a serious effort began to coalesce around Russia to hem her in. We continued to try to make sense of it until the demonization of Russia and Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, became such virulent attacks that we had to question the intentions and psychology of the Washington's perpetrators.

    Sochi was a monumental success which could not be discounted. Our travelers were stunned by the range of meetings they attended, some three or four of them going out in multiple directions to discuss the issues that divide our two countries. We found total openness, honesty and multiple points of view. As for CCI, we will approach our US lists as we gear up to repeat some of our earlier programs which broke down barriers between our two countries in the s and s…. It's 6 am, we are approaching Volgograd within the next couple of hours. I arose at 4 am to take in the scenery outside our train windows.

    This is such a verdant countryside, vast stretches of forests, so full of foliage they looked to be stuffed with solid green trees alongside the tracks. Structures sport new coats of color not seen in the Soviet days. I'm fascinated by their use of the most simple of available products to create beauty. For instance, many carefully designed circular flower beds made of what appear to be old cut-in-half tires.

    They are painted a slightly different but corresponding color from the main buildings, with the effect being scalloped circular beds of blooming annuals, each about 15 feet in diameter. Why describe something this simple? Now back to the seemingly endless miles of landscapes with cultivated farm lands in between thick green forests. Volgograd is now about an hour away. So, yes, to this veteran watcher of all remnants in this country, it is clear that beauty is back; much of the older generation has died off, and a new Russia is being born here.

    From all conversations we are having, Russians have NO interest in more land mass ; they have more land than they need, and the worst situation of all, would be to have resentful Baltic countries or other nations under their rule again. The constant allegations that Russians are looking to take over additional territory are totally manufactured propaganda. Russia will never be precisely like America, nor should they be; their history and national conditionings are quite different from ours.

    However, they are completely ready to let America be America …. The narrow slice of today's American policymakers need to get accustomed to this fact and stop their incessant preoccupation to remake the world in America's image. When referring to the policies that are currently being made in the West, I find it more appropriate to designate them as "Washington policies," not U. I've been traveling from state to state over the past three years speaking and selling my book. From Rotary and Kiwanis clubs to business forums, libraries, churches, universities and even high schools, Americans are good stock, doing good work in their cities and states.

    They want to know the truth and are open to new inputs. Wars have been fought over such tactics as economic sanctions in the past. It is clear the Russian leader expressed the Russia turn from the camp of the American empire and its release from the military dictatorship of the USA. This means that Russia is ready to offer this option for other peaceful states , becoming a global leader in peacebuilding front. It is peacemaking step and nonviolent struggle for peace. It is not prohibited to anyone. It is not contrary to international law.

    The pillars of this front, Vladimir Putin has identified in his great speech at the Valdai Forum [15], which we reproduce here in the 24 short theses below, which constitute a core of the speech conceptual system. In parentheses are our brief comments with our initials LS and with our underscores. The Valdai spirit and theme: We need to be direct and blunt today not so as to trade barbs, but so as to attempt to get to the bottom of what is actually happening in the world, try to understand why the world is becoming less safe and more unpredictable, and why the risks are increasing everywhere around us.

    New Rules or a Game without Rules. I think that this formula accurately describes the historic turning point we have reached today and the choice we all face. The agenda of our time is a change of the world order. Second , global politics is above all about economic leadership, issues of war and peace, and the humanitarian dimension, including human rights. The world is full of contradictions today. We need to be frank in asking each other if we have a reliable safety net in place. Sadly, there is no guarantee and no certainty that the current system of global and regional security is able to protect us from upheavals.

    This system has become seriously weakened, fragmented and deformed…. It is my conviction that we could not take this mechanism of checks and balances that we built over the last decades, sometimes with such effort and difficulty, and simply tear it apart without building anything in its place. Otherwise we would be left with no instruments other than brute force. What we needed to do was to carry out a rational reconstruction and adapt it to the new realities in the system of international relations. Global leadership and the USA dominance are outside of international law.

    Pardon the analogy, but this is the way nouveaux riches behave when they suddenly end up with a great fortune, in this case, in the shape of world leadership and domination …. Arbitrary interpretations and biased assessments have replaced legal norms. At the same time, total control of the global mass media has made it possible when desired to portray white as black and black as white. But this is not the case. The false interpretation of legitimacy as loyalty to the USA dictates. In essence, what was being proposed was the formula: Let me say that this is not the case, absolutely not the case.

    The collapse of the US unipolarity and dictatorship over the people and nations. The unipolar world turned out too uncomfortable, heavy and unmanageable a burden even for the self-proclaimed leader…. Opposition to the American diktat. And so everyone needs to mobilise. That is what a real mobilisation policy looks like. Sanctions are already undermining the foundations of world trade…. The Western countries now risk losing trust as the leaders of globalization. Self-sufficiency and Peacefulness of Russia. Russia is a self-sufficient country. We will work within the foreign economic environment that has taken shape, develop domestic production and technology and act more decisively to carry out transformation.

    This is something that European and American experts have been talking and writing about too. Perhaps developments in global politics will mirror the developments we are seeing in the global economy, namely, intensive competition for specific niches and frequent change of leaders in specific areas. This is entirely possible.

    Activism, Transnational

    The growth of humanitarian factors and soft power in the global competition. The goal of reaching global equilibrium is turning into a fairly difficult puzzle , an equation with many unknowns. The USA initiates growth of the large violent conflicts. From here emanates the next real threat of destroying the current system of arms control agreements. And this dangerous process was launched by the United States of America when it unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in , and then set about and continues today to actively pursue the creation of its global missile defence system.

    The USA kept guarantor of security weapon and the fear of mutual destruction. The less nuclear weapons we have in the world, the better. The use of a so-called first global pre-emptive strike may become tempting. In short, the risks do not decrease, but intensify. The USA initiates the social conflicts and global chaos.

    It looks like the controlled chaos theory fathers themselves do not know what to do with it; there is disarray in their ranks. The search for collective solutions and joint management. The bases of the new world order: It is unlikely that someone could provide absolutely exhaustive, ready-made solutions right now. The absolute solutions are no existing but the general approach is known now: This is an obvious formula, but simply following it could radically change the global situation.

    Development of the traditional institutions and their new, harmonious content. This is true of improving the work of the UN, whose central role is irreplaceable, as well as the OSCE, which, over the course of 40 years , has proven to be a necessary mechanism for ensuring security and cooperation in the Euro-Atlantic region…. We should not be afraid of it. The situation with Ukraine: US initiated the coup and civil war. The regional structures of Russia and their transparent peaceful intentions. We have an integration-oriented, positive, peaceful — it is the most important thing!

    This agenda is aimed at developing ties between governments, not dissociating. While respecting the interests of others, we simply want for our own interests to be taken into account and for our position to be respected. We are well aware that the world has entered an era of changes and global transformations , when we all need a particular degree of caution, the ability to avoid thoughtless steps…. I have already said that building a more stable world order is a difficult task.

    We are talking about long and hard work. Thank you very much for your attention. The Russia leadership is possible in international law as global peace not empire or superpower. We do not have any claims to world leadership. We are ready to respect the interests of our partners, but we expect the same respect for our interests…. Our actions in Crimea. It has all been written down, and not simply as the right to self-determination, but as the goal of the United Nations. Read the article carefully. I do not understand why people living in Crimea do not have this right , just like the people living in, say, Kosovo.

    This was also mentioned here. We will never agree with this nonsense. In Crimea, people held a referendum. President Obama, as you said, views Russia as a threat. I do not think that the United States is a threat to us. We do not want or seek any confrontation. The absence of democracy in the United States. Besides, you elect your president using a system of electoral delegates, while we have a direct democracy. Moreover, as I have said many times already, you know that the Constitution is designed in such a way that the number of electors voting for a given candidate may be greater, while the number of people they represent is smaller.

    Thus, the President can be elected by a minority of voters. It is power of the people. None of the leaders of the past and our century anything like dared not speak and demand change of the world order in the face of all-powerful US military empire. Vladimir Putin's speech at the Valdai forum is the strategy of transition from a unipolar militaristic world order to a multipolar order of peaceful harmony through science , the creation of which will complement the key ideas of Putin and equip his with a new information tool.

    Putin's speech with this scientific addition is ideology of global peace reformism to transform unipolar world order and dictates. It's packed with intuitive ideas of peace from harmony, which require scientific substantiation in GPS. The undeniable importance of the United Nations and its development. There have always been differences in the UN throughout the 70 years of its history….

    Any action taken by circumventing this procedure is illegitimate and constitutes a violation of the UN Charter and contemporary international law …. Of course, the world changes, and the UN should also undergo natural transformation. They may result in the collapse of the entire architecture of international relations, and then indeed there will be no rules left except for the rule of force. Export of "democratic" revolutions: Instead of bringing about reforms, aggressive intervention rashly destroyed government institutions and the local way of life. Instead of democracy and progress, there is now violence, poverty, social disasters and total disregard for human rights , including even the right to life.

    Power vacuum in some countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa obviously resulted in the emergence of areas of anarchy, which were quickly filled with extremists and terrorists … They get weapons and training, and then they defect and join the so-called Islamic State. In fact, the Islamic State itself did not come out of nowhere. It was initially developed as a weapon against undesirable secular regimes…. We consider that any attempts to flirt with terrorists, let alone arm them, are short-sighted and extremely dangerous. Russia against terrorism and proposes to join efforts against it.

    Similar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of parties willing to stand firm against those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind. Refugees and restoring ruined statehood. Of course, any assistance to sovereign nations can, and should, be offered rather than imposed, in strict compliance with the UN Charter.

    We believe this means creating an equal and indivisible security environment that would not serve a privileged few, but everyone. Indeed, it is a challenging, complicated and time-consuming task, but there is simply no alternative. Refusal from military blocs and the confrontation. Sooner or later, this logic of confrontation was bound to spark off a major geopolitical crisis. The situation in Ukraine. This has triggered a civil war. Ukraine's territorial integrity cannot be secured through the use of threats or military force , but it must be secured.

    The people of Donbas should have their rights and interests genuinely considered, and their choice respected; they should be engaged in devising the key elements of the country's political system, in line with the provisions of the Minsk agreements. Such steps would guarantee that Ukraine will develop as a civilized state.

    Economic sanctions are contrary to the market economy. A number of nations have chosen to create exclusive economic associations …. This is fraught with utterly unbalancing global trade and splitting up the global economic space. The policy of harmonization as the opposite to policy of exclusivity.

    As an example, I would like to cite our plans to interconnect the Eurasian Economic Union with China's initiative for creating a Silk Road economic belt. We continue to see great promise in harmonizing the integration vehicles between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.

    It is in our interest to ensure that the coming UN Climate Change Conference that will take place in Paris in December this year should deliver some feasible results…. However, I suggest that we take a broader look at the issue. Admittedly, we may be able to defuse it for a while by introducing emission quotas and using other tactical measures, but we certainly will not solve it for good that way. It is indeed a challenge of global proportions.

    And I am confident that humanity does have the necessary intellectual capacity to respond to it. We need to join our efforts, primarily engaging countries that possess strong research and development capabilities, and have made significant advances in fundamental research. I am convinced that by working together, we will make the world stable and safe, and provide an enabling environment for the development of all nations and peoples. In Russian politics, such cooperation includes many trends: System elements of Russian peace policy aimed at ensuring, strengthening and development of the post-war world order.

    In contrast, the US aggressive policy of diktat and global export of "democratic" revolutions turned with poverty, violence, social disaster and violation of the right to life of many peoples. This policy was identified by a prominent American scholar Noam Chomsky as the "new world disorder" see para. In the economic sphere, "Russia advocates harmonizing regional economic projects" and " harmonizing the integration vehicles".

    It is opposed to the US policy of exclusivity as the disharmony generating aggression and war. This science ensures building a harmonious society and achieving global peace in it, without which there can be neither economic nor environmental harmonization. This is logically inevitable conclusion from the Putin's speech, in which harmony is defined as a source of peace and an alternative to war and the aggressive policy. This speech describes the author as the creator of global peace from harmony, to whom this science is needed for the unprecedented mission of Russia.

    Comparing both Putin's speeches we have to emphasize the peacemaking vector of development of his thinking: Since Putin has virtually repeated his previous conclusions, we will review his new speech briefly. Questions of War and Peace are Central. This topic has clearly been the concern of humanity throughout its history…. State figures, philosophers and lawyers have often come up with models for a peaceful interaction between nations….

    Meanwhile peace, as a state of world politics, has never been stable and did not come of itself. This is militaristic peace, peace from war and not peace from social harmony as reasonable established peaceful coexistence and cooperation among nations and peaceful resolution of all conflicts between them, the way to which opens GPS. It so happened that in its attempt to create ever more destructive weapons humanity has made any big war pointless. A growing number of regional conflicts…. This can also lead to the probable downfall of the system of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction which I also consider to be very dangerous , which, in turn, would result in a new spiral of the arms race.

    The use of the threat of a nuclear missile attack…. The United States has unilaterally seceded from the treaty …. This is a very dangerous scenario , harmful to all, including, in my opinion, to the United States. The nuclear deterrent lost its value …. In the past 25 years, the threshold for the use of force has gone down noticeably. The very perception of war has changed: Because the governments orient the media for the war, because the government does not exist strong scientific and spiritual alternative of peacebuilding, for creation of which is required the GPS fundamental scientific base.

    As you know, our approach is different …. While creating the Eurasian Economic Union…. We are all used to labeling and the creation of an enemy image…. Unfortunately, we hear the words war and conflict ever more frequently when talking about relations between people of different cultures, religions and ethnicity. Military Power as Instrument of Politics. Military power in politics is a sign of weakness of the human mind.

    When we have to resist common threats, like, for instance, terrorism, and will it be used in compliance with the known rules laid down in international law. The Danger of Terrorism. Why is it that the efforts of, say, our American partners and their allies in their struggle against the Islamic State has not produced any tangible results? Obviously, this is not about any lack of military equipment or potential.

    We understand quite well that the militants fighting in the Middle East represent a threat to everyone, including Russia…. That is why we made our suggestion to create a broad anti-terror coalition , which I recently voiced in my speech at the United Nations. I will stress again: Here is what we believe we must do to support long-term settlement in the region, as well as its social, economic and political revival. And to do that, we must join all forces…. Second, it is obvious that a military victory over the militants alone will not resolve all problems, but it will create conditions for the main thing: It is the Syrians who must decide their fate….

    We need to distinguish clearly between genuine Islam, whose values are peace, family, good deeds, helping others, respecting traditions, and the lies and hatred that the militants sow under the guise of Islam …. It is clear that Syria will need massive financial, economic and humanitarian assistance in order to heal the wounds of war….

    Cooperation for Choice of Peace. All these are certainly steps in the right direction. English translation of the following three points in the verbatim record is not available. Therefore, we offer our translation of these items below. Impetus to Develop Science. GPS opens up opportunities for completely unknown to all spheres: To this is dedicated our GPS book. In developing this science as a priority, Russia will get fundamentally new competitive advantage. The Reason of Differences between Russia and West.

    And in part they are right. At the core of Russian worldview is the concept of good and evil, the higher divine power. I cannot refrain from certain critics, but when in the basis of current politics [of US] is a kind of messianism and exclusivity , we are difficult to engage in dialogue in this format, because it really is a departure from our shared traditional values , in base of which, of course, is equality of all people before the Creator. The 17 development goals aim to fight climate change and ensure gender equality and education for all, among other things.

    Addressing the needs of 1. It is a vital necessity for ensuring peaceful, sustainable and just world. A great Indian thinker, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay, placed the welfare of the poorest at the centre of his thoughts.