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In American folklore, many ingredients can be brewed into love potions and used to drive a partner wild. The use of bird ingredients in such potions is rampant, inlcluding the use of powdered turtle-dove tongue, chicken hearts, and rooster blood for various love and beauty blends.

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Girls in the Ozarks would keep dried turkey bones in their rooms in order to seduce their beaus when the time was right, too. Vanilla, dabbed behind the ears, is also reputed to drive men wild. These are the controversial, yet oft-sought after, spells which one person uses on another to command love. As the folklore goes, there are a lot of ways to make someone yours through magic.

Most of them involve putting a little bit of yourself—such as urine, blood, or sweat—into them, often via food. Smash it and bury it under the front steps and wet the spot with water. He cannot leave the place. Take three locks of her hair, throw one over your head, put one in your bosom, and one in the back of your watch. Then do the same thing with a mirror that the girl does and she is tied. Put these all around his home or yours , especially at entrances and under rugs, and he will be unable to resist you.

While some spells in this category are designed to bolster the already strong bonds between two happily enamored people, more often than not these spells are done out of desperation. A wife wants to keep her philandering husband at home and away from other women. A man wants to bring back a lover who has left him. One spell I found repeatedly, and one which I mentioned in the previous section, was the use of menstrual blood in food.

It appeared in the folklore from multiple cultures and always with the same basic idea: Urine occasionally pops up in this method, too, though it is far less common. A picture of Mary is then prayed over, and the man is supposed to stray no more. One hoodoo method for controlling an errant man is to measure his penis with a piece of string often red while he is asleep, wet it with his semen, then tie nine knots in it. In some cases, this means that the man is unable to perform entirely unless the woman unknots the string first, which I imagine puts a damper on spontenaity in the bedroom.

However, as the proverb goes, desperate times call for desperate measures pun very much intended. As such, my research here is a bit thinner than in other categories of love magic, but I do have one or two examples to provide. Hurston provides a method for making couples fight like cats and dogs using the hair from—you guessed it—cats and dogs:. Take a small bit of the hair of a black cat and of a black dog and mix same with nine grains of red pepper seed and names of persons you wish to make fuss or fall out with each other.

The names are written nine times crossed. Place this under their house, gallery or bury same at their gate. The articles can be sewed into a bag, and, if possible, place in the pillow or mattress. There are a number of products available for break-up work, including figural candles of a man and woman which are burned so that they separate over time.

There are so many other love spells and magical techniques for gaining love, keeping love, or ending love that trying to list them all would be ridiculous. Because it is made from grasses found in Southeast Asia, it has a long history in medicine and magic from those areas. Some of the grasses used in Van Van are also grown in West Africa, which is likely one route through which Southern conjure practices adopted this formula. Most of these are not easily available in bulk herb form, with the exceptions of lemongrass which you can find at almost any Asian market and vetiver which can often be found in herb or metaphysical shops.

All of the oils except gingergrass are readily available from any aromatherapy or herbal extract dealer. Gingergrass oil, which can be hard to find, is often left out of homemade Van Van recipes, or something else might be substituted for it. There are some who solely use lemongrass oil and add dried botanicals to it in order to round out the recipe. Generally speaking, a home blender would use:. All of these would be carefully blended in a sterile jar, then topped with a carrier oil sweet almond or jojoba would be excellent. The proportions above are merely suggestions, and you would do well to contact a trained herbalist before blending these on your own.

Additions to the recipe vary by practitioner and region. For example, in New Orleans, one might find lemon verbena added to the mix. In fact, this may be how the formula got its name. According to Cat Yronwode , Creole rootworkers would sometimes use lemon verbena in their blends in order to supplement the strong lemon-musk scent of the oil. So just what is Van Van oil for and how does it work? Citronella does something similar think of how citronella candles, torches, and oils repel nasty insects like mosquitoes.

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These grasses cut and clear any negative influences, warding off bad luck. Palmarosa and gingergrass which come from the same plant, in reality, Cymbopogon martine are muskier, and so have a slight sexual connotation. Vetiver is the muskiest of all, with strong earthy tones. Earth has connections to abundance and prosperity think of fertile black soil planted with seeds which grow into crops , plus there is a strong sexual current again.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this podcast and receive notifications of new posts and episodes by email. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. According to the third Foxfire book, one of the most common varieties was the Indian peach, a shrubby variety with small, firm peaches: The significance of a bending needle is a hug for the sewer.

If a girl tries on a dress pinned for a fitting, each pin catching in her petticoat or slip will represent a kiss before the day is over. Before going to bed on January 21, a girl may tear off a row of pins from a new package according to some , say Let me see my future husband tonight as she pulls out each pin, and then stick them in the sleeve of her nightgown; that night he will be seen in her dream. If a pin found on the floor or street is picked up and stuck in your coat, you will have a date before the week ends.

The girl who finds and picks up a pin pointing toward her will see her beau that day. A girl finding and picking up a pin will be dated that night; the man will come from the direction towards which the pin points. If while walking along you pick up a large safety pin and name it a man you want to see, he will soon be seen; if a small safety pin and name it a girl, she will soon be seen.

A somewhat heavier love spell from Zora Neale Hurston prevents a lover from straying: When you are sticking the pins in the candles, keep repeating: Hit a hen on the back and she will lay an egg. A hen never lays eggs near a potato patch. Eggs are not laid by hens on a windy day.

If you set a hen in the dark of the moon, half of the chicks hatched will be deformed.


Set a hen at sunrise in the light of the moon and all the eggs will hatch. If you set a hen to hatch in the light of the moon, more of the eggs will be hatched. To procure chickens of different colors, set the eggs on Sunday morning as the congregation leaves church; the various colors in the clothing of the church-goers produces this result. Chickens of various colors are procured by setting the eggs on Ash Wednesday. For white diarrhea among chickens [sometimes believed to be caused by witchcraft], drop a piece of iron into their drinking water and also let them eat corn saturated with urine.

Randolph records this tidbit about the use of eggs to produce prophetic dreams: As I pored over the research, I found that there are several distinct categories for love magic: Glamour Spells Chapter 7. Spells to Find an Unknown Love Chapter 8. Spells to Attract a Particular Person Chapter 9.

Spells to Bind a Lover to You Chapter Spells to Reunite Lovers Chapter Commanding Spells Chapter Break Up Spells Chapter Spells to Banish Unwanted Persons References. Filtering Exclude erotica Include mainstream erotica Include all erotica. A charm bag, something that's small and doesn't require candles or anything like that?

Hi I am happy to sign up however I have a 'urgent request is for a spell to help someone who is going through a very difficult time without compromising her confidentiality she is in low mood and is trying to adjust to a new lifestyle basically she is trying to get her life back on track after. I mean no harm but is there any easy spell to just rid of any doubt in my mind and can you tell me what the result would look like eg. A temporary blindness illusion spell? Hi Sue; yes, both men and women are Witches. There's no minimum age per say-- a child born into a magical family is going to grow up learning certain things how to concentrate, how to sense energy, etc.

For those not growing up in a magical family it can take more time to learn, and this might require being old enough to read and understand books and articles on the topic. Thanks Mariah; have you read through the articles? I try to address things people struggle to understand. If there's something specific tripping you up let me know and maybe I can help.

Is there any possible way you can cast a spell for me? Ive been having a anxiety attack since December. And I want to forget that it ever happened so I can be at peace. Please I beg you. It would be so nice to cure the world's problems with a simple spell; but magic is part of nature, and nature requires balance.

Unfortunately the world will never be a perfect place, it's all part of the package. The trick is learning to bring the good and love out from within, and let that rule you, instead of more negative emotions that do more harm than good. We can do magic to help improve things, to boost our efforts to make improvements, but we can't just make everything bad disappear unfortunately.

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  2. Edith Nesbit, The Poetry Of: “There is no bond like having read and liked the same books.”?
  3. WitchCrafting your own Love Spell | Heron Michelle.
  4. Natalie: Her mothers sketch.
  5. Smashwords – Traditional Witches' Book of Love Spells – a book by Angela Kaelin.

The things that upset us comes with the territory, it's just part of having feelings. Hi Kimiya; anyone of any religion can practice Witchcraft well, if they think their religion allows it. Could be a lot of reasons spells don't work. For one thing, do you understand why you're writing things down? Why are you using the symbol of the pentagon?


Why fold it 3 times? If you don't understand why you're doing what you're doing, it's less likely to work. Also, why three things? Three separate things should be taken care of in three separate spells. Have you spent much time meditating, learning to focus on your desires?

Are you focusing on them the right way? Do you know the right way?

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  • There is more to spells than just writing on papers or lighting candles, so if you're having trouble you might want to keep studying. It takes time to learn. Hi Shickera; that is a good reason for learning it. Hope you enjoy my articles: Hi Edgar; do you mean transform into them or take on their likeness somehow? I've never heard of things like that outside of fiction. If I'm mistaken and you mean something else, let me know. Hi I'm 13 and I would love to learn everything there is about the craft that I love and respect so very much. I haven't much training but I'm willing to do whatever it take to be a witch.

    I've thought about this a lot and I'm ready to be the best witch possible even if I'm not a blood witch. Can you please help me? Ma'am Im a 15 years old boy. Can I use any spell to make this world good and full of love. And can I summon an animal who will always be my best friend and be with me forever. Hello, i dont know if you still are actually on this, i have always been very spiritual because of my family. I'm very interested in learn everything , meditation, relaxation from the stress of the outer world..

    I'm a peace with nature every camping trip I take or a walk to in the woods I all way bring a peace of nature home and add it to my garden or home ,could be rocks ,drift wood, anything that catches my fancy and brings me peace I often wonder why I 'm so unsettled with people , not trusting.. I work in a environment of may people , stress, and bullying from management Tuesday January 16 I have a meeting and feel I'm going to experienc bullying again how can I pretect myself, calm my self Hi this is in answer to kimiya66, Cuz im Muslim and i want to know doing witchcafts and wiccas will work for me or not???

    Hi, McKenzie, I have a question I recently acquired a rose quartz tumblestone, I then proceeded to charge it ,by leaving it on my windowsill at night, last night, It may sound strange but that's how I feel I can explain it, Hi, this is a reply to Kacie, you said you try to draw yourself away from things like this only to end up here again, I can say this is also true for me, the thing is you are fighting against your heart, if you feel connected in anyway to this life, then you need to stop fighting it, and just go where it takes you, My family would laugh at me if I told them these things, so I am pretty sure they have no history on witches??

    I wrote 3 things that i want in a paper and make a pentagon then i fold it 3 times But it does not work why? See of remaining comments. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

    To provide a better website experience, exemplore. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Mackenzie Sage Wright more. Please feel free to ask questions or email me.

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    Here is an overview of what you need to know, and the things you need to learn. Training the Mind If you want to learn Witchcraft, you don't need a spell book; you don't need to run out and buy an altar full of tools. What you really need to begin with is training your mind.

    Love and Beauty Spells

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    Love Magic : Witchcraft a Handbook of Magic Spells and Potions

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    Here are some techniques, tips, and exercises you can use to help develop your ability to perform this essential Wiccan rite. Here is a guide for using lunar timing in your spell work. Spell Casting Using Magical Timing: Using Moon Signs Proper magical timing is always a great way to give a boost when casting spells. Try working with the moon signs to see if it improves your efforts.

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    Learn the terminology for your Witch Crafting right here. How to Cast a Jar Spell Jar spells are so versatile! Learn the basics and you can use the techniques for just about any magical goal. Here is a thorough, step-by-step guide to designing jar spells for any need. They can be cast any time, but are particularly appropriate for a Beltane spell. Learn here how to make a pendulum, and multiple ways to use it. It's a topic of controversy within the magical community. Studying Magical Herbalism Welcome to your herbology class.

    Aloe Vera If you are studying herbal magic or any form of Witchcraft that involves herbs, let me introduce you to aloe! Here are details, how to grow it, its many medicinal, magical and folk uses! Lessons in Magical Herbalism: Basil If you are studying herbal magic or any form of Witchcraft that involves herbs, let me introduce you to basil!

    Bay If you are studying herbal magic or any form of Witchcraft that involves herbs, let me introduce you to bay! Belladonna Deadly Nightshade Belladonna, also known to us as deadly nightshade, is one of those exotic, fascinating plants that gets attention. Learn the history and uses for this extremely poisonous plant. Lemon Balm If you are studying herbal magic or any form of Witchcraft that involves herbs, let me introduce you to lemon balm!