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Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Review quote "A hidden genius of Argentinian literature. His literary career began in with the book of poems "The Shadow of the Empusa. Discuss fully Elizabeth's stand with regard to the religious question of the day, touching on a attitude of her immediate predecessor; b Eliza- beth's attitude; c circumstances that forced her to adopt that attitude ; d success of her policy. Explain the causes, principal events, and terms of peace of the first Dutch war, fought under the Commonwealth.
How did the claims of France and England conflict in America? What causes of quarrel were there in India? How did the Treaty of Paris, in , settle the controversies? Group V Answer two questions. Write on the part played by England in the Napoleonic wars. Explain fully what contributed to the success of the English in those wars.
Describe one event of importance connected with each of the following: Write on the causes, principal events, and outcome of the first Boer war, of 1 88 1. What is the status of the Transvaal to-day? What number must be added to the numerator and subtracted from the denominator of the fraction j'3 to give its reciprocal? A pedestrian finds that his uphill rate of walking is three miles an hour while his downhill rate is four miles an hour.
If he walked 60 miles in 17 hours, how much of this distance was uphill? Express — 9— correct to two places of decimals. The corners of a square the length of whose side is 2 are cut off in such a way that a regular octogon remains. What is the length of a side of this octogon? Divide 38 into three parts which are in geomertic progression and such that if 1, 2, 1 are added to these parts respectively, the results will be in arithmetic progression.
If the difference of the diagonals is 2, find the bases of the rectangles. For what values of m are the two roots equal? Find all the roots without using Horner's method. Find one root to two places of decimals. Show how to bisect a given angle. If two chords intersect within a circle, their segments are reciprocally proportional. Complete and prove the following statement: In any triangle the square of the side opposite an acute angle is equal to the sum of the squares. The opposite angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle are supple- mentary.
If similar polygons are described upon the three sides of a right triangle as homologous sides, what relation exists among the areas of the three polygons? If two straight lines are perpendicular to a third at the same point, their plane is perpendicular to that straight line.
If the projections of a line on each of two intersecting planes are straight, the line itself must be straight except in one case. Prove the proposition and state the exception.
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The volume of a trianglar prism is equal to the product of its base and altitude. Extend the proof to the general theorem. The straight lines joining the middle points of the opposite edges of a tetrahedron meet in a point and are bisected by that point. In two polar triangles, each angle of one is measured by the supple- ment of the side of which its vertex is the pole in the other. If any number of lines in space meet in a point, the feet of the perpen- diculars drawn to these lines from another fixed point lie on the surface of a sphere.
The lateral area of a cone of revolution is equal to one-half the product of the circumference of its base and its slant height. State and prove the law of cosines for an acute-angled triangle. Give an example showing how the resultant of two or more forces may be found in an actual case. A cubic foot of water weighs The specific gravity of a liquid is.
What is its weight per cubic foot? Give an accurate but brief description of some experiment you have performed in which you measured one of the following; Specific heat of a solid. Show exactly how the result was found from the observed data. Name three defects of vision which may be in part corrected by the use of lenses. Show by diagram how a converging lens forms an image. How is electric current measured? Show by diagram the essential feat- ures of an instrument for current measurement and state the use of each part.
Give your reasons for believing that sound is due to vibrations and that it is propagated by wave motion. A Answer both questions in this group. Describe two methods for the preparation of oxygen, writing equations to represent the reactions involved. Write empirical and structural formulas for any five of the following substances: Complete five of the following equations, using symbols and formulas: How may nitric acid be prepared? What are the properties of nitric acid? Describe briefly a method for the preparation of each of the following sub- stances: Name the compounds represented by the following formulas, and classify them as acids, bases, or salts: Describe in detail a convenient laboratory method for the preparation of hydrogen.
Draw a sketch of the apparatus employed, and mention any precautions that should be taken in order to prevent accident. C Answer only two questions from this group. What is meant by the term Electrolytic Dissociation? When a current of electricity is passed between carbon electrodes through a solution of sodium sulphate colored with litmus, what changes may be noted?
Explain as fully as possible. What is the meaning of the term Nascent State? What are the prop- erties of nascent hydrogen, as compared with ordinary hydrogen? How may carbon dioxide be prepared? Through what cycle does carbon pass in animal and vegetable life? In what forms does sulphur occur in nature? Write the names and formulas of two oxides of sulphur.
How may these compounds be prepared? What are their properties? D Answer both questions in this group. What volume of a solution of hydrochloric acid containing 73 grams of HCl per liter will be required for the decomposition of grams of sodium carbonate? What volume will be occupied under standard conditions by the carbon dioxide liberated? What change in the volume occupied by a given quantity of gas takes place, a when the pressure is trebled?
State the two important generalizations embracing these facts.
Where is it found? Where and how is it formed? How and through what channels is it transferred to the different parts of plants? Name three of the most important functions performed by leaves, three by the stem, and two by the roots. Describe and illustrate a cell showing the parts,, and describe the work of each part in absorption of water. Describe a complete flower, naming the parts. What is the difference between pollination and fertilization i. Describe a moss plant, explaining the different phases in its complete life history. Describe the staminate male cone of the pine; the pistillate female cone.
What are fungi, and how do they differ from the algae? Describe the life history and structure of a fungus. Morphology, Taxonomy, and Ecology of the Higher Plants 1. Name and describe the external and internal parts of a seed. Show by a sketch the position of the parts. How do leaves differ a as to general outline, b as to venation?
- De La Elegancia Mientras Se Duerme.
- International Organizational Behavior: Transcending Borders and Cultures!
- The New Mexico State Constitution (Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States)!
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- De la elegancia mientras se duerme.
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- Disloyal Union: The Slavery Conspiracy.
How are scientific names of plants formed? Give the scientific name of one monocotyledon and one dicotyledon, also the family and order to which the plants named belong. Discuss the methods of seed dissemination, give instances where dis- semination is effected a by the plant itself, b by the aid of some environ- mental agency. Characterize the phylum protozoa and describe the structure and habits of an example.
Compare the structure and habits of hydra with ameba. Discuss the specialization of function in the animal body. Illustrate with examples and diagrams. Describe the method of taking food and of locomotion in the starfish. Describe the structures connected with these functions. Describe the internal structure of a clam or a related form. Name and characterize the phylum to which the grasshopper belongs and make a diagram showing the divisions of the body and its appendages. Define complete and incomplete metamorphosis. Explain the application of the term vertebrate in the animal kingdom.
Name the different groups of animals which are known as vertebrates. Discuss breathing, general environment and method and means of locomotion in each group, 4. Name the distinctive characters of turtles, snakes, lizards, and alligators. To what group of vertebrates do they belong? Name a single character or group of characters distinctive of each of the following and name an example: Describe the life-history of a vertebrate which passes through a meta- morphosis. BIOLOGY State briefly what biological subjects you have studied, with what propor- tion of recitation and laboratory work and for what periods.
Any laboratory books or other work done in such courses may be submitted as supplemental to the answers to be written to the following questions.
Answer any ten questions. Illustrate by diagrams the structure of a hydra and its mode of increase by budding. Diagram the heart and the main channels of circulation in the human body. Explain and illustrate division of labor in the body of any plant or animal. Diagram the transformation stages of a mosquito or of a house-fly. Illustrate by sectional diagrams the structure of earthworm, fish, or frog. List a dozen common birds of your home neighborhood and state briefly their nesting and migration habits. Explain how the food is prepared for absorption and how it gets to the cells of the body.
Diagram the lungs, and the passage-ways leading from them to the exterior. How does the body get rid of the waste which results from the activities of the cells? State how the body is benefitted by exercise. Give an account of starch, its composition, its function in the plant, where formed and under what conditions.
English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary
Give an account of the structure of the seed and of its method of germination. Diagram a flower, naming the constituent parts and stating the ordinary functions of each. Give an account of the structure of any liverwort or moss. Give an account, with simple diagrams, of the life-history of a fern. How do volcanoes differ a in the nature of their eruptions, b in the material of which their cones are composed, c in the shape and dimensions of their craters, d in the shape, height and slopes of their cones?
Cite examples of each type described. What is meant by the "water-table"? What relation has it to shallow wells? In what kind of rocks are most caverns developed?
De La Elegancia Mientras Se Duerme : Vizconde de Lascano Tegui :
What relation exists between the greatest depths of such caverns and the level of the surface drainage of the adjacent region? Describe the changes in the shape of the cross section of a stream valley from youth to old age and account for them. Trace the line of the southernmost extension of the Continental Glacier across the United States east of the Missouri River, and give a clear statement as to the difference in topography and hydrography character of streams, presence of lakes, etc.
In what planetary wind belt does the northern part of the United States lie? Explain the fairly regular alternation of cloudy, rainy, or snowy weather; and clear, cooler weather at intervals of from three to seven days in this wind belt. Give a clear and concise definition of each of the following: Laboratory work, answer three questions. By use of contour lines make a topographic map of a mountain with a rounded summit, whose southern side is much steeper than the other slopes, rising from a plain at sea level to an elevation of 1, feet.
Give a short but clear account of an actual field excursion that you made in your course, indicating the physiographic phenomena studied and the nature of the observations you made. Describe the physiography of one of the two topographic maps furnished you, putting the description under the following topics: Be sure to write the name of the map at the beginning of your answers, How would you identify and distinguish between specimens of a granite and calcite, b mica and horn-blende, c sandstone and limestone.
State which are minerals and which rocks and if a rock whether it occurs in layers or masses. Show by diagrams a the position of the sun and earth at the four seasons of the northern hemisphere, b the relative positions of the moon, earth and sun at Spring and Neap Tidfes; labeling each condition of the diagrams clearly. If you have a laboratory note book, leave it with the examiner. It will be considered in making up the mark on this examination. For one unit credit answer each of the ten questions, I. Name the four most important breeds of dairy cattle.
Tell where each breed originated. Give the characteristics by which each breed may be recognized. Explain in detail what are the advantages of under-drainage. Give the chief points to be observed in the production of sanitary market milk. How much nitrate of soda containing 1 5 per cent nitrogen, acid phosphate containing 16 per cent phosphoric acid, and muriate of potash containing 50 per cent potash, will be required to make the equivalent of a ton of 2: What is meant by the term nutritive ratio, in calculating balanced rations?
How should Bordeaux mixture be made? What is the purpose of each ingredient used? Describe the method of estimating the age of horses by the teeth. What spray materials are used to control sucking insects? To control biting insects? A New York dairy farmer has acres of fairly good land: What crops should be grown on it for his purposes? What acreage of each should be grown? What rotation should be followed? How many acres has he plowed?
How many turns has he made if the plow cut 14 inches? How far has he travelled? How long did it take him if the team walked 2 miles per hour and if an average of 3 minutes was lost at each turn? How much did it cost him at the rate of 40 cents an hour for man and team? Applicants may take either, or by special arrangement may take both.
One i point is the maximum credit allowed in the subject. Freehand Drawing For this examination the applicant is required to make a pencil sketch of an object or group of objects. The objects used may be geometrical blocks with straight and curved lines and curved surfaces, simple pieces of pottery, furni- ture, or models with simple lines and surfaces. The purpose of the examina- tion is to test the ability of the applicant to draw accurately and sympatheti- cally just what he sees.
Shading may be required. Data for the problems in any given examination will be furnished in the form of sketches or photographs with dimensions marked or stated. Give the principal parts of dyw i , otaei 4 and ireicras 9. Explain the syntax of fj. Write the forms under which the following words appear in the dic- tionary: Write with proper accents and breathings: For though it is impossible to have a greater province than that of my brother, I prefer to give all I have to my friends. Yoti will I make masters of whatever we acquire and to the Greeks will I give crowns of gold.
I shall never deem myself happy until I accomplish these purposes". Facere, quod nostri maiores nequaquam pari bello Cimbrorum Teutonumque fecerunt; qui in oppida compulsi ac simili inopia subacti eorum corporibus, qui aetate inutiles ad bellum vide- bantur, vitam toleraverunt neque se hostibus tradiderunt. Cuius rei si exemplum non haberemus, tamen libertatis causa institui et posteris prodi pulcherrimum iudicarem. Nam quid illi simile bello fuit? Depopulata Gallia Cimbri magnaque illata calamitate finibus quidem nostris aliquando excesserunt atque alias terras petierunt ; iura, leges, agros, libertatem nobis reliquerunt; Romani vero quid petunt aliud, aut quid volunt, nisi invidia adducti, quos fama nobiles potentesque bello cognoverunt, horum in agris civitatibusque considere atque his aeternam iniungere servitutem?
Neque enim ulla alia condicione bella gesserunt. Quod si ea, quae in longinquis nationibus geruntur, ignoratis, respicite finitimam Galliam, quae in provin- ciam redacta, iure et legibus commutatis, securibus subiecta perpetua premitur servitute". Decline the phrases pari bello, ulla alia condicione. Give the principal parts in both voices, if both exist of compulsi, tradi- derunt, excesserunt, considere, redacta, premitur. Write a synopsis, in both voices, of the last two in the second person singular.
Compare pulcherrimum, adducti, potentes. What is the force of the mood and tense of haberemus, ignoratis? What is the force of the case of consili, corporibus, aetate , finibus , invidia, bello before cognoverunt? Explain the composition of invidia, servittttem, nationibus, giving prefix if any , root, and suffix or suffixes taken on in the growth of the word, with the meaning of each of these parts.
Quamquam, Patres conscripti, quae potest esse in tanti sceleris jmmanitate pmiienda crudelitas? Ego enim de meo sensu iudico. Nam ita mihi salva re publica vobiscum perfrui liceat, ut ego, quod in hac causa vehementior sum, non atrocitate animi moveor quis enim est me mitior? Yideor enim mihi videre hanc urbem, lucem orbis terrarum atque arcem omnium gentium, subito uno incendio concidentem; cerno animo sepultam patriam, miseros atque insepultos acervos civitmi; versatur mihi ante oculos adspectus Cethegi et furor in vestra caede bacchantis.
What was the course referred to in Iwc, and by whom advocated? What was the result of the debate? Virgil Omnis spes Danaum et coepti fiducia belli Palladis auxiliis semper stetit. Impius ex quo Tydides sed enim scelerimiciue inventor Ulixes Fatale adgressi sacrato avellere templo Palladium caesis summae custodibus arcis Corripuere sacram efifigiem manibusque cruentis Virgineas ausi divae contingere vittas, Ex illo fiuere ac retro sublapsa referri Spes Danaum, fractae vires, aversadeae mens.
Write out three verses beginning with Palladium, indicating feet and caesuras, and marking the natural quantity of each vowel. The camp was taken, and those of the Egyptians who did not fall by the sword of the enemy were drowned in the Nile in the attempt' to escape to the fleet. Immediately after the battle Caesar advanced with his cavalry into the portion of the capital which was occupied by the Egyptians.
The enemy received him, and sued for peace; and his troops, when they saw him return as victor, welcomed him with boundless joy. Caesar dealt with the Alexandrines as he had done with the Massiliots. Mommsen's History of Rome, Book v. Explain the construction of schlagen wollen 1. Name and explain all the subjunctives in the above passages.
Comment on the forms gedichtet 1. Give a synopsis, in all tenses, indicative, active and passive, and sub- junctive active of the third person singular of the verb schlagen 1. Write out a complete scheme of noun declensions dividing them into classes, and stating what groups of nouns belong to each , and give examples. Illustrate with German sentences the principles of German word order. Name the inseparable prefixes of verbs. Where does the accent fall in the separable verbs? Can you give a reason? Which are the prepositions that govern both the dative and the accusative cases?
Illustrate with two German sentences the difference in their use. Give a list of endings that determine i the feminine, 2 the mas- culine, 3 the neuter gender in nouns. Ill Translate into German: The student of the gymnasium must attend his classes regularly, unless he has a valid excuse. The university student has absolute freedom; he need never appear in the lecture room if he does not wish to. There are no examinations until he wishes to receive his doctor's degree. But then he begins to understand the value of good work. He knows that he cannot pass the examinations unless he is well prepared.
I have been here for a week and up to the present time everything is going well. I found last Tuesday a family boarding-house near the Latin Quarter and alongside the Luxembourg Garden. My room is on the third floor and looks out on the Garden. From my window I can see everything that goes on in the street, and I hear the omnibuses passing every moment. In the letter which I received yesterday, you say that you wrote me on the 1 8th of July. That letter I never received, and I wonder what has happened to it.
Its loss is the more remarkable because the mail from America arrives very regularly every Monday. The next time you write, be careful of the address which is a little complicated. If the letter should arrive later, I should let you know, and should demand of the Post Office an explanation of its delay. You ask me if I need anything. Don't worry about me. You know that I need but very little to be happy, and that I complain but rarely.
It has been hot for a few days, but I have not suffered the least bit. In the room below mine there are two young Germans whom I see at meals, so that I have the chance to speak German to them from time to time. Moliere, the greatest of all modern comic authors, was born in in one of the old quarters of Paris. His father was in the King's service and wished his son to choose the same business. His grandfather, they say, used to take the little fellow to the theatre, where performances were given which awakened the interest and the hidden talents of the child. Modern critics have supposed that these little expeditions to the theatre, under his grand- father's watch, had much to do with the development of that art which later was to render famous the son of the upholsterer.
II Translate the following phrases. Prenez-vous-en a votre cousin. Elle sera moins a meme de se rendre compte de votre conduite. Quel parti allez-vous prendre? Jem'envais; jen'y tiens plus. J'ai appris a me passer de tout ce qui est de trop. Si vous m'en croyez, vous partirez tout de suite.

Mon pere ne salt a quoi s'en tenir. II a du se remettre au travail, j. Je le lui ai fait f aire, k. II a fait des siennes. Elle a failli manquer le train, m. II me tarde de vous voir, n. Les Femmes Sav antes. Explain subjunctives in this passage. Lorsqu'ils entrerent chez la Reine, annonc6s par des huissiers vetus de noir et portant une verge d'6bene, elle 6tait assise a sa toilette. Anne d'Autriche, assise devant et plac6e sur un grand fauteuil de velours cramoisi a longues f ranges d'or restait immobile et grave comme sur un trone, tandis que dona Stephania et Mme de Motteville donnaient de chaque c6t6 quelques coups de peigne fort legers, comme pour achever la coiffure de la Reine, qui etait cependant en fort bon 6tat, et deja entre-melee de perles tressees avec ses cheveux blonds.
Sa longue chevelure avait des reflets d'une beaut6 singuliere, qui annoncaient qu'elle devait avoir au toucher la finesse et la douceur de la sole. Write a composition of words pages on some subject drawn from your reading of the past year: Explain one of the following passages. But let the frame of things disjoint, both the worlds suffer, Ere we will eat our meal in fear, and sleep In the affliction of these terrible dreams That shake us nightly. Better be with the dead.
Whom we, to gain our peace, have sent to peace. Than on the torture of the human mind to lie In restless ecstasy. Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever he sleeps well ; Treason has done his worst ; nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing Can touch him further.
Develop in detail and with quotations from the poem the topic stated in the following sentence: Name three of Johnson's works and give an account of the circumstances under which each was produced; or, explain what, in Carlyle's opinion, are the chief reasons for the excellence of Burns's poems. Discuss one of the following. Solve the following equation for x, and state definitely the number of solutions which you find: A man can row twelve miles down a stream and back in 6 hours and 15 min. He can row 4 miles with the current in the same time that he can row 3 miles against it. Find the rate at which he can row in still water.
Find the length of the side of a regular decagon inscribed in a circle of radius 6 inches. Let ABC be a triangle. Two triangles are similar if the three sides of one are proportional to the three sides of the other. Construct an equilateral triangle equivalent to a given rectangle. Abridge and simplify the work when you can, explaining if necessary. Get your results into their simplest forms. In geometry give carefully constructed figures, and accompany all solutions with complete demonstrations. All clear abbreviations are allowed. The questions may be answered in any order.
A stick of timber 14 ft. Find the number of board feet in the stick. Solve the two equations for x and y: In a letter to a boy of your own age who is hesitating over the choice of a college, point out the reasons which induced you to choose Cornell. Encourage him to join you in a four years' course at Ithaca. Write two compositions, each in two to four paragraphs, on topics selected from the following groups. Do not choose both topics from the same group. Comment particularly on the way in which the characters are brought out, b.
What points of likeness and of difference do you notice between The De Coverley Papers and a novel on the prescribed list? Quote a passage from a poem of Shelley, Wordsworth, Poe, Arnold, Coleridge, Goldsmith, or Tennyson; and explain the significance of the passage in the theme of the poem. Name four traits of some personage famous in prose fiction, and show how the author has impressed those traits on the reader.
Group V, Of the authors read in your high-school course, which had for you the strongest personal appeal? Give your reasons in detail, making the answer concrete throughout. Choose a orb, a. Discuss Macbeth's rise and fall, showing how the successive stages are plausibly accomplished, b. Mortals that would follow me. Love Virtue; she alone is free: She can teach ye how to climb Higher than the sphery chime; Or if Virtue feeble were.
Heaven itself would stoop to her. From what poem is this passage taken? Explain the passage as it bears on the poem as a whole. What is meant by sphery chime? What is the syntax of climb y oi were? Choose a or b. Develop in a paragraph the idea stated in one of the following quotations: Compare the first experiences of Johnson in London with those of Bums in Edinburgh. In what way does Burke justify to Parliament his plan of conciliation with the rebellious colonies? Explain the essential ideas of Washington's Farewell Address with reference to the time of its publication.
Chirisophus retorts to Xenophon's joke. Tell in order the types of the four conditions found in the above passage. With the above passage as an example, what can you say in general about the use of connectives in Greek? State the rule for moods and tenses in subordinate clauses which are thrown into indirect discourse. After Clearchus had been ill-treated in this way, he called together his soldiers to a public meeting and, breaking into tears, he said to them: You know that I have stood in friendly relations to Sparta.
However, since you have resolved not to follow him any longer, I shall march with you. To whom does y 4 pov i refer?
On the elegance of sleepers
At the beginning of one of the books, state how long you have studied Latin and give the exact amount of each Latin author you have read. I First Year Latin 1. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of: Write out the conjugation of sum in the subjunctive. Give a complete synopsis of the conjugation of volo in the second person plural; of claudo in the third person singular both active and passive. Translate into Latin, marking all long vowels in what you write: Postquam id nuntiatum est, copias suas Caesar in proximum collem duxit equitesque contra hostes misit.
Helvetil, qui cum omnibus suls carrls secati erant, impedimenta in unum locum contulerunt; ipsi nostros equites supers verunt et ad primam nostram aciem venerunt.