Therefore, instead of overcomplicating this part of the review, I will chronicle my immediate reaction, recognizing that the assessment of the usability of a digital edition is always — primarily — a matter of personal preference. Clad for the most part in a white background, black script and yellow accent colour, it assembles a clean and uniform presentation.
The slightly rounded off edges of the font Ubuntu or at least similar are matched by the slightly rounded off edges of some text boxes, shaded in a light grey, a very sparsely and wisely used design element, only meant to accentuate a few references of import. The menu consists of the main components in German, same as the whole website: Finding them proved quite cumbersome. One has to navigate to the documentation of the edition, read through all of it and find a mention of the transcriptions, either documentary or textual, which will then link to the editorial principles.
An argument might be made that any respectable user of the edition would read all the documentation in any case, thus having no issue finding this information.
Book Description
That is certainly true. The lack of a table of contents, however, as you would traditionally encounter in a book, means that there is still a lack of overview and, if one wants to revisit the principles while perusing the reading text, an unnecessarily circumvent way of navigation. A curious phenomenon that will hopefully be rectified in one of the scheduled updates of the edition. Clearly, a lot of effort went into the metadata and the visualization of the section structures.
The image viewer allows for a synoptic presentation of the facsimile and the documentary transcription, if it exists. It is also possible to view the documentary transcription alone or in a synoptic view with the textual transcription. It is also possible to view the textual transcription alone. It is, however, not possible to synoptically view the facsimile and the textual transcription. Perhaps this accounts for the disappearance of the footer but even so, I will reiterate that that should not be the case.
The documentary transcription is, whether viewed like that or separately, annotated. Hovering over the lines will provide information about the scribe and the writing material used. Slightly faulty synoptic view of a facsimile and diplomatic transcription. The longer I went through the archive, the more glitches became noticeable in the presentation of the documentary transcription.
Some of them only occurred when I accessed the respective page in a Safari browser Indicating that a line has variants in other witnesses and indicating the quantity of variants by colouring the background of the lines increasingly darker, the more variants there are, is a visualization that is readily apparent in itself.

The possibility to toggle the variants directly in the text is a welcome utilization of the hypertextual concept underlying web-based editions as opposed to the footnote apparatuses used in printed editions out of a certain necessity. A faintly confusing visual element is the yellow bar running down the right-hand side of the reading text, separating it from a menu pointing to the scene overview, the previous and next scene, a view of the complete part, and the bibliographic metadata of the witness used for the reading text.
That yellow bar is partially transparent which means that the variant colourings of the text lines still shine through. At first glance, this seems to suggest some type of information as well, similar to the line colourings denoting the variants. For a merely ornamental element, the yellow bar is quite prominent which is uncharacteristic for the overall design style. But it appears as though it is exactly that and nothing more. The problem this reveals is tied to the lack of legends next to the chart visualizations of the genesis of the work: Understanding them might be intuitive but it might also not; I tend towards the latter.
In any case, combined with the documentation not being accessible from every point of the edition and not having a clear table of contents that can be quickly studied, the user might find it easy to orient himself — because that is made easy with breadcrumbs in the header — but he might find it more difficult to process some of the information presented to him. It is detailed but scattered.
Well-written and well-presented but at the same time lacking in crucial information and bibliography, pertaining to the edition itself. The — at times hindered — navigation to the documentation notwithstanding, the very existence of a detailed project documentation is cause for praise, seeing as this cannot be taken for granted when it comes to digital editions; not yet, anyway.
Many of the sections link to full single pages dedicated to the given topic. An overview of all the documentation available would go a long way towards mitigating any confusion that might arise from the lack of information elsewhere such as the visualizations or, really, any part of the edition in situ. Nor, indeed, on the project history, aside from a brief mention. Even if German scholars might not be particularly interested in this aspect of the edition, and even though the TEI guidelines have become an almost ubiquitous standard in the field, it stands to reason that, for the sake of transparency, there should be a slightly longer remark on this, beta version or not.
However, a quick search outside of the edition yields several results about the edition and these articles are very enlightening when it comes to the initial objectives of the project cf. Anne Bohnenkamp et al. Workgroup on Genetic Editions It is unclear whether there will be a bibliography about the development of the edition in one of the upcoming versions but there should be, in my opinion. The citation recommendation is a welcome addition to any digital edition.
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Besides the citation recommendation already offered at the end of the documentation, the editors claim that a future beta version will incorporate an automatically generated citation recommendation on every page. That is certainly sensible. Looking at the given citation recommendation, however, one cannot help but notice the URLs currently in use.
In the example provided beneath the citation schema, the included URL reads as follows: The editors are aware that there should be a stable point of reference, stating that persistent identifiers will be added to the transcriptions in the version 1. Can the edition be quoted in an academic context already or can it not?
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If not, why provide a citation recommendation? Does the responsibility of rating the quotability of something rest solely on the shoulders of the user? And can a digital edition be quoted without ensuring that someone reading the quotation will still be able to trace the very exact appearance and functionality of what it was that the original user was looking at and, quite likely, manipulating via clicks and toggles?
But although many of these issues are still being actively debated — is a unique identifier enough, or does a reference have to include instructions on topics such as navigating the referenced page to the point the original user was at? Because it draws attention to the fact that a digital edition is not a static, finished product.
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Neither is a printed edition, one might argue, since it can be reissued and republished, e. However, the fluidity of all things online creates a decidedly different environment in which changes, large and small, often happen without much ado or, indeed, mention, attribution or preservation of the previous version. If no digital edition is ever finished, when will it shed its beta status? If it never sheds its beta status, how can it ever be reviewed or referenced? For the declaration as a beta version implies testing phase, which in turn implies unreliability, which in turn serves as a convenient response to any and all criticism.
Only the editors themselves? But why offer up something for consumption that is still as green as the bananas sold prematurely in supermarkets?
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Or, to put it more elegantly: Why release something at all, if it is not polished to a satisfying degree? Making something public on the internet is a publication. Is the fast-paced publication of something that holds less quality that it is already anticipated to hold after an update not grist to the mill of all the detractors of everything digital? Alteration is the opposite thereof. Relying on user feedback to constantly maintain and update a service is one thing — there is an advantage to that.
But academia, as susceptible as it might be to the everlasting need for improvement, is based around the concept of reliability when it comes to publications. Otherwise, a thesis or observation or whatever else one might publish would not circulate. The same goes, perhaps even more so, for primary source material; and the issue cannot be reduced to a matter of trust in the authority of a person or institution.
It is very much an issue of traceability and replicability. The Faust edition does that, almost. However, given that there may be a number of further beta releases before the first version 1. I want to emphasize that I am arguing against the current state of the art here, not the edition itself; only, as it were, by extension, since it embodies the state of the art.
If that sounds like a lot of work, that might be because it is; however, anyone hosting a digital edition has to create regular backups either way. And the workload can be lightened by releasing fewer versions and preparing the releases more thoroughly than one would for a website outside of such constraints. What would have happened, had it simply been replaced with Faust: A Fragment which in turn had been replaced by Faust: We would not be able to trace the genesis of this monumental work of literature.
Similarly, editions must be careful to not just note their own fluctuation of content and appearance but also to preserve it in a stable way of versioning. Die Briefe werden sowohl als gedruckte Reihe als auch online als digitale Edition publiziert. Das Text-Image-Linking ist allerdings nur eines von zahlreichen bemerkenswerten Features. Orte und Personen farbig hervorheben zu lassen. Die Briefe aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sind durch einen digitalen Bestandskatalog erschlossen.
Die Briefe sind nach Stichworten, Datum und Konvolut zu durchsuchen und dann auch im Konvolutszusammenhang aufzurufen. Digitale genetisch-kritische und kommentierte Edition. Akademie der Wissenschaften [ohne Jahr; evtl. There is information about the location of the manuscript, of copies and of print editions to the individual letters. This information is completed by a summary, citation overview of the letter and details of known researchers to uncertain data like missing dates, places etc.
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In diesem Archiv schrieben vom Januar bis zum Der junge Goethe in seiner Zeit. Zur Darstellung wird Folio Views verwendet. Inzwischen gibt es auch eine Internet-Version der Edition. Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow - Kommentierte digitale Gesamtausgabe. Die Gutzkow-Ausgabe erscheint im Internet [ Das virtuelle Hamburgische Urkundenbuch. Ein eher experimentelles akademisches Projekt - "an academic exercise for students as well as a lesson in academic contribution and scholarship". Es vereinigt die beiden historisch-kritischen Heine-Editionen, die parallel in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR entstanden.
Hinzu kommen digitale Faksimiles handschriftlicher wie gedruckter Textzeugen, Bild- und Quellenmaterialien. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe — Digitale Edition. Ein besonderes Interesse liegt dabei auf der Methode der Dramennetzwerkanalyse und den damit einhergehenden Visualisierungstechniken. University of Szeged, Unter der Leitung von Ingo H. Umfassendes, theoretisch, methodisch und technisch gut fundiertes Unternehmen, das verschiedene Teileditionen - darunter die " Fontes Civitatis Ratisponensis " umfasst siehe dort.
Kabinettsprotokolle der Landesregierung von Nordrhein-Westfalen. Herzog August Bibliothek, Eine weitere Online-Edition bilden die Keller-Briefe. Harry Graf Kessler, Das Tagebuch Paul Klee — Bildnerische Form- und Gestaltungslehre. Klee bezeichnete dieses Material als Bildnerische Gestaltungslehre.
Jugend - Textgenetische Edition. Bei den Typoskripten, die von Koeppen selbst angefertigt bzw. Die Sequenzstruktur bildet zugleich das Ordnungsprinzip der textgenetischen Edition. Ihr besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt aber auf der Rekonstruktion der Textgenese, die auch durch eine Themen-Zeit-Matrix visualisiert wird.
Sie dokumentieren in authentischer Form die Willensbildung der Landesregierung. Inzwischen ist der Zeitraum von bis durch diese Edition erschlossen. Mit dem sechsten Band, der die Protokolle der Legislaturperiode von bis umfasst, wurde die Arbeit an der Edition erstmals auf eine digitale Publikationsform ausgerichtet. Lyrik des Deutschen Mittelalters. Abteilung und Teile der Editorischen Apparate [ Die Herkunftsorte der StudentInnen werden auf einer interaktiven Karte angezeigt.
Kunstbibliothek der Staatlichen Museen Berlin, "Erich Mendelsohn gilt als einer der wichtigsten Wegbereiter und Vertreter der modernen Architektur. Hugo von Montfort - Das poetische Werk. In Mozart's Words [Correspondence]. The website offers i a univocal database of all references to people, places and musical works contained in the letters, facilitating the systematic search of all cited occurrences, and ii access to background materials such as reviews, newspapers, documents, objects, paintings, engravings, and books as a corollary to the historical-critical annotations.
The letters are presented in three views: Die Druckausgabe soll bis abgeschlossen sein. Robert Musil - Klagenfurter Ausgabe. Die Sankt Galler Nibelungenhandschrift: Parzival, Nibelungenlied und Klage, Karl, Willehalm. Gallen und dem Basler Parzival-Projekt, St. Die Texte der Fragmente zu 'Parzival' und Nibelungenlied' erscheinen in synoptischer Darstellung mit den entsprechenden Abschnitten des St. Digitale Edition Codex St. Galler Nibelungenhandschrift [Epenhandschrift] Cod. Hypernietzsche "is a kind of research matrix that creates a virtual workspace".
Konzeptionell steht hier weniger Textkritik und kritische Edition im Vordergrund als vielmehr ein hoch organisiertes, auch semantisch erschlossenes digitales Archiv unter dem Paradigma des Hypertextes. Der Eintrag ist inzwischen historisch. Two editions are currently under publication in Nietzsche Source: Der Link zielt auf die Seiten des Verlags. Dat Nuwe Boych - Das neue Buch.
Dieser Ende des Neben der digitalen Textpublikation bietet die Plattform auch Informationen zum Text, seiner Entstehung sowie zu seinem Autor. Berlin-Brandenburger Akademie der Wissenschaften