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Shooting from the Lip - Sputnik International

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  • SHOOTING From The LIP.
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Postcards From Rocky Cape

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Slow-Motion Lip Sync EXPLAINED

Put this into your diary I am agreeing with Theresa May. She is absolutely right today to slap down the whining voices, including in her own cabinet, who are calling for another referendum. He should be told to shut up and only talk about football or lose his multi-million-pound contract. I have been saying for months that the Brexit betrayal has been stitched up for months and that we were all witnessing an elaborate and well-rehearsed charade which would culminate in the UK never really leaving the EU.

They both agree that Theresa May has betrayed the British people and both agree she will not get her deal through. So, if the UK is the fifth largest economy in the world, can someone please explain why we have so many homeless on the streets. Joining Jon Gaunt this week is terrorism and security expert, Mike Yardley. Mike really lives up to the title of the show by shooting from the lip on Russia, the Skripals, knife and gun crime and suggests the time has come to arm the Police. Users are obliged abide by national and international laws. Users are obliged to speak respectfully to the other participants in the discussion, readers and individuals referenced in the posts.

To contact the team of moderators, write to moderator sputniknews. Sputnik International all editions Log in Register Log out. They both agree that Theresa May has betrayed the British people and both agree she will not get her deal through.

Shooting From the Lip

Joining Jon Gaunt this week is terrorism and security expert, Mike Yardley. Mike really lives up to the title of the show by shooting from the lip on Russia, the Skripals, knife and gun crime and suggests the time has come to arm the Police. This latest episode of Shooting From the lip features straight talker, Raheem Kassam. Tommy really does shoot from the lip as he gives Gaunty the low down and the real facts about that photo with the Squaddies.

In this no holds barred interview with Neil Anderson of Migration Watch Jon asks can any UK political party deliver what the people seem to be demanding? His guest is Sammy Woodhouse the woman who blew the whistle on the Rotherham Pakistani rape gangs and the way the politicians, Police and social services ignored the rapes of children for fear of being accused of being racist.

In the latest episode of Shooting from the lip Jon Gaunt almost meets his match in someone who is not afraid to offend as he speak his mind.