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Only VidaLingua allows you to add notes, images, phrases and audio to create an engaging travel companion. Tap word or example to show context menu. I've look at different dictionary apps that's translated English to German. I'm taking classes to Learn German and this app has help me so much to understand and to pronounce German language.

I love the fact that I can adjust the voice speed to really help pronounce correctly, I highly recommend it this app especially to those who are learning to speak German. Du wirst es nicht bereuen. Thanks for your excellent review! Best, Liam, Customer Success Manager. After more than a year of use, I have come to appreciate this app more than the others.

Both the word translations and their use in phrases have helped and they are accurate. And I love having the conjugations. That is a big feature for me. I completely love this app! He was so excited when I started responding to his text messages in German! Thanks to this app, my friend and I have been talking nonstop! This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. I should probably go and read Ulysses or something. Comment Ja, tu das, bitte, und sag mir dann, wie es auskommt.

Ich will ihnen allen anschreien: Ich bitte doch sehr. Stevenson oder wer auch immer auf der tropischen Insel, und D. Wann werden endlich Antibiotika erfunden? Es ist nur traurig, dass sie das nie wussten. Comment A new thread already! But it is pretty, cosy and generally nice-housish, I must say just why exactly these words suddenly sprang to mind I'll never know I actually moved today and am writing from Hamburg right now. Although my furniture consists of only an air matress and a suitcase right now, but the ordered sofa bed is due to arrive tomorrow, and the rest of the furniture some time soon.

My flatmate received me in the nicest manner possible, and I really have a good feeling about this. The book fair was excellent. I met a lot of old friends, some of them completely unexpected and two former colleagues told me they are to move to Hamburg soon, what a pleasant surprise! And I met some very nice new people, too. I got a book from my former employer, and was very sad to learn that their bankruptcy is now a set thing, and the publishing house will probably soon close forrever. A crying shame, it really is. Robert, my condolences to you and your community.

It's really unimaginable that such a thing happens so close to you. I wish you, and particularly the student who lost his mother, and all the others who lost dear ones in the tragedy, a lot of strength. Comment God, wi-chan just made me feel really ashamed because I completely ignored Robert's last post. I'm so sorry about the shooting, Robert. You read about things like this in the papers, but it's not supposed to happen to people you know if only through a chatroom. It makes it so much more real.

I can't imagine how you must feel and I hope this brings the community together so at least some comfort can be found. But hm still made me laugh. I'd love to read a paper by you on Thomas Mann. I never was a great fan. And congrats to your new flat, wi-chan. I particularly envy you your ordered sofa. My own sofa is very chaotic: Ich will sie alle[n] anschreien auf dem Balkon Edit was interrupted Oh, edit again: Comment Edith can be quite a mean person sometimes! Comment Thank you, harambee, for the nice shell Would you consider Der Zauberberg as boring do you consider it boring or just tough to get through?

Oh, ja, und auch 'langerweilig', 'langenweilig' usw. Leider, leider oder doch? Vielleicht kommt noch jemand, der es mit dem 'Zauberberg' engl.: Magic Mountain vergleichen kann. Oder du kannst ja beides lesen und uns davon berichten. Hoffentlich wird die Arbeit genauso gut gehen und du wirst auch Zeit haben, die Stadt ein bisschen zu erkunden.

Essen -- Labskaus etwa, oder sonst was Fischiges? Schwebt er denn eigentlich in der Luft? Comment You are right, hm-us, the Commedian Harmonists thank you, youtube sing "steht am Balkon", but that would require a very large cactus. For us mere mortals it has to be "auf dem Balkon" I don't think I am willing to give Thomas Mann a try I did that a very long time ago and I was very bored. I might try Melville again, one day when I am bored and out of books.

50_Scrooge McDuck first appeared in the Donald Duck comic „Christmas on Bear Mountain“ (1947):

So, it is up to you to read both and then report back here. BTW - you can eat Labskaus without fish. I've had many times in my life Laubskaus and never with a hint of fish. But in my family Labskaus is considered a dish for the guys to give you some food for thought. Ich assoziiere es nur irgendwie mit Norddeutschland und eigentlich auch mit Moby Dick und Seefahrt und so und hatte daher angenommen, es hat wohl mit Fisch zu tun.

No tables in Robert's classrooms. Wir werden sehen, wie viele am Ende des Jahres sitzenbleiben. Auch wenn sie eine "dunkle Natur" haben mag, ist sie nicht dumm. Langsam werden wir alle das verkraften. Mein Pastor ist auch Polizeiseelsorger bei der Seal Beach Polizeiwache und war ein "first responder". Wir denken auch an die Kinder, deren Vater ihre Mutter ermordete. Labskaus is a one-dish meal made with mashed potatoes, corned beef and beets. It also has a reputation for being a hangover cure. Die alte Version ist mMn die beste. Ja, YouTube ist echt toll, obwohl ich die Videos erst downloaden und um?

Mein Ziel ist jeden Freitag Musik oder Video zu haben. Actually, the dragonfly-lings or how would you call little dragonflies? Sometimes it seems to me the whole school time consists of holidays! I don't know how to say it properly but I hope all who are concerned will be able to cope with it Comment The true dark nature of hm -- us? Not much longer than six months, right? After watching the film, I am now reading "Never let me go" by Kazuo Ishiguro for the second time first time was in or , shortly after it came out and finding it just as gripping as the first time round.

The film really does the book justice because it concentrates on the essentials down to the protagonists, the colours used and speed or rather lack of it. If you haven't read it yet, I can thoroughly recommend it. Comment More doorlets for hm: I somehow can't imagine. Could it be that Mann created a comparison that doesn't exist really? I have a feeling that in some regional dialect maybe Berlinerisch? Comment Good morning snails! Thanks harambee for the new snail home! I think I didn't even make it into the last one.

Too much work to do, as always plus I've been away to the States for quite a long time and have just been reading along if I had a bit of time. Was a bit of a strange trip, not only because it was so long but also work-wise, with a bit of a weird mood at times in the office and a shooting quite near our hotel and office. But there were also so many great people, many great talks, many bottles of wine, a bit of partying, lots of fun and my first ever visit to a Japanese restaurant well, Japanese fusion tapas, to be precise.

Comment May I pick up "auf dem" vs. Both versions work for me, although that might very well be an Austrian thing. Comment Comment on sitzenbleiben. I think but I'd like to have it confirmed by manni or other knowledgeable German speakers that there is a difference between sitzen bleiben and sitzenbleiben, the last one only used if somebody has to repeat a class in school.

I'd use "auf dem Balkon". For me "am Balkon" would probably describe something at the outer surface?? You can also "am Balkon hochklettern", but cactuses usually don't do that, whereas some other plants like grapevine shoots reportedly were seen doing exactly that. Comment Thank you for the new house, harambee. That is terrible news about the shooting. I don't know what to say Only that I would also use "Schiesserei" in German, rather than "Erschiessung". I do hope your community will recover from this tragic incident. I came across some other horrible local news the other day.

A 2-year old toddler was run over by a van. The driver shortly stopped, but then went on as if nothing had happened, leaving the child lying on the street. People who witnessed the accident just walked past, as if nothing had happened, leaving the child lying on the street. Another van drove up the road and also drove over the child. The child was ignored for almost 10 minutes by 18 passers-by! The child was then finally brought to hospital where it is now in intensive care. I first read about this in the English speaking daily newspaper, and then later came across the CCTV recording on a TV news show, because they seemed to be looking for the first driver, having caught the 2nd one already.

I had nightmares from this story. The UK Daily Telegraph also reported this story: Today's news say that they have identified the first driver and that he has contacted the toddler's family, offering some money, but unwilling to surrender to the police. We would probably stay longer, if our PlanA hadn't suddenly worked out in the very last minute. That was definitely true in the past. From what I understand, however, it was one of the subtleties lost to the Right Write Reform. A quick look-up shows me that "sitzen bleiben" is the recommended variant now with sitzenbleiben also a possibility for both meanings of the word, i.

Comment Before I dive into work: Hm-us I think you mix me up with someone else. I don't have dogs and I think I was in in Europe during Irene I am not sure, I moved around that time and things are a bit blurred. Apart from that - I live more in earthquake than hurricane territory. Regarding Labskaus - I think the traditional recipe includes fish, it is just my family never cooked it that way. And I think we that is my sister and me consider it a guys' dish because we are not as fond as the men of it.

I'm reading Graham Swift's "Wish you were here" only just started and I listen to "The hour I first believed" during my commute. I really like the book although it is not the most uplifting of books. I've read Never let me go and I really liked it. It is one of the books that stayed in my mind for a long time after.

Comment I think the snail with the beach loving dog loving was Mousy. Comment I have just finished in only two days one of the most moving books I have read in a long time. It was a spontaneous purchase in my favourite dangerous shop in town. It describes the story of the author and his dad who got Alzheimer more than 10 years ago. After a period of rebellion against what was happening to his dad, the author slowly learned to accept it, and even developed a new, close relationship and friendship with his dad and a new understanding of him, after decades of estrangement.

Although the book deals with a very sad topic and doesn't hide that, it is also funny, "tragicomic" in the best sense. As someone who has experienced the long good-bye from a parent with dementia myself, I admire the author very much for the way he lives with this situation. But I think it is worth reading also for persons who have never known somebody with dementia themselves, it is just a wonderful and moving story of love between father and son.

Comment Jools, I cannot believe that people can be so cruel. I can understand your nightmares and hope that intensive care can save the child. How strange, how can one even be able to run over a 2-year-old, shrug it off and drive away, not even calling an ambulance? That's completely unimaginable to me. That was not a good topic to start the post, everything else just seems so trivial after that.

But still, even in a world with cruel people in it, we should not forget that it has its good sides. I got my sofa bed! Still, no need to envy me, Gibson, because apart from a sofa bed, I don't have much else. An air matress and a suitcase. The improvised bedside table to my sofa bed consists of the air matress's carton, with a placemat over it. Assembling was included in the delivery costs, and when I pointed this out to the two young guys who delivered the carton, they told me that it was completely assembled, as it is So I asked them to unpack it and take the package away with them, because the paper they wanted me to sign said they would.

They unpacked it, saw the pieces, and screwed ten srews altogether in the o-so-readily-assembled sofa. I admit it was almost complete, and not too complicated to finish, but still, if I paid for assembly, assembly is what I expect to get, not merely a carton and an instruction sheet!

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We are talking books again! The author is a friend of mine, so I read volume 1 and liked it. His concept of magic it consists of strings that magicians can see and know how to "pull" and manipulate is quite unique. Also in the waiting line is a translation of "The Old Man and the Sea" that someone from the BILD newspaper, of all people, pushed into my hands at the book fair, the mystery set in Africa that my former employer gave me, and the second volume of George R. Martin's "Song of Ice and Fire" that fell into my hands some time ago.

Somewhere back in line there is still the "Zauberberg", but it is so far back it can't even see what it's queuing for, I'm afraid And when I have made at least a dent in this pile, I can consider your suggestions. More time would be a great Christmas present, wouldn't it? And more patience with sanatory inmates. Ja, Jools, das mit dem Kind ist schrecklich. Comment Oh, Verzeihung, Dixie und Mousy, da habe ich wieder Mist gebaut und ihn auch falsch geschrieben.

Erdbeben ui, hoffentlich nicht allzu nahe , Mousy: Jools, das mit dem Kind war in der Tat sehr traurig. Goldammer, der Buchtitel erinnert mich an Lear -- auch eine traurige Geschichte. Ich dachte, ich habe etwas von Ishiguro im Regal, aber vielleicht habe ich ihn mit jemandem anderen verwechselt. Julian Barnes hat den Booker-Preis gewonnen. Aber ich gebe noch nicht auf.

Gibt es denn andere solche Substantive, die sich mitten im Wort deklinieren? Sind das eher altmodische Formen?

stefan mesch

The driver [shortly] stopped briefly Comment Well, I am happy for Julian Barnes. The book sounds interesting. I was rooting for Sebastian Barry. But he did not even make the shortlist doorlet for hm: Comment For your amusement: Comment I think that may be a misconception, hm. Most of the time it's work, and very often hard work and very, very long hours with no day off. What makes it fun are the people you meet - some of them have been coming for years just like me so we are quite a close-knit group, and there's always a few new faces as well.

And as we were over for so long this time we just had to let off steam a few times. We paid dearly for partying until 5 in the morning the next day, of course, as it was a working day, but still - it was worth it. We'll never get together that young again. They have a bit of everything, sashimi, stir-fries, Japanese pizza, hot pots or whatever they are called so even someone as picky as I am could find something there.

Our Japanese colleague ordered for the group and I told the waiter about what I eat and what not and asked him whether this or that would be ok to eat for me. Turned out to be a good choice! Have a nice day everyone! Comment Oh, Lara, the minimalistic approach? That reads like you're having stress. Or are you busy enjoying yourself? I hope the latter! Comment Ich bin leider etwas im Stress.

GsD ist der Tag bald zu Ende. Ich musste eigentlich noch einkaufen gehen, habe aber keine Lust. Ich war also insgesamt 3 Tage nicht auf der Arbeit. Eine Kollegin von mir sortierte und verteilte die Post. Das mache ich jeden Tag: Heute bekam ich eine Mail, CC an meinem Chef. Da stand, "Kindly refrain from opening confidential mail for HR. Ich habe mich so auf Montag gefreut, weil Montag das voraussichtliche Lieferdatum war. Aber es kam kein Paket.

Heute bekomme ich eine Mail von amazon, dass mein Paket "unzustellbar" sei, weil ich entweder nicht zu Hause oder die Lieferadresse falsch war. I hope you are feeling better. Did you ever try ordering with Libri? I'm just assuming you ordered books and not some fancy German stuff.

Comment Ach, Lara, das tut mir leid. Und sollen sie nicht wenigstens 3x versuchen und das Paket wenigstens eine Woche, sogar zwei, auf der Lieferstelle? Kundenservice ist das bei weitem nicht. Du scheinst eigentlich immer viel zu arbeiten und oft einen ziemlich langen Arbeitstag zu haben, auch wenn du nicht gerade sozusagen beim Mutterschiff bist. Vielleicht besonders, wenn die Stimmung diesmal eher nostalgisch war. Handelt es sich um eine echte Sprungfedermatratze oder eher ein Futon? Comment Hm--us, the sofa-bed is very comfy. The upholstery is a bit firmer than my matress at home, but I've heard that is even healthier for the spine or so I chose to believe It has a spring core, I paid attention to get one that has, since I will be sleeping on it for quite some time.

The appartment house is situated in a side street, rather quiet, no heavy traffic. Its walls, however, are rather thin, so it is quite clairaudient is that really a word? But my flatmate says that you get used to it soon. And she goes to bed quite early and is very quiet in the morning, so no problems there. Hope you get well soon, Lara! As for the other problems, I think hm's advice is good.

Explaining things in a friendly way you can't go far wrong. Comment I don't feel uprooted? Once all my boxes are unpacked. My theory is that since the Internet age started it is much easier to move around without feeling uprooted. It is easier to stay in contact with friends on a daily basis until you make friends in the new place. I don't think complaining to Amazon will help - most times these packages are sent back before they even make it close to your home.

I've got some mailings that were sent back because they used German address formats so the house number and zip code is all over the place. Schlaf gut, wi-chan, das klingt wenigstens meist vielversprechend. Ich mache mir ein wenig Sorgen um Amy, die in dieser verrauchten Wohnung festgesessen hat. Wenn sie dieses Jahr wieder eine schwierige Klasse hat, braucht sie wenigstens einen ruhigen, erholsamen Zufluchtsort.

Amy, falls du mitliest, hoffentlich sieht es bei dir diese Woche etwas besser aus. Habt ihr schon Herbstwetter? Comment No need to apologise, hm! I didn't take it personally. I think all of us in that group of travellers get that a lot. A colleague once mentioned that even his partner who should know better once said to him something like "oh, the next time you go on holiday to the States So back to work!

Comment Ich werde mich wahrscheinlich nicht bei amazon beschweren. Wieso muss ich eine Telefonnummer angeben, wenn ich nicht mal bei einer Unklarheit kontaktiert werde? Vielleicht klappt das besser Comment I have a question for the German experts: Which one is correct: Derzeit arbeite ich bis Dezember dieses Jahres als xy bei abc Derzeit arbeite ich bis Dezember diesen Jahres als xy bei abc I've been looking at this sentence for too long now and am totally confused. Comment Hi Jools, "diese s Jahres". The other one is horribly wrong, although it's widely used So my gut feeling was right.

Thank you for the confirmation. Comment Here you have an onion fish on the topic: Comment If you don't use "dieses" but "das" instead, it becomes more obvious: Hm - no, I live in the West, the Pacific is not too far from my home. Does this make sense? Comment Aber verstehe ich richtig, dass das nur so ist, weil 'dieses' ein das -Wort ist? Ein Adjektiv wie z. Comment Aber verstehe ich richtig, dass das nur so ist, weil 'dieses' ein das-Wort ist?

I can't explain the grammar in detail, but if you say: I support the re-introduction of the pool: Comment CC had a pool?

Crossover Chat 297

I disagree with the statement that the domicile is a crucial point for happiness. The conclusion that somebody should move to another place if the city he lives in makes him unhappy is absurd in my opinion. I'm actually convinced that almost every place on earth has positive things in abundance if you only give the place a chance. There are many much more important aspects, in particular the people you meet.

Comment Yes, the CC had a pool, quite a while ago. Considering current temperatures, a sauna or heated whirlpool might be a good idea, and the glass of wine could well be a mulled one? Harambee, I believe it depends. Don't forget that the place you are living in determines the people you meet. And if they all happen to be unorganized Chinese people who never listen to what you tell then, and couldn't care less about your only day off - to take an example completely at random - well, moving does not seem to be such a bad idea.

And I once knew a person in Frankfurt who had to move back to his birthplace in eastern Germany, because he missed it too much to be truly happy. Comment Yes, wi-chan, people and location are no independent factors, but I would start the evaluation with the people and not with the town. I now live in Magdeburg and Magdeburg has a not too good reputation.

So, when we have to fill a position it is quite difficult to convince people from other regions in Germany or from abroad that they give the town a chance. Some have done it and most of them - but not all I have to admit - found out that it is a town you can actually be happy in. About sauna and heated whirlpool: Sounds good but I object the "or" in your suggestion! Comment A few correcturitos for hm The first sentence would mean that the wine is the subject of your conversation. It would not tell whether you actually have a glass or not. The second version - and I assume that's what you had wanted to say - means that you have some conversation about whatever topic while savoring a glass of wine.

Comment I agree, the problem with "Reichweite des Pazik" is that the perspective is reversed. It means that the Pacific can reach you within 15 minutes, not that you can reach the Pacific within 15 minutes. In addition to that, "Reichweite" is pretty flexible. It could stand for "15 Gehminuten", "eine Autostunde" or "einen Tagesritt". Comment I'd opt for den Pazifik in Reichweite.

I'm an avid reader myself and so is the wife and the children so there's no need for further encouragement, but I think it's a good idea, in principle, to try to get people to read more, make use of public libraries, etc. They also have a series of ads they're running in various newspapers, local and otherwise.

It's common knowledge in Austria or so I would have thought , that the only book he ever read for pleasure i. And he did not finish that one, by his own admission. Irony - it's like goldy and bronzy only it's made out of iron! Comment He could still serve as a negative example, Carullus. Do you really want that? That's gotta have them running to the book piles!

Comment apart from a sofa bed, I don't have much else. I see harambee's point but I've often wondered why we are so unbothered about where we live: We choose our profession with care and our partners as well, but as far as the the third big thing in our lives, home, is concerned, we usually just live where we happened to be born or where the job took us. That is strange, isn't it? Very unoriginally, I've always wanted to live by the sea so why don't I? I'm glad that wi-chan's unknown friend moved back to where he felt he belonged. It's important to feel a connection to a place.

Comment Gibson, it's what I call "not finished moving yet". But the rest of my things will come on Monday, the rest of my furniture to put said things into will be delivered on Wednesday that is somehow the wrong way around, isn't it? If you've always wanted to live by the sea, the location Hamburg should actually make you more jealous than a simple sofa bed. Well, about that acquaintance not really a friend; we lost contact when he moved back , you don't know all the facts. He left behind a really sad girlfriend, who, quite understandable, could not bring herself to give up her good job as a public servant and therefore non-redeemable to live with him in an area without any real perspective.

So their different priorities actually meant they split up, in the end. I thought it rather sad. Comment Why are your things delivered separately? Is that not a bit complicated? And I know all about having one part and needing the other half to get started with the unpacking I actually pick my place of living by where I want to live. Of course, I also go where my job takes me, but there are certain places where I would only go if I were in dire need of a job.

I actually moved once from one city to another and had a daily commute of at least 1 hour - each way because I did not like the place where I worked. In my mind it is Germany's greyest city outdoing Husum easily. I think reading is overrated: Comment Looks like you are more speechless 6g? Ich bin nur 45 Minuten mit dem Auto vom Strand entfernt.. Comment Dixie, a friend of mine, by a stroke of luck, just happens to go to Hamburg on business on Monday, in his great big company car he does not even have to pay the fuel , with nothing but his briefcase to carry.

So he kindly agreed to take as much of my stuff as the trunk can hold. The furniture, however, I had to order anew wi-chan-Mann remains in our appartement for now, so he'll still be needing things like the wardrobe and the desk, for example. That will be delivered on Wednesday, in fresh new packages that will probably drive me near the edge of desperation when I open them and try to assemble the contents into serviceable pieces of furniture.

The sofa bed I ordered from another company, which was a bit faster on terms of delivery and included assembly into the bargain one of the reasons why I chose them - I can wait five weeks for my desk, if need be, but five weeks on an air mattress? I was, in fact, in dire need of a job. But luckily, Hamburg would have been among my top choices, had I been able to chose.

As for reading being overrated - you are reading these words right now, aren't you? You are welcome to stop reading at any time. See if you manage! Talking about lakes, Lara, did I mention that my new office is situated in walking distance from Hamburg's famous Binnenalster? Comment Well,let me re-phrase, wi-chan, the importance of reading books is overrated. Or maybe I should say over-emphasized. And I read a lot, I just think there is put too much emphasis on the importance of reading or the belittling belittlement?

You are very lucky being so close to the Binnenalster, it is a really nice area, I always liked it there. You've got nice and helpful friends, I hope he will also carry the boxes into your apartment. I hope I will be done with that task tomorrow for a long time Personally, I'm not sure that is possible. That said, if somebody doesn't read, that's fine sad, but fine by me. Just don't go around endorsing PSAs for public libraries. Comment Dixie, when you say that reading books is overrated, does that imply that all that what you can find in books is overrated?

Or do you just say that it is possible to find the very same things by other means? And does your statement refer to adults and to children? Is that a common cliche I did not know about or are rocking chairs suited to unite the Americans? Comment Rocking chair on a porch? I think that's a pretty common cliche, no? Comment Maybe this excerpt from Wikipedia http: Die Erfindung des drehbaren Schaukelstuhls wird auch immer wieder Benjamin Franklin zugeschrieben, obwohl exakte Quellen nicht belegt sind.

Tatsache ist, dass sich Benjamin Franklin einen Armlehnstuhl gebaut hatte. Wir haben einen Schaukelstuhl im Mission-Stil hier ein Beispiel, falls ihr einen solchen Stuhl selber herstellen wollt http: La-Z-Boy ist eine Firma aus Michigan http: Er hat sich mit diesem Lebensstil abgefunden. Zu jemandem zu stehen — behutsam inszeniert im simplen Retro-Zeichenstil. Jahrhundert] auf den Kopf stellen. Die Ermutigungsversuche seiner Freundin, seinen eigenen Manga zu zeichnen, schlagen auch nicht an.

Mit der Zeit werden seine Wahnvorstellungen immer schlimmer. Doch handelt es sich wirklich um Wahnvorstellungen…? Ein misogyner, phlegmatischer, recht dumpfer Manga-Assistent steckt im Alltag fest — und redet unsympathischen Stuss. An vielen Stellen zum Schreien spannend. Ich bin in Band Es endet leider recht abrupt und antiklimatisch: Vielleicht wird die Reihe irgendwann fortgesetzt?

Bis Yotsuba mit ihrem allein erziehenden Vater ins Nachbarhaus zieht. Strange human kingdoms survive at the edge of the Sea of Corruption, a poisonous fungal forest. Nausicaa, a gentle young princess, has a telepathic bond with the giant mutated insects of this dystopia. He is in love with a young schoolgirl he sees when he goes to the convenience store to buy food.

One day, he suddenly finds himself in the body of Mari Yoshizaki, the very girl he is so fond of stalking. The story deconstructs body swap stories by showing that an actual body swap would probably be utterly terrifying to the victims. Then, from beyond the stars drops an impish defender sent forth to stop alien robots from destroying the Earth. Zouichi wants to find Yion Green, an immortal year-old girl. But then, Yion is kidnapped. Despite his flaws, he is highly professional, accomplishing his task no matter the cost.

Ihr introvertierter Freund Keisuke ist in Koume verliebt. There, they meet Suzu, their young and reliable half sister. Through her friend Futami, she starts going to an art class led by Kenzou Hidaka, an intimidating teacher who spends much of his time yelling at his students and keeping them focused on drawing. Akiko is initially confused by the behavior of the teacher and her fellow students in the class, but she keeps going regardless, eventually becoming the manga author she is today. But years later, he is physically no older. He has grown weary of his lonely existence, and seeks the one creature that might be able to restore his mortality — a mermaid.

The two travel together, in search of a cure that may not even exist. When his boss sends him to try working in Trattoria Baccanale, a top-class restaurant in Tokyo, Ban is determined to survive the harsh work environment. It was completed in and has produced a sequel called Bambino! He helps troubled customers resolve their often highly emotional problems.

If you ever wanted to know the history of drinks, or the chemistry of making an excellent drink-this is a must read. The series contains very little dialogue. Thanks to the stunning artwork, it seems all the more brutal. To rid himself of this curse and end his life of misery, he must slay one thousand evil men! For now, Takezo is a cold-hearted killer. The journey of a wild young brute who strives to reach enlightenment by way of the sword.

His flesh is marked with The Brand, an unholy symbol that draws the forces of darkness to him and dooms him as their sacrifice. Accompanied by Puck the Elf, more an annoyance than a companion, Guts follows a dark path. But despite fighting the good fight, Satou has become an unemployed hikikomori —a shut-in who has withdrawn from the world. A modern-day James Bond, Ky constantly encounters mystery and adventure. Each story contains a murder, a mystery and suspicious characters.

In this first story, Ky and his partner Mack work against a deadline to prevent the detonation of a nuclear device. This officially ended the Cyborg manga. Akira Hojo is a charming and ruthless thirty-something leader of a small Yakuza society. Planetes follows the lives of Yuri and his fellow debris-men as they work and ruminate at the edge of the great empyrean sea.

With only her attendant Loki at her side, Nakaba must find a way to cope with her hostile surroundings, her fake marriage…and a mysterious power! But first he must defeat his teacher: But despite this, Saitama continues to follow his now utterly mundane dream, encountering Mutants, Cyborgs, Ninjas, Humanoid Aliens, Supernatural Martial Arts masters, Psychics, corrupt Super Teams, Kaiju, Sea Monsters and just about everything else you can imagine along the way. They were placed with their grandparents in the countryside of Japan, since their grandfather knows all about the spiritual beings.

The spirits that the two girls encounter are generally based on Japanese folk tales and usually not malignant, although often very obnoxious and persistent. It tells the story of Li Chang Ge, a young Chinese princess plotting revenge against the man who killed her family: Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of Tang. Over time, the series also begins to focus on his sister, the cold, morbid and rebellious Marie Joseph as she struggles to navigate the patriarchal society of the time to become an executioner herself, and her eventual entanglement with Marie Antoinette.

But one day, the guilt of primarily attending to the wealthy patients and leaving poorer people in need of his skills drives him to first operate on a child who was hurt in the murder of his adoptive parents rather than the mayor of Dusseldorf. As a result, the child lives, the mayor dies in the hands of less talented surgeons, and Tenma is demoted by his superiors and dumped by his fiancee. Suddenly, the hospital directors that demoted Tenma die in very mysterious circumstances. The killer is the same boy he operated on nine years ago, now a young adult. In the 36th century, humanity has split into two superpowers engaged in a decades-long war.

Yang Wen-li, an easygoing historian, fights for the opposing Free Planets Alliance: A wicked stepmother and three brothers with whom she shares no blood ties. It turns out Akagi is a local laundryman who is horrible at his job. Link meine 20 Lieblings-Comics , kurz vorgestellt: Image Comics, seit Mai Der Vater der Superhelden Autor: Thomas Campi Super Genius, Ice Cream Man Autor: Image Comics, seit Januar Ro Stein Image Comics, seit August Penelope Bagieu Gallimard, und Days of Hate Autor: Der Umfall Autor und Zeichner: Mikael Ross Avant Verlag, Go Go Power Rangers Autor: Studios, seit Juli Eine Schwester Autor und Zeichner: Kingdom Autor und Zeichner: Jon McNaught Nobrow Press, Space Brothers Autor und Zeichner: Chuya Koyama Kodansha, seit Ende Drei Wege Autorin und Zeichnerin: Julia Zeijn Avant Verlag, Vinland Saga Autor und Zeichner: Makoto Yukimura Kodansha, seit Juli Dezember , ab Ein Comic, der das gut macht?

Der Zeichenstil war eigensinnig, die Heftreihe hatte einen ganz eigenen Ton — und seitdem experimentiert Marvel mit diesen kleinen, schrulligen Konzepten: Stattdessen geht es um zwei konkrete Fragen: Horror-Manga mit einer Trepanation. Ich mochte, im schwulen Museum Berlin — bunter, umfassender, origineller: Ich will mir eine Geschichte selbst ausmalen.

Man muss ja auch nicht jeden Trend mitgehen. Ich hab gleich mit den richtig fetten Schinken losgelegt. Mangas und Comics sind mir mittlerweile nicht mehr ernst genug. Ich bin aber eher der Romantyp. Holla die Buchfee Aequitas et Veritas Little Book Obsession 6.

Philipp Poisel - Ich will nur (Offizielles Video)

Conny Meine kleine Welt 8. Kiras kleine Leseecke Anna von liveyourlifewithbooks Katja Zwischen den Seiten Mein Lesezeichen Blog Sarah von ZeilenSprung — Literatur erleben Bettina von Bookish Moments Tinte Feder Schwert Manga-Empfehlungen von mir Lieblingscomics Lieblingscomics Man taucht nicht nur in die Fantasie des Autors, sondern auch gleich noch in die des Zeichners ein. Ich finds toll, wenn man manchmal keine Worte braucht und trotzdem die Geschichte versteht. Das Bild dient dabei nicht dazu, dem Leser die Vorstellungsarbeit abzunehmen.

Der Zugang zu Comic ist intuitiv: Deswegen lesen sie Kinder so gerne. Die Haupthandlung geht unbeteiligt weiter, aber im Hintergrund jagt ein Mensch seinen Hund, weil der seine Hose geklaut hat. Allen Graphic Novels, die ich mag, ist gemein, dass sie versuchen, ein komplexes Thema oder den Inhalt eines mehrere hundert Seiten langen Romans in einer graphischen Darstellung wiederzugeben. Nicht nur Nerds, Geeks oder aber Kinder lesen Comics. Seine Figuren sind die Ducks, die er auf diese Abenteuer schickt.

Leider ist er nun im Ruhestand, es kommen also keine neuen Geschichten mehr von ihm. Batman-Comics sind, glaube ich — man verzeihe mir das Stereotyp — so ein Jungs-Ding. Es ist legitim, sie als Helden zu verehren, weil sie stark sind. Es geht meist um einen Hauptcharakter, der mit der Zeit Freunde findet und auf eine Reise aufbricht oder auf ein bestimmtes Ziel hinarbeitet. Was mich an gezeichneten Figuren reizt?

Die Emotionen bekommen ein Gesicht, welches ich nicht fehlinterpretieren kann. Ich kann mich stundenlang in einem Manga verlieren und dann beim zweiten Mal lesen doch immer wieder etwas Neues entdecken. Ich denke, dass das auch ein Grund war weshalb ich sie so gerne gelesen habe, das hat mich einfach fasziniert. Da war ich dann ganz weit weg von meinem Alltag. Why does Donald live in a house where he can barely reach his own door knob? All duck characters are modelled after North American pekin ducks , but over the years, their necks get drawn shorter. His frock is red, blue, green, sometimes black: It varies from comic to comic.

Scrooge thought that no one would look inside, anyways: The Beagle Boys bought the empty lot next to the bin and drilled a hole to syphon out the coins. Yet another later design shows a money bin up on a hill.

When the Beagle Boys try to drill through the bottom, Donald floods the bin the wash them out… …but then, sudden cold weather freezes up the water-and-coins-mix — and the money bin combusts. For other Barks-designed money bins over the years, see the second picture below, by Don Rosa, after Carl Barks. The visual storytelling is often straightforward, the panel layouts are simple… …but there are some beautiful effects with black outlines. Particularly in the story below, set on an island near Hawaii: My only goal is to make money.

I love how snarky Donald acts here: He sees the irony. Many Barks comics show how Scrooge suffers, worries and gets paranoid because of his wealth. He seems sad or neurotic most of the time. Some of these conversations run suprisingly deep! Scrooge often seems uncultured, narrow-minded, and maybe traumatized from his childhood in Scotland: And I made it square!

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In the episode, he seems full of himself and out of touch with the present. And burrow through it like a gopher! And toss it up and let it hit me on the head! So it has to be an organized gang — not just some group of siblings or close relatives. The Beagle Boys try to steal a Native American statue — but once they lift it, a boulder is let loose as a death trap.