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When Coop vanishes with his invention Paul is left to clean up the pieces, but when Coop calls to ask for help from a mysterious lab in a desolate desert town Paul cannot resist and is rapidly drawn into a plan to build an outlaw colony on the moon, driven by an industrialist with grandiose dreams. But just when the dream takes flight global realpolitik takes hold and it is le The universe is dying, slowly each star is petering out until everything goes dark.

The last civilisation has entrusted it's future to one ship searching for a planet that can still support life. John is a prospector on the moon of Callisto. While on a surveying trip he finds a derelict ship at the bottom of a valley. Checking out the wreck he realises that this vessel has no business being… In this short story, military software had optimized a classic ground campaign, except for a twist in the assumptions that was completely useless.

The Spirit of Caledonia. With her husband lost at sea, Shelia's faith is all she has to cling to in their little home of Caledonia.

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Deep inside she prays that somehow she will see him again, that the sea will bring back what it took from her long ago. But when her prayers are answered, it's not at all what she expected The Singularity - Transparency. Those that fail to comply… I'm Mike Williams, but you can call me 'Magnet'. It's short for 'Chick Magnet'.

Not My War (Rex Pain Space Soldier #3)

Good old-fashioned military humour at its finest. Hell is a war torn dump named Jupiter. Rex Pain has been sent into this hell on the wings of a burning entry ship to win, die or die trying. With everything going wrong and not a hope of reprieve in… Kal is ready to leave his strange home and is about to embark on a journey to even stranger worlds.

After four years of exile, he can finally escape into the metaxia, the unspace between universes, and… A military scientific breakthrough designed to provide the ultimate protection for our soldiers goes horribly wrong in this short story. Giunta's additional tale of fantasy. He currently lives with his wife, Lori, and six-year old daughter, Ada Rose, in the perpetual summer that is central Arizona. He credits all of his work to the advent of air-conditioning Embarkation 3 Just a Game.

Shoot the Humans First. On Earth, everyone is a soldier. Like all humans Jadeth was trained from birth to kill. Humans are the best soldiers in the galaxy and they fight for whoever pays the most.

  1. Get Rid Of Clutter Today.
  2. Troy Baker.
  3. A Home by the Sea.
  4. Happy Maths 3 (Measurements).

With no family, no country, no tribe, their lives and their loyalty belong to High Command. Unbeknown to the human population and their sworn enemies the mermians, the planet Terrak has been scheduled for soul… A Story of the Twin Stars. Trapped aboard a doomed orbital colony, an Imperial Officer and a Pirate find themselves locked in a desperate battle for survival against suicidal cultists bent on returning all aboard to the winds… Beyond Mars Crimson Fleet.

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The story begins with a huge chaotic space battle between the forces of Earth and a revolting Martian Fleet. With no escape possible and faced with the total slaughter of the Martian race by the merciless and technologically advanced Crimson Fleet, the Martians gamble everything on a desperate strategy of surprise and unorthodox tactics The Project Short Story.

Two scientists pull an all-nighter, desperate to complete their work before the project is terminated. Garrett was just reaching for the keyboard when the office door flew open and Harris burst… Dragon Land Expansion Gamer, Book 2. The War of Blood and Bones: Assassin Spy Action Thriller Series 4. Stories 1 to 4 Collection. Strip and Torment of a Wife Combined Edition.

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Torment of a Wife. The Demon Hunter Collection. The Insomnia Collection Stories The Collection 2 Stories Blade and Death Knight Combined Edition.

Time To Die 2: Bloody boxing at its limit! Chase Monk Political Thriller Series. Welcome to the Weird World. Trapped and Assassin Two Story Pack. It's the little things that can kill you! Fighter Real Ninja, Book 1. Wilson Wilson Jack Series, Book 1. Capitalist Pigs The Terrorist Series. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.

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