Timothy Holman, who translated part of the cache into English, said the documents were collected at border crossings into Isis territory between November and December Security sources have told The Independent the documents appear to be genuine, although they have not been publicly verified. False flags is one side of the issue. The correlation between religion and violence being cause or effect is another. And amongst groups like ISIS, a strong religious brand helps the the leadership to maintain control. Exactly — as i put it, what possible reason would you shell fellow Ukrainians 30km from the Russian border — if not to provoke Russia into crossing it.
Declining empires breed nihilists like a mangy dog breeds fleas. The biting insects assume whatever color is popular at the time. The old dog blames his preferred adversaries. In this way dog and fleas form a cohesive unit. Someone has edited it prior to release to remove the ISIS propaganda and a beheading. The amount of hardware ISIS claims to have acquired after the failed attack is amazing. It bears no relation to the apparent size of the attacking force. It certainly confirms the suspicion that the attack was intended to fail and was actually a cover for a supply drop to ISIS.
Seriously, the Psheks could well try to befriend their kith and kin down in Galicia rather than leeching off a bankrupt EU. Indeed, it is an age-old truth that class consciousness tends to be far stronger at the top; hence the prevalence — especially in times of decline and decay — of Elite conspiracies. Ideologically, the system still works with its mass infantilization, pathetic political stunts, and all-out reactionary Ziomedia garbage.
Neoliberalism is hard-core Elitist — this is where it differs most significantly from fascism. And, conversely, what the Western masses really want is continued consumerism at the expense of planetary survival. The more intelligent people within the populist Right understand that the Western Elites are going to let them down immensely, distracting their less far-sighted Western compatriots with Cultural Marxism, Russophobia, Terror hoaxes, etc.
It will be immensely interesting to see whether these folks can overcome their cretinism and let their knowledge guide them to reach the ultimate conclusion: Support Russia and smash Western imperialism. As for the zio-gay Left and its Cultural Marxism, it is in perfect lock-step with the Western Elites all along the line. I fully support your comment. None of the outsiders should tell a nation, any nation what to do in their country or how to live. The goal of many people here including myself is to take down the empire, not to replace it. As a German whose ancestors were forced to flee from their homes in what was then Prussia, it was a strange feeling to walk the streets of Danzig and Gdingen when i visited not long ago.
To know that my great grandfather probably walked the same streets and visited the same churches back in the days when that was still part of Germany. But I also felt that it is no longer German. I guess it is now Polish. I would not fight to get it back and would also have to respectfully decline any kind of supervision. Let the Poles figure it out for themselves. By chaos, division, and conflict they rule.
Europe should send some planes to drop leaflets on the countries the immigrants are coming from telling them the hotel is full. An israeli was photographed conveniently at both Nice and Germany attacks taking photos. The Nice attacker sent a large sum of money back to family just before. I think we should impeach obummer. Plus, Trump might be a better actor if he realizes impeachment can happen. Trying to work out where the British elite stand in this is difficult.
They are fully behind the demonisation of Russia, yet are moving closer to China. Also their media is fully behind the US world wide false flag terror operation. Thank you for connecting all of the dots hidden within this mist of seemingly contradictory events and narratives. You showed us and some other contributors to this trail , that all of this surrealism is, in its very core, just a pure and simple class war.
This is a very good analysis. They are frightening but hardly all powerful. They are very poor when it comes to unexpected events, like say a million angry people on the streets that overthrows a government. Kind Regards and keep up the good work. There is something I am going to try and explain here after watching the Democratic National Convention this evening that will invite the scorn of many of my friends.
But the words are gagging my throat and my stomach is twisted and sick and I have to vomit this out. The anti-americanism in me is about to explode and land god knows where as my rage is well beyond reason. Every subtle lesson I was ever subliminally given about the bullies across the border and their rudeness and their lack of education and their self-given right to bomb whoever they wanted in the world for no reason other than that they wanted something the people in the other country had, and their greed, came oozing to the surface of my psyche.
The Ukraine, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, you name it — your country has bombed it or destroyed its civilian life in some basic way. When I heard all the Americans cheering for the military and the pronouncements of might coming from the speakers in the Wells Fargo Centre, I loathed you. I loathed every single one of you. I knew in my gut that what I was taught as a child was true, which is that YOU are the enemy.
YOU are the country to be feared. YOU are the country to be disgusted by. And your greed and self-satisfaction and unearned pride knows no bounds. I am not an American tonight. I reject my Puritan ancestors who landed in this country in I reject the words I voiced at my citizenship ceremony. I reject every moment of thrilling discovery I ever had in this country. You people have no idea what it is like for people from other countries to hear you boast and cheer for your guns and your bombs and your soldiers and your murderous military leaders and your war criminals and your murdering and conscienceless Commander in Chief.
All those soaring words are received by the rest of us, by us non-Americans, by all the cells in our body, as absolutely repugnant and obscene. And there you all are tonight, glued to your TVs and your computers, your hearts swelled with pride because you belong to the strongest country on Earth, cheering on your Murderer President. You kill and you kill and you kill, and still you remain proud.
You speak for many. I applaud your rage, your indignant fury. I share your every emotion, the hatred, loathing, fury and intense desire to see this vile stinking slime ridden demon destroyed in my lifetime. All we can do, any of us, is as much as we can do. Speaking the truth with power as you have is a great contribution. Just dont let them win by allowing yourself to be eaten up with hatred. Well, I think he is not expressing hatred but utterly repulsion and disgust which is not the same and is what most of us out of US feel as well.
It was about time that someone said once and for all the truth about US and Americans. After all the rhetoric blaming the Europeans for not to put a solution to something that is only in the hands of the people of the US to fix it. And when I say people of US I mean all who vote and contribute there, regardless of their origins or if they consider themselves aliens there or not.
All contribute to the rotten system that keeps turning and doing evil all over the globe. I hope you feel all self-righteous and pure after your rant. Just a couple of comments. First of all, Canada is not some innocent bystander in all of this — get over yourself. Yes, there are a lot of know-nothings in the US and Canada!
I am just as outraged as anyone by some of the stuff that gets done in my name as an American. You are clearly very unaccustomed, man. Europeans are treated so, here in this blog, continuously and, moreover, are blamed for not stopping what your government and military are doing out there.
But no, we, Europeans or non Americans, have to endure the blatant pro-Trump campaign carried out here for at least half a year and say nothing because if not, you, the indispensable people of the indispensable nation, go and get dissapointed. Learn to go feelling and swallowing the contempt of the people which is widespread worldwide, of the caliber of your misdeeds throughout the world and history. For your information, Europe is also a huge space formed by different countries with different cultures and so in it there are all kinds of people, included certain ones who have always fought on the right side of the antifascist front, from the cradle, and have nothing to be ashamed of, and yet day in and day out are attacked, banned and ridiculed by you, Americans natives or legal residents who mostly read, comment and publish in this blog.
An excellent observation concerning US Imperial Evil. As if the thought that the mental and spiritual strait-jacket of America Worship being questioned might lead-who knows where? However, what happens when not if the EU collapses? The professional politicians will no longer be able to look forward to moving upward to secure and richly paid sinecures in the EU. This is the carrot that urges them to constantly play ball with the aims of the empire.
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They are not wanted in commerce or in the governments of other states. There are only so many fine jobs to be had in the academies and the think tanks and such. They will have to.. In other words, they will be forced to accommodate themselves to the wishes of the people of their home state.. As a devout Orthodox Christian, I am somewhat surprised that you consider the issue of abortion unimportant.
Could you explain this a little bit? Also Nestorians are not Orthodox Christians. They are, well, Nestorians: The Saker never said that abortion from a moral standpoint unimportant. What he is perhaps getting at is that there is a level of government governance, ecology above the ostensible categories such as executive, legislative and judicial. Bush and a legislative majority from the same party Republican and yet have no change in policy.
Pro-life politicians need abortion so that they can ritually denounce it every election cycle, securing the vote of the pious— their moral culpability is at the very least is the sin of simony trading in sacred things. The picture of the Bushes playing golf with Bill Clinton tells all. For example the idea that the various media circuses like the bathroom issues in America, are a planned distraction; or the Black America issues; or refugee issues in Europe — all as being used in a conspiracy to create more of a martial law environment.
The idea that all of the recent Muslims terror attacks were by nominal Muslims with mental problems, and therefore that means they were the products of a conspiracy to invoke a more hardcore police state environment in Europe and America, is quite a leap of faith in the official explanations and conjecture. We do not really know what is real or not about those specific Muslims — the reason is because there is a concerted effort by Muslims in positions of influence in the west super wealthy oil wealth and politically connected to divorce Islam from any blame to terror attacks.
Those influences can seem conspiratorial, when they are really self-imposed boundaries which leads to what looks like a common controlling influence of people, rather then the influence of the culture they all work within. You suggest it is because of the supposed lack of piety of the Muslim terrorists or refugees. Even if we are not lied to about the lack of piety of those people, they can be explained another way: Their desperation makes their inherent problems in transitioning into European society worsened. For example in Muslim countries men are used to treating women in a certain way and getting away with it, so of course their all of a sudden desperate situation in Europe making them unstable, combined with their inherent machismo and attitudes, can easily set them on the course to violence towards women, and towards people in general.
And because it has, that has led many people in the EU to realize they have a big problem with potential violence — and the media very predictably reacts in order to gain views for their TV shows, or websites or news organizations and so on. The media values sensationalism for viewership, and they push fear for reasons of selling their shows or website or papers, and that in turn creates a feedback loop which manifests in the people becoming more fearful and suspicious, and treating refugees worse — making the refugees more violent, thereby creating a vicious cycle.
This leads to demands made on the governments to increase the police state. All very predictable and not needing any conspiracy. I do assure you that they would produce more accurate work if they adhered to the cock-up theory. The President recalled, however, that [King Ibn] Saud. Thankyou Saker — I have been seeing and saying this for the last few years, increasingly as time goes by. That all of these events carries a clear, obvious lead back to the Empire is so evident to me that I have for a long time been bewildered by the acceptance of the stupid, illogical stories by so many others.
Agree that the Evil Empire, the Hegemon, is cracking and sinking and that this is good news. Unhappily an animal driven into a corner and sinking into the mud thrashes out in all directions. This one is no different. Yet the Empire is now so insane and so hubristically confident that it holds all the media and information cards that it does it anyway — and smirks. All any of us can do now is pray that a means is found to euthanise the dying beast at the earliest possibility. The hope being that the natural law of diminishing returns…. Look at your day to day life. Shortly before the convention, the Democratic Primary process was revealed to be a rigged fraud.
The Nuland conversation about the coup in the Ukraine. Sure, I also read about Orlando being staged, Nice being fake, Bataclan being fake.
False flags fluttering in the Empire’s hot air
I read that nobody is really who they claim to be- like this article- are the posters on this site really who they claim to be or are we all being played. Where does this end? The conspiracy theories just get bigger and wilder. Maybe just maybe many of the events are what they are and nothing more. The people who say things like no one was killed in Sandy Hook, Orlando, or Nice or that the no planes were involved in the WTC attack are just disinformation agents.
They are just trying to muddy the waters so no one will take anything other than official narratives as being true. This may be a reasonable initial response to any one of these events. Over and over again, events of the sort the Saker refers to in this post turn out to be extremely fishy upon closer examination. Anyone who has looked somewhat closely at Orlando, for instance, should have no question it was at least partly staged, whatever the whole event consisted in. When I first heard about the Woolwich attack, I thought, well, this sounds like the sort of random act of violence that is entirely possible.
I would expect revenge attacks of this sort to happen. Then I saw the ridiculous footage associated with the Woolwich attack: And there was also the other attackers spotless, blood-free light colored jacket. And on and on. Just for one entree point to the alleged Orlando shooting: Yet someone who looks exactly like Norman Cassiano can be seen parading past cameras, toward the club.
Maybe police or emergency responders thought it was a good idea to have someone who had been shot four times put on a display for the TV cameras? In related footage, a man with red shoes leans on two others to walk down the street. At the end of the footage, he is unceremoniously let down to support his own weight. I guess I was born a sceptic and am sometimes criticized for it. But I had a social studies teacher in the s who urged us to always keep in touch with public and foreign affairs. I am now plus and have always followed her advice.
I read all the opinions available, research the sources and filter them down to what I think is a rational decision — until more info arrives. This is why I follow The Saker and this is why I have concluded that his picture in this case is pretty well my own….. Street protesters, then boom, a sniper in the midst. The intent is to raise tensions amoung the population and create a divide, and that is exactly the plan.
Propaganda and psych ops that were once reserved for foreign populations are now being regularly implemented in the home countries. Come on, the authorities already knew about the Orlando guy. US State department officials were right there in the open in Kiev. No conspiracy about it. I feel very bad about that. I share your pessimism Mr. Well said, the false flags will continue, at least till January, when Trump comes in.
Hell & Israel: Après Lavrov le deluge
Then we can make friends with the Russians, and to hell with the Zionists and their war plans. Behind the scenes it will always be the same anonymous money-aristocrats and military leaders who pull the strings. If they want war against Russia they will get it, so or so! All I can do about those absurd discussions Clinton vs Trump, or Pestilence vs Cholera, is have a good laugh and sing that old song: First , the attackers were NOT radicalized over night as we find out.
They carefully planned their evil attacks at least a year in advance.
theranchhands.com: False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies eBook: Gary Anderson
Some were even members of al-Quedia before the syrian war. Second these attacks are not used to stoke fear, quite the contrary,everything is swept under rug be it Germany or France. Every connection to Islam is denied until there is rock solid proof. They even try to turn the munich attacker into a right winger and rename him David sic instead of Ali.
The torture in the second floor of the Bataclan wasnt on the first page of major main stream. They try to cover up the attacks. Second in Islam there is always option J like Jihad. One can be a homosexual Omar Mateen wasnt or an alcoholic, Allah forgives and sent you to janna heaven if you go and kill kufffars. Killing kuffars in jihad is the only way in Islam to go to heaven for sure , so everything happend before is null and void. So it makes a lot of sense for petty criminals who reached dead end of one way or the other to go on Jihad. The nature of these attacks proof that they are indeed not fabricated.
Fourth…these attacks yield bad results for the mainstream globalist parties, they loose while populist right wingers win. So why in the world should they stage something that damages them? That makes no sense. Fifth, there is so division by the mainstream in two camps, there is only one camp and that is of the crazy open borders multiculturalism team, the other side is suppressed with all powers.
Especially the media is downplaying islamic extremism to the absurd. They only admit what they have to and even obfuscate what is known. Sixth especially the EU contrary to what the author writes is loosing credibility not winning it. All in all this seems to be case of overanalyzing. Yes sometimes there are real events or do you claim that the Syrian government false flags the war in the country. No there are real headchoppers and invaders who want to conquer.
Yes the borders are being opened artifically but for other reasons. Europe is about to be conquered and wiped out by foreign invaders because the people in power hate white europeans. The author somehow forgets that there are real threats and not everything is fake. It will be a rude awakening for Russia because Russia is the main adress of this attack. Islam is used as a tool to destroy it. Russia is threatened form the south and now from the West by Islam. Islamist hate Russia because of its support for Hezbollah,Syria and Iran the most.
Wake up before its too late! Best post of the lot, in here IMHO. I agree with all your points from 1rst to last. But particularly with your 5th and the issue you brought-up about Russia or should I say Russophiles? Well… no, it aint, if history is anything to go by, that is: In preparation for the looming UkroNazi onslaught against Donbas, the US has delivered a substantial collection of hand guns, machine guns and sniper rifles, along with ammuntion, to Ukraine. What people need to look at is: People are only reacting to events that have been orchestrated by…the folks you are talking about.
We are being led by the nose, with nary a thought as to: I think if Folks got hip to the groove on the latter, some serious aggravation might be the result. And here was our conclusion at the time, which still stands. In other words, they are not what they seem. They are what authorities wish us to believe. While here at DB we have never written that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not bombed with nukes, we do have grave reservations about the narrative.
This would explain why the A. One needs a true engineer to discover the truth, not government liars. Russians may ask; Americans face the death penalty for doing so in the land of the free. The laws still exist though not enforced anymore. Furthermore, Assange claims the next leak will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton. RT correspondent Laura Smith has the report from London. As a serious overview…. Brilliant, But the use of propaganda as US foreign policy is so hair-brained as to boggle the mind. This policy, becoming more and more ingrained as normal behaviour, was also used by Hitler.
Just search the internet for photos of the altered tiny children. Look up the tests done by the Japanese after Fukushima that proved that bombing removed a settled sand mountain under the land there, not a natural earthquake that caused it. More drones anyone, armed with deadly mosquitoes? Saker, thanks for what you do. Am on a Netherlands pension the US wants to make sure just becomes less and less so I will decide to return to to an unrecognisable America.
Where grocerystore monopolised chains kill. Tragically the US is sure it owns Netherlands. Our spontaneous referendum on Ukraine some time ago enraged Washington so much there were those there who would have bombed us for such an insurrection. Brexit might never have happened had tiny us not opened the dissent door. The only way we stopped Catholic Spain was we opened our dikes after generations of gore.
In the Nice massacre, it turns out, the driver was not alone, had support. And this information has nothing to do with ISIL taking credit or praising it. Evidence was also suppressed in all the terrorist events throughout Europe. But then none of us have any proof. For all we know they are psyops, so they can watch us watch them, watch our reactions.
Dear Saker, I have read with the passion of a zealot your every publication. My son and many of his friends are members of the Swat team for the local Sheriffs office. Sir in all due respect you know not what you speak of concerning the tension and racial issues that exist in the US and the incredibly complex challenge for law enforcement to manage the growing and treacherous issue of crime in our country. For the record, there are over 20, independently elected local and state agencies that oversee sovereign community law enforcement agencies, of which the Federal Government has no control over.
Only by a major act of Marshal Law can you have a fully coordinated national campaign to suppress the masses. The future indeed is alarming for all of mankind. May the voice of people like you bring intelligence and insight to the many innocent citizens of the world that just want a peaceful world in which to live and raise their families. How does that contradict in any way what I said? All I said is that there are forces in the USA who are deliberately stirring up BLM in order to create a pretext for various forms of state of emergency, martial laws, seizure of weapons, suspensions of civil rights, etc.
I believe that BLM is a carefully orchestrated provocation to create a crisis. Ask your son and his SWAT friends if they feel like BLM is all about civil right or if this is a hate group and see what they will tell you. I never said that there was a plan to use police forces to suppress the masses. I did say that BLM is used to kill cops in order to then suppress the masses under the pretext of restoring law and order. That is very different. My sincere apology for misunderstanding the message in your editorial. I am complete agreement with every point that you have made.
I might also add that following 9 11, I have owned a software company specifically working with federal, state and local law enforcement to empower them with the power of real time information. I have worked with wonderful servants of our nation that are dedicated servants that are now facing a new risk in providing security and safety to our communities. When it comes home with the death of dear friends and innocent servants of Baton Rouge and to know them and their families, it becomes an existential experience that pierces your heart and emotions.
Forgive my failure to clearly understand your sharp and accurate assessment. Thanks for this useful piece which connects the dots on the reality of the ever increasing frequency of false flag incidents. The one aspect that I was unclear about was the following statement in your penultimate paragraph:. We know that Israel controls the USA and it appears that they are working on the demise of the latter. This being the case, the implication is that Israel is working on a transition to a new stage in their quest for global domination.
Therefore, why should it be seen as a sense of awakening on the part of Israel, given their ostensible gravitation away from the USA and more towards Russia, as implied by your quoted statement? Consequently, I would expect Putin to be treading rather cautiously in managing the relationship with Israel? That means ignoring the UNSC, where Russia will veto any phony Resolution like that which, treacherously, was used to destroy Libya and hand it over to the jihadists. And confronting, perhaps attacking, Russia in Syria. And these neo-cons work hand-in-glove with Netanyahu et al.
I imagine that any rapprochement by Israel is a trick. I just cannot see Israel throwing over the USA for anyone. Racial identity is returning to prominence, after decades of suppression, and being lied to. This is going to get worse, because segregation is as natural for humans, as the drive to have sex, and decades of brainwashing has been unable to remove those emotions. May I suggest you delve a little deeper into Islam and how Islamic religious belief play out in behaviour in Western societies.
The actions of the Nice killer and others are totally understandable as jihad — not in spite of his history of apparently un-Muslim behaviour alcohol, drugs, wife-beating, not attending a mosque, petty crime, active bi-sexuality , but because of his history. It could well be that he was depressed with guilt for his messed up earthly life, and fearful for the likely form of his after-life. So his Muslim culture drew him to the mosque to confirm that undertaking martyrdom through jihad would free him from eternal damnation. He may have been seeking assurance at the mosque that he had all the details of the routine right.
How does this work? The conventional Muslim belief is that the souls of the dead enter hell, with the saved passing through or over quickly and unimpeded, whereas those who have sinned undergo hellish torment for a time — for eternity for the worst sinners. So, not only are non-devout Muslims plausible jihadists.
Yet it could still do damage, not the least to those trapped within the carcass. The ongoing intrigue surrounding Omar Mateen and his massacre of 47 patrons of the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida was drowned out by the political circus of two party conventions this month. The personal details about Mateen, from his vicious abuse of his first wife to credible accounts of a secret gay life to the reports of his mental instability and the autopsy results confirming him as a heavy abuser of steroids, have been forgotten or apparently suppressed by the FBI.
Unsurprisingly, they have fallen down the Orwellian memory hole. Yes, Empire is coming down fast enough for to see. But change is moving in. One can still expect to get fired or have assassination attempts for brilliantly written actual news but more and more of those long silent, speak up. The propaganda people are too rigidly liars by profession to ever garner any real respect. Or belief they can change.
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Or plans can be made on their fake news. The Silk Road looks it would be so cool to travel. The new knowledge that a Chinese war plane just shot down an American CIA plane loaded with poisoned spores to drop in Chinese pig farms to kill millions of pigs, done about 6 years ago too. The carcasses were floated in the powerful Yangtse river, thousands floating downstream. Maybe not so safe to go, but maybe the Chinese will soon be able to protect themselves, and us, well.
That possibility is a big deal. Trump would approve, Mrs. There seems to be a peculiarly determined effort to encourage irresponsible behavior in the West.
Gary Anderson
Yet it kept disappearing. Its not obscene; it just refutes the pet idea of one of the main bloggers that seemed more like self-aggrandizing encouragement of foolish and pointless behavior that would get patriots in trouble. If you read this article in its entirety, your zeal for arrests blinded you to this quote, thirteen paragraphs in:. No military superior is as superior as the President, the Commander-in-Chief, who makes the decision to go to war.
The only avenue is to disobey and take whatever official and unofficial punishments that ensue, using the courts to fight back. Rarely, when the survival of significant military assets, if not the nation, are at stake the military will en-masse reject irrational orders. As happened in the near-war with Syria. Such a blooding would delight the neocons, so believing it would irrevocably commit the U.
It did not delight the soldiers and sailors who would die for nothing or the admirals or generals who would lose critical assets for nothing and find themselves in position of losing conventionally for nothing but more war. Hopefully NATO ship defenses have been upgraded since and all that happens is an exchange of intercepted missiles.
Nowhere has it been said by qualified commentators that just anyone can make arrests of issuers of illegal orders. Where you are getting this bad legal advice is unclear. The only remedy to servicemen is to disobey, not to make arrests. Nowhere in the Uniform Code of Military Justice are there provisions for arresting people for issuing illegal orders, in their definition and remedy. Further digging pop resources indicated that the POTUS has to be tried for impeachment and if so removed from office and therefore the protection of the Secret Service he can be arrested, charged, tried again, and sentenced.
No President is going to outright say he or she is committing acts of treason, bribery, high crimes, or misdemeanors. This also hints to the fact that the president cannot be arrested until he has been convicted by the Senate.
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The roots of the American Revolution, exempting the ongoing violence done to aboriginal peoples throughout, are non-violent roots. The Revolutionary war was imposed on The People by King George, who chose to interpret active and effective peaceful dissidence as a provocation. The colonists did not provoke the British by arresting British soldiers. Calling for lawful, intelligent and effective civil disobedience is not the same as calling for arrests.
Calling for arrests is not the same as calling for accountability. Summing up the process as arrests dumbs down the accountability and reinforces a mob mentality. They see the action, but guilt is not so much assessed as assumed. The drug war has demonstrated that state violence is more an emotional catharsis than lasting solution. For clarity, when I say illegal wars, its not a legal statement but backed by moral common sense, which is separate from being backed with legal authority.
In the meantime, we have obvious collusion with illegal wars by large segments of the American population. Arrests are a double edged sword. With enforcement abuses like civil forfeiture going unchecked, its clear that people need greater understanding of legal due process for defense in depth of their values. They are more or less here anyway. That post kept disappearing almost a dozen times. So, it appears we are not free to encourage reasonable behavior and intelligent dissidence past a certain point. Puerto Rican women give birth to about 32, babies a year.
Transferring the current rate of spread for the virus to the citizenry of greatest impact, based on proximity and travel, the CDC is projecting the strongest U.
New York, New York 6. New Orleans, Louisiana No current Saker Message. Does that all look familiar to you? And just to make sure that the common people really freak out, it appears that the AngloZionists have settled on a rather counter-intuitive plan: The Essential Saker II: Click here to cancel reply. Dangerous History Repeats 1. There is further study in the articles I have cited for you at the end of this article.
People must, must understand that Donald Trump is a divider of races and ethnicity, because at heart he is a fascist. Fascism seeks the purity of the races. Fascism is the opposite of what America stands for. This is an email I sent to an author online.
It is slightly muddled, but overall quite accurate in its assessment of Libertarian Murray Rothbard: Hi Steve, I agree with your article on Rothbard, mostly. However, as a British court ruled, Zionism is not the essence of what it means to be Jewish.

Therefore, I hate antiSemitism, and embrace antiZionism. I have both religious and non religious reasons for taking this stand. And the court absolves me of racism. After all my natural father was Jewish. And more and more Jews hate Zionism. And Zionism is quite multiracial at this point. So, Trump actually is …. This article was first published by me on Talkmarkets: I share many of his views. I think the article deserves to be discussed further. It isn't as if John Mauldin is happy with the continual drive toward negative yields and the new normal.