These examples may contain rude words based on your search. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. See examples translated by Are you asleep, 3 examples with alignment. See examples translated by you sleep, 2 examples with alignment. See examples translated by are you sleeping 2 examples with alignment.
Are you asleep, kiddo? Are you asleep, darling? When you sleep, turns in the garden all night? Where are you sleeping tonight? Are you sleeping or what? Are you asleep, Selma? Where do you sleep, tall syce? And now , like all self-indulgent, Vaguely adolescent musicians, You are sleeping in till noon - and I'm okay with that. Are you s eeping or what? I can see your legs shaking — Just to mention it — If I notice it my monster will notice it too. Can you hold my monster — can you stand it? Can you hold my monster — if not Leave. Lassen sie uns durch lassen sie uns durch wir sind Arzt Lassen sie uns durch lassen sie uns durch lassen sie uns durch durch durch.
Willkommen in der Zeit Helden sind bereit seid ihr soweit Heldenzeit Heldenzeit seid ihr soweit Wir kommen um die anderen Helden abzumelden. Spiel verloren kahl geschoren totgepierced und neugeboren - und von vorn. Willkommen in der Zeit Helden sind bereit seid ihr soweit Heldenzeit Heldenzeit seid ihr soweit…. Warriors lead villains head off [wordplay: Lost the game shaven pierced to death and born anew — and start over Booze have a scrap christen children run into the fire [German saying: Let us pass let us pass we are doctor Let us pass let us pass let us pass pass pass Welcome in the time are you all set are you all set Time of heroes time of heroes are you all set… Welcome in the time heroes are ready are you all set Time of heroes time of heroes are you all set.
Do I always have to have to everything that I can One hand carries the world and the other one offers drinks? I can with every ten feet in twenty doors And with the eleventh in the nose Perform ballets But if I could do as I can I would not want anything at all But I know that everyone has to want something —.
Do I always have to have to everything that I can One hand in the stars And the other one in the ass of the man in front? This is the country of the bordered impossibilities We can ride horses without legs backwards We can dilate everything that is too narrow with the percussion drill We can be happy and nevertheless lead consolidated companies. Place yourself next to me here at the window And look out into the night Can you see the moon has built a binocular With which he looks into our bedroom at night Who would have thought of that That the moon is doing that.
The night is only about you She wants to be with you even at daytime The night is only about you And you fell asleep, though. Lass die Nacht doch rein aus Vorsicht mal nicht rein both at the same time! The night is only about you… And when you sigh the world will fall apart Motors stutter every traffic light turns red You did not even wake up Because of the heartthrob of the night The night is only about you.
Vielleicht ist es wirklich nur ein Jahr Aber ich will niemals fragen wo ich war Wo war ich als das wahr war Ich will da sein Wenn die Zeit einfriert Ich will da sein Wenn sie explodiert Und wenn sich dabei mein Verstand verliert Ich will da sein Wenn es passiert. One lightning stroke only for me And the ones who are with me Those who doubt now do not see clear No matter how much of this the time will take Those who blink have not been there. Maybe it is really just one year But I never want to ask where I have been Where have I been as this was true.
Hier Unten tanzt glitzernd der Staub Wir sinken selig und taub stumm wartend und leise ziehen die Schatten engere Kreise. I see your heart Your echo-sounder Causes a stir [or directly: Between two questions In the gap between two days Stayed Nothing to stay No complaints to lament and I Took the cart And fell on my knees before it I said:.
Me and the cart And the swarm of bees in the gastric And the road that was to be beaten We got along but Two days ago The cart fell on its knees. Me and my gastric And the head in my collar went On blindly carried by two feet Which say nothing Except:. Give up And fall onto your knees I said: And not even m away from the gate A boom sounded and a male choir sang Then there was silence and inbetween and before The break gave me new ideas above my station And I.
I think this might have played a role when she wrote the lyrics because the whole song is about record labels and the abuse of music! Pimp keep out of my love Out of my love. You send out my love Out on the street In pants which are clinging too much In cheap poses It has to do its rounds Go with the customers And we have to understand This is the coldest trade —.
You send out my love Out on the street To go for you It has to sell itself It has to go with everyone A little ride Is a big step for The coldest trade Of the world. You send my songs Out on the street In pants which are clinging too much In cheap poses They have to do their rounds Go with the customers And we have to understand It is the coldest trade —.
You send my songs Out on the street To go for you They have to sell themselves They have to go with everyone A little ride Is a big step For the coldest trade Of the world. Darf ich das behalten Ich geb alles her Darf ich das behalten Ich brauche nichts mehr Darf ich das behalten Ich brauche nichts mehr als das Ich brauche nichts mehr als das Ich brauche nichts mehr. Please can I keep this You can Keep my old dreams You can Administer them like you want to Have the world in your power But take your cold hands From my hand.
You see it does not find the path I speak its langue I Run behind it and then It runs behind me and I Keep it safe in my hand Sleep until the morning With my back against the wall. Ich muss nicht heulen Ich kenne den Mond Nicht erst seit heute. Ich muss nicht jagen Das Jagen lasse ich dir Und deiner Meute. Am I not angry enough for you And your folks? Aber es war doch Liebe auf den ersten Blick, sagst du Schon der zweite Blick war schon nicht mehr ganz so schick, sagst du, Aber wo ein Wille ist, ist immer auch ein Trick, Und darum haut ihr euch jetzt jeden Morgen eure Augen dick — geht auseinander.
Manfred Krug
But you are attached to each other You fasten yourself onto each other Want to change you Hang each other, hang the Other one — break up. Wo ein Wille ist, da ist auch ein Weg]. Sentimentalizes you Hard to believe: Put on something — Girl The one who is able to do s.
Wir gehen nicht, aber wenn wir gehen, dann gehen wir in Scheiben Entschuldigung, aber ich sagte: Gekommen um zu bleiben Wir gehen nicht mehr weg Gekommen um zu bleiben Wie ein perfekter Fleck Gekommen um zu bleiben Wir gehen nicht mehr weg Ist dieser Fleck erst in der Hose ist er nicht mehr raus zu reiben Entschuldigung, ich glaub Wir sind gekommen um zu bleiben.
Mut kommt vor dem Fall. Diese Geister singen schief und sind nicht einfach auszutreiben Entschuldigung, ich sagte: Wir sind gekommen um zu bleiben. Wir gehen gehen nicht, aber wenn wir gehen, dann gehen wir in Scheiben Entschuldigung, ich sagte Wir sind gekommen um zu bleiben.
The end is near now, please face you final curtain. These ghosts are singing off-key and are not easily not be dispossessed Sorry I said: Figuratively it means s. If you never talk why not talk to me or maybe even kiss me??? It is crazy how you remain silent How you bend your good-looking head And this way give the whole loud world and me The cold shoulder.
Your silence is your tent You put it in the middle of the world Tighten the laces and marvel Dumb when A girl stumbles over them at night. Oooh that was hard…]. In my blood the endorphines Are forming bubbles When behind your silent Eyes of a hare the thoughts are racing. Ich bleibe nicht ruhig aber Ich kann es lernen Dann lass ich dich gehen Irgendwann Ohne mich zu entfernen.
I will practise my whole life to love you like I want to love you when you leave. I will practise my whole life I want you to understand I will practise my whole life To love you like I want to love you When you leave. Turn in a circle until the day is fading And you hope in the end that the night Will still take you.
Give it to me I can hold it Give it to me I can hold it If you still want it later You get it back Then everything is as it was before. And I find you on the ground, you let fly Clay pidgeons Your gun alone must weigh ten tons. Your glances scoff from sleepy lids All the does shyly cast down their brown doe eyes And you creep along on furry paws This smirk of a carnivore should be forbidden Why do you carry this little bit of an ass so confidently through the world How can you be so sure that this appeals to me. Imagine You would have no fear anymore Of anything or anyone Never ever Alone.
If no one is with you And you think that no one searches for you And you have maybe already booked the journey to the next world And all the lies put you over the edge. If spring arrives And your soul burns You wake up at night from your dreams And there is no one who sleeps at yours And the one whom you are waiting for Abandons you. I finally started an english WSH site at www.
You probably already know, but it may help you with your translations. You can have a look at it here e. I think stomach fits better. The given trnaslation is too direct. Well, these a just a few notes for that particular song, I will now continue my search for a romanji text of the japanese version. I really really need the lyrics for Ich freu mich fur dich and htere is umlauts over the u in fur, aber my problem is that i cannot find them and i need them really bad. Dass ich nicht du sein kann scheint jedem klar zu sein Wir sind verschieden ist der Unterschied auch klein Ist der Manager kleinlich komme ich doch wahrscheinlich in keine Boygroup rein.
Pop star one thing keeps me awake One thing keeps on troubling me Pop star do I want to fuck you Or do I prefer to be you Pop star if I want to have real good dreams I close you eyes. Es tut mir leid nein, du brauchst mir nicht die Nase zu tupfen du denkst jetzt, ich sei traurig aber ich hab nur Schnupfen. Meine beste Freundin ist herzerfrischend ehrlich, auch wenn seine Wahrheit mir den Tag versaut, so wie neulich, als er sagte: Du bist meine beste Freundin, sagte ich. Ich will nicht mehr Schwulen-Mutti sein! Sowieso sind deine Kleider mir alle viel zu klein.
Nachts, wenn du schläfst - Other literature (DE) - Galaxus
Meine beste Freundin will immer nur mein Bestes. Er will jeden Schwarm als aller erstes sehn. My best friend is so good-looking If we go out on the street together Everyone just stares at these legs And I feel null Just as important as the dachshund on the lead. Nevertheless I walked and was standing at the water in the sand Anxious whether the sea looked over to me.
Very nice, very helpful. In general, these translations nicely capture the ideas of the songs, although with some odd translations of the individual words. I have the same problem trying to translate songs into German: Thanks for your feedback, Haf and Dwayne. Finally someone did it! If anyone else has got something to add, feel free to do it! Question about Von hier an Blind translation: Between two questions In the gap between two days there was nothing left to say No complaints to lament and I Took the car And fell on my knees before HIM! Haltet die Ohren steif und knabbert weiter an Judiths Texten!
If there are any problems you can can send an email. Nick, the world of German music is tricky. And you can go in many directions from Wir Sind Helden. In the young kiddie genre you could try Madsen or Hund am Strand. Or go for bands like Sportfreunde Stiller or Virginia Jetzt! How would I go about posting the translations when I finish them? Feel free to add the lyrics and your translations here. Follow the Markdown link below the comment form to see how you can format text properly line breaks, italics….
And if things go wrong I can still try to fix them later on. Wir haben gesagt wir wolln riskieren uns im Feuer zu verliern Lieber als nie was zu riskieren und uns dann doch zu verliern ohne Grund Ich werd den Kompass wohl verschenken Werd das Rettungsboot versenken Lieber als nur dran zu denken liebe ich mich an dir wund. We said we were going to risk losing each other in the fire Rather than never take our chances, and then still lose each other without a reason I suppose I will give my compass away, send my rescue boat to the bottom Rather than just think about it, I will love you until I am sore.
Very early, I seized the plan that I liked this very day It goes like this: I want the love of my life and at the same time something less serious I would like a man who does the dirty work and two for the finer things The fourth brings me flowers, number five the money Is my world getting to small?
Hi, I just thought that I should let you know that the lyrics to Aurelie in Kamikazefliege are a little different to those in Die Reklamation. By the way, the new menu for Kamikazefliege looks great. Thanks for your translations so far. I have to admit I just nicked the cover art from last. I think I mentioned something about them in my first post. Das Album Kamikazeflieger ist nicht mehr irgendwo zu haben, oder? I got introduced to Wir Sind Helden by a German friend earlier this year. Ive been checking them out on youtube.
Even though I dont have a clue what the lyrics mean, as my German is zero, there songs are really cool. And, the video for Guten Tag, brilliant, its so funny, funny funny funny. I love the comic book look for the video. Anyway, any sign of Wir Sind Helden coming to Dublin???? Probably not, as no one knows them here in Ireland.
However, i am spreading the word, slowly but surely. Thanks for your contribution Christine. I put a link in the list at the the top pointing to your translation along with the other one. Judith plays with this proverb as she does so often. She uses the literal meaning of the proverb in in the second sentence: It also fits the pattern of the original Deutsch.
Was sind sechzig Jahre? Was ist so lustig? Was ist so lustig an Liebe und Frieden? I had to look up a few words in a very good online dictionary dict. Work, my friend That becomes work he has to work to explain the work. So anyway, What the sheep does with the grass No work? What you do with the sheep later?
Generally what you do in the grass? No work, ah yep. Without work life would be empty dreary, deserted, boring So I sing tired my little ode Go to work! And the lilies in the field have: No work, yeah but- They have no end, no Jens? He has work, hm… And if the world has no tilled fields? In spite of that, work. And if someone screams at the tent in the morning? A dog has work? Yes, the dog has work.
Translator Notes
Without work, life would be empty So I sing tired my little ode Without work, life would be empty So I sing tired my little ode Go to work! Go and 1 and 2 and 1 and 2 and: One and two and one and two and one and two and: And he who rolls the stone down the mountain He has work, yep Who lifts up his leg to frolic around the mountain No work. No, the dog does work Ah, yes. Whoever builds a house, plants a tree He has work, that is clear But he who looks out of the house, who dances around the tree He does work.. They know exactly who you are — you are someone to us They say it like it is — Nobody knows you well enough And sure enough you are such and such a person — such and such!
Just like you were, just like you are — is that you, must you be that? Do you hold it small? Unsuccessfully Do you hold it far or keep it close? Are you coming with me? You say you want For me to stay And forever I say: Tell me, do you want what you see Or do you see what you want What it wants Tell me, do you want in, do you hold steps Or is your footstep too feeble?
Reject it or cover it up See what a lightning strike creates. There is a fatalism and bitter aceptance in the lyrics, and it is amongst the most poigniant of WSH songs. How you would be? Awesome page you got here. Sie wissen genau, wer du bist - Du bist uns so einer Sie sagen es so, wie es ist - So gut kennt dich keiner.
Und zwar bist du vom Wesen so und so - So und so! Namely your nature is like that and that - That and that! When they understand you, it makes them happy - Someone like that never changes. So und so warst du schon immer - Genau so, nur kleiner Im Alter wird so was nur schlimmer - Genau so, nur alleiner. Wie gut, wenn man geliebt wird, wie man ist - So und so, und so allein! So wie du warst, so wie du bist - Bist das du, musst du das sein? How nice if you get loved as you are - Like that and that, and so lonely!
As you were, as you are - Is that you, do you have to be that? Die Freunde sind froh, alles klar, du bist so und so Auf Arbeit: Also means that you finally understood which nature that person possesses. Es tut weh, so zu sein, wie du solltest Es tut weh, zu sein, wie du bist - Aber wenn der Quarterback kommt, um dir die Brille abzunehmen Sag ihm: It hurts to be like you should be It hurts to be like you are - But when the Quarterback approaches to take off your glasses, tell him: The Geek shall inherit the earth.
The injured shall be the medics The last shall be the first Accept it: The meek shall inherit the earth The injured shall be the medics The last shall be the first The first accept it as the last ones: The geek shall inherit the earth. It hurts to be like you think you should be It hurts to be like you think you are - But when the Homecoming Queen approaches to kiss you awake Tell her: Es tut weh, so zu sein, wie du denkst, dass du solltest Wenn dein Lehrer dich fragt: It hurts to be like you think you should be When your teacher asks you: Lord, let that boor pass me.
At least it still serves the purpose of understanding the song. The competition The competition never sleeps The competition The competition never sleeps. Da zieht wer links an dir vorbei Sag, was macht das mit dir? Dem ist dein Pfeifen einerlei Sag was macht das mit dir? Just in case the wording confuses you. If anyone knows where I can get Kamikazefliege I would appreciated it very much. Ive looked every where so any info would be appreciated. So many so much? Each of the fragments Reflect the light. So many kaputt, But between the flames, Between ashes and rubble, Was something good.
Dein Vater ist kaputt aber du bist es nicht Zerbeult und verbogen und vielleicht nicht ganz dicht Aber irgendwo darunter bist du seltsam o. Your father is kaputt, But you are not. Bruised and bent, And perhaps not in one piece, But somewhere beneath all that, you are strangely okay, Almost intact, under everything that is woeful. I know you want help. I know you grieve yourself.
I know you want to run away. I know you are ashamed. It is okay - everyone should flee who can, When if? So viel kaputt aber so vieles nicht … [Refrain, So many so much? Your mother is kaputt, But you are not. You wear the same bandages, Layer upon layer, But somewhere beneath, you already healed, long ago. For far too long, you have held your wounds open. I know you want to run away, But you could never do that.
Es ist okay - jeder soll helfen der kann Wenn du die Scherben aufhebst zieh dir Handschuhe an. It is okay - everyone should help who can, When if?
Wake Up, My Darling (German translation)
You have found it, And you must carry wear? Endlich ein Grund zur Panik Endlich ein Grund, los! At last, a reason to panic.

At last, a reason, go - Panic! At last, a reason, go! At last, a home, For your wild dreams, At last, a reason - Go, jump! Back into the trees. At last, a home, For your sin guilt? At last, a home, For your pulse, Beat away. At last, a home, For all the dark motives, At last, a reason - Come on! We forge new groups alliances? At last, a tunnel, For your vision glance?
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At last, a tree, a noose cord? At last, a home, For everything that is unexplained. At last, a reason - Go, We hunt the approved beards? Endlich ein Grund zur Panik Augen auf, schlag, los! At last, the diagnosis, For this sequence of events. Eyes open, beat away! Ich hab mich in dir verlaufen wollte unverfroren deine Haare zerraufen hab den Halt verloren jetzt lieg ich dir in den Ohren. I have lost myself in you, Wanting, without embarassment, To ruffle your hair.
I have lost my self-control footing? Now I am in your ears? Hab dir am Herzen gelegen die ganze Nacht Hab nur des Pfadfindens wegen ein Kreuz hingemacht und du hast gelacht. I have lain against your heart, The whole night. I have only, with my Pathfinder, Gone in a circle, And you laughed.
No above no beneath, No sun no wind, All paths tangled I stumble on blind. Bin dir am Morgen drei Runden um den Bart gegangen abgerutscht und zwei Stunden an deinen Lippen gehangen und hab mich wieder gefangen. In the morning I make three rounds?