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Your part in what is happening? Do you want to know how much you yourself are responsible for? Such conversations work to clear the ground of the double-talk that so often infects protest politics and mass movements. For instance, he recommends growing a garden as a way of practicing our commitment to caring for the earth. If our politics stops with such private practices, it is inadequate, but if it does not grow out of private practices, it is liable to be warped and damaging. A contemplative politics, then, is not a quietist politics. Merton was very supportive of the Civil Rights movement, and Berry has been arrested for his protests against strip mining.

But a contemplative politics seeks to avoid the weaknesses of fads, of flash-in-the-pan movements, of protest performed on Twitter and Instagram. While the digital tools of modern politics can be powerful, they tend to foment excitement rather than creating lasting change. Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest. Merton, however, points to a different mode of politics, one as needed now as it was in the s.

  1. Rime (Italian Edition)?
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  3. Seduced in September (Spring River Valley Book 9).
  4. Thomas Merton: Contemplation and political action - Mario Aguilar - Google Книги.
  5. Guida al consumo critico: Tutto quello che serve sapere per una spesa giusta e responsabile (Italian Edition).
  6. Deployment.

For Merton, the root of authentic protest, of healing politics, is contemplation and prayer. For Berry, it may be growing a garden. Such actions can seem utterly incommensurate with the problems we face, but they also may be forms of protest that actually embody a more peaceful and just way of life.

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  • Monday Merton: The Foundation of Christian Social Action.
  • Contemplation and social transformation: The example of Thomas Merton.
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  • Frenzied calls for action and change too often simply mirror the violence or injustice they claim to oppose. In an age in which it seems everyone is trying to change the world with character tweets, why not be really original and spend time praying or cultivating a garden?

    Monday Merton: The Foundation of Christian Social Action – Ed Cyzewski: Author // Contemplative

    I think that Hitler comparison could just as easily be applied to all politicians if one wanted to go that route. You made the deliberately provocative choice to compare Hitler to Trump in your own words. To me it ruins the whole piece. Comparing any contemporary politician to Hitler would be just as valid, and just as absurd and off-putting.

    After the election, I remember advocating to people that cultural change starts with personal change, and that if we want to see a slower and more peaceful world, then we need to live slower and more peaceful lives.

    Thomas Merton - Contemplation

    Virtually everyone in the bourgeois liberal cohort I say this to condemns this opinion, doubling down on the idea that they need to instead be leading lives of ever more performative activism. And yet to read deeply or even shallowly, I guess in Merton is to glimpse that the silent self is actually the ideal starting point for virtually everything. Getting caught up in the movement of the moment seems wildly misguided. Thanks for this timely reflection. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Thomas Merton Contemplation and political action by Mario Aguilar.

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    Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Political Action

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