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Please check out our new stores: Course components are delivered as online products: The Essentials of Obstacle Race Training e-book Study guide Continuing education exam Obstacle course racing is one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States in recent years and has gained in popularity around the world.

With challenges such as scaling walls, crawling through mud, climbing ropes, and sprinting across rugged terrain, the sport is grueling and demanding. But for those who prepare, train, and know what to expect, it is also intensely satisfying. Based on the book Essentials of Obstacle Race Training by David Magida and Melissa Rodriguez, this in-depth course breaks down the events, obstacles, common difficulties, and strategies for negotiating all challenges.

Most important, it presents the tools to prepare athletes—physically and mentally—for the unforgettable adventure that awaits. The Obstacle Race Training course presents 80 of the most effective exercises for grip strength, mobility, balance, power, strength, and endurance as well as 30 ready-to-use workouts. Learning Objectives At the completion of this course, you will be able to do the following: Discuss the risk factors of obstacle racing and the training strategies employed to minimize these risks.

Explain how obstacle racing benefits physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Identify the energy systems used in obstacle racing and the role each system plays in racing success. List appropriate gear and discuss gear selection for a positive obstacle racing experience. Describe the strategies for effective fueling of the body before, during, and after the race. Differentiate between exercises and exercise training programs designed for the development of strength, power, endurance, mobility, and balance. Design a safe and effective obstacle race training program.

List the key factors involved in selecting the appropriate obstacle race. Discuss the value of mental toughness and strategies to increase mental toughness to increase race readiness. List the final prerace steps, from two weeks prior through race day. The study guide includes a course syllabus, learning objectives, learning activities, and a referenced answer key. The study guide highlights the key concepts of the book in order to prepare individuals to pass the question exam composed of multiple-choice and true-or-false questions at the end of the course.

Whether your clients are competing for their first or their hundredth event, preparation and confidence are key.

Health Care in Exercise and Sport. Health Care for Special Conditions. Physical Activity and Health. Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Full speed in Isaberg obstacle course!

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Rugged Maniac 5k Obstacle Race & Mud Run

Journal of Sport Management. Sport Management Education Journal. Find a sales representative. Doing Business in Columbia. Meetings Financial Reports More Services Participants should plan to get muddy; wear clothes and shoes that are OK to get really muddy shirt and shoes are required — NO flip flops please.

Get Muddy For A Good Cause.

No duct tape please. We strongly suggest you pick up your packet of event materials on Friday, June 29, There will be a spectator loop so you can take pictures on the course, please stay inside your marked boundary. Adults parents and spectators are NOT allowed on the obstacles. A first aid tent will be available if needed. Bring a few dollars to grab a Kona ice! A parent or guardian is to remain at the event area, please do NOT drop your children off for the event.

In the event of severe weather, the event may be delayed until weather passes, or postponed.