View all 5 comments. Totally hope there''s more. I want Jacob to find his own yard boy to 'imprint'.

I wouldn't mind seeing this formula again, it's just so hot! If you are a Selena Kitt fan then you will be familiar with the theme of the kinky older couple seducing the younger person. The Deans Mr and Ms. D seduce the yard boy. D constructs the plan wanting her husband to admit to wanting the yard boy. This book was so extremely hot I got out of my playtime slump: I was more tha Totally hot. I think that it had a bit more of a personal feel. I guess because it was first person POV. I just like erotica that gives you a tiny bit of story.

Imprinting (psychology)

I have to have something in between the pages of sex. This was well layered, well written. You definitely are served up plenty of hot, sweaty sex scenes but there is a bit of sweetness in the sexual discovery Jacob finds between Mr and Ms. Jun 23, Wendy rated it really liked it Shelves: It the book had been any longer, I would have needed to sit in a bucket of ice for a bit!

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What I liked about the book, is it was more than just gritty erotica. There was a story behind it, told in the POV of the main character, as he recounts his sexual awakening and exploration with "Mr. It boils down to fantasies. A young college boy doing yard work becomes an accidental voyeur, which leads to one HELL of a summer experimenting with the slightly older and sexually wiser couple.

If you like a scorching sex read, pick this one. You've got the Hero on himself, the Hero on his "sweet girl" summer fun, husband on wife, wife on Hero, Hero on Husband in the shower and the office, Husband on Hero on Wife Shooooooowee this was a hot one for sure! Feb 25, Elizabetta rated it it was amazing Shelves: Pick myself up off the floor, this was HOT.

An extra plus is that the women in this read are strong and open about their sex Pick myself up off the floor, this was HOT. An extra plus is that the women in this read are strong and open about their sexuality. No pussyfooting around there. This one goes directly to the faves pile, yum. Oct 14, Glass rated it it was amazing Recommended to Glass by: Oh, Miss, you know me so well View all 8 comments. Oct 06, Scarlet rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: My dearest kinky soul sister Glass.

  • Imprinting (psychology) - Wikipedia.
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Jul 08, Sara rated it really liked it. Apr 21, Charmaine Stephens rated it it was amazing Shelves: Not much angst or troubles in this story. One thing I think that made this book incredibly sexy is its entirely from a guy's POV. The whole thing is first person POV from Jacob. And oh my ; That was pure smutty goodness. After this guy Jacob while on summer vacay from college is doing yard work for Mr. D ends up being a voyeur watching them have sex through the window.

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Before long its revealed that Mrs. D has been pulling Talk about hot! D has been pulling the strings of the whole thing.

The Origins of Sexuality - Sex at Dawn

D wants Jacob and Jacob wants them both. But i got the feeling he wanted Mr. D a bit more.

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Before long its lots of menages' in any way you could think of. Was a fun sexy read. View all 3 comments. FAIL Full review at booklikes. Jan 10, Wollstonecrafthomegirl rated it really liked it. Well, this worked for me. It was a well done menage, entirely believable to me and hawt. The dialogue worked, which is so often a problem in erotica. So all in all, I got what I wanted out of this and I cannot say fairer than that. Jun 01, Clerah rated it really liked it Recommended to Clerah by: Recommended to me by my friend Deanna I wasn't sure what to expect other than it would be a good read.

Boy was it delicious. Although I'm not usually a fan of flashback, or reminiscent moments, Jacob's retelling of his summer sexual journey starting with a voyeuristic scene is fantastic. Let's just say I enjoyed this book so much I just had to see if the author had written anything else Jan 06, jD rated it it was amazing Shelves: Now this is how erotica is done.

Darcy Sweet's story of a young man home from college doing landscaping at the home of Mr. The story is told from Jacob's perspective as he discovers a side to his sexuality he did not know existed. He discovers that some acts leave an imprint on your life. If one is lucky, the discovery of these sexual kinks can open a world full of pleasure and acceptance. I loved this novella and Ms. Wow, what a sexy fun little read. This wasn't just about hot sex, although it had plenty of that.

It was about our main character, Jacob, discovering himself and discovering his confidence. I was suprised at the emotional elements of this short. The characters were great and well developed in such a short time. Aug 30, Violetta Vane rated it it was amazing Shelves: Read this last year and recommended it to Madison Reese, who gave it an excellent review! Oct 21, Paws rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was 5 star good. Just good sexy awesomeness! This is a quick hawt yummy read that I highly recommend!! I either have to find neighbors like Mr. Feb 19, M Marie rated it liked it.

Apr 08, carol rated it really liked it Recommends it for: This is high on sexy scenes and in most variations within a menage context. Not a lot to the plotline or character's depth. What starts as accidental voyeurism by college lad Jacob becomes a teens dream in sexual exploration and delight when Mr and Mrs D take him under their wing to educate him and fulfil all of their desires and fantasies. I liked how Darcy used her characters to show limitations for the duration and the boundaries for Jacob so he is aware of the temporary nature of the menage This is high on sexy scenes and in most variations within a menage context.

I liked how Darcy used her characters to show limitations for the duration and the boundaries for Jacob so he is aware of the temporary nature of the menage interaction. It shows awareness implicitly rather than explicitly of caution and possible dangers of two becoming three in sexual play where the couple want to spice up their sex life by menage play, but ultimately retain their marriage of two. One or two typos and errors but nothing too significant.

I hovered between 3 and 4 stars. It is borderline as there are some really arousing sexy scenes. The BDSM is limited and light, mainly Dominance, submitting and wrists bound, one where sex is forced Borderline 4 stars for me. May 08, Magen rated it it was amazing Shelves: Holy Smexy Town I loved this book! It was such a fun read, I couldn't put it down.

Literally- I was reading it at stop lights, during class, while on the phone etc Jacob was so damn cute you just wanted to eat him up. Here is this sweet, naive college kid, just coming into his own sexually, and he happens upon his hot employers having a light BDSM session while he weeds outside their bedroom. D, sees him and eventually lures him into their lives by promising to help him explore his deep Holy Smexy Town I loved this book! D, sees him and eventually lures him into their lives by promising to help him explore his deepest desires.

It sounds so generic and tawdry, but honestly it was a really sweet love story between this couple and Jacob. He learns so much about himself, his sexuality and his desires while they are also able to fulfill desires they have always dreamed of. Two big thumbs up. Mar 15, Celia rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm kind of in chock. I felt the book was Mrs. Robinson thrown together with suspect manga genres These 3 for reference: Sweet did it sextremely well ; Mar 09, Fridayschild rated it liked it Shelves: Lorenz also found that the geese could imprint on inanimate objects.

In one notable experiment, they followed a box placed on a model train in circles around the track.

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  5. The filial imprinting of birds was a primary technique used to create the movie Winged Migration Le Peuple Migrateur , which contains a great deal of footage of migratory birds in flight. The birds imprinted on handlers, who wore yellow jackets and honked horns constantly.

    The birds were then trained to fly along with a variety of aircraft, primarily ultralights. The Italian hang-glider pilot Angelo d'Arrigo extended this technique. D'Arrigo noted that the flight of a non-motorised hang-glider is very similar to the flight patterns of migratory birds; both use updrafts of hot air thermal currents to gain altitude that then permits soaring flight over distance. He used this fact to enable the re-introduction into the wild of threatened species of raptors.

    Birds that are hatched in captivity have no mentor birds to teach them traditional migratory routes. D'Arrigo had one solution to this problem. The chicks hatched under the wing of his glider and imprinted on him. Then, he taught the fledglings to fly and to hunt.

    Imprinted by Darcy Sweet

    The young birds followed him not only on the ground as with Lorenz but also in the air as he took the path of various migratory routes. In , he worked with a condor in South America. In a similar project, orphaned Canada geese were trained to their normal migration route by the Canadian ultralight enthusiast Bill Lishman , as shown in the fact-based movie drama Fly Away Home. Chicks of domestic chickens prefer to be near large groups of objects that they have imprinted on. This behaviour was used to determine that very young chicks of a few days old have rudimentary counting skills.

    In a series of experiments, they were made to imprint on plastic balls and could figure out which of two groups of balls hidden behind screens had the most balls. American coot mothers have the ability to recognize their chicks by imprinting on cues from the first chick that hatches. This allows mothers to distinguish their chicks from parasitic chicks. The peregrine falcon has also been known to imprint on specific structures for their breeding grounds such as cliff sides and bridges and thus will favour that location for breeding.

    Sexual imprinting is the process by which a young animal learns the characteristics of a desirable mate. For example, male zebra finches appear to prefer mates with the appearance of the female bird that rears them, rather than that of the birth parent when they are different. Sexual attraction to humans can develop in non-human mammals or birds as a result of sexual imprinting when reared from young by humans. One example is London Zoo female giant panda Chi Chi. When taken to Moscow Zoo for mating with the male giant panda An An, she refused his attempts to mate with her, but made a full sexual self-presentation to a zookeeper.

    It commonly occurs in falconry birds reared from hatching by humans. Such birds are called "imprints" in falconry. When an imprint must be bred from, the breeder lets the male bird copulate with their head while they are wearing a special hat with pockets on to catch the male bird's semen. The breeder then courts a suitable imprint female bird including offering food, if it is part of that species's normal courtship. At "copulation," the breeder puts the flat of one hand on the female bird's back to represent the weight of a male bird, and with the other hand uses a pipette , or a hypodermic syringe without a needle, to squirt the semen into the female's cloaca.

    Sexual imprinting on inanimate objects is a popular theory concerning the development of sexual fetishism. For example, according to this theory, imprinting on shoes or boots as with Konrad Lorenz 's geese would be the cause of shoe fetishism. Reverse sexual imprinting is also seen in instances where two people who live in domestic proximity during the first few years in the life of either one become desensitized to later close sexual attraction.

    This phenomenon, known as the Westermarck effect , was first formally described by Finnish anthropologist Edvard Westermarck in his book The History of Human Marriage The Westermarck effect has since been observed in many places and cultures, including in the Israeli kibbutz system, and the Chinese shim-pua marriage customs, as well as in biological-related families. In the case of the Israeli kibbutzim collective farms , children were reared somewhat communally in peer groups, based on age, not biological relation.