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It also has number values associated with it for words and squares for meditation or magic working in the Enochian system. It also contains key words that can be used to access the various squares of the Enochian Elemental tablets for Spirit, Air, Fire, Water and Earth, the 7 Ancient Planets, the 10 Modern Planets, the 12 Equitorial signs of the Zodiac and the 18 tablets associated with various Geomancy attributes. We need only adjust to its wave- length, so to speak. As we are penetrated by radio and televi- sion waves we are also living and moving now within a sea of ultra dimensional learning potential.
We will only make this connection if we become the symbols and systematically discipline our consciousness toward their absorption. To begin we will follow a practical study plan outlined below and create a notebook just for the Tarot. Nearly every occult authority agrees with the necessity of keeping some kind of personal written record. As Crowley has observed, to attempt occult work without it is like setting out to sea without charts for navigation.
First of all, select a Tarot deck. For the purposes of this article and the accompanying divinatory technique, it is advan- tageous to select one of the Tarot decks adhering to the tradi- tional designs of the Golden Dawn system: As a prerequisite, the student must memorize the Astrological symbols of the Planets and signs of the Zodiac. No other Astrological knowledge is necessary. This should only take a minimal amount of time, but these symbols and ideas must become as familiar as the alphabet if progress is expect- ed.
An abbreviated list is provided here. Additional correspon- dences can easily be obtained from any book on basic Astrology, and the student is encouraged to increase his familiarity with as many correspondences as time and interest will permit. Card by card, stone by stone, this inner temple is erected with care and precision.
Finances, self-worth V Intellect H Diversity 3. Home, close of life Cf Energy Drama 5. Health, employment, service Restriction — Sociality 7. Prominence, career, honors Humanitarian Hopes and fears, love received K Poetry Self -undoing, institutions Preliminary Instructions Having selected a Tarot deck, purchase a loose-leaf notebook. With tab dividers allow one section per card 78 in all.
Having assimilated the above Astrological material, we are ready to begin our study program preparatory to learning the Golden Dawn divinatory technique. This preparation will consist of absorbing the Tarot symbols a few minutes each day as well as memorizing the key ideas relating to each card. Do not think this is in any way unnecessary. When Tarot divination is approached without adequate preparation, it is a waste of time if not even deleterious.
The material presented is organized over six weeks, a brief period of time, considering the amount material reviewed. Even if the card meanings have been mem- orized already, this additional study program will still be of the utmost benefit. Since we want to explore 78 cards in only six weeks we will work with several cards each day as outlined below. Your brain is an instrument analogous to a radio set. When you thus modify its mechanism you attune it to the states of conscious- ness symbolized by the Tarot designs. The six-week study plan is outlined below.
Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Week 6 reclassifies all 78 cards under the seven ancient Planets. These correspondences are collected from a variety of sources, while the Golden Dawn Tarot manuscripts, containing some of the most comprehensive material on the Tarot, are the parent source. The manuscripts also contain excellent descrip- tions of many of the cards and the student is urged to read and to absorb these as well.
Enter these sheets in your notebook for the appropriate card. Week 1, Major Arcana. Work with three cards per day, four cards on the seventh day. Place the card on top of the appropriate color sheet in your notebook, look at it for five minutes and note down any impressions or ideas. Take note of the corresponding Hebrew letter and Astrological correspondence. What addition- al ideas do they convey?
Memorize the abbreviated card mean- ings. The abbreviated meanings are a composite of several authoritative sources on the Tarot. The student will want to refer to the appropriate diagram for an added perspective in which the Major Arcana is illustrated on the Zodiac. Once again find the corresponding color sheets for each of the cards being worked with in the following study plans. Work with two cards per day in the above outlined manner. Note the decan division of 10 degrees of the Zodiac, see diagram of Tarot decans and the Astrological correspondences. Memorize the card meanings.
The four Court cards of each suit — King, Queen, Prince and Princess — usually refer to actual people in divinations. Over the next four weeks study the diagram of the Qabalistic Tree of Life with the Minor Arcana placed upon it. Note below this glyph on the diagram how the four suits of the Minor Arcana correspond to the let- ters of the Tetragrammaton, Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh and the four Worlds of the Qabalists. Week 6, Ancient Planets. Observe how these Planets correspond to the Tree of Life as portrayed in the accompanying diagram.
The classification of the Week 6 Study Plan is to create Planetary families to aid in the absorption of key ideas associated with each Planet. After five minutes of looking at each group of cards, note down any impressions or ideas under the appropriate section in your notebook. Orange Swiftness Day 5 9 of Wands 2nd d. Violet Strength in reserve 10 of Wands 3rd d. This is to emphasize the important relationship that exists between the Minor Arcana cards and the Spheres on the Tree.
The colors given for the Court cards reflect twopigments: The Kings relate to Chokmah grey while the Queens relate to Binah black. Yellow Earned success Day 4 7 of Swords 3rd d. Moon in Aquarius Green Unstable effort 8 of Swords 1st d. Grey Harmonious change Day 2 3 of Pentacles 2nd d. Mars in Capricorn Black Growth 4 of Pentacles 3rd d. With an evolving and altered conscious- ness, man observes, makes contact with that four-dimensional solid or reality which appears as the flow of his very life! With time and dedicated experiment, divination can promote an enlivening perspective regarding the awareness of this life-reality.
From those first dark, interior stirrings of imagination, from the first man who embraced the mystery of a Full Moon sky and ached to explore the hidden secrets of a startling uni- verse, with each patterned repetition of stars in their journey toward unimaginable destinations, and with the readings of omens or coins, shells or yarrow sticks, man has always labored to know. At times, to know what future events portend on this physical plane; at other times, to dive inward, daring the raging and colossal confines of inner life; but always to cajole, to seduce, to demand nature relinquish one more secret of her hidden existence.
I Ching, Geomancy, horary Astrology and many others, all valid and useful, depending upon the thought, practice and care with which they are approached. The Descriptions of the 78 Tarot Symbols. What comprises this section are descriptions of the design and symbolism of all 78 Tarot cards except the Major Arcana. The divinatory interpretations of this Arcana are given but not a description of these 22 cards themselves. If it were not for this omission, the student would be able to design his own complete deck from the original Golden Dawn descriptions!
Also included within this section are interesting, evocative and detailed descriptions of the 16 Court cards as well as other miscella- neous material. The brief divinatory correspondences provided here offer only the barest framework upon which an infinitely elaborate edifice of the Tarot can be built. The real value of Tarot divination flowers within the con- sciousness only with regular practice. An isolated experiment or haphazard approach to this technique scatters energy and suggests to the unconscious a casual, even careless, opinion of it.
The unconscious only responds in kind with inaccurate and disappointing results. Divination should only be attempted when one is fresh and not rushed. Since the entire procedure takes approximately one hour, it is unlikely one will have the stamina to experiment with more than two or three questions at a sitting. Initiating energy resolved into final manifestation on the physical plane. Operation 2 12 cards The Court cards - four Kings, Queens, Princes - of the four suits, correlated with the 12 Astrological houses or areas of life-experience.
Operation 4 36 cards The small cards numbering of the Minor Arcana , related to the 36 decanates of the Zodiac. In any method of divination 7 Clung, Geomancy, etc. The ques- tion should be an important one of singular emotional concern to the Querent. Often the process of coming to grips with the essence of the existing prob- lem in creating once concise statement and by singling out the relevant issues will alone be conducive to a clearer perspective.
Ask yourself the questions: What is really wrong? What alternatives do I have? What is my part in the matter? What is within me to attract such circumstances, decisions or tensions? Tensions are a part of life, a necessary and growth-producing part. Existence manifests itself in opposites and our three- dimensional awareness must experience it as such to prod us on to greater achievement, a more mature handling of life, a more liberated experience of our divine potential in a four- dimensional unity experience.
The Golden Dawn Method Read these explanations over many times while experimenting with a deck of Tarot cards at the same time to grasp the move- ment of the different Operations. Certain guidelines must be memorized as eventually, the entire divination procedure itself to yield credible results.
There is no point in hurrying through the fundamentals of a technique which will be used to such advantage for an entire lifetime! This is the one card from the pack of 78 used to represent the Querent. The Golden Dawn material sug- gests this card be selected from the 16 Court cards according to physical description and age: Generally fair-haired and fair- complexioned. Generally dark-haired and dark- complexioned. These are the four pic- ture cards at the end of each suit, as opposed to the Major Arcana Trumps which depict scenes and figures as well. Lay thine hand invisibly on these consecrated cards of art, that thereby I may obtain true knowledge of hidden things, to the glory of the ineffable Name.
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Beauty - Redeemer 7. Victory - Emotion 8. Splendor - Intellect 9. Foundation - Astral Light Placing the deck face down, he cuts it in half to his right and then cuts each of these decks in half again to the right. The result is four stacks of cards representing the four letters of Tetragrammaton. Each stack is carefully turned over to reveal the bottom cards and an interpretation of these four cards gives a general indication of the matter.
The person performing the divination looks for the Significator in each of the four decks without dis- turbing their order. Upon finding it, he discards the other three decks and notes the general mean- ing of the stack with the Significator in it. He carefully spreads out the remaining deck in the shape of a horseshoe — i. The diviner is ready to perform the first operation, which refers to the beginning of the matter, possibly the immediate past, depending upon what the cards indicate in this part of the divination.
The divination proceeds by a counting method. The student will have to memorize the following rules. Count 5 for an Ace. Count 7 for a Princess Page or Knave as designated. Count 4 for a King, Queen of Knight. Count their own number for the small cards: Count 3 for Trumps: Count 9 for each card of the Major Arcana corresponding to one of the ancient Planets.
Start counting with the Significator in the direction it is looking. If the Significator is looking straight ahead, the count proceeds to the left. Count the Significator as No. Any card one lands upon is always No. Interpret these cards in terms of their meaning, the matter being questioned, and the suits of the card on each side of the card being interpreted. Weave a story around the question.
IB, First Operation The second part of this first operation is pairing. Cards are paired from opposite ends of the horse- shoe until no more pairs can be made.
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The Operator interprets each pair together, while further elaborating the story. The Querent shuffles the entire deck again, thinking of the matter in question. He does not cut the deck, only sets it face down upon the table. The Operator deals out 12 stacks of cards, face down, representing the 12 houses of a horoscope.
The Operator goes through each pack to find the Significator. That pack is set aside; the rest are dis- carded. Special note is taken of which of the 12 house stacks the Significator is in and the following divination is interpreted accordingly. As in 1A 4 , the other stacks are discarded and this small pack is arranged in a horseshoe; be care- ful not to destroy the order.
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The same as 2A, except the 12 stacks represent the 12 signs of the Zodiac attributed to the appropriate Trumps from the Major Arcana. Take special note of which sign the Significator falls in. The Operation proceeds as 2 A 5. The Querent shuffles the full deck, does not cut it, and places it on the table, face down. The Operator takes the deck face up and, without destroying the order of the cards, finds the Significator. The Significator and all the cards below it are placed on top of the cards above it.
The Significator is now the top card. The cards are placed face down on the table. Dealing from the bottom of the pack, the Operator places the Significator first card upon the middle of the table. Thirty-six cards are then dealt coun- terclockwise still from the bottom of the deck , in order, in the 36 decanates.
See Example 4 6. The reading is counted from the Number 1 card not the Significator , in counterclockwise motion, as explained in 1A. The entire deck is shuffled by the Querent, not cut, and set face down on the table. The Operator deals the entire deck into 10 stacks according to the glyph of the Tree of Life. See Example 5 3. The Operator then finds the packet in which the Significator falls.
This packet is arranged in the horseshoe pattern as explained in 1A 4 and interpreted accordingly. This concludes the fifth and final operation of the Opening of the Key. Case offers the only opinion: It is also significant to observe that the 12 Trumps corres- ponding to the 12 signs of the zodiac are also appropriately divided into the 12 Astrological segments of the solar year, as Aries: Trump 4, The Emperor — March 21 — April 19, etc.
Beginning with Aries, these relate to the days of the week: Kings and Queens — actual men and women. Princes — coming or going of a matter. Thoughts and opinions are in harmony with the subject of the reading if the Princess is looking in the same direction as the count; they are not in harmony with the subject if the Princess is looking in the opposite direction. Both Regardie and Case list the following additional points: Wands — Energy, opposition, quarrel Cups — Pleasure, merriment Swords — Trouble, sadness, sickness, death Pentacles — Business, money, possessions.
Aces are always strong cards If a spread contains: In the Golden Dawn system, cards which appear upside down must remain so, but it the basic meaning of the card is unchanged. If the cards are dropped in shuffling or any other accidental way, abandon the divination and start again. If it is an important matter, wait 12 to 24 hours. Air and Earth are contraries, as are Fire and Water. Three cards of the same suit intensify the interpretation according to the card meanings. This is a decision each person must arrive at for himself: Through progressive development, the aspiration and personal ideals should embody the life-giving element of the Sun, whose rays shine upon all unconditionally, demanding no payment, but exacting a high respect f or its phenomenal force and power.
It is far better to learn the Tarot well enough to divine for oneself rather than to pay someone else for this technique, since a large part of its value is in the preparatory work. Remember, all answers are within. We have crystallized a rare jewel in a divination — a jewel to admire and delight in, to examine in all facets of its unique structure. For our own purposes of self- discovery we have stopped time, but we must still preserve this captured moment so that we may return again and again and further examine it for our own self -growth. Aleister Crowley was adamant about keeping a record of all magical work and progress.
It is our yardstick by which to measure our inner growth. The benefits of a Divination Journal far exceed the little effort required for its keeping. A blank Divination- Journal form is provided with this article. A form should be completed for each divination so that a permanent record is kept for all divinatory work. The top sec- tion is filled in first: Remember that most cards or groups of cards have alter- native interpretations.
When another person is involved, the divination should be a dialogue, a sharing of ideas and observations where both profit from the experience. The Tarot Trump No. All apparently negative cards should be interpreted as meaningful and important tension, the neces- sary impetus to propel one on to greater good and fulfillment. Some Final Suggestions The Tarot is as versatile as it is complex. Its combinations are limitless, its value for problem-solving as open-ended as the use made of it. One can never exhaust its possibilities. Work with the Tarot creatively From few other sources could we hope to garner as much as from the Tarot.
Meditation and divination are two important techniques for using the Tarot and should be explored to their utmost. Tree of Life, B. All of these exercises have one purpose and that is to saturate your consciousness with the Tarot symbols. Meditate upon one card of the Major Arcana each day. At the end of 22 days, return to card number 0 and repeat the entire cycle indefinitely. Numerous inspirational books have been written on the Tarot with meditations on individual cards or combinations.

It is an occult tradition to read these various meditations aloud, thereby endeavoring to sympa thetically vibrate with the consciousness of the author. Find the corresponding Tarot Trump and work with that card on the corresponding day.
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With inexpensive printing available, some of the cards could be enlarged and placed somewhere in the home on the appropriate day. Try to explore and understand why. Imagine all the other symbolism, furniture, landscape around you in space. What would you be wearing? How would you feel? Imagine a conversation with the central figure s. Describe the landscape vividly. How would you relate to the figure s in the card? Would they ask anything of you? Would you ask anything of them?
Painting the cards is of inestimable value. Its intricacy can appear baffling And after patient work and ex- ploration, it grows gradually and gently within us, showing its hundreds of thousands of faces, angles, attitudes, until we can experientially appreciate the words of Israel Regardie in the 1 Yee of Life: Within himself latent unfolding spiritual faculties will he felt, and the faint memory of experience gained in time long since past and dead will gradually arise to illuminate the mind and pulse anew in the heart, expanding the horizon of consciousness.
So to-day his feet stand in that place which yesterday, when con- templating the august nature of the work, his eye could scarcely see. And he will he like unto Ra himself, a Sun of light and radiance and celestial nourishment to all those with whom he comes into daily contact. Divination is an ancient art. It is a promise of bold vision in a world predominantly shackled by the senses. But the diviner must be worthy to perpetrate so erudite an approach to the future, must be prepared to the utmost to avoid error, arro- gance, or any delusion which stings of charlatanism or theatrics. This is not something which occurs in spurts, but gradually, until the stu- dent begins slowly to realize that he is perceiving life with another sense.
The consistent use of the Tarot can do nothing but transform the inner world. This is no article of faith, but can be tested by anyone who takes the time and effort to ex- perience deeply this phenomenal tool. The Tarot unlocks poten- tial and occasions regeneration. It is the promise of ultimate renewal beyond all conceivable limitation, the Key to con- sciousness of self. But work with it! Renew your consciousness with it and become all you want to be. She is a therapist in the Los Angeles area and com- bines traditional therapy with Golden Dawn techniques.
She is a poet, musician, and composer, and lives with her two sons, Aaron and Adam. The struggles in Ireland to win independence from England gave rise to a group of writers who characterize what is now known as the Irish Literary Renaissance. The lit- erary and historical turn of their plays, and their daring usage of Irish-English and Gaelic in serious drama instead of stock comedy, resulted in innovative, even shocking performances that usually did not make enough money to cover expenses.
But the person who actually built a permanent theatre for this daring company was an Englishwoman named Annie Elizabeth Fredericka Homiman, who hated Irish nationalism, and who was hated by the Nationalists. Magical Women of the Golden Dawn: By the Golden Dawn, having gone through several major struggles, was beginning to fragment.
Now, dis- appointed at the turn of events, Yeats did not quit the G. Annie would never compromise; she left the Order when it differed from her standards.
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As she was wealthy from inheritances, primarily from her grandfather, the founder of Homiman Tea, she spent much of each year touring Europe: The British public was both notoriously conservative, and extraordinarily plebeian in their play-going interests. While music hall entertainment and Gilbert and Sullivan drew huge crowds, the new forms of drama, epitomized by Ibsen and Shaw, scandalized society. Annie was determined to promote an English art theatre in which young playwrights could dev- elop their abilities and skills through professional productions. Annie began by volunteering her ser- vices to Yeats as a part-time secretary and organizer, helping him with his correspondence and periodically clearing out his rooms, but she ached to do something more creative.
Homiman and the Abbey Theatre noted with obvious amaze- ment that the interpretation of all four of her Tarot readings The Abbey Theatre Tarot Readings T1 presented the actual sequence of events that were to happen: Each card had a precise divin-atory meaning. It is likely that Annie Horniman, who went to Italy nearly every year, brought back an original Dotti deck for Yeats, and, since it was one of the most artistically detailed and graceful of the decks available at that time, must have owned one herself. Mathers himself recommended the Italian Tarot cards over all others.
The cards reproduced here are from this Dotti reprint. On March 1, just days after resigning from the Golden Dawn, Annie asked the Tarot for advice about Yeats and her- self. The plans are to be the cutting, the cards of our Significators Q and Prince S Queen and Prince of Swords, signifying their Sun signs of Libra and Gemini respectively to tell the results.
Annie began by cutting of the deck into the four stacks representing the f our Elements and the Tetragrammaton. The Flannery, 35, p. The second step in the reading involved spreading the cards into a horseshoe shape and interpreting them in groups of three determined by an elaborate counting technique given later , and then interpreting the cards again in pairs. The reading was quite positive. Three of these plays were by Willie. The Abbey Theatre Tarot Readings 79 authority about his dramatic affairs. Annie was, of course, trying to encourage Yeats, and therefore, as with all the readings, she tended to slant her interpretation as she wanted it.
The plays were a huge success, the critics delighted, and the houses packed. On the other hand, the cards said Yeats would have to face some antagonism to the carrying out of his plans, possibly through the opposition of the production man- ager, William Fay. In the long run, Willie Fay would be both the blessing and the bane of the Society. Upon his return to Ireland, Yeats found other members of the Society jealous of his London success.
It would necessi- tate more elaborate costumes than ever before and Annie wanted to create them. A month before the production, on September 13, as she researched period costumes and sewed beautiful brocades and velvets in her London flat, Annie dashed off a third, amazingly accurate reading, asking: I was thinking about the hard condition in which they were working, and the idea struck me that if and when enough money were to turn up, I would spend it on hir- ing or building a little hall where they could perform in fair comfort.
How I thank you! The Abbey Theatre Tarot Readings 81 Annie had spent many years at the Slade School of Art and supported the artistic endeavors of others with her gen- erosity. But at last she had done something creative herself, fulfilling a deeply hidden need. With the encouragement of this fourth Tarot reading, and the fact that her Hudson Bay stocks had almost doubled in value giving her an influx of unexpected funds, Annie decided to purchase a building that would be the permanent home for a national drama in Ireland.
Officially she would not make her offer until the following year but there is no doubt that the decision was made by the time she mailed Willie this reading. She interpreted the bottom card of each: Some change is directed by the Highest. Irresolution as to the course of action. Anger in the Mind. Most solid Materiality needed. Annie now took all the cards in the third stack which con- tained her Significator, the Queen of Swords marked on the page by a cross , and placed them in a horseshoe from right to left beginning with the Ten Wands.
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