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However, not all chose to respond in the same way.

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Meanwhile, many more were forced to work alongside them against their will. Others tried to keep a low profile and survive, and some resisted where they could. It is easy to see why Baghdad wants to send the strongest possible signals to deter Iraqis from joining jihadists.

Whilst this might well be true in many cases, there are many people strongly proclaiming their innocence. And when evidence is so thin, and potentially biased, it is hard to be sure either way. In this ruthless legal crackdown, it is all too easy for people with old grudges to make an accusation of ties to ISIS, and see the accused face terrible consequences.

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He says that he was forced to take a role as a security guard at a factory held by ISIS. He claims he never took part in any fighting, but the job required him to hold a rifle. This widespread suspicion and danger of being accused has ramifications that go beyond the judiciary. It is affecting whether or not some people can even return home to Mosul.

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There are neighbourhoods in the city which are, for valid or invalid reasons, are viewed by the security services and by other residents as having been overtaken by ISIS. As a result, you continue to have tensions within communities, and you have efforts by the security forces to prevent people from getting assistance - which includes humanitarian assistance and basic services.

These are some of the neighborhoods that during the fighting were destroyed the most heavily, and that are in the most desperate need for things like water, electricity, and reconstruction. At the moment there is a pushback by the security forces and others from allowing these areas to be rehabilitated.

However, social harmony will not be brought about by the punishing streak that has become dangerously enshrined in Iraqi state operations. More worryingly, punishments for what individuals may have done are being extended to their entire families. But to allow this reckless spate of convictions to run unchecked is a highly risky path for Iraq, because it will further undermine faith in state institutions. Some individuals have demonstrated compassion, and outstanding foresight. They are also attempting to bring the children of ISIS family members into local schools.

The city will need their courage, and their vision for reconciliation. Airstrikes Kill 62 Militants in Somalia. Relations between Kurdish leaders in Iraq and Syria have been strained for years [Getty].

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Lawk Ghafuri, a Kurdish political writer, is optimistic about the recent meeting and believes it could herald stronger cross-border Kurdish ties. However, there remain major obstacles to normalisation, which may yet prove too difficult to overcome. Abdulla Hawez, an independent Kurdish affairs analyst, believes that this latest effort to mend KRG-PYD relations "seems to be more serious, but I don't think relations will become 'normalised'.

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In Post-ISIS Mosul Will Communities Ever be Reconciled? | Al Bawaba

June 04, Updated Mechanisms of contracting and executing crude oil export agreements. Iraq's Ministry of Oil. News, blogs and more. Tax and legal framework. Natural resources Iraq has approximately 9. Commodity Reserves Unit Significance Oil billion barrels approx. Oil and gas production.

Can a divided Iraq be reconciled?

Reconciled revenues by company. Policy recommendations and reforms. Report covers export sales of oil, disaggregated by buying company. Report includes detailed production figures and a chapter on mining in Iraq. Iraq's progress by requirement. Validation First Validation You can download the program for free here https: