Taghizadeh2, Our recent progress in the develop- tailoring the geometry it is possible G. Buller2; 1Politecnico di Milano, ment of laser-based nanotechnolo- to obtain desired optical properties. Dipartimento di Elettronica e Infor- gies for applications in photonics and Here, we will highlight several new mazione IT , 2Heriot-Watt University regenerative medicine will be re- advances in the use of plasmonic UK.
Fabrication of nanophotonic structures and photonic crystals to Over the past few years there has components by two-photon polymeri- control light fields. The polymerization process is offer the typical advantages of initiated when the beam of an ultra- microelectronic devices small size, fast, infrared laser is tightly focused ruggedness, low voltage, low power, into the volume of a transparent, etc. Furthermore, they have inher- photosensitive material. Two-photon ently higher photon detection effi- absorption takes place within the ciency than PMTs and are able to focal volume; by moving the focused provide, beside sensitivities down to laser beam within the material, fully single-photons, very high acquisition 3D structures can be fabricated.
In order to make SPAD array Possible applications of this technique more and more competitive in time- for the fabrication of photonic crys- resolved application it is necessary to tals, metamaterials, plasmonic com- face problems like electrical crosstalk ponents, and biomedical devices will between adjacent pixels, power be discussed.
Antennas are widely used by electri- U. Micha- Optical traps represent a versatile cal engineers to enhance the coupling elis1, M. Therewith, it is possible to tempting to develop an optical ana- 2Warsaw University of Technology, generate an array of anchorpoints log to tailor visible light emission or Institute of Micromechanics and for artificial polymer networks. In absorption by an atom or a mole- Photonics PL. We aim at building up synthetic The design and fabrication of the biopolymer networks using time- different gratings as well as the multiplexed optical tweezers for both assembly of the complex monolithic 3D force generation and measure- interferometer arrangement are ments.
Regional Development US 9: Sada4, waveguide principle for highly effi- Materials Section, Department of M. Schmid1, sity of Technology NL. It will be shown subwavelength grating effect. We that a self-induced fluorescence in demonstrate how these waveguides green is responsible for light self- can be used to make compact and confinement. Luminescence role for highly efficient photonic devices, space charge field stabilization and including a fibre-chip coupler with an bending reduction will be analyzed. We present experimental results showing the formation and manipula- tion of laser cavity solitons at a 80MHz rate in a monolithic and 9: Manipulation of Optical nanoantennas for high- post-deposition annealing in organic dynamical states that pave the way efficient ultra-thin solar cells semiconductors for solar cell applica- to the observation of pulsed cavity S.
It is The small -Van-der-Walls- interaction confined light beams in liquid crystals shown numerically that optical nano- between organic molecules enables G. Piccardi; antennas can lead to broadband them to rearrange into a variety of NooEL — Nonlinear Optics and Opto- absorption in 30nm-thick GaAs solar film morphologies, including glassy Electronics Lab, University Roma Tre cells, with Moreover, for the case of nematicons, demonstrating it in two organic solar cells, the morphology cases, namely un-doped and dye- at the nanoscale of donor acceptor doped liquid crystals in planar cells.
Understanding how to monitor and control the morphology is, therefore, a major issue in the field. We demonstrate that femtosecond can be use to image optically and highly directive antennas. This transmission and in reflection clay were obtained after heat treatment. Experimental characteri- dimensional objects in the multiple trapping in a microfluidic environ- wood panels, frescoes, mosaics, zation of such structures is highly scattering regime, where linear scat- ment.
We with a resolution well beyond the present here a novel approach to Rayleigh criterion. Seki- scattered by nanoantennas optical frequency comb introduced C. Eishii2; 1Life Sci- S. After a spectroscopic char- racy of nanometer order. The result the nature of the intracellular trans- tigated by comparing visible micro- acterization, the three-dimensional of the length measurement experi- port mechanism in living tobacco scope images with segmented THz scattering pattern of various gold ment will be presented.
PCBM thin films optical confinement strategies. Andreu; T-Solar bar2, P. The main objective of photovoltaic Ryan6, R. Better exploita- ment of Chemical Engineering, Uni- tion of light accomplished via optical versity of Sheffield UK ; 3Depart- confinement strategies is a clear ment of Physics, University of Cam- road ahead to fulfill this goal. A combination of spectroscopic ellip- sometry SE and grazing incidence x -ray scattering GI-XS are used to probe structure formation in thin films of an organic semiconductor blend in- situ during the film casting process.
This information is vital for designing future processing routes which exploit the favourable properties of these Natali1,2, We propose a new class of vortex M. High quantum efficiency and fast response have been achieved by employing the squaraine dye in bulkheterojunc- tion with [6,6] phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester. Amin Ali, their use for photovoltaic device S. El- Gailhanou , L. Photonic structures such as photonic surfaces are prepared from blends We present a combined theoretical crystals or nanostructures are a very with polystyrene.
These films are and experimental study of spatio- promising way to address this prob- used to prepare photovoltaic cells temporal propagation effects in THz lem. Furthermore, the usage of RWGs in enhancing of the second harmonic generation, the fluores- cence signal and the Raman scatter- ing was considered. Optofluidics refers to a class of adaptive optical circuits that inte- grate optical and fluidic devices.
Familiar examples include liquid crystals and dye lasers. The introduc- tion of liquids in the optical structure enables fine-tuning and reconfigura- tion of circuits so they can perform tasks optimally in a changing envi- ronment. We will discuss how the emergence of fluidic transport tech- nologies at the micron and nanome- ter levels opens possibilities for novel adaptive optical devices.
Nonlinear Kerr switching of the whispering gallery modes WGM excited in Visible laser emission is observed from two silicon subwavelength-sized high silica microspheres covered by a nonlinear polymer are studied. The nonlinear index contrast gratings with embedded polymer gain material. This extends silicon photonics the pump radiation wavelength. The frequency comb of a femtosecond laser source provides a wavelength We demonstrate amplified spontaneous emission ASE from MEH-PPV in a ruler that enables multi-wavelength light interferometry for real-time meas- slab waveguide under cw-pumping.
We observe line narrowing of the emis- urement of long distances. In addition, femtosecond laser pulses allow time-of sion spectrum for pump intensities above 0. ASE, collected at the -flight measurement with improved precision in comparison to conventional edge of the waveguide, is centred at nm with a FWHM of 23 nm and lasers.
This unique remote ranging capability of femtosecond lasers is investi- shows high polarization contrast [] gated for next-generation space missions deploying multiple satellites for synthetic aperture imaging. The position and orientation of each satellite is to be precisely measured and controlled with respect to the master satellite to realize formation flying in space.
Kowalczyk; Institute of Physics, Gaudin2, N. The so called dynamical Physics Centre, Research School of conservation will be demonstrated. Kinetics of protein to pentamers, but is no longer pre- National University AU , 3Institute of synthesis could be monitored from sent for smaller peptides. We derive analyti- cal expressions for transmittance of the Kerr shutter and power equalizer operating in the continuous-wave CW regime and use them to opti- Wang, cal Signalling Studies bioss , Univer- Y.
PFM with 3D back focal plane A novel nano-wall supported silicon interferometry to investigate differ- wire waveguide is proposed. One results demonstrate that it only sup- interesting concept of these cells is ports quasi-TE mode transmission, the usage of filopodia. Discrete steps showing its potential in low loss silicon several nm were measured during based polarization integrate compo- filopodia retraction likely belonging nents.
Rohrbach; University of M. Sequential sampling of the mains in semi-crystalline polymers. By beat of the reflected near infrared The thermal gradient of the lattice using subwavelength grating structures, radiation against a frequency-shifted mode frequency shift changes at the which act as an averaged effective reference beam is made onto an glass transition that originally takes medium inside the grooves of the dif- array detector. Wide-field maps of place in the amorphous domains. Grating ment of exogenous marker. Sai Santosh Kumar2 , to2, G.
Gigli; National Nanotechnology A. Semiconductor nanocrystals NCs are DSSC are a realistic option for We use nonlinear optical microscopy promising building blocks for future- converting light to electrical energy. Second Harmonic signals pro- hybrid nanocrystal-polymer compos- zation, including a variety of metal vide highly contrasted images of the ite solar cells, and dye-sensitized oxides, organic and inorganic sensi- collagen cholesteric organization due solar cells.
Colloidal inorganic NCs tizers, molecular, polymeric and to the large hyperpolarizability of could offer processing, scale, and electrolytic hole-transporter materi- collagen triple helices. Application of cost advantages of organics, while als. In order to further improve the this methodology proved relevant to retaining the broadband absorption efficiency of solid-state hybrid solar characterize collagen biomimetic and superior transport properties of cells, attention has been recently structures.
Re- focused on using polymers such as cently, considerable research has poly 3-hexylthiophene P3HT , to focused on the synthesis, shape con- replace the more commonly used trol, and photophysics of heterostruc- spiro-MeOTAD, in order to enhance tured type II nanocrystals. Joining the absorption within thin films. Parpaleix1, and the hole in the other one. Lanzani1; 1Center dov3, S. Moreover, the same system acts as photoconductivity switch based on the same principle. Two This paper describes the design, in electronic devices such as organic techniques are proposed.
The first assembly, and testing of a concentra- photovoltaic cells. It will be shown one relies on the modulation of the ting photovoltaic module which uses that time-resolved two-photon photo- probe polarization whereas the spectral splitting to achieve high emission TR-2PPE is a valuable second one uses a Babinet-Soleil system power efficiency.
An efficien- methode to probe their electronic compensator. Utilisation of this tech- cy of Sato2, waveguides breath ling1,2,3, H. Dodt1,2; 1Vienna Uni- I.
Zanoni by Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton, Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Paperback / softback, 2012)
University of Oldenburg DE. Terahertz absorption spectra of Poly surface plasmon polariton We discuss the cavity-enhanced We developed improved light sheet 3-hydroxybutyrate s were meas- waveguide Au strip and two outside direct frequency comb spectrometer generation optics, which provide ured. The orientation of the transition dielectric waveguides SiNx strip , developed in our laboratory. In longer Raleigh ranges, whilst retain- dipole moment was investigated by was fabricated and the high efficient particular we show how low concen- ing beam waists comparable to the the polarization spectra.
The tem- coupling has been observed. Using the reflects the change in the hydrogen be simultaneously detected. Its capa- modified system we achieved a bonding distance of the crystalline bilities make it a reliable tool in the marked improvement in the resolution structure. Delahaye1, single-cycle limit metal ferromagnetic nanorods M. This technique called supercriti- provides intense single-cycle idler optical interaction involving thermal cal angle fluorescence microscopy is transients covering the window be- magnons localized on ferromagnetic based on fluorescence spatial filter- tween 1 and 60 THz with peak elec- nanorods using the Brillouin backscat- ing.
It allows parallel wide field tric field amplitudes exceeding 10 tering measurements. The temporal trace of the tal results are conformed by numeri- and membrane processes. We used an tal. For the first time cross polarization interferometry is used to characterize scattering properties of a nanojet sphere. An- sity of Rochester US. Lightguide concentrators show tre- We investigate the transfer of two mendous promise for thin form-factor, dimensional image carried by the lightweight, and inexpensive replace- 2nd harmonics nm of the ments for the current generation of Nd: YAG laser to the first Stokes refractive and reflective solar con- nm wavelength using a hydrogen centrators.
We propose a new type Raman shifter. De La Rue2; 1Cen- B. Organische Chemie, subwavelenth waveguides. While strong light confinement is solitonic supermodes. Barland2; 1Kavli Insti- Y. Salort2, remote quantum dots mers I. Viktorovskaya, Chernivtsi Domenger3, P. Oesterschulze1; 1Phys- University UA. Micro-optics, Department of Micro- shown that intensity distribution may A pulsed-terahertz source and a We have developed a device in systems Engineering IMTEK , Univer- be used as characteristic, which joins continuous millimeter wave emitter which the emission energy of single sity of Freiburg DE.
We use this system to tune without moving mechanical parts is opaque 3D samples. By applying a transitions in remote quantum dots to presented. The system relies on the filtered backprojection algorithm, the same energy and observe two- unique absorption and transmission computed terahertz tomography has photon interference with their emis- behaviour of redox active electro been performed to reconstruct the sion.
By that, purely cross-sections. Especially, phantoms electrically controlled circular aper- have been used to investigate the tures were realised. We present the design and fabrica- Univ. A pre- tal cells. THz time-domain spectros- and releasing BB are optical tweez- day and can be placed on several ing the optimization of the system.
We engineer methods for ob- kinds of substrates. One of our goals We present examples of compact length femtosecond pulses and phase serving and steering of nanorods with is to use these micro-cells for the trapping modules. In this contribution, we present a We report the high performance of novel approach in the field of opti- Notes electro-optic modulators made of a cally induced photonic lattices. The best engineered lattice waves, we are figure of merit displays 3. This allows for ized with a commercial electro-optic the optical induction of reconfigur- polymer.
Sukhorukov1; 1Nonlinear Physics Gonzales2, G. We apply the system to map of periodically curved optical the spatial distribution of charge waveguides. We find two- and three separation and recombination dy- -dimensional light bullet solutions namics in photovoltaic blends made using variational formalism. Stability of Donor-Acceptor Bulk Heterojunc- of the light bullets is confirmed by the tions. Beyond this linear extensive toolbox, We investigate near-infrared sensiti- we design and model a first nonlin- zation dynamics of Er III complexes ear demonstrator: Rama Prasanna Pavani, Gross1, P.
Desbiolles1; 1Laboratoire resonance shifts G. The post- axis configuration to track gold sity CN. This technique We demonstrate an alternative estimation by a combination of can image the amplitude or phase of method to identify the radial order wave-optical processing and statisti- the whole light field in 3D avoiding of Whispering Gallery Modes in cal analysis. The result is the most any mechanical scanning. It is based on precise wide-field 3D localization on the shift and broadening induced by a per photon basis.
This method is first assessed for small spheres by comparison with Mie theory and then extended to on-chip End of TOM 1 microtoroids.

Coupled micro cavities of hexagonal shape demonstrate interesting prop- erties: Resonance performances of such micro-optical devices are nu- merically investigated in this report. We report on measurements of the far-field pattern modification of stadium-shaped organic microlasers by introducing circular vacancies within the cavity. The optimal size and positions of these vacancies were obtained by Monte-Carlo style numerical ray simulations and a good agreement was obtained with ex- periments.
Beyer1, emy of Sciences of Belarus BY. Dem- monic enhancement of light—matter We review our recent experimental sar1,6, A. Huber1; interaction is proposed in terms of progress on three-dimensional 1Department of Physics and Center incident field concentration and photonic metamaterial structures for Applied Photonics, University of density of states concentration pro- made by direct-laser-writing technol- Konstanz DE ; 2Department of Phys- viding a rationale for huge enhance- ogy.
Examples are gold-helix meta- ics, University of Fribourg CH ; 3De- ment factors allowing for single materials and three-dimensional partment of Physics, Shanghai Jiao molecule detection by Raman spec- invisibility cloaking structures. A novel line- shape analysis of the apex oxygen vibration allows us to monitor the ultrafast phonon occupation and find direct evidence for strong electron- lattice coupling. Measurement and Monte-Carlo simu- lations of THz photoconductivity spectra in nanocrystalline films re- vealed a strong coupling between adjacent nanocrystals.
Investigation of ultrafast dynamics shows that the coupling is stronger for electrons with high excess energy and it weakens as the electrons relax to the bottom of the conduction band. Houard, Hannover, Center for optical tech- CZ.
Hannover, Institute of measurement waves of many materials exhibiting We investigate the wavelength and and automatic control DE. We deter- origin and driving mechanisms. The illuminated by an ultrashort laser mine the optical properties e. We show that it is tion of the adjusted surface shape. Glesk; University of Strathclyde, 9: Introductory talk Willette, P. Cadoret, Demand for fast and secure high H. Zondy; Laboratoire Commun de capacity networks is growing. It is believed that to doctoral education and innovation We report on a widely tunable fully utilize transmission bandwidth of would even be raised: This SRO will be used for multi- species trace gas sensing based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy.
We report on cavity-enhanced cw 9: Professor of Optical Engineering, W of fundamental power. Onset of Johnson2, B. Gavartin2, The influence of BaCl2 nanocrystals a calling that can be pursued in R. It is a scien- spanning frequency comb generation ce and an art; entrepreneurship is a via four-wave mixing in continuous primary way in which a free society wave laser pumped microresonators grows and improves not only its for the first time.
The generated economy, but its cultural and social comb lines are fully tunable over life as well. This talk will discuss a more than one free spectral range. This Time-domain terahertz spectroscopy cations. The optical interaction between equation. The calculated reflectance hexagonal YMnO3. A soft magnon in light and analyte is enhanced by agreed well with results by numerical antiferromagnetic AFM phase and field localization in the metallic cav- simulation. We interpret the latter as a consequence of a magneto-elastic coupling.
Royer; Institut Charles Delau- M. As an example, a tron-hole plasma near the Mott- plasmonic nanostructures. Enhancement of the and increase the quantum yield of [] damping constant has been observed fluorophores. Sypek2; 1Institute of la2, E. Preliminary simulation results based mia, Institute of Physical Biology CZ ; High resolution optical microscopy on a new approach allowing for 4Department of Chemical Physics, and photoluminescence measurements modelling of incoherent and nonpar- Lund University SE.
As a Element exhibits better lateral imag- was studied by time-resolved spec- model system, we have investigated ing resolution and a relatively more troscopy in the visible and terahertz an array of thin nm silver uniform quality across the whole spectral regions. Electron-cation ridges in a matrix of an organic range of the imaging space than any complex fundamentally affecting semiconductor, poly 3-hexylthio- other elements with extended depth both processes was found in dye- phene.
In this communication a brief descrip- tion of the optics photonics and trans- parent conducting oxides TCOs materials research on photovoltaic PV devices will be presented. In addition, the Portuguese PV market will be discussed as well as the latest technologies in the PV market and its main applications. Delbeke, Ghent University BE. Efficient light trapping is necessary if PhD-trajectory is finished. Timing, We have designed and fabricated a Si-wafer thickness is to be reduced involvement and guidance are key CW source based on difference without compromising efficiency.
In issues to enable this direct impact of frequency generation DFG in an this work we propose a back-side 2D the PhD research. We find must be minimal. An embedded business development for this new archetype of integrated [] manager can pro-actively identify emitter. The embedded business development manager can stimulate, involve and engage the PhD-students and elabo- rate the business case without interfe- ring with their research activities and can prepare them to step in the business case when the fundamental research oriented PhD trajectory is finished. This technology transfer model is A pump-resonant signal-resonant The organ of vision threshold charac- Plateau clusters laboratories and optical parametric oscillator for teristics application for energy effec- research groups of Ghent University radiometric applications tive light-optic systems iterative to unite their expertise in the deve- A.
Zanon- estimation by visibility level lopment of innovative photonic soluti- Willette, P. This calculation is made on delivering 10 to 50 mW over an the base of multichannel model of octave mid-IR wavelength range 1. Such a device will be used spatial-frequency functions. Milanich1,2; 1Institute of General M. This article discloses a new method ser2,3, E. Using a new interference are studied by Terahertz time- effect between the dipolar and resolved spectroscopy. A coupling octupolar plasmons, observed in a scheme for the coupling of broad- specific configuration, we show how band Terahertz pulses into the sub- the local and non-local response wavelength cavity of a double metal arising from the surface and bulk quantum cascade laser is presented.
The influence of outside factors, such versity of Bordeaux 1 FR. Goodhue4, as temperature, polarization of the For more than 6 years, training in K. Termkoa4; 1Air Force Research probing laser beam, the size of the entrepreneurship has been implemen- Laboratory, Sensors Directorate US , magnetic field, on the formation of ted at the Master level for physics 2Air Force Research Laboratory, the multilevel measuring and control- degree at the Bordeaux 1 university.
The use of the optical bistabil- cal advisors and experts in business sity of Massachusetts, Photonic Center ity OB phenomenon, as an alterna- development has enabled a specific US. To meet requirements for effi- ness models and business plans. The of Bordeaux during a specific successful replication of template weeklong summer school. Almost 20 patterns was demonstrated. Methods and results will be exposed and discussed.
Photoconductive antennas and nm spatial resolution. Coupling to the as homogenization and beam trans- photodiode based photomixers are field-enhancing metal tip is shown to forming system. Effects of gain or loss fabricated and used to assemble increase both excitation and radia- in GRIN materials are taken into fibre coupled terahertz systems. Condition for conversion of an 2 THz CW is demonstrated. We may not have seen it, we may not have felt the impact, but green photonics has been quietly growing in our lives over the past decade.
It is only in the recent few years, that our community has realized the big- ger picture, and global impact of green photonics. Engineers and scien- tists will still strive for energy effi- ciency, cleaner solutions and im- proved health in their designs, ex- cept now, along with a larger per- centage of the population, they focus more of their design in areas that impact beyond the actual product design itself. Over the past half decade, the topic has become topical, politi- cal, and to some extent even cultural. Infante1; 1Uni- Yvon FR. Each channel view of the so-called "gap" in bet- photons at 1.
The in- between discontinuities. Several features of the skills can prove decisive. The talk will device for quantum information ap- conclude with some ideas for would- plications are discussed. The characterisation of bunches. The influence of the temperature of the post-irradiation annealing has been studied. From the analysis propagation losses less than 0. The using entangled photons. Fisica e Matematica IT. Cambridge, Department of Physics, In , the Principal Investigator We present experimental measure- Cambridge UK , 2Clarendon Labo- operation to the principle of ments of the parametric down- ratory, University of Oxford, Depart- "forgiveness rather than permission" conversion PDC high gain spatial ment of Condensed Matter Physics created a new role of "Industry profile obtained via up-conversion of UK.
Outreach Officer", and I, Una Mur- the twin beams broadband radiation Energy relay dyes have shown to phy was recruited to this position. We development and maintenance of a rors. An efficient and highly controllable gram Mars with isolation of the The goal of our publication is to show chaotic oscillator has been designed. Regulation to be made on the for PhD students as it is the first step lation, and non local nonlinear de- basis of multichannel model of an of developing any optical device layed feedback.
State of the art organ of vision. The received results and one of the most creative jobs in optical chaos communication was show the possibility to create an optical engineering. Mi- arrays Serdyukov1, J. An analytical model is pro- pled waveguides. We demonstrate of powerful, stable, and pulsed THz posed to describe this very thin beam experimentally routing of beams at radiation.
Additionally we show expander and to characterize the interfaces in our novel metamaterial results from the commissioning of the profile of the transmitted beam. Role of dipo- fabricated with gray-scale E-beam lar and multipolar localized surface lithography plasmons L. Toury2, cation Technology, Royal Institute of E. Both positive- contribution of Surface Enhanced and negative-height relief features Raman Scattering SERS , we investi- can be easily fabricated in one step gate arrays of gold nanoparticles process.
Rohrbach1,2; for optically pumped laser cavities 1University of Freiburg, Centre for Y. Pirasteh, Biological Signalling Studies bioss Y. In the frame of a simple model Interaction of holographically shaped based on the rate equation formal- self-reconstructing beams with scat- ism, we derive the main steady-state tering media is analyzed. An in- properties of optically pumped Nd- crease in information content of doped Silica resonant structures images of extended inhomogeneous embedded with Silicon nanoclusters.
Sanso- duate School FR. Hoenders; University of Gronin- ni1, D. Next, the challenge of associa- statistically independent image sam- ticles are suspended have been ting doctoral students to the scheme pling points and solves therefore the recently proposed as direct absor- will be addressed and some options optimal sampling problem.
The NDFI bers in solar thermal collectors. The that have been identified will be for aberrated and partially coherent optical properties as absorption and described. Imaging is performed in J. Modupeh Hodasi , P. LSB microchip laser to measure the length of optical fibres. The optical imaging quality and other important features of intraocu- lar lenses can be tested in an optical bench specifically designed for this purpose. The setup meets the current ISO standard. It allows wavefront sensing, spectral characterization and the simulation of model eyes with diverse aberrations.
Kirch- for Biological Signalling Studies hof3, H. The We report on different applications Optical resolution can be increased of micro-optics for the generation by more than a factor of two due to and the transport of laser radiation the coupling of evanescent waves to with high beam quality in the kW the transducing substrate. This includes aspherical mirrors to improve the beam quality of thin-disk lasers and guided wave optics for the transport and the bril- liance conversion in optical fibers. In this paper we show numerically By introducing asymmetries in a fully that a nanostructured Gradient Index metal-coated scanning near field nGRIN micro lens can be utilized for optical microscopy probe, we obtain collimation of a beam generated by a strong near field localization under a VCSEL, characterised by a half- linearly polarized excitation.
This width of 1. The refractive effect, essential for high resolution index gradient of the nanostructured applications, is achievable in axisym- GRIN micro lens is very high resulting metric structures only under a cum- in a lens thickness of Using the electric field present inside a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope STM junction, we demonstrate the possibility to create a very local non- centrosymmetry via molecular orien- tation under the tip. We show this can be used to get localized light emission through second harmonic generation SHG.
The solar cells efficiency may be improved by better exploitation of the solar spectrum, making use of the down-conversion mechanism. Visscher2; 1Laboratoire Charles Fabry de C. The samples of 22 aminoacid were simultaneously the trap stiffness of an optical trap Here we present a complete Raman analysis of used in the experiment on the modified micropo- and the coefficient calibration factor of the MMP2 and MnSOD proteins using multiwave- larimeter. Research methods are Mueller matrices quadrant photodiode using an acousto-optic length-excitation. HOT and enables for the first time full rotational a result of a photon absorption phenomenon.
This In this work we report an accurate synthesis of a control of multiple bacteria with respect to any work provides evidence of optical damage SERS nanosensor based on nanoscale gold struc- arbitrary axis. Fiala; Czech Technical J. The holographic optical tweezers HOT are A new configuration of two cascaded wide-band capable of a real-time optical micromanipulation paratellurite acousto-optic deflectors is proposed.
The optical traps are Key parameters of the device and experimental created by diffraction of light on the dynamic validations are presented. Such a deflector can synthetic Fresnel type holograms, which can be be used as a part of an optical trapping system. The new approach for modeling of elementary field cells with heterogeneous polarization and controlled number of polarization singularities is proposed.
The cells may be obtained by the superposition of specially formed orthogonally linearly polarized waves. Andrianov1, hertz THz frequencies of planar Goubau lines Planar metamaterials, so-called metasurfaces, L. We are focused on THz near-field can efficiently be described by a modified trans- ov2, M. Bykov4; 1Ioffe Physical imaging systems up to 1 THz. These systems are fer matrix formalism that takes into account ani- Technical Institute of RAS RU ; 2Institute for Ana- designed to fill the lack of high-sensitive imaging sotropic, conductive interfaces.
We report results of spectral studies of terahertz response in an apertureless differential-type terahertz near-field scanning probe microscope THz SPM. Strong modification of the spectral response by probe height modulation has been discovered. TeraHertz dectection by field effect transistors: Absorbance increment of ethanol gas molecule From non resonant to resonant detection mixed with Air in Terahertz region S.
We show that a terahertz alcohol sensor. In addition Near-field THz imaging in pulsed mode: Kamba1, erence term, which in most cases can be as large Friberg1,3,4; 1School of Information and Communi- J. A technique in the THz range demonstrates en- tunability of high-frequency polar phonons in hanced scattering in far-field region and in- SrTiO3 is demonstrated upon dc electric bias creased resolution of the scanned image. Amplified Stimulated Terahertz Emission at Room properly describe both these phenomena.
Temperature from Optically Pumped Graphene S. We have built probe spectroscopy with a femtosecond-pulsed a THz-QCL modulation measurement system by laser operating in the optical communication optical pulse synchronized to current pulse and band. Wagner; Fraunhofer Institute for High lasers F. Millimeterwave Radar and High Frequency harev1, V. Imaging Terahertz sensors for security and safety D. In particular, for generation of high- dispersions. Duan2; troscopy and find the highest THz birefringence S. We propose a simple method to generate an and their temperature dependence is studied.
In this report building and application questions optical clock up to 1. The jitter of the generated presented. The main attention is paid to the inter- frequency is less than fs. The quality at mediate water capacitor integrated into the gas- GHz is assessed through BER measurements. The main results of experi- mental investigations of characteristics of 10 TW CO2-laser components are briefly stated. The promising candidate for sub-wavelength micros- applied design rules and fabrication methods. Different schemes of the niques.
Here, we report on the spatial and the MO are described and compared. In a case of spectral near-field properties of our highly local- CO2 master oscillator picoseconds Nd: YLF laser ized THz source. As a result of the Project completion a picoseconds facility with multiple-pass pre- amplifier will be created.
The definition of a quality factor adapted tion technique. It is based on the nanowire array mon. Optimized excitations will be presented. Changing the filters, we will particularly study the approach optimization algorithm allowed us to obtain a the distance between the nanowire array and the with resonators along the Goubau line.
Some polarization selective and high reflectivity struc- film, we can control the intensity of the surface structures will require cascading several resona- ture showing several percent of tolerance. We will present filters with a minimum number of resonators i. Elec- tromagnetic simulation results show clearly two resonances with two different resonators at 0. The substrates used have low permittivity. We will also discuss on plasmonic waveguides based on corrugated planar Gou- bau lines.
Le Rouzo2 , H. The A simple way to calculates the discrete energy Pairs of Au nanodisks 40nm in diameter were choice of materials and the development of the levels of electrons in multiple quantum wells is fabricated in silica by EB lithography with chang- process flow steps, including E-beam lithography presented. The absorption band of semiconductor ing interparticle distance.
Au nanoparticles ori- EBL and metal lift-off of a single thin layer, are quantum structures is deduced.
The slots in a thin gold layer. First peak of the plasmon resonance was shifted to the measurements are presented. Ballin1,2, Athanasios Laliotis1,2, D. In the spirit of our systematic investigation of S. Besides the examination of object spheres 3D confinement. Sub-Doppler lines are new quantum well solar cells. It includes a com- matched illumination other advanced illumination observed in preliminary experiments. Lamy de la netic field. This study describes the effect of the surrounding medium on the SERS efficiency using nanolitho- graphied substrates designed through electron beam lithography and lift off techniques.
Scattering evolution with the nanostructures Emitting Diodes silver nanoparticles in soda-lime glass size O. Urbach; Delft University of M. We compare the scattering as optical elements, nanophotonic devices or contribution to the extinction spectrum experimen- biomedical sensing and labeling. These applica- tally and theoretically. The temporal ringdown of Silicon-on-Insulator defined in terms of the Gell-Mann matrices are In this paper we analyze the very special proper- racetrack resonators is measured for input pulses applied to investigate the 3D degree of polari- ties of an heterostructures composed by comple- of duration fs using a parametric amplifica- zation of the field at the focal region of a high mentary media.
Theory and experimental results tion technique. This allows us to study the coupling focusing optical system. Transverse beam width of radially-polarized special metamaterial. Bordas1, On the basis of a formal analogy with the irradi- T. Girard3, ance moments, used as ISO standards for the I. Raineri1,4; 1Laboratoire de paraxial beam-width, analytical definitions are Photonique et de Nanostructures FR , 2Photonics proposed for the width associated to both the Research Group, Department of Information transverse and the longitudinal components of Technology, Ghent University BE , 3Groupe de nonparaxial radially-polarized fields propagat- Chimie du Solide, Ecole Polytechnique FR , 4Uni- ing through high-focusing systems.
Effects on extraordinary transmis- -V device on SOI leads to increased thermal sion in subwavelength slits dissipation. Notes We address different sets of either dielectric or metallic nanocylinders in front of a subwave- length metallic slit. Next, we extend this study to photonic crystals close to gratings of such slits. The effects on light transmission and localization in the system when morphology-dependent resonances are excited in the particles, are analysed. We present the theory of optical forces on small and interband transitions to the thermooptical We present a simple and intuitive model for particles with both electric and magnetic response properties of silver nanoparticles.
In the present mi- electromagnetic field. This permits us to establish- principally due to the intraband contribution. The modeling and practical realization of 2D T. Popov; We present a hot-injection approach to make nanohole arrays in metallic substrates is pre- Saratov State Technical University, Educational- zincblende CdSe quantum dots with a diameter sented and discussed. For the reliable numerical Research Lab.
Continuous-wave simulations, our Fourier modal method has been RU. As the applicable method for Paper describes a complex of laser technologies copy was applied to investigate their size- practical realization, we have applied the con- for glass-carbon plate processing. The range of dependent electronic properties. At low tempera- cept of self-arranged templates and subsequent laser technologies for glass-carbon plate process- tures, the exciton fine structure of the first excited electroplating.
Men- Coherence Multiplexed System R. Benkelfat1; 1Institut jawa2, A. Valencia ES , 2Dpto. GDLs as a new family of fractal diffractive verse properties of a Gaussian beam on coher- A sub wavelength structure of the core of lenses. This generalization allows us, for instance, ence multiplexed system.
An air-glass photonic crystal property within the axial irradiance. Natural and Synthetic Polymers RO. It is shown that MFZPs designed and characterised: We have obtained sur- performance than FZPs. A full dynamic of face relief modulation of azopolymeric films from 20 dB can be obtained over the entire CWDM nanometers to hundreds of nanometers as a band with optical polarisation insensitivity. The function of the irradiation conditions.
Fiala; Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and graphy O. Physical Engineering, Department of Physical M. This method relies on utilization of Physics, Charles University, Faculty of Mathemat- cally used in transmission X-ray microscopes the aplanatic condition. The computation time is quite reduced in The aplanatic condition was taken as a main Characteristics of acrylamidebased and Poly- comparison with the formalism based on the optimizing criterion for the design of phase func- grama SMTR S1 photopolymer recording Lommel functions.
Numerical computations gener- tions of diffractive optical elements during the materials for optical holography have been ate accurate results for 3D imaging. The phase function of the experimentally studied. The curves, that describe diffractive element can be arbitrary. Femtosecond multi-wavelength Bragg grating Triangles, periodic orbits, and organic microlasers Relying on the high optical absorption of aqueous waveguides in pure fused silica C.
Lozenko1, pigment dispersions, we demonstrate tunable W. Zyss1; optical apertures and shutters of high contrast. We used organic ized beam microlasers to address this issue with an experi- X. Gu; Centre for Micro-Photonics, Faculty mental method based on the emitting spectra. Multilayer sub diffraction optical recording has been experimentally demonstrated with an achieved capacity of 0.
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This was achieved by increasing the annular aperture to optimize the volume of the focal spot, therefore leading to an enhanced storage density limit. Rebigan; sity by name A. The paper presents micro and diffraction gratings. Particular optical schemes for blood cells weights in the total number, as re- nanoscale patterning techniques in multilayer spectrographs and their aberration characteristics vealed by their dimensions and shapes monitored resists for fabrication of the micro-optical compo- are considered.
Zarins; Faculty of emy of Sciences CZ. A multi-steps profile is obtained based on graphic gratings recorded in different organic ment dimension and weight. Graded thin-film several masks made using e-beam lithography molecular glasses have been experimentally filters offer a tool for a possible miniaturization. Diffraction efficiency DE angular de- Both fabrication and characterization of these profile obtained after warming up at the opti- pendence of these gratings was also studied and small-dimension filters will be discussed.
We investigated the influ- ence of the distance between sample and the microscope objective in the contrast of the re- corded holograms and in the digital reconstruc- tion of the object image. We present a mathe- RU. The aberrations of the term of dynamic range and accuracy of this lithography and wet chemical etching are used in microscope objective are retrieved using the technique compared to interferometric techniques. Deparnay, By locating several rectangular holes, a grating Kulikov1, A.
The holes are filled Soldatenkov3, S. By changing temperature Phys. An overview about several by applying current to a thin-film heater, the tute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS RU , 4Inter- application fields is given in connection with spe- efficiency and the 0th order of diffraction which national Science and Technology Center RU. Fourier Generation of vortex laser beam LG01 mode transform of the output intensity, shows the spec- of good quality is performed with the help of the trum of the input light.
Cacialli1; 1Depart- Uznanski2, S. Cacialli1; 1Department of A. Chemistry, University of Oxford UK. Photovoltaic PV responses from hybrid organic- We prepared polystyrene artificial opals infil- Highly oriented polyvinyl alcohol films doped inorganic interfaces are shown to have different trated with a water soluble conjugated polymer with conjugated polyelectrolytes are presented origin depending on whether bulk single crystals threaded through cyclodextrin macrocycles. Examples are given for hybrid laser devices. For diluted solutions a clear effect axis.
Cacialli1; 1London Centre Kondratiuk2, F. We have studied both linear doped polymers, BS and TBST, which emit in the been synthesized for applications in near- and cyclic hexamers and obtain near infra-red near infra-red NIR part of the spectrum. In infrared light-emitting diodes. The absorption emission from the linear hexamer with an exter- blended devices, we obtain NIR emission peak spectra, electroluminescence and current-light- nal quantum efficiency EQE of 0.
We nm with external quantum efficiencies voltage characteristics are investigated. Light also investigate the optical properties of such up to 0. In photovoltaic devices, we emission peaking at nm has been obtained blends. With a view to of thermal lithography applica- tions we make use of finite element analysis to model the heat exchange between two different kinds of probe and a polymer substrate on quartz.
A commercial AFM tip and a Wollaston wire probe are compared by looking at the effect of their shape on the total heat exchange and the lithographic pattern resolution. Gryt- tion Slominski3, V.
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Kobeleva4; 1Insti- senko2, S. The Au Nps size and optical Depending on size and concentration, nanoparti- chromic spiropyran at various concentrations, properties of their ensemble can be tuned by cles can supress dye lasing properties due to were obtained by co-deposition in vacuum. PTFE varying deposition conditions, Au concentration, increased quenching of the excited molecules. Optical absorption and reflection spec- characterized by current voltage, EQE and age- tra needed for the evaluation were also meas- ing measurements, and material properties are ured. YVO4 grazing- second harmonic generation microscopy 1.
Amarande; National Institute for Laser, V. Although its contribution to thermal visualize the microscopic structure of rat-tail Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of lens focal power is approximately the same as tendon while measuring mechanical properties. Design is tissue anisotropy during loading cycles.
Stremoukhov; Faculty of Physics, M. The methods of control of conversion M. The spatial distributions of planar and conical second harmonic signals are studied dur- ing light-assisted poling and repoling of the crystal. Dol- monitoring fibrosis progression cally ordered nanocrystals gopolov1, V.
Nevertheless, monitor- tion of ordering are oriented in an arbitrary Laguerre-Gaussian vortex LG11 laser mode di- ing of liver fibrosis, to assess treatment efficacies, manner. The rectly focused into the SBS cell is experimentally through repeated and invasive biopsies is inad- results can be used for the development of new demonstrated. A study on the evolution of optical on—axis and FR. After studying the count two-photon absorption of the pump energy oxidation impact on the roughness of waveguide in the case of silicon nanowaveguides. This model interfaces and on optical losses, we have fabri- agrees with our experimental data.
The gain spectrum is Atomare Physik DE. The highly anisotropic buildup of photoinduced modulated by using multiple frequency-shifted High average power barium nitrate Raman laser channel waveguides in biased photorefractive pump beams. The complete dispersion curve is pumped with Nd: YAG laser radiation is pre- media is studied for different geometries and measured by the phase modulation technique. The output average powers of 17 W, 9. The observed dynamic reveals that tran- lengths of the first, second, and third Stokes cor- sient index profiles differ from steady-state ones, respondingly.
The thermal lens arisen during the specially for the case of one-dimensional illumina- Raman generation was investigated. Eichler2; Laser for Optical Interconnect G.
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I think this was the perfect start for someone like me. I know I didn't have the astonishing stats, but I knew I was good enough to play at another level. Playing away from the US has been tough. Not being able to really communicate with the surrounding community makes it hard to feel at home. How tough was the adjustment coming from playing in front of 12, fans on a regular basis to in Germany.
Having had that experience of being at the bottom before at Connors college help you make the adjustment easier? Being at Connors was one of the biggest blessings of my life. The crowds were small, but I was able to refine my game and really learn how to take over.
Kris Douse is the veteran import and you the rookie. Did you notice despite being a rookie, that the German players looked up to you? How did you use this experience to help your game as a rookie? The German players didn't really look at me as better, they are mostly older than me, so we viewed each other as equals. Being a Rookie overseas was hard, but that is how my whole life has been.
It has been an up and down season for BBC Herford that had high goals this season. What has been your season summary of the team? From the talent did it underachieve a bit? We had a rollercoaster type season to be honest. We won some tough games against good teams, but also played down at times. Being able to lead a team every day is something that I have grown to appreciate and will continue to work on. In the Regionaliga teams have to rely on having good German role players.
There are some veterans, but more young players. Do you feel like some depth has been missing for the team to be more successful? Yes, depth in the post is where we were hurting the most. I am really impressed with the guard play but having a post player that can stretch the floor, especially in today's game, is key. Giving up points has been a problem this season. BBC Herford relinquished points against Herten.
What have been the biggest problems on the defensive end and why haven't the needed adjustments been successful? Germany is different because everyone is just shooting 3's, so sometimes the games just become who can outshoot the other team. How much of a pleasure has it been playing with Canadian Kris Douse. What special tricks have you gotten from him in terms of basketball and off the court? Just playing my game. Playing defense and getting out on the break is what I excel in, so he was just telling me to keep focused and to make sure I do what I am good at. I'm sure he told you of his unfortunate experience with Westfalen last season.
How thankful are you having him around finding about the horrors of the business side? You will be looking for a new challenge in your second professional season and have to be ready for everything. I'm not really at liberty to discuss another players situation. Let's talk a little about your game. You're a pass first point guard. If you had to compare your game to an NBA player, which guy fits your game the best? Probably and honestly Westbrook. I am a downhill point who will hound players on defense and will always look to either set up teammates or get to the rim.
My outside shot has become better after my rookie season. So, incorporating that into my game is really helping to make me a different player. Despite playing at a lower level, how important has this Regionaliga experience been? At Kansas State you were a distributor and now a scoring force. Is your self confidence at an all-time high now?
I have always been a scorer.
That goes back to high school. At Kansas State I had to adjust to the role I was tasked with. That role was to be a defensive stopper off the bench. You're a guy that have proved this year that you can fill up the stat sheet, but what do you feel is a hidden strength in your game that doesn't get noticed right away on the court? My shot is becoming something that players have to respect and is making me a completely different player. Kansas State head coach Bruce Weber called you the team's best rebounding guard.
Have you always had that knack of knowing where the ball would bounce to, or did your rebounding skills come with experience? I have always been really good at using my body and I have learned to read where the ball will bounce, so rebounding has been a strength of mine as a guard. When you have been in the gym this season in Germany working on your craft do you ever look back at your encounters with a Frank Mason who played at Kansas. Does his pay motivate you even more to get better? Frank is a great player and being able to challenge myself by guarding him was good for my game.
There are so many great guards all over the world, but when you see a guy like Frank Mason and what he did on the court with Kansas and now in the NBA, how confident are you that you can play at a very high level at the professional level? I am getting more confident by the day. I feel as though I can play with anyone. What was your wake up call to being a rookie in Germany where you knew that you were very far away from home in Oklahoma City? Having to get used to other cultures food was very difficult. What have you learned to appreciate most about Germany?
Did you ever have any experience where English didn't necessarily help you? Everyone is very nice in Germany. That was something that I am going to miss. You averaged 15 and 14 minutes in two seasons at Kansas State. Head coach Bruce Weber was high on your play. Weber stated 'Are you willing to come off the bench? Are you willing to put the team above yourself? Are you willing to do unheralded dirty work that helps your teammates score?. You said you just wanted to win. Where did you get this role model like attitude?
I have always been more about the team than how my stats look. Winning has been my priority and I hate to lose. I will do whatever it takes to win, whether that means passing, rebounding, or scoring. NBA player Wesley Iwundu also has spoken highly of you in interviews. How much fun was it being his teammate and did you know going into your senior year that he would make the NBA? It was really fun. We were roommates and pretty much did everything together, so seeing him have success is awesome.
If you had to construct your own NBA Rushmore which 4 heads would you chose? Where does Lebron stand right now in your opinion in the never ending debate of who is the best of all-time? LeBron is the better player and that is hard to argue the other way, but as far as accomplishments go MJ is better. There has been criticism of Russell Westbrook to be focusing more on rebounding to help inflate his stats and possibilities of getting triple doubles instead of focusing on his defensive assignments. Do you feel that this is a fair assessment to the player Russell Westbrook?
No, Russ gets himself into position to rebound in order to kickstart the break. When Russ rebounds the ball they can skip the step of having to find a guard to give the ball to. How do you summarize the NBA Draft. What sleepers do you see playing a role in the NBA? Especially as a shooter. Do they have enough to make a serious run at the title or is something missing?
They can win it all if the make their shots. That is all it comes down to. If the Warriors are as unhealthy as they have been then the West is wide open. How do you rate the Kyrie Irving-Isaiah Thomas trade? Who got the better deal and which team will profit better in the long run? Kyrie is a game changer at the point. What was your take on the Cavs wheeling and dealing sending away Thomas, Wade and Rose? How quickly will they be successful? It takes a long time to form chemistry with new players, but LeBron is an x factor, so you never know what could happen.
Can they make a serious run in the west? The Thunder are starting to show who they really are. With Adams starting to take over the sky is the limit. Thanks Carlbe for the chat. Balentine, Thor Thorl Oliver, Thor AK Jonsson, Thor Thorl 1. LeDay, Galil Gilboa Loyd, Hapoel Eilat Brown, Galil Gilboa Dyson, Hapoel J-M LeDay, Galil Gilboa 8. Howell, Hapoel J-M 6.
Brown, Galil Gilboa 5. Blatt, Hapoel Holon 4. Kitchen, Hapoel Eilat 4. Walden, Hapoel Holon 2. McNeal, Hapoel T-A 1. Dyson, Hapoel J-M 1. Gaffney, Hapoel T-A 1. LeDay, Galil Gilboa 1. Tyus, Maccabi T-A 1. Sukteris, Valkas SI Vecens, Valkas SI 8.