September 27, 2018

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They will also have to grant prosecutors access to diocesan files regarding its handling of five other priests who had previously been accused of abuse. News of the latest order from County Judge John Torrence comes almost a week after the first conviction of a diocesan administrator on a charge of child endangerment for his role in reassigning clergy accused of abuse in his archdiocese. Local Catholic officials must hand over information about past priest abuse investigations to Jackson County prosecutors, according to a judge overseeing the current case against Bishop Robert Finn and the Diocese of Kansas City-St.

The diocese also must turn over its notes and other documents from an independent investigation it commissioned former U. Shawn Ratigan, the judge ruled. Ratigan is facing child pornography charges in state and federal court. Finn and the diocese are nearing trial on misdemeanor charges related to the handling of allegations against Ratigan. Because sensitive and confidential information likely is contained in that information, the judge said he would impose a protective order to limit access to those files to attorneys and staff directly involved in the case.

The Wild, Wild West: This is his first column. The media is there for the courtroom drama unfolding in the trial of William Lynch. Lynch alleges that he was a victim of horrific child abuse by a Catholic priest, Father Jerold Lindner, in Lynch settled a civil suit he filed against Father Lindner and the church over a decade ago. From the outset, it was clear that Mr.

The trial has not gone smoothly. However, the scope of his exam on this issue must be brief so as not to consume an undue amount of time, because it was a peripheral issue. Deputy District Attorney Vickie Gemetti, who is very well respected by criminal attorneys—both prosecutors and defense—made a tactical decision to defuse the abuse allegations by playing, as part of her opening statement, a tape recording of an interview in which Lynch detailed the alleged sexual abuse. The jury was in tears after hearing the tape, and the defense attorneys asked that Judge Cena modify his previous ruling limiting the scope of the questioning about the alleged sexual abuse because Ms.

Judge Cena agreed, and the defense was then allowed to extensively cross-exam Father Lindner about the abuse allegations. The Vatican Bank has increased efforts to comply with international rules to control money laundering and is committed to transparency, Paolo Cipriani, director general of the Institute for the Works of Religion, said today in Rome. Cipriani and his former boss, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, were placed under investigation by Italian prosecutors in a probe in for allegedly omitting data from some wire transfers from an Italian account.

The tour came one month after the bank's president, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, was ousted by the board of the bank, in a move he said was aimed at stopping his efforts to make the bank more transparent. The Vatican said he was just a bad manager. It also followed allegations by Italian magistrates that the bank may have been involved in money laundering, which the Vatican denies. The plaintiff, identified in court paper only as Jane Doe, filed the suit earlier this month against the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, Va.

The complaint alleges that she went to Rev. Thomas Euteneuer in to seek spiritual help and that he called her case "severe. What did the Vatican really decide in Father Pavone's case? The text of the Vatican decision has not been released. Therein lies the problem. The Diocese of Amarillo put things in a different perspective, issuing a brief statement from Bishop Patrick Zurek, which can be quoted in full: Father Pavone is to continue his ministry as chaplain until further notice.

As a gesture of good will, I will grant permission to him in individual cases, based upon their merits, to participate in pro-life events with the provision that he and I must be in agreement beforehand as to his role and function. All other matters are outside the purview of this statement. Posted on June 28, 9: A retired Church of England priest has been charged with sex attacks on 18 girls and boys dating back 50 years, including Hampshire. Canon Gordon Rideout, 73, is accused of committing 38 offences over an year period between and The charges follow a nine-month inquiry by detectives into allegations of child sex abuse in the s and early s.

He was known throughout his career to be an advocate for Mexican Americans in Los Angeles. He was elevated to Auxilliary Bishop of the Los Angeles archdiocese in In Arzube was accused of having molested an 11 year-old boy in and He admitted in a deposition to training altar boys in his bedroom, but denied molesting anyone. A civil lawsuit against the archdiocese related to the accusation against him was part of a massive settlement in the summer of Arzube died in December, Los Angeles Ordained Bishop: March 25, Retired: June 1, Died: De rechtbank heeft vandaag bepaald dat pedofielenvereniging Martijn verboden moet worden.

Het verbod geldt per direct; mocht Martijn in beroep gaan, dan betekent dat niet dat de vereniging zijn bestaan daarmee nog kan oprekken. Het is volgens de rechtbank in Assen niet toe te staan dat Martijn seksuele relaties tussen volwassenen en kinderen verheerlijkt. Dat is een inbreuk op de rechten van het kind. De Tweede Kamer maakte zich al langere tijd sterk voor een verbod. Drawing on his wide legal expertise, Jerry Slevin has sent another critically important statement about the recent Philadelphia trial and what remains still to be done. What follows is Jerry's statement:. Almost a year and a half ago, Philly's Cardinal Rigali suddenly suspended three dozen priests of the Philadelphia Catholic Archdiocese Philly AD on perceived suspicion of sexual misconduct with children.

Over half of these priests' cases were "news" to Rigali's lay child protection review board chairwoman. These remaining suspected priests are apparently still generally unmonitored and may yet be possible risks for defenseless Philly children. Yet, the Philly AD's newly convicted felon, Monsignor Lynn, had barely broken in his new prison mattress when the Catholic bishops' spin-machine went into over-drive to try to whitewash Lynn's criminal trial's findings and almost to suggest that an "abuse free" Philly AD had arrived. Catholic bishops' occasionally unofficial mouthpiece, Bill Donohue, exclaimed here that the alleged "witch-hunt" against the Philly AD had failed with Msgr.

Bill Donohue claimed pointedly, gratuitously and irrelevantly that DA Abraham investigated priests, but not rabbis and others. Bill has previously made similar seemingly anti-Semitic diversionary allusions to her alleged religious bias against Catholic clergy as a factor in her investigation of Philly predatory priests. Frank Pavone to perform religious services outside the Roman Catholic Diocese of Amarillo, but he must have permission to participate in pro-life activities, his bishop said Wednesday.

But he must have my permission for anything in regard to work in pro-life, and in particular Priests for Life, because that is where the issue arose to begin with. Dass der wiederverheiratete Horst Seehofer vom Papst die Kommunion erhalten hat, verteidigt er. Und er nimmt harte Worte in den Mund: Das darf bei uns keinen Ort haben. Weltbild soll nun doch nicht verkauft werden. Der Verlag war wegen des Vertriebs erotischer und esoterischer Titel ins Gerede gekommen und soll jetzt in eine Stiftung umgewandelt werden.

Investigators said a year-old teen and his brother went to Zottoli's home for an overnight counseling session. Mike Harvey with the Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office. Instead, detectives said Zottoli, known as "Brother Ed" to the kids, assaulted the year-old. Harvey said while one of the brothers was asleep on the couch, Zottoli asked the year-old to get into bed with him. Harvey said the teen claimed Zottoli was naked at the time, asked the teen for a massage, and that then Zottoli sexually assaulted the teen twice.

They say Zottoli also asked the teen to perform sexual acts on him. At the moment, it is one of aggravated theft. The investigative commission of cardinals that is working in parallel with the Vatican magistracy is continuing its hearings. It is not known how long it will take for the two investigations to the reach a conclusion.

But this does not mean that the so-called "Vatileaks" case has not already had an impact on the life of that particular organism which is the Roman curia. Some consequences, in fact, can already be identified in the short term, while others can be conjectured in the medium and long term.

To begin with, in just a few weeks there has been an increase in the curia of the visible role of Opus Dei, which already numbers, in the organizational structure, the secretary of the pontifical council for legislative texts Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta, of the clergy of Obra , the secretary of the congregation for the clergy Archbishop Celso Morga Iruzubieta, of the priestly fraternity of the Holy Cross, connected to Opus and the secretary of the prefecture of economic affairs Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda. By Snejana Farberov A Virginia woman filed a lawsuit claiming that a former priest whom she approached for spiritual help after becoming convinced that she was possessed by the devil repeatedly molested her during a more than two-year exorcism.

Het bisdom Roermond zegt te betreuren dat er in de jaren vijftig geen aangifte is gedaan van de 37 verdachte sterfgevallen in zwakzinnigeninstelling Sint Joseph in Heel. Het bisdom stelt dat in een verklaring die donderdag op internet wordt geplaatst. Justitie noemt de houding van het bisdom in de jaren vijftig 'onaanvaardbaar'. In ieder geval eind jaren vijftig was bij het bisdom bekend dat er in Heel kinderen zijn omgekomen onder verdachte omstandigheden.

De zaak werd destijds intern gehouden. Ook de congregatie waar Sint Joseph onder viel, hield de kwestie stil. Beide instellingen kunnen niet vervolgd worden voor het verzwijgen van de kwestie. De zaak is verjaard, en in de jaren vijftig konden instellingen nog niet voor de rechter gedaagd worden. Broeder en arts 'verdacht' in zaak St. Justitie ziet de in overleden broeder Andreas als verdachte in de kwestie rond 37 opvallende sterfgevallen onder jongens in de Heelse zwakzinnigeninstelling Sint Joseph.

Een groot deel van de jongens stierf in de jaren in het zogeheten Gerarduspaviljoen dat Andreas onder zijn hoede had. Als de zaak niet verjaard was, en de broeder niet was overleden, was het strafrechtelijk feitenonderzoek van justitie voldoende aanleiding geweest om een opsporingsonderzoek naar Andreas te starten, concludeert justitie. Justitie gaat er vanuit dat een groot deel van de jongens een onnatuurlijke dood is gestorven, maar kan niet zeggen om hoeveel gevallen het precies gaat. Oorspronkelijk is steeds sprake geweest van 34 verdachte overlijdens bij minderjarige jongens.

Justitie telt daar echter drie namen van overleden jongens tussen de 18 en 21 jaar bij op, omdat in de jaren vijftig mensen pas vanaf hun 21e meerderjarig waren. Niet alleen de broeder wordt door justitie als verdachte gekenmerkt. Ook toenmalig instellingsarts Guus Verstraelen zou in een nader opsporingsonderzoek verdachte zijn geworden als de zaak niet verjaard was, stelt justitie.

De arts uitte eind jaren vijftig en eind jaren zestig openlijke twijfels over de door hemzelf afgegeven verklaringen van natuurlijke dood. Onderzoek naar Verstraelen zou zich dan ook richten op het plegen van valsheid in geschrifte. In het katholieke gesticht Sint Joseph in Heel zijn tussen juni en januari vermoedelijk 37 gehandicapte minderjarige jongens om het leven gebracht, mogelijk met een overdosis medicijnen. Dat heeft het Openbaar Ministerie in Roermond vanochtend bekendgemaakt. Het zijn de zwaarste feiten die tot nu toe bekend zijn geworden in het twee jaar voortdurende misbruikschandaal in de R.

Bij de dood van de jongens zouden de broeder die de kinderen verzorgde, de instellingsarts en de leiding betrokken zijn geweest. De broeder, Andreas, zou zich schuldig gemaakt hebben aan moord, doodslag of dood door schuld. De instellingsarts gaf valse overlijdensverklaringen af waarin stond dat de kinderen een natuurlijke dood waren gestorven. De feiten zijn in verjaard; de meeste betrokkenen, onder wie broeder en arts, zijn overleden.

A retired Church of England priest from East Sussex has been charged with committing 38 sexual offences against 18 children and young teenagers. Canon Gordon Rideout, 73, of Filching Close, Wannock, is alleged to have committed the offences between and in Crawley, London and Hampshire. He was arrested at his home in March following a nine-month investigation and charged on Wednesday night.

A total of 36 of the 38 alleged offences are of indecent assault on girls and boys in their early teens, Sussex Police said. A Donegal priest said his life had been "devastated" by allegations of indecent assault against a year-old girl, after being cleared of the charges yesterday. He had denied claims that he inappropriately touched the teenage girl in the parochial house at St Joseph's parish in the Galliagh area of Derry between June and June The girl wept in court as the verdicts were read out after almost four hours of jury deliberation over the course of two days.

Posted on June 28, 7: Boland has always denied these charges and, at the start of the investigation, the Diocese of Derry emphasised his entitlement to a presumption of innocence. In different ways the whole process has been very difficult for everyone involved. Through its pastoral and other support systems, the diocese seeks to reach out to anyone who has been affected by this case.

An international Catholic organization based in Front Royal is being sued by a woman who claims its former president repeatedly sexually molested her while performing exorcisms. Fairfax attorney Demetrios C. Pikrallidas filed the complaint on behalf of an unidentified woman on June 19 in Arlington County Circuit Court. Loverde, and Human Life International Inc. The complaint accuses HLI's former president, the Rev.

Euteneuer, of abusing Doe during the course of more than two years. It also says he snuck visits to her on a family vacation to Hawaii, burned her diary and brought her to work at HLI. Euteneuer worked for HLI from until August , the organization's communications director, Stephen Phelan, said Wednesday afternoon. At the recent U. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting, we received good news about the U. The report was produced by the National Review Board with much of the conclusions drawn from the John Jay School of Criminal Justice report, an extensive study by a non-Catholic legal institute on the origins and extent of sexual misconduct in the Catholic Church.

While the study noted that there will always be more to achieve and we must remain ever-vigilant, it concludes that we have done immense good in a very short period of time. Certain points are worth noting:. Even victims coming forward today are largely voicing allegations from that time period.

While it is good news to know that the majority of this illegal and sinful behavior is behind us, we cannot drop our guard. We must remain vigilant. Also, it is important to note that there is still much work to be done to bring healing to the victims from that era. A wide range of resources are offered victims to assist with their healing. Today all dioceses in the U. Each diocese has a review board to advise the bishop on allegations and procedures, and confidential settlements have been abolished except when requested by the victim.

Dioceses are required to report allegations of sexual abuse of minors to public authorities and to cooperate with police investigations. Surprisingly, when Brother Munn was detained, he confessed to everything, even particular instances of abuse that Todd had managed to block out after all these years. Todd was surprised by the confession, to say the least.

But something even more surprising happened a few hours after Munn was detained. According to a N. In order to stop this predator, Kostrub would need to have reported the abuse 11 years earlier. That would mean about a day after the abuse stopped and Kostrub left for college, give or take a few hours,he would have needed to march down to the station and file a report.

The Catholic Church says its response to cases of child sex abuse should be compassionate, that abusers should be brought to justice and that concealing the truth is unjust to victims. But does it follow those principles? Coming up, Four Corners reporter Geoff Thompson investigates a shocking case of abuse involving many children, committed over several years.

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The abuse in itself is horrifying, the impact on the victims devastating, but perhaps the most alarming revelation is the fact that the Church turned a blind eye to the priest's crimes. Four Corners asks why, despite clear evidence of abuse, the Church allowed him to move from parish to parish, apparently without alerting the police. The program reveals that even now the Church will not admit the full extent of what it knew about the priest's activities. The program also tells the story of the young men and their families, whose lives were devastated by the abuse.

And details how the crimes committed led to the early death of several victims. There's been a great deal of sensational news lately concerning pedophiles in the United States. The common denominator is these individuals preyed upon children while religious and educational institutions established upon foundations of trust and morality ignored or covered-up such disgusting and illegal behavior. He was convicted last week on 45 of 48 counts for sexually abusing several young boys over a number of years while they attended camps sponsored by Sandusky's Second Mile charitable organization at Penn State.

The riveting testimony at his trial from several victims not only showed that Sandusky, who had worked most of his career under legendary Coach Joe Paterno, and one of the nation's most lucrative and revered football programs in the county, abused these boys on the Penn State campus, but that university officials failed to act on them when sexual abuse reports were made.

A second child abuse trial that did not receive as much national attention also concluded last week in Philadelphia. A jury on Friday convicted Catholic Monsignor William Lynnhim of felony for refusing to challenge his cardinal and stop the cover-up of child sex abuse by priests. They said Zottoli, who goes by "Brother Ed", slept naked with a year-old boy from the church, asked for a massage, forced the teen to perform sexual acts on him and sexually assaulted the teen twice.

Deputies believe the abuse was contained to one night. Pastor Norm Gallimore said he learned about what happened when Zottoli called him, reportedly two days after the incident, but before he reportedly turned himself in to authorities. New allegations of sexual abuse are being leveled at a former priest from the Diocese of Joliet already accused of molesting several young boys in the s.

He claims Gibbs gave several young boys alcohol and pornography during a retreat at a Wisconsin cabin in , had them play games, swim and perform other activities naked. And he said Gibbs took him into a cabin bedroom to molest him in Gibbs has already been named as a defendant in three civil lawsuits alleging he sexually abused two boys from Lombard and one from Lockport while serving as a parish priest in the late s and early s.

They were settled in the late s for undisclosed sums. No criminal charges were filed. A retired Church of England priest has been charged with sex attacks on 18 girls and boys dating back 50 years. The charges follow a nine-month inquiry by Sussex Police detectives into allegations of child sex abuse in the s and early s. Gordon Trevor Rideout, 73, of Filching Close, Wannock, was charged with 38 sexual offences against 18 young girls and boys on Wednesday June Thirty-six of the alleged offences are of indecent assault on girls and boys in their early teens.

Thirty-one are alleged to have been committed at an address in Crawley, and one in Barkingside, Essex, between and , and four are alleged to have taken place at an address in Middle Wallop, Hampshire, between and The other two alleged offences are of attempted unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl in Crawley between and Will Lynch priest-beating trial: The receptionist heard the priest call for help and saw someone hit him a couple of times -- but she can't identify the assailant.

The only other eyewitness in the San Jose priest-beating trial said she saw suspected assailant Will Lynch pacing and screaming that the cleric had ''ruined his life" by molesting him and his brother as children. But it's unclear whether that witness actually saw Lynch hit the priest because she has given three different accounts of the incident -- including a new version during her testimony Wednesday. With the prosecution winding up its case, the outcome of the trial could turn on how the panel regards the testimony of those two former employees at the priest's retirement center -- receptionist Carol Santos and health care coordinator Mary Margaret Eden.

The two women are among the six witnesses prosecutor Vicki Gemetti has called to the stand since the trial started last week -- including a wireless expert and three law enforcement officers. Donohue finds a Catholic conspiracy under every rock. If there were only one case of clergy sexual abuse, it would be tragic. That there were thousands substantiated coupled with the lax oversight by some bishops in the U.

Conference of Catholic Bishops to address the problems, but they were not uniform. So ten years ago this month, the U. She was aged seven at the time. Calnan also admitted three counts of sexually assaulting the girl between October 25th, and October 24th, He further admitted one count of sexual assault on the girl's brother between August 10th, and October 9th, The victim was aged between nine and 12 at the time. A total of 36 of the offences are of indecent assault alleged to have been committed on boys and girls in their early teens between and One of those charges relates to an alleged offence which took place in Barkingside in the s.

The other charges relate to addresses in Crawley and Hampshire. Another priest had withdrawn his support for the campaign and kept his job, a church spokesman said yesterday, while two or three more had yet to decide. Posted on June 27, 9: A Catholic priest who is originally from Moville, Co Donegal, has been found not guilty at the crown court in Derry of five charges of indecently assaulting a year-old girl 20 years ago.

Fr Eugene Boland 66 , the parochial house, Killyclogher Road, Omagh, was found not guilty yesterday of the charges by majority verdicts. The verdicts followed an eight-day trial before Judge Stephen Fowler and almost four hours of deliberation over two days by the jury. Following the verdicts, the complainant wept in court. STMW — New allegations of sexual abuse are being leveled at a former priest from the Diocese of Joliet already accused of molesting several young boys in the s.

Het Centrum voor Arbitrage inzake Seksueel Misbruik heeft reeds dossiers ontvangen van slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik in een pastorale relatie. Dat bleek in de Opvolgingscommissie Seksueel Misbruik in de Kamer. Verslaggever Renaat Landuyt sp. Een dozijn dossiers werden aan de aanvragers overgemaakt voor een reactie op de opmerking van de stichting Dignity, die door de bisschoppen en religieuze oversten opgericht werd om in hun naam op te treden in de procedure.

Posted on June 27, 7: A 12th parish required restoration in name only. The new pastors and assignments are: James parish in Lakewood, effective July Assignments for the remaining six parishes are forthcoming, according to a diocesan statement. Each priest will determine the date for the opening Mass at their new parish homes, though a source told NCR the first Mass at St. Barbara is expected to be celebrated July 22 at 11 a.

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Thomas Euteneuer repeatedly molested her during a more than two-year exorcism has filed a lawsuit against the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, its bishop and an anti-abortion ministry that employed the exorcist. Posted on June 27, 6: A San Francisco man accused of assaulting a priest at the Los Gatos Sacred Heart Jesuit Center more than two years ago yelled at the cleric that he had molested him, a health-care employee who once worked at the facility testified Wednesday.

He "was still upset with Father [Jerold] Lindner Eden said she then told Lynch that receptionist Carol Santos, now retired, was calling Eden then saw Lynch go out the front doors of the center's main building and down the steps, she testified. Lynch is standing trial for the alleged May 10, attack on Lindner. The defendant faces one count of felony assault with intent to cause great bodily injury and one count of elder abuse under circumstances likely to produce great bodily harm or death.

He has pleaded not guilty to both charges. Three of the priest's alleged victims are no longer allowed to testify. And the man on trial for beating the priest he says raped him will be limited in what he can tell the jury when called to the witness stand. Still, after several emergency meetings in chambers, traded barbs of professional misconduct, and defense demands for a mistrial stemming from the priest's alleged false testimony, Judge David Cena for the first time in nearly a week convened trial on time and without legal rancor Wednesday.

William Lynch, 44, is charged with assaulting retired Catholic priest Jerold Lindner on May 10, , at a Los Gatos home for priests accused and convicted of sexual misconduct. Lynch claims Lindner raped him and his brother during a camping trip in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Lynch was 7 years old, and his brother was three years younger at the time. Father Eugene Boland, 66, has been found not guilty of five charges of indecently assaulting a year-old girl over 20 years ago. After four hours of deliberations by the Jury yesterday and today, Fr Boland was found not guilty of the five charges that he inappropriately touched the complainant between June and June Posted on June 27, 5: After months of testimony and deliberations the Philadelphia jurors who found Msgr.

William Lynn guilty of child endangerment did more than any Vatican official has ever done to address the problem of sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church. This was made possible by the simple fact that the men and women of the jury confronted him as a peer, in a system that confers equal rights and responsibilities upon all. Those who wonder why the Church has been unable to halt the rolling catastrophe of sexual abuse claims need only consider the difference between the American system of law and Catholic justice.

Within the Church, ordained men are regarded a special creatures with extra-human powers. They alone conduct the sacraments, such as communion and reconciliation confession and they alone can ascend through the clerical ranks to become bishops, cardinals and popes. Their superior status culminates in the pope's claim of infallibility, which places certain of his statements on a par with the voice of God.

Inside the institutional Church, ordination opens the doors to a brotherhood of men who have officially forsworn sex, marriage and children, and embrace the Church as their main source of emotional, spiritual and even financial support. This sacrifice makes many feel entitled to special treatment, and while they may not always get it from laypeople they generally receive it from each other.

To put it crudely: This is why complaints about sexual abuse were so often covered-up and resolved by sending "father" to another post. None of the men in charge wanted to discipline a brother. Mary Eden, a health-care worker at the retirement home where the Rev. Jerold Lindner lived, testified Wednesday that she witnessed defendant William Lynch punch Lindner twice and scream that Lindner had raped him and his brother and ruined their lives. Victims group urges Philadelphia archbishop to defrock convicted priest, Monsignor William Lynn.

The leading advocacy group for victims of sexual abuse by clergy is urging Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput to defrock the priest convicted last week of shielding other clerics who preyed on children. But laicizing Monsignor William Lynn is not as simple as it sounds. Lynn oversaw clergy assignments in the Philadelphia archdiocese for a decade and is the first high-ranking church official ever found guilty of covering up for abuse, not committing it.

Lynn, 61, was convicted on one charge of child endangerment and was acquitted of conspiracy and a second endangerment charge after a closely watched three-month trial. He is in custody and could face up to seven years behind bars when he is sentenced on Aug. It highlights the unusual challenge of what punishment the church should levy on Lynn, if any.

The lawsuit says Euteneur knew that the woman, identified in court papers by the pseudonym Jane Doe, believed she needed exorcism. The supervisory board of the Institute for Works of Religion IOR , popularly known as the Vatican Bank, held its first meeting today since the board issued a vote of no confidence in former president Ettore Gotti Tedeschi last month.

The meeting, in which members discussed the selection of Gotti's successor, took place a day before the IOR receives a large group of journalists at its offices as part of efforts, initiated by Pope Benedict XVI, to increase transparency. The Vatican said the board, which is made up of outside lay experts, had met to "identify the universally recognised criteria of professionalism and experience" needed for the job.

Former Bundesbank head Hans Tietmeyer has denied Italian media reports that he was a candidate to become the next head of the bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion IOR. Posted on June 27, 4: It was settled out of court for money and information. News 3's Elizabeth Donatelli spoke with the former church leader and has that story.

The diocese of Las Vegas, which was also named in the suit, issued a statement back in saying they were not aware of previous allegations.

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The following was read during mass at St. The Diocese was not aware of any allegations or misconduct by Brother Thing prior to or during his time in Las Vegas. A Roman Catholic priest restricted to ministry within the Diocese of Amarillo appears to have won a loosening of the restraints placed on him by his bishop. Frank Pavone from performing religious services outside the Roman Catholic Diocese of Amarillo, according to information from both sides in the dispute.

Pavone has been operating since September under restrictions placed upon him by Zurek, who raised questions about the finances of Priests for Life, a New York anti-abortion nonprofit, and affiliated organizations directed by Pavone. Posted on June 27, 3: Will Lynch priest beating trial: Cena, two hours into Wednesday's deliberations, summarily and abruptly ordered the public out of the Will Lynch assault trial courtoom. Only the jury remained, along with the mystery of what legal housekeeping the judge needed to do with such immediacy. In many such situations, a judge will want to query jurors about whether anyone on the panel violated his orders and researched the controversial case thru media reports or in other ways.

It's also possible that Cena is contemplating replacing a sitting juror with an alternate. However, 15 minutes later when the public was allowed back in, the judge gave a stern warning to onlookers about them having absolutely no contact with any juror -- regardless of how innocent that contact might seem. One priest told Reuters he had already stepped down from the post of deacon rather than renounce the "Call to Disobedience" manifesto that challenges Church teaching on taboo topics such as women's ordination and offering communion to non-Catholics.

Another priest had withdrawn his support for the reform campaign and kept his job, a Church spokesman said on Wednesday. He added that two or three more have yet to decide whether to withdraw their support from the manifesto from a reform group called "Priests' Initiative" whose demands have been echoed by some Catholic groups and clerics in Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the United States. Posted on June 27, Ronaldo Hermann Schmitz, Dr. Carl Albert Anderson, Dr. Antonio Maria Marocco, and Dr. These two meetings were very useful for sharing information and proposals both regarding day to day management as well as the universal criteria of professionalism and experience that are called for in light of the choice of a new president for the Board of Superintendence.

Our mission is to protect the vulnerable and heal the wounded. We are writing you today with a simple and straightforward request about Monsignor William Lynn. He has been tried. He has been convicted. He should be defrocked. This is not about being vindictive. Sadly, even now, that message is virtually never sent.

With only a handful of exceptions, Catholic staffers who act recklessly, callously and deceitfully with the safety of kids are virtually never disciplined by officials like you. So sadly, the same hurtful patterns of complicity - that have been so thoroughly exposed, so extensively documented and so widely criticized — continue. Pedovereniging Martijn per direct verboden: De vereniging voor pedofielen, Martijn, is vanochtend door de rechtbank in Assen verboden. Is dat goed nieuws, of een bedrieglijke bescherming voor kinderen?

Uit de uitspraak van de rechtbank Assen: Daarmee tast de Vereniging Martijn de rechten van kinderen aan. But few people on this communist-run island believe a word of the U. The sound in Havana: What Americans heard in Cuba attacks October 12, A high-pitched whine, but from what? It seems to undulate, even writhe. Some hear multiple, distinct tones colliding in a nails-on-the-chalkboard effect.

White House says Cuba could stop attacks on Americans October 12, Melanie Zanona, The Hill Cuba is bracing for the impact of a one-two punch from the Trump administration: America should strengthen, not abandon, relationship with Cuba October 10, But whether the perpetrators of the alleged attacks, be they rogue elements of Cuban security forces or perhaps a third country like Russia or North Korea, are successful in damaging ties between the United States and Cuba will depend on how the U. Diplomats court Cuba to act as broker for Venezuela transition October 9, In return for subsidised oil and aid, Havana provides Caracas with doctors and intelligence operatives, a relationship that has long irked the US.

Reckless hostility toward Cuba damages America's interests October 8, The administration has also sharply drawn down the staff of the U. The administration argues that the Cuban government has failed to provide safety to U. What you need to know about travel to Cuba in the new Trump era October 8, State Department warning against visiting Cuba and a U.

A Harem Boy's Saga: a memoir by Young ( seven books series)

Prices halved for holidays to Cuba as island feels impact of Trump and Irma October 5, Claire Boobbyer, The Telegraph Massive discounts are available to travelers eyeing up a Cuban holiday this winter amid a souring relationship with the US and damage caused by Hurricane Irma. Investigation into mysterious Cuba attacks "back to square one" October 5, US spies in Cuba were among first victims of mysterious sonic 'attacks' October 2, AP, The Guardian US intelligence operatives in Cuba were among the first and most severely affected victims of a string of baffling sonic attacks which has prompted Washington to pull out more than half of its diplomatic staff from Havana, the Associated Press has learned.

Havana quickly cleans up for tourists after hurricane. But other areas have a problem October 1, Only essential personnel will be left. But both have cause for complaint. For Gabriel it is the meagre subsistence that his salary affords. The provisions cost next to nothing rice is one cent per pound but are not enough. US diplomats, families in Cuba targeted nearly 50 times by sonic attacks, says US official September 24, Cuba sets up hurricane relief bank account.

It posted a Cuban bank account number on social media where humanitarian donations can be sent. Cuba and the Hurricanes of the Caribbean September 20, Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker As bad as things have been for those who suffered loss and discomfort from Hurricane Irma in the continental United States—where millions of Floridians evacuated their homes and fled north in slow-moving processions of possession-packed cars—the difference in scale between their experience and that of residents of the affected Caribbean islands cannot be overstated.

That gap has only been accentuated by the advent of Hurricane Maria, which has wreaked havoc upon the island nation of Dominica. Otherwise, only the destruction in the Florida Keys, which are, essentially, Caribbean outcroppings, is comparable. Martin, is so thorough that rebuilding seems neither realistic nor wise, given the likelihood that even greater hurricanes will come in the future.

Cuba delays municipal elections due to Irma devastation September 19, Trump threatens Venezuela and puts Cuba on notice September 19, Our Men and Women in Havana September 18, In Cuba, many Hurricane Irma victims are asking themselves, where is the government? Embassy in Havana in response to mysterious hearing problems that have left at least 21 employees with serious health issues.

Thinking about sending hurricane relief to Cuba? Cuba begins 5-month political transition September 4, Without a VPN, you're out of luck. The service is blocked in the country, along with dozens of other websites, according to new report from the Open Observatory of Network Interference OONI , which works under the Tor Project. The study, published this week, shows just how censored Cuba's internet still is.

Infra- and ultrasonic waves thought to be responsible for Cuba attacks August 30, However, the source says analysts are still working to rule out other technology. Amnesty International Maribel not her real name was the deputy principal in a state-run primary school in Cuba. She had worked there since graduating, and had been promoted fast. Sixteen US staff in Cuba hurt in 'acoustic attack' August 24, BBC At least 16 US government employees suffered symptoms after a possible acoustic attack targeting the US embassy in Cuba, the state department says.

Diplomats in Cuba suffered traumatic brain injuries, records show August 23, Rafael Bernal, The Hill U. Video offers rare glimpse of hardline ideology from presumed next leader of Cuba August 22, Sonic attacks in Cuba hit more diplomats than earlier reported, officials say August 20, Marriott International sees promising future in Cuba August 20, Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald Marriott International is still pursuing plans to renovate and manage the historic Hotel Inglaterra on the fringe of Old Havana and is actively looking for other hotel projects throughout Cuba.

Venezuelan president, in Cuba, pays homage to Fidel Castro August 16, President Donald Trump warned of possible military action against Venezuela. Cuba's Castro faces tough choices on the island's fledgling economy August 15, The guidelines are a document of the Cuban Communist Party proposed by himself and other top party leaders to rescue the Cuban economy from the Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy imposed by former president Fidel Castro that replicated the economic system of the former Soviet Union.

At least that's what Cuban officials and his father said at the time. Cuban trade with Venezuela plunges over two years August 15, Marc Frank, Reuters HAVANA Reuters - Cuban trade with socialist ally Venezuela has fallen 70 percent since due to the South American oil producer's inability to meet delivery contracts and purchase goods as it struggles with low oil prices and a resulting economic meltdown.

Diplomats in Cuba suffered "health attacks," Tillerson says August 13, Hearing loss of US diplomats in Cuba is blamed on covert device August 10, Government-controlled news in Cuba offers disinformation on Venezuela August 10, Changing tides of U. Reuters HAVANA Reuters - The Cuban government said on Monday the freeze on new licenses for some private-sector occupations would not last years, in an attempt to reassure citizens worried about an apparent pause in the liberalization of the economy. Cuba orders closure of fast-growing accounting cooperative August 6, Then, they put a hold on issuing permits for a range of new ventures citizens had hoped to launch — from home rentals to agricultural endeavors.

Communist-run Cuba puts brakes on private sector expansion August 1, Sarah Marsh, Reuters HAVANA Reuters - Communist-run Cuba said on Tuesday it was suspending issuing new licenses for certain private-sector activities from bed-and-breakfasts to restaurants until it had implemented new measures to curb wrongdoing such as tax evasion. Cuba denounces international plot to silence Venezuelan people August 1, Cuba July 31, Grandparents talk about it at family gatherings, always insisting the music, the beaches and even the sugar was better there.

Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far July 31, Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald A Coral Gables business consultant watched one day in June as Cuban authorities carried out chairs, tables, plates, sound systems and bottles of imported liquor from a popular private restaurant near the U. Why Cuba Matters July 26, As was the case after the Pearl Harbor attack almost half a century later, the nation was suddenly galvanized into war. In Cuba, Obama policies only went so far July 26, Tourism lifts Cuban economy but overall outlook is cloudy July 24, Cuba's public face of diplomacy with US leaving post July 23, Cuba seeks to revive mining sector with new lead and zinc mine July 23, New White House communications director has traveled to Cuba to scout investment opportunities July 23, What a difference two years and a new president makes July 20, Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald As the clock ticked past midnight two years ago, the United States and Cuba officially reestablished diplomatic relations and later in the day that July 20, diplomatic missions in Washington and Havana once again became embassies.

State Department drops Cuba entirely from annual detail of terrorist activity July 19, Cuba's financial crisis worsens: Marc Frank, Reuters HAVANA Reuters - Cuba's two-year-old financial crisis worsened during the first half of this year, and the country is having difficulty obtaining trade credits due to late payments to suppliers, according to Cuban Economy Minister Ricardo Cabrisas. Trump to suspend lawsuit provision of Helms-Burton July 17, Cuba courted in diplomatic push on Venezuela crisis July 16, John Paul Rathbone, Financial Times Please use the sharing tools found via the email icon at the top of articles.

Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found here. Embassy in Cuba has a new interim chief at its seaside building in Havana: In Cuba, elections are genuine demonstration of democracy, Castro government says July 11, LeoGrande, HuffPost Long before the Departments of State, Treasury, and Commerce finish writing the new regulations that President Trump ordered to restrict trade and travel to Cuba, the president will face another decision on relations with Havana that could be far more consequential for U.

A Retreat on Cuba Policy July 9, Cuba sees nickel, cobalt sulfides output at 54, tonnes July 9, Reuters Cuba plans to produce 54, tonnes of nickel and cobalt sulfides this year, state-run television said at the weekend. Some Cubans choose dose of private medicine despite price July 5, Cuban entrepreneurs brace for President Trump's new Cuba policy July 4, Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald Nidialys Acosta handles the booking for a loose association of vintage car owners who have banded together to offer transportation for visiting dignitaries and other groups.

Clients have included a New York business delegation led by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and one of the founders of Airbnb. Dan McGrath, Chicago Tribune Carlos Tabares, known as the Derek Jeter of Cuban baseball, is hanging it up this year at 42 after 20 years competing in Serie Nacional, the interprovince league that represents the best of baseball in a proud but grimly challenged country that still reveres the game. Karen Gilchrist, CNBC Cuban authorities have made a move to reignite citizens' sex lives by reintroducing a series of state-run pay-per-hour motels which they hope will "diversify the options for love", the country's official trade union weekly Trabajadores announced on Monday.

On his recent Mideast trip the president did not even mention the issue in totalitarian Saudi Arabia. But of Cuba, he declared: Rand Paul, Reason Engagement or embargo? That is the question not just in Cuba but also in places like Iran, Russia, and China. Should we trade, or should we withhold our trade in hopes of changing the behavior of other nations? Which will have more impact? Trump's Rollback on Cuba: The Consequences of Undoing the Rapprochement June 20, Andrew Bender, Forbes Just as travel and tourism to Cuba from the United States was heating up, President Donald Trump made an announcement last Friday that will cool it down, probably way down.

He said he was "canceling the last administration's completely one-sided deal with Cuba. Can Cuba count on America as a partner or an adversary? It has and it will. It is whether the Cuban people can count on America as a partner or an adversary as it does. Cuba calls Trump speech on island 'grotesque spectacle' June 19, Francois Murphy, Reuters U.

President Donald Trump's speech on Cuba was a "grotesque spectacle," but the island's government will continue working towards better relations with the majority of Americans who back detente, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on Monday. Cuba to President Trump: We need to continue to cooperate and coexist June 18, Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald Noting the hostile rhetoric of President Donald Trump in his Miami speech and saying the United States was in no position to be giving lessons on human rights, Cuba still extended an olive branch and said it wanted to continue a dialogue with its neighbor to the north.

Former Obama aide on Cuba: Trump recasts Cuba policy, takes harder line than Obama on military, travel June 15, Patricia Mazzei, Miami Herald Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart sat in the Oval Office last month, surrounded by two Cabinet secretaries, the national security adviser and an array of top White House staff, and asked President Donald Trump to put his power behind their plans for Cuba.

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There were several reports during the campaign, however, that the Trump Organization had been exploring business in Cuba, with some indicating that such explorations were in direct violation of the U. Luxury hotels arrive in Cuba despite fears Trump may hurt tourism boom June 7, Sarah Marsh, Reuters Towering cranes dot the Havana skyline as communist-run Cuba races to build luxury hotels, amid indignation among some residents and concern that U.

President Donald Trump might reverse a detente that fueled the tourist boom. Russia, Cuba, Comey, and Trump June 5, News and World Report HAVANA AP — A handful of entrepreneurs have quietly formed communist Cuba's first private small business association, testing the government's willingness to allow Cubans to organize outside the strict bounds of state control. Cubans become the road warriors of D. Trump will not announce highly anticipated changes in Cuba policy May 18, Cuba says Zika tally rises to nearly 1, cases May 18, Sarah Marsh and Nelson Acosta, Reuters Cuba said on Thursday 1, residents had so far contracted the mosquito-borne Zika virus, warning that certain provinces on the Caribbean island still had high rates of infestation despite a series of measures to stave off the epidemic.

Trump's critical Cuba policy May 17, Eaton and David L. The Chinese are getting in on the action as well: The Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei is in direct competition with Google to provide internet access throughout Cuba — a high-stakes commercial battle that could determine whether Cubans have access to an open internet or one controlled by the government.

Here's why Cuba should be on Francis' agenda when he meets Trump May 11, No specific agenda has been announced, but the last time a U. Simon Whistler, Forbes Should all happen as expected, February 24th will be a momentous day in the lives of many Cubans. Fidel himself had been president between and , and prior to that had been the main power behind the throne since the Cuban revolution.

Nearly 60 years of Castro-led government, then, will finally come to an end. The students conducted extensive library, expert interview, and in-country research focusing on independent farmers and agricultural cooperatives, rather than the state-controlled coffee sector. Protester disrupts start of Cuba's annual May Day parade May 1, Push and Pull on Cuba May 1, The Editorial Board, New York Times In recent weeks, as the White House has been consumed by loud debates over health care, taxes and trade, there has been another, quieter debate occurring beneath the surface.

Cuban plane crashes, kills 8 troops on board, military says April 30, Cuban activists fighting racism weigh their fragile relationship with the government April 30, Want to Improve Border Security? Seek Better Relations with Cuba April 27, Cuba weathers storm in Venezuela but future looks uncertain April 26, Gas rations have been slashed for hundreds of thousands of state workers. Construction materials are nearly impossible to find. Growth returns to Caribbean Basin, but recovery is uneven April 24, Jacqueline Charles and Mimi Whitefield Economic performance in the Caribbean will be uneven this year: Some economies will grow by 5 percent or more, but others will be lucky to eke out even negligible economic growth.

Cuba's slick TV channel that supports 'more revolution' April 23, Sarah Marsh and Alexandre Meneghini, Reuters Cuban farmer Pascual Ferrel says his favorite fighting cock's prowess was "off the charts," so after it died of illness he had the black and red rooster preserved and displays it on his mantelpiece beside a television. Cuba and the Art of the Deal April 19, But making quid pro quo human-rights demands would have been a non-starter, just as it has been for the past 58 years. That approach would have made it impossible for the United States and Cuba to reach agreements on prisoner exchanges, diplomatic relations, and cooperation on issues of mutual interest.

UN expert probes human trafficking in Cuba in milestone trip April 10, Cuba will open up to a U. Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald The first independent United Nations human rights expert to visit Cuba in a decade will travel to the island next week. Cuban uses condoms, tropical fruit to make own brand of wine April 3, Andrea Rodriguez, New York Times HAVANA — The sweet smell of fermenting fruit fills the streets around the modest Havana home where Orestes Estevez and his family fill glass jugs with grapes, ginger and hibiscus, then slip a condom over each glass neck to start the unusual process of winemaking in a land famed for rum.

What the tourist industry reveals about Cuba April 2, Their selfie sticks wobble as they try to film themselves. They move fast, for there are no traffic jams. So hardly anyone can afford wheels, except the tourists who hire them. And there are far fewer tourists than there ought to be. Cuba's secret negotiator with US was president's son: Rare poll finds Cuban citizens favor better US relations March 21, Cuba starts offering home internet service, but few are buying March 21, Fox News After a two-month pilot program, Cubans now can access the internet in the comfort of their own homes — but prices are high and speeds painfully slow.

Cuba offers Colombia 1, medical school scholarships March 16, Cuba tries to reboot its creaky state news apparatus March 14, Nestle close to signing off on new factory in Cuba March 9, Cuba Kills Another Dissident March 6, President Donald Trump's immigration, trade and other policies on Sunday as Trump reviews a fragile detente with Communist-run Cuba begun by his predecessor Barack Obama.

Cuba has kept drug trafficking, consumption in check March 5, Preparing for a business career in Cuba takes persistence March 2, Will Cuba embrace the internet revolution? Will Grant, BBC No matter how much you warn visitors to Cuba that they'll be offline during their stay, they often won't believe it until they actually arrive in Havana.

Cuba says it foiled plot to destabilize country, slams dissidents and OAS February 23, Sarah Marsh and Nelson Acosta, Reuters Communist-ruled Cuba on Wednesday said it had foiled a serious plot aiming to destabilize the country by preventing the chief of the Organization of American States traveling to the island to attend an award ceremony organized by dissidents. Joe Zang: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle

Senator Patrick Leahy told a news conference on Wednesday. China piles into Cuba as Venezuela fades and Trump looms February 14, How does Cuba manage to achieve first-world health statistics? The country has well-trained, capable doctors, the sector has become an important export earner and gives Cuba valuable soft power — yet the real picture is less rosy. A lot of health infrastructure is deteriorating and there is a de facto two-tier system that favors those with money.

Books by Joe Zang

Mimi Whitefield, Miami Herald Geneva-based Kempinski Hotels said Tuesday that it plans to open a five-star hotel this spring in the Old Havana section of the Cuban capital, giving Havana a luxury offering that has been missing from its hotel mix. In Cuba visit, Colorado governor sees government desire to work with Trump February 5, Marc Frank, Reuters The governor of Colorado said on Sunday he believes the Cuban government wants to further improve relations with the United States under President Donald Trump, as he wrapped up a three-day visit to the Communist-run island nation. Trump's warnings grow, but so are travelers and flights to Cuban soil February 5, In Cuba, app stores pay rent February 2, But theirs have actual doors, windows and counters.

The bricks-and-mortar app store is an ingenious Cuban response to digital deprivation. The island has some public Wi-Fi hotspots, up from none two years ago. Adhering to the American embargo, app publishers like Apple and Google block downloads in Cuba. Music lovers can browse the iTunes store, but cannot buy songs or apps; Cubans can get the free apps on Google Play, but not the ones that cost money.

Women demand Cuba support 1st female boxing team February 1, Now a group of up-and-coming female boxers on the island have their eyes on the gold. Trump's Cuba Opportunity January 30, Waiting for change in Cuba January 30, Strong and sometimes brutal internal controls were important, but in my experience, not sufficient. Dumping medicine, faking patients: Cuban doctors describe a system that breeds fraud January 29, Cuba in the Age of Trump January 26, Lauren Steele, Rolling Stone On August 31st, , the first commercial flight directly from the United States to Cuba touched down on the once-forbidden island's soil.

It was a tangible result of nearly three years of efforts from the Obama administration to ease 58 years of tension between the U. Florida company gets OK to ship electric cars to Cuba January 26, Melanie Zanona, The Hill A Miami-based auto company has received the green light to ship American-made electric cars to Cuba, following an effort by former President Obama to restore diplomatic relations with the island nation.

Cuba's Castro warns Trump to respect country's sovereignty January 25, Artist 'El Sexto' walks out of prison in Cuba January 22, The Cuban government had been holding the artist known as "El Sexto" since Nov. President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Jan. Top diplomatic negotiator in Cuba warns Trump: In final days, Obama administration signs law enforcement pact with Cuba January 17, State Departmentsigned a new agreement on law enforcement cooperation with Cuba on Monday, seeking to further deepen ties with the communist island just four days before the end of the Obama administration.

Chamber of Commerce President January 16, Reuters, Fortune The head of the U. Chamber of Commerce met with Cuban President Raul Castro and in separate meetings with members of Castro's economic cabinet on Friday, as they prepare for the advent of a more hostile Trump administration next week. Cuba, United States sign oil spill deal before Trump inauguration January 9, Marc Frank, Reuters Cuba and the United States agreed on Monday to jointly prevent, contain and clean up oil and other toxic spills in the Gulf of Mexico, as they rush to conclude deals before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

Cuban American lost his business bid after obtaining permanent residence in Cuba January 9, But his full embrace of his Cuban roots backfired. Here are eight of them:. Cuba marks anniversary of revolution with show of military strength January 2, Reuters, The Guardian Cuban troops and hundreds of thousands of citizens have paraded through Revolution Square in the capital in a traditional show of strength. Raul Castro pushes Cuba to welcome more foreign investment December 28, Cuba says economy shrank this year in tandem with Venezuela crisis December 27, Perhaps soon the state would increasingly accept Islam too.

Scott urges Castro to bring freedom, democracy to Cuba December 21, Rick Scott drafted a letter Tuesday to Cuban leader Raul Castro, urging him to bring freedom and democracy to the neighboring island nation. The move made it possible to imagine an end to the U. American attorney defending Cuban dissident artist arrested, foundation says December 18, On 2nd anniversary, Cubans race to sign U.

Alan Gomez, USA Today "After the election, all of a sudden the Cuban side has seen that they ought to do their part to make this opening irreversible, and they are trying to sign deals that had been languishing," said Geoff Thale, program director of the Washington Office on Latin America.

Cuba wants to pay off some of its Cold War debt in rum December 15, Ishaan Tharoor According to authorities in the Czech Republic, the government of Cuba has proposed resolving a Cold War-era debt by paying the Czechs in a treasured Cuban commodity: Cuba, in Clothes December 13, Chavie Lieber, Racked Deep in Bauta, a sleepy Cuban town 17 miles southwest of Havana, past rows of billboards painted with portraits of national heroes and narrow streets lined with colorful Spanish colonial houses, sits an abandoned factory on a plot of lush, overgrown farmland.

Michael Weissenstein, ABC News Google and the Cuban government signed a deal Monday allowing the internet giant to provide faster access to its data by installing servers on the island that will store much of the company's most popular content.