Applied Bohmian Mechanics: From Nanoscale Systems to Cosmology

Review quote "Bohmian mechanics, a version of quantum mechanics that is far simpler and much more understandable than the standard textbook theory, has been widely ignored by physicists. Ironically, one of the reasons for this is that since it makes precisely the same predictions for the results of experiments as the standard theory, many believe it to be of little practical value. This book makes the case that this is not so - that the additional resources provided by Bohmian mechanics lead not only to enhanced understanding but also to new tools for dealing with difficult practical quantum problems.

Applied Bohmian Mechanics: From Nanoscale Systems to Cosmology

Sheldon Goldstein - Rutgers University, USA "The flow lines associated with quantum matter waves may be helpful for computational or interpretational purposes as demonstrated in this stimulating book, which shows in great detail how the widespread prejudices against Bohmian mechanics should not preclude the use of the underlying formalism for solving practical problems in chemistry and physics. His present research interests include the study of correlations in many-particle systems and the development of a general, versatile, and user-friendly quantum electron transport simulator, named BITLLES, based on Bohmian mechanics.

He is author and coauthor of more than papers in international journals and conference proceedings. Jordi Mompart received his Ph.

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After a postdoctoral stay at the Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany, working on the use of cold atoms for quantum information purposes, he became associate professor at the UAB. His research interests range from laser physics and quantum optics to cold atoms and quantum information. Mompart has authored over 50 papers in international journals. The student resources previously accessed via GarlandScience.

Quantum Physics

For Instructors Request Inspection Copy. Most textbooks explain quantum mechanics as a story where each step follows naturally from the one preceding it. However, the development of quantum mechanics was exactly the opposite. It was a zigzagging route full of personal disputes where scientists were forced to abandon well-established classical concepts and to explore new and imaginative routes. This book demonstrates the huge practical utility of another of these routes in explaining quantum phenomena in various research fields. Bohmian mechanics—the formulation of the quantum theory pioneered by Louis de Broglie and David Bohm—offers an alternative mathematical formulation of quantum phenomena in terms of quantum trajectories.

It sheds light on the limits and extensions of our present understanding of quantum mechanics toward other paradigms, such as relativity or cosmology.

Pan Stanford Publishing - Applied Bohmian MechanicsFrom Nanoscale Systems to Cosmology

Overview of Bohmian Mechanics, X. Quantum Electron Transport, A. Xavier Oriols received his degree in Physics and Ph. His present research interests include the study of correlations in many-particle systems and the development of a general, versatile, and user-friendly quantum electron transport simulator, named BITLLES, based on Bohmian mechanics. He is author and coauthor of more than papers in international journals and conference proceedings.

Jordi Mompart received his Ph. It provides a systematic introduction to foundational issues e. It is accessible to a general audience, not assuming any background in mathematics or physics. Michael Kiessling wrote a review, see here. Another review by Alastair Rae appeared in the Cern Courier, see here.

  • The Glorious Day of the Saints Appearance?
  • Applied Bohmian Mechanics : From Nanoscale Systems to Cosmology.
  • [] Overview of Bohmian Mechanics.

Xavier Oriols and Jordi Mompart: The first chapter with a general introduction to Bohmian Mechanics is freely available: Douglas Hemmick and Asif Shakur: Guido Bacciagaluppi and Antony Valentini ed. The volume contains, among other contributions, the famous talk given by Louis de Broglie describing the main ideas of Bohmian mechanics, 25 years before Bohm.

Are There Quantum Jumps? For more information see the AIP website.

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The book traces out a straightforward and continuous path from the classical Newtonian picture and the electromagnetic wave, through the history of the quantum theory and on to all the major issues of quantum foundations. In addition, important applications such as quantum cryptography and computers are discussed in a clear and readable manner.

Particularly noteworthy is the book's use of graphic and imaginative physical examples such as photon polarization and birefringent crystals. The book is quite appropriate for physicists of any field. Introduction to the foundations and the philosophy of physics". The book contains 4 chapters: La filosofia dello spazio e del tempo M.