Structure Foundations of Management consists of nine courses, which are delivered over a period of three weeks, from Mondays to Fridays does not include weekends. The courses offered are: We are looking for aspiring candidates from all over the world that are eager to learn a new set of capabilities, and who can demonstrate a strong track record of personal achievement, analytical skills and extracurricular activities. Gallen — wie bspw.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, konkrete Problemstellungen aus dem Arbeitsalltag der Teilnehmenden akademisch fundiert aufzuarbeiten. Der Lehrgang beinhaltet sechs Module Daten 6. Die Konzeption der Lehrgangsinhalte in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Fachexperten aus der Entsorgungs- und Recyclingwirtschaft stellt den Praxisbezug des Programms sicher.
Der Leistungsnachweis erfolgt im Rahmen einer schriftlichen Projektarbeit Umfang: A General Management Gelerntes kann ich direkt einund umsetzen. Erfolgreiches, verantwortungsvolles Unternehmertum heute und in Zukunft: Gallen Oliver Gassmann, Prof. Gallen Tomi Laamanen, Prof. Gallen Heike Bruch, Prof. This transfer-oriented General Management training is made for ambitious but time starved mid-level professionals and high potentials, both with non-business administration backgrounds. It leverages the strengths of traditional classroom training and leading-edge internet teaching technologies to bridge the gap between your undergraduate or graduate studies and a potential MBA degree.
Sufficient working knowledge of English. The programme addresses the core subject areas of general management education. It utilises the ultimate mix of educational formats to maximise your learning experience. You will work with top University of St. The programme includes a transfer project with individual coaching to train the application of the content.
Gallen during their programmes. Gallen Management Certificate with one of the 3 modules. For actual information please have a look on our website. High Potentials Middle Management Experts with non-business administration backgrounds Entrepreneurs. Der Praxisbezug wird grossgeschrieben. Die heterogene Zusammensetzung der Teilnehmenden Alter, Branche etc.
Gallen kann jeweils beim Start eines der Fachmodule begonnen werden. Kursziel Ziel des Seminars ist, den Teilnehmenden anhand des neuen St. Folgende Themen werden in den sechs Modulen behandelt: Entsprechend steigt der Bedarf nach Strategiekompetenz. Folgende Themen werden in den vier Modulen behandelt: Seminardaten Start der eVorbereitung: Die fachlichen Module werden von einem Projekteinsatz oder einem Praktikum, Ressourcenworkshops sowie einem Coaching-Programm flankiert.
Der bewusste Umgang mit neuen Herausforderungen wird reflektiert. Oktober Modul 1 — Think Digital Januar Modul 3 — Integrate Digital Gallen, Switzerland; Singapore Price: The payback of the GCP is typically realised within six to twelve months after the completion of the programme.
Equipped with new frameworks and tools as well as a personal development plan, the participants will be prepared to master the role of the GAM and play a key role in developing collaborative customer relationships for their firm. Objective By focusing on leadership issues in the context of global customer business, participants will:.

Learn to uncover customer issues and translate potential problems into mutually beneficial opportunities. Enhance their ability to build commitment within their organisation by applying new concepts and tools. Participants receive 15 ECTS. Each module forms a cornerstone of the comprehensive picture that the participants will obtain through their focused sessions: Understanding the global business environment.
Creating, delivering and measuring value. Mastering the global account manager role. Leading the transformation to customercentricity.
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- Simply Apple: Lossessione di Steve Jobs per la semplicità (Saggi) (Italian Edition).
Admission Early application is encouraged and must be received at least eight weeks prior to programme start. Access is restricted to a limited number of participants from companies across industries and cultures. The admission review committee accepts registrations according to the order of submissions. There are special rates for teams and multiyear corporate contracts. Minimum 5 years of practical international business experience.
Strong proficiency in written and spoken English. Kunden verlangen heute weit mehr als innovative und technisch einwandfreie Leistungen. Die einzelnen Module finden in St. Thomas Rudolph und Ass.
Trends im Marketingumfeld — innovative Marktforschungsmethoden, strategisches Marketingmanagement, Perspektiven im Marketing, 2. Management der Marketingkernaufgaben, 4. Kundenakquisition, Kundenbindung, Leistungsinnovation und Leistungspflege, 5. Intensiver Erfahrungsaustausch mit kompetenten Verantwortlichen aus dem Marketing- und Vertriebsbereich anderer Unternehmen und Branchen. Der Zertifikatslehrgang ist besonders ausgerichtet auf die zutreffende praktische Umsetzung der vermittelten und besprochenen Inhalte. Der Lehrgang soll den Teilnehmenden vertiefte Kenntnisse in allen Bereichen des Schadenausgleichs vermitteln.
Daneben werden das Verfahren, das taktisch richtige Vorgehen und weitere praxisrelevante Aspekte behandelt. Studienaufbau Modul 1 Grundlagen des Schadenausgleichs Studienaufbau Modul 1 Der Entscheid liegt bei der Leitung des Studiengangs. Zwei grosse Themenkomplexe stehen im Zentrum:. Gallen angebotene praxisnahe und wissenschaftlich fundierte Zertifikatsprogramm bereitet die Teilnehmer auf diese Herausforderungen vor. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an scil-info unisg.
Gallen sowie Praxisreferenten und Trainer. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklungen ist dieses Zertifikatsprogramm entstanden. Neue Rollen im Bildungsmanagement z. Individuelles und gemeinsames Erfahrungslernen spielt deshalb jenseits der Vermittlung von Konzepten, Instrumenten und Praxisbeispielen die zentrale Rolle.
High Performance Teams und Team Diversity: Jens Maier sowie weitere Dozierende. Ein Technologiebezug des Projekts wird erwartet z. Die drei Kurstage unter der Leitung von Dr. Was bewegt derzeit den Versicherungsmarkt? Erfolg im Wettbewerb Prof. Hyperaktiv und ultrapassiv Prof.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. Dem Entscheidungsverhalten auf der Spur Prof.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfaß
Gallen, erwerben Sie umfassendes, praxisorientiertes Management-Know-how nach internationalen Standards. Studienaufbau 11 Kurse, 5 Themengebiete, 1 Perspektive: Martin Hilb David Frick Prof. Martin Hilb Michael Hilti Prof. Doris Aebi Doris Albisser Dr. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer dieser Governance-Strukturen in langfristig erfolgreichen Familienunternehmen Prof. Wie Praxisbeispiele in der Schweiz gezeigt haben, hat sich die Rolle des Stiftungsrates von Pensionskassen in den letzten Jahren stark gewandelt.
Hauptprobleme der und Anforderungen an die Pensionskassen-Aufsichtsgremien in der Schweiz aus Sicht der Teilnehmenden. Kursziel Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, Mitgliedern von Aufsichtsorganen erste Impulse aus dem Supply Chain Management entsprechend ihrer strategischen Steuerungs-, Kontroll- und Aufsichtsfunktion aufzuzeigen.
Gallen oder Umgebung, Schweiz Preis: How do I design my strategy process? How do I implement it? How do I recognise whether I am on the right track? These are questions which are thoroughly analysed using the St. Galler General Management Navigator in this seminar. Wie setzen Sie sie um? Woran erkennen Sie, ob Sie auf dem richtigen Weg sind? Das sind Fragestellungen, denen in diesem Seminar anhand des St. Galler Management Navigators auf den Grund gegangen wird. The preparation by means of eLearning and eMentoring makes certain that all participants are at the same level of knowledge when joining the classroom session.
The physical presence with the experienced experts of the University of St. Gallen can then be utilised efficiently for questions about application and for diving deeper into special aspects. They came back with a solid method kit that helps us to leverage our IT even more sustainably to the success of our company. In order to develop your transformational skills for your IT organisation, you should be able to share insights and findings about business transformation management.
This condensed programme focuses on:. With our Executive Programme on Business Engineering, we provide you with a condensed seminar introducing the relevant Business Engineering concepts and giving you a broad understanding of the different components of Business Transformation Management.
In eight intensive days, you will acquire an understanding of the concepts, discuss them with fellow executives and apply them to your own business. IT organisations are exposed to fundamental change by various drivers. More extensive requirements from the business side and newly available commodity services, for example, force IT organisations to reinvent themselves. It enables new business models, requires adopted strategies, changes operations and is a facilitator as well as a driver for business transformation.
Transformation requires skills, competence and a methodology. Gallen and widely used in business transformation initiatives there is a holistic approach available. It combines the relevant management fields and leadership aspects to guide you through successful transformation projects. Structure Our programme starts annually in fall and will equip you with Business Engineering skills as well as important tools and methods for systematically dealing with change.
A company visit and various networking events round off the programme, that covers the following topics: Admission The programme is targeted at top talents in IT and other IT-related business functions from upper to senior management interested in developing their transformation management capabilities from an IT perspective. Entwicklungstrends, Kostenstrukturen und Preisbildung auf dem Transportmarkt Di: Management der Transportkosten Mi: Was aber ist die Alternative?
In Workshops werden mehrere Themen vertieft. Oftmals sind aber weder der Aufgabenbereich noch die Entscheidungshoheit oder die Spannbreite der Verantwortung von Supply Chain Managern und ihren Bereichen klar. Und wie steht es um den Umsetzungsgrad des Konzepts in der Unternehmenspraxis?
Im Seminar werden systematisch praxisgerechte Antworten auf diese Fragen hergeleitet. Die Themenschwerpunkte folgen einer inneren Logik: Stefan Sander, in der 9. Gallen, Professor an der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin This compact seminar helps you to understand financial information more thoroughly, and enables you to communicate with the financial experts in your organisation on a more equal basis. Both with regards to company as well as personal goals it is therefore beneficial for every manager to understand and be able to act on the topdown financial targets and the bottom-up drivers of improved performance.
Structure The preparation by means of eLearning and eMentoring makes certain that all participants are at the same level of knowledge when joining the classroom session. Stellhebel des Business-to-Business Erfolgs. Sie lernen anhand des St. This three-day programme is taught by faculty from leading business schools who represent decades of expertise in their respective fields of study and are recognised for their ground-breaking research.
Bad Horn, Switzerland Price: The presence of such dual learning tracks with the added benefit of joint sessions that leverage the perspectives of both audiences is a unique feature of this three-day event. This set-up offers an opportunity to bring a small team to the event for the purpose of learning as well as achieving greater internal alignment around key customer strategy and initiatives. To maximise the benefits of the program class size is limited! It requires taking a far higher level of account engagement and professional expertise in order to lead your company to success with global accounts.
Entwicklung der Energie der Gesamtorganisation: Gallen, und Justus Kunz, Lehrbeauftragter. The seminar systematically deals with leadership on three different levels. These ever-changing constellations pose the question, for what purpose and with what techniques you set free while also bundling together the force of your person, the energy of the organisational unit and the potential of the entire company. Heike Bruch and Dr. Leadership, Organisationskultur und Strategisches Management Anbieter: Stabile Beziehungen gestalten Leadership Skills: Intensiv-Workshop 2 Selbstkompetenz und Unternehmenskultur Inhalte: Kursziel Ziel des St.
Mittags- und Abendverpflegung Kontakt: Erkennen der eigenen Denkstrukturen und Verhaltensmuster, der blinden Flecke und der Wahrnehmungsfilter durch Feedback-Prozesse. Legal and regulatory aspects of companywide activities are not the traditional business drivers, however, today they belong to it. Efficiency and effectiveness of these aspects very much depend on how this dimension is operated and integrated into the management cycle. The annual one-day conference shall provide compliance practitioners with insights on how to manage a compliance function effectively and efficiently.
Target group Corporate and government executives with legal, regulatory and compliance functions. Challenging discussion about concepts, methodologies, processes and instruments as well as specific legal and regulatory as well as operational issues at the interface between management and law. Sie dauert jeweils einen halben Tag und findet am letzten Donnerstag im November statt. Gallen — orientiert an den praktischen Leadership-Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Galler Leadership-Tag wird mit der Vergabe des St.
Galler Excellence in Leadership Awards abgerundet. Weitere Informationen zum St. Galler Excellence in Leadership Award finden Sie unter: Unter der Leitung von Prof. Frank Halter und Dr. Direktoren der Forschungsstelle sind Prof. Andreas Herrmann sowie Prof. Flemming Ruud, PhD Prof. Kontakt Tigerbergstrasse 9, CH St. Diese verschiedenen Programme bieten wir jeweils auch als massgeschneiderte, firmenspezifische Inhouse-Schulungen und -Trainings an. Kai Kruthoff Bahnhofstrasse 8. We seek to promote effective ways to deal with the challenges associated with global business by providing sound and relevant education, conducting rigorous empirical research, and advising private and public sector practitioners.
Gallen wurde von Prof. Sven Reinecke sowie den Direktoren Prof. Christian Belz und Prof. Die Kernkompetenzen des Instituts liegen in den Themen:. Alle Fragen zur Steuerung und zum Management sind bei uns bestens aufgehoben. Bei der Zusammensetzung der Inhalte und Referenten orientiert sich das Institut an den Anforderungen der Praxis sowie an aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Das aktuelle Weiterbildungsprogramm finden Sie unter: Martin Eling Academic Director und Dr. Marco Allenspach Executive Director. Dieter Euler und Prof. Es untersucht Fragen aus dem Finanzbereich, insbesondere des Kapitalmarktes, des Bankwesens und der Finanzierung von Unternehmen sowie des systemischen Risikos und der Immobilienfinanzierung.
Kontakt Rosenbergstrasse 52, CH St. Doch was sind nun die Leistungsausweise? Unternehmerisch ausgerichtet Dies alles geschieht auf der Basis einer unternehmerischen Grundhaltung. Gallen generiert einen Grossteil ihrer finanziellen Ressourcen selbst und fordert von ihren Forschungsinstituten ein hohes Mass an Selbstverantwortung in Bezug auf Mittelausstattung.
Gallen von besonderem Gewicht. First of all, having a team of renowned experts means being able to call them by name and prove their expertise. Many providers of executive education omit this step — and thus leave their customers in the dark about whom they will be dealing with later. We offer the alternative of a faculty that combines expertise, business experience, entrepreneurial attitude and socio-ecological responsibility — from Executive MBAs to short seminars.
What is researched and taught in courses must meet the strict criteria of scientific resilience as well as the conditions of economic and social usefulness. So what constitutes proof of performance? The lecturers at the HSG work in the frontline of their particular field of expertise and are recognised as ahead of their time for their topics.
The participants of our courses benefit from scientific insights, because findings are gained from practical experience for practical application. Research projects are conducted in close cooperation with companies and public institutions. Our experts are sought-after interlocutors up to the highest decision-making levels — from SMEs to global corporations, from commercial enterprises to public institutions.
Together, we rise time and again to the new challenges of result-oriented, responsible management. In times of economic and social reorientation, the University of St. Substantial research projects on topics such as healthcare, renewable energies, leadership and values in society, ecological sustainability and ethical integrity are dedicated to topics of enormous social importance and ensure plurality and critical discourse in our executive education.
Entrepreneurial orientation This all happens on the basis of an entrepreneurial attitude. Gallen generates a large part of its financial resources itself and demands a high degree of individual responsibility from its research institutes with respect to their funding. Income from further education plays an important role in financing research.
They have successfully built up businesses and remain loyal to us as valued lecturers in training and executive education. Furthermore, spin-offs from HSG have created a large number of jobs in the region. The combination of the four previously mentioned characteristics creates a climate of high and positive energy. It makes executive education at the HSG a lasting experience that goes far beyond providing insights and understanding.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Gunter Saake
Share this experience with the many thousand alumni around the world! Beratungsmandate im In- und Ausland. American Risk and Insurance Association und Praxis z. Dienstleistungskompetenz und Unternehmertum in KMU. Gallen mit Schwerpunkt im Arbeitsrecht und im Familienrecht. Als Unternehmer und Coach arbeitet er mit Start-ups und etablierten Unternehmen zur unternehmerischen Methode. Mit Leidenschaft widmet er sich dem unternehmerischen Denken und Handeln. Er lehrt und forscht zu Fragestellungen im Umgang von Unternehmen mit Recht sowie zum Management von Anwaltskanzleien und Rechtsabteilungen.
Zudem ist er Direktor des Center for Innovation. Zudem ist sie Gastprofessorin an der University of Coventry. Gallen Course catalogue This programme is also available online: Verbindlich sind die jeweiligen Detailprogramme der Veranstalter. All information and data in this brochure have been recorded in a database by the organisers themselves and are subject to change at short notice.
Press - HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
The respective detailed programmes of the organisers are binding. Costs for course documents and refreshments during breaks are included in the price while costs for travel, overnight accommodation and meals are excluded unless stated otherwise. Mehr als Programme in den Bereichen Management und Recht. Rector of the University of St.
Winfried Ruigrok, PhD We invite you to discover the latest developments and offers in the area of executive education at the University of St. Gallen — Executive Education at the University of St. Gallen MBA full-time 12 month full-time programme for future leaders Provider: Analysis and Case Studies. Using software product lines for runtime interoperability. Pauschalisierte Sicherheitsbetrachtungen automotiver Systeme. SecuMedia Verlag, May University of Kiel, May Data and Knowledge Engineering , 68 8: A schema matching Context.
Downsizing Data Management for Embedded Systems. Georgian Electronic Scientific Journal: Computer Science and Telecommunications , Proceedings , pages —, ACM Press, October Features as First-class Entities: Toward a Better Representation of Features. Fuzzy Constraint-based Schema Matching Formulation.
Modelling and Certifying Concurrent Systems: A Sequence-based Ontology Matching Approach. Practice and Experience, Special Issue: The Web on the Move , 9 4: An adaptive ECA-centric architecture for agile service-based business processes with compliant aspectual. Datenhaltung in eingebetteten Systemen. Datenbank Spektrum , 7 20 , February Features Interaction in Adaptive Service-driven Environments: Dynamic Interaction of Information Systems: Weaving Connectors on Component Petri Nets. Benefits and Drawbacks to Software Evolution.
A Unified Schema Matching Framework. In Grundlagen von Datenbanken , pages 57—61, Bretten, Germany, Aspects and Features in Concert. An Eclipse-Based Approach -. Rule-based Schema Matching for Ontology-based Mediators. Journal of Applied Logic , 3 2: A Mediator for E-Business.
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Beitragsband zum Studierenden-Programm bei der Fachtagung glqq Datenbanken in Business, Technologie und Web grqq , Ostvold , editors, Object-Oriented Technology. Ingo Schmitt and Gunter Saake. Aspect Refinement in Software Product Lines. In Aspects and Software Product Lines: Coordination and Co-Nets for specifying and reconfiguring Agile information systems. Data and Knowledge Engineering , 50 2: System Evolution through Design Information Evolution: Saake, editors, Beitragsband zum Workshop Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie, Beitragsband zum Workshop Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie, Efficient Similarity-based Operations for Data Integration.
Data and Knowledge Engineering , 48 3: The Active Vertice Method: Data and Knowledge Engineering , 51 3: Schallehn, editors, Tagungsband zum GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken Juni , Preprint Nr. Information Systems , July Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases.
Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung , 17 3: A two-level temporal logic for evolving specifications. Information Processing Letters , 83 3: Ngu, editors, 8th Int. Data and Knowledge Engineering , 42 2: Australian Computer Press, Application to a System with Several Lifts. Extensible Grouping and Aggregation for Data Reconciliation. Advanced Grouping and Aggregation for Data Integration. Consistency management in object-oriented databases. Practice and Experience , 13 September , Freiburg, Germany , Andreas Heuer and Gunter Saake. Datenbank- und Visualisierungstechnologie in der Informationsfusion.
Hinz, editors, Simulation und Visualisierung , Australian Journal of Information Systems , 8 1: Information Systems , 25 8: De Brock, and S. Database schema evolution and meta-modeling, Dagstuhl, Germany , pages 1—25, Foundations for Integrity Independence in Relational Databases. In Fundamentals of Information Systems , pages — Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Informationsfusion - Herausforderungen an die Datenbanktechnologie.
Overview of the Magdeburg-Approach to Database Federations. Engineering Federated Information Systems. Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Modellierung'99, Karlruhe, Germany, March , pages — Consistency Management in Object-Oriented Databases. Transactions and Database Dynamics, Proc. Design Support for Database Federations. Consistency Control in Object-Oriented Databases. The Theta Foundation Bucharest, Romania, DB-Rundbrief , Volume 21, pages 26—28, May Logics for Databases and Information Systems.
Introduction to Logics for Databases and Information Systems. In Logics for Databases and Information Systems , pages 1—4. Evolving Logical Specification in Information Systems. In Logics for Databases and Information Systems , pages — Society for Design and Process Science, Transitive Dependencies in Transaction Closures. Derived Transaction Termination Dependencies: An Algorithm for Computing Transitivity Rules. Merging Inheritance Hierarchies for Database Integration. Execution Dependencies in Transaction Closures. User Authentication in Multidatabase Systems. Gluche, editors, Kurzfassungen — Informationsflut und Datenbanktechnologie - Defizite und Herausforderungen.
Neue Entwicklungen in der Informatikausbildung: September , Tagungsband. Informatik zwischen Bild und Sprache Proc. Neue Entwicklungen in der Informatikausbildung. Schobbens, editors, ModelAge 97, Proc. Datenbanken — Konzepte und Sprachen, 1. International Thomson Publishing, Bonn, Schema Integration with Integrity Constraints. Objektdatenbanken — Konzepte, Sprachen, Architekturen. Object Databases — Concepts, Languages, Architectures. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Also available via http: Skowron, editors, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Proc.
Journal of Symbolic Computation , 22 5—6: Integrity Constraints in Federated Database Design. Specifying Evolving Temporal Behaviour. Departamento de Informatica, Universitade de Lisboa, International Society for Computers and Their Application. Michalewicz, editors, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Proc. Formal Analysis of the Shlaer-Mellor Method: Requirements Engineering Journal , 1 2: Paul, editor, Bericht zum Workshop: Evolving Temporal Behaviour in Information Systems.
Workshop , pages PP7: Participant's Proceedings, Paderborn, Datenbanken — Konzepte und Sprachen. Databases — Concepts and Languages. In Workshop on Reasoning about Structured Objects: Knowledge Representation meets Databases , number D, pages 51— Feenstra, editors, Information Systems — Correctness and Reusability. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, What is the Difference with Relational Database Design. Software Development Track SD.
From Object Specification towards Agent Design. Transitional Monitoring of Dynamic Integrity Contraints. Saake, editors, Kurzfassungen des 6. September , number 94—1, pages 40— Feenstra, editors, Working papers of the Int. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Specifying Information System Dynamics in sc Troll. Combining sc Troll with the Object Modeling Technique. Wolfinger, editor, Innovationen bei Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen.
Ein Ansatz zur Operationalisierung deskriptiver Anfragen durch Anfrageobjekte. September , number 94—1, pages 92— Modelling Information Systems as Object Societies. Object-Oriented Design of Information Systems: Models and Languages for Abstract Objects. September , number 94—1, pages — Animation Support for a Conceptual Modelling Language. La vzansky , and R. Spezifikation von Informationssystemen als Objektsysteme. Abstract Specification of Object Interaction. Relationships between Dynamic Objects. Concepts, Methods and Systems Proc.
Objektspezifikation von Benutzerschnittstellen in sc Troll. Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems , 2 4: Teubner-Verlag, Stuttgart, Leipzig, University of Hannover, Aggregation in a Behavior Oriented Object Model. Updates in a Rule-Based Language for Objects.