Includes sound rhymes and jingles to appeal to the ear, descriptive poems to create images in the mind's eye, lullabies and lyrics to warm the heart, and story-telling poems to stir the imagination. Attractively illustrated by Maud and Miska Petersham. Third volume of A Child's Own Book of Verse, a three-volume set planned for use during the four primary years. Second volume of A Child's Own Book of Verse, a three-volume set planned for use during the four primary years.
An engaging adventure story set in England during the time of the Civil War when King Charles was deposed and the Roundheads were vying with the Cavaliers. The central characters are the four children of staunch Royalist Colonel Beverley killed in battle while fighting for King Charles. Through the efforts of aged forester Jacob Armitage, the children escape the burning of their ancestral home and take up residence with him in his cottage in the New Forest.
As his 'grandchildren' they take eagerly to the peasant life and learn to provide for themselves by using their wits. The pitfall they build to trap cattle catches more than they bargain for, leading to one adventure after another. Against all odds they deftly maneuver through the treacherous landscape of the times, eventually recovering their family estate.
Twenty-one stories of the ancient Greeks adapted for the younger reader from the admirable biographies of Plutarch. Ideal introduction to the characters that figured prominently in the history of ancient Greece. Includes three black and white illustrations by Walter Crane.
Collection of stories of ancient Romans skillfully adapted from Plutarch's Lives, with emphasis placed on the characters of the individuals portrayed. Excellent as an introduction to the biographies of Plutarch. An exceptional collection of Christmas stories, legends, and poems, that have distinct literary merit, a spirit of reverence, and an appeal for children. Chosen from a wide variety of sources by a pair of children's librarians, the stories represent the work of many writers.
The selections are arranged chronologically, beginning with the birth of the Christ Child. An earthenware porringer, bought by a little Flemish girl of Bruges as a gift for the Christ child and stolen by Robber Hans, finally brings much happiness to her and her grandmother, the lace maker. Book II of the Story of the World series. Relates the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the middle ages in Europe, the rise of Islam and the Crusades, and finally the age of exploration, and the establishment of trade with the Far East.
The book concludes with the discoveries of Columbus and the Spanish settlements in the New World. Around the dooryard nest all sorts of birds, including flickers, robins, sparrows, wrens, swifts, and blackbirds. These stories convey some of the drama that arises in the garden as birds go about the business of building nests and raising young. The author's cat Silvertip figures in a number of the narratives as do a number of other mammals and insects. Invites children to 'see how many tiny neighbors you have around you, and how much you can learn about them.
Excellent guide to the various subjects touched upon in the course of art instruction, with suggestions for how to begin, the materials to use, and the directions further work may take. Remarkable in its range of material, the book is profusely illustrated, with clear explanations in the text that frequently reference figures in the plates. Through the eyes of Kit and Kat, 5 year-old twins, we catch a glimpse of life in Holland a century ago. We follow them as they go fishing with grandfather, join their father on market day, help their mother around the house, drive the milk cart, and get new skates.
The story draws to a close on St. Nicholas Day when St. Nicholas himself pays them a visit. An engaging introduction to the history of the early church from its emergence in the Mediterranean world dominated by Rome until the fall of Rome in the age of Augustine. Relates the story of Christianity's struggle for life during the early days of persecution; the defence of the faith against prejudice, heresy, and rivalry; the Arian debate; the rise of monasticism in the east and in the west; and the influence of Ambrose, Chrysostom, and Augustine. Twenty-two Norwegian folk tales, especially selected and carefully adapted for young readers.
A collection of stories that has delighted children for generations. Delightful introduction to the writers of English literature whose works hold the greatest appeal for the youthful reader. The life and personality of each author is given in outline, with enough material quoted from his works to give an idea of what he wrote. For most authors suggestions for further reading are included. The outline of historical background enables the young reader to grasp the connection between the literature and the life of the time. Excellent as a companion to a chronological study of English literature.
Share the adventures of Menie and Monnie, 5 year-old twins in an Eskimo village, where the villagers have to provide for all their own needs. Their father, Kesshoo, is a brave fisherman and strong hunter and their mother Koolee is clever in making clothing and shoes out of the skins of the animals which he brings home. We watch the twins as they spot a polar bear while coasting on their sleds, then join with the villagers in the sharing of the meat and the feasting afterwards. Among the other activities they enjoy are ice fishing, building a snow house, hunting for seals, and traveling by boat to their summering ground where they catch salmon to dry for the winter.
Children are captivated by the humor and playfulness in this community where the winter night lasts for four long months! One of the earliest collections of fairy tales from different countries, first published in Carefully selected and rendered anew in language close to the oral tradition. Includes old English tales, such as Jack the Giant-killer and Tom Thumb, as well as German stories from Grimm, and French tales of Perrault and Madame d'Aulnoy, and many other delightful and time-honored fairy tales.
Numerous black and white illustrations by Louis Rhead complement the text. The authors read thousands of fairy tales to locate the best of the less familiar tales to include in this volume. Numerous black and white illustrations accompany the text. Introduction to the wonders of the physical world: Includes six bits of sound advice about going afield at any season that are not to be missed!
Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of ancient Greece, from legendary times to its fall in B. Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination. Attractive biographical sketches of twenty-eight of the most prominent characters in the history of ancient Rome, from its founding to its fall.
Includes most of the best known characters from the kingdom and republic of Rome, as well as the most prominent personages from the imperial age. Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of the Middle Ages, from the barbarian invasions to the invention of the printing press.
A lively retelling of 35 favorite Greek myths, ranging from the short stories of Phaeton, Arachne and Bellerophon to the longer tales of Jason and his quest for the Golden Fleece, the twelve labors of Hercules, and Theseus and the Minotaur. Provides excellent material for cultivating the child's imagination and quickening his moral sense. Includes a complete guide to the pronunciation and explanation of unfamiliar names. Offers stories about real persons who actually lived and performed their parts in the great drama of the world's history.
Some of these persons were more famous than others, yet all have left enduring footprints on the 'sands of time,' and their names will be long remembered. Though not strictly biographical, each of the stories contains a basis of truth and an ethical lesson which cannot fail to have a wholesome influence. Each also possesses elements of interest that will delight the children with whom it is shared.
Includes fifty legendary tales depicting certain romantic episodes in the lives of well-known heroes and famous men, or in the history of a people. Children naturally take a deep interest in such stories. The reading of them will not only give pleasure but will lay the foundation for broader literary studies, as nearly all are the subjects of frequent allusions in poetry and prose.
A delightful introduction to a variety of plants and animals, made especially interesting by the categories into which they are grouped. Readers will discover what plants provide sugar, which ones furnish fiber, and seven different ways plants have of dispersing their seeds. They will also meet many animals that vary widely in looks and behavior.
Some have fins, others fur or feathers. Some are footless, while others have as many as one hundred feet. They will encounter animals that spin and animals that make their homes in a variety of places including caves, earth, and wood. Each chapter has questions to ponder and activities to do indoors and out. A guide to discovery of the forces at work in the world of plants.
Through germinating seeds and varying their growing conditions, students learn by observation the different ways seeds germinate and young plants respond to moisture and light. Further experiments shed light on the manner of nourishment, respiration, and reproduction. The reader is given plenty to ponder since the text often poses questions without supplying answers. The life stories of the sweet pea, oak, ferns, moss, and mushrooms and an account of some of the forces plants have to contend with in their struggle to survive encourage students to continue to read and interpret their surroundings.
An engaging introduction to botany for middle school and beyond. Inspiring story of Florence Nightingale from her earliest days as privileged daughter of an English squire to her role as Angel of the Crimea. Even as a young girl her nursing talents were evident as she doctored her dolls and ministered to sickly animals. With the training she received at hospitals on the Continent, she was ready when the call to the Crimea came. Facing unspeakable filth and disorganization, she and her staff of nurses cared for thousands of sick and wounded soldiers, earning their undying gratitude.
Focuses on her preparation, her heroic and patriotic service during the Crimean war, and her life of service thereafter. A choice collection of stories for the preschool child, carefully selected, adapted, and arranged by two veteran kindergarten teachers. Includes nature stories, holiday stories, fairy tales and fable, as well as stories of home life. Emphasis is placed on fanciful tales for their value in the training of the imagination and on cumulative tales for developing a child's sense of humor and appealing to his instinctive love of rhyme and jingle.
Stirring accounts of four of America's greatest inventors: Morse, and Thomas Edison. Emphasis is placed on their formative years and how the skills they acquired then enabled them to meet the challenges they faced later, both in developing and manufacturing their inventions and in achieving widespread public acceptance of them. Their lives are set forth in a simple manner, yet with many interesting details, and a glimpse is given of the trials and successes which combined to mold their character and afford such stirring examples for the youth of today.
The stories are patriotic in every line, readable in every paragraph, and inspire the reader to the best thoughts and deeds. Ten delightful fables from La Fontaine cast into dramatic form. Learning and acting these short scenes arouses the students' interest and touches their hearts, while adding variety to the French lesson. The fables are presented entirely in French, even the stage directions and the names of the characters. Relates the story of the making of an hour book as a wedding gift from King Louis of France to Lady Anne of Brittany and the good fortune it brought to little Gabriel, Brother Stephen's color grinder.
God's Troubadour, The Story of St. Relates how the gay, courtly young soldier became a knight of Jesus Christ, vowed devotion to Lady Poverty and proved himself the 'little brother' to all men and even to the birds and beasts. One of the best introductions to Greek mythology for children. Includes the stories of all the prominent gods and heroes, woven together into a continuous narrative, ending with a full treatment of the twelve labors of Hercules. A singularly ingenious, witty, and amusing attempt to teach some of the elements of grammar by allegory and pictorial illustration.
A wonderful introduction to the parts of speech for young and old. Seven fairy tales, set in an interesting framework in which are related the adventures of the little girl Snowflower and her magical chair at the court of King Winwealth. When Snow-flower, from her nook in the kitchen, said, Ages Twelve stories of great inventions, grouped under inventions of steam and electric power, inventions of manufacture and production, and in ventions of printing and communication.
The final chapter introduces the famous inventors of the early twentieth century. The story of each invention is interwoven with that of the life of its inventor. Through these stories the reader learns how big things are brought about, and on the traits of mind and heart which make for success. Book V of the Story of the World Series. An account of the life of the famous Carthaginian general who acquired distinction as a warrior by his desperate contests with the Romans. This lively treatment of the Punic Wars graphically depicts Hannibal's crossing of the Alps with his elephants, the battles he waged in Italy, his eventual defeat, and the ultimate destruction of Carthage.
Stories of the heroes of ancient Greece, told in fine poetic prose. By preserving the Greek spirit in the retelling of these myths, Kingsley gives us plain strength and seriousness, courage, steadfastness, and beauty. Dozens of attractive illustrations by T. Robinson enliven the text. Inspiring stories of heroes from various times and places relating their daring deeds, prompted by their high ideals.
Among the legendary heroes of the middle ages are St. Lee round out the collection. Recounts the stories of the most important movements in the history of Europe during the Middle Ages and acquaints the reader with the most important figures in those scenes. The figures are grouped into seven periods: In the tapestry which the author weaves may be traced the history of the rise and fall of the various nationalities and the circum-stances and mode of life of each.
Imaginative stories of fourteen insects, their complex life cycles, and their environs, told in a way that captures children's interest. The insects described range from the familiar butterfly, moth, grasshopper, cricket, bumble bee, firefly, dragonfly, and beetle to the less well known tree hopper, walking stick and gall dweller.
Notes include lots of suggestions for further reading. The author, a widely-respected entomologist, made it one of her life goals to produce engaging stories for children that were scientifically accurate in all respects. A book which stands in such honor as the Bible should be known by all. And the time when one can most readily obtain a familiarity with the Bible is in early life. Those who in childhood learn the Story of the Bible are fortunate, for they will never forget it. In this unabridged and unedited edition you will find all the principal stories of the Bible, each one complete in itself, while together combining to form a continuous narrative.
With stories from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, there is ample material for a full year of reading. Vigorous retelling of Homer's Iliad, relating the incidents of the great siege of Troy, from the quarrel of the chiefs to the ransoming of Hector's body. A decidedly different autobiography, originally published under the pseudonym Robert Dudley, eventually revealed to be James Baldwin.
A portrayal of life in rural Indiana in the middle of the 19th century it certainly is, but it is so much more. In the words of Mr. Howland, an editor for the original publisher, 'It is difficult to describe just what there is so remarkable about this book, but it is undeniably wonderful. It is a strange combination of autobiography and fiction, and records only the simplest happenings -- the life of people in the Indiana backwoods, the primitive life, the commonplace experiences, the visits between neighbors.
To tell about it in this way does not make it sound remarkable, yet it is. The style is simple and clear; there is a quiet humor running through it, and in other places the reading brings tears to the eyes. A collection of fifteen original stories ideally suited for young children. Each of the stories features a light-filled being whose radiance illumines the path for those who follow.
Meant to be suggestive to the parent or teacher of the types of stories that can be told to children to inspire them to grow in goodness. Story of the life of Alfred the Great, how at twenty-two he inherited a land overrun by savage pirates,—a restless ignorant, defenseless land, and how he fought the Danes and restored the country to a condition of peace and safety. Strength and joy of life ever marked the doings of the old Norse gods and heroes. These qualities abound in these stories of Norse mythology retold in a simple direct fashion appealing to younger children.
Tells among other things how Father Odin lost his eye, how Thor went fishing, of the death of Baldur, and of the other doings of the gods and goddesses of Asgard. Vigorous black and white illustrations complement the narrative. Story of the life of Queen Elizabeth, the famous English sovereign who guided the ship of state with consummate skill through the troubled waters of the latter half of the sixteenth century. Includes stories of English voyages of exploration and the defeat of the Spanish armada.
Story of the life of Queen Victoria, a well-beloved woman who became queen at eighteen and for nearly 64 years wore the crown of Great Britain. Relates her training for the monarchy and the exemplary way she executed her duties, while managing a household of nine children. Story of the life of William the Conqueror, telling of his boyhood in Normandy, beset by dangers, of his knighting by the King of France and of the after-deeds which made him famous, including the conquest of England.
An appealing collection of more than a hundred Indian fables that are delightful as well as short, pithy, and ingenious. Each fable has its separate moral in prose or rhyme; these are often epigrams of the shrewdest kind, full of wit and subtlety. Most of these fables are likely to be new to the majority of readers.
In the characters of animals the same rules are observed as in Western fables. As the symbol of strength, the lion or, in one or two instances, the tiger is king, the fox is the symbol of cunning, the bear of inert power, the wolf of ferocity, the owl of assumed wisdom, and so forth. Sixth volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces children to insect life by collecting a variety of specimens and then examining them in detail, identifying their parts and observing their life cycles.
Includes caterpillars, familiar moths and butterflies, harmful and useful beetles, wasps and bees, flies, ants, and crickets and grasshoppers. With Irish twins Larry and Eileen, we enjoy a visit to Granny Malone's and puzzle over the letter she has received from her son in America, a letter that sets the wheels in motion for all sorts of adventures. Along the way the twins encounter gypsies and discover a pig stuck in a bog that brings a change in fortune to their family.
While following Larry and Eileen on their adventures, we gain a vivid understanding of the close-knit community life of the Irish countryside, as it existed a century ago. When Jack receives a book on insects for his birthday, Maggie wishes one could get 'into' a book. And so they do, experiencing adventures with insects of all sorts as they 'travel' through the book.
Along the way they encounter a butterfly with a grievance, extraordinary caterpillars, a hungry spider, a distinguished musician a katydid , as well as fireflies, locusts, grasshoppers, wasps, bees, and more. Each animal is brought to life so vividly through the story that the reader unconsciously absorbs the details of its existence: Brought to the windmiller's home as a foundling on a dark and stormy night, the infant Jan soon won his way into the hearts of his new family, especially that of little Abel who served as his nursemaid.
Together they lay for hours watching the clouds. Once Abel showed Jan how to draw them in the dirt, he wanted to do nothing else. He drew on slates at school, then as a pig-minder fashioned pictures with colored leaves that blew away in the wind. The schoolmaster encountering him at this occupation befriended him, providing supplies for the budding artist and raising his aspirations. The story begins slowly with rich descriptions and carefully etched characters, then accelerates as the plot twists and turns, and finally gallops to a fine finish fitting for such a talented lad.
Join Taro and Take, 5 year-old Japanese twins, as they greet a new baby brother, play in their garden, and thrill to the sights they see when they ride in rickshaws to the temple to have their new brother blessed. A rainy day finds them painting pictures with colored sands and harnessing beetles with thread, then preparing for their first day of school.
The story concludes with the celebration of their birthday-on different days! For Take and all the other girls in Japan celebrate their birthday on one day with a Feast of Dolls, and Taro and all the boys celebrate on another day with a Feast of Flags. Eighteen fables from the Jatakas of India, skillfully retold and attractively illustrated. This third volume in The Bible for School and Home series is divided into two parts, the first chronicling the conquest of West Palestine under Joshua and the subsequent allotment of lands, and the second dealing with the Book of Judges where one story after another recounts instances of Sinning and Punishment, Repenting and Deliverance.
A stirring account of one of the most controversial figures in history, who, driven by ambition, rose to power in ancient Rome. Relates how Caesar, one of the three greatest generals in the ancient world, used his many victories on the battlefield to build his power base in Rome, then how he increased his popularity and won over many of his rivals through diplomacy, before being assassinated in the Roman Senate on the Ides of March in 44 B.
Fanciful explanations, that delight both young and old, of how some curious things came to be, including stories of how the elephant got his trunk, how the camel got his hump, and how the alphabet was invented. A full collection of stories and rhymes for the youngest listeners. In addition to the usual fairy tales, folk tales, and fables, there are numerous stories about animals, tales of everyday doings, and stories of the seasons.
The material is conveniently arranged in groups, with several stories and rhymes for each holiday and season throughout the year. Twenty-one stories from the Arthurian legends specially selected and adapted for children and told in simple well-written prose. A romance of unusual beauty and simplicity, having all the traditional elements of the folk tale and all its magic and wonder. In vigorous and rhythmic prose, the author recounts the adventurous wooing of Fedelma, the enchanter's daughter, by the King of Ireland's son, and relates the many strange adventures they had on their journey home, weaving many short tales from the Gaelic tradition into the fabric of the narrative.
A book of uncommon beauty in form and content, with illustrations and decorations in black and white by Willy Pogany. A fairy tale of what happened to two men who tried to get rich in evil ways and of how the fortune they sought came to their younger brother, whose kind and loving heart prompted him to right action. Widely regarded as a masterpiece of 19th century stories for children.
Includes four black and white illustrations by Maria L. A series of nature sketches, whose topics range from muskrats building for winter to buzzards nesting in the swamp, written in a way that encourages in the reader the habit of close observation. That the substance for most of the essays comes from personal observation of a small tract of land over a number of years illustrates how much can be discovered through regular observation in all seasons.
In the final chapter he urges readers to adopt a similar practice. Draw close to the fire, all you who believe in the spirit of Christmas, whether you call it Santa Claus, or simply good will to men; and listen to the story of Nicholas the Wandering Orphan who became Nicholas the Wood-carver, a lover of little children. Follow him through his first years as a lonely little boy, who had the knack of carving playthings for children; then as a young man, busy over the little toys; then as a prosperous, fat, rosy old man, who overcomes all sorts of difficulties in order to attain his ambition, a toy for every child in the village.
Learn how he started to drive a beautiful sleigh drawn by prancing reindeer; why he first came down a chimney; how he filled the first stocking; where the first Christmas tree was decorated; and finally how he came to be known as Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus. Mooweesuk the Coon is called the bear's little brother by both Indians and naturalists, because of the many ways in which he resembles the 'big prowler in the black coat.
An inspiring story of Richard the Fearless who became Duke of Normandy at the age of 8. Relates the perils of his childhood, both at home in Normandy and during his captivity at the court of France, and how at long last he came to embrace the values his father espoused. This delightful book for young listeners awakens children's interest in the world around them through the story of 'Joe-Boy' and how he grew from a baby in a gipsy camp to become an active member of society. We hear first about how Joy-Boy's house is built and furnished, and how his clothes are made. Then we watch Joe-Boy's circle broaden to include the pets he cares for, the wild animals he observes, and the friends he makes.
Includes an especially fine group of nature stories. An ideal introduction to a longer narrative for children of kindergarten age. A modern fairy tale, beautiful in spirit and unusual in theme and setting. Relates the story of little Prince Dolor and his magic cloak, telling how, with the help of the fairy who is godmother to all children, he learned to endure affliction with cheerfulness and fortitude, and eventually came into his own. Engaging account of why seeds travel and how they do it.
Learn how some seeds fly, others float, and still others are shot away. Then find out two ways in which animals play a role in seed dispersal. A month by month account of the pageant of nature that can be observed outside your door, all through the year from snowfall in January to hibernation in December. The highlights of each month are recounted, along with background information about the particular insects, birds, trees, flowers, mammals, reptiles, invertebrates, or fish that are featured. Each chapter concludes with a list of natural events to watch for during that month.
A great book to read slowly over the course of a year. Introduces children to geology through conversations about earthquakes, volcanoes, coral reefs, and so on. Encourages children to wonder about the distinctive features of the landscape about them and how they came to be that way. A full introduction to clay-modelling that can be used with students of all ages, beginning with the method of working and continuing with presentation of sixty models of natural objects in a carefully ordered sequence. Accurate directions are given for the working of each model, with emphasis on attaining the character of the model, rather than focusing on the finish.
An engaging introduction to grammar through the conversations Mary shares with her mother. Stories are interspersed periodically to enliven the short lessons on grammar. The author of this book, Jane Marcet, was a prolific writer in the first half of the 19th century. Her success lay in her ability to explain complex concepts in simple language to a broad audience, to adults as well as to children. In her works for children, she guides the youthful reader to discovery, prompting her to be observant and engendering in her a thirst for further knowledge.
Engaging introduction to chemical processes, starting with matter, the states it can assume solid, liquid, gas , and how it changes from one state to another. Readers become familiar with molecules, elements, compounds, and mixtures, and how chemical changes differ from physical changes. Interspersed periodically in the text are puzzles to solve and questions to ponder that actively involve the reader.
Numerous illustrations in color and black and white. The thrilling story, set in England in the time of Henry IV, of how Myles Falworth advances to knighthood and through "trial by battle" restores the fallen fortunes of his family. With breathless excitement, the reader follows the adventures of the hero, sympathizing with him in his troubles, fighting in his battles, and rejoicing in his good fortunes. A vivid picture of life in ancient Greece through the stories of four very different men.
The reader hears how Leonidas, raised under the strict system of Sparta, becomes king and leads his countrymen at the battle of Thermopylae, and how Themistocles, in prompting the Athenians to build boats and escape to Salamis, guides the Greeks to victory against the Persians. When Athens lay in ruins, the sculptor Phidias is instrumental in its rebuilding. It becomes such a vibrant city that the philosopher Socrates, when arrested on a trumped-up charge, prefers to die, rather than to live anywhere other than Athens.
Twenty-one more fables from the Jataka tradition of India, compiled at the request of children captivated by the charm of the stories in Jataka Tales, retold by the same author and illustrated by the same artist. Twenty more delightful stories for kindergarten children about the commonplace things they care about most, with enough rhyme and repetition to keep them begging for more. Most of the stories in this book revolve around animals of the barnyard, with a sprinkling of stories of everyday doings. Two Christmas stories conclude the volume. This second volume in The Bible for School and Home series follows Moses from his infancy all the way to his passing, through the special training he received that prepared him to become the deliverer, leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and guiding them as they wandered in the wilderness.
Seventeen stories ideally suited for kindergarten children who take great interest in lively stories about familiar things, especially those that include rhyme and repetition as these stories do. Within each story is a subtle moral, pleasing to children and not at all obtrusive.
Lively collection of stories of some of the most interesting animals in the world, as man encountered them in the nineteenth century. Many details of animal life are given along with the roles the animals played in the lives of the people in their native habitats. Packed with thrilling exploits that will delight lovers of adventure, this book is not for the faint of heart. An indispensable guide for teachers in the method of nature study that will inform their efforts to bring children in direct contact with things, to cultivate the habit of careful observation and discrimination, to create a living interest in the surroundings, and to encourage independent thought.
Includes a full explanation of the benefits of nature study, the way to conduct nature lessons indoors and a full range of seasonal studies outside, as well as the preparation and management of valuable aids to the study of nature, such as the aquarium, the terrarium, the garden, and museum. Strongly recommended as a companion to The Handbook of Nature Study. Story of the struggle for religious liberty in the Netherlands. By the middle of the sixteenth century the little country of the Netherlands was standing at bay, defying those who, with the aid of inquisitions and edicts, were trying to stamp out all who would not subscribe to the Roman Catholic faith.
The fight was long and desperate, but it was fought to the death by the Provinces, under the leadership of the hero and liberator of the Netherlands, William of Orange. Often baffled and even beaten, William the Silent struggled on through failure to victory, giving his time, his possessions, and even his life for the sake of his country. Admirable retelling of the narratives given in Motley's Dutch Republic and Prescott's Philip II, with numerous full-page illustrations complementing the text. Ideal introduction to the stories of the Bible for young children, including as it does those stories best suited for the youngest listeners, retold with rare literary skill.
Dozens of attractive illustrations complement the text. Lively retelling of Homer's Odyssey, telling of the wanderings of Ulysses and his adventures with the giant Cyclops and the enchantress Circe as he makes his way home to his beloved Ithaca. There, after slaying the suitors who have been wooing his wife Penelope, he is reunited with his family after twenty long years.
A child's first book of Greek tales containing many of the shorter myths retold with exceptional literary skill.

Relates the stories of Prometheus, who brought to earth the bright-eyed fire treasured by the gods; of Orpheus, best of harpers; of the cunning Daedalus; the ambitious Phaethon; Apollo and Diana, and other gods and heroes of the olden time. Delightful retelling in simple language of the stories of the old Greek mythological heroes, and their encounters with Jupiter and the other Olympians. While each story can be read independently, they can also be read as a continuous narrative, with one story leading to the next. A pronunciation guide and numerous illustrations accompany the text.
Book I of the Story of the World series. Focuses on the civilizations surrounding the Mediterranean Sea from the time of Abraham to the birth of Christ. Important myths and legends that preceded recorded history are also related. A stirring tale of medieval Germany in the days of robber barons and deadly feuds. The kidnapping of Otto, his adventures among the rough soldiers, and his daring rescue, make for a spirited and thrilling story.
The author says of his tale that it 'is of a little boy who lived and suffered in those dark middle ages; of how he saw both the good and the bad of men, and of how, by gentleness and love and not by strife and hatred, he came at last to stand above other men and to be looked up to by all. Vivid and picturesque account of the principal events in the building of the British Empire.
Traces the development of the British colonies from days of discovery and exploration through settlement and establishment of government. Includes stories of the five chief portions of the Empire: Gentle stories of saints who lived their lives of service in the British Isles during the Middle Ages. Includes tales of St.
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Margaret of Scotland, and others. A child's history of England from earliest legendary times delightfully retold. Beginning with the stories of Albion and Brutus, it relates all the interesting legends and hero tales in which the history of England abounds through the end of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Vivid portrayal of the civic and home life of children in Athens during the reign of Pericles, when the art and architecture of ancient Greece were at their height. Through the eyes of Duris, son of the architect Phorion, and Hiero, son of the sculptor Hermippos, we experience the Greek culture of the times as we accompany them on their journey from home to market-place, wonder at the Acropolis, visit schools and studios, observe festivals, and participate in the Olympic games.
Through the story of Hanno, a boy of Carthage, we gain insight into the Carthaginians, a nation of sea-farers and traders, who amassed so much wealth and power that they became Rome's arch enemy. We follow Hanno on a voyage to the Tin Islands and the Baltic, then on a series of adventures at home in Carthage, and finally his exploits with Hannibal in Spain and Italy. How his foster-father Angus becomes poet to the High King and how Ferdiad himself recovers a lost treasure. Gives a glimpse into the customs and social life of the Celts, with special emphasis on their artistic achievements, including the Book of Kells and the stories of Cuculain.
Through their eyes we see how, even with all their quarrels and failures, the men of the third crusade left a lasting record of gallant and heroic deeds. Through the eyes of Rainolf, a boy at the court of Charlemagne, we catch a glimpse of life in the Frankish kingdom, including dress, occupations, and amusements. We learn how Charlemagne brought Alcuin from England to establish schools in his kingdom and how he encouraged the development of the arts, including the recitation of poetry such as the Song of Roland.
We hear about Einhard, a close associate of Charlemagne, who wrote a biography of him after his death. The story of Nearchus, who comes as a page to the court of King Philip of Macedon, where he befriends the young Alexander the Great. In company with other boys, Nearchus and Alexander divide their time between lessons, and gymnastic and military drill.
We follow them on an all-night tramp under one instructor and share their joy when their new tutor, Aristotle, arrives. The story revolves around the differing gifts of the boys and predictions about what fortune holds in store for each of them. A story of Normandy in the time of William the Conqueror, giving a vivid picture of manners and customs through the eyes of two boys of the court. Describes castle life, dress, amusements, training for knighthood, and other aspects of feudal life. Through the story of Marcus and his growth to manhood in the closing days of the Roman Republic, we discover much about life and customs in ancient Rome.
We accompany Marcus as he learns his lessons in school, joins his father on a trip to the Senate, pays a visit to his father's farm, and watches the triumph of a victorious general. The crowning moment comes when Marcus assumes the toga, the mark of a Roman citizen. Engaging account of the life of children in ancient Sparta, where patriotism, heroism, and strength in battle are the highest ideals.
We discover how at age seven boys leave home to live in company with 15 others, training to be Spartan soldiers through rigorous physical and mental exercises. In addition to wrestling, running, and throwing the discus, we watch them foraging for their food, gathering reeds for their bedding, singing patriotic songs, and eating at mess with their elders.
Emphasis is on the true nobility and rugged simplicity of the Spartan character. Fifty retellings from Plutarch's Lives skillfully adapted for children. Includes the conquests of Alexander the Great, how Demosthenes became an orator, the conspiracy against Caesar, the life of Lycurgus the law-giver of Sparta, the exploits of Pyrrhus and others. Follow along with Don and Nan as they encounter one marvel after another in their visits out-of-doors through all seasons of the year. With adults to answer questions and inspire them to further discovery, they learn an amazing amount of information about a handful of birds, insects, plants, and trees.
Large print text with numerous illustrations. Presents the best stories of all periods of chivalry, from the days of the founding of the Round Table to the death of Chevalier Bayard. It sets forth in simple story form the development and progress of knighthood from the time of St.
George, who won his spurs by killing the dragon, to the founding, a thousand years later, of the order which bore his name and embodied in its ritual the highest ceremonial of chivalry. With its explanation of the meaning of the degrees of knighthood, its description of quests and tourneys, and its outline of the great events of chivalry, this volume will serve as a good introduction to the later reading of Arthurian and other romances, and of the history of Charlemagne's wars and the crusades.
This series of 60 models is carefully arranged with regard to form, proportion, measurements, and construction. Through the construction work, observation is quickened. Eyes are trained to see right lines and distances, thus aiding in free-hand drawing and writing, while the hand and wrist muscles, being used for a definite purpose, unconsciously become obedient assistants. Parables for children inspired by nature. This collection includes all 29 stories from the first, second, third, and fourth series, originally published in separate volumes.
An engaging journey through the land of ancient Egypt, in which we learn about the geography of the region and experience daily life through a visit to Thebes and the palace of the Pharaoh. Includes a description of the life of children in those long ago times as well as a couple of the wonder stories told to them. Chapters on Egyptian books and Temples and Tombs conclude the volume.
Through the eyes of a traveler to ancient Greece, we see how, by reason of geography, Greece became a land of city states. After examining several different city states and their land and naval forces, we watch all Greece come together for the Olympic games. Turning our attention to Athens, we marvel at the theatre, architecture, and sculpture of the age of Pericles.
An introduction to the ancient city of Rome, its early history, and how its geographical position helped it become the seat of the Roman Empire. Traveling to the city in A. And finally we learn that the secret to Rome's greatness is discipline, inculcated in her citizens by military training and held up as an ideal in both home and civic life. The story of the Dutch colony at New Amsterdam, through the eyes of the young lad Peter.
Relates its settlement by the West India Company under the leadership of Peter Minuit, their transactions with the Indians including the purchase of the island of Manhattan, their overthrow of the Swedish forts to the south, and their surrender to English forces in The portrait of the contrasting figures of Peter Minuit and Peter Stuyvesant enlivens the narrative.
Robert Browning's well-known poem of the piper who piped a tune to rid the town of Hamelin of its rats, but when the townspeople refused the promised payment for his service, he played another tune altogether, prompting later generations to remember that they must not forget to pay the piper. Unusually attractive edition, elaborately illustrated with richly colored full page illustrations, along with numerous drawings and marginal decorations. The wonderful adventures of Christian, the Pilgrim, on the King's highway. How he passed the lions and fought a dragon; escaped from the prison of Giant Despair; visited the Palace Beautiful and the shepherds of the Delectable Mountain, and, crossing the dark river, entered in triumph the Celestial City.
One of the three great allegories of the world's literature, the experiences of the Christian life, cast into the form of a story of a man who journeyed from this world to the next, have fresh interest for each generation of readers. Richly adorned by the Rhead brothers with decorative borders and many elaborate full-page illustrations. Beloved tale of the adventures of a puppet, carved from a stick of wood, who eventually becomes a real boy after many trials and tribulations.
Though urged to right behavior by his father Gepetto, the Talking-cricket, and the Blue Fairy, Pinocchio yields to temptations that land him in desperate straits. Yet, time after time, he is rescued, sometimes by a stroke of luck and other times by someone he had befriended previously. Pinocchio's indomitable spirit shines throughout, lending humor and playfulness to whatever situation he finds himself in, whether that is planting his money in the Field of Miracles, sharing the humiliation of growing donkey ears with his good friend Candlewick, or discovering his father at long last in the belly of the Dog-fish.
All the while Pinocchio is growing in goodness and at last becomes a real little boy with a loving heart, a dutiful son to a devoted father. This edition couples the first translation from the Italian into English by M. Murray with dozens of engaging illustr Ages Third volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces children to the wonders of plant life through examination of a variety of plants, including the cabbage, the turnip, the cucumber, and the rose. In addition to becoming familiar with the structure of plants, the reader discovers how seeds grow, how insects help, and how plants defend themselves.
Through this book children are inspired to become keen observers of plant life as they collect specimens and study plants in their natural habitats. Selected lives from Plutarch admirably retold by W. Introductory material by the reteller sets each life in its historical context. An outstanding collection of poems that appeal to both boys and girls, compiled by a teacher who believed in the formative power of learning poetry by heart.
They should store up an untold wealth of heroic sentiment; they should acquire the habit of carrying a literary quality in their conversation; they should carry a heart full of the fresh and delightful associations and memories connected with poetry hours to brighten mature years. They should develop their memories while they have memories to develop. Sequel to The Princess and the Goblin in which Curdie travels to Gwyntystorm, the capital city, with many adventures along the way.
There he finds a group of corrupt courtiers plotting to seize the throne. With the aid of Lina, a curious monster, and forty-nine other strange animals, he clears the palaces of these conspirators, eventually marrying the princess and becoming heir to the kingdom. Printed there by John G. Translated from the German by Herman F. Gives name and age of head of household and names and ages of his wife and children. Gives name of head of household and number of dependents. Winter, ," in Lou D. From a ms "journal" in the Public Record Office, London. Gives name of child, his age, parents, the person to whom he was bound, and that person's locality.
Hunter, ," in Lou D. A chronological record kept by Mayor's Court of the City of New York of the names of foreigners who were naturalized under an act passed by the General Assembly in July Patten and Henry J. Patten , p Includes 4 lists of immigrants, as follows: Also printed in part in no Contains the names of approximately persons naturalized in New York Colony during the period covered. A more complete and comprehensive record of New York Naturalizations than that contained in no 19, where an imperfect copy of the present list was used as a source.
The company later settled in Barnet, Vermont. Extracted from no Covers the period , but most such statutes were enacted within the years Gives name and reference to statute only. Gives name, place of birth, age, allegience, country from which the alien emigrated, place of intended settlement, and date. Made up from memories of surviving members. Also printed in A Rasmus B. Names listed alphabetically, with city or county of origin, and with occupation. Contains a number of lists of persons brought into the Province and of imported indentured servants and records of headlands for imported indentured servants and others, as well as the passenger lists of the Thomas and Benjamin and the Griffin A more correct and more complete list than that which appears in no Also printed in part in no ; in no A Robert G.
Parker p Chapters 5 and 6, p , contain names of passengers on the Griffith, Kent, Will- ing Mind, Martha, Shield and other unspecified ships. Sharp, Trenton, , is identical in contents and pagination. Also printed, omitting the Griffith, in A William E. For a list of corrections see Robert G.
A history of the Huguenots who settled in New Jersey before , giving time and place of birth, ancestry, time and place of arrival, marriage and death, etc, for each. Helen Fields, "Convenanters and the Work of Rev. Brown and Margaret B. An alphabetical list of aliens naturalized by the Assembly of New Jersey between the union of the provinces of East and West Jersey in and the commencement of the Revolutionary War. Contains name and date only, though infrequently country or origin is given.
Gives name of head of household and that of his wife, the ship on which they arrived and the date of arrival, the names of their children and servants, the time of service, and wages and land allotted to them. Penington p ; also printed in B E. The list is not included in the ed of the Memoirs. Material gathered from many sources; the list contains 99 of the estimated passengers who accompanied William Penn.
Marion Balderston, "The Real Welcome Passengers," The Huntington Li- brary Quarterly xxvi A critical examination of the passenger list of the Welcome given in no , proving only 43 of the 99 passengers listed there as having arrived for certain on the ship and giving the names of 17 probable passengers. McCracken, "Welcome Notes," The American Genealogist xxxvhi ; xxxix , New information concerning some of the passengers on the Welcome.
Scrutinizes a dozen hypothetical lists of passengers on the Welcome, no two of them alike. Campbell p A history of the settlement of "Welsh tract" lands granted by William Penn, , containing the names of a great many early emigrants and the ships on which some of them arrived. A list of persons, mostly servants, arriving at Philadelphia during the period covered.
Name of ship in which they arrived often indicated. Also printed in A J. Everts p A chronological listing of Quaker immigrants registered upon their arrival in Phila- delphia according to their certificates of removal from their respective meetings of Friends to which they belonged in other countries. Contains an index of surnames. Names on these certificates contained within the index to the volume.
Gives a complete list of early Dutch and German settlers in Germantown with place of origin designated. Both Dutch and German forms of the name are provided. Supplementary to no In large part these names are extracts from the more complete lists in nos and Two additional names have been added by a later owner of the document. Corbit, "Welsh Emigration to Pennsylvania.
Names of emigrants from Bern listed alphabetically; those from Basil are arranged chronologically, then by districts and villages. Each volume has an index to surnames. Jahrhun- dert aus Altwurtt ember gischcn Kirchenbiichcrn Stuttgart, J. Made up from local church records. No ship mentioned in this or the supplementary vol no However, ship names, extracted from nos and and from other sources, have been included in the English ed no Neue Beitrage zur Auswanderung nach Amerika im Arrangement as before, but supplement contains an index of surnames which is lacking from the original list.
Names listed alphabetically, with reference to Gerber volume. Where possible, ship names supplied from nos and and from other sources. Translated and Edited by Don Yoder, Ph. Alphabetical list of emigrants from Wertheim in Franconia, with ship identifica- tions supplied from no Also printed in A Otto Langguth, "Aus wanderer aus der Grafschaft Wertheim," Familiengeschichtliche Blatter xxx , , , , , , and reprinted in the Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins Alt- Wertheim for Divided into three periods, with emigrants listed in each alphabetically under the town from which they came.
Published by the State Harrisburg, T. Lists of Palatines arriving in Pennsylvania between and Paging of reprint vol- ume in not identical with that of the 1st ed; consequently, volume in of the reprint ed has been designated A for inclusion in the analytical index of ship names. Emigrants grouped under villages whence they originated. In many cases ship names and arrival dates have been supplied from no Jahrhunderts aus Siidpfalzischen Gemeinden," Mitteilungen zur Wander- ungsgeschichte der Pfalzer Beilage zu Pfalzische Familien- und Wappenkunde folge 5 ; folge 6 ; folge , and reprinted from there in B heft 2 of Schriften zur Wanderungsgeschichte der Pfalzer Ludwigs- hafen am Rhein, Richard Louis Verlag 20 p.
A record of the early emigration from Heidelberg to America. See also nos and No ship mentioned. Gives name of ship and arrival date when known. A composite of nos , , , , , and The list of the William and Sarah also printed in nos and Excerpts names from various lists and gives biographical data on some of the immigrants. Begun originally in monthly parts, but 1st ed issued from stereotyped plates at Harrisburg ; 2d ed Philadelphia The ed alone contains this index of names.
Another index by Marvin V. Meyers p Ser 2 vol xvn of the Pennsylvania Archives. Taken from the original mss among the State Archives. A revision and addition to the mateial contained in nos and prepared and edited with great accuracy. For comparative criticism see review by Albert B. Faust in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography lix Contains 29, names from A captains' lists; B lists of signers of the oath of allegiance; C lists of signers of the oath of abjuration.
Volume i contains captains' lists from to ; volume n contains facsimiles of all signatures in lists B and C; volume in contains captains' lists from and indices to captains, ships, ports of departure and surnames in all volumes. Volume n not analyzed in "Index of Ship Names" below. A list of emigrants destined for Pennsylvania and Carolina.
Names grouped chronologically under the governmental districts from which they came. Schmidt 21 p Folge 8 of Schriften zur Wanderungsgeschichte der Pfalzer. Where possible, traces their earlier and later histories from ms and printed sources both in Germany and in America. The list of names without genealogical data originally appeared in B Fritz Braun, "Auswanderer aus der Umgebung von Ludwigshafen am Rhein auf dem Schiff 'Thistle of Glasgow' ," Mitteilungen zur Wanderungsgeschichte der Pfalzer folge 5 Jahrhunderts," Senftenegger Monatsblatt fur Genealogie und Heraldik v From documents in the Stadtarchiv, Wachenheim, and the Gemeindearchiv, Hass- ioch.
Lists of emigrants from Wachenheim and Hassloch to Pennsylvania or Carolina, Gives names and some genealogical data on several thousand emigrants from Germany to Pennsylvania with arrival dates and ship names supplied from no Translated by Don Yoder. Supplies ship name and arrival date when known.
Hinke, the contributor of the list, among Swiss archives. Contains the names of 48 Swiss emigrants who left Zurich in Oct and arrived in Philadelphia on May 29 on the ship Mercury. A more complete list of this voyage, giving names including children under 16, may be found in nos and With an Introduction by Dr.
Only a few ships mentioned. Jordan, "Moravian Immigration to Pennsylvania, ," The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography xxxm A collection of several ships lists in chronological order with descriptive commentary. The compiler has also prepared a list of the immigrants from to The manuscript, as yet unpublished, is in the Manuscript Department of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Supplementary to nos and From an ms invoice in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Includes the names of 90 emigrants to Pennsylvania, mostly in the years and , arranged alphabetically by family, with arrival dates and ship identifications supplied in some cases from no Translation here by Don Yoder. When possible, ship name and arrival date have been supplied from no P contains a list of passengers on a trip to Philadelphia in Gives name, place of residence, and date of taking of the sacrament.
Slightly more complete and more time-inclusive than the list in no Names of persons permitted to emigrate to Pennsylvania, with ship name and arrival date supplied when known. Historical, Biographical and Genealogical: Relating Chiefly to Interior Pennsylvania 4th ser i , , , , , ; ii Lists of Moravian arrivals at Philadelphia and New York, whence the majority migrated to Bethlehem and a few to North Carolina.
Neible, "Servants and Apprentices Bound and Assigned before James Hamilton Mayor of Philadelphia, ," The Pennsylvania Maga- zine of History and Biography xxx , ; xxxi , , , ; xxxn , , A chronological list of immigrant servants indentured in Philadelphia between Oct 2 and Oct 7 Jahrhunderts," Senftenegger Monatsblatt fur Genealogie und Heraldik iv Advertisements for missing heirs from the Kayserliche Reichs-Oberpostamts-Zeitung Frankfurt a. Arrival dates supplied from no when known.
Jahrhunderts," Senftenegger Monatsblatt fur Genealogie und Heraldik v From protocols in the Generallandesarchiv, Karlsruhe. A list of emigrants from Baden-Durlach to Pennsylvania, See nos , and Arranged chronologically under districts, with ship and arrival date often supplied from no Jahrhunderts aus Wurttemberg," Sudwestdeutsche Blatter fur Familien- und Wappen- kunde ix From protocols in the Staatsfilialarchiv, Ludwigsburg. List of 36 emigrants to Pennsylvania, , but mostly in the year , with ship name and arrival date frequently provided.
Contains the names of a number of emigrants. Names of 8 emigrants destined for Pennsylvania and 1 for Nova Scotia, with ship name and date of arrival often supplied. Names of 13 persons applying for permission to emigrate, with ship and date of arrival supplied from no With an Introduc- tion by Dr. Lists emigrants to Pennsylvania and Carolina, of whom 45 are identified in no Names arranged chronologically under the governmental districts from which they came.
A list of emigrants from Dettingen, with ship names and arrival dates supplied from no Gives name, goal of emigration destination and protocol number only. Supplementary to nos , and Jahrhunderts aus Altwiirttemberg," Sudwestdeutsche Blatter filr Familien- und Wappen- kunde xi Lists of persons emigrating from Freudenstadt to Pennsylvania in following an act passed by the Wiirtemberg goverment on May 7 of that year permitting it. A great many of these sailed on the Duke of Wirtemberg. From a copy of the act in the Staatsfihalarchiv in Ludwigsburg.
Transcribed from the original document, "Catalogus der Geschwister in Swatara den Transcribed from the original document, "Catalogus der Geschwister in Heidelberg, Oct. Gives name and origin only. Chronological list of persons indentured, giving name, port of departure, to whom indentured, residence here, occupation, and term of service. Duplicated in part in no Contains the names of several persons not included in the incomplete list of the voyage in nos , and A list of indentured servants bound for Philadelphia March 15 Sponsored by Pennsylvania Historical Commission Harrisburg ?
Reproduced from typewritten copy. From original documents in the custodv of the various courts concerned. No ship mentioned in this section. Kelker, "List of Foreigners Who Arrived at Philadelphia, ," The Pennsylvaiua Magazine of History and Biography xxiv , Supplementary to no but included in part in no Entries include name, place of origin, and date of arrival. Gardner, Master, September 19th, Also printed in nos and Contains 83 names and contractual obligations of both the passengers and the cap- tain, concluding "Amsterdam, 4 May, Intended to accompany an article by C.
Odhner, "The Founding of New Sweden, ," on p , of the same volume. Photostat illustration of original list taken from Old City Archives, Amsterdam. The initial list of the Purmerlander Kerck, dated here "November 13, ," also printed in no Names arranged chronologically under colony, with only location in "Servants to Foreign Plantations," the ms source volume. Main list followed by table of bondmasters, table of ships and ship masters, and table of places from which the emigrants came. Piet , n 11 List of foreigners naturalized in Maryland during the period covered.
Thomas Mackey, merch't on Potomoak River," in the possession of a relative of the author. Gives the names and occupations of 17 men and boys who shipped on the American Merchant, Piet i The names of 80 political prisoners, mostly Scotchmen deported after the defeat of Mar and Derwentwater's rising in , with names of purchasers. Taken from a proclamation in the Public Record Office, London.
Piet , A list of 55 Scottish prisoners, taken from the same source as no Piet , i From a certified list among the records at Annapolis. The names of 96 Scottish prisoners taken after the battle of Culloclen who were shipped to Maryland on the Johnson of Liverpool, William Pemberton, master, arriving at the port of Oxford on July 20 Richmond, Dietz Printing co , i xxviii-xxxiv A list of those known to have come to Virginia before the close of , with date of arrival and ship supplied when known. From a copy obtained by Colonel Angus W.
Gives name only, arranged under place of residence. John Smith, of Willoughhy by Alfred, Lincolnshire. The document has never before been printed in full. Contains 1, names, with the age of each person and the ship in which he arrived frequently indicated. Several short lists of emigrants to Virginia, , with name, age, ship and year of arrival given.
Gookin , p Twenty servants transported to Newport News in the Flying Hart, , and the Providence, Gives name and age only. Pages contain lists of English emigrants who arrived on the Ann and Benny Bess before Feb Excerpts of the Irish names from this list were published in A Michael J. Reprinted in facsimile by the Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, Somerby, "Passengers for Virginia, ," The New England His- torical and Genealogical Register n , , , ; m , ; iv 61, , ; v , ; xv From original records of the Master of Rolls, London.
An alphabetical list of emigrants to Virginia, —, culled from a variety of sources. Reissued in facsimile by the Genealogical Book Co, Baltimore, Gives the names of 2 paying passengers and of 74 others sold as indentured servants, as well as goods sent back from Virginia on the return voyage. The subsequent history of a number of passengers is traced in the text which follows the account. Photostat illustration of the first page of the Accompts.
Names of 34 Persons of Liverpool who indentured themselves for a four-year period of service in Virginia or Maryland, William Douglas, from to , Richmond, J. Contains a number of lists of refugees and immigrants and several passenger lists, including that of the Peter and Anthony which landed refugees in Jamestown in Sept Boogher , p 8 Eighteen persons who shipped at Bristol, England, in the Joseph and Thomas and received wages as deck hands.
Wil- liam Douglas, from to , Richmond, J.
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- Ray Murray (Author of Arabella Parker and the Rhino Horn Poachers)?
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Date shows year proof was made and recorded. List compiled by Philip H. Fry, Clerk of County and Circuit Courts. King, "Augusta County Early Settlers, Importations, ," National Genealogical Society Quarterly xxv A list of Augusta County settlers who proved their importations from Great Britain at their own expense in order to become entitled to enter public land. These proceed- ings were before the Orange County Court. Also printed in A "Importations, ," in Oren F. An alphabetical list of petitions received before the Court, giving name, age, year of petition, nativity, place from which petitioner emigrated, place where he arrived, names of witnesses, and date of naturalization.
Includes entries to all ports of the Atlantic coast.
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Divided into 2 sections: Petitions Received, ; Petitions Received, 3 Apparently incomplete; published only through "Petitions Received, []- ," the name "Law. A chronological list of emigrants brought to Bath County, N C, for which land was granted to the person bringing them or inducing them to come. See nos and First list gives name and former city of residence in Europe only; second list gives name, age nationality, and occupation of each immigrant.
Two lists, one of 67 persons going to Carolina in the Richmond, the other of 90 French Protestants willing to be transported to the Athley River region of South Carolina. Also printed in A St Julien R. Contains a list of French and Swiss refugees who declared themselves willing to be naturalized in anticipation of the act of naturalization of Gives name and origin.
Originally published in the Southern Intelligencer, a religious weekly newspaper of Charleston, in June Voigt, "The German and German-Swiss Element in South Caro- lina, ," Bulletin of the University of South Carolina cm 60 p On p is contained a list of German or German-Swiss settlers at Saxe-Gotha, or Congaree, arranged according to date of grant of land, with place of origin fre- quently given. Gives name of immigrant only and the number of acres of land allotted to him under the Bounty Act of Meticulously annotated to furnish informa- tion on the subsequent careers of these original settlers.
Merton Coulter and Albert B. Contains the names of approximately 2, emigrants to Georgia between June and June arranged under two headings: Names grouped alphabetically under each division, with age, occupation, date of embarkation, and date of arrival given. Fries The Moravians in Georgia, Raleigh, N C, The Author , p The names of 47 foreigners who emigrated to Georgia, , with country of origin given. Archivo General de Indias, Seville.
Vol i, ; vol n, ; vol in, A chronological list of passengers en route to Spanish America including Florida and Louisiana between Gives name of emigrant, place of origin, date of departure, destination, and master of the ship on which he sailed. Contains an index of names, a geographical index giving places of origin and desti- nation, and an index of ship masters. Intro- duction by Henry P. The fourth installment carries through the period ending Apr 11 No further installments have appeared after it and, according to a past editor, none have been included in the unpublished numbers of the Quarterly for the period July - Jan , now in ms.
Perez, "French Immigrants to Louisiana ," Publications of the Southern History Association xi A list, extracted from official documents and correspondence, of 99 persons emigrat- ing from France to Louisiana in Gives name of vessel and passenger and date of entry into the manifest book. To be contined; vol i no 1 Jan records the years only. They are included here because of their obvious usefulness to genealogists and historians and as a possible point of departure for anyone who may wish to attempt to compile a more comprehensive list of them. No claim is made for completeness; in- deed, they represent merely random discoveries, and it is quite likely that many more are scattered about between the covers of genealogi- cal and historical tomes.
For the most part, emigrants arriving in America after almost immediately journeyed inland, and authors, compilers and editors who have reported such lists have usually been more concerned with the final point of settlement than with the port at which these immigrants arrived. Consequently, these references are grouped under the earliest date of entry and not geographically, as the earlier lists are arranged. Bonn, Ludwig Rohrscheid Verlag , p An alphabetical register of emigrants from the principality of Birkenfeld during the 19th century, giving date of departure and point of destination, most frequently Amer- ica.
Includes a few emigrants between and Names arranged alphabetically according to their respective volumes. Patterson of Kennebunkport, Me, captain. The original list is in the possession of the author, a granddaughter of Captain Patterson. Gives name, former place of residence, nationality, age, occupation, and height of each immigrant. Contains the names of emigrants from the Palatine — including many Mennonites — and groups them under village or town from whence they came. Gives name and age of each emigrant and of his family and frequently identifies the area where he settled.
Gives name, age, and place of origin. An alphabetical list of Mennonites from the area of Friedelsheim during the period covered, giving place and date of birth of each emigrant and of his family and the area where he eventually settled. Reprinted from Mitteilungen zur Wanderungsgeschichte der Pfdlzer Beilage zu Pfalzische Familien- und Wappenkunde folge , Contains passengers alphabetically arranged.
Gives name of emigrant, his age, occupation, and geographical origin, and frequently identifies the place where he settled. Sloane , p 9 Photostat illustration of the custom record of the Port of New York, probably now in the National Archives, Washington. Gives 73 names, together with age, sex, occupation, the country of origin, and the country of intended settlement for each passenger.
Lists 60 passengers arriving at Philadelphia from Belfast via New York, May , together with the charges for their baggage. Raven, "Families in Fressingfield, Eng.
Arabella Parker and the Rhino Horn Poachers
A list of 35 persons who were loaned money by the parish for the purpose of emigrating to America. Gives name, age, sex, and occupation of each passenger. Clausen, "An Immigrant Shipload of ," Norwegian- American Studies and Records xiv P contain a manifest of passengers on board the ship Emelie which sailed from Drammen for Goteborg en route to New York where it arrived on Aug 12 Contains 89 names, with the age, sex, occupation, and country of origin of each emigrant, and the country of intended settlement "Missouri" indicated for the majority of passengers.
A study of emigration from Adenau to America during the period covered as shown through a comparison of a census of Westphalia Township, Clinton County, Michigan, taken in , with emigration acts of Adenau from on. Gives name and national origin of all residents of the township in and name and place of birth of all immigrants from Adenau. One hundred and eighty-eight passengers on the Orient which left Falmouth, Eng- land, May 19 destined for New York. Contains name, age, and occupation of each emigrant. Gives name, age, occupation, place of settlement, date of departure, and date of arrival for each emigrant.
They afterwards migrated to Kalamazoo, Mich. From a letter given to Messrs L. Gives name, birth date, and date of departure. From documents in the Staatsarchiv, Dusseldorf. A list of emigrants from the area of the present province of North Rhine-Westphalia during the period covered. Emigrants listed chronologically under the towns and villages from where they departed. Gives name and place and date of birth of each emigrant and of his family and the place of eventual settlement.
Gives name, place of origin, and place of intended settlement, usually Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, or Dakota. These lists fall within two major groups, customs passenger lists and immigration passenger lists, depending upon whether they were transferred from the Bureau of Customs of the Department of the Treasury or from the Immigration and Natural- ization Service of the Department of Justice. Customs passenger lists, the majority of which have been micro- filmed, consist of original lists, copies of lists, abstracts of lists, and State Department transcripts.
The original lists were prepared by masters of vessels who were required by federal law to submit to the collectors of customs lists of passengers boarding their vessels at foreign ports. The collectors of customs were then required to furnish quarterly copies or abstracts of the originals to the Secretary of State who was to make a report to Congress at each of its sessions. The transcripts were apparently prepared by the State Department from 1 The phrase "Passenger Arrival Records" is used here in order to cover not only passenger lists and related indexes but also lists of aliens and cargo manifests.
The examination of passenger arrival records did not extend to records less than 50 years old because of restrictions on their use by the public.
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There are no passenger arrival records in the National Archives for Pacific Coast ports. A fire of May 4 destroyed records of the port of San Francisco that had accumulated from when it was established as a port of entry of the United States. A fire of August 18 at Angel Island, California, destroyed lists of passengers arriving in San Francisco, As of 1 July all immigration passenger lists were in the fonn of negative microfilm only. Positive prints of the rolls reproducing such lists over 50 years old are being prepared for reference purposes.
The rolls reproducing such lists less than 50 years old are not avail- able for reference purposes. In addition to customs passenger lists and immigration passenger lists, passenger arrival records in the National Archives include lists of aliens, , for Salem and Beverly, Massachusetts, and cargo manifests, ca , for Alexandria, Virginia, and Phila- delphia, and fragmentary manifests for a few other ports for the same period.
Some cargo manifests contain names of passengers. Passenger arrival records in the National Archives also include card indexes to the names on some of the customs passenger lists and card and book indexes to the names on some of the immigration passenger lists. Many of these indexes have been microfilmed.
Micro- film copies of the card indexes to the names on some of the immi- gration passenger lists are occasionally illegible. Table B shows by name of port the dates covered by each type of index. As of 1 July all card indexes for both customs and immigration passenger lists were in the form of positive microfilm, except for the customs card indexes for the ports of New Bedford, Massachusetts, , and New Orleans, , and the immigration card index for Miami, Florida, 30 December - 23 February Of the book indexes to the immigration passenger lists, only those for the port of New York, , had been placed on positive microfilm as of 1 July The card indexes to the names on the passenger lists are arranged alphabetically by name of passenger.
The book indexes are arranged — with some variations — by name of steamship line, then by date of vessel arrival, and lastly by surname of passenger. The customs passenger lists and related indexes or microfilm copies of them are available for examination in the search rooms of the National Archives. As positive microfilm copies of the indexes to the immigration passenger lists are completed, they can likewise be examined in the search rooms of the National Archives provided all entries on each roll relate to lists over 50 years old.
The National Archives will search the customs passenger lists if, in addition to the name of the passenger and the port of entry, the requesting person supplies the name of the vessel and the approxi- mate date of its arrival or the name of the port of embarkation and the exact date of its arrival. It will also search the immigration pas- senger lists over 50 years old provided the information is needed for genealogical purposes 3 and provided the name of the passenger, the port of entry, the name of the vessel, and the exact date of arrival can be furnished.
The National Archives will also examine indexes to the names on the customs passenger lists if the name of the pas- senger, the port of entry, and the supposed year of arrival can be given. Similarly, it will search the indexes to the immigration passen- ger lists provided the name of the passenger, the port of entry, and the supposed year of arrival can be given and provided the requested information is needed for genealogical purposes and the relevant indexes are legible.
Forms for requesting the information are available from the nearest district office of the Service. The locations of district offices can be supplied by any postmaster. CO oo CO to"? The index includes titles of unsigned articles appearing in magazines and of anonymous books. Smith A Gammon, William J. Dominick A Harding, N. Dermott 11 Hargreaves-Mawdsley, R. Moss B James, Mrs F. Franklin 78B Jervey, Theodore D.
An example will suffice to show how the entries have been made. After Belinda the numerals Names spelled in several different ways but similar phonetically, as Abigail, also spelled Abigal, Abbigal, Abigale, are entered under the accepted modern spelling. Authorities used were J.
Lippincott's Gazet- teer, , for place names and Flora H. Loughhead's Dictionary of Given Names, , for personal names. Abaellino 29 Abeona 29 16 Abigail 1 73, 87, 92, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; ; 2 9, 17, 35, 40, 77, , , , ; 5 1, 6, 12, 19, 32, , 48, 52, 99, , , , ; 7 73 ; 8 38 ; 11 ; 29 55, , , ; 30 ; 35 59, ; 36 36, 40 ; 44 28, , ; 44A ; 47 8: Springl, 38 Adventure Galley 1: Allen 2 52 ; 63 20 ; 63A Amazon 29 21, , , ; 64 Ambrose 1 ; 35 65 ; 39 ; 61 Ambuscade 29 15, Amelia 20 12, 89 ; 20A Spring , 39 ; , ; 31 ; 9 Andes 29 Andrew Jackson 29 13, Andromache 29 10, 58 ; 67 Angel Gabriel 2 59, ; 5 5, 87 ; 11 ; 30 ; 35 ; 73 Angelina 29 29 1' Angle 29 39 Ann l xxix, , , , , , , ; 2 , 95, ; 20 60, , ; 20 A Aretas 29 Aristides 29 , Aristo 29 Aristobulus 29 Ark 2 27, 38, 58, 84, ; 4 ser 1: Armunda 29 Arnold 20 61 ; 20A Aurora 2 56, 98, ; 29 , ; ; ; ; 1: