Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, 1st Baronet

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Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, 1st Baronet

Please try again later. Keep Exploring Britannica Internet. Internet, a system architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing…. After embracing the style of Dante Gabriel Rossetti when he was in his 20s, he carried on ploughing the same dreamy furrow until his death in For his enthusiasts, this makes him a forebear of modern art whose dream paintings have a lot in common with European symbolists such as Munch and Moreau , and point the way to pure abstraction.

A procession of maidens in long blue-grey dresses make their way in a serpentine parade down a spiralling staircase. They seem to belong nowhere except this moment, this cold and lovely otherworld that is Art — even though actual women, including the daughter of prime minister William Gladstone , modelled for this fey concoction. There is a twisted line that connects The Golden Stairs with modernism, for in Marcel Duchamp would echo it in his machine-like flutter of repeated movements Nude Descending a Staircase No 2.

Love and the Pilgrim

But Duchamp was a prankster mixing up the latest Cubist style with a hokey Victorian sentimentalisation of beauty. He was joking, guys. By the end of this exhibition I felt like one of the women trapped for ever on that staircase, going round in circles, seeing endless versions of the same idea.

Edward Burne-Jones

Burne-Jones was a contemporary of Darwin but evolution passed him by. His own talent shows no sign here of ever going anywhere new or unexpected.


His first paintings are as mature as he will ever get. Two youthful figures kneel in a vaguely erotic yet mysteriously passive encounter in a woodland. The boy has wings, so this must be the world of myth.

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In addition to painting and stained glass, Burne-Jones worked in a variety of crafts; including designing ceramic tiles, jewellery, tapestries, and mosaics. Edward Coley Burne Jones the hyphen came later was born in Birmingham, the son of a Welshman, Edward Richard Jones, a frame-maker at Bennetts Hill, where a blue plaque commemorates the painter's childhood. His mother Elizabeth Coley Jones died within six days of his birth, and he was raised by his grieving father and the family housekeeper, Ann Sampson, an obsessively affectionate but humourless and unintellectual local girl.


At Oxford he became a friend of William Morris as a consequence of a mutual interest in poetry. The two Exeter undergraduates, together with a small group of Jones' friends from Birmingham known as the Birmingham Set, speedily formed a very close and intimate society, which they called "The Brotherhood".

At that time neither Burne-Jones nor Morris knew Gabriele Rossetti personally, but both were much influenced by his works, and met him by recruiting him as a contributor to their Oxford and Cambridge Magazine which Morris founded in to promote their ideas. Burne-Jones had intended to become a church minister, but under Rossetti's influence both he and Morris decided to become artists, and Burne-Jones left college before taking a degree to pursue a career in art.