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The main thing I wanted to say, which is more of a reminder, is that we do affect each other.

[Deleted Screams] The Alternate ‘Get Out’ Ending Was Even Better

How do you think one ending versus another affects the message of the novel? They may have been following my message from the beginning, but when they finished that last chapter they would have let out a sigh of relief that everything could potentially be righted. But readers are shown that people can change for the better, even after a tragedy, and that was very important to me.

Titanic 1997 Alternate Ending [HD]

What do you hope or think Thirteen Reasons Why fans will think of this ending? How does it feel to be coming up on the 10 th anniversary of the book? I could not have imagined the book would be where it is ten years later.

People who prefer the alternate ending, why? : HIMYM

I thought a few people would really love it, but I just had no idea it would resonate with such a large audience. How do you feel about the overwhelmingly positive teen response to the book over the last ten years? I have two opposing feelings about that. Part of that response, I recognize, comes from teens thankful that my book addresses issues that our society has a hard time discussing.

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So the necessity of books like this means the positive response will always come with a twinge of sadness. When the positive remark is about the writing or storytelling alone, that I can find pure joy in! What role has Thirteen Reasons Why played in the bullying prevention movement? There have been so many people who said the book inspired them to start an anti-bullying group at their school, or provide a Safe Space, or just adjust how they treat others. On a larger scale, a lot of schools and communities have been using my book as one means of opening up a discussion.

What are you most looking forward to about the upcoming Netflix series? The cast and crew are phenomenal, personally and professionally, and their love for the story will be evident throughout each episode.

Keep Me Posted!

What would you tell new readers to Thirteen Reasons Why? This is your book. Can you read 8 books in 8 days? An Edna today might have travelled the world, solo. The independence she wanted was impossible in her society. He was far from the worst but still strict. Chopin surely also felt the need for her ending to support her own views and life choices, and in both of these she is more independently minded than many.

She started writing after the death of her husband and her marriage was not a bad one. If the ending were different, it would have been better at the time, the critical reviews a lot more positive, likely completely different.


But to have written novels that were well received may have been to compromise her values. We might remember her differently. The short story was published 6 years prior to the novel. The ending is there for good reason. Edna chose the only freedom available to her.

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No, I think most people would agree with you. Perhaps back then and maybe for a little more time, an alternative ending would have been well-received and the original forgotten! Subscribe to have new posts delivered straight to your feed reader or email inbox: Kelly May 21, , 9: