Matt posso tocar guitarra em Scream Aim Fire? Intitulada "Who Killed Kurt Cobain? Confira o trailer da graphic novel: Assista ao clipe live para "Get Your Boots On! Ah, espere, talvez eu tenha me exposto muito mesmo Eu comecei a ter filhos quando eu tinha cerca de 35 anos, sabe? Eu tive que crescer para que todas as coisas boas pudessem caber dentro de mim. O assunto foi levantado inclusive numa entrevista com o Primeiro Ministro. Ele convenceu o baixista Steve Harris a autografar o seu carro. Mas nada acontece conosco: Em seu twitter, Axl Rose se pronunciou sobre a escolha, alfinetando e criticando a escolha de Donald Trump: Eu sei que eu vou.
As faixas se acomodam em ideias que soam bem metaleiras, mas que talvez pudessem ser resumidas. Escuta Essa No fim das contas, "Hardwired Tenho inveja deste cara. The Dream Cast In Concert. Quando ele ia dormir ia todo mundo dormir junto. Comecei a ir mal na escola. E quanto mais ele me zoava mais eu ia pro lado do rock.
Quanto mais ele me batia mais eu ia pro lado do rock. Em , 78, 79 apareceu o Punk. Ele acho que ele nunca foi em nenhum show meu. Ele teve de me engolir. Eu fiquei mais de 20 anos sem falar com ele. Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare , Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to the King , Black Sabbath - 13 , The Gray Chapter , Portanto, coloque isso em sua pequenina e perversa mente, Sra. McCartney - os babacas me pediram para ficar quieto sobre isso.

Atualmente consigo tocar qualquer coisa que venha a minha mente, do jazz a paganini". Aqueles tempos se foram, hoje vivo muito contente tocando no Sixx: Estou completamente dedicado a tudo que envolve o Sixx. Para participar basta clicar no link a seguir: O vocalista do Avenged Sevenfold, M. Em agosto, quando o Avenged Sevenfold abriu o show do Metallica no U. Esses caras tem tentado ajudar bandas mais novas desde o primeiro dia. James Hetfield aproveitou para dizer que as duas bandas ajudam a manter o Metal vivo.
Mas acho que fizemos um bom trabalho em termos conseguido manter o sorriso no rosto e seguir em frente mesmo sem ele. O ano era Logo depois, ateou fogo na guitarra e em alguns amplificadores, com a banda deixando o palco em chamas. A performance de Blackmore deixou os promotores do festival ensandecidos. No entanto, a disputa permaneceu durante anos, com Blackmore sendo inclusive acionado judicialmente pelo caso. Confira o tracklist de California Jam Might Just Take Your Life; 3. Lay Down, Stay Down; 4. Smoke on the Water; 6.
Em entrevista ao site russo AIF.
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Aguardem mais detalhes em breve. Losing My Religion; 3. Near Wild Heaven; 5. Shiny Happy People; 7. Half A World Away; 9. Country Feedback e Losing My Religion 1 Demo ; 2. Near Wild Heaven 1 Demo ; 3. Shiny Happy People 1 Demo ; 4. Texarkana 1 Demo ; 5. Untitled Demo 2; 6.
Radio - Acoustic Radio Song 1 Demo ; 7. Near Wild Heaven 2 Demo ; 8. Shiny Happy People 2 Demo ; 9. Slow Sad Rocker Endgame Demo ; Radio Band Radio Song 3 Demo ; Losing My Religion 2 Demo ; Belong Demo ; Texarkana Demo ; Country Feedback Demo ; Low Demo ; Agora ele vai ficar com seu amado marido e filho.
Descanse em paz Senhora Bulsara. Vamos sentir sua falta. Assista a todos eles no Metallica TV no Youtube: As compras podem ser realizadas pela internet www. Foi um desafio, algo que eu senti que tinha que fazer". Alirio Netto e Livia Dabarian: Lemmy - vocal e baixo; Phil Campbell - guitarras e Mikkey Dee - bateria. When the Sky Comes Looking for You; 5. Over the Top; 6. Lost Woman Blues9; 9. Ace of Spades; Whorehouse Blues e Deste os anos 90 eu estou trabalhando na Cena do Metal tanto no Brasil como no exterior, e gostaria de compartilhar o que geralmente as bandas famosas hoje em dia fizeram no passado, talvez as novas bandas possa aprender alguma coisa disso e se beneficiar em sua carreira.
O cantor-compositor canadense morreu em 7 de novembro com a idade de A morte foi repentina, inesperada e em paz", disse Kory. Foi disponibilizado pela banda um gerador de logotipos que usa a mesma fonte e formato do logotipo da banda. Eu respondi que seria uma honra.
Sobre a oportunidade de se reunir com sua ex-banda, Michael Kiske diz: Tietando ou tentando tietar os Beatles em Londres: Na rua dou de cara com Toninho Peticov, sempre animado e sabendo tudo o que rolava na cidade. Enquanto 'os the brazilian Sim' copiavam o som deles no Brasil, eu os assistia ao vivo em Londres.
Um contrarregra entrava na moita e a recolhia O que me fez decidir mesmo por interromper foi a hemorragia que aconteceu dias depois e pirei de vez. Nenhuma mulher faz aborte sorrindo. O perigo de aborto era real. Naquele exato momento, chega uma carcereira dizendo: Elis, aquela que fazia cara feia para os roqueiros! Elis, a musa mor da MPB! Elis ignorou o cara e disse em alto e bom som: Confira a lista completa abaixo. Assista ao VT aqui: Quarta-feira, 16 de novembro Quinta-feira, 17 de novembro 1: Adapt Or Die 3: No-One Is Innocent 4: Back To the Light 4: All We Have Is Now 3: Thieves and Whores Mandem email para contato silvermammothband.
Mas logo surgiu um personagem novo nas tiras: Ginho, o ET de Varginha! Um personagem sem similar no mundo. Site do Marcio Baraldi: Assessoria de imprensa Marcio Baraldi: Gisele Santos jornalista em SP. Compre os ingressos no site: Seu som inventivo combina reggae, hip hop e rock. The Longest Night; The Highest Price Of Sin; Mean Green Killing Machine; Our Finest Hour; The Long Road; Let's All Go To Hades; Red White And Blue; The Wheel e Confira todas as datas de Seguem somente alguns trechos desta entrevista.
Eu me esforcei para isso Ele havia me dito: Michael Stipe do R. Live In Los Angeles". E acontece entre os dias 9 e 11 de dezembro em Santa Catarina e conta com bandas como Hibria, Krisiun e Vulcano. Victor Wichmann Street Flash: Ainda mais pela estimada amizade que possuo com seus integrantes. Vai ser um grande prazer tocar nesse show! Vida longa aos amigos do Scelerata! Saiba mais pelo link: O evento tri legal ocorre no dia 9 de dezembro, sexta-feira, no Z Carniceria.
O quarto disco chega para coroar uma nova fase com novo vocalista Deluce. Saiba mais sobre acessando: Pedidos pelo e-mail masquerecords gmail. Leia a entrevista exclusiva que a Masque Records fez em parceria com o fan site Anneke van Giersbergen Brasil: Erick Tedesco - Assessoria de Imprensa - erick. Rage Against The Machine: Veja um trecho do artigo: E eu acho que ele, ao vivo, seria monstruoso. Seria maravilhoso tocar toda aquela merda death metal ao vivo", afirmou Max. Para conferir, acesse o site oficial. Seguem somente alguns trechos dessa entrevista.
Era apenas a nossa cena musical se tornando realmente grande e poderosa. Eu lembro de ter amado esse novo sentimento em mim Se houvesse um objetivo naqueles dias, era para nunca mais pagar a porra do aluguel. Nos reunimos para falar sobre Para tentar vender algumas camisas Ele admite sentir falta do controle que tinha em sua antiga banda.
Em entrevista para a Noisefull ele diz: Eu parei de beber, o que mudou as coisas. Hoje em dia, eu sinto como se pudesse tocar qualquer coisa que eu realmente me dedique, seja Paganini ou jazz. Pode demorar algumas semanas, mas eu posso fazer isso! Fear Candy - South America: Imperative Music Compilation Vol. Confira o clipping completo da banda aqui: Adquira o "Hellfuckdominium XXI" aqui: Visando divulgar ainda mais o atual EP, a banda segue com sua agenda aberta para novas datas ainda para o ano de As pessoas querem arte. Mas "sentimentos mistos" de jeito nenhum indica que acho que este foi o jeito errado.
Nos vemos na estrada! Acompanhe a Lethal Storm pelas redes sociais: Black Legion Prod - Assessoria de Imprensa - www. On a Tuesday Tongue of God Full Throttle Tribe Angels of Broken Things The Taming of a Beast If This Is the End The Passing Light of Day Pain of Salvation - line-up Ou, como Michael Kiske assim descreveu: A Thymus Boogie foi citada em uma interessante lista de bandas nacionais de stoner rock produzida pelo blog As Super Listas https: Thymus Boogie na internet: A capa ficou por conta do artista Mario Lopez.
Evergrey, Angra, Kamelot, Almah, Noturnall, entre muitos outros. Vamos juntos deixar esse legado? Podem me cobrar depois". Segundo postado no perfil de Henrique: A banda foi recebida por Pracinhas, blindados e viaturas que estiveram na guerra. E confiram no link abaixo as fotos deste grande dia para o Sabaton em Curitiba: To Self-Destruct" sexta-feira, 18 de Novembro. Um novo disco do Metallica finalmente chega as ruas nesta sexta-feira, 18 de Novembro!!!
Pegue sua bebida favorita, junte seus amigos e sejam parte das festividades ao acessar o Metallica. Oito anos sendo feito e o Hardwired A nota diz que a esposa de Leon informou que ele morreu dormindo. Temple of The Dog: O novo material chega ao mercado no dia 16 de dezembro. Isso mostra que a popularidade do Elvis continua em alta, mesmo 39 anos depois de sua morte. Dois integrantes do Eagles of Death Metal, incluindo seu vocalista Jesse Hughes, foram impedidos de entrar no Bataclan, a casa de show em Paris onde a banda se apresentava em novembro do ano passado quando ocorreu o atentado que deixou 89 mortos, e que foi reinaugurado com um show de Sting.
It's About Time…; 2. Jumpin' Jack Flash; 3. Out Of Control; 5. Paint It Black; 7. Honky Tonk Women; 8. You Got The Silver; Sympathy For The Devil; Still Getting Better…; I Can't Get No Satisfaction. Jumpin' Jack Flash; 2. All Down The Line; 6. Paint It Black; 8. Honky Tonk Women; 9. Before They Make Me Run; Start Me Up; 4. Sympathy For The Devil; 5. Tenho germes de milhares de pessoas. O Bon Jovi divulgou, em seu canal oficial no youtube, o novo videoclipe da banda.
Estou me perguntando o que fazer, o que pensar e o que falar. E eu preciso falar alguma coisa. Sinto pena dessas pessoas. Sinto muito - odeio ser negativo - mas eu tenho que dizer isso. Eu me sinto doente. E realmente venenoso para o crescimento de jovens artistas. Espero que este programa vil morra de morte natural, muito em breve. Ijime, Dame, Zettai; The One English version ; Durante conversa com a Team Rock, Max Cavalera contou como era a vida em Belo Horizonte, antes do Sepultura despontar para a fama e estrelato: Lembro que meu primo queria que eu fosse uma pessoa 'normal' e se ofereceu a comprar o 'Ride The Lightning' pra mim se eu cortasse meu cabelo.
Concordei - o cabelo cresceria de volta, certo? E agora surgiu o convite novamente. De todos os artistas nacionais, eles escolheram a gente. Fico triste como produtor ao ver a cultura sendo nivelada dessa maneira. A banda italiana de power metal Rhapsody Of Fire anunciou o substituto de Fabio Lione, que deixou o posto recentemente. Em entrevistas concedida para revista Kerrang, James Hetfield falou sobre o impacto que a morte de Lemmy Kilmister causou no Metallica. Pra mim ele era um homem imortal. A banda recentemente exibiu "Havana Moon: Com isso, podemos provar duas coisas: Pagan Empire - Against the Usurpers of the Throne; Beast of the Sea; The Trial of the Gods; The Trial of the Gods bonus track ; Disease of the New World bonus track e Pagan Heart bonus track.
O projeto encerra-se no dia 3 de dezembro, com um show de encerramento. Assessoria de imprensa - Laura Maria - lauramariadocarmo gmail. Exciter e Sacred Reich: Com essa atmosfera criada, qualquer um mesmo sem os ouvidos atentos pode entender a mensagem passada. Acompanhe a Matakabra em: Fernando Mig - Solos 08 - Forever Feat. A arte da capa ficou a cargo do baterista e desenhista Edson Graseffi.
Aos que preferem outros sites, confiram mais alguns links: Confira como foi pelo link: Mais novidades em breve! Exciter - Tour Um dos pontos altos da entrevista foi o desejo de Rafael em reunir ex-integrantes do Angra para comemorar os 25 anos de banda "Eu gostaria muito de reunir todos os ex-membros no palco, especialmente os vocalistas e convidados". Essa foi a primeira performance ao vivo do projeto. Geezer Butler disse ao Austin Colocamos toda nossa energia em cada performance. Vai demorar uns 10 dias", afirmou. Mantenham seus dedos cruzados", disse.
Santa Cruz, , Rio de Janeiro, a partir das 20h. Sin e Caco Grandino NxZero. Confiram a capa do disco, que foi criada pelo renomado artista brasileiro Gustavo Sazes. Honras Ao Deus Baco: Teaser oficial do evento: Heavy Metal On Line: Para conferir os programas anteriores: Tuatha De Dannan http: Corey Taylor, do Slipknot: Reagan foi uma coisa, mas isso??? Estou triste pela juventude. Veja a entrevista completa: Relembrando que o Foo Fighters homenageou o Rush durante o Hall da Fama do Rock de , onde subiram ao palco vestidos como a banda para tocar justamente a "Overture".
E a banda eventualmente toca "Tom Sawyer" ao vivo. Patrick percebeu que poderia aprender algo mais e decidiu ser autodidata, foi nesse tempo que teve seu melhor desenvolvimento no instrumento. System Of A Down: Quero que todos se sintam bem com isso. Vamos dar uma conferida: Mas posso te contar uma coisa: Existiu o muro de Berlim. A grande muralha da China. No fim, ele conclui: Posso construir um muro em torno de mim mesmo? Com vergonha de ser americano. Sobre o primeiro encontro com Dio, Owens lembrou: Disseram para eu ir ao camarim, pois Ronnie queriam e conhecer.
Pensavam, 'este garoto veio de lugar nenhum'. Mas Ronnie me deu respeito e amizade.
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Achei muito legal, fiz amizade com Ronnie. Tratava a todos com respeito", afirmou. Qualquer coisa que eu pudesse fazer. Kirk [Hammett, guitarrista do Metallica] usa os livros de tablatura algumas vezes: Dia 4 de novembro: Dia 11 de novembro: The Band, Last Waltz: Dia 18 de novembro: Live in Germany R. Dia 25 de novembro: Motley Crue, The End: Live in Los Angeles: A America ainda tem alma. Nem todos tem, mas o suficiente para derrotar o inimigo.
Estou na verdade um tanto quanto emocionado. Valeu America, bom trabalho! Uma regra que Donald Trump quebrou quando, em determinado momento, convocou uma coletiva de imprensa na sala que era destinado aos Rolling Stones. Reza a lenda que o guitarrista puxou uma faca, colocou-a em cima da mesa e soltou: No final, cada um seguiu o seu caminho. O grupo agora tem o sempre constante Wino nos vocais e guitarras, Sara Seraphim nas guitarras, Bruce Falkinburg no baixo e Brian Costantino na bateria. Saiu no Metallica Remains: Eu poderia deixar isso em terceira pessoa. Eu acho que foi doloroso demais assistir algumas das coisas se desdobrarem na minha frente.
Acredito que Cliff concordaria com tudo isto". Questionado se tentou falar com Kisser e Xisto, Max Cavalera afirmou: Acho que que nunca vai rolar, se depender deles". Alguns trechos da conversa podem ser lidos a seguir. Estamos vendo como precisa ser agora, eu acho, por conta da idade [risos], para que meu corpo possa sobreviver. Mas para algumas dessas bandas, pode significar muito. E eu amava ser morto toda noite por aquela coisa, cara. Loja Sintonia, Loja Classics Forever.
A arte da capa foi criada pelo artista Ed Anderson. Envio para todo o Brasil: Dia 26 de novembro. Acompanhe Phelan no facebook: Hades Heart - https: Parque de Eventos CTG. Acompanhe Louder no facebook: Acompanhe Attractha no facebook www. O referido material foi composto pelo designer brasileiro Carlos Fides Almah, Noturnall, Kamelot, Evergrey, entre outros. Confira a lista dos primeiros artistas confirmados: Convicted in Life; No Way: The Age of the Atheist; Tribal: Trauma of War; Trieb: Eu me lembro de ter ficado muito emocionado na hora e pensei, tipo: Krist Novoselic com Paul McCartney e amigos'.
Depois, eles tiveram que me puxar de lado para dizer: Quem sabe o que teria acontecido? O mundo seria diferente, certo? Posso escrever sobre serial killers, posso ser uma porra dum Satanista. A maior parte das guitarras foi gravada pelo produtor John Shanks, segundo Torres. Com uma pegada bem intimista, a banda fala de suas ansiedades, medos e toda adrenalina e felicidade que estavam vivendo.
Tocamos com bandas respeitadas mundialmente. Tarde de Outubro; 4. Vida Ou Morte; 8. Sheena Is A Punk Rocker; 9. Redes Sociais do CPM Willer Carvalho - CPM 22 - willer. Mauricio Cailet atua como parceiro de alguns fabricantes de equipamentos musicais e auxilia no desenvolvimento de produtos. Music Maker - Mauricio Cailet - https: As bandas Caravela Escarlate e Arcpelago se apresentam nesta quinta-feira, 10 de novembro, a partir das 20 horas no Centro Cultural Solar de Botafogo, no Rio de Janeiro. O evento tem apoio da Masque Records. Escute um pouco sobre a Caravela Escarlate: Erick Tedesco - Assessor de imprensa da Masque Records - www.
Segundo Marcelo Izzo, vocalista da conjunto, Andria respondeu seu convite com uma simples frase: Dando voz a elas. Minha carreira no exterior. Prepare-se para se conectar com a Argentina em Qual teu dial ou link? Mas deve ser vista como uma ponte de travessia perigosa para poder se tornar, por fim, humilde. O disco foi citado entre os melhores do ano nos sites OnStage pelo redator Flavio Santiago http: Joan Bedin, ex-modelo nascida em Frankfurt, comanda os graves e tempera os vocais inesperadamente. Acho que todos temos nossas ideias sobre o que podemos fazer fora do Rush.
Leia mais em http: A resposta foi um pouco inusitada. Tem vida, tem muita energia! The results from the investigation of these two properties appear to provide support for the Regression Hypothesis. In addition to these two, seven other properties of the 15 tested in Kreijzer showed similarities between the Dutch children and Dutch attriters: However, linguistic attrition due to regression or restructuring of the L1 grammar to an earlier state may not be the exclusive explanation behind such results, and in light of other models of language, may not be an explanation at all.
For example, morphology, particularly suppletive forms, has been claimed to be stored as separate entries in the mental lexicon Pinker and Prince ; Prasada and Pinker So, while these results may be consistent with the Regression Hypothesis, they may also be consistent with other accounts for such performance, or indeed other models of language attrition. The difficulty of this integration across interfaces was researched by Sorace and Filiaci in adult L2 acquisition, manifesting as variability 19 competition between a target and non-target form or indeterminacy.
These manifestations have been conceived to be due to cross-linguistic interference from the L1, or may simply be a result of being bilingual. The effects of these interface difficulties may be insurmountable in second language acquisition. The hypothesis has been revised see Sorace for overview to distinguish between types of interfaces: With this distinction, it was predicted that internal interfaces, such as the syntax-semantics interface, are less problematic than external ones, such as the syntax-discourse interface.
This is not uncontroversial, as some have claimed e. Research on acquisition and linguistic knowledge at the interfaces has been undertaken in other modes of bilingualism, either simultaneously with or subsequently to the explicit introduction of the Interface Hypothesis Sorace and Filiaci , and results of studies carried out prior to its introduction have been re interpreted based on its claims.
A survey of acquisition literature shows that in general, interface properties are more difficult to acquire, meaning that there are delays in the acquisition of these properties for both children and adults. In sum, interfaces do show delays in child language acquisition, but these difficulties may not be due to the same causes as in adult language acquisition. Ultimately, children overcome these difficulties and successfully acquire interface phenomena. Research in adult language acquisition examining knowledge at the interfaces has shown discrepant results.
Much of this research has centered on knowledge of topic- and focus-marking strategies, usually via an examination of the use of null and overt subjects or object clitics. Such studies have centered on European languages, and Romance languages in particular. General results show that adults learning an L2 do have difficulties with interface properties, leading to delays in their acquisition. Where findings differ is in the permanence of the vulnerability: Although it is not always explicitly addressed, there 21 is also the question of what exactly lack of knowledge of interface properties signifies.
Sorace and Filiaci ; Wilson ; Wilson et al. Whatever the case may be, some sort of explanation is necessary; generative research on the acquisition of interface properties is at a point where it must attempt to not only describe, but also explain why these properties tend to be more difficult to acquire and what that could mean for the language architecture, our language faculty and our capacities as multilinguals.
Recent work by Sorace and Serratrice can be extended to the case of L1 attrition. Sorace and Serratrice claim that the perennial difficulties at external interfaces noted in virtually all instances of acquisition can be explained not on the basis of inevitable differences in mental representation, but rather through general processing and attentional resource allocation deficiencies that arise when a speaker has to deal with more than one internal grammar.
Such a claim does not necessarily preclude a role for L2 influence in L1 attrition, a factor which may be compounded on the general processing issue. Such a claim is not without testable predictions. A compounded role for L2 influence thus could be found by comparing different language pairings for L1 attrition.
Evidence for a compounded effect of L2 influence could be found if, comparatively, L1 pronominal subject distribution is significantly more affected in the case where the L1 is a null-subject language and the L2 is a non-null-subject language. Despite the clear predictions, studies focusing on attrition at interfaces in the generative paradigm are sparse; however, any study dealing with attrition of the linguistic system i. For the Interface Hypothesis to be relevant in the study of any mode of acquisition, knowledge of external interface phenomena must be pitted against knowledge of internal interface phenomena or strictly syntactic phenomena ideally, against both.
It is possible that an attriter will show affected knowledge in none of these areas, in all areas, or only some, for example, external interface properties. Only the latter is predicted to be observed by the Interface Hypothesis, which by extension then predicts that non-affected knowledge of external-interface-conditioned properties should obtain only under a scenario where the possible attriter retains full knowledge of internal interface and narrow syntax properties. So even if a specific study does not juxtapose the different types of properties mentioned, examining purely syntactic and internal interface properties can be useful when juxtaposed against the results from comparable studies focusing on external interfaces.
Heritage speakers, who receive significant exposure to a minority language while simultaneously or subsequently receiving exposure to a majority language as is the case with many native Spanish speakers who grow up in the U. Overt subjects are used in certain contexts, such as when there is focus and topic shift.
When overt subjects are used with unaccusative verbs, they are often preferred in a postverbal position. With respect to objects, knowledge of differential object marking i. Clitics can be used to replace objects; they are generally not doubled with direct objects especially in Mexican Spanish and generally are doubled with indirect objects. If the Interface Hypothesis is correct, then purely syntactic phenomena the availability of null subjects and clitics should remain intact.
If semantic and pragmatic interpretable features become unspecified, eroded or blurred, then bilinguals should use pronominal subjects redundantly, and should misuse null pronouns; they should omit the 24 preposition a with animate direct objects, and they should prefer possessor PPs without clitic doubling in inalienable possession constructions. Results from a story-retelling task showed that the advanced proficiency heritage speakers generally patterned with the monolinguals, while the intermediates did not.
With respect to subjects, the intermediates overused overt subjects and null subjects i. For overt subjects, all groups used high percentages of postverbal subjects that were unaccusative no stastistically significant differences. All heritage speakers omitted a more than monolinguals, with no discernible patterns based on the aspectual class of the verb. Last, with respect to dative clitics, rates of production for clitics and clitic-doubled objects were similar across groups, with no important significant differences.
Montrul noted that the syntax of null subjects seems to be in place, but the heritage groups especially the lower proficiency group lack the pragmatic knowledge required for felicitous subject use. Similar results were shown for objects, with heritage groups omitting the personal a, and the intermediate group specifically omitting the clitic in possessor datives.
This suggested that knowledge at the interfaces is more vulnerable, as opposed to knowledge of strictly syntactic properties. Since the results here also mirror what happens in child bilingualism, these results may be evidence that extensive input to one of two linguistic systems may be the underlying cause. This study is not without criticism, however. Sorace raised some concerns about Montrul that illustrate some issues that need to be taken account in any study of attrition at the interfaces.
The first concern is the need to distinguish between individual and communal attrition, and as well as attrition and incomplete acquisition. Heritage speaker knowledge that deviates from the monolingual norm could stem from any or all of these. To ensure that the divergence is truly due to attrition, prior knowledge of the phenomena in question must be established in some way.
The second concern is the interpretation of what divergence at the interface means. Although 25 Montrul claimed that cross-linguistic influence of English on Spanish was the source, this is not the only possibility. First, Sorace noted that appealing to cross-linguistic influence as the source of interface difficulties should introduce some sort of directionality in which the more economical language i.
Additionally, it could be the case that it is not the language pairing that determines points of divergence—the interface itself could be the burden, and being bilingual, regardless of the language pairing, could simply enhance the difficulties. She stated that examination of discourse interface properties should be done in a more controlled way; every effort should be made to control the discourse environment, and this is very difficult to do in the retelling task used by Montrul.
Montrul a examines heritage language Spanish in light of two competing sources of what she deems incomplete acquisition: Certain discoursedependent uses of mood are acquired the latest in childhood acquisition, so if age is the cause, the heritage speakers should have the least knowledge of these uses of mood. Thus, knowledge at the interfaces was found to have eroded, in line with the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis.
Tsimpli, Sorace, Heycock and Filiaci examined the effects of attrition on the L1 grammars of near-native speakers of an L2 who live in the L2 environment but use 26 the L1 on a daily basis Greek and Italian near-natives of L2 English. Specifically, the authors tested for knowledge of overt subject expression in contrastive, focused and topic-shifted environments, and for knowledge of preverbal and postverbal subjects.
Postverbal subjects should be favored for unaccusative verbs and indefinite subjects and can express either old or new information preverbal subjects are old information. The authors suspected that only interpretable features here, those interpreted at linguistic interfaces would be subject to attrition, and that uninterpretable ones should remain intact.
Friends (8)
For the case of subject expression, placement and interpretation, the prediction was that the bilingual subjects would retain the syntactic possibilities, but that they could have a different distribution and faulty interpretation, influenced by English. Overt subjects would not necessarily be interpreted as shifted topics or foci, and preverbal indefinite subjects may optionally be assigned a topic old information reading. The interpretation of postverbal subjects should remain the same, since there was no overlap with English.
Preverbal subjects were also predicted to be produced more frequently. In the Headlines task, subjects were instructed to form a sentence from given scattered phrases; this tested for subject placement with respect to definiteness. In the PVT, participants were to match any number of three pictures to a given sentence, which tested for the interpretation of null and overt subject pronouns in embedded clauses in one set of stimuli and subject placement in another set.
For the Greek bilinguals, production of preverbal subjects did increase, as predicted. They also allowed for a more ambiguous interpretation of indefinite postverbal subjects than did the Greek monolingual group. The Italian bilinguals showed no signs of attrition with respect to the interpretation of null subjects, at least in forward anaphora contexts.
However, in all cases involving overt subjects, the Italian bilingual group diverged from the performance of the Italian monolingual group, allowing for coreference with a matrix subject more often. These were the expected effects of attrition. One conspicuous problem in this study was that the data were presented asymmetrically. For the Headlines task, only the Greek data were presented. The Greek data were also the only data presented from the PVT addressing the interpretation of indefinite postverbal subjects.
For the interpretation of null and overt subject pronouns in the PVT, only the Italian data were presented. Furthermore, not all the data presented conformed to the predictions. While items from the Italian data involving forward anaphora contexts supported their predictions, those involving backward anaphora did not, with the experimental group unexpectedly preferring coreference between a matrix subject and a null embedded subject. The authors claim that the participants are treating these subordinate clauses as nonfinite, where the subject is the obligatory controller; however, given that finite and nonfinite forms are clearly marked in Italian, this reasoning seems both ad hoc and implausible.
Tsimpli argued that the attrition process can affect interface features but not syntax proper. She compared offline and online data from Tsimpli et al. She first discussed the results of the Greek speakers on the production and interpretation tasks reported in Tsimpli et al. The results showed optionality and divergence for the interface-conditioned use and interpretation of preverbal and postverbal subjects; this was consistent with the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis. The results suggested that these speakers had undergone attrition with respect to case marking. Since case is a purely syntactic phenomenon, this was not predicted by the Interface Hypothesis.
To explain this, Tsimpli claimed that the results could be due to incomplete acquisition of Greek, as the participants were early bilinguals. However, ultimately she does concede that attrition may affect grammatical features. While the results of these studies may hint at some discrepancy between the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis and the realities of language attrition, interface phenomena have certainly provided a fertile ground for empirical research.
If nothing else, the Interface Hypothesis has provided a principled way to approach the examination of language loss. If its predictions are proven to be true, it may also provide a unifying account of bilingualism in general. Bylund correctly points out that much attrition research has been criticized for not being theoretically grounded, which may give less significance to the results of empirical studies.
For example, while the Interface Hypothesis claims that certain types of properties are subject to erosion, the Regression Hypothesis specifies that most recently acquired properties will be affected and the Activation Threshold Hypothesis points to properties inhibited by similar forms in the L2. Indeed, properties at external interfaces are often acquired late in linguistic development e. Similarly, other external interface properties, such as focus marking, are universal i.
If a bilingual is a speaker of two languages with contrasting strategies for focusing a constituent, then both the Interface Hypothesis and the Activation Threshold Hypothesis would make similar predictions, again for different reasons. In this respect, it is perhaps what these hypotheses predict will not be attrited that differentiates them. Characterizing language loss using only one particular model, like the Interface Hypothesis, may or may not serve as a tenable approach to attrition research.
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The studies detailed above do show problems with interface properties; however, attriters also showed problems with morphological and syntactic properties. And so it is the aim of this study, via an examination of a range of linguistic properties found in all areas of the grammar, to provide an in-depth investigation of the plausibility of the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis and its claims regarding the nature of L1 attrition. As expected, they share many lexical and linguistic characteristics, but language change has also produced many differences.
In this chapter I present several linguistic properties in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese and describe how they are similar, and perhaps more important, how they are different. I do not try to exhaust the description of each property, which would indeed be difficult as many books and articles have been written on each one, but rather work to detail the characteristics of properties that are relevant to this study. In particular, I examine the verbal paradigms, null and overt subject use, null and overt accusative object use, and word order in the two languages.
Verbs in both languages belong to one of three conjugation classes, denoted by a theme vowel a, e, or i , and are prescriptively described as being —ar, -er, or —ir verbs with —r being the infinitival marker. Both languages make distinctions between future, present, past and conditional tenses, as well as indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods. Both indicative and subjunctive moods are marked in the past, present and future, although the future subjunctive form has disappeared from modern Spanish and been replaced in most structures where conserved in Brazilian Portuguese with the present subjunctive.
As indicated then, Brazilian Portuguese still has dedicated future subjunctive morphology. In the past indicative forms, viewpoint grammatical aspect is morphologically 31 distinguished. In addition to simple verbal forms, both languages also have periphrastic perfective forms constructed with an auxiliary verb haber in Spanish; ter or less commonly with haver in Brazilian Portuguese plus the past participle.
With respect to person and number, Spanish maximally makes a six-way distinction by marking first, second and third person in both the singular and plural. Table 1 below provides a morphological breakdown of the conjugation paradigm for the verb hablar to speak in the present indicative, showing the verb stem, the theme vowel TV , and person and number PN marking: It should be noted, however, that Chilean Spanish, the native language of the case-study participant, does have vos in its dialect, which does have a distinct morphophonological form.
Further discussion is beyond the scope of this work. For all verb classes, first- and third-person singular forms are ambiguous in the imperfective past tense e. In cases where the discourse context is not sufficient to disambiguate the meaning intended by the speaker, the subject of the verb may be stated overtly. A morphological analysis similar to that used for the Spanish data can be extended to Brazilian Portuguese. The distribution of these two forms may be subject to sociolinguistic variables age, register, etc.
The reduction of verbal forms may have resulted in a subsequent shift in the distribution of overt pronominal subjects, which will be discussed in the following section. Within the generative paradigm, the availability or not of null subjects has traditionally been claimed to be due to the setting of the Null Subject Parameter NSP.
Languages with a negative setting of the NSP, such as English, require overtly expressed subjects. Languages with a positive setting of the NSP, such as Spanish, allow the omission of subjects via use of a phonologically empty category, pro. While the availability of subject pro is a syntactic phenomenon, its actual distribution in speech is regulated by discourse factors.
In addition to the omission of subjects, null-subject languages also tend to show the following properties, which have been argued to be clustered with the positive setting of the NSP under the traditional description, see Rizzi , Here I will assume that Brazilian Portuguese is a nullsubject language and does license referential pro in subject position. Furthermore, some properties are not exclusive to null-subject languages: Important for the purposes here, both Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese continue to allow referential pro but see footnote 5 and instantiate the Overt Pronoun Constraint.
Below I discuss distribution of null and overt subjects in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Spanish strongly favors the use of subject pro when possible, and reserves the use of overt pronominal subjects for special discourse functions, such as cases to resolve ambiguities e. With respect to topic shift, it is pragmatically odd in Spanish to use an overt pronoun to neutrally refer to an already-established discourse entity, as seen in 1 below. When the referent of the subject changes, the use of an overt subject is felicitous, as seen in 2 although there is some level of variation in use in these contexts.
ACC the girl while pro cross-pres. ACC the girl while she cross-pres. Although no it think Expletive subjects, such as those with weather verbs and copular constructions, are obligatorily null in standard dialects of Spanish,8 as seen in in 5. Spanish also respects the Overt Pronoun Constraint: Pronominal subjects in embedded clauses are obligatorily disjoint from a quantified determiner phrase or wh-word matrix subject, as seen in 6. The bound variable reading is not prohibited with pro, as in 7 , and disjoint reference is not obligatory between a non-quantified DP matrix subject and an overt embedded subject pronoun although it is the preferred interpretation , seen in 8.
Not all languages that allow phonetically null subject pronouns have the same constraints on their syntactic distribution, semantic interpretation or discourse felicity. One line of research calls for a sub-classification of null subject languages see e. Barbosa , , Ferreira , Holmberg , Holmberg et al.
Although Brazilian Portuguese employs null subjects, they are used with much less frequency than in consistent null-subject languages like Spanish. Duarte quantifies the use of null subjects vs. Kato argues that impoverished verbal inflection is to blame: Regardless of the cause in the decline in use of null subjects, BP still shows some properties consistent with the traditional description of the positive setting of the NSP.
BP lacks that-trace effects, and null subjects in BP are obligatory when the subject is expletive. BP also respects the OPC see e. Maia , Rothman a, Rothman et al. Furthermore, some discursive properties are the same. Specifically, null subjects are interpreted to indicate a continuous topic. Thus, examples 1 , 5 , 6 and 7 above are consistent with BP data.
Consider 9 and 10 below: Interestingly, this lack of obligatory [topic shift] feature is also the case in non-null-subject languages such as English. So while both languages seemingly employ pro, discourse factors and interpretations of overt subjects yield specific and identifiable distributional differences with respect to use of null and overt subjects in the two languages.
The debate has certainly not been resolved, with the differences between the two types of languages being attributed to distinct featural configurations of the null pronoun, overt pronouns or T ense , as well as different discourse considerations or other linguistic phenomena. If non-focused subjects are in [Spec, TP], a pairing of an overt subject in the specifier and verbal inflection in T would be ungrammatical due to a general prohibition on both the specifier and head of the same projection containing the same interpretable features an extension Camacho makes of the Doubly-filled Comp filter.
This accounts for the suppression of discourse-neutral overt subjects in Spanish; overt subjects with some discourse function can occupy a left-peripheral position see e. In BP, on the other hand, the increase in the use of overt subject pronouns10 has led to two lexical entries for the pronouns: Barbosa , operating within the Agree-based framework12 Chomsky b, , , Pesetsky and Torrego , , claims that the difference between nullsubject languages of the Spanish type and partial null-subject languages of the BP type is due to differences not in the overt pronouns, but rather in pronominal agreement inflection and the featural specification of pro.
In a language like Spanish, the phi10 Camacho does not explicitly state the reason for the original increase in overt subject use. With the EPP feature on T satisfied, pro, which has interpretable and unvalued phi-features, remains in situ i. In languages like BP, pronominal agreement has unvalued uninterpretable phi features, and cannot satisfy the EPP feature on T.
This EPP feature attracts pro, which has interpretable and valued phi features. This EPP feature can also attract an overt pronominal, accounting for unstressed overt subjects in BP. Holmberg, Nayudu and Sheehan claim that the difference lies in the featural configuration of finite T. Consistent null-subject languages have an unvalued D efiniteness -feature on T, while partial null-subject languages do not.
In languages like Spanish, the D-feature is valued by a DP in the case of an overt subject , or in the case of null-subject pro, is linked to the discourse by a null topic in the CP domain see Frascarelli and assigned the corresponding value of the topic. In languages like Brazilian Portuguese, T has no unvalued D-feature, and referential null subjects are derived by linking to an antecedent in a higher clause. Others have tried to capture the distinction without making such precise claims as to the particular featural constitution of lexical or functional categories in a given language.
Cole , for example, claims that the extent to which a language utilizes null subjects is dependent upon an interaction between information recoverable via agreement morphology and discourse. Entities with low accessibility may be referenced by name i. The level of accessibility required for felicitous use of a particular anaphoric marker, however, may vary from language to language. Thus, the difference between languages like BP and 40 Spanish would be that null subject pronouns in BP have higher requirements of accessibility in the discourse for felicitous use.
Duarte alludes to two distinct grammars in BP.
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One of these is a null-subject grammar, which is favored by older speakers, and the other is a non-null-subject grammar, which is favored by younger speakers and is the predicted direction of change. Such a hypothesis could capture the skewed distribution of null and overt subject pronouns as compared to other Romance languages and explain the continuing shift to a grammar favoring overt subjects.
An additional possibility is that young people, who favor the non-null-subject grammar, may also gain exposure to the standard i. The debate as to the characterization of null and overt subjects in languages like BP and their difference from languages like Spanish is far from settled.
This captures the empirical data of the studies detailed above, which show that there are certain discourse requirements that must be met for felicitous use of overt and null subject pronouns. Overt subjects in BP also carry some discourse feature, but this is not obligatory; because Brazilian Portuguese also has [-referential] overt subjects, they are felicitous in neutral contexts. Pro, similar to Spanish, is felicitous in neutral contexts. Word Order One property that is claimed to cluster with traditional conceptions of the null subject parameter is a free word order in languages that have a positive setting for the parameter; namely, the availability of postverbal subjects.
Particular word orders may arise for clause-typing purposes questions vs. Spanish, as a prototypical null-subject language, exhibits a relatively variable word order sensitive to the conditions stated above. Brazilian Portuguese, on the other hand, does not conform and demonstrates a word order that is much stricter, highly preferring SVO order Silva Both languages allow SVO order, particularly in declarative sentences that are neutral in the discourse i. Rizzi , Zubizarreta What ate Juan b. Where runs Juan b. When arrived Juan b.
This is not the case in Brazilian Portuguese, where VS order is ruled out for both transitive 14 and unergative 15 verbs we will see the special case of unaccusative verbs below: What ate Joao b. Where runs Joao b. In Spanish, VS is the preferred word order for unaccusatives in declaratives, and, as seen, is the only possibility in wh- interrogatives. In Brazilian Portuguese, while VS order is ungrammatical in both interrogatives and declaratives for transitive and unergative verbs, it is available although not necessarily preferred with unaccusative verbs in both clause types, as in 16 and When arrived Joao b.
Since the wh-element has already checked the EPP feature on T, the subject is not able to move there and verb-subject order results assuming the verb has raised to T. Consider example 18 below, which has an ambiguous relative clause: Gibson and Pearlmutter and Gibson, Pearlmutter, Canseco-Gonzalez and Hickock note that in languages with strict word order, such as BP confirmed by Miyamoto , low attachment is the default parsing strategy.
For the sentence above, this would yield the interpretation that it is the professor who is divorced. On the other hand, in languages with a less restricted word order, such as Spanish see Dussias , high attachment is preferred as the default parsing strategy. This would yield the opposite interpretation, in which the son is the one who is divorced. Recency dictates that a relative clause should preferentially be attached to more recent structures i. Predicate Proximity dictates that a relative clause should be attached as close as possible to the verb.
Its strength relative to Recency seems to vary from language to language, resulting in a preference for high attachment when Predicate Proximity is dominant, and resulting in a preference for low attachment when Recency is dominant. The prominence of 44 Predicate Proximity falls out from possible word orders in a given language: So, while the resulting preferences for high or low attachment are not necessarily syntactic properties themselves, they are a symptom of the underlying syntactic configurations that give rise to permissible word orders in a given language.
It should be noted that although Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish each demonstrate their own preference for relative clause attachment, it is merely a preference, and the grammar of both languages permit either the high or low DP to serve as the attachment site for the relative clause. In languages like these, which mark gender and number on nouns and adjectives, a particular interpretation can be grammatically coerced. FEM that is divorced. In the case of Brazilian Portuguese example 19b , high attachment, which is not the default parsing strategy, is similarly coerced: In a truly ambiguous case without any coercion, following the claim that this parsing strategy is dependent upon syntactic 45 restrictions on word order, examining how a speaker interprets relative clauses can indicate the underlying syntactic processes in the grammar.
Accusative object clitics in both languages are marked for person and number, and are additionally marked for gender in the third person. In addition to object clitics, Brazilian Portuguese employs a set of non-oblique pronouns, especially as a replacement for third person clitics. The clitic paradigm for Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese, as well as the strong pronominal forms used as object pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese, are given in Table 3 below: Accusative Object Clitics and Pronouns in BP and Spanish Spanish Clitics BP Clitics BP object pronouns Person Sing Plur Sing Plur Sing Plur 1st me nos me nos 2nd te os15 te vos 16 3rd Masc lo los o os ele eles 3rd Fem la las a as ela elas 14 It is not clear the extent to which object clitics are instantiated in all colloquial varieties of Brazilian Portuguese or, if they are, the extent to which they are prefered over their strong pronominal counterparts.
This study, however, is concerned with non-overt object use, which will be detailed in the next section. Elsewhere, this clitic is replaced by the third person plural object clitics. In particular, third person object clitics are being lost or have been lost in favor of either null objects as object pro, in the sense of Farrell or the object pronouns see Nunes for detail.
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Given these facts, we concern ourselves with non-overt objects and examine their distribution in Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish in the next section. In Spanish, the use of non-overt objects is somewhat limited. Yes, I bought it. The optionality of this clitic apparently varies by dialect, and could be due to how the object is interpreted after its first mention: However, in no case is the clitic in a context such as 21 obligatory; it is only optionally acceptable.
A further consequence that falls out from the ungrammaticality of definite antecedents is that dropped object clitics are limited to third person contexts. Syntactically, phonetically null objects in Spanish are restricted as well. Campos argues that dropped objects in Spanish are traces of a null variable operator, which is assumed to move in the syntax and give rise to island effects. Although other analyses exist e. Brazilian Portuguese, like Spanish, has a full paradigm of accusative clitics, distinguished by person, number and gender.
However, in contrast to Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese employs a wider distribution of non-overt objects, both syntactically and semantically see Schwenter Semantically, they occur quite freely in both definite and indefinite contexts, except when the referent is both definite and animate see 24 Additionally, null objects are restricted to third person and an overt object or object clitic must be used for any first or second person referent. Syntactically, they can occur anywhere, including in various types of syntactic islands, as seen in 27 and Their availability in syntactic islands has led some researchers to conclude that null objects in Brazilian Portuguese cannot be variables, but rather must be pro see Farrell This is the analysis I assume here.
Wherever null objects meet the semantic and syntactic licensing requirements in Brazilian Portuguese, they are heavily favored to their overt counterparts, if not the only grammatical option. Others are more subtle, such as the interpretations available with the present perfect.
A comparison of the two languages is given in Table 4 below: I then present the methodologies used in this study. Before delving into the various methods used in this study, I restate the research questions that are the focus of this study: The properties presented in the previous chapter involve both external syntax-discourse and internal syntax-semantics interfaces, as well as the narrow syntax. The range of phenomena tested also include properties that are the same between the two languages convergent properties , as well as properties that differ between the two languages divergent properties.
A summary of these properties are given in Table 5 below. The Interface Hypothesis claims that L1 attrition will occur in a predictable manner, with external interface properties being most vulnerable to erosion, and perhaps even those that are convergent in two languages. Internal interface properties and narrow syntactic properties should remain intact.
With respect to this study, it predicts that attrition should be observed only with the discourse-conditioned use and interpretation of overt subject pronouns. It is expected that the discourse requirements for subject pronoun use are relaxed, allowing them to be used in neutral contexts and allowing embedded overt subject pronouns to be interpreted as coreferent with a matrix subject. The syntaxsemantics properties knowledge of the OPC and the use of non-overt objects and the syntactic properties word order, relative clause attachment preferences and island effects 51 Table 5.
If results show that this is not the case, the Interface Hypothesis may need to be modified, or even rejected, and other hypotheses of attrition may prove to be more apt to explain the findings in the data. This study is a case study, designed to detail the attrition of an individual speaker in an attempt to examine the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis and the search for any other possible patterns seen in attrition.
Case studies certainly have their limitations: But, while case studies may not be the norm in generative-based research into adult bilingualism, I believe they have their place, particularly in an area like language attrition which has received less attention in the literature. What case studies lack in generalizability they can make up for in the amount of detail of the investigation. Such detail may give us insight into the individual-internal variability of language use that sometimes gets lost in larger-scale studies. As more of 52 these types of studies are conducted, we may expect the results to converge on—or diverge from—the predictions of specific hypotheses, and the level of scrutiny with which the research was carried out may give us greater confidence in our findings.
The principal participant of this study will be referred to as Pablo throughout the rest of this dissertation, and some mention should be made of his history with the author. As of the time of writing, I have known Pablo for around three years. I was introduced to Pablo by my advisor, who met Pablo by chance on the streets of Salvador, Brazil; after a brief conversation, it was established that neither was a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese and that Spanish would better serve them for communication with each other. My communication with Pablo in the ensuing years has been almost exclusively in Spanish.
The Case Study Participant Pablo was born in Santiago, Chile, in , in a household that was according to his account of lower socioeconomic status. He was raised as a monolingual speaker of Chilean Spanish. He was educated in the public school system through age 13, at which time he chose to stop attending school in favor of finding work. He remained in Chile throughout his adolescence, with no further schooling.
He left the country at age 20, spending several years in Argentina working as an artist before returning to Chile for a brief period and making the decision to go to Brazil. He ultimately settled in the suburbs several miles outside of Salvador, Bahia, a city near the center of the eastern coast. He has been in Brazil for approximately 30 years, during which time he has not returned to his native Chile, nor has he had any routine contact with Chilean family or friends.
He is married to a native of Salvador who claims she speaks no Spanish; the two have a year-old daughter who also claims that she does not speak Spanish. I did not witness the mother or the daughter speak Spanish. Pablo claims to have no level of proficiency in Brazilian Portuguese a claim which I did not attempt to dispute. At home, the family communicates in their respective native languages: This is what was observed by the researcher, and the family confirmed it as their normal manner of interacting with each other.
So, while both Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese may be spoken and understood in the home, no instances of bilingual production i. The area in which he lives, economically depressed suburbs several miles outside of the city center, is almost entirely if not exclusively composed of Brazilian natives. In Salvador, he works as a street artist and therefore, as the city is a popular tourist destination, may have some access to an international clientele; however, he sells most of his work through a vendor and has limited direct access to patrons who may or may not speak Spanish.
In this sense, he is self-employed and therefore does not need to use Portuguese in his everyday life. According to the subject, he is able to use his Spanish to get by without having to learn Portuguese. Such a statement is not entirely unreasonable to accept, even despite 30 years of exposure to Brazilian Portuguese, given the typological proximity of the two languages, especially at the lexical, morphological and syntactic levels.
Given that the principal participant spent his developmental and early postpuberty years in Chile, followed by several subsequent years in Argentina, there is little doubt that he had a fully developed L1 grammar of Chilean Spanish. Deviations from the standard, monolingual norm found in his Spanish grammar prior to coming to Brazil 54 if any would have been attributable only to stylistic-type properties imparted through access to a different register of his native language through schooling.
Recall that Pablo attended school only through the age of thirteen. As a result, one might expect that his Spanish may have been different from highly educated Chilean monolinguals prior to exposure to Brazilian Portuguese see e. Street and Dabrowska for discussion on education-related differences of monolingual grammars. This possibility was accounted for in the selection of the Chilean control group, as discussed in the next section. As such, he provides a fertile testing ground of what the limits of attrition might be, and how the observed realities compare with the predictions made by the Interface Hypothesis for L1 attrition see Sorace for review.
Properties selected for further examination in this study were partly based on these observations, as well as considerations of what would be needed to fully test the Interface Hypothesis. Although this dissertation is experimental in nature, production data was collected and will be analyzed in future research. Enton yo 17 A note on the transcription symbols: Tuve dos, tres meses en Mendoza, en Mendoza.
At that time I my getting involved in all that, I was. I had two, three months in Mendoza, in Mendoza.
At the lexical level, Pablo uses Brazilian Portuguese words in his Spanish speech. A third possibility, also seen here, is that he uses a new word, similar to a word from each language, but found in neither; a kind of amalgamation of the two languages. Beyond lexical adaptations, we also observe Pablo utilizing syntactic options not available in Spanish. A sample of this narration is below. After this he went to the street, where he happened on the girl again, the girl, he happened. There is certainly lexical encroachment of Brazilian Portuguese on Spanish. However, it is not the case that Spanish words are being replaced, as we see Pablo at times use both the Brazilian 57 Portuguese and Spanish words for the same term.
As another example, he also uses both Brazilian Portuguese ter and Spanish haber as the auxiliary verb in past perfect constructions i. Again, the differences from monolingual Spanish extend beyond the lexicon. In one phrase, describing the scene where the police put Charlie in their van, he narrates the action with two non-Spanish constructions. Neither is acceptable in Spanish, but both are acceptable in Brazilian Portuguese. The observations gathered from casual interaction with Pablo and the exposure to his speech certainly served as a starting point for this project.
However, the claims that his Spanish has changed from what it once was and that the Brazilian Portuguese to which he is exposed has shaped it into what it has become are ones that must be verified empirically. In order to do this, data from two comparable control groups, one of Chilean Spanish monolinguals and the other of Brazilian Portuguese monolinguals, was collected. These groups are described in the sections that follow. Members of the control group were matched for age, level of education, and socioeconomic status in order to promote comparability between this group and Pablo, as these variables play a role in language attainment and use see Chipere , Ginsborg , Mulder and Hulstijn , Street and Dabrowska All participants were born between and and stopped attending school between ages 12 and None had any further schooling beyond the time they stopped attending.
Given that the control group was matched for the aforementioned social variables, it is expected that if Pablo had stayed in Chile, he would be indistinguishable from these speakers in language use and processing. Consequently, departures from the behavior of this group may indicate some level of attrition. To ensure maximal comparability between the Brazilian Portuguese control group, the Chilean Spanish control group, and the principal subject, similar selection criteria were imposed to account for age, level of education and socioeconomic status.
Like the native Chilean control group, participants in this group were also born between and and stopped attending school between the ages 12 and If Pablo performs similarly to this group, it may suggest a causal relationship between the second language L2 and which specific linguistic properties are vulnerable to attrition. The grammaticality judgment task tested for knowledge or preference of word order and object clitic placement.
The acceptability judgment task tested for acceptability of the use of both null and overt subject pronouns in various contexts, as well as the acceptability of overt and non-overt objects. Finally, the interpretation task tested for interpretations of null and overt subject pronouns anaphora resolution , interpretations restricted by the Overt Pronoun Constraint, and interpretations of relative clauses. All untimed tests were administered via a presentation created in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Test items were presented both visually and aurally, with recordings made by either a native speaker of Chilean Spanish or a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese for the appropriate tests. Test takers were always presented with two sample items before beginning a test in order to establish some familiarity with the format. Control groups were given an equivalent test in their native language, Brazilian Portuguese or Spanish, and marked responses on an answer sheet. The principal participant completed the tasks in both languages, on different testing days for each language.
Tests in Spanish were administered by me, while those in Brazilian Portuguese were administered by a research assistant who was a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese. Due to the length and nature of the acceptability judgment task, it was divided into two parts, with one part administered as the beginning of the testing session and the other as the last test; this was true of both the Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese versions. Each of the four tests the first part of the acceptability judgment task, the grammaticality judgment task, the 60 interpretation task, and the second part of the acceptability judgment task took participants between 30 and 70 minutes to complete.
Breaks of 10 or15 minutes were given between tasks. The details of each task are presented in the sections that follow. Materials and Procedures This task, which examined permissible word orders, was based on a test used in Rothman Participants were given a sentence and asked to determine whether the sentence was well formed or not.
The task was presented as a slideshow in Microsoft PowerPoint, and target sentences without context were presented as text and audio simultaneously. At the beginning of this task, the researcher or research assistant would situate the participant at the computer and lead her through two practice items to explain the procedure, after which the task was started and the first target item was presented.
Participants advanced through the test at their own pace by pressing the spacebar. Participants were instructed to judge each sentence individually, without regard for the others. Answers were recorded by marking the response on an answer sheet. A template of the format used for the presentation in English for illustrative purposes is given in Figures 1 and 2 below; specific item types are discussed afterwards. The grammaticality judgment task tested for knowledge or preference of word order subject-verb, verb-subject with various verb types unaccusative, unergative, transitive in different sentence types declarative, interrogative.
Exemplars for each item type are given below in 29 - 40 in Spanish Brazilian Portuguese test items can be found in Appendix A: The man buys books in this store. Buy the professor the shoes. The professor buys the dog? Buys the boy the car? The president runs in this park. Talks the boy with his sister. Maria talks with the professor?
Sings the child every day? The woman arrives on Sunday. Goes out the girl every day. The woman leaves the house? Arrives the package on Friday? Materials and Procedures In this task, participants were asked to judge the acceptability of a sentence in light of a previous context. Each test item therefore contained both a context and target sentence, shown via PowerPoint.
For each test item, participants were first presented with, both visually with text and aurally with a recording , a slide that contained a brief context. Upon completion of the recording, they could then press the spacebar to advance to the following slide, which contained the target sentence and recording.