Your documents and ID card arrives in a discrete, non-marijuana labeled envelope, ensuring total privacy. A Recommendation also allows you to grow Marijuana at home to meet your medical needs. We know Medical Marijuana.

Get Medical Cannabis Card Online | Medical Marijuana Doctor

We're specialists, licensed, comply the Medical Board of California Telehealth guidelines. All considered, our streamlined application process, is about 4 fold cheaper than visiting a regular doctor - who may or may not know - about Medical Marijuana. Satisfaction Guaranteed - You pay only upon approval. CHAT Experts are available to answer questions - about lost documents, renewals, replacement cards or what have you. We are an experienced team of licensed doctors and professionals within the field of cannabis consultation.

Doctors can actively monitor patients who use medical marijuana, and therefore help to ensure that the marijuana is used in a safe an effective manner. All medical drugs are approved for specific medical conditions.

Medical Marijuana Evaluations

Approved medical drugs have also been thoroughly researched to determine the benefits and risks that are involved with their use. In the case that marijuana is an officially recognized medical drug, doctors as well as patients can be more assured that the marijuana that they prescribe conforms to specific standards. These standards help to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the marijuana. In the case that marijuana is not an officially recognized medical drug, doctors may not be able to prescribe marijuana with complete confidence that the marijuana will be safe or effective.

Determine if marijuana can be distributed in a safe and effective manner. Prescription drugs and over the counter drugs must be regulated in such a way that they are only distributed to the patients who need them.

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Drugs must not be easily obtained by people who are not authorized to use them. Some medical marijuana patients can legally grow their own marijuana in a controlled, regulated manner. Other medical marijuana patients obtain their marijuana from authorized as well as unauthorized dispensaries. Some countries and US states have considered implementing dispensaries as well as marijuana farms that are entirely controlled by local or national governments. This system would help to ensure that only approved medical marijuana patients receive medical marijuana.

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This type of system would also help to ensure that patients are actively monitored and receive correct dosages. Determine the availability and cost of medical marijuana. Marijuana is a plant that grows readily in many different climates and geographical locales. Marijuana can also be grown indoors. This makes marijuana affordable and readily available to all people. Essentially all other medical drugs must be manufactured in factories and distributed by pharmacists.

Other medical drugs may also be quite expensive. It completely depends on your condition, your method of consumption, etc. Your doctor should be able to advise you on the appropriate dosage. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Sativex is a medical drug that is a standardized extract made from marijuana plants.

The marijuana plants that are used to make Sativex are grown and processed in a highly controlled manner. The extract is standardized for specific amounts of THC and cannabidiol, but also contains other active cannabinoids and plant-derived constituents. The method by which marijuana is administered is important. Smoked marijuana may contain carcinogenic compounds that are created by the combustion of the plant material. Marijuana in its natural state, however, is not carcinogenic, and in fact has been shown to prevent cancer. Marijuana may therefore be safer if it is taken as an herbal tincture or with a vaporizer.


Marijuana is a whole, unrefined plant. As such, it can be classified as a "crude drug". Crude drugs are difficult to accurately standardize, although it is possible to do so. Standardized whole marijuana must be grown in a highly controlled manner, and distributed in such a way that the concentrations of its active components specific cannabinoids are maintained at a set, standardized level. However, it is much easier to make standardized products such as extracts from whole plants, as the extract can be easily measured and adjusted for potency.

Medications tend to be highly refined, standardized substances.

How To Get Your Medical Marijuana Recommendation - Burning Questions #1

As such, marijuana may be prevented from becoming an approved medication, regardless of its potential safety and effectiveness. However, various medicinal crude botanical products are classified as dietary supplements, and do not have to be standardized. Use PubMed to find scientific articles and research marijuana.

Beware of studies that were funded by entities that may be biased overtly against or overtly for medical marijuana. Evaluation is free if you are not approved. Most Doctors charge even if they don't Recommend Marijuana. No hidden fees, you only pay the low advertised price. Add-on fees, taxes and misleading advertisements. Anyone can see you in local clinic.

What other services do you provide? I lost my original Recommendation document, can I get a replacement? I don't have a Californian ID, can I apply? What is Acceptable Proofs of California Residency? California tax returns giving California as the home address with acceptable dates. California utility bill DWP, gas, telephone, cable — all utility bills count as one proof. Paycheck stub or letter of employment verification on company letterhead Signed by a manager of the personnel department.

California health insurance or Medi-Cal ID. Union membership in a California local. Does Medical Insurance cover EvaluationsOnline fees? Can I use a California medical marijuana card in Nevada? Yes it is accepted in Nevada. They are similar, but not exactly the same. What symptoms and conditions qualify for Medical Marijuana therapy?

If I am Recommended, how much Marijuana am I allowed to possess or grow for personal use? Do you share my records and info with anyone? How do I pay? You can pay by credit or debit Card: How much does MMJ Evaluation cost?

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

What is Proposition ? HSC describes Medical possession allowance for Hashish and concentrated Cannabis, including edibles. SB provides for protection against charges of possession for sale - transportation - charity - furnishing - and more. Why are Non-Self-Incriminating forms important? What is your refund policy? Can I change Recommendation issue date?

Can I make the medical marijuana card renewal through your service?

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  2. Les Dames de Clermont: 01 (TERRES FRANCE) (French Edition)?
  3. How to Evaluate Medical Marijuana: 6 Steps (with Pictures)?
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  5. What is a Medical Marijuana Evaluation?.
  6. What is the difference between the prescription and recommendation? Do you give my information to the government or police? How long do Recommendations take to process Online? By the way, clients only pay after they are approved - there is no risk.

    Schedule an appointment today!

    Can I use a print out of my Temporary Recommendation right away? Are there hidden charges? Can you mail my ID Card to another State?