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Ritz Hotel, Paris, France. New Jersey, Verenigde Staten. Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Duitsland. Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany. Related events World War II. British Occupation of India. I Migliori Libri del ' Canon de la narrativa universal del siglo XX. The Telegraph's novels everyone should read. Writers Pick Their Favorite Books. New York Times bestseller. Koret Jewish Book Awards. The Morning News Tournament of Books.
National Book Critics Circle Award finalist. Independent Foreign Fiction Prize Shortlist. The Modern Library's Best Novels: Village Voice 25 Favorite Books. James Tait Black Memorial Prize. Many thanks to Paolo Cognetti, Atria Books, and NetGalley for allowing this reader to have an advacned copy of this novel. Thanks are also extended to the Traveling Sisters who read this book along with me. View all 11 comments. View all 8 comments. You might say this is a novel about men who are rubbish with women.
The narrator, his father and his childhood friend, the three main protagonists, all prefer mountains to women. There's something ruggedly masculine about mountains - the solitude and absence of domestic comforts, the demands they make on physical strength and endurance. It's perhaps one of the places men go to prove to themselves they are men.
The most poignant part of this book for me was the narrator's troubled relationship wi You might say this is a novel about men who are rubbish with women. The most poignant part of this book for me was the narrator's troubled relationship with his father. This was very moving. I was sorry it was dropped half way through in favour of re-establishing the childhood friendship as adults which I found altogether less compelling and convincing. As a novel it veered close to sentimentality at times.
I wasn't entirely convinced two men could be content together in a single room far removed from every vestige of civilisation. I kept thinking one of them must be gay. But the author was determined to keep namedropping girlfriends even though, bar one, these girls made no appearance in the book. Surely to share a room in the mountains is an oxymoron?
Le otto montagne
Claustrophobia in deep space. There's a lot of description of mountainous terrain. Too much for my liking. But then I'm not a great fan of mountains. View all 15 comments. This was a beautifully written story about the friendship of two young Italian boys, Pietro and Bruno — both of whom come from different backgrounds, yet from the moment they meet, they develop a closeness akin to two brothers.
Their friendship is indeed a special one, as Pietro is from the city and though he shares an almost immediate love for the Dolomites — the mountains located in the northeastern border of Italy where his family travels for vacation — he does not fully understand the deep r This was a beautifully written story about the friendship of two young Italian boys, Pietro and Bruno — both of whom come from different backgrounds, yet from the moment they meet, they develop a closeness akin to two brothers. Their friendship is indeed a special one, as Pietro is from the city and though he shares an almost immediate love for the Dolomites — the mountains located in the northeastern border of Italy where his family travels for vacation — he does not fully understand the deep relationship that his friend Bruno has with these mountains where he grew up, nor does he understand the inexplicable pull that these same mountains have on his own parents, especially his father.
Despite the divergent paths that their lives end up taking and the many months, even years, they often spend apart, the friendship between Pietro and Bruno endures over the course of several decades and later it is through Bruno that Pietro eventually comes to appreciate and connect to the late father with whom he had grown distant over the course of his life. More than just a coming of age story, this is also one that emphasizes the bonds of family, especially that between father and son….
There were so many things I loved about this atmospheric yet quietly written book: I also loved the way all the different relationships were portrayed, especially the enduring friendship between Pietro and Bruno as well as the strenuous one between Pietro and his father…both relationships were poignantly drawn — touching, yet at the same time also heartbreaking. View all 6 comments.
Feb 18, Elalma rated it it was amazing Shelves: E' sicuramente un giudizio dato a caldo, magari d'impulso, ma sono di parte, amo la montagna, amo quei luoghi e questo libro mi ha fatto stare bene. Jan 23, Roberto rated it really liked it Shelves: Padri e figli Una storia di padri, di figli, di amicizia e di montagne. Un padre autoritario e indifferente che si incammina instancabile per i sentieri montani cercando di raggiungere in ogni modo la vetta, anche lontana. Pietro cittadino, silenzioso e spinto dal padre verso le montagne e Bruno, montanaro di nascita, genitori assenti.
Sono figli di due mondi agli antipodi, u Padri e figli Una storia di padri, di figli, di amicizia e di montagne. Sono figli di due mondi agli antipodi, uno immerso nel caos cittadino e l'altro nella rarefazione montana. E poi la montagna, aspra, affascinante, dura, faticosa; un luogo silenzioso e rarefatto dove il tempo rallenta consentendoci di riflettere sulla nostra vita, sull'amicizia, sull'amore, sulle cose importanti.
Accabadora : Michela Murgia :
Pietro gira il mondo, mentre Bruno rimane. Ma il rapporto tra i due rimane inalterato e quando Pietro ritorna, il passato riaffiora. I rituali ripetuti ravvivano il senso di appartenenza alla vita: Era come se, attaccando lo stesso vecchio sentiero una volta all'anno, si addentrasse tra i ricordi e risalisse il corso della propria vita " Pietro, il cui rapporto col padre era difficoltoso fintanto questi era in vita, inizia a capire il genitore solo dopo la sua morte, percorrendone i sentieri, addentrandosi nei ricordi. Un padre severo ma fragile, incapace di affrontare un discorso col figlio, imperfetto ma anche per questo umano.
Un padre abbandonato, ma poi, in un secondo tempo e troppo tardi riconosciuto e valorizzato. O che ho passato la vita combattendo con un padre autoritario, testardo e poco propenso ai rapporti umani; un padre che ho iniziato a capire solo troppo tardi, dopo l'inevitabile separazione.
Nessuna forzatura, nessuna violenza, nessun cellulare, nessuna parolaccia, niente sesso, nessuna concessione al linguaggio "odierno", niente citazioni o riferimenti colti. Solo una storia semplice, profonda, malinconica, raccontata con intelligenza. Een van de betere boeken die ik dit jaar heb gelezen. Het is een heerlijk boek dat me instant "geestelijke onthaasting" bezorgde. Dat vond ik een zeer fijne en welkome ervaring na een reeks thrillers die ik voordien had gelezen. Wanneer je nood hebt aan geestelijke rust in je leven is dit boek een fijne metgezel. Het is zo'n boek dat ik wellicht binnen enkele jaren met plezier zal herlezen.
Nov 29, Marcello S rated it really liked it. Un bel romanzo italiano. Pur senza avermi stravolto. Aug 29, Siti rated it really liked it Shelves: Sensazioni di camminata, ambienti che si susseguono, preferenze tra il bosco o la nuda roccia, fatica, malessere, pace, silenzio, rigenerazione Ci si ritorna, sempre. Questo libro racconta dunque la storia di un andare e tornare per la montagna seguendo le direttici primarie di due cittadini: Quale percorso di vita? Seguendo la direttrice verticale o quella circolare. De schrijver is er over de hele lijn in geslaagd zijn lezer duidelijk te maken hoe de hoofdpersoon zich thuis voelt in de bergen, hoeveel hij van de omgeving houdt, daar waar zijn natuurlijke hoogtegrens zich bevindt.
Ik heb het doorgaans niet voor dit soort natuurbeschrijvingen, maar hier liep ik naast de verteller op die berg, zag ik de schoonheid en voelde ik de rust en de weidsheid. Ook het verhaal van de familie en de vriendschap is intrigerend opgebouwd. Als kind hoor je hier en daar een fragment, maar je slaagt er niet in alles bijeen te puzzelen. Pas als je wat ouder wordt, valt veel op zijn plaats, ook hier. Ik leefde enorm mee met de hoofdpersonages, en die betrokkenheid maakt voor mij een boek goed. View all 3 comments. As refreshing as putting your bare feet in a cool stream after a long hike.
A most welcome change from my usual reading choices. View all 5 comments. And instead, here I am, waiting impatiently for the paperback edition. I want to reread it, underline it, re-immerse myself immediately in the atmosphere of the mountains, in the story of Pietro and Bruno I turned the page and put an end to the adventure not even an hour ago, and I already miss everything. Until , I went to the mountains every summer and I always found those same people who for me meant freedom from school and commitments, genuineness of the land and feelings, perseverance in continuing to live in a village that, with snow, often remained isolated.
Then the earthquake came, and I could not go to the house in the mountains anymore. In the following year I went with my mother to L'Aquila, to see how things were going, but it was not the same thing as being in the mountains. Over the years the relationship with the destroyed house has become more and more thin, there have been no changes since , I have exchanged my long summers in Abruzzo for very short week-long vacations in far and foreign places, only to detach from everyday reality. Now, ten years after the last time I lived in that house in the mountains, I regret not having believed that it was possible to bring back what had been, not only the building structure, but also relations with relatives.
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Now there are no more direct contacts, despite the overwhelming number of media. I understood that my mental happiness derived, at least until , from unplugging and going back to those places that were waiting for me every summer. Now there is no longer a house that can accommodate me in the mountains; how I wish there was. This book brought me back to the serenity of those distant days and made me think about what could have been if things were going differently.
I will always be grateful for this. Mai avrei pensato che mi sarebbe piaciuto. Smanio dalla voglia di rileggerlo, sottolinearlo, ri-immergermi subito nelle atmosfere delle montagne, nella storia di Pietro e Bruno Un lungo racconto teso, scritto in un italiano essenziale, molto efficace. La storia di un'amicizia fa da spunto per riflettere su alcuni aspetti della vita, sui nostri rapporti con il tempo, sulla crescita e la prospettiva; per consolidare una serie di convinzioni essenziali, di cui si acquisisce consapevolezza solo con l'esperienza.
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Sullo sfondo, ma non troppo, la montagna, con i suoi ritmi semplici, con la sua bellezza cruda. Het ervaren van de diepe stilte in de bergen, het zoeken tijdens het klimmen naar je eigen pad, de eenzaamheid, de gedachten, gevoelens die daarbij bovenkomen En dan die intense manier waarop hij de natuur zo visueel beschrijft. Ik heb me in het boek ondergedompeld, me erin kunnen herkennen, genoten.
Als ik dan aan mijn 'eigen' bergen denk, denk ik aan me er thuis voelen , intens gelukkig zijn en een eeuwig sluimerende heimwee h Het ervaren van de diepe stilte in de bergen, het zoeken tijdens het klimmen naar je eigen pad, de eenzaamheid, de gedachten, gevoelens die daarbij bovenkomen Als ik dan aan mijn 'eigen' bergen denk, denk ik aan me er thuis voelen , intens gelukkig zijn en een eeuwig sluimerende heimwee hiernaar.
Tegelijkertijd vertelt hij een prachtig sober verhaal over vriendschap, familie, identiteit, vervreemding en eenzaamheid. Ja, ik heb het boek met een zucht zachtjes gesloten. Waar we het liefste lopen, waar zoiets verandert in een leven en wat dat ons vertelt en hoe persoonlijk dat is. Een tot slot een mooi fragment dat de sfeer van het boek voor mij goed weergeeft: Ik had tijd nodig gehad om te wennen aan de eenzaamheid, om die tot een plek te maken waar ik kon neerstrijken en me op mijn gemak kon voelen, en dus had ik altijd het idee dat er iets wrong en ging ik telkens terug naar het huis, om weer met de eenzaamheid vertrouwd te raken.
Ik had genoeg aan een kwart maan en de sterren om het pad tussen de lariksen te vinden. Op dat uur roerde zich niets, behalve mijn voetstappen en de beek, die gewoon klaterde en doorruiste terwijl het bos sliep. Helder klonk zijn stem op in de stilte, en ik kon de klank horen van elke kronkel, elke stroomversnelling, elke waterval, zwak waar de begroeiing dicht was, en allengs duidelijker naarmate ik de puinhelling naderde.
Hogerop zweeg ook de beek. Dat was het punt waar die tussen de rotsen verdween en ondergronds stroomde. Ik hoorde dan een veel zachter geluid, dat van de wind die woei in de kom. Het meer was een bewegende nachthemel: Ik bleef soms staan om patronen te bekijken. Ik had het gevoel dat ik het bergleven pas kon bevatten als er geen mensen waren. Ik verstoorde het niet, ik was een gewaardeerde gast; en dan wist ik weer dat ik me daar nooit alleen zou voelen. Mar 07, Giulia Messa rated it it was amazing Shelves: Un libro che entra a far parte delle migliori letture del De laatste, bijzondere bladzijde, een einde dat je bijblijft.
Literatuur met een hoofdletter, niet moeilijk maar mooi. Dit boek maakt alle verwachtingen waar vanaf de eerste keer dat ik de omslag zag. Ik heb er een favoriet bij. The Eight Mountains was a gently moving story about the enduring friendship between two young Italian boys from age twelve.
As young men and adults they lived vastly different lives - Pietro lived in cities and travelled the world whilst Bruno lived the life of a mountain man. They could go for years at a time without any form of contact b The Eight Mountains was a gently moving story about the enduring friendship between two young Italian boys from age twelve. They could go for years at a time without any form of contact but like all good friendships they would pick up wherever they left off without losing a beat.
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As Bruno never came down off the mountain the Italian Alps provided the magnificent backdrop to each of their interractions. I was saddened at the chasm that gradually opened between Pietro and his father but was equally moved by the way, in the years following his passing, Bruno provided Pietro with a greater understanding and appreciation of the man who had been his father. Told in the first person voice of Pietro, from the very first page I had the sense I was reading a memoir - a captivating, beautiful and elegantly written memoir.
I had to keep reminding myself this was a work of fiction. I wasn't the least bit surprised to learn that like Pietro, author Paolo Cognetti divides his time between the city and his cabin in the Italian Alps. His love of this part of the world, his respect for the mountain life was evident in every word he wrote. Thanks indeed to Paolo Vognetti, Simon and Schuster publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity of reading this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review which it was my pleasure to provide.
View all 18 comments. Jun 03, Antonella rated it really liked it Shelves: Premetto che adoro la montagna e la temo , mi piacciono gli spettacoli che offre, mi emozionano le cime per me irraggiungibili e mi meraviglio di fronte alle distese delle valli, mi piacciono i suoi colori, i suoi odori Ero scettica su questo romanzo decantato da molti.
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Mi aspettavo un libro "filosofico", un po' pesante View all 4 comments. Unfortunately, the book was too gentle and uneventful for me. However, I know that this sort of lyrical introspection appeals to a lot of people. For me, while I could recognize that the book was well written I found it uninvolving. Maybe if I loved mountain climbing, long walks in the mountains, stilted conversations in the mountains or cheese making in the mountains I would have liked this book more.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. De verrassing van het jaar. Het is lang geleden dat een boek me zo ontzettend in de ban had. Een boek dat in zijn eigenlijk ongelofelijke eenvoud ontroerend en verbazingwekkend mooi is. Mooi is niet alleen de vriendschap tussen Bruno en Pietro die centraal staat, over vele seizoenen en levensfases heen.
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Mooier is de manier waarop de auteur erin slaagt in geen tijd de lezer het gevoel te geven zich op een rustige alpenwei te bevinden, ver weg van drukte en beschaving. Mooist is nog de onderliggen De verrassing van het jaar. Een parel van formaat. Literaire onthaasting in bladzijden. En heel veel stof tot nadenken. Ik ben instant fan van Cognetti en heb vooral spijt dat ik geen Italiaans lees want ik vermoed dat er in de vertaling nog een deel van de schoonheid verloren is gegaan.
Le otto montagne di Paolo Cognetti 1 10 Jul 07, Books by Paolo Cognetti. Trivia About Le otto montagne. No trivia or quizzes yet. Quotes from Le otto montagne.
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