XVII , p. In , Karl Federn, an Austrian who had made a name for himself as an authority on Nietzsche and who was an ardent admirer of Emerson, published a group of Essays zur amerikani- schen Literatur, including papers on Whitman, Emerson and Thoreau. The very next year appeared Anton E. Schonbach s Gesammelte Aufsatze zur neueren Literatur Graz, , in which various phases of German, Austrian and American litera ture were discussed. Besides separate essays on Cooper, Long fellow and Hawthorne, we find an excellent resume of the new American novel in the essay Der amerikanische Roman der Ge- gcmvart.
Schonbach s character-studies and fair-minded and scholarly valuation of our fiction are worthy of the highest praise. His ability to interest readers in the subject under dis cussion must have opened many eyes to the wealth of literary effort across the Atlantic. About this time there was a great flood of works in Germany on America and they contributed to the growing knowledge and interest in every phase of Ameri can life. Fwald Flugel s Die nordaimrikanlsche Literatur Leipzig and Vienna appeared in , the year which was superseded only by and in the number of American novels published in Germany.
Kellner s Goschen edition of Die amerikani- Berlin, The American Novel in Germany, 45 sche Literatur probably did its share in making our litera ture popular. The following year however cut the total of fifty-one practically in half with only twenty-six publications. Certain other works must be given their share of the credit for awakening a German interest in American fiction. Our his torians, Motley and Parkman, had both been translated, Mot ley s works appearing at Dresden in , while Parkman s ap peared at Stuttgart in , the translation being by Kapp.
Schlaf, besides translating Whitman, wrote an excellent work on the man and his literary work, and even attempted to imitate him in German, without however acquiring much success. One of the best articles ever written on Lowell, we are reminded by H. Peckham, 66 was written by A. A constant stream of articles on the older and newer writers of our literature has appeared in the best German journals.
Miss Colbron 68 is therefore far from right when she states that "the same literary journals which come out strong in praise of our classics, which give full mead of praise to Emerson, Hawthorne, Poe. One of the leaders in this respect is the Magazin -fur Literatur, so- called since From it was known as Magazin fur die Literatur des Auslandes M. Its long articles and reviews came to the attention of many people and doubtless led many to examine into our literature.
Ever since January 4, , this periodical has had a column entitled "Amerikanischer Biichermarkt," in which American works in both German and English are announced. Englische Studien, which first appeared in , makes scarcely any mention of "South Atlantic Monthly, Oct.
OT Bookman, March, , p. However, since , Englische Studien has devoted a column regularly to "Amerikanische Literatur," where the newest works are ably discused. Das literarische Echo, since , has had an excellent review of the latest literary happenings in America in many numbers. It would be useless to even mention the countless peri odicals and newspapers which have presented regular critical columns, carefully edited essays, encomiums, eulogies, apprecia tions and necrologues on American authors.
Besides these, many periodicals and daily newspapers published American poetry and prose works in the form of substantial translations. As an ex ample of this, the Deutsche Rundschau, between December, , and June, , printed five complete novels of Bret Harte in long serial form. In fact, so ardent and zealous were German periodicals to acquire and print the very latest that America had to offer, that one of these stories, Aus Calif orniens frilhen Ta- gen, GQ appeared in a German periodical, even before it appeared in English, by virtue of a special arrangement made by the own ers of the magazine.
The Vossische Zeitung Berlin , the Miin- chcner Allgemeine Zeitung especially the Beilage , the Berliner Tageblatt and the Frankfurter Zeitung, all have done valiant service in keeping our literature before the eyes of the people of Germany. It is a fact worthy of note that the reviews and criticisms of American works show a marked increase, as the years went by, in the appreciation of our American viewpoint, and can be said to be at present far more valuable, as well as more searching, than was the case thirty or more years ago. A word in passing might be said concerning the part played by publishers in introducing the American novel into Germany.
Some firms printed the English originals only, others the Ger man translations only, and still others both. The Tauchnitz firm has published the works of sixty-seven American authors in neat, convenient pocket editions. Twietmeyer Leipzig , Buchholz and Diebel Troppau , and others. Reclam has published the works of many American authors in German translation, making them ac cessible to all people because of the cheap binding.
Other series which include American authors in their lists of inexpensive edi tions are: There are altogether between ninety and one hundred firms, some of them in Austria and Switzerland, which have, between , published one or more American novels either in the original or in translation.
To the work of these firms, mercenary, though it may have been, and spurred on as they were chiefly by a vigor ous competition, we must nevertheless assign that share of credit which is due each agency that has helped to make America better know abroad. There is another factor which helped to lead Germans into a deeper study of our fiction, namely, the appreciation and respect which Germany already had for our poetry.
Between and twenty-six anthologies were published in Germany, de- 48 The American Novel in Germany, voted either entirely or in part to American poetry. These three collections were important, since they appear at the very threshold of the period which we are treating. Roehm 71 finds that American poets have been translated far oftener than British poets in Germany, but that the quality of the translation is cor respondingly weakened. Longfellow andiPoe are the only American poets whose works have been completely translated by the Germans, but Bryant, Whit man and Taylor are represented with good collections.
Byron was translated only half as many times as Longfellow, but while A. Bottger s Byron translation went through six editions, only two of the fifteen German translations of Evangeline reached a second edition. Tennyson s Enoch Arden was translated only half as often as Evanqeline, but Waldmiiller s translation of Enoch Arden went through thirty-five editions.

Knortz excellent biography of Longfellow also became well-known. Although Knortz thought Longfellow too highly sentimental and effeminate and not sufficiently substantial, that his popularity was due to his mildness and gentleness, his great sincerity and sympathy rather than because he took any de cided stand on any important issue, yet he says of him: The American Novel in Germany, 49 men und Metren. There is thus ample proof that our greatest poet was known and appreciated by many Germans, and this is quite as true of Walt Whitman. The fact that Whitman was not included in Knortz and Dickmann s collection called Modern American Lyrics called forth a storm of protest in Germany.
IX , p.
Of this work Lessing says Jour, of Eng. Walt Whitman, ein Charakterbild, Vol. VII of J ahrbuch fur sexuelle Zwischenstufen, Bertz was then so vigorously attacked by Schlaf that he was forced to defend himself by exposing the latter in Whitman-Mysterien and Der Yankee Heiland. Is it then too much to say that this keen interest in Ger many for our poets, these twenty-six anthologies, these many translations of cherished poems, 80 and these splendid tributes to their memory must have created an interest in the literary efforts of the Republic across the seas and must have thus helped create the demand for our better fiction?
It is undoubtedly true that the appreciation of the delicate art of Longfellow, Poe, Whit man, 81 Whittier, Bryant, Lowell and Taylor gave our country a reputation for imaginative genius and creative power that led Germans to inquire into the work of a Bret Harte, a Mark Twain, a Howells, a James, and a score of others who formed the formid able company of new novelists. Perhaps another reason for Germany s approval of and participation in our later American novel may be found in the close touch which certain of our literary men have had with Germany. Bayard Taylor, for example, was always a friend and admirer of the Germans and their literature.
He spent part 19 April 29, , p. The American Novel in Germany, 5! He had only been in Berlin a few months when he died. Many tributes to his memory appeared in the German periodicals, and most of them voiced the closer touch that had been created between Germany and Amer ica through the personality of this man. To quote from one of them: Eine tiefe Sympa- thie verband ja beide Bayard Taylor und das deutsche Volk.
Kommende Geschlechter werden ihn nennen, die nie in sein freundlich-inniges Antlitz geschaut, nie seine treue Hand gefasst, nie ein Wort aus seinem Munde gehort. Denn ob auch der Hauch seines Mundes verweht, sein Wort, sein Dichterwort bleibt.
In der neuen Welt geboren, und in der alten ge- reift, hat er sein Volk gelehrt die Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, auf dass die Briider einander kennen; dessen bleibt Deutschland eingedenk. It might also be added that Mark Twain and others came into close and cordial personal relations with Germany, and did a great deal in demonstrating the real essence and fibre of the American spirit, leading more or less directly to a greater appreciation of our literature.
There is nothing in the political relations of Germany and America which influenced the reading of our novel abroad. In fact, eleven years after the war the number of publications had fallen below the mark set by the Peace Jubilee Year of The professorial exchange system, begun about , may have stimulated interest, since marks the highest point in the whole history of our novel in Germany with the exception of two years, and It must always be borne in mind that, whereas certain factors may have had a broad general influence in increasing or decreas ing the number of American novels published, it nevertheless re mains for the popularity of the individual author, whatever the reason for that popularity may be, to determine the degree of interest with which he is received in a foreign land.
The Bibli ography which forms Chapter III of this work, will show clearly who these most popular authors were. The translations are indicated either a by the German title, b by the name of the translator, which is added in parentheses wherever obtainable, or c by wherever a German title was not used and the name of the translator was not available.
Fern vom Weltgetummel Moritz Busch.
Mark Twain (1835–1910)
Bin Mddchen aus der guten alien Schule. Bibliography 53 Little Women. Frau Podger s Theetopf u. In Uauer und in grauer Uniform. Bielefeld and Leipzig, Velhagen und Klasing. Bielefeld and Leipzig, Velhagen u. Freytag, and Vienna, F. Die Geschichte eines bosen Buben. Marjorie Daw and Other Tales.
Die Tragodie von Stillwater. American Wives and English Husbands. The Calif or nians. Patience Sparhawk and Her Times. The Splendid Idle Forties. A Daughter of the Vine. The Bell in the Fog, etc. Eine Tochter des Westens. Julia France and Her Times. Three Stories of Colonial Days. Aus dem Herzen gedrdngt. Frdulein Ludington s Schwester. Ein Echo von Antietam. Miss Luding ton s Schwester. Die Liebe eines Positivistin. Berlin, Rosen- baum und Hart.
Stuttgart, Deut sche Verl. In the Midst of Life. Eine Blitzfahrt rund um die Welt. Glitzer-Brita, Einer der seinen Namen verlor.
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Ein Ritter von Dannebrog. Eine Tochter der Philister. Bibliography 57 Fiedelham und seine Familie. That Lass o Lowrie s. Das Grub enm ddc hen. The Pretty Sister of Jose. Die kleine Miss That Lass o Lowrie s. Robert Lindsay s Gliick. Sir Pat rick s Roman W. Der kleine Lord Fauntleroy. A Lady of Quality. Die hubsche Polly Pemberton. His Grace of Osmonde. Bibliography 59 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Bielefeld, Vei hagen u.
Die hubsche Schwester von Jose. Bielefeld, Vel hagen u. Linz, Lehrerhausverein fur Oberosterreich. Reichenberg, So- lors Nachf. Bernhardt Leipzig, Volks- u. Juwel Ein Kapitel aus ihrem Leben. Sild und Nor d. Aus der alien Kreolen-Zeit. Die Erbin von Redcliff. Das Geheimnis von Glenhampton. Contains story by P. Bibliography 6 The Serious Wooing. Love, and the Soul Hunters. The Flute of Pan.
The Dream and the Business. Leipzig, E Fiedler A Tale of a Lonely Parish. A Witch of Prague. The Children of the King. Adam Johnst one s Son. A Rose of Yesterday. In the Palace of the King. Marietta, a Maid of Venice. The Heart of Rome. A Lady of Rome. The Diva s Ruby. Arethusa, die Sklavin von Byzanz.
Pfarrer Lavendar s Freunde. The Leopard s Spots. Der Schulmeister von Flat-Creek. A Gentleman of Leisure. Das Abenteuer im Expresszug. Not published as announced. Bibliography 5- Das Abenteuer im Expressing. Illumination or the Damnation of Theron Ware. A Diplomat s Diary. Bin Mann der Erfolge. Der Tag der Vergeltung. Zwischen sieben und zwolf Uhr. Im Labyrinth der Sunde. Einer meiner S ohne. Bibliography Das FiligranHerz B. Dresden Moe wig u. Zwischen sieben und zwolf. Im Labyrinth der Siinde. Barnes von New York. Als Herr Woodhouse erwachte. Die Stecknadel im Heuhaufen.
N dchte des Grauens. Helen s Babies and Other People s Children. Bibliography 5g Helene s Kinderchen. Andrcr Leutc Kinder oder Bob u. Tcddi in der Fretnde. Frau Marburg s Zivillinge. Die Bar toner Temper enzbewegung. Der Tiger und das Insckt. Bielefeld, Velhagen und Klasing. Helenen s Kinderchen u. Leipzig, van den Broecke. The Cardinal s Snuff-Box. My Friend Prosper o. Des Kar dinal s Schnupftabakdose. Mein Freund Prosper o. Die Argonauten Geschichten, etc. Idyls of the Foot-hills. Bibliography 71 Two Men of Sandy Bar. The Story of a Mine.
Calif ornische Erz dhlungen. Die Geschichte einer Mine. Die beiden Manner von Sandy Bar. Fiinf neue Erz dhlungen. Drift from Two Shores. Bin Gespenst der Sierras, etc. Die Mine in der Teufelsschlucht. An Heiress of Red Dog, etc. The Twins of Table Mountain, etc. Roger Catroris Freund, etc. Die Erbin von Red Dog, etc. Das Geheimnis von Dead-Wood, etc.
Jeff Brigg s Love Story, etc. Tales of the Argonauts. In the Carquinez Woods.
By Shore and Sedge. Snowbound at Eagle s and Devil s Ford. Bin Milliondr von Rough-und-Ready. The Crusade of the Excelsior. A Millionaire of Rough and Ready, etc. Captain Jim s Freund, etc. A Waif of the Plains. Ausgew dhlte Erz dhlungen. The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, etc.
A Ward of the Golden Gate. Der Pflegling der Goldnen P forte. A First Family of Tasajara. A Sappho of Green Springs, etc. Die Erbschaft von Dedlow Marsh. Kapit dn Jim s Freund. Colonel Starbottle s Client, etc. Ein fahrender Ritter der Foot-Hills. Bibliography 73 Das Gliick von Devil s Fort. EinMillionar von Rough und Ready. In der Prairie verlassen. Waif of the Plains. The Bell-ringer of Angels, etc. A Protegee of Jack Hamlin s, etc. In a Hollow of the Hills.
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The Devotion of Enriquez. Ein Geheimnis des Telegraphenhugels. Die Hohle am Hilgel. Stories in Light and Shadow.
Full text of "The American novel in Germany, "
Jack Hamlin s Mediation. From Sand-hill to Pine. Im Walde von Carquinez. Jack Hamlin als Vermittler, etc. On the Old Trail. Ein Schiff von Anno Trent s Trust, etc. Die Postmeisterin von Laurel Run. Das Geheimnis der Sierra. Auf der alien F dhrte. Der Pflegling der goldnen P forte. Der Mann am Semaphor. Onkel Jim und Onkel Billy. Dick Spindler s Weihnachtsfeier. Liberty Jones und ihre Entdeckung. Jimmy s grosser Bruder. Der Sheriff von Siskyow. Die Postmeisterin von Laurel Run, etc. Der grosse Bankdiebstahl Stuttgart, Lutz. Containing stories by Rich. Mannheim, Bensheimer Archibald Malmaison.
Leipzig, Reclam Bines andern Schuld. Berlin R Tacobs- thal. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. Out of the East. The Romance of the Milky Way, etc. I3th and I4th ed. Scars in the Southern Seas. Tony, the Maid, etc. A Fellow and His Wife. The Lady of the Aroostook. Written in collaboration with Wm. Sharp, Bibliography 77 Their Wedding Journey. A Woman s Reason. The Rise of Silas Lapham. The Shadow of a Dream. A Pair of Patient Lovers. Miss Bellard s Inspiration.
The Lordship of Love. Bin leidenschaftlicher Erdenpilger, etc. The Madonna of the Future, etc. The Portrait of a Lady. The Siege of London. The Point of View. A Passionate Pil grim. A Little Tour in France. The Lesson of the Master, etc. Wenn die Natur Ruft. Call of the Wild. Bibliography 79 Burning Daylight. The Call of the Wild. When God Laughs, etc. The Son of the Sun. The Son of the Wolf. Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son. Briefe eines Dollar-Konigs an seinen Sohn. More Letters from, etc. Neue Briefe eines Dollar-Konigs an seinen Sohn.
Letters from a Self-made Merchant, etc. Der Mann auf dem Bock. Wenn ich der Konig war. Baby Bullet, the Motor of Destiny. Bibliography 81 Ein eigenartiges Leben im Dienste des Herrn. Fritz und Maria und ich. Was Lizzie erz dhlte. Little Susy s Little Servants. Die Perle der Familie. Der Lebende oder der Tote? Wie sich Jemand in seine Frau verliebt. The Little Lady of Lagunitas. Prince Schamyl s Wooing. Prince Schamyl s Brautwerbung. In the Old Chateau. A Daughter of Judas. Miss Deveraux of the Mariquita. Die Hexe von Harlem. Bibliography go In the Szvim.
Die Prinzessin von Alaska. The White Lady of Khaminavatka. In the House of His Friends. The Mystery of a Shipyard. A Monte Crist o in Khaki. Von Havana nach Peking. Shut Up in Paris. Zum Nordpol und Erdkern. Abenteuer des Kapitdn Horn. Reprint of ed. Jim Smiley s beruhmter Springfrosch, etc. Die Arglosen auf Reisen. Leipzig, Grunow, Bibliography g The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The Innocents at Home. The Prince and the Pauper. The Stolen White Elephant. Life on the Mississippi. The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn. Leben auf dem Mississippi. Abenteuer und Fahrten des Huck Finn. Der Prinz und der Betteljunge. A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur. Backer, 86 Bibliography The 1,, Bank-note, etc. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc. Tom Sawyer s Abenteuer und Streiche.
Abenteuer und Fahrten des Huckelberry Finn. Im Gold- und Silberland. Meine Reise um die Welt. Die Abenteuer Tom Sawyers. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The Man That Corrupted Pladleyburg. Meine Reise urn die Welt. Tom Sawyer s Streiche und Abenteuer. Wie die Stadt Hadleyburg verderbt wurde. Der junge Detektiv, 22 etc.
Adam s Tagebuch, etc. Erz dhlungen und Plaudereien. Kdnig und Bettel junge. Tom, der kleine Detektiv. Die Abenteuer Huckelberry Finns. A Double-Barrelled Detective-Story, etc. Tom Sawyer 3 s neue Abenteuer. Wie Hadleyburg verderbt wurde. A Double-Barreled Detective Story. Buck Finn s Fahrten und Abenteuer. Tom s Abenteuer und Streiche. Die 1,, Pfundnote, etc. Leipzig, Hesse und Becker. Tom Sawyer s neue Abenteuer.
Wie Hadleyburg verderbt wurde, etc. Die Abenteuer Huckleberry Finns. Extract from Captain Storm field s Visit to Heaven. Is Shake speare Dead? Tom Sawyer als Detektiv. Huck Finn s Abenteuer und Fahrten. Tom Sawyer s neue A benteuer. In a stenographic series. Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer u. Dresden, Moewig und Hoffner. Die Ilcrberge zum Silbcrnen Mond. Reutlingen, Enss- lin und Laiblin. Bibliography g r Der Prinz von Indien. Vier Kapitel aus Ben Hur. Der Prinz von Indien. I28th to i3Oth ed. Leslie und ihre Verehrer. My Summer in a Garden.
My Winter on the Nile. The House of Mirth. The Fruit of the Tree. Die Geschichte von Vogel s Weihnachts-Roschen. Penelope s English Experiences. Drei Geschichten von armen und reichen Kindern. Stuttgart, Hobbing and Biihle. Penelope s Irish Experiences. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Bibliography 03 Rebekka vom Sonnenbachhof. The Affair at the Inn. The Bird s Christmas Carol. Rose o the River. New Chronicles of Rebecca. Die Geschichte von Vo gel s Weihnachtsroschen. The Old Peabody Pew. Was sich in dem Gasthaus begab.
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The Writings of Mark Twain Vols. Heitere Geschichten 1 copy Gothic Tales Vol. Tom Sawyer Abroad etc. Neubearbeitet von Julie Mathieu. Cahiers rouges -… 1 copy Mark Twain. Charles Burlingame 1 copy Joan of Arc: The Prince and the Pauper 1 copy Heitere Geschichten. Der Prinz und der Bettelknabe. From The Galaxy 1 copy Mark Twain: One of 75 books. By Mark Twain 1 copy. An Anthology of Literature, Vol. Community… Contributor 19 copies American Gothic: King Original Author 1 copy Lifeboat to Hawaii: Toklas 12 , C.
Lawrence 2 , Mark Twain Samuel L. Martin Luther King, Jr. Events on LibraryThing Local. Warwick's , Saturday, July 30, at 7: He has won numerous prizes, including four O. Join us for the book launch for local authors M. Christine Byron and Thomas R. Wilson 's fifth title: The book follows a trail of vacationers and travelers along one of Michigan's most scenic roads, from Manistee County to the Leelanau Peninsula.
Vintage postcards, photographs, maps and advertisements illustrate a time when M first beckoned motorists to come north to the land of beautiful beaches and sand dunes, lakes and rivers, forests and woodlands, farms and orchards. You'll stop at lighthouses and life saving stations, take a trip in a dunesmobile, fish for Mackinaw trout, and shop for souvenirs. A book signing will follow the presentation.
Dan Fagin -- Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation. United States added from IndieBound. Books, Writing and Ideas , Wednesday, May 21, at 11am. A resident of South Carolina now, she has taught fiction at universities across the world, and her work has won numerous international prizes. The story revolves around the real-life case of the search for the heir to the Vanderbilt fortune.
In a court case was launched in New York that drew enormous media attention. Its aim was to establish if the long-presumed dead son of the Vanderbilt family was in fact living incognito as a cattle farmer in Queensland. Exploring the elusive nature of identity, The Claimant is sure to be one of the most talked-about releases of the year. In an appropriately mid-morning appearance at the Wheeler Centre, Janette Turner Hospital will discuss her new book over morning tea. A great opportunity to share a cuppa with one of the giants of Australian literature.
Janette Turner Hospital Janette Turner Hospital is the author of eight novels and four short story collections, most recently Forecast: Her books have been published in multiple languages. Ramona Koval Ramona Koval is a writer, journalist and broadcaster. Her most recent book is By the Book: She presents The Monthly Book Podcast and blogs at ramonakoval. Pegasus Downtown , Saturday, May 3, at 7: Dave Eggers Selected Stories from the O.
Sister centers have since opened in seven other American cities under the umbrella of National, and like-minded centers have opened in Dublin, London, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Birmingham, Alabama, among other locations. Eggers lives in Northern California with his family. Moe's Books , Saturday, May 3, at 6pm. Book Passage , Saturday, May 3, at 3pm. Green Apple Books , Saturday, May 3, at 12pm. I will read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. You must log in to edit Common Knowledge data. Clemens, Olivia Langdon wife. Howells, William Dean friend. Beecher, Henry Ward friend. Cable, George Washington friend.
Harris, Joel Chandler friend. Society for Psychical Research. The Hall of Fame for Great Americans American Academy of Arts and Letters [ ]. His father was a country merchant from Tennessee, who moved soon after his son's birth to Hannibal, Missouri, a little town on the Mississippi. When the boy was only twelve his father died, and thereafter he had to get his education as best he could. Of actual schooling he had little. He learned how to set type, and as a journeyman printer he wandered widely, going even as far east as New York.
At seventeen he went back to the Mississippi, determined to become a pilot on a river-steamboat. But in the war broke out, and the pilot's occupation was gone. After a brief period of uncertainty the young man started West with his brother, who had been appointed lieutenant-governor of Nevada. He went to the mines for a season, and there he began to write in the local newspapers, adopting the pen name of "Mark Twain," from a call used in taking soundings on the Mississippi steamboats.
He drifted in time to San Francisco, and it was a newspaper of that city which in supplied the money for him to join a party going on a chartered steamboat to the Mediterranian ports. This popularity was of service to him when he appeared on the platform with a lecture--or rather with an apparently informal talk, rich in admirably delivered anecdote.