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Instead we wrote him a check. This approach will give you peace of mind by not having your cell phone ringing all day.

Debt Collectors Are Harassing Me - Make it Stop! Judge Pirro

Many folks have to keep their phone on at work particularly when they have children in daycare. By revoking consent to call your cell number, you can stop your cell from ringing constantly at work or vibrating its way across your desk. The calls should definitely stop after a lawsuit.

Debt Collectors Calling your Cell Phone: TCPA protections you should not overlook. TCPA protections you should not overlook Are debt collector calls to a cell phone legal? Our law firm has been designated by Congress and President Bush as a debt relief agency.

3 Ways to Stop Collection Calls - wikiHow

We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. This website is designed for general information only. We serve the following localities: Talk to your phone company or wireless provider as many allow you to block calls from numbers for a monthly fee.

Some cell phones also have the ability to block calls without a fee, so check your phone.

How to Block Telemarketers and Debt Collectors

Many debt collectors like to hide their number from caller ID, so blocking calls from unknown numbers will prevent many of them from calling. Get an app that blocks calls if you have a smart phone, like a BlackBerry, an iPhone or an Android.

Search the Market or App Store for your phone using the keywords "block calls" to see if there is an app available for your model. Enter the numbers that you want to block into the app.

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  3. How to Block Telemarketers and Debt Collectors | It Still Works.
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Tell debt collectors not to call you. Debt collectors cannot contact you repeatedly, even if you answer and hang up. As stated above, you hold the right to opt-out at any time and can take legal action if they continue to call. Possessing the knowledge to hold debt collectors accountable is an empowering feeling, especially when you are finally able to stop these callers from ringing your phone.

Debt Collectors Calling your Cell Phone: TCPA protections you should not overlook

To avoid further harassment from a debt collector, a simple solution is to request the caller not to contact you via phone again. If you believe the debt is legitimate but do not wish to receive these unwanted calls, you hold the right to resolve the matter via written forms of communication. This ensures you have hard evidence of debt verification or any legal violations. Although unnecessary, some consumers have also gone as far changing their landline or cellular phone numbers to stop debt collector calls.

What to Do When a Debt Collector Calls

This can be costly and annoying to do. TrapCall , the 1 phone privacy app, offers call blocking and call recording technology to equip you with the tools to fight back against debt collectors. You can add calls to your personal blacklist, record illegal debt collection calls for evidence, and much more.