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They did, just two streets away. I found the address, walked up a few stairs, and knocked on a door with a sign Irrawaddy. I opened the door cautiously. Six young people were working in a cramped office, too busy to pay much attention. At least they had AC….

Two Heartbeats Away - Part 2

Luck was on my side. The editor of the English edition, Kyaw Zwa Moe, was in the office and he was kind enough to spend some time with me. Over the next few days, we met a couple of times and he told me his amazing story. He is a mild-mannered, soft-spoken man in his forties, who looks at least ten years younger.

Kyaw Zwa spent eight years in jail as a young student. Life in prison was hell, he told me. Five inmates in a cell eight by eight feet in size. Visitors were only allowed every two weeks for fifteen minutes.

EXCLUSIVE: Robert Townsend Says There Will Be A ‘Five Heartbeats’ Sequel

His most frequent visitor was his mother—until the day she was killed in a car accident. He never lost hope. It became my mantra. It was a university of life.

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Your heart is divided into four chambers. Each half of your heart consists of an upper chamber the atrium and a lower chamber the ventricle.

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The two halves create two pumps, one on either side of the heart. In a properly beating heart, electrical impulses follow precise pathways through the heart to each pump. These signals coordinate the activity of the heart muscle so that blood pumps in and out of the heart. Any interruption in these pathways or impulses can cause the heart to beat abnormally.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats Summary & Study Guide

Blood enters the heart and arrives first in the atria. Then, a single heartbeat involves several steps:. That is one heartbeat. Then the process starts all over again. Under normal conditions, the left and right sides of the heart beat one after the other. This keeps the blood flow moving in one direction in a continuous pumping fashion. A normal heart will repeat this process about , times each day. Bradycardia is a slow heartbeat. Not all bradycardias are a problem.

Athletes and people who are physically fit often have bradycardias. Their resting heart rates may be fewer than 60 beats per minute because their hearts are more efficient and can pump adequate blood with fewer beats. The sinus node is responsible for setting the pace of your heart.

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Scarring near the sinus node from heart disease or a heart attack may also slow down or block the electrical impulses as they try to travel through the heart. There may be no signs of these blocks other than skipped or slowed heartbeats. Tachycardia is a fast heartbeat. The two most common types of tachycardia are supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular tachycardia.

Supraventricular tachycardia SVT is any arrhythmia that begins above the ventricle. SVTs are usually identified by a burst of rapid heartbeats that can be chronic or begin and end suddenly. These bursts can last a few seconds or several hours and may cause your heart to beat more than times per minute.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats Summary & Study Guide

The most common SVTs include atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. If you have atrial fibrillation AF , your atrium beats very rapidly as fast as to beats per minute. Instead, they quiver, or fibrillate. This can cause discomfort, but not a rapid pulse. However, some of these atrial beats can transfer to the ventricles and may cause a high pulse rate. AF primarily affects older people. Your risk of developing this arrhythmia increases past age 60, mostly due to the wear an older heart experiences.

The chances of developing AF are also high if you have or have had high blood pressure or other heart problems. AF can be dangerous. If left untreated, it can lead to more serious conditions, such as stroke. The heartbeats in atrial flutter are more rhythmic and constant than the heartbeats in atrial fibrillation.

Still, atrial flutter can come and go in sudden bursts. It can be life-threatening. This type of arrhythmia occurs most often in people with heart disease.

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It also often shows up in the first weeks after heart surgery. Ventricular tachycardia VT is an arrhythmia that begins in the ventricles of the heart. Most VT occurs in people who have had heart disease or heart-related problems, such as coronary artery disease or heart attack. It can cause the ventricles to contract more than times per minute.