This region comprises the supply basin of the Tres Marias reservoir. Imagery from channels 5 and 7 of the LANDSAT multispectral band scanner during wet and rainy seasons and ground truth data were employed to characterize and map the vegetation, land use, and sedimentary discharges from the reservoir. Agricultural and reforested lands, meadows, and forests are identified. Changes in land use due to human activity are demonstrated. A secondary eclipse of this depth in Ks requires very efficient day-to-nightside redistribution of heat and nearly isotropic reradiation, a conclusion that is in agreement with longer wavelength, mid-infrared Spitzer observations.
In the first experiment the study area is analyzed using the original and preprocessed SIR-A image data. The following thematic classes are obtained: The same five classes mentioned above are obtained. However, because the central wavelengths of DIBs do not correspond with electronic transitions of known atomic or molecular species, the specific physical nature of their carriers remains inconclusive despite decades of observational, theoretical, and experimental research.
It is well established that DIB carriers must be located in the interstellar medium, but the recent discovery of time-varying DIBs in the spectra of the extragalactic supernova SN ap suggests that some may be created in massive star environments. Whipple Observatory on Mt. Our detections have signal-to-noise ratios of around the features of interest, and are thus considered significant but requiring further investigation.
Remotely sensed multispectral thermal infrared ?? These studies utilize the shift to longer wavelengths in the main spectral feature in minerals in this wavelength region reststrahlen band as the mineralogy changes from felsic to mafic. An approach is described for determining the amount of this shift and then using the shift with a reference curve, derived from laboratory data, to remotely determine the weight percent SiO2 of the surface. The approach has broad applicability to many study areas and can also be fine-tuned to give greater accuracy in a particular study area if field samples are available.
Results indicate the general approach slightly overestimates the weight percent SiO2 of low silica rocks e. Fine tuning the general approach with measurements from field samples provided good results for both areas with errors in the recovered weight percent SiO2 of a few percent. The map units identified by these techniques and traditional mapping at the Hiller Mountains demonstrate the continuity of the crystalline rocks from the Hiller Mountains southward to the White Hills supporting the idea that these ranges represent an essentially continuous footwall block below a regional detachment.
Results from the Baja California data verify the most recent volcanism to be basaltic-andesite. Where are the Black Walnut Tres in Iowa? The third measurement of Iowa? The inventory found that black walnut trees are common in the forests of Iowa. Two out of every hundred trees in the State are black walnuts. To accomplish the inventory, more than 12, Risk behaviors for HIV are: Methodology A correlational design was used. A sample of women who were sexually active and consumed substances within the last 3-months were selected for this study. Results The average age of the participants was The substance most commonly used was alcohol There is a significant correlation p Portulano frente a Landsat: Dos sistemas de georreferenciacion para el Estrecho de Gibraltar.
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The purpose of this research is to study and an compare two different images of the same area, from geographical, topographical and historical perspectives. The main differences between them are the temporal localization and the techniques and tools required in the process of getting both images. One of them is a 17th century map and the other is a contemporary satellite image. Any cartographical document would be expected to be precise, exact and cutting edge thanks to the application of the new technologies to cartography, geodesy and computing. The document can therefore be considered as insuperable and definitive.
In this context, this research is a starting point for my future doctoral dissertation which will deal with the importance of the portulano maps in the Scientific Revolution of the 15th and 16 th century.
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A sixteen line poem in Spanish provides the text of this short booklet on the three meals of the day. Designed for use as supplementary reading materials for the elementary grade Spanish speaking child, the booklet was developed by students in the Bilingual Teacher Aide Program at Mesa Community College. Content and language have been controlled…. Open Source Drug Discovery: The development of new antimalarial compounds remains a pivotal part of the strategy for malaria elimination.
Recent large-scale phenotypic screens have provided a wealth of potential starting points for hit-to-lead campaigns. One such public set is explored, employing an open source research mechanism in which all data and ideas were shared in real time, anyone was able to participate, and patents were not sought.
One chemical subseries was found to exhibit oral activity but contained a labile ester that could not be replaced without loss of activity, and the original hit exhibited remarkable sensitivity to minor structural change. A second subseries displayed high potency, including activity within gametocyte and liver stage assays, but at the cost of low solubility. As an open source research project, unexplored avenues are clearly identified and may be explored further by the community; new findings may be cumulatively added to the present work.
The arrival of a newborn requires a great deal of adjustment. Intended for new and expectant parents, this booklet and companion video provide practical advice and hands-on demonstrations of the essentials of mother and baby care, from birth to the first visit to the pediatrician. The first part of the booklet, which comes in both English- and…. The Diffuse Interstellar Bands DIBs are hundreds of spectral lines observed in sightlines towards many stars in the optical and near-infrared.
In earlier observations of the visible spectrum of the extragalactic supernova SN ap, we observed changes in the equivalent widths of DIBs on the timescale of its light curve, which indicated that some DIB carriers might exist closer to massive stars then previously believed. Motivated by these findings, we undertook a pathfinder survey of 17 massive stars with the Tillinghast Reflector Echelle Spectrograph at Fred L.
Whipple Observatory in search of temporal variability in DIBs. Although the SNR of this spectrum was only , our preliminary results suggest that the variations in molecular spectra over time might arise from changes in carrier temperature. These early results demonstrate the need for higher SNR spectra taken at multiple epochs to further explore potential temporal variability. If successful, time-variation could provide additional evidence to assist in identifying DIB carriers.
Stresses the need for Latin instruction in the school curriculum today. The history of Latin instruction in the U. Human Consequences of Agile Aircraft Facteurs humains lies au pilotage des avions de combat tres manoeuvrants. The pilots had mixed opinions on tactile and auditory displays.
Jan Ursinus was a continuator of the medieval Latin tradition of the glossed medical literature, which in his works was limited to anatomy only. Polish glosses can be considered equivalents to Latin and Greek names and only sometimes we can meet some wider and especially precious polish commentaries.
Numerous quotations from works of other authors prove that Ursinus knew a lot of antique and contemporary authors. He described functions of several organs and was acquainted with fundamentals of medicine. Ursinus demonstrated to be good creator of the Polish anatomic terms and his work has been appreciated both in his times and nowadays.
Tres mitos de la fonetica espanola Three Myths of Spanish Phonetics. Contrasts current pronunciation of some Spanish consonants with the teachings and theory of pronunciation manuals, advocating more realistic standards of instruction. Gives a detailed phonetic description of common variants of the sounds discussed, covering both Spanish and Latin American dialects. Ozone production, nitrogen oxides, and radical budgets in Mexico City: Observations at a mountain-top site within the Mexico City basin are used to characterize ozone production and destruction, the nitrogen oxide budget, and the radical budget during the MILAGRO campaign.
Approximately half of the ozone destruction was due to the oxidation of NO2. The ozone production efficiency of NOx on 11 and 12 March was approximately 7 on a time scale of one day. A new metric for ozone production efficiency that relates the dilution-adjusted ozone mixing ratio to cumulative OH exposure is proposed. Study of the dispersion of suspended sediments in surface waters using orbital images. From the simple correlation analysis and graphic representation, it is shown that grey tone levels are inversely proportional to Secchi Depth values.
It is further shown that the most favorable period to conduct an analysis of this type is during the rainy season. Los generadores de calentamiento por induccion son puentes inversores con carga resonante, cuya mision es basicamente crear una corriente sinusoidal de gran amplitud sobre la "bobina de caldeo", que forma parte del tanque resonante. En el interior de esta bobina se introduce la pieza que se desea calentar.
EI campo magnetico creado induce corrientes superficiales corrientes de Foucault sobre la pieza, que producen su calentamiento. Los tanques resonantes tambien llamados osciladores utilizados en la actualidad son el resonante serie y el resonante paralelo. Aunque ya desde hace algun tiempo se vienen construyendo generadores de alta potencia basados en estos dos osciladores, el exito nunca ha. Tal y como se explica en la introduccion de esta memoria, los puentes inversores utilizados deben operar sobre una carga inductiva corriente retrasada para evitar el fenomeno de la recuperacion inversa de sus diodos y la consiguiente ruptura de los transistores.
De la restriccion topologica anterior se deduce que el generador paralelo debe conmutar a frecuencias inferiores a la resonancia, y el serie a frecuencias superiores. A esta restriccion topologica hay que unir otra que es exclusiva del calentamiento por induccion: La corriente por la bobina de caldeo debe ser sinusoidal.
De no ser asi, resultaria imposible disponer toda la potencia de calentamiento sobre la pieza en el espesor requerido por la aplicacion. La conjuncion de las dos restricciones anteriores obligan al inversor paralelo a funcionar a la frecuencia de resonancia del oscilador. Esto imposibilita un control por variacion de frecuencia, regulandose la potencia desde la seccion de entrada mediante un mayor o menor aporte de corriente al puente.
Como consecuencia, la seccion de entrada del paralelo, ya de por si mas voluminosa que lao del serie por el uso de grandes componentes magneticos bobinas de filtro o de "alisamiento" , result a tambien mas complicada y costosa debido a la necesidad de ser implementada mediante rectificador controlado. Ademas, la regulacion que ofrece el rectificador es pobre, dada su baja frecuencia de conmutacion. En cambio, el circuito serie puede funcionar por encima de la resonancia manteniendo una secuencia de conmutacion sin riesgos de recuperacion inversa y con una corriente de salida practicamente sinusoidal, lo que permite un control de la potencia por variacion de frecuencia.
Puesto que la tarea de regulacion se realiza desde el puente inversor, la regulacion resulta mucho mas eficaz y la seccion de entrada se puede implementar mediante un simple rectificador no controlado y un condensador de filtro. Abstract shortened by UMI. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Interests, in Genetic Algorithms G. This paper consists initially to apply G. Next, we compare the performances with classical methods like Maximum Likelihood and classical electrotechnical methods.
These methods are applied on three induction motors of different powers to compare results following a set of criteria.
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National Historic Preservation Act In accordance with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's implementing regulations for section of the National Historic Preservation Act, we are using this notice to initiate consultation with the [[Page The Example of GSC Ground-based wide-field surveys for nearby transiting gas giants are yielding far fewer true planets than astrophysical false positives, some of which are difficult to reject.
Recent experience has highlighted the need for careful analysis to eliminate astronomical systems in which light from a faint eclipsing binary is blended with that from a bright star. During the course of the Transatlantic Exoplanet Survey, we identified a system presenting a transit-like periodic signal. We obtained the proper motion and infrared color of this target GSC from publicly available catalogs, which suggested this star is an F dwarf, supporting our transit hypothesis.
This spectral classification was confirmed using spectroscopic observations from which we determined the stellar radial velocity. The star did not exhibit any signs of a stellar mass companion. However, subsequent multicolor photometry displayed a color-dependent transit depth, indicating that a blend was the likely source of the eclipse. We successfully modeled our initial photometric observations of GSC as the light from a K dwarf binary system superimposed on the light from a late F dwarf star. High-dispersion spectroscopy confirmed the presence of light from a cool stellar photosphere in the spectrum of this system.
With this candidate, we demonstrate both the difficulty in identifying certain types of false positives in a list of candidate transiting planets and our procedure for rejecting these imposters, which may be useful to other groups performing wide-field transit surveys.
Some of the data presented herein were obtained at the W. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. Bureau of Land Management El curriculo creativo para ninos de cero a tres anos The Creative Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers. Stemming from the core idea that infant and toddler care should be based on building relationships, this curriculum in Spanish-language version provides a foundation for staff development.
Section 1, "Why a Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers? Buen Comienzo, Buen Futuro: Distributed by the U. Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Health and Human Services, this Spanish-language pamphlet provides parents with information and advice about their infants in the third month of life. The pamphlet provides information on communicating with the infant through body language, preparing for the 4-month checkup,…. Inventory of Military Real Property. The covers used for binding will be of a stiff hard - back material of sufficient strength to permit stowing on edge within file cabinets A correlational design was used.
The average age of the participants was There is a significant correlation p The Mw8. On September 7th , an Mw 8. The back-projection results delineate a unilateral northwestward rupture about km in length and 60s in duration, with a stable average rupture speed of 2. The joint inversion shows that the slip southeastern of TFZ dominates the moment release in the depth range of km during the first 40s. Most of the large aftershocks occurred in the shallower part of the slab, with dominant thrust focal mechanism in agreement with slab bending.
In contrast, the mainshock initiated at greater depth inside the slab, on a fault that may have formed near the trench and was reactivated by slab unbending, and was perhaps facilitated by dehydration. The comparison between the rupture model and the free air gravity anomaly suggests that the rupture was blocked westward by a low gravity anomaly zone. We interpret the difference in subducting speed and slab age across the TFZ and the Cocos plate gravity anomaly to be responsible for the abrupt stopping of the rupture at a tear zone inside the diving Cocos plate.
Whether this earthquake will enhance future rupture on the plate interface in Tehuantepec seismic gap is not clear, as the corresponding stress change clamped the megathrust up-dip. Still, the recent seismic activity raises concern about the imminent seismic hazards in the region.
Utilisation d'images aeroportees a tres haute resolution spatiale pour l'estimation de la vigueur des peuplements forestiers du nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick. Le but de cette etude est de developper un outil permettant d'estimer le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des peuplements forestiers de la region de Gounamitz au nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick via des donnees d'inventaires forestiers et des donnees de teledetection. Pour ce faire, un marteloscope de m x m et 20 parcelles d'echantillonnages ont ete delimites.
A l'interieur de ces derniers, le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des arbres ayant un DHP superieur ou egal a 9 cm a ete determine. Afin de caracteriser le risque de perte de vigueur des arbres, leurs positions spatiales ont ete repertoriees a partir d'un GPS en tenant compte des defauts au niveau des tiges. Pour mener a bien ce travail, les indices de vegetation et de textures et les bandes spectrales de l'image aeroportee ont ete extraits et consideres comme variables independantes.
Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur obtenu par espece d'arbre a travers les inventaires forestiers a ete considere comme variable dependante. En vue d'obtenir la superficie des peuplements forestiers de la region d'etude, une classification dirigee des images a partir de l'algorithme maximum de vraisemblance a ete effectuee. Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur par type d'arbre a ensuite ete estime a l'aide des reseaux de neurones en utilisant un reseau dit perceptron multicouches. Il s'agit d'un modele de reseau de neurones compose de: Pour la validation des resultats, le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur predit a ete compare avec le risque de perte de vigueur de reference.
Les resultats obtenus donnent un coefficient de determination de 0,98 pour le peuplement de feuillus et 0,93 pour le peuplement de resineux. An Experiential Curriculum for Citizenship Education. Integrating concepts of basic citizenship education with community involvement, this experiential curriculum provides a means for developing decision making and critical thinking skills within the existing third grade social studies curriculum.
The 10 lessons, translated into Spanish, cover school rules as personal safety measures, consequences of…. An alternative strategy that integrated enzyme production, trehalose biotransformation, and bioremoval in one bioreactor was developed in this study, thus simplifying the traditional procedures used for trehalose production. The trehalose synthase gene from a thermophilic archaea, Picrophilus torridus, was first fused to the YlPir1 anchor gene and then inserted into the genome of Yarrowia lipolytica, thus yielding an engineered yeast strain.
The thermal and pH stabilities of the displayed enzyme were improved compared to those of its free form purified from recombinant Escherichia coli. After biotransformation, the glucose byproduct and residual maltose were directly fermented to ethanol by a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Ethanol can be separated by distillation, and high-purity trehalose can easily be obtained from the fermentation broth.
The results show that this one-pot procedure is an efficient approach to the economical production of trehalose from maltose. This paper discusses the development and application of a technique which permits the analysis and improvement of hydrological models for the management of water resources of complex systems. Considering that such models are intended for practical application, the model was applied to the conditions of the Bolivian highlands. The model consisted of a deterministic part HEC-1 model linked to a stochastic component.
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The experience acquired indicated the possibility of adapting a more general procedure to compensate for the lack of rigour in the homoscedastic and independence hypothesis of the residuals. Use of this concept improved the estimation accuracy of the parameters and provided independent residuals with constant variance. A Box-Cox transformation was used to stabilize error variance and an autoregressive model was used to remove autocorrelation in the residuals. Relantionships between gold mineralization and granite - Discussion with the support of a pluridisciplinary study of the Passa Tres gold deposit South Brazil.
Both NS and EW systems are interpreted to be contemporaneous and conjugate. Normal motions are everywhere suspected and main mineralized veins are located at opening sites at these fault systems, such as pull-aparts. The structural model suggests that the normal motion can be initiated by shearing along a "guide" level, in which sulfides and clay minerals are concentrated.
This configuration can be observed at several scales, such as field, hand samples and thin section. Mineralized veins mainly contain, in addition to the quartz of the gangue, sulphides pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, molybdenite , fluorite, chlorite, muscovite, sericite, and carbonate. The presence of sericite, kaolinite and chlorite indicate the occurrence of, at least, propylitic and phyllic-type alterations, both in core of the granite and best-expressed at the rim of quartz-rich orebodies. Gold occurs as native grains in core of the quartz veins, within fractures that affect pyrite and frequently exhibiting normal motions consistent with the one observed at larger scale and systematically associated with chalcopyrite and galena.
Quartz veins are sometimes bordered by aplitic dike. Additionally, some of the veins can exhibit a very thin margin of adularia minerals that seems to represent the early stage of vein formation. These observations favor the link between late-magmatic fluids and veins formation. In order to constrain this assumption, a campaign of absolute dating has been undertaken. Zircons from granite and aplite for the magmatic feature and adularia, muscovite, sericite and molybdenite grains for the hydrothermal ones were selected and will be dated by, respectively U-Pb, Ar-Ar and Re-Os methods.
Preliminary field results may suggest that gold-quartz veins may formed during the magmatic-hydrothermal transition and that mineralizing fluids possibly represent the late stages of magmatic fluid. Their mode of formation looks to be consistent with an extensional setting. A method is descrihed for the recovery of tellurium from the by-products of gold and silver refintng. The tellurium is separated with acetic acid and recovered by distillation. A method of purifying the crude tellurium is given.
Conversacion sobre " Tres tristes tigres". An Interview with Rita Guibert. Special issue dedicated to contemporary Spanish American literature. Public education is the cornerstone of democracy and is absolutely fundamental to a democratic, civil and prosperous society.

Beyond the boundaries of the United States, other countries are working to provide quality education to their children through civil society institutions. In particular, there are three extraordinary organizations in Peru,…. The purpose of the study was to understand and profoundly describe the nature of social justice practice, as is comes up from the experience of three professional counselors whose working settings are the academic arena. Detailed descriptions are presented concerning the meanings and sense of counseling for social justice, as the interviews….
To support faith communities in protecting teenage boys and girls from too-early sexual activity and teen pregnancy, the National Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy's Task Force on Religion and Public Values has compiled these nine tips which summarize a wealth of experience and advice from faith leaders around the country. The members of the Task…. A bibliometric study of the scientific production of the IAR researchers has been performed, with the aim of determining the institute's research fronts and groups of researchers working on these fronts.
Methods of analysis of co-occurrence of words, authorship analysis and social network analysis SNA has been applied by extracting keywords and the names of the authors on the base of published works. The results support the existence of two research fronts within the institution. The optimal practice management of highly febrile 1- to 3-month-old children without a focal source has been controversial.
The release of a conjugate pneumococcal vaccine may reduce the rate of occult bacteremia and alter the utility of empiric testing. The objective of this study was to determine the cost-effectiveness of 3 different screening strategies of Serious Bacterial Infections SBI in Children Presenting with Fever without Source in Argentina. Cost-effectiveness CE analysis was performed to compare the strategies of procalcitonin, C reactive protein and Rochester criteria.
Our main outcome measure was incremental CE ratios. C reactive protein is the strategy more cost-effective to detect SBI in children with Fever without Source in Argentina. Response of three groups of 12 male creole goats weighing about 10 kg to environmental variations was tested in Guadeloupe French West Indies respectively at three times in the year: Voluntary free intake of banana silage silage of mixed green banana, bagassa, wheat bran and urea complemented with molasse was not significantly affected by climatic variations.
These parameters were correlated with heat production dependent factors such as metabolic body weight, body weight gain and voluntary free intake. Rectal temperature increased all through the day until sunset and then decreased during the night. Both minimal rectal temperature and daily increase of rectal temperature were correlated with ambient temperature. Cardiac frequency increased during feeding. Generally cardiac frequency seemed to be correlated with activity of animals and so with behavioural response to environmental variations.
Respiratory frequency was the most sensitive index of goat response to climate. The daily increase of respiratory frequency was important at the end of the humid season but was not observed in dry season. This increase was dependent on ambient temperature increase but also on air humidity characteristics and air velocity. These points are discussed according to integration of those physiological parameters in thermoregulation. The mass comparator for primary standards of the INM is a high level metrological set. Recently, its balance has been put into a thermally isolated and airtight chamber and this has led us to engage in an experimental study concerning the independence of the measured parameters.
This study has revealed that the independence hypothesis must be rejected. The different correlation coefficients have been determined. La influencia de "los de abajo" en tres procesos de cambio linguistico en el espanol de Morelia, Michoacan The Influence of "the Underclass" on Three Processes of Linguistic Change in the Spanish of Morelia, Michoacan. Examines the role of the educational and socioeconomic levels of the speakers in advancing linguistic change. The study reviews three grammatical phenomena found at distinct stages of change.
Individuals at the lower socioeconomic and educational strata of society embrace innovations in language more readily than their affluent and educated…. Documento de Trabajo de la Fundacion Ford, No. The Hispanic population's growing impact on American society has caused the Ford Foundation to explore new Foundation initiatives. The census revealed The Hispanic population in the United States is growing and is characterized by diversity; rapid growth….
The aim was to analyse their attitudes towards the learning of English through the virtual modality. Our interest is related to the hydrological characteristics of the Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Water samples were taken monthly from July to June in 15 stations distributed along the lagoon. This article reports the findings of a qualitative research project that explored pre-service English teachers' perceptions of and attitudes toward the aspects of culture and intercultural competence addressed in their English classes in the undergraduate programs at three Colombian universities.
Findings reveal that pre-service teachers are…. The study explored first, whether respondents believed there are significant quality differences between private and public universities and, second, what…. The term "epithelium" refers to layers of cells that line hollow organs and glands. It is also those cells that make Evolution of restraint in a structured rock—paper—scissors community.
It is not immediately clear how costly behavior that benefits others evolves by natural selection. By saving on inherent costs, individuals that do not contribute socially have a selective advantage over altruists if both types receive equal benefits. Restrained consumption of a common resource is a form of altruism. The cost of this kind of prudent behavior is that restrained individuals give up resources to less-restrained individuals.
The benefit of restraint is that better resource management may prolong the persistence of the group. One way to dodge the problem of defection is for altruists to interact disproportionately with other altruists. With limited dispersal, restrained individuals persist because of interaction with like types, whereas it is the unrestrained individuals that must face the negative long-term consequences of their rapacity. Here, we study the evolution of restraint in a community of three competitors exhibiting a nontransitive rock—paper—scissors relationship.
The nontransitivity ensures a form of negative feedback, whereby improvement in growth of one competitor has the counterintuitive consequence of lowering the density of that improved player. This negative feedback generates detrimental long-term consequences for unrestrained growth. Using both computer simulations and evolution experiments with a nontransitive community of Escherichia coli, we find that restrained growth can evolve under conditions of limited dispersal in which negative feedback is present.
This research, thus, highlights a set of ecological conditions sufficient for the evolution of one form of altruism. Evolution of restraint in a structured rock-paper-scissors community. Here, we study the evolution of restraint in a community of three competitors exhibiting a nontransitive rock-paper-scissors relationship. The joint in vitro action of polymyxin B and miconazole against pathogens associated with canine otitis externa from three European countries.
Conclusions et importance clinique La synergie in vitro de la polymyxine B et du miconazole contre les souches d'E.
Animales diecisiete cepas de Escherichia coli, 24 cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 24 cepas de Proteus mirabilis y 25 cepas de Staphylococcus pseudintermedius de perros diagnosticados con otitis externa asilados de Alemania, Francia e Italia. In harmony with nature: A pioneer conservationist's bungalow home. Technology-rich learning environments TREs provide opportunities for learners to engage in complex interactions involving a multitude of cognitive, metacognitive, and affective states.
Understanding learners' distinct learning progressions in TREs demand inquiry approaches that employ well-conceived theoretical accounts of these multiple facets. Community resilience and Chagas disease in a rural region of Mexico. Conceptualization of groundwater flow. Niel; Bexfield, Laura M. Sexual violence as a limiting factor on the perception and management of the risk of HIV in women married to migrants. Las informantes fueron 21 mujeres parejas de migrantes internacionales. Geomorphic aspects of groundwater flow.
Isolation and identification of a thermophilic strain producing trehalose synthase from geothermal water in China. A slightly thermophilic strain, CBS, producing trehalose synthase TreS , was isolated from geothermal water in this study. According to the phenotypic characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of the 16s rRNA gene sequence, it was identified as Meiothermus ruber. The trehalose synthase gene of Meiothermus ruber CBS was cloned by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. The TreS gene consisted of 2, nucleotides, which specified a amino-acid protein.
This novel TreS catalyzed reversible interconversion of maltose and trehalose. Functional cooperativity between two TPA responsive elements in undifferentiated F9 embryonic stem cells. We have recently identified an enhancer, termed GPEI, in the 5'-flanking region of the rat glutathione transferase P gene, that is composed of two imperfect TPA phorbol O-tetradecanoate acetate responsive elements TREs. Each TRE-like sequence has no activity by itself but acts synergistically to form a strong enhancer which is active even in the very low level of AP-1 activity in F9 cells.
Furthermore, we show that synthetic DNAs containing two perfect TREs in certain arrangements have strong transcriptional enhancing activities in F9 cells and the activity is greatly influenced by the relative orientation and the distance of two TREs. Uruguay, A Country Study. Least developed were the northern ranching departments along the Brazilian border- Artigas, Rivera, and Cerro Largo -and also Tacuaremb6.
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Initial high-resolution microscopic mapping of active and inactive regulatory sequences proves non-random 3D arrangements in chromatin domain clusters. However, the 3D topography of TREs within the nuclear landscape of individual cells in relation to their active or inactive status has remained elusive. Here, we explored the 3D nuclear topography of active and inactive TREs in the context of a recently proposed model for a functionally defined nuclear architecture, where an active and an inactive nuclear compartment ANC-INC form two spatially co-aligned and functionally interacting networks.
Using an in-house image analysis tool, DNA targets were quantitatively mapped on chromatin compaction shaped 3D nuclear landscapes. Our analyses present evidence for a radial 3D organization of chromatin domain clusters CDCs with layers of increasing chromatin compaction from the periphery to the CDC core. Segments harboring active TREs are significantly enriched at the decondensed periphery of CDCs with loops penetrating into interchromatin compartment channels, constituting the ANC.
Our finding of a structural organization of CDCs based on radially arranged layers of different chromatin compaction levels indicates a complex higher-order chromatin organization beyond a dichotomic classification of chromatin into an 'open,' active and 'closed. Trunk repositioning errors are increased in balance-impaired older adults.
Controlling the flexing trunk is critical in recovering from a loss of balance and avoiding a fall. To investigate the relationship between trunk control and balance in older adults, we measured trunk repositioning accuracy in young and balance-impaired and unimpaired older adults. Clinical measures related to balance, trunk extensor strength, and self-reported disability were obtained.
TREs were significantly greater in the balance-impaired group than in the other groups, even when controlling for trunk extensor strength and body mass. In older adults, there were significant correlations between TREs and three clinical measures of balance and fall risk, UST and maximum step length In each group TREs were similar under the three visual-surface conditions. Older balance-impaired adults have larger TREs , and thus poorer trunk control, than do balance-unimpaired older individuals. TREs are reliable and valid measures of underlying balance impairment in older adults, and may eventually prove to be useful in predicting the ability to recover from losses of balance and to avoid falls.
We conduct a search of the high-precision time series for photometric transits of additional planets. We find no candidate transits with significance higher than our detection limit. From Monte Carlo tests of the time series using putative periods from 0. We investigate in particular our sensitivity to additional transits in the dynamically favorable 3: In the nearly grazing exoplanetary systems TrES -3 and TrES -2, additional coplanar planets in these resonances are not expected to transit.
However, we place lower limits on the radii of companions that would transit if the orbits were misaligned by 2. Mammalian reproductive bi- ology. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. International Council forLaboratory Animal Science. Sao Paulo, Brazil, a. Los manuales de quimica en Espana Protagonistas, terminologia, clasificaciones y orden pedagogico.
Por ello, se ha adoptado como nucleo de este trabajo la definicion de libro de texto basada en su destino y no en su funcion, es decir, los libros que de forma explicita expresan su finalidad didactica, tanto en el titulo o como en las declaraciones del autor reflejadas en el prologo de la obra, en los que ademas aparezca la palabra quimica en su titulo.
El estudio comienza en con la publicacion de algunos de los primeros manuales de quimica modernos, y acaba con la reforma educativa de , que tuvo importantes consecuencias en el mercado de libros de texto en Espana. Esta reforma separaba la ensenanza media de la propiamente universitaria y, de este modo, fue impulsora de la creacion de institutos provinciales de segunda ensenanza, algunos de los cuales habian comenzado su andadura en los anos anteriores.
Las regulaciones introducidas suponian una fuerte limitacion para los profesores en la eleccion de los manuales de ensenanza que debian ser aprobados cada tres anos por el Consejo de Instruccion Publica. Ademas supuso una reglamentacion clara de los estudios de filosofia y su division en los estudios elementales y superiores. La investigacion se ha distribuido a lo largo de seis capitulos: Introduccion, los protagonista, el vocabulario de la quimica, poniendo orden: En primer lugar, se ha elaborado un repertorio bibliografico, incluido en el apendice, constituido por 76 obras de quimica publicadas en Espana desde hasta que permite realizar un analisis estadistico de su produccion.
Posteriormente, se intenta conocer los principales protagonistas en la creacion del libro: Tradicionalmente los historiadores de la ciencia han dado mas importancia a los laboratorios y a los personajes de la investigacion cientifica, frente a las aulas y a los protagonistas de la ensenanza. La situacion ha cambiado en las. Manuel Andres Dibar Curuchet. The agreements evolved over time, each one more complex than its predecessor Major terrorist groups are: It was formed in and It was formed in a-ad has an estimated membership of It was formed in and has an estimated membership of Cuba provides support to.
Implications for United States Foreign Policy. A Chronology Supplement. Is There Hope For Colombia. In a lecture to This violent period in Colombian history began with The African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus has bimodal respiration, it has a suprabranchial air-breathing organ alongside substantial gills.
Air breathing and routine metabolic rate RMR increased in darkness when, in the wild, this nocturnal predator forages. In particular, whether any influence varied with resource availability normoxia versus hypoxia or relative fear of predation day versus night. Thus, a pervasive effect of SMR on air breathing became most acute in hypoxia, when individuals with higher O2 demand took proportionally more risks. Boldness was estimated as time required to resume air breathing after a fearful stimulus in daylight normoxia Tres. Therefore, individual boldness influenced air breathing when fear of predation was high.
Thus, individual energy demand and personality did not have parallel influences on the emergent tendency to take risks to obtain a resource; their influences varied in strength with context. We use the G grism 1. This wavelength region includes a predicted absorption feature from water at 1. We divide our wavelength regions into 10 bins. For each bin we produce a spectrophotometric light curve spanning the time of transit or eclipse. We correct these light curves for instrumental systematics without reference to an instrument model. For our transmission spectra, our mean 1s precision per bin corresponds to variations of 2.
We find featureless spectra for these three planets. We are unable to extract a robust transmission spectrum for WASP-4b. For our dayside emission spectra, our mean 1 sigma precision per bin corresponds to a planet-to-star flux ratio of 1. We combine these estimates with previous broadband measurements and conclude that for both planets isothermal atmospheres are disfavored.
We find no signs of features due to water. We confirm that WFC3 is suitable for studies of transiting exoplanets, but in staring mode multivisit campaigns are necessary to place strong constraints on water abundance. A pilot study of the efficacy of wipes containing chlorhexidine 0. So far, no international large-scale assessment data has been available for VET. Uso de terreno urbano y rural en Puerto Rico. Sebastian Martinuzzi; William A. Urbano, Suburbano, y Rural Martinuzzi et al. Estas regiones tambien pueden ser consideradas como urbano, densamente-poblado rural, y escasamente-poblado rural, o como urbano y area silvestre con una interfase de area silvestre-urbana.
Research has shown that the problem-solving skills of adults with a vocational education and training VET background in technology-rich environments TREs are often inadequate.
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However, some adults with a VET background do have sound problem-solving skills. The present study aims to provide insight into the socio-demographic,…. Trehalose synthase TreS catalyzes the reversible conversion of maltose into trehalose in mycobacteria as one of three biosynthetic pathways to this nonreducing disaccharide.
Given the importance of trehalose to survival of mycobacteria, there has been considerable interest in understanding the enzymes involved in its production; indeed the structures of the key enzymes in the other two pathways have already been determined. Herein, we present the first structure of TreS from Mycobacterium smegmatis, thereby providing insights into the catalytic machinery involved in this intriguing intramolecular reaction.
This structure, which is of interest both mechanistically and as a potential pharmaceutical target, reveals a narrow and enclosed active site pocket within which intramolecular substrate rearrangements can occur. We also present the structure of a complex of TreS with acarbose, revealing a hitherto unsuspected oligosaccharide-binding site within the C-terminal domain. This may well provide an anchor point for the association of TreS with glycogen, thereby enhancing its role in glycogen biosynthesis and degradation. Imagining the Mexican Immigrant Worker: Traces the history of two organizations of the s Chicano Movement: Discusses their Marxist ideology, notion of Chicano cultural nationalism, involvement of college students and other youth, campaigns supporting immigrant workers' rights and affirmative action at….
In our recent studies, however, most candidate phytochemical agents were not potent in inducing phase II genes in normal human lung cells. In this study, we applied a messenger RNA mRNA —specific gene expression—based high throughput in vitro screening approach to discover new, potent plant-derived phase II inducing chemopreventive agents. At a level achievable in humans by diet 1.
Induction of glutathione S-transferase pi mRNA expression was modest, and none was apparent for glutathione S-transferase pi protein expression. Analysis of hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions HCFI using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions HCFI are microscopic cavities within rocks that are filled with petroleum oil, the composition of which may not have changed since the trapping event.
Thus, the composition of that entrapped oil can provide information about the formation and evolution of the oil reservoir. This type of information is important to the petroleum production and exploration industries. Crude oil fluorescence originates from the presence of cyclic aromatic compounds and the nature of the emission is governed by the chemical composition of the oil. Fluorescence based methods are widely used for analysis of crude oil because they offer robust, non-contact and non-destructive measurement options.
The goal of our group is the development of a non-destructive analytical method for HCFI using time-resolved fluorescence methods. In broad terms, crude oil fluorescence behavior is governed by the concentration of quenching species and the distribution of fluorophores. For the intensity averaged fluorescence lifetime, the best correlations have been found between polar or alkane concentrations, but these are not suitable for robust, quantitative analysis. TRES are constructed from intensities sampled at discrete times during the fluorescence decay of the sample.
In this study, TRES , from a series of 10 crude oils from the Middle East, have been measured at discrete time gates 0. The spectral changes in TRES , such as time gate dependent Stokes' shift and spectral broadening, are analyzed in the context of energy transfer rates. Aires, , p Army Command and General Staff. Psychometric properties of the Attitudes Scale facing Alcohol and Alcoholism in nursing students. The CFA has established the validity of the factorial structure. A AFC estabeleceu a validade da estrutura fatorial. Atmospheric characterization of five hot Jupiters with the wide field Camera 3 on the Hubble space telescope.
Resveratrol provides multiple physiologic benefits which promote healthspan in various model species and clinical trials support continued exploration of resveratrol treatment in humans. However, there remains concern regarding low bioavailability and wide inter-individual differences in absorption and metabolism in humans, which suggests a great need to develop novel methods for resveratrol delivery. We hypothesized that oral transmucosal delivery, using a lozenge composed of a resveratrol-excipient matrix, would allow resveratrol to be absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream. We pursued proof of concept through two experiments.
In the first experiment, the solubility of trans-resveratrol tRES in water and 2. Independent t-tests with a Bonferroni correction were used to compare the solubility of tRES in each of the solutions to that in water. Given the enhanced solubility of tRES in a ribose solution, a resveratrol-ribose matrix was developed into a lozenge suitable for human consumption. Two healthy human participants consumed one of the prepared lozenges following an overnight fast. Venipuncture was performed immediately before and 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes following lozenge administration.
Maximal plasma concentrations C max for tRES alone i. These results suggest a resveratrol-ribose matrix lozenge can achieve greater C max and enter the bloodstream faster than previously reported dosage forms for gastrointestinal absorption. While this study is limited by small sample size and only one method of resveratrol delivery, it does.
Trans-Resveratrol tRes has been shown to have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antiaging properties; however, its use as a therapeutic agent is limited by its rapid metabolism into its conjugated forms by UDP-glucuronosyltransferases UGTs. The aim of the current study was to test the hypothesis that the limited bioavailability of tRes can be improved by modifying its structure to create analogs which would be glucuronidated at a lower rate than tRes itself.
In this work, three synthetic stilbenoids, E 3-hydroxymethoxyphenyl 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl acrylic acid NIa , E -2,4-dimethoxy 4-methoxystyryl benzaldehyde oxime NI-ST , and E 3,5-dimethoxystyryl -2,6-dinitrophenol DNR-1 , have been designed based on the structure of tRes and synthesized in our laboratory. UGTs recognize and glucuronidate tRes at each of the 3 hydroxyl groups attached to its aromatic rings. Therefore, each of the above compounds was designed with the majority of the hydroxyl groups blocked by methylation and the addition of other novel functional groups as part of a drug optimization program.
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