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Musings from a Life Coach

Quotes tagged as "life-energy" Showing of These are constantly changing; they do not remain the same for two consecutive moments. Every moment they are born and they die. If we can understand that in this life we can continue without a permanent, unchanging substance like Self or Soul, why can't we understand that those forces themselves can continue without a Self or a Soul behind them after the non-functioning of the body?

Focus your energy on that, life will be like that. Peace is the harmonious control of life. It is vibrant with life-energy.

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It is a power that easily transcends all our worldly knowledge. Yet it is not separate from our earthly existence. If we open the right avenues within, this peace can be felt here and now. My present work began in the realm of psychiatry and psychoanalysis, with natural scientific investigations of the energy at work in human emotions. This led to the discovery of the bio-energy in the living organism, termed organismic orgone energy; and further to the discovery of the same type of a basically physical orgone energy in the atmosphere.

Orgonomy is not psychiatry, but the science of biophysics of the emotions, thus also including psychiatry, and physics in the realm of basic cosmic orgone energy. But for a microbe that has come to depend on the abundant hydrogen ions of acidic hot springs, an air-conditioned suite at the Ritz is a threatening proposition. The wide variety of biochemical modes of existence reflect billions of years of evolution, adaptation, and niche differentiation rather than a standardized characterization of biological fortitude.

One such challenge, something that all living organisms must face, is the acquisition of chemical energy to drive cellular reactions. Perhaps the ways in which organisms handle this task could separate the truly industrious from the merely viable. This experimental setup on Hydrate Ridge off the coast of Oregon samples microbial metabolism in deep-sea methyl seeps, which host a variety of seemingly strange creatures, including some truly extreme archaea and bacteria that cannot survive without each other. In the case of mammals and most eukaryotes, sugars and other organic molecules are common electron sources, the oxidation of which drives ATP production.

Bacteria and archaea can use a range of other chemicals, from sulfide to iron to ammonium. Cells take up these electron-rich molecules and capture their electrons, which jump down an electron transport chain in the mitochondrial or cell membrane. Finally, protons stream back into the cell, releasing the chemical pressure and generating ATP. With each energy-requiring reaction, from flagella construction to cell division and growth, cells draw upon their ATP bank.

This elegant, multistep process is a pervasive feature of life as we know it, but energetic challenges are ever-present.

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The concentrations of the reactants and the speed at which enzymes can mobilize them are also key factors. These two components—the magnitude of energy available from a particular pairing and the rate of such reactions—determine how much energy a cell can produce.

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  4. The other half of the equation—the cost of living, as it were—is often harder to evaluate. Cataloging the biochemical parts list of a particular cell is one challenge. Scaled over millions of such reactions, the margin of error may be a substantial proportion of the available energy. And this is just considering the biosynthesis of new cellular material. In most environments, microbes must always be vigilant against biochemical breakdown resulting from environmental stresses, calling on energy reserves to restore old enzymes or patch holes in cell walls.

    The Energy of Life

    Competition among residents may also demand additional energy expenditure, such as powering flagella to swim around in search of food or producing antibiotic molecules to keep predatory neighbors at bay. Extremophiles are typically assigned their dramatic title through the lens of human comfort. Microbes that can survive in scalding or frigid waters may not be fighting for their lives, despite inhabiting an environment that would be certain death to any mammal.

    Perhaps a better way to assess the extremeness of a species is to consider its energetic bank statement: The hot springs of Yellowstone National Park are uniquely beautiful palettes: The mesmerizing visuals contrast sharply with the damp, sulfurous odors wafting across your nostrils and the stern warnings from signs and rangers to keep your distance. Against this otherworldly backdrop, the discovery of viable cells living in the ultrahot waters came as a surprise that forced a reconsideration of microbial limits.

    After all, water temperatures frequently topped out well above the tolerance range of most known organisms. Nearly all of E. Along the outer edges of thermal springs, energy-generating light is abundant, and cyanobacteria flourish. Indeed, the vibrant colors we see are the plentiful microbial pigments that coat the limestone surfaces.

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    This is not to say that life at high temperatures is easy. Protein stability is perhaps the main challenge for life at high temperature. Higher thermal energy causes hyperactive atoms to vibrate with more kinetic energy, threatening the structural integrity of the molecules that perform biochemical reactions.

    If sulfur-containing cysteine amino acids are positioned strategically within protein structures, disulfide bridges can form interatomic support beams that resist unfolding.

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    Other adaptations, such as simpler protein folds or fewer bound metal ions, further guard against molecular destabilization in the face of thermal stress. Evolving the capability to handle high temperatures may not have been straightforward, and biosynthetic construction costs might have presented some hurdles, but the payoff does seem to have been worth it. Off the coast of Virginia, methane bubbles flowing out of the seafloor sediment support a variety of life, including some truly extreme microbes. Sometimes, the most remarkable habitats are in your own backyard, beneath well-manicured Kentucky bluegrass or a haphazard array of lawn furniture.

    Energy: The Key to Success

    Among the more prominent denizens of this dense microbial metropolis are representatives of the bacterial genus Streptomyces: Streptomyces gain energy through heterotrophy, the consumption of organic molecules such as sugars, amino acids, or aromatic compounds. Streptomyces capture organic molecules largely by secreting enzymes into the soil to access and degrade energy-rich polymers before other competitors can get to them. But at scale, the odds become more palatable, and the benefit from degraded organics that find their way to one Streptomyces or another outweighs the inefficiency of the strategy.

    Building a large network of interconnected cells is the only option that makes this spendthrift approach worthwhile.