
Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Works of John Bunyan by John Bunyan. This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery. Published first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Works of John Bunyan , please sign up.

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Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 12, Rick Shrader added it. For a few dollars these days you can buy a lot of reading material in electronic format. One of the downsides of electronic books is that the formatting may be very handy and it may be very terrible.

In the case of this book it is more toward terrible and a long way from handy. Beside my complaints about the electronic index, or lack thereof, the Memoir by Offor was very good and detailed. Although I have read a lot of Bunyan history, including his own biography, Grace Abounding, this was especially good and detailed.

Catalog Record: The complete works of John Bunyan | Hathi Trust Digital Library

I take advantage of the Kindle highlighting so that I can save quotations or mark sections for later reference. He knew before he went that officials were waiting to arrest him. Now it is translated into more languages and in more copies than any other book except the Bible itself. He often traveled to London to preach at Zoar Chapel, a building which no longer exists but is marked by Zoar Lane near the spot.

Or have thy sins, and go to Hell? During this time Bunyan, whilst on his travels as a tinker, happened to be in Bedford and pass a group of women who were talking about spiritual matters on their doorstep. The women were in fact some of the founding members of the Bedford Free Church or Meeting and Bunyan, who had been attending the parish church of Elstow, was so impressed by their talk that he joined their church.

In Bunyan's wife died, leaving him with four small children, one of them blind. A year later he married an eighteen-year-old woman named Elizabeth. The religious tolerance which had allowed Bunyan the freedom to preach became curtailed with the restoration of the monarchy in The members of the Bedford Meeting were no longer able to meet in St John's church, which they had been sharing with the Anglican congregation.

Deciding not to make an escape, he was arrested and brought before the local magistrate Sir Francis Wingate, at Harlington House. The Act of Uniformity , which made it compulsory for preachers to be ordained by an Anglican bishop and for the revised Book of Common Prayer to be used in church services, was still two years away, and the Act of Conventicles , which made it illegal to hold religious meetings of five or more people outside the Church of England was not passed until Bunyan was arrested under the Conventicle Act of , which made it an offence to attend a religious gathering other than at the parish church with more than five people outside their family.

The offence was punishable by 3 months imprisonment followed by banishment or execution if the person then failed to promise not to re-offend. The Act had been little used, and Bunyan's arrest was probably due in part to concerns that non-conformist religious meetings were being held as a cover for people plotting against the king although this was not the case with Bunyan's meetings. The trial of Bunyan took place in January at the quarter sessions in Bedford, before a group of magistrates under John Kelynge , who would later help to draw up the Act of Uniformity.

As Bunyan refused to agree to give up preaching, his period of imprisonment eventually extended to 12 years and brought great hardship to his family. Elizabeth, who made strenuous attempts to obtain his release, had been pregnant when her husband was arrested and she subsequently gave birth prematurely to a still-born child.

But Bunyan remained resolute: There were however occasions when he was allowed out of prison, depending on the gaolers and the mood of the authorities at the time, and he was able to attend the Bedford Meeting and even preach. His daughter Sarah was born during his imprisonment the other child of his second marriage, Joseph, was born after his release in He also had at times the company of other preachers who had been imprisoned. It was in Bedford Gaol that he wrote Grace Abounding and started work on The Pilgrim's Progress , as well as penning several tracts that may have brought him a little money.

Thousands of nonconformists were released from prison, amongst them Bunyan and five of his fellow inmates of Bedford Gaol. Bunyan was freed in May and immediately obtained a licence to preach under the declaration of indulgence.

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Following his release from gaol in Bunyan probably did not return to his former occupation of tinker. Instead he devoted his time to writing and preaching. His preaching also took him to London, where Lord Mayor Sir John Shorter became a friend and presented him with a silver-mounted walking stick. Two events marred Bunyan's life during the later s.

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  4. Firstly he became embroiled in a scandal concerning a young woman called Agnes Beaumont. When going to preach in Gamlingay in he allowed Beaumont, a member of the Bedford Meeting, to ride pillion on his horse, much to the anger of her father, who then died suddenly. His daughter was initially suspected of poisoning him, though the coroner found he had died of natural causes.

    In , on his way to London, Bunyan made a detour to Reading, Berkshire , to try and resolve a quarrel between a father and son.

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    Continuing to London to the house of his friend, grocer John Strudwick of Snow Hill in the City of London, he was caught in a storm and fell ill with a fever. He died in Strudwick's house on the morning of 31 August and was buried in the tomb belonging to Strudwick in Bunhill Fields nonconformist burial ground in London.

    His widow Elizabeth died in Between , when he published his first work, Some Gospel Truths Opened a tract against the Quakers , and his death in , Bunyan published 42 titles. A further two works, including his Last Sermon, were published the following year by George Larkin. In Southwark comb-maker Charles Doe, who was a friend of Bunyan's later years, brought out, with the collaboration of Bunyan's widow, a collection of the author's works, including 12 previously unpublished titles, mostly sermons. Six years later Doe published The Heavenly Footman and finally in Relation of My Imprisonment was published, giving a total of 58 published titles.

    It is the allegory The Pilgrim's Progress , written during Bunyan's twelve-year imprisonment although not published until six years after his release, that made Bunyan's name as an author with its immediate success. Horner has released these files for personal use only. Reproduction, electronic or otherwise, is not permitted without the written permission of Dr.

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    Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners - Puritan John Bunyan / Christian Audio Books

    Bunyan's moving conversion is recorded in his Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. His first lasting conviction of sin was produced by a sermon denouncing the violation of the Lord's Day by labor, sports, or otherwise--because his greatest enjoyment came from sports on the Lord's Day. Some time later while passing through the streets of Bedford, Bunyan heard "three or four poor women" sitting at a door, "talking about the new birth, the work of God in their hearts, and the way by which they were convinced of their miserable state by nature.

    They told how God had visited their souls with His love in Christ Jesus, and with what words and promises they had been refreshed, comforted, and supported against the temptations of the devil. Later, while passing into the fields, he recounts, "This sentence fell upon my soul, 'Thy righteousness is in heaven' Bunyan was arrested November 12, , for preaching without the approval of the Anglican Church. He was charged with "teaching men to worship God contrary to the law" and was in jail more than twelve years. His most well-known work, The Pilgrim's Progress , was written while in the Bedford jail.

    During Bunyan's lifetime there were , copies circulated in the British isles, besides several editions in North America. It has been continuously in print since its first printing.

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    Bunyan's remarkable imagery was firmly rooted in the Reformation doctrines of man's fallen nature, grace, imputation, justification, and the atonement--all of which Bunyan seems to have derived directly from Scripture. These files are from the edition. Offor gave himself as enthusiastically to the work of editing his favorite author" as any before him, and "with more complete success He must always receive grateful mention among the lovers of Bunyan for the immense pains he bestowed upon his work. John Bunyan Archive Some say that Bunyan's famous allegory about Pilgrim's journey to the Celestial City has been second only to the Bible itself in the number of copies sold worldwide over the three and a half centuries since it was first published.

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