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At least 30 people have been injured — including 10 with serious injuries — following a violent explosion in Nairobi city centre. The cause of the explosion that rocked several buildings in the Kenyan capital is still unclear. Police initially blamed it on an electrical glitch but the Kenyan Prime Minister has now described it as an act of terrorism. A woman injured in the blast said she saw a man leaving a bag on a shelf in a shop just before the explosion. Nairobi and the port of Mombasa have been the target of repeated bombings since last October, when Kenya sent troops and aircraft to Somalia to combat the militant Islamic group al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen.

News of the blast was reported immediately by the Somali guerrillas via their website although they did not claim responsibility for it.

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It is likely that at least some of these attacks are perpetrated by affiliates of Al-Shabab or similar extremist groups, but this is not proven in the case of all such attacks. Providing travel and consular advice for EU citizens is primarily a responsibility for Member States. The EU regularly raises security concerns in its dialogue with Kenyan authorities given the numbers of EU citizens potentially at risk. Gli studiosi hanno esposto alcune femmine gravide di ratto alla vinclozolina, un comune fungicida usato in agricoltura e orticoltura, di cui sono noti alcuni gravi effetti sul sistema endocrino sia in alcune specie animali sia nell'essere umano.

Inevitabile, dati i risultati, rivolgere l'attenzione alle possibili analogie con l'uomo e alla contaminazione ambientale diffusa in molte parti del mondo. They observed an excessive reaction to stress in some rats following the exposure of previous generations to a particular substance. The researchers exposed some pregnant rats to vinclozolin, a common fungicide used in agriculture and horticulture, which is already known to have a number of serious effects on the endocrine system in some animal species and in humans.

The researchers then carried out behavioural tests on the third generation of rats and noted that the animals seemed more anxious and sensitive to stress compared to the control group of rats whose forebears had not been exposed to the substance. This data was then confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging of activity in the brain areas connected to the stress response. Given these findings, attention turns inevitably to possible analogies with humans and the pollution of the environment which is widespread in much of the world.

According to the research findings, vinclozolin can also have a trans-generational effect on epigenetic processes which regulate the expression of genes, and so influence, for example, the way in which rats choose their mate. The findings thus seem to cast light on a new level of biological influence affecting not only behaviour but also, potentially, mental disorders.

Is the Commission aware of the research conducted by the American researchers on vinclozolin? In the Commission has already lowered several maximum residue levels MRLs for vinclozolin, which were not safe according to an opinion of the European Food Safety Authority. In the context of this review the few remaining MRLs for vinclozolin are also being evaluated.

Il dipendente ha riferito alla polizia che aveva ricevuto una telefonata di un amico di Continanza, preoccupato dal fatto di avere cercato numerose volte di comunicare con l'uomo ma inutilmente. Al momento attuale, non sono state rese disponibili ulteriori informazioni. An Italian national has been found dead in a Dominican Republic hotel. He had a cloth belt around his neck. According to statements made by a police spokesman published on local websites, forensic experts are trying to determine the circumstances of his death.

How does she intend to guarantee the safety of the many European citizens in the Dominican Republic, many of whom are tourists? According to information received, the Embassy stays in contact with the family. The investigation is conducted by the Dominican authorities in view of elucidating the circumstances of the death. No additional information has been made available as this stage.

The Dominican Republic is one of the most popular European tourist destinations in the Caribbean. The level of security is comparable with other countries of the region. Un duro colpo per quanti, nel pubblico come nel privato, si avvalgono oggi di migliaia di braccia e teste volenterose a basso costo, o come spesso accade completamente gratis. This is a heavy blow for those in both the public and private sector who currently benefit from all those people volunteering as cheap or, as often happens, completely free labour.

In Italy, work experience has been transformed from a traineeship aimed at introducing young people into the world of work to an ordeal of shameless exploitation, where people work hard and earn little or nothing. According to the latest survey, over half of internships Is the Commission aware of this and if so, can it provide more information on the resolution on the Youth Opportunities Initiative?

The Commission is aware of cases where traineeships replace jobs instead of helping young people in their education to work transition. The Commission proposal will be developed on the basis of the responses to this consultation. The Commission does not intend to create a European register of interns for the time being. Salvaguardia degli stock ittici europei. Per quanto riguarda l'Europa, in particolare, la perdita economica potrebbe arrivare a 10 miliardi di euro entro il La Commissione ritiene che le nuove tecnologie contribuiscano a migliorare il controllo della pesca e che i marcatori genetici possano fornire informazioni sulla provenienza e le specie anche dopo un trattamento.

One of the main problems is that there is no way to prove exactly where a given fish came from; in some circumstances for example, when already cooked ; it is impossible even to determine the species. Efforts to protect European fish stocks may now have an additional tool to rely on: With this method, a batch of fish can be identified by comparing certain markers against those held in a database.

The method has been effective on four common European species — the Atlantic cod, the Atlantic herring, the common sole and the hake — which are all threatened by overfishing and illegal, untraced and unregulated fishing. It is also a flexible system: Whether any other fish-stock protection projects or studies have been carried out with EU funding in Member States? The Commission believes that new technologies contribute to improve fisheries control and that genetic markers can provide information on the provenance and species even after some form of processing.

It is important to underline that the new technologies, beyond the improvement of the control acivity by national authorities, can also become a very powerful tool to involve European consumers in our common effort to ensure sustainable fisheries. The information provided by the new technologies can, for example, allow consumers to make better informed choices about the fish they buy, including the origin of the fish, the type of fishery or aquaculture and where they were produced. New technologies can also enhance control by changing the focus from traditional-style and generally expensive port or on-board inspection into much more efficient audit-like data analysis to detect suspected illegalities.

The common fisheries policy reform will continue to reinforce the use of new technologies for control. In sostanza, viene ipotizzata una causa ben poco naturale per i movimenti sismici di questi giorni. Insomma, il tutto sarebbe riconducibile ad un particolare termine tecnico: Many scientists, engineers and experts believe that the earthquakes rocking the Emilia-Romagna region could to a large extent be attributable to fracking, a technique used to create fractures in the subsoil when conducting gas explorations.

In essence, their hypothesis is that the recent seismic activity is not due to natural causes but to an unnatural one. In spite of the recent devastating earthquakes, the oil company believes that the area has a low risk of earthquakes and insists on carrying out the project. The area concerned has never in fact been classified as being prone to earthquakes, which is further fuelling suspicions as to what is happening.

In short, the whole situation appears to be attributable to fracking, which involves injecting large volumes of water and chemicals — usually containing secret industrial compounds and carbon dioxide — into the ground. This causes underground explosions and subsequent fractures, thereby making it possible to detect the presence of gas deposits. The French Government has banned the use of fracking in oil prospecting precisely because of seismic disturbances. The US state of Vermont has imposed a similar ban. In view of the above, does the Commission believe that research into fracking should be stepped up and funded through the Seventh Framework Programme FP7 or the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme.

Induced seismicity is predominantly of very low magnitude and not destructive, although it can in rare cases be felt by the local population. However, in the area of geothermal energy FP7 supports research to better understand the mechanisms of induced seismicity and its possible environmental impacts, and to investigate ways to mitigate its occurrence. The Commission has nevertheless initiated work to assess whether the level of human health and environmental protection provided by the existing EU legislation, including as regards hydraulic fracturing, is appropriate, and whether or not additional measures at EU level are needed.

Sicurezza delle autovetture elettriche. Uno schianto violentissimo tra una vettura di grossa cilindrata e un taxi elettrico avvenuto in Cina ha provocato tre vittime e innescato un vero e proprio processo sulla sicurezza delle vetture a batteria. La Commissione ha ad esempio adottato nell'aprile il regolamento UE n. Sono inoltre in corso lavori, sempre nell'ambito di UNECE, per sviluppare norme di sicurezza internazionale relative alle batterie dei veicoli elettrici. La Commissione lavora a stretto contatto con il Giappone e con altri partner internazionali per adottare queste norme entro la fine del A high-speed crash between a powerful sports car and an electric taxi in China has claimed three victims and sparked an enquiry into the safety of battery-powered cars.

The accident took place in Shenzhen. The taxi promptly burst into flames, as shown in mobile phone footage taken immediately after impact. The entire Chinese media are discussing the questions that the case raises about the reliability of lithium-ion batteries. The car manufacturer has offered its assurances that the model has passed all crash tests, including specific fire tests. The risk is in fact that lithium-ion batteries can explode if they reach very high temperatures.

It is precisely for this reason that the cars are protected by cages of high-strength materials capable of absorbing the force generated by heavy impacts. What happened in China is by far the worst incident in the recent history of the electric car. Yet it is not the only one. Several months ago, US transport authorities placed some cars under observation with a request to make structural changes to increase battery protection.

In view of the above, can the Commission state whether a procedure is planned for standardised tests in the Member States and, if so, does it not consider it essential to introduce more stringent crash tests to ensure greater safety for European consumers? Ensuring the safety of vehicles, also for those with new powertrain technologies, is a constant concern for the Commission. Particularly on safety, several regulatory measures have already been taken in order to ensure that electric vehicles are at least as safe as conventional ones.

In addition, work is currently underway, still within the UNECE to develop international safety standards for the electric vehicle batteries. The Commission works closely with Japan and other international partners in order to adopt such standards before the end of The aim is to promote international regulatory harmonisation and in particular to adopt a Global Technical Regulation on safety requirements for electric vehicles and their components by Arrivano sulle coste californiane i tonni contaminati in seguito al disastro di Fukushima.

Al fine di stabilire la portata del danno ecologico e stabilire quali siano le specie colpite, i ricercatori stanno esaminando anche altri animali acquatici autoctoni della zona. I principali paesi importatori erano Italia, Spagna e Germania. I principali paesi importatori erano Italia e Germania. Tuna caught off the Californian coast has been discovered to be contaminated due to the Fukushima disaster.

The fish contain much higher traces of radioactivity than those caught in These are radioactive isotopes that are produced inside the reactor during the nuclear fission of uranium. The phenomenon occurs because Pacific Ocean tuna spawn in Japanese waters before migrating to American shores, particularly the coasts of California and Mexico. In order to assess the extent of ecological damage and determine which species have been affected, researchers are examining other aquatic animals native to the area.

Whether any Member States import food products, particularly tuna, from California? The main importing countries were Italy, Spain and Germany. The main importing countries were Italy and Germany. The Commission official continues as follows: Could the Commission confirm that it observes strict neutrality in the event of national elections in any Member State, as required by its institutional role? It is Commission policy not to comment on articles appearing in the press. The Commission respects the democratic process of national elections in any Member State.

In its proposal to reform the common agricultural policy CAP , the Commission recommends the abolition of milk and sugar quotas between now and , and of wine plantation rights in Does the Commission intend to take the report published by the Committee of the Regions into consideration in order to improve proposals regarding the reform of the CAP? Has the Commission carried out an evaluation on the economic, social and environmental consequences of such abolitions in all the Member States, particularly in disadvantaged areas with a so-called.

This report will constitute an important element in the finalisation of the discussion on the Commission proposals to reform the CAP. An analysis of the impacts of the abolition of sugar quotas has been in particular included in this Impact Assessment. Hoge tarieven voor mobiele telefonie — Grote verschillen tussen lidstaten. Blijkbaar blijft de concurrentie op de Belgische mobieletelefoniemarkt ondermaats en slaagt de consument er niet in om uit een kluwen van ontransparante tariefstructuren het voordeligste aanbod te halen.

In sommige lidstaten betaalt men meer dan 4 keer zoveel voor hetzelfde telefoongebruik. De Belgische regering kondigt intussen aan de contractduur te beperken tot zes maanden en aldus een einde te maken aan de opzeggingskosten waarmee klanten geconfronteerd worden als zij van operator willen veranderen. Kan de Commissie meedelen welke initiatieven ze kan nemen om de concurrentie verder aan te moedigen zodat consumenten hieruit voordeel halen? Heeft de Commissie beste praktijken kunnen identificeren die verdere verspreiding verdienen?

Op welke manier draagt de Commissie er toe bij om regulatoren te begeleiden bij het nemen van maatregelen die de concurrentie op de telecommarkten ten goede komen en welke specifieke aanbeveling heeft de Commissie ten aanzien van de Belgische regulator? De Commissie blijft nauw samenwerken met de nationale regelgevende instanties om ervoor te zorgen dat de markten beter functioneren. Het doel daarvan is meer concurrentie en meer voordelen voor de eindgebruikers.

De verstrengde Europese telecomregels inzake nummeroverdraagbaarheid, dit is de mogelijkheid om van telecomaanbieder te veranderen en daarbij hetzelfde telefoonnummer te behouden, is nog een instrument om de concurrentie aan te moedigen. Een ander belangrijk instrument om de concurrentie in de mobiele markten te versterken is een concurrentiebevorderend spectrumbeleid. Op de naleving van deze verplichting wordt nauwgezet toegezien door de Commissie. Een verdere verbetering van het Belgische concurrentielandschap wordt verwacht na de recente veiling van een vierde 3G-licentie, waardoor een nieuwe speler Telenet de markt betreedt.

Ten slotte moet de recente liberalisering van de koppelverkoop, met mobiele toestellen, de concurrentie mee helpen aanzwengelen. Apparently, competition on the Belgian mobile telephony market remains poor and the consumer is not able to extract the most advantageous offer from the tangle of non-transparent tariff structures.

A survey carried out by the European Consumer Organisation BEUC in showed that there is a very large difference in charges for mobile telephony and text messaging in the various Member States. In some Member States, consumers pay more than four times as much for the same telephone use. The Belgian Government has since announced that contract duration will be limited to six months, thus putting an end to cancellation fees with which customers are confronted when they wish to change operators.

However, Belgium is certainly not the only Member State in which there is still a large margin for further price reductions. Can the Commission indicate what initiatives it can take to further encourage competition so that consumers can get the best deals? Has the Commission identified best practices that deserve to be applied more widely? In what manner is the Commission contributing to guiding regulators in taking measures that will benefit competition in the telecom markets and what specific recommendations does the Commission have in relation to the Belgian regulator?

In particular, how can it be ensured that the reduction of termination tariffs is also passed on to the consumer? The Commission continues to work closely together with the National Regulatory Authorities NRAs to ensure that markets function better. The reinforced EU telecom rules on number portability, i. Another key instrument to enhance competition in mobile markets is a pro-competitive spectrum policy.

Further progress in competition in Belgium is expected following the recent auction of a fourth 3G licence which resulted in a new player, Telenet, entering the market. Telenet is under the obligation to start delivering services from the beginning of Moreover, mobile virtual network operators MVNOs are active in the market and are gaining market share with their innovative offers. Finally, the recent liberalisation of tied offers, including devices, should further contribute to increasing competition.

Verkiezingskandidatuur van commissaris De Gucht. De gedragscode voor commissarissen bepaalt dat commissarissen zich verkiesbaar mogen stellen en een actieve rol in een verkiezingscampagne mogen spelen op voorwaarde dat zij hun werkzaamheden voor de Commissie gedurende de hele periode dat zij actief betrokken zijn bij de campagne en ten minste voor de duur daarvan opschorten. Beschouwt de Commissie de aankondiging van de kandidatuur van de commissaris als het begin van diens campagne?

Voorts bepaalt de gedragscode dat commissarissen geen enkele publieke functie mogen uitoefenen. Commissaris De Gucht heeft Commissievoorzitter Barroso evenwel ervan in kennis gesteld dat hij voornemens is bij de aanvang van de verkiezingscampagne bekend te maken dat hij er niet naar streeft om herverkozen te worden als burgemeester van Berlare, dat hij geen actieve rol in de campagne zal spelen en dat hij voornemens is zijn mandaat als lid van Commissie te blijven vervullen. Zoals reeds is medegedeeld, is commissaris De Gucht niet voornemens om actief deel te nemen aan de campagne.

In het kader van deze campagne mag hij geen gebruik maken van personele of andere middelen van de Commissie. De Commissie bevestigt dat commissarissen geen openbare functie van welke aard ook mogen uitoefenen. Volgens de toepasselijke wetgeving is dit het geval voor de functie van lid van de Gemeenteraad.

The Code of conduct for Commissioners stipulates that a Commissioner is allowed to stand for election and to play an active role in an election campaign, on the condition that the person in question withdraws from the work of the Commission for the entire period of active implication and at least for the duration of the campaign. If so, will the Commissioner withdraw from his Commission work immediately in line with the code of conduct?

If not, can the Commission indicate why not, and at what point the Commissioner in question will be required to withdraw from such work? Furthermore, the code of conduct stipulates that Commissioners may not exercise any public functions of any kind. However, Commissioner de Gucht informed President Barroso that he intends to announce, as from the outset of the election campaign, that he is not seeking reelection as Mayor of Berlare, that he will not play an active role in the election campaign and that he intends to continue to fulfil his mandate as Member of the Commission.

As previously stated, Commissioner De Gucht does not intend to participate actively in the campaign. He may not use any human or other Commission resource in the framework of this campaign. The Commission confirms that Commissioners may not exercise any public function of whatever kind. This is the case for the function of member of the Municipal Council Gemeenteraad under the applicable law.

All those who commit crimes against humanity, whether in their own country or another, whether in power or in rebellion can and will be brought to justice. This is the least that the victims of such crimes deserve. It has been a strong supporter of the Special Court for Sierra Leone. How does it expect competitiveness and investments in Greece to be strengthened when such high tax rates are in force? Greece has implemented a number of tax reforms in order to respond to its compelling consolidation needs in recent years. Following revenue-raising motivations, increases in both the standard and reduced VAT rates have been very frequent across EU Member States.

The economic literature recognises that consumption taxes are less detrimental to growth than direct taxes. Complementary measures to enhance the business environment and investment are envisaged in the National Reform Programme submitted by the Greek Government. Overall, the Commission considers that the need to put public finances on a sustainable path does not contradict the long term underlying objective of restoring competitiveness and growth, which is reflected in the types of tax reforms recently implemented in Greece.

In line with statements made by the Commission in recent days, it would be advisable to conduct an immediate audit of the electricity sector, overseen by the Commission, to ascertain where these inefficiencies lie. Does the Commission think that Spain should be required to audit its electricity sector to pinpoint inefficiencies? However, it is up to Spain to choose measures to implement the recommendation. These short term measures should be followed by an in-depth reform of the electricity sector including the revision of the regulated tariff system ensuring that tariffs reflect market prices and a review of the renewables support scheme.

The reform of energy sector in Spain should be oriented to ensure in the long run the economic feasibility of the electricity activities and a stable and certain legal framework for investors. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de debatir bilateralmente este asunto. Photovoltaic producers who made an investment under a remuneration scheme that promised a tariff must have the return on their investment guaranteed, in the same way that an investor buying a bond from United Kingdom must have a guaranteed rate of return.

However, the retroactive measures taken by the Kingdom of Spain clearly give it an unfair advantage over the other EU countries, which have not allowed retroactive measures against EU citizens. What measures does the Commission plan to take to prevent new retroactive rules being made in the Kingdom of Spain against photovoltaic producers? Honourable Member, we had the opportunity to discuss this issue bilaterally. Los datos de esa autoridad son los siguientes:.

The white pine tree has been the main species affected since its young age means natural regeneration cannot be guaranteed. How could the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development aid natural regeneration and restoration of the damaged area in the province of Tarragona? This support covers the planting of new trees and the introduction of appropriate prevention actions creation of forest firebreaks; establishment of protective infrastructures; preventive forestry practices such as vegetation control, thinning and diversification of vegetative structure.

The selection of the specific projects to be funded under this measure falls under the responsibility of the Managing Authority of the program, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity governing the implementation of Rural Development Programs. The contact details of the Managing Authority are the following:. L'UE ogni anno assegna il titolo di Capitale europea dello sport. Il premio di Capitale europea dello sport funge da stimolo, per le amministrazioni locali e le associazioni presenti sul territorio, a soddisfare una fondamentale e determinante realizzazione delle basi che contribuiscono a migliorare il livello generale di salute degli abitanti di un paese, attraverso la cultura del sano esercizio fisico.

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In view of the role sport plays as a means of improving individuals' physical wellbeing and their overall quality of life, as well as promoting an inclusive society, an ethical commitment is required of cities awarded this title. The European Capital of Sport award acts as an incentive for local authorities and their sports departments to play an instrumental role in improving their community's general level of health by promoting physical exercise as one of the basics of a healthy lifestyle. European Capitals of Sport are responsible for developing the facilities and introducing the good practice models that will enable sport to foster the inclusion of society's more disadvantaged groups, such as disabled persons, older persons, young people in difficulties and migrants.

The cities that have been awarded the title of European Capital of Sport stand as positive examples of an ethical approach to social policy that should also be applied to strategies, programmes and measures in other areas. European cities should view this initiative as a common project providing a formal framework for promoting ethical values.

Can it provide further information on how cities can apply to become a European Capital of Sport? However, the European Commission is not involved in the selection process and the management of the European Capital of sport initiative and therefore is not in a position to provide the Honourable Member with the requested information.

Cellule cardiache a misura di paziente. Dalle cellule della pelle si possono estrarre cellule cardiache sane: Uno studio israeliano sostiene infatti l'efficacia di una nuova tecnica, messa a punto nei laboratori. Non si tratta della prima terapia sperimentale volta a ricostruire le aree cardiache danneggiate da un infarto, ma la vera innovazione sta nel punto di partenza.

I ricercatori, infatti, hanno utilizzato cellule epiteliali di due pazienti precedentemente colpiti da infarto per generare cellule cardiache compatibili con il cuore stesso dei donatori. Questi ultimi, come hanno chiaramente definito due studi del , sono in grado di fatto di riportare indietro l'orologio biologico delle cellule umane, facendole regredire a uno stadio indifferenziato paragonabile a quello embrionale. Grazie a questo procedimento sono state ottenute delle cellule staminali indotte pluripotenti che sono state fatte differenziare poi in cellule cardiache vere e proprie.

Molti sono gli ostacoli da superare: Inoltre, lo sviluppo delle cellule cardiache partendo da quelle epiteliali richiede due settimane di tempo, impedendo un intervento immediatamente successivo all'infarto. Healthy heart cells can be extracted from skin cells. This is the latest frontier in stem cell research and gives new hope to people with heart damage. This is not the first experimental treatment to be used to reconstruct sections of the heart damaged by a heart attack, but the real innovation is the starting point.

The researchers used epithelial cells from two heart attack patients to generate heart cells compatible with their own hearts. Scientists took epithelial tissue cells from two patients aged 51 and 61 and reprogrammed them to make them immature by infecting them with a virus containing three pluripotent genes. As was clearly established by two studies in , these genes can actually reverse the biological clock of human cells, returning them to a state comparable to their embryonic state. As a result, pluripotent stem cells were obtained, which were then differentiated into proper heart cells.

There are many obstacles to overcome. The first one is that stem cells may cause tumours once they have been injected into a specific organ. Furthermore, it takes two weeks to cultivate heart cells from epithelial cells, which prevents immediate action following a heart attack. Given the importance of this research and the need to develop it, does it not agree that Seventh Framework Programme FP7 or Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme funding should be made available? This work falls into the category of regenerative medicine, which is well supported by the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development FP7, Specific activities in heart regeneration that have been supported so far include the following projects:.

In line with the decision on the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme CIP , this programme does not support this kind of research. Per poter guidare all'estero, i cittadini europei sono oggi soggetti a regole differenti a seconda che si rechino, per periodi di breve soggiorno o per stabilirvi la propria residenza, in paesi membri o paesi extra UE. In order to be able to drive abroad, European citizens are currently subject to different rules depending on whether they are going to Member States or to non-EU countries either for short stays or to take up residence.

Have any non-EU countries signed reciprocal agreements with Member States on the conversion of driving licences? Vaccinazione genetica per curare i tumori. Nuovi studi riguardanti terapie contro i tumori mediante la vaccinazione genetica antitumorale sono stati condotti da un laboratorio di Immunologia Molecolare di Trieste. Il gruppo di ricercatori ha iniziato a lavorare con uno dei modelli sui linfomi a cellule B che hanno una particolare caratteristica: Si tratta di vaccini che hanno l'obiettivo di essere curativi. I settori terapeutici considerati comprendono la vaccinazione, la terapia basata sugli anticorpi e sulle cellule, la scoperta di farmaci e lo studio della loro resistenza, la chemioterapia e la radioterapia.

A molecular immunology laboratory in Trieste carried out a new study on treating tumours with an anti-cancer genetic vaccination. The study involved a DNA vaccination clinical trial for lymphoma caused by the malignant transformation of B lymphocytes. The research group started working with a particular B-cell lymphoma model, where all the cancerous cells have a particular surface protein that is unique to, and characteristic of, cancerous cells. These vaccines that aim to provide a cure.

This approach is being used for lymphoma, but can be transferred to other tumour types since it involves laboratory engineering that can be used for other cancers, for example breast cancer. Given the importance of the research and the need to develop it, does it consider that the Seventh Framework Programme FP7 or the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme should give funding? Although research on DNA vaccination for lymphoma has not been supported, research on other therapeutic approaches for lymphoma have been funded under the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development FP6, ; FP7, Therapeutic areas addressed include vaccination, antibody and cell therapy, drug discovery and resistance, chemo and radiotherapy.

In line with the decision on the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme CIP , this programme does not support such kind of research. Si tratta di una fonte energetica capace di concorrere alla crescita di un paese. Nel , invece, si potrebbe arrivare a quota otto miliardi di metri cubi. Un risultato raggiungibile evitando la competizione food — no food e in grado di garantire un crescente utilizzo di biomasse d'integrazione, come sottoprodotti agricoli, colture di secondo raccolto come triticale o mais di seconda semina , effluenti zootecnici, scarti agroindustriali, colture non alimentari.

Nella nuova PAC saranno inseriti provvedimenti per favorire la produzione di biometano? Spetta quindi agli Stati membri stabilire quali colture possano essere destinate alla produzione di biometano per ricevere contributi pubblici. Biomethane is a strategic source thanks to its programmability, efficiency and multiple uses: This is an energy source that can help a country to grow. Half of this could be used directly to produce electricity and heat in biogas plants, and the rest could be injected into the grid and used as fuel for transport, heating and high-yield cogeneration.

Will provisions to encourage biomethane production be included in the new common agricultural policy? Biomethane is a versatile renewable energy carrier which can be used for power generation, combined heat and power generation, heat generation, as a transport fuel and potentially also for the production of renewable hydrogen. Accordingly, it is also regulated at the level of Member States which feedstocks are allowed for making biomethane in order to receive public support.

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Use of food and feed crops grown on purpose for biomethane may raise concerns about its sustainability, whereas the use of residues and waste can be considered to be best practice. It will allow to improve the management of its renewable biological resources and it can maintain and create economic growth and jobs and improve the economic and environmental sustainability of primary production.

Reserva Natural de la Bioesfera. This model was largely responsible for the economic crisis from which Spain is now suffering, and it also represents a threat to current tourism in the area's unspoiled beaches. Furthermore, the area of special environmental interest affected was declared a biosphere reserve by Unesco. Some of the natural sites affected are protected by European environmental legislation, such as the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive.

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The project's approval has met with strong opposition from citizens, who were not consulted or involved in the decision-making process, as provided for in the Aarhus Convention. Moreover, the project does not fit within a model of sustainable, responsible and environmentally sensitive growth. Does the Commission not see a need to investigate this project to avoid breaches of EU environmental legislation? The Commission is aware of the issues raised by the Honourable Member, due to a recent complaint on the Valdevaqueros urbanization plan in Spain.

The Commission has requested further information from the competent Spanish authorities concerning the compliance of this plan with the relevant requirements under EU environmental law, including the Aarhus Convention. Cianobacterias en el Embalse de As Conchas. The Microcystis Aeruginosa detected produces the Microcystina toxin, which can cause serious health problems in large quantities and after long exposure, including destroying the liver. In Sao Paulo Brazil , more than people have died as a result of the toxin. According to the World Health Organisation directives, the water was declared unfit for any use.

This cyanobacterial bloom seems to be caused by the presence of phosphates and nitrates from fertilisers used in potato cultivation entering the river and from slurry and chemical fertiliser runoff from farms. Has the Commission been told about this serious case of pollution by the Spanish authorities? Does it think that this is contravening the Water Framework Directive? Is it taking appropriate measures to deal with the situation?

Should urgent measures be taken? The Commission is not aware of the case of pollution referred to by the Honourable Member. At this stage, the Commission cannot assess whether the requirements of WFD are being complied with, given that Spain has not submitted its river basin management plans RBMP. This emergency situation is a result of the drought and reductions in water to the dam, but also due to appropriation of the public body of water for private economic interests.

The local Barbastro Hunting and Fishing Association has warned that fishing in the river is impossible this season. One ecologically-valuable section of the river is practically dry, while supplies to local farm irrigation systems, hydropower plants, fish farms and paper factories have been maintained. Both rivers constitute important water arteries, acting as a biological corridor for many species of fauna and flora, while also linking the Pyrenean foothills to the floor of the Ebro River valley, which is why there is an obligation to take measures to protect it.

What actions has the Commission taken or does it intend to take to preserve this important ecological area? In particular, is it thinking of urging the Spanish authorities to establish an obligatory minimum ecological flow for the River Cinca? Has Greece set aside sufficient resources from the Structural Funds to sustain the sector in question?

In what way can the Commission help to halt the downgrading of psychiatric establishments and redeem the image of psychiatric establishments in Greece? During the current programming period , the European Social Fund ESF provides support through the Human Resources Development operational programme for the reform of the mental health sector in Greece. The Commission is concerned, however, at the low level of project implementation in the sector in question, where only 3. The Commission is aware of the challenges facing vulnerable sections of the population in Greece.

The ESF is accordingly providing assistance to promote the social inclusion and employment of mental patients, foster their deinstitutionalisation through the development of outpatient facilities, tackle discrimination and step up human resources in the mental health sector. As early as the beginning of , Greece requested technical assistance for the purpose of speeding up the absorption of funds from the External Borders Fund and the European Return Fund.

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Has any positive impact been noted on the progress of the projects financed by these two funds? Are there any concrete results to be reported? As regards the area of return, since Frontex is successfully running the Attica project deploying experts assisting Greece in capacity building and improvement of return management.

This assistance has positive impact on the implementation of different actions co-financed under the Return Fund. This includes the better use of the EBF. In particular, Frontex is expected to support the Greek services in the preparation of technical specifications for actions co-financed under the EBF. The main objective of the workshop was to verify the availability of Member States to provide support on various identified actions in the area of asylum, migration and borders. Particularly high rates of child poverty are reported in countries where the economic environment is unfavourable owing to the current economic crisis.

Can it provide information on the danger of children from single-parent families ending up in poverty? Is it considering a strategy for combating child poverty, with specific target indicators and practical political actions comparable to those proposed for combating youth unemployment? Has it proposed specific social protection measures to the Member States for this population group? Has there been any response from Member States? Children growing up in a single parent family face risk of poverty of The Council just adopted 19 Country Specific Recommendations related to child poverty and well-being.

The Commission is working on a recommendation on child poverty. It is part of the Commission's workplan. The recommendation will propose a holistic approach to fight child poverty, pleading for improved access to income support, health and social services and better child participation in social and afterschool activities. Monitoring and evaluation will be facilitated through a set of existing indicators and based on existing reporting mechanisms Europe, National Reform Programmes, National Social Reports.

A decade of cooperation on child poverty through the Open Method of Coordination has helped to identify common challenges and a set of indicators as was highlighted in the Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion. Besides, the upcoming Recommendation will propose common principles for effective policy action. The Commission has not proposed any specific social protection measures because this is a Member State competence.

Is the Commission aware of this proposal? What is its position on and assessment of the proposal? Zero rates constitute exceptions to the general rules on VAT rates. Electronically supplied services, such as e-books, are currently excluded from the scope of reduced VAT rates. Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra. Hierbij hebben zij ook aandacht besteed aan de hongerstaking van Palestijnse gevangenen.

Het grootschalige gebruik van administratieve detentie is een zorgenpunt dat wij bij elke gelegenheid aan de orde stellen. The hunger strike staged by Palestinian prisoners over the past months has effectively ended after Israel pledged to meet basic human rights standards in its prisons.

Ministers also looked at the hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners. The extensive use of administrative detentions is a key concern we raise at every opportunity. Ha condenado la continua violencia de los colonos y las provocaciones deliberadas contra civiles palestinos, y ha pedido al Gobierno de Israel que lleve ante la justicia a los responsables y que cumpla con sus obligaciones en virtud del Derecho internacional. Daaraan wordt samen met de Commissie gewerkt.

De EU is bezorgd over het extremisme van kolonisten en over opruiing door kolonisten op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. De uitvoering van de in de schriftelijke vraag bedoelde maatregelen, is een nationale bevoegdheid van de lidstaten. According to data collected by the Commission, the UN and local activists, the Israeli authorities demolished 22 water cisterns and 37 residential and agricultural structures funded by EU Member States in Does the High Representative believe that measures such as blocking imports of products made by Israeli settlers or an EU visa ban on settler radicals should be implemented, especially given that the occupation and the settlements are illegal under international law?

It also stated that it expects Israel to protect EU investments in support of Palestinian development in Area C for future use. This work is being carried out jointly with the Commission. Implementation of measures outlined in the written question on settlement produce requires the unanimous backing of EU Member States. The EU is concerned about settler extremism and incitement by settlers in the West Bank. It has condemned continuous settler violence and deliberate provocations against Palestinian civilians and called on the Government of Israel to bring the perpetrators to justice and to comply with its obligations under international law.

Implementation of actions referred to in the written question is a matter of national competence of Member States. The Swedish morning paper Svenska Dagbladet had four of its reporters put themselves on a diet of tinned food to investigate whether consuming food from tin cans would impact levels of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A BPA in the body.

The results were astounding. However, this is not enough. I must insist that we regulate the use of BPA and other similar substances in everything that comes into contact with food — even in products intended for adults. This includes tin cans, lunch boxes, kitchen utensils, plates and other items made of plastic. Children also eat food that comes from tin cans, while pregnant women should be protected from ingesting BPA. Regulation is therefore needed in particular to protect children and foetuses. An article in Svenska Dagbladet described how four of its reporters ate tinned food for two days and a very large increase in bisphenol A BPA of several thousand percent was observed in the urine of all four.

In this brief time, levels of BPA in their urine rose rapidly. Since the food they ate was varied, it is not possible to deduce precisely which tinned food caused the rise.


Although BPA has a short half-life in the human body, this is of great concern, and our knowledge of the impact on the body of such rapid rises and falls in levels is poor. Where the data are insufficient, or indicate a danger of safe limits being exceeded, what action do you plan to take? In the Commission considered it adequate to apply the precautionary principle in the case of infants only. The Commission will apply the precautionary principle if the criteria for its application are fulfilled. Wie bewertet die Kommission die Aussichten auf Realisierung des Brenner-Basistunnels sowie des Tunnels zwischen Lyon-Turin angesichts der angespannten Haushaltslage aller beteiligten Mitgliedstaaten, besonders vor dem Hintergrund der Maastricht-Kriterien und des neuen Schuldenpakts?

How does the Commission assess the existing alternative route through the Pannonian lowlands via Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia? Why was this route not considered, despite the fact that it is a faster and more cost-effective alternative? How does the Commission assess the prospects for the realisation of the Brenner base tunnel and the tunnel between Lyon and Turin in view of the budgetary difficulties of all the Member States involved, particularly in the context of the Maastricht criteria and the new debt pact? What is to happen with the resources for the Baltic-Adriatic corridor earmarked by the European Union if the participating Member States do not commit to their co-financing share in their national budgets?

The proposed core network corridors follow the alignments of the core network which was developed on the basis of a rational and transparent methodology along their most direct alignment, following existing and potential traffic flows. The Baltic-Adriatic corridor follows the existing Priority Projects 23, 25 and 27 and continues to the economic centres of northern Italy. The Commission does not share the opinion of the Honourable Member that there are faster and more cost-effective alternatives.

It is considerably longer, single-track and partly non-electrified. No budget is predetermined for certain corridors. The Commission is aware of the difficult financial situation which might delay the implementation of Lyon-Turin, Brenner or the future Baltic-Adriatic Corridor and will — together with the Member States — decide on the most effective ways to deal with this. Austria and Italy have re-assured that the Brenner Base tunnel will become operational as planned in The number of major missing links on the core network is limited and they have been taken on board because of the methodology referred to above.

Member States are therefore to commit to the obligation of realising the core network until Could the Commission explain whether any corresponding measures have been introduced in the meantime to address the issue of harassment at work? The Commission intends to publish this year a call for tenders on mental health in the workplace with a view to:. Delineate a series of scenarios for action, taking also into account any cost implications;. The Commission attaches also great importance to involving the social partners' initiatives concerning mental health as well as violence and harassment in the workplace.

The Commission plans to undertake an evaluation of the framework Agreement. The loss of Envisat has an impact on GMES Services, in particular for the marine environment altimetry, ocean colour, ice monitoring and atmosphere monitoring services air quality. The full replacement of Envisat observations will only be achieved with the progressive launch of the Sentinel satellites, starting in the second half of In this framework, the Commission will enhance access to complementary space data, e.

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Earlier this month, the Israeli Government announced the approval of a coalition deal between the Likud party led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Kadima party led by Shaul Mofaz. In what way does the Commission expect this deal to impact upon the dynamics of the peace process with the Palestinians and the prospect of a two-state solution? Our services continue to follow the domestic political situation closely and asses its possible ramifications for the Middle East Peace Process.

The EU continues to work with partners in the region and within the Quartet to bring about direct and substantial negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians which should lead to a comprehensive agreement based on a two state solution. Minn din is-sena, fuq talba tal-Parlament Ewropew, ir-rapport annwali tal-UE dwar id-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem jindirizza l-kwistjoni fil-fond. Have any initiatives been launched in the intervening period that ensure greater protection of religious freedom and of the rights of Christian communities on a global scale?

They firmly condemn violence and acts of terrorism, in various countries, against Christians and their places of worship, Muslim pilgrims and other religious communities. Request was then made to all EU Delegations to monitor the state of FoRB and to engage on such issues, whenever necessary, so to make this right an integral part of the EU's bilateral relations with their host country, and to report on actions taken.

The EU has been using the full range of its instruments to engage international partners at the bilateral and multilateral levels, through human rights dialogues, demarches, UN resolutions or financial assistance, to address these concerns. The EEAS is working closely with Members of the European Parliament and civil society representatives to address the various issues of freedom of religion or belief. Such guidelines will help enhancing EU activity in this field in the most concrete way possible. Is the Commission considering any further measures intended to hasten the reform process and tackle issues such as selective justice in the country?

Selective justice has been identified as a key obstruction to the further development of relations. The cases of Tymoshenko, Lutsenko, Ivaschenko and Filipchuk were given particular attention. The EU will continue to insist on specific measures to curb, and ultimately eliminate, the use of selective justice in Ukraine, including immediate implementation of the updated Criminal Procedure Code and revision of the Criminal Code.

The EU will follow closely appeal and cassation processes in the cases of Tymoshenko and others, as well as relevant processes of the European Court of Human Rights. In reaction to growing risks of water scarcity and with the aim of ensuring water security in the long term, water providers in European countries, including Malta, are increasingly resorting to desalination to cover freshwater needs. Has the Commission considered any investments in more energy efficient technologies that could make desalination processes more environmentally friendly? Within these projects a few consortia have successfully demonstrated the positive direct coupling of wind turbines with membrane desalination ideal for the Mediterranean because of its lower salinity compared to the Atlantic.

The desalinated water is stored in plastic bags in the sea; very large volumes can be obtained at extremely low costs. The pumps can be operated in variable mode and can thus follow the variable wind. This causes zero stress on the local electricity grid. Since the year , this technology is ready for deployment; wind based desalination is significantly cheaper than fossil fuel based desalination.

Progress fit-tnaqqis tad-differenza bejn is-sessi fil-boardrooms tad-diretturi kien ukoll bil-mod. Lety is completely surprised over the attention and affection that Fernando gives her, and although she is scared to love him she can't help it. Fernando feels like a disgrace because Lety is so good, and she gives herself to him. Though Fernando has been with plenty of women, he has never felt so loved and cared for her, and he soon starts falling in love with Lety. Marcia and Omar eventually leave to Germany for a work trip, and during their leave Fernando and Lety are in their little world.

Then Lety discovers the truth behind their love. Lety finds a letter written by Vice-President Omar Carvajal which basically states that Fernando needed to seduce Letty in order to protect the fate of Conceptos. Angered and broken-hearted by this, Letty uses the contents to her advantage and presents the letter at a quarterly meeting and reveals the true financial state of affairs of the company to the company's council and former owners. They find out that she actually owns Conceptos herself through a dummy company, Filmo Imagen.

Fernando is devastated when she leaves, and loses a part of himself. He obsesses over her, wondering where she left to and if she will come back. Lety is adamant about not wanting anything to do with Conceptos, but she eventually has to come home and is forced by her father to fix the mistakes that she and Fernando made. When she returns to Conceptos as the full owner of it, she realizes she must get the company back to its former glory so she can finally leave for good without a guilty conscience.

Aldo follows her home with the hope of winning her love, but struggles because Fernando refuses to give her up so easily. Fernando continues a relationship with Marcia, but only because he is not sure that Lety will accept him. He struggles in trying to convince her that he was really in love with her despite what the letter said, but Lety will not allow herself to believe him. She continues to love him, but she feels so betrayed by him that she ignores her feelings towards him. As problems with the company begin again, she undergoes a dramatic appearance change, visits the wedding of a long-time enemy and a long-time friend, and acts on a television show dressed as a diva.

Fernando has been suffering from his own transformation as he realizes the error of his womanizing ways and tries to convince Letty that he really did love her. He breaks up with Marcia, trades blows with Aldo, and works as Letty's assistant as a sort of penance and to show his father he's serious about his work.

Letty's indecisiveness comes to an end as she realizes that though she loves both, she chooses Aldo. Letty prepares for her wedding with Aldo, and things seem to finally be winding to a close with Conceptos , financially she puts Marcia in charge of the company because Marcia deserves the title for her hard work. However, when Fernando decides to go to Brazil, Letty realizes that the man she really loves, and wants to marry, is Fernando and surprisingly enough, Aldo seems to be alright with that. The story ends with Fernando taking Aldo's place and the wedding and he and Letty marry, realizing that Aldo was an angel who helped them get back together.

In an unprecedented end on a Sunday, lasting three hours. Came to get During the month of July ,Televisa hosted a some events during the FIFA World Cup in Germany, several actors from the cast traveled to record some scenes from the soap opera, and presented in a show before 15, people. The actress had health problems again, this time by fatigue. She was overwhelmed by the job since records on Sunday and had little time to rest.

In January , again underwent medical treatment and was diagnosed with typhoid, she needed a strong antibiotic and rest. Another version, also edited, was launched with an additional minutes over the previous version, distributed on 4 DVD. With the success of audience in Mexico, was the version that drew the most critical attention.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Archived from the original on July 20, Retrieved August 22, Retrieved August 19,