An analysis of policy interventions. Experimental Economics, 19, How strategic are children and adolescents? Experimental evidence from nomal-form games. Strategic sophistication of individuals and teams. European Economic Review, 64, Searching for a better deal - On the influence of team decision making, time pressure and gender. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30, 1 - Strategic sophistication of individuals and teams in experimental normal-form games.
Strategic sophistication of teenagers in experimental normal-form games. How does strategic thinking develop with age? Experimental normal-form games with children and adults. Reaching a compromise - when bounded rationality of individuals and teams reduces the frequency of conflicts. Marken setzten sich nachhaltig und merklich durch.
Die fortschreitende Elektrifizierung brachte erste Lichtreklamen, wie das heute noch bestehende Bayer-Kreuz in Leverkusen. Odol und Persil gelten als klassische, massenhaft hergestellte Markenprodukte aus dieser Zeit. Das Produkt musste sich von anderen abheben. Die vorherige Bekanntheit eines Produktes durch Werbung wurde wichtiger, um die Aufmerksamkeit des Kunden zu erregen. Die EU-Richtlinien zur Werbung werden unterschieden in:. Es gibt keine vertraglich geregelte Sachbereichskompetenz in der EU.
Es gilt die Rechtsangleichungskompetenz nach Art. Auf diesem beruht z. Indirekte Regelungswirkung haben Verbraucherschutz -, Jugendschutz - oder Baugesetze. Ansonsten gibt es noch diverse freiwillige Selbstverpflichtungen Selbstkontrolle. In Deutschland ist die vergleichende Werbung seit dem Kinder bringen Markenerwartungen hervor, seien sie positiv, negativ oder neutral und sie sind es bereits gewohnt, als Konsumenten angesprochen zu werden.
Zigaretten, beispielsweise, werden als Modebestandteil benutzt und sprechen junge Frauen an. Neben den gesetzlichen Vorschriften, haben sich zahlreiche Unternehmen der Tabak-Industrie auch einer freiwilligen Selbstverpflichtung unterworfen. Verband der Cigarettenindustrie VdC nur auszugsweise online abrufbar [23]. So beschloss der Deutsche Bundestag am Juni im Zusammenhang mit der Reform des Lebensmittelrechts neue Werberegeln.
Der Studie zufolge funktioniert die Selbstkontrolle der Werbewirtschaft nicht. Die Forderung ist, dass nur noch Produktwerbung betrieben werden soll. Piccadilly Circus, Times Square. Unter ortsfesten Anlagen versteht die Rechtsprechung [33] Werbeanlagen,. Ein ganzes Spektrum von Wissenschaften befasst sich entweder direkt mit Werbung und Marketing oder wird dazu genutzt, um Wirkungen von Werbung zu erkunden und zu verbessern.
Zielgruppen, Psychologen und Kulturanthropologen wurden zu Teilen der Marktforschung. Daher macht sich Werbung das zu Nutze, was mehr oder weniger im Unterbewusstsein der Menschen schlummert:. Die entsprechenden Aufmerksamkeitsstrategien erforscht die Werbepsychologie in Verbindung mit der Verkaufspsychologie. Werbung und Marketing bedienen sich schon lange psychologischer Erkenntnisse und Forschungsmethoden, um Produkte zu verkaufen.
Ein umstrittenes neues Marketinggebiet und Produkt der Werbewirkungsforschung ist Neuromarketing. Neuromarketing bedient sich medizinischer Technologien wie der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomografie fMRI , nicht um zu heilen, sondern um zu verkaufen wie der US-amerikanische Medienkritiker, Professor Robert W. Ihre Werbung bezieht auch vielfach Mitbewerber mit ein z.
Es gibt auch Beispiele unverhohlener Einflussnahme auf die Redaktion. Durch die zunehmende Vermengung lassen sich Werbung und Information immer weniger unterscheiden. Werbung selbst wird zwischenzeitlich weitgehend als Kunst und Beitrag zur Kultur betrachtet. Es gibt Werbeagenturen, die auf Werbeaktionen an Schulen spezialisiert sind. Es gibt praktisch keinen Leistungs- und Profi -Sport ohne Sponsoring.
First, the progressive increase in our understanding of the molecular genetic basis of VWD has resulted in rational applications of molecular testing to complement the current range of phenotypic tests for VWD. These molecular genetic strategies are most effectively directed at the prenatal diagnosis of type 3 VWD and confirmatory testing for types 2B and 2N disease.
In contrast, the use of molecular testing to clarify the diagnosis of type 1 VWD is of marginal benefit, at best. In terms of VWD therapies, a new recombinant VWF concentrate has recently completed successful clinical trials and is now awaiting more widespread application. There have even been some pre-clinical successes with VWF gene transfer although the clinical rationale for this therapeutic strategy needs careful consideration.
Much more remains to be learnt about the biology of VWF and further translational advances for the enhancement of VWD care will inevitably be realized. Die Krakauer Kirche von Karmeliten und Karmelitaninnen. Full Text Available 1. Die Kirche, die in den Jahren errichtet wurde, steht inmitten vom Baukomplex des Klosters, dessen Grundriss das Quadrat ist Hinter dem Chor liegt das Oratorium des Konvents. Die Architektur der Karmeliterinnen St. Josephs-Kirche ist immer noch im Malerischen begriffen.
Das methodische Prinzip jener Zeit ist der Kontrast. Die Klosterkirche der unbeschuhten. Suitability of tracers; Eignung von Tracern. Hydrological tracer techniques are a means of making statements on the direction and speed of underground water. One of the simpler tasks is to find out whether there is hydrological communication between two given points. This requires a determination of the direction of flow, which places less exacting demands on the properties of the tracer than does the task of determining the flow velocity of underground water.
Tracer methods can serve to infer from flow velocity the distance flow velocity, which is defined as the ratio between the distance between two points located in flow direction and the actual time it takes water to flow from one to the other. Der einfachere Fall liegt vor, wenn festgestellt werden soll, ob zwischen zwei Punkten eine hydrologische Verbindung besteht. Bei dieser Fliessrichtungsbestimmung sind die Forderungen an die Eigenschaften der einzusetzenden Tracer geringer als bei der Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeit des unterirdischen Wassers.
Von den Geschwindigkeiten des unterirdischen Wassers ist die Abstands- Fliess geschwindigkeit, die definiert ist durch das Verhaeltnis aus dem Abstand und der wahren Fliesszeit zwischen zwei in Bewegungsrichtung gelegenen Punkten, durch Tracermethoden zu bestimmen. Full Text Available Christine M. She continues on to illuminate the key aspects of queer thought and concludes by sketching the development in Austria in terms of politics and the law, the history of movements, and within the landscape of knowledge.
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Ludwig Leichhardt und Alexander von Humboldt. Es wird das einzige Treffen der beiden Naturwissenschaftler bleiben. Abstract During July a meeting between two men takes place, which seems to have been extraneous, but turns out to be a significant historical incident. The prospective young scientist expects help and references from famous Alexander von Humboldt. Unfortunately this is going to be the only meeting between the two scientists even though the two Prussians have more in common than their passion for the natural sciences.
Way too seldomly have biographical analogy and geographical productivity of the two men been compared. Le jeune scientifique en devenir. Ferner wurde die prognostische Bedeutung von disseminierten Tumorzellen im Knochenmark und die prognostische Bedeutung von CD31 evaluiert. Clarifying the link between von Neumann and thermodynamic entropies. A Shenker's paper initiated a debate about its link with the entropy of phenomenological thermodynamics. Referring to Gibbs's and von Neumann's founding texts, we replace von Neumann's contribution in its historical context, after Gibbs's treatise and before the creation of the information entropy concept, which places boundaries into the debate.
Reexamining von Neumann's reasoning, we stress that the part of his reasoning implied in the debate mainly uses thermodynamics, not quantum mechanics, and identify two implicit postulates. We thoroughly examine Shenker's and ensuing papers, insisting upon the presence of open thermodynamical subsystems, imposing us the use of the chemical potential concept. We briefly mention Landau's approach to the quantum entropy. On the whole, it is shown that von Neumann's viewpoint is right, and why Shenker's claim that von Neumann entropy "is not the quantum-mechanical correlate of thermodynamic entropy" can't be retained.
Glukokortikoide sind auch in vivo imstande, die OPG-Serumspiegel deutlich zu reduzieren. It is almost sixty years since Emil Fischer was describing on a platform such as this one some of the work which led to the basic knowledge of the structure of glucose and its relatives. Today we will be concerned with a description of the experiments which have led to a knowledge of the principal reactions by which those carbohydrate structures are created by photosynthetic organisms from carbon dioxide and water, using the energy of light.
The speculations on the way in which carbohydrate was built from carbon dioxide began not long after the recognition of the basic reaction and were carried forward first by Justus von Liebig and then by Adolf von Baeyer and, finally, by Richard Wilstatter and Arthur Stoll into this century. Actually, the route by which animal organisms performed the reverse reaction, that is, the combustion of carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and water with the utilization of the energy resulting from this combination, turned out to be the first one to be successfully mapped, primarily by Otto Meyerhoi and Hans Krebs.
Our own interest in the basic process of solar energy conversion by green plants began some time in the years between and , during my postdoctoral studies with Professor Michael Polanyi at Manchester.
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It was there I first became conscious of the remarkable properties of coordinated metal compounds, particularly metalloporphyins as represented by heme and chlorophyll. A study was begun at that time, which is still continuing, on the electronic behavior of such metalloporphyrins. It was extended and generalized by the stimulus of Professor Gilbert N. Lewis upon my arrival in Berkeley.
I hope these continuing studies may one day contribute to the understanding of the precise way in which chlorophyll and its relatives accomplish the primary quantum conversion into chemical potential which is used to drive the carbohydrate synthesis reaction. Deren Basisdienstleistungen werden zunehmend von neuen Mitbewerbern mit modernster Internet-Technologie angeboten. Strukturbasierte Entwicklung von Assaysystemen und Charakterisierung von orthosterischen und allosterischen Kinaseinhibitoren. In bisherigen Studien wurde Akupunktur an Herz 7 als vielversprechende Behandlungsalternative dargestellt.
Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen, wurde in dieser Arbeit untersucht, ob eine Einzelpunktakupunktur an Herz 7 die Albert Reder von Schellmann was an important syphilidologist of the Vienna Medical School in the second half of the nineteenth century. He went in for the dualistic concept of the origin of syphilis and ulcer caused by soft chancre. In - Reder became head of a third dermato-syphilidologic department in the "Josephinum" in Vienna, where military surgeons got their medical education.
At the same time the two full professorships of dermatosyphilidology in the Vienna General Hospital were held by Ferdinand von Hebra and Carl Ludwig Sigmund von Ilanor Modernisation of ventilation systems; Modernisierung von Lueftungsanlagen. When redeveloping buildings it is common to use window constructions with air-tight rabbets which obviate the inflow of fresh air almost entirely. This leads to the well-known structural-physics and hygienic consequences.
As an added effect, the distinctly enhanced thermal insulation results in changes in dynamic heat loss. The paper focuses on the issues of how to safeguard the inflow of fresh air, and the heating capacity of radiators. MSK [Deutsch] Da die bei Gebaeudesanierungen eingesetzten fugendichten Fensterkonstruktionen die Nachstroemmoeglichkeiten fuer die Zuluft fast ganz unterbinden, fuehrt das zu den bekannten bauphysikalischen und hygienischen Konsequenzen. Dazu kommen veraenderte dynamische Waermverlustverhaeltnisse aufgrund der deutlich verbesserten Waermedaemmung.
Im Folgenden wird schwerpunktmaessig auf die Probleme Zuluftsicherung und Waermeleistung von Heizkoerpern eingegangen. Of von Willebrand factor and platelets. Hemostasis and pathological thrombus formation are dynamic processes that require multiple adhesive receptor-ligand interactions, with blood platelets at the heart of such events. This review will recapitulate our current knowledge on the subject from the rheological aspect to the spatio-temporal development of thrombus formation.
Additionally, we will review the growing body of evidence gathered from the recent development of pathological mouse models suggesting that VWF binding to GPIb-IX-V is a promising target in arterial and venous pathological thrombosis. Finally, the pathological aspects of VWF and its impact on platelets will be addressed. Ex-ante Evaluation von Investitionsalternativen. Warum das Controlling den systematischen Einsatz von Simulationen vorantreiben sollte. Simulationen werden in der Unternehmenssteuerung heutzutage noch nicht systematisch eingesetzt.
- Communication.
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- Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation in Small Animal Practice;
- Historical Dictionary of Naval Intelligence (Historical Dictionaries of Intelligence and Counterintelligence);
- Its Your Life?
- Life in the Red Brigade.
Dabei kann Controlling eine Vorreiterrolle e Pharmakobotanische Untersuchungen von Lavendelsorten auf dem Plattensee- Plateau. Neben den morphologischen und Wachstumseigenschaften wurden auch Frisch- und Trockengewichte bewertet. Pure Jauch-Piron states on von Neumann algebras. We study Jauch-Piron states and two-valued measures on von Neumann algebra. Moreover, we show that this result holds for type I factor indenpendently on the set-theoretical axiomatics.
As a consequence we obtain a lucid characterization of pure Jauch-Piron states on von Neumann algebras acting on a Hilbert space with real-nonmeasurable dimension this can be viewed as a generalization of the paper. We also characterize the von Neumann algebras whose logic of projections is Jauch-Piron.
Finally, we prove that every two-valued measure on the projection logic of A, where A contains no type I 2 central portion, has to be concentrated at an abelian direct summand of A. Frobenius theory for positive maps of von Neumann algebras. Frobenius theory about the cyclic structure of eigenvalues of irreducible non negative matrices is extended to the case of positive linear maps of von Neumann algebras. Semigroups of such maps and ergodic properties are also considered. Optimized sampling of hydroperoxides and investigations of the water vapour dependence of hydroperoxide formation during ozonolysis of alkenes; Optimierung der Probenahme von Hydroperoxiden und Untersuchungen zur Wasserdampfabhaengigkeit der Bildung von Hydroperoxiden bei der Ozonolyse von Alkenen.
There are several sampling methods for hydroperoxides none of which is particularly reliable. The authors therefore tested three new methods in order to optimize hydroperoxide sampling and, using the optimized sampling procedure, to investigate the water vapour dependence of hydroperoxide formation during ozonolysis of alkenes. Daher wurden in dieser Arbeit drei Verfahren getestet, um die Probenahme von Hydroperoxiden zu optimieren und mit dem entsprechenden Verfahren die Wasserdampfabhaengigkeit der Bildung von Hydroperoxiden bei der Ozonolyse von Alkenen zu untersuchen.
Full Text Available A computational algorithm of a discrete model of von Mises planar steel truss is presented. The structure deformation is evaluated by seeking the minimal potential energy. The critical force invented by mathematical solution was compared with solution by computer algorithm. Symmetric and asymmetric effects of initial shape of geometric imperfection of axis of struts are used in model. The shapes of buckling of von Mises planar truss of selected vertical displacement of top joint are shown.
Bei N-Acyl-Ethanolaminphosphaten handelt es sich um eine bislang wenig untersuchte Klasse polarer Substanzen, deren Erforschung aufgrund ihrer strukturellen Analogie zu apolaren, physiologisch wirksamen N-Acyl-Ethanolaminen von Interesse ist. Spurenstoffuntersuchungen zur Bildung und Ausbreitung von Wassermassen im subpolaren Nordatlantik. Nash y von Neumann: Von Neumann's impossibility proof: Mathematics in the service of rhetorics.
According to what has become a standard history of quantum mechanics, in von Neumann persuaded the physics community that hidden variables are impossible as a matter of principle, after which leading proponents of the Copenhagen interpretation put the situation to good use by arguing that the completeness of quantum mechanics was undeniable.

This state of affairs lasted, so the story continues, until Bell in exposed von Neumann's proof as obviously wrong. The realization that von Neumann's proof was fallacious then rehabilitated hidden variables and made serious foundational research possible again. It is often added in recent accounts that von Neumann's error had been spotted almost immediately by Grete Hermann, but that her discovery was of no effect due to the dominant Copenhagen Zeitgeist. We shall attempt to tell a story that is more historically accurate and less ideologically charged. Most importantly, von Neumann never claimed to have shown the impossibility of hidden variables tout court, but argued that hidden-variable theories must possess a structure that deviates fundamentally from that of quantum mechanics.
Both Hermann and Bell appear to have missed this point; moreover, both raised unjustified technical objections to the proof. Von Neumann's argument was basically that hidden-variables schemes must violate the ;quantum principle; that physical quantities are to be represented by operators in a Hilbert space.
As a consequence, hidden-variables schemes, though possible in principle, necessarily exhibit a certain kind of contextuality. As we shall illustrate, early reactions to Bohm's theory are in agreement with this account. Leading physicists pointed out that Bohm's theory has the strange feature that pre-existing particle properties do not generally reveal themselves in measurements, in accordance with von Neumann's result.
They did not conclude that the ;impossible was done; and that von Neumann had been shown wrong. Der mit dem Topos "Transformation von Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftssystemen" axiomatisch angenommene Unvereinbarkeit sozialistischer und marktwirtschaftlicher Strukturen ist aus raumwissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht nachvollziehbar.
Integration von 3D-Kamerasystemen am Gabelstapler. Neben der Vorstellung der verwendeten Kamera-Hardware und der Die Darstellung von guten und schlechten Beziehungen in Kinderzeichnungen. Nach welchen Kriterien sich Bilder, auf denen Kinder eine positive Beziehung darstellen, von Bildern unterscheiden, auf denen negative Beziehungen dargestellt sind, wurde an einer Stichprobe von 45 Kindern zwischen 4;6 und 11;6 Jahren untersucht.
Die Kinder fertigten jeweils ein positives und ein negatives Beziehungsbild an. Zur Dialektik von Soft Skills und fachlicher Kompetenz.
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Soft Skills sind als personalgebundene Kriterien auch immer schon Gegenstand bildungstheoretischer Debatten. Politik ergibt sich nach Herbart aus einem Konflikt hinsichtlich der Frage, wie das Zusammenleben von Menschen geregelt sein sollte. Prophylaxis escalation in severe von Willebrand disease: A prospective study from the von Willebrand Disease Prophylaxis Network.
Abshire Thomas Calvin ; J. Leebeek Frank ; M. Treatment of mucosal bleeding epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and menorrhagia and joint bleeding remains problematic in clinically severe von Willebrand disease VWD. Patients are often unresponsive to treatment e. Electronic Resource Management System. In the last few years the importance of electronic resources in library acquisitions has increased significantly. There has been a shift from mere print holdings to both e- and print combinations and even e-only subscriptions. This shift poses a double challenge for libraries: On the one hand they have to provide their e-resource collections to library users in an appealing way, on the other hand they have to manage these.
Lifescience Database Archive English. The RCP method was designed as a residue-optimised alternative to the thermally optimised grate firing of residual wastes. Its technical realisation and development to market maturity took no more than 5 years. In the first process stage the waste is converted to high-carbon pyrolysis charcoal and high-rank gas in the absence of oxygen. In the second stage these substances are oxidised by addition of oxygen.
The resulting temperature causes the non-combustible constituents of the slag to melt. In a third, optional, stage this molten slag can be liberated of heavy metals to such an extent that it can subsequently be used directly as additive for grinding. Further exhaust gas treatment is facilitated by the use of a circulatory fluidised-bed secondary combustion chamber.
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- Letters: Shamcher Beorse and Carol Sill, 1974-1977.
Despite the reduced flue gas volume and resultant higher pollutant concentrations in the crude gas, overall emissions are lower than in conventional plants. In nur fuenf Jahren wurde das Verfahren technisch umgesetzt und zur Marktreife entwickelt. In einer ersten Stufe des Verfahrens wird der Abfall unter Luftabschluss in einen kohlenstoffreichen Pyrolysekoks und eine heizwertreiches Gas umgesetzt. Im zweiten Schritt werden diese Stoffe unter Zugabe von Sauerstoff oxidiert.
Dabei treten Temperaturen auf, bei denen die nichtbrennbaren Bestandteile der Schlacke schmelzen. Optional wird diese Schmelzschlacke in einem dritten Schritt derart von Schwer- Metallen befreit, dass sie anschliessend direkt als Zement-Zumahlstoff eingesetzt werden kann. Die Nutzung der zirkulierenden Wirbelschicht - Nachbrennkammer zur Abgasbehandlung vereinfacht die weitergehende Abgasbehandlung. Trotz verringertem Rauchgasvolumen und damit hoeheren Schadstoffkonzentrationen im Rohgas werden die Gesamtemissionen gegenueber konventionellen Anlagen verringert.
Dazu werden die Literaturverzeichnisse einer bibliometrischen Analyse unterzogen.
Anschliessend werden die erhaltenen Werte mit denjenigen verglichen, welche von Arbeiten ohne IK-Schulung erhoben wurden. Full Text Available Article in GermanAbstract in English and GermanAlexander von Humboldt and his correspondents liked to enrich or embellish their letters with quotations from classic works of ancient literature as well as from recent poems, plays, or novels. This paper tries to show that references to literature were very often used in order to express thoughts and feelings more clearly not so much for impressing the recipients of letters with high education.
In educated circles a good knowledge of ancient and modern works of literature was a standard requirement, which often allowed the letter writers to use quotations in a playful manner. Richard von Volkmann , one of the most important surgeons of the 19 th century, is regarded as one of the fathers of orthopaedic surgery. This led him to introduce the "antiseptic technique" to Germany that was developed by Lister.
Volkmann's contracture and the Hueter-Volkmann law. Additionally, he was a gifted writer; he published not only scientific literature but also books of children's fairy tales and poems under the pen name of Richard Leander, assuring him a permanent place in the world of literature as well as orthopaedics. Geschichte der Natur bei Alexander von Humboldt. This article analyses the importance of an historical view of nature in the works of Alexander von Humboldt. In several of his first writings, Humboldt seems to outline the importance of what one may call history of nature.
But even before his famous American travel, his position changed and he became reluctant to accept the seriousness of historical enquiry in the area of natural sciences: Humboldt kept his sceptical attitude in the first decades of the 19th century, despite the positive results of the palaeontological researches of his scientific colleagues. However, he gradually convinced himself of the scientific interest of historical investigations in the natural sciences. The Cosmos paradoxally displays two apparently conflicting points of view: Hypercontractivity in group Von Neumann algebras.
A rare disorder of heterogeneous etiology. Full Text Available Context: Acquired von Willebrand syndrome AVWS is a rare bleeding disorder that mimics the inherited form of von Willebrand disease VWD in terms of laboratory findings and clinical presentation. To study the etiology of acquired VWD. The patients referred from various hospitals in and out of Mumbai were included in the study. The differential diagnosis of AVWS was made based on reduced levels of von Willebrand antigen and von Willebrand ristocetin cofactor, decrease in ristocetin induced platelet aggregation, absence of correction in mixing studies with no prior history of bleeding problems and a negative family history for bleeding disorders.
In three patients, the disease was associated with systematic lupus erythematosus, out of which one was also associated with Kikuchi lymphadenitis and second with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Fourth case was associated with hypothyroidism and fifth was a case of dermatitis and vitiligo.
The last patient was a case of hemophilia A with Burkitts lymphoma, who developed autoantibodies to von Willebrand factor. Except two patients, all other patients responded to immune suppressive therapy with corticosteroids, while the patient with hypothyroidism responded to oral thyroxine. AVWS is a rare condition and may often be missed or diagnosed as inherited disease associated with heterogeneous disease conditions.
Ecobalance of natural gas vehicles; Oekobilanz von Erdgasfahrzeugen. The impacts on human health and the natural environment of using natural gas, Diesel and petrol as fuels for city buses and passenger cars are compared in a Life Cycle Assessment.
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In addition to the burning of the fuels in the engines, this assessment also comprises the upstream processes of the fuel supply chain. Despite the increased energy demand of the vehicles, natural gas is associated with the lowest impacts overall for both city buses and passenger cars. The health impacts that can be avoided through the use of natural gas instead of Diesel or petrol thereby differ only weakly between the use of the vehicles in cities of various sizes within Germany.
From the perspective of environmental protection, the market introduction of natural gas vehicles therefore does not need remain limited to large cities within agglomerated regions. Diese umfasst neben der motorischen Verbrennung der Kraftstoffe auch die vorgelagerten Prozessketten der Kraftstoffbereitstellung. Sowohl fuer Stadtbusse als auch fuer Pkw schneidet Erdgas trotz eines energetischen Mehrbedarfes der Fahrzeuge insgesamt am guenstigsten ab.
Die durch den Einsatz von Erdgas anstelle von Diesel oder Benzin vermeidbaren Gesundheitsschaeden unterscheiden sich dabei zwischen einem Einsatz der Fahrzeuge in Staedten verschiedener Groesse innerhalb von Deutschland nur wenig. Die Markteinfuehrung von Erdgasfahrzeugen muss also aus Sicht des Umweltschutzes nicht auf grosse Staedte in Ballungsgebieten beschraenkt bleiben.
Proof of pipeline strength based on measurements of inspection pigs; Festigkeitsnachweis von Pipelines aufgrund der Messergebnisse von Pruefmolchen. De la Camp, H. The report is aimed at collecting and documenting the state of the art and the extensive know how of experts and pipeline operators with regard to judging the structural integrity of pipelines. In order to assess the actual mechanical strength of pipelines based on measurement results obtained by inspection pigs, guidance is given for future processing, which eventually can be used as a basis for an industry standard.
A literature study of the commercially available types of inspection pigs describes and synoptically lists the respective pros and cons. In essence the report comprises besides check lists of operating data for the pipeline and the pig runs mainly the evaluation of defects and respective calculating procedures. Included are recommendations regarding maintenance planning, verification of defects as well as repetition of pig runs. Fuer den Festigkeitsnachweis von Pipelines aufgrund der Messergebnisse von Pruefmolchen wurde ein Leitfaden als Basis fuer die zukuenftige Vorgehensweise erstellt, der eventuell die Grundlage eines normativen Regelwerkes bilden kann.
In einer Literaturstudie wurden die auf dem Markt befindlichen Pruefmolchtypen zusammenfassend beschrieben und ihre Vor- und Nachteile tabellarisch gegenuebergestellt und bewertet. Neben der Erstellung von Checklisten fuer notwendige Daten zum Betrieb der Pipeline und der Molchlaeufe bildet die Fehlerbewertung mit entsprechenden Berechnungsverfahren den Hauptteil dieses Berichtes. Hinweise zur Instandhaltungsplanung Fehlerverifikation und Molchlaufwiederholung werden gegeben.
Die Anzahl neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen nimmt in unserer Gesellschaft stetig zu. Obwohl inzwischen eine Reihe genetischer Ursachen identifiziert worden sind, wird auch der Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren bei der Pathogenese dieser Erkrankungen zunehmend in Betracht gezogen. Der Beitrag von ultrafeinen Partikeln aus Industrie und Umwelt auf neurodegenerative Erkrankungen steht daher zunehmend im Fokus der Forschung. Die Translokation von ultrafeinen Partikeln bzw. Nanopartikeln ins Gehirn ist b The smooth entropy formalism for von Neumann algebras. We discuss information-theoretic concepts on infinite-dimensional quantum systems.
In particular, we lift the smooth entropy formalism as introduced by Renner and collaborators for finite-dimensional systems to von Neumann algebras. For the smooth conditional min- and max-entropy, we recover similar characterizing properties and information-theoretic operational interpretations as in the finite-dimensional case. We generalize the entropic uncertainty relation with quantum side information of Tomamichel and Renner and discuss applications to quantum cryptography.
In particular, we prove the possibility to perform privacy amplification and classical data compression with quantum side information modeled by a von Neumann algebra. Space the life of Wernher von Braun. Written by veteran aerospace journalist Bob Ward, who spent years investigating his subject, this biography presents a revealing but even-handed portrait of the father of modern rocketry.
As he chronicles Wernher von Braun's life, Ward explodes many myths and misconceptions about the controversial genius who was a hero to some, a villain to others. The picture of von Braun that emerges is of a brilliant scientist with limitless curiosity and a drive to achieve his goals at almost any price from, developing the world's first ballistic missile used against the Allies in World War II to help.
Die Bundesstatistik als Anbieter und Nutzer von raumbezogenen Daten. Analyse der pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von Patienten mit Psoriasis-Arthritis auf Basis von Routinedaten der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Trotz zahlreicher versorgungswissenschaftlicher Studien in Deutschland liegen zur pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von PsA-Patienten bisher kaum aktuelle Ergebnisse vor. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 58,9 Jahre. The first scientific understandings on the value of nutrition and the assimilation of food, in the Greek language "metabole" metabolism , are published in the Corpus Hippocraticum.
But the conception of metabolism was introduced in scientific literature not earlier than by Theodor Schwann and by Justus von Liebig The antique ideas were completed in the 17th century by the theory of ferments, introduced by the iatro-chemist Johann Baptist van Helmont , and the Italian priest Lazzaro Spallanzani could proof the existence of such processes in the living organism by animal experiments in Then Schwann could discover in the gastric juice a substance in which he called "pepsin".
In the time of the voyages of discovery new, not yet known malnutritions on the ships were known as scurvy, beriberi and in the northern countries rickets. Then it became clear that not only the three groups of food, but also supplementary materials, known in as vitamines by Casimir Funk , could develop determined effects.
The starvation in the first and the second world war showed clearly, that deterioration of food supply diminished the condition of immunity. Failed food experiments with gelatin, synthetically produced citric acid and the discussions of malnutrition diseases, based on a deficiency of zinc, of toddlers, are discussed as the malnutrition illness kwashiorkor in the third world. In conclusion a citation of the famous American physiologist Graham Lusk is mentioned from the year , who praised the scientific priority of the German medical research. Von -Neumann and Beyond: An extensive reliance on technology, an abundance of data, and increasing processing requirements have imposed severe challenges on computing and data processing.
Moreover, the roadmap for scaling electronic components faces physical and reliability limits that hinder the utilization of the transistors in conventional systems and promotes the need for faster, energy-efficient, and compact nano-devices. This work thus capitalizes on emerging non-volatile memory technologies, particularly the memristor for steering novel design directives. Moreover, aside from the conventional deterministic operation, a temporal variability is encountered in the devices functioning.
This inherent stochasticity is addressed as an enabler for endorsing the stochastic electronics field of study. We tackle this approach of design by proposing and verifying a statistical approach to modelling the stochastic memristors behaviour.
This mode of operation allows for innovative computing designs within the approximate computing and beyond Von -Neumann domains. In the context of approximate computing, sacrificing functional accuracy for the sake of energy savings is proposed based on inherently stochastic electronic components. We introduce mathematical formulation and probabilistic analysis for Boolean logic operators and correspondingly incorporate them into arithmetic blocks.
Gate- and system-level accuracy of operation is presented to convey configurability and the different effects that the unreliability of the underlying memristive components has on the intermediary and overall output. An image compression application is presented to reflect the efficiency attained along with the impact on the output caused by the relative precision quantification.
In contrast, in neuromorphic structures the memristors variability is mapped onto abstract models of the noisy and unreliable brain components. In one approach, we propose using the stochastic memristor as an inherent source of variability in. Eine Analyse mit den Daten des Partnermarktsurvey. Thereafter, his first contacts to the California Institute of Technology are covered.
The English translation of the titles of the Aachen papers is given in Appendix I. Reflections on His Contributions to Space Exploration. Wernher von Braun and approximately of his team members came to Huntsville, Alabama, to begin work with the Army on what would later become America's historic space program. He would later serve as the first director of the Marshall Space Flight Center and led the development of the Saturn V launch vehicle that launched seven crewed American mission to the moon, as well as America s first space station, Skylab.
Von Braun is best known for his team s technical achievements. He realized his dream of exploring outer space by helping place humans on the moon. His engineering and managerial talent during the Apollo era had contributed to a technological revolution. He was by all accounts a good engineer, but he was only one among many. What set Von Braun apart were his charisma, his vision, and his leadership skills.
He inspired loyalty and dedication in the people around him. He understood the importance of communicating his vision to his team, to political and business leaders and the public. Today, the Marshall Center continues his vision by pursuing engineering and scientific projects that will continue to open space to exploration. This presentation will discuss Von Braun's impact on Huntsville, the Marshall Center, the nation and the world and look at his contributions in context of where world space exploration is today.
Nonlinear von Neumann equations for quantum dissipative systems. For pure states nonlinear Schroedinger equations, the so-called Schroedinger-Langevin equations are well-known to model quantum dissipative systems of the Langevin type. For mixtures it is shown that these wave equations do not extend to master equations, but to corresponding nonlinear von Neumann equations.
Solutions for the damped harmonic oscillator are discussed. In this essay Clarence Joldersma explores radical constructivism through the work of its most well-known advocate, Ernst von Glasersfeld, who combines a sophisticated philosophical discussion of knowledge and truth with educational practices. Joldersma uses Joseph Rouse's work in philosophy of science to criticize the antirealism inherent in…. Professor Oberth and Dr. The Oberth award was given for outstanding technical contributions to the field of astronautics or for the promotion and advancement of astronautical sciences.
Semiparametric Bernstein— von Mises for the error standard deviation. We study Bayes procedures for nonparametric regression problems with Gaussian errors, giving conditions under which a Bernstein— von Mises result holds for the marginal posterior distribution of the error standard deviation.
We apply our general results to show that a single Bayes procedure using a. Semiparametric Bernstein- von Mises for the error standard deviation. We study Bayes procedures for nonparametric regression problems with Gaussian errors, giving conditions under which a Bernstein- von Mises result holds for the marginal posterior distribution of the error standard deviation.
De identiteit van Portulaca advena Reichg. The adventive species of Portulaca found in. Alexander von Humboldt's invention of the natural landscape. Landscape took on a new meaning through the new science of plant geography of Alexander von Humboldt In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, "landscape" was foremost a painterly genre. Slowly, painted landscapes came to bear on natural surroundings, but by it was still not.
KK -theory and spectral flow in von Neumann algebras. We present a definition of spectral flow for any norm closed ideal J in any von Neumann algebra N. Enfermedad de Von Gierke: Reporte de tres casos. A von Neumann type inequality for certain domains in Cn. BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: A bicategorical approach to Morita equivalence for Von Neumann algebras.
In the purely algebraic setting, it is well known that rings are Morita equivalent if and only if they are equivalent objects in a bicategory whose 1-cells are. We show that there are games and decision situations in which it is not possible for the decision maker to be rational a la von Neumann-Morgenstern in both situations simultaneously, which is the source of the paradox presented in this note.
We provide an assumption which is the necessary and. Extensions of von Neumann's method for generating random variables. The flexibility of the power series methods is illustrated by algorithms for the Cauchy and geometric distributions. Computed tomography of von Meyenburg complex simulating micro-abscesses.
A case is presented of a bile duct hamartoma in a 44 year old man being evaluated for abdominal pain. The computed tomography CT findings suggested micro-abscesses in the liver and a CT guided tru-cut biopsy showed von Meyenburg complex. Ueber die arten und den Skelettbau von Culcita. Das Genus Culcita Agass.