Nei minuti di recupero il Var annulla un gol di Acerbi per fuorigioco. Il difensore dell'Ajax viene premiato come miglior Under 21 della passata stagione, ma non si sbilancia sul suo futuro. Il Verona, tornato alla vittoria sul campo del Benevento dopo un digiuno che durava da 4 partite, ospita la formazione di Pillon nel Monday Night del Bentegodi. Sorteggiati gli ottavi ecco il calendario completo delle partite.
Per la Roma il Porto: Ecco tutte le date. Ufficializzati i sorteggi, ecco il calendario completo delle partite. Primo atto lontano dal San Paolo anche per il Napoli: Prima intervista dopo il terribile schianto in F3 a Macao di Sophia Floersch: Sul Mondiale di F1 Curioso episodio nel finale della partita tra Liverpool e Red Devils: Fellaini prova una conclusione da posizione defilata ma la palla, colpita malissimo, esce quasi in fallo laterale e centra in pieno uno steward seduto a bordo campo. Una fotografia fedele del momento negativo dello United. Con un video criptico sul proprio profilo twitter lo svedese ha annunciato l'imminente rinnovo con i Los Angeles Galxy: Sfuma, dunque, il sogno dei tifosi del Milan di riportarlo in Italia.
Spalletti mi ha voluto fortemente e in nerazzurro mi hanno accolto tutti bene". Poi sulla vita fuori dal terreno di gioco: Copyright Sky Italia - P. Per accettare le notifiche devi dare il consenso nel successivo popup. Per accedere ai servizi online, clicca sul link di attivazione che abbiamo inviato al tuo indirizzo email. Per accedere ai servizi online, registrati subito! E' necessario validare il nuovo indirizzo cliccando sul link presente nella email inviata alla tua casella di posta elettronica.
Clicca su "Registrati ora" per effettuare una nuova registrazione. Decision CIP6 and incineration of waste in Italy: Regasification plants in Italy and unlawful state aid.
Dennis Alberti — DENNIS ALBERTI
Ban on audio recordings prior to Council meetings. Development aid from the European Union — general data. Hindu fanatics attack a Jesuit-run campus. Treatment of small contractors by Ireland's Private Security Authority. Discrimination on the basis of nationality against a Portuguese worker in France. Reform of rules on personal data protection. EU rules relating to the transport of gas. Scope of the Charter of Fundamental Human Rights. Hedge funds earn billions from the financial crisis. Romanian court ruling on data retention and Commission's impact assessment.
The evaluation and assessment of the Data Retention Directive. Breach of European regulations on landfills and the shipment of hazardous waste in relation to the reclamation of the former Sisas site in Pioltello Milan. Unjustified tightening up of working time arrangements with implications for voluntary services, in particular volunteer fire brigades. Fundamental rights checklist and revision of the Data Retention Directive.
Delay by the Spanish Government in drafting and adopting river basin management plans. Risks from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Post Millennium Development Goals. Barcelona Convention on marine pollution. Treatment of infringement cases in the field of online gambling. Use of European public funds in Ourense Galicia.
Over children have been killed in Syria since the beginning of the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad's regime almost a year ago. According to Unicef, a similar number of children were detained during this period and there is information about arbitrary arrests, torture and sexual abuse during detention. Unfortunately, Unicef does not have access to the areas most affected by the conflict, in particular the city of Homs. The EU has strongly condemned the widespread human rights violations inflicted by the Syrian regime on its population, including children.
It has called on the Syrian authorities to release all those illegally detained and to refrain from all acts of barbarism, including torture and sexual abuse. It called for a full investigation of the findings of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry, which pointed to crimes against humanity, and affirmed that the perpetrators of such alleged crimes must be brought to justice. The EU stands ready to increase its assistance should access to detainee centres be maintained and new humanitarian unmet needs arise.
In view of a peaceful settlement to the crisis, it fully supports UN-Arab League Envoy Kofi Annan and his six point plan and welcomes the deployment of an UN observer mission to Syria reporting on the plan's implementation. The EU Heads of Missions monitor and report on children affected by armed conflicts. More refugees died in the Mediterranean Sea than in any other sea in the world in The European Commission is very concerned about the high number of migrants who die or risk their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean in unseaworthy vessels.
Reducing the number of such deaths depend in the first instance on action taken by the authorities of the Mediterranean countries — including EU Member States — who are in charge of search and rescue operations at sea. The Commission continues to do its utmost to avoid such tragedies. One of the main objectives of the proposal on the establishment of Eurosur is to reduce the loss of human life by improving detection, identification and tracking of small boats, thereby facilitating Search and Rescue operations.
The adoption of the new Frontex Regulation, which further strengthens the Human Rights dimension of border management, will also ensure that the Union's border guards are further equipped with the necessary knowledge and expertise to ensure full respect of Human rights and international obligations at our external borders. It is also important to address the root causes pushing migrants and refugees to cross the Mediterranean and to combat the activities of the traffickers in human beings who exploit them.
The Commission aims to do so in particular by engaging the Southern and South-Eastern Mediterranean countries in a Dialogue on migration, mobility and security, with the aim of promoting more accessible legal channels of migration and mobility, while building capacity and promoting cooperation in combating irregular migration. In addition, the Commission is funding projects implemented by UNHCR and IOM in several countries of North Africa, which aim to improve the treatment of persons in need of international protection and to provide assistance to migrants in distress. In Somalia, a country plagued by two decades of civil war and years of devastating drought and famine, children are affected most by the conflict and the food crisis.
According to Human Rights Watch, the Islamic rebels al-Shabaab are responsible for the mass kidnapping of minors who are enlisted against their will, raped or obligated into forced marriages. Especially in , as the internal conflict intensified, more and more children were forcibly recruited, briefly trained and sent to the front as cannon fodder in order to protect the adult combatants.
Some were forced to commit suicide attacks. Unfortunately, there is information that government forces are also enlisting minors, violating the commitments made in this regard. Al-Shebaab does indeed violate human rights. The EU supports the African Union which through Amisom is reducing the area under Al-Shebaab control, and thus extending the area for which the government must take responsibility.
The government has asserted that they are opposed to the recruitment of children and in contacts with them, we have encouraged them to act on this. Can the Commission indicate if there is any possible funding available for small and amateur cultural groups and organisations, outside of funding provided under the Culture Programme and accessible through the Cultural Contact Point CCP? Cultural contact points CCPs have been established in the countries taking part in the Culture Programme.
They are the main relay for conveying information and promoting the Programme at national level and for assisting potential applicants. Although there are no funds set aside for funding activities outside the framework of the Culture Programme, CCPs may be able to advise cultural stakeholders about other funding opportunities at national, regional or European level. Smaller cultural organisations engaged in educational activities should also consider the Lifelong Learning programme for possible funding.
More information is available here: It is also important to note that the advocacy networks category within the Programme currently provides grants with no lower limit. In some cases, EU delegations launch their own calls for proposals for cultural activities of potential interest to cultural organisations. Generally, there is no special VAT regime applicable to the supply of fuel used by air ambulance charities.
Due to the general absence of any tax exemption within the VAT Directive for the supply of fuel used by air ambulances, Member States would have no right to implement a tax exemption within national VAT law. However, Member States are free to address the problem of unrecoverable VAT by the introduction of so called compensation schemes. It must be stressed that such measures would be taken at national level and outside the VAT system. Tratamiento de residuos peligrosos: Several tonnes of hazardous materials, particularly asbestos, were found in industrial buildings within the municipal area of Sabadell.
Following complaints, insistence and pressure from various neighbourhood associations and opposition political parties, the local authority took action to treat this asbestos-contaminated waste and to tear down the industrial buildings. There were possible violations of Spanish regulations on prevention of risks at work, due to irregularities in terms of a lack of adequate health and safety measures to safeguard the wellbeing of the workers engaged to treat this waste, which have already been notified to the Spanish authorities.
Is the Commission intending to open an investigation into the possible failure to comply with the requirements of European Union law on the management of hazardous waste in the case described? The Commission is not aware of the case mentioned by the Honourable Member. The Commission intends to request further information from the Spanish authorities.
The Commission will assess the information to be provided. Given that part of these resources will be used to encourage Member States to develop these new powers jointly, can the Commission indicate what assistance will be given to those Member States which are unable to compete and where technological advances could create alternative prospects for growth? How does the Commission intend to address the danger that certain Member States with serious financial problems may be unable to participate and hence run the risk of being left behind?
Part of the funds would come from the Commission and others from Member States and industry. Currently, the Partnership for advanced computing in Europe PRACE makes HPC resources available on equal access terms and without need for payment to researchers in all EU countries, with scientific excellence as the only criterion for access. This approach gives strong benefits to researchers located in particular in countries that do not have state-of-the-art HPC facilities. However, Member States that may wish to develop a national HPC infrastructure could potentially benefit from structural funds financing.
The robbery at the Olympic Games History Museum in Olympia and the theft of important works of art from the National Gallery a short time ago, together with similar acts in recent times in other European countries, have created intense speculation. These incidents cause economic losses but mainly cause damage to European cultural heritage.
Will Member States be able to use resources from the Structural Funds to fund the guarding of historic places and museums in order to protect what is the cultural heritage of every country? Has Greece used resources from the Structural Funds for this purpose and, if so, what are the amounts that are involved? EU regional policy cannot support the guarding of historic places and museums and therefore this cannot be considered as eligible expenditure under the Structural Funds.
Could the Commission also state whether its officials have met Irish Government representatives to discuss how Ireland can make best use of the Youth Opportunities Initiative in order to address the high levels of youth unemployment? The Commission will also help speed up the implementation of projects that target young people. Future negotiations on the new Structural Funds programmes for will provide a further occasion to discuss and agree on which particular initiatives should be co-funded by Structural Funds for that period.
During the period of these payments, certain orthopaedic devices were twice as expensive in Greece as compared to the average price across the other Member States. These payments were likely to constitute a barrier to the free movement of goods in the single market and may have affected competition in a substantial part of the single market. What action, if any, has the Commission taken, or will it take, in the light of these disclosures? How do price levels of orthopaedic medical devices in Greece currently compare with the overall EU average?
In general, such behavior could possibly also give rise to competition concerns, depending on the facts of each individual case. However, as this practice has already been addressed under a different legal instrument, the Commission does not intend to address it also under the competition rules. The Commission does not have information about price levels for orthopedic medical devices. Can the Commission inform me of where their investigations stand with regard to Kerdiffstown landfill? The Commission understands from the Irish authorities that the Kerdiffstown site is closed and under remediation.
The Irish authorities have kept the Commission informed on actions taken in this regard as part of a wider exchange on waste issues. The EPA is in the process of ensuring that any likely environmental problems linked to the former landfill will be addressed. These increases are having a major impact on LFAs deemed disadvantaged due to agricultural handicaps and originally designated for mountain sheep grazing because of their fragile soils and extensive mountain blanket bogs.
High stock levels have led in the past to a host of environmental problems, including erosion, eutrophication, soil degradation, and increased carbon emissions. Sheep, which exert greater mechanical pressure and are social by nature, are having a particularly high impact, further intensifying the damage. Will the Commission be sure to take such considerations into account during current deliberations? The Commission services have not received from the Irish authorities any official proposal to amend the Rural Development Programme for Ireland as concerns the conditions for payments to farmers in areas with handicaps, other than mountain areas Less Favoured Areas Compensatory Allowances Scheme.
The Commission services will also take into consideration any potential environmental impact of such proposal. The setback areas from water courses are addressed under both the codes of good agricultural practice and the action programmes established under the nitrates directive. For these areas, normally referred to as buffer zones, Member States establish the conditions for the land application of fertiliser both inorganic and organic near water courses. The Irish nitrates action programme includes several provisions regarding buffer zones.
They reflect the Irish situation and are broadly comparable to those of other Member States which have established action programmes under the directive. Loopholes continue to exist in current European Union laws concerning the export of torture and death penalty equipment, which allow EU companies to export the drugs used to execute people by lethal injection.
The European Commission has the power to change this situation immediately, by improving and implementing EU rules controlling such transfers. The UK has already unilaterally banned the export of lethal injection drugs after evidence emerged in Autumn that a UK company had supplied sodium thiopental, pancuronium bromide and potassium chloride to US prisons for use in executions. Subsequently, Danish company Lundbeck, which manufactures pentobarbital used to execute a number of Americans, including Troy Davis, this year , has demanded that US distributors sign an agreement stating that they will not make pentobarbital available to prisons using it for lethal injections.
As a result, export controls are now applied to certain products which could be used for the execution of human beings by means of lethal injection. A review of the entire Regulation is scheduled for It may entail proposals to amend the regulation rather than the annexes. Are there any EU grants which exist for emerging artists, or grants which would facilitate collaboration with other European artists? The EU Culture Programme provides support for emerging artists and cultural professionals through grants for projects.
This has proved to be a much more cost-effective way to achieve results and a lasting impact than providing individual grants.
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It has also enabled operators to co-produce, network and discover new professional opportunities, and to make their work and outlook more international. Further information is available at: The Culture Programme also seeks to showcase current successes in the cultural sector that otherwise may not be easily noticed across Europe, by the granting of prizes for contemporary architecture, cultural heritage, literature and pop music.
These prizes reward emerging and established artists for excellence in these fields, seeking to promote best practice and the circulation of European works beyond national borders. More information can be found at: Support for emerging artists will continue with the future Creative Europe Programme proposed by the Commission last November. More information is available at: It is important that the pending revision of the Data Protection Directive does not damage important public health research. The revision should aim for the Nordic level of harmonisation for security of personal data in public health research.
In januari startte de Europese Commissie juridische acties tegen Hongarije met betrekking tot de nieuwe wetgeving die aan het begin van het jaar krachtens de nieuwe grondwet van het land in werking is getreden. Op welke wettelijke basis intervenieert de Commissie bij de regeling van de pensioenstelsels van lidstaten? Heeft de Commissie plannen om ook in de toekomst tussen te komen in de wetgeving van lidstaten inzake pensioenstelsels, in het bijzonder voor pensioenleeftijd?
Deze richtlijn verbiedt onder meer discriminatie op grond van leeftijd met betrekking tot werkgelegenheid en arbeidsvoorwaarden. On what legal base does the Commission interfere with the regulation of pension systems of Member States? Is the Commission planning to further interfere with the legislation of Member States concerning pension systems, especially retirement age? This directive prohibits, inter alia , age discrimination in employment and working conditions. Vi sono aperture verso il Montenegro e la Serbia e ancora grandi impasse per quanto concerne gli altri paesi dei Balcani.
Dopo l'adozione del pacchetto sull'allargamento, i paesi interessati dal processo hanno registrato progressi costanti. Per quanto riguarda il Montenegro, nel giugno il Consiglio potrebbe decidere di intavolare i negoziati di adesione in funzione dei progressi del paese in termini di attuazione delle riforme, segnatamente quelle relative ai diritti fondamentali e allo Stato di diritto.
Anche il Kosovo e la Bosnia-Erzegovina hanno fatto progressi. Tutti i paesi che aspirano ad aderire all'UE devono assolutamente registrare progressi costanti relativamente allo Stato di diritto e ai diritti fondamentali, portare avanti il processo di allineamento con l' acquis comunitario e adoperarsi per garantire la corretta attuazione e applicazione della legislazione. Matters are opening up for Montenegro and Serbia but there is still significant deadlock in regard to the other Balkan countries.
In general, the situation is disappointing: Continued progress has been made in enlargement countries since the adoption of the enlargement package. Accession negotiations have not been opened with Montenegro or Serbia and therefore no chapters are currently open. Also Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina have achieved progress. For Kosovo this allowed the Commission to launch a feasibility study for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo. For Bosnia and Herzegovina, a credible effort in bringing its Constitution into compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights is needed since the compliance with the Convention is an essential requirement of the Interim Agreement and the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.
Sport e finanziamento europeo al settore. Tali progetti riguardano, a titolo di esempio: Di quali finanziamenti gli istituti di ricerca in ambito sportivo possono fare uso nell'ambito del loro lavoro di analisi? Risposta data da Androulla Vassiliou a nome della Commissione. Questa, che costituisce il primo documento politico emanato dalla Commissione nel campo dello sport dopo l'entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona, delinea le idee della Commissione in merito a un'azione a livello di UE nel campo dello sport. Inoltre, gli istituti di ricerca nel campo dello sport possono candidarsi a un finanziamento europeo per il tramite delle azioni Marie Curie.
Il progetto intende creare una piattaforma per lo scambio e il dialogo tra l'Europa e l'Asia, promuovere le buone pratiche e lo sviluppo di reti internazionali e interdisciplinari che consentano la diffusione delle conoscenze sulla normativa e le prassi dell'UE nel settore sportivo. Sport is not only important for physical and mental well-being, it also plays a part in social cohesion.
Moreover, sport is a huge and rapidly growing economic sector which makes a valuable contribution to growth and employment. The EU finances transnational sports projects to identify and test the most suitable networks and good practices in the sports sector. By way of example, these projects cover: Furthermore, sport research institutes can also apply for European funds via the Marie Curie actions. Torture, maltrattamenti e pena di morte.
In che modo l'Unione europea si sta dotando nelle sue relazioni esterne di strumenti operativi per la lotta contro la tortura e le altre pene o trattamenti crudeli, disumani o degradanti? Nel marzo del gli Stati membri hanno anche patrocinato congiuntamente una risoluzione sulla tortura e altre pene e trattamenti crudeli, disumani o degradanti: Lo strumento europeo per la democrazia e i diritti umani finanzia inoltre un progetto destinato a sostenere le vittime di atti di tortura e le vittime di sparizioni forzate nella Libia post-Gheddafi. Unfair trials are a reality in 55 countries and, even today, in spite of international laws and conventions, 56 states still issue death sentences — 18 of which have made them enforceable.
Moreover, freedom of speech remains a right for some but not all, given that restrictions apply in at least 96 countries. In its external relations, how is the European Union equipping itself with operational tools to fight torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishments? Such contacts — confidential or public, depending on the respective case — address torture issues and individual cases as well as wider issues. The Member States also co-sponsored a resolution on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment: The EU's emphasis on action to fight against torture is reflected in its substantial funding of projects by civil society actors worldwide.
The EIDHR is also supporting a project which aims at support to torture victims and victims of enforced disappearances in post-Gaddafi Libya. Statistiche FEG e revisione del regolamento. Con una dotazione ben di milioni di euro all'anno, il Fondo Europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione aiuta i lavoratori a trovare un nuovo impiego e a riqualificarsi quando perdono il lavoro a seguito di mutamenti strutturali del commercio mondiale ad esempio in caso di chiusura di un'impresa o delocalizzazione di uno stabilimento in un paese extra UE oppure a seguito della crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale.
Oltre 20 Stati membri hanno risposto a questo invito e hanno inviato i loro programmi di lavoro, tutti disponibili sul sito web dell'Anno europeo. Inoltre, nel maggio la Commissione intende pubblicare un opuscolo sul modo in cui l'Unione europea sostiene l'invecchiamento attivo in una serie di settori.
Studio Miessen
With increasing life expectancy and a lower birth rate, a demographic revolution has caused numerous countries to have to address the issue of an ageing population. What initiatives and public information events are being and will be put into place over the coming year regarding active ageing and solidarity between generations? What are the main EU policies that protect the ever growing number of elderly Europeans? Real unit labour costs in the euro area, expressed as a yearly average, fell by 0. These findings have allowed for the world recession, in which output in the euro area fell by 4.
Between and , profits in the euro area rose on average by These figures clearly reveal the role played by the euro in the fall of unit labour costs and in the redistribution whereby wealth has shifted towards big business and away from labour. When examining redistributive issues at the macroeconomic level, notably the division of national income between corporate profits and labour income, it is instructive to focus on the adjusted wage share in the total economy.
Overall, this suggests that there is little direct evidence of redistribution from corporate profits to labour income at the euro area level. It is further worth noting that the relatively stable wage share in the euro area contrasts with the experience in many other advanced economies, as e.
Instead, wages should be considered in their country-specific circumstances and in light of national competitiveness positions. The euro per se does not exhaustively determine labour cost developments, although membership of the euro area makes the challenges linked to accumulated macroeconomic imbalances more acute.
The Commission advocates a rebalancing of competitiveness in those Member States that have seen wage developments out of line with productivity in pre-crisis years, and which have underpinned these economies' marked rises in unit labour costs.
The potentially irrigable area in the country, however, is much larger: These figures clearly show how inadequately developed the irrigated area is, compared with the utilised agricultural area UAA. Furthermore, it is a fact that areas equipped and ready for irrigation are not being used. Can the Commission say what EU programmes and funds within the current multi-annual financial framework can still be mobilised in order to realise the abovementioned investment both for new irrigated areas and for the intervention required in existing ones?
What are the corresponding EU co-financing rates? How will the potential of irrigated areas be addressed in the future Common Agricultural Policy? Is the Commission willing to reconsider its initial proposals in this field, so as to remove further discrimination and inequality between northern and central European countries, on the one hand, and southern European countries, such as Portugal, on the other? The Rural Development Programme of Mainland Portugal Proder for the period currently foresees a possibility to support irrigation development and modernisation projects.
With regard to the future: The more detailed rules proposed by the Commission with regard to support for investments in irrigation reflect this essential focus on making irrigation systems more efficient so that the CAP can truly help deliver sustainable growth — responding to the needs of both farmers and the natural environment.
The Commission's initial proposals are of course subject to formal discussion in the Council and the European Parliament and it is primarily within this formal process that the Commission expresses its position at any given moment. Que estudos as suportam? The possible introduction of polyphosphate usage in salted fish is a serious threat to the viability of the Portuguese cod processing industry.
The possible introduction of polyphosphates in cod processing will further increase this inequality, since polyphosphates make it difficult to extract moisture, thus imposing an even higher energy demand on Portuguese processors. Portugal already has some of the highest energy prices in Europe, and therefore the increase in drying time due to polyphosphate use would raise production costs so much that several companies in this industry would find it difficult to survive. Added to all this is the question mark over the effect of polyphosphates on the end product and, hence, on consumers.
The cod producers also claim that introducing polyphosphates will not improve the quality or nutritional value of the product in any way. What information does the Commission have regarding the effect on the end product and on consumers of adding polyphosphates to fisheries products? What studies underpin this information? These requests were technologically justified as during the long preservation of this fish oxidative spoilage occurs which changes the original white colour to yellow and which may also influence its flavour.
Phosphates have been proven to be most effective to protect the salted fish against such oxidation. As most of the phosphates are removed during the soaking of the fish with water, the exposure of the consumer to the phosphates will be minimal. The producers will be free to choose whether or not they will use phosphates in wet salted fish. The management has announced that the decision was made when the company recorded a drop in profits during the last quarter of Has it already carried out an assessment of this? What measures have been taken so far to prevent this from happening?
The Commission has no specific information on the restructuring operation announced by NEC worldwide. Such consultations would however remain at the national level. Embora os limiares mencionados no Protocolo n. Which national parliaments have made regular pronouncements in the context of this mechanism? Which national parliaments have, to date, taken the view that the principle of subsidiarity was being breached?
How many times and in what specific situations has this happened? During the same period, the Commission has received reasoned opinions, 63 of which in The following national Parliaments have so far adopted the largest number of reasoned opinions: The Commission publishes these replies, as well as the opinions, on the following website: Opinions from national Parliaments and Commission replies are formally sent also to the Parliament.
A detailed statistical overview of the situation, providing further replies to the question is contained in the two Annual Reports on the relations between the Commission and national Parliaments and on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, which are due to be adopted in the second quarter of this year and will be sent to the European Parliament. At a time when, thanks to scientific and technical progress, more is being produced in less time, instead of moving to reduce working hours, while at the same time combating unemployment, the European Union is increasing working time.
In this context, a recently-published study in the magazine Plos ONE is of particular interest, in that employees who worked for 11 hours or more a day were twice as likely to suffer from serious depression as those who worked seven hours a day. The research was carried out in the United Kingdom on a sample of two thousand workers, men and women, between the ages of 35 and 55 in good mental health, who were studied over a six-year period.
They noted that the link between risk of depression and working hours was not affected by other factors related to life-style. It was the excessive hours worked that led to depression. The Commission is indeed aware of the research referred to by the Honourable Member on the implications for workers' health and safety of different working-time patterns, including long working hours.
The draft law incorporating the EAP commitment into the new Labour Code creates a hour bank account per year that can be activated by individual agreement, whereas the existing legislation provides for a hour account that can only be activated by collective agreement. This should allow firms to contain employment fluctuations over the cycle better and accommodate differences in work patterns across sectors and firms.
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An unprecedented attack on public transport services has been launched in Portugal beneath the cover of the IMF-EU programme. Railway lines have been closed, routes have been shut down, and the frequency of trains, boats, metro trains and buses has been reduced. Thousands of workers are threatened with redundancy. Throughout the country, workers, citizens and users are organising fight backs and protests against these attacks on public transport and those promoting them.
Does it not consider this stance to be in stark contradiction to a public discourse of support for transport infrastructure, reduction in the use of individual transport and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions? The current economic crisis and the concomitant strain on public budgets have given rise to a need to expose public expenditures to close scrutiny.
The Commission reaffirms its view that high-quality public transport is an important pillar of any sustainable and accessible transport system, while recognising the importance of ensuring the economically efficient operation of public transport services. Measures taken in response to today's budgetary constraints must be targeted so as to strengthen and not diminish the perspectives for achieving a higher degree of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Data on public transport is compiled by UITP. The Maritime Police enforces and monitors compliance with national maritime laws and regulations, specifically in areas forming part of the public maritime domain, in inland waters and in waters under national sovereignty and jurisdiction. Furthermore, in collaboration with other police and security forces, it is responsible for guaranteeing the safety and rights of citizens. There is not an official inventory of the status civilian or military or the organisation of maritime police in EU Member States and the Commission is therefore not able to provide the Honourable Member with the information requested.
However, the organisation of the right to form and to join trade unions is essentially a matter of national competence, in which the Commission cannot interfere. The aim of the harvest insurance measures is to contribute to safeguarding producers' income and covering market losses caused by natural disasters, climatic events and, where appropriate, diseases or pest infestations.
To benefit from the harvest insurance measure, the producers need to belong to a recognised producer organisation and the operational programme has to include this measure. In addition, the Rural Development Programmes foresee the possibility to support the restoring of the agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters. The implementation of that measure is the responsibility of the Managing Authority of each Rural Development Programme.
There is increasing discussion among professionals on what extent academic economists share responsibility for the financial crisis, since they may have been offering the wrong kind of training at universities for years, with the result that the global financial crisis was recognised far too late. Whereas macroeconomic models have thus far been based on the primacy of manufacturing industry, they should now take much greater account of the financial sector. If these ideas prove to be correct, urgent consideration should be given to revising course content throughout Europe to ensure that any future crises are prevented at an early stage.
How can the Commission ensure that an informed discussion of this issue is held at European level? The Commission is in many ways contributing to research in the area, including by developing its own simulation models and by regularly organising or participating in debates with the research community. The Commission thereby contributes to an informed discussion of this issue at European level. Entsprechend der Verordnung EG Nr. Ziel dieser Regelung ist die Wiederherstellung des gegenseitigen nicht visumspflichtigen Reiseverkehrs.
Austrians must pay for a visa to enter Turkey; however, there is no charge for citizens of most European states, for example Germany. Turkey holds the sovereign right to decide the conditions under which foreign nationals — including EU citizens — may enter its territory and it is true that they do not apply a uniform policy towards all EU citizens as regards the visa obligation.
Such a dialogue provides a framework to also address the issue that the Honourable Member has raised. According to studies, the growing proportion of elderly people in society is leading to an increase in the prevalence of visual impairment. However, very few EU Member States have conducted surveys to determine how many people actually suffer from visual impairment. Should EU Member States be required to keep statistics of the number of blind andpartially sighted people on their territory? Are there any studies which prove that there is a direct link between an increasingly ageing population and visual impairment?
First results available for dissemination are expected at the beginning of Recognition of visual impairments is typically done in order to grant a disability status and relevant benefits. This is a matter of competence of national, regional or local authorities in the individual Member States. The Commission does not promote any specific procedures or actions in this regard. The correlation between ageing and disabilities, including problems in seeing, is well documented.
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- The development of British landscape painting in water-colours.
Gibt es auf EU-Ebene hinsichtlich Energiestrategien bzw. In most cases, large cities and centres of population have fewer resources water, biomass and areas that can be used to generate wind and solar energy , combined with increased energy requirements. Under the Commission's research framework programmes, energy efficiency in cities has been a topic for over a decade and will continue under the forthcoming Smart Cities and Communities Initiative from In addition to research, the Commission has co-financed projects that seek to test and demonstrate the real-life implementation of solutions.
In the area of energy, this concerns 22 projects operating in 23 countries founded under the Concerto initiative www. The Smart Cities and Communities Initiative which is currently under preparation will address the convergence between the energy, transport and ICT sectors with regrad to the development of sustainable urban solutions. In diesem Zusammenhang sei darauf hingewiesen, dass ungewiss ist, ob und in welchen Mengen in Kasachstan Seltenerderze vorkommen. Germany has concluded a strategic cooperation agreement with Kazakhstan under which German firms will start prospecting for these highly sought rare earths in the Central Asian republic in the foreseeable future and, if successful, will be allowed to extract and export them.
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The Commission is aware of the agreement between Germany and Kazakhstan on partnership in the general areas of raw materials, industry and technology. It must be noted in this context that the significance of rare earths deposits in Kazakhstan is uncertain. Ensuring fair and sustainable supply of raw materials, including of rare earths, from global markets is a priority for the Commission. In conducting trade policy, the Commission is seeking to obtain, legally binding commitments on access to inputs or investment rules, which would benefit all EU Member States.
This can take place in various settings, including the WTO framework or through bilateral negotiations. The objective is to guarantee the supply of raw materials through disciplines on exports but also on establishment and transit. In a recent WTO dispute settlement proceeding relating to 9 raw materials not including rare earths , the Appellate Body confirmed that China cannot impose export duties on those raw materials and that China's other export restrictions, such as export quotas, are WTO-inconsistent. In the light of that case, the Commission is closely monitoring Chinese export restrictions on rare earths and other raw materials.
Delocalizzazione dello stabilimento Ditec S. Finally, the transfer of the manufacturing operations would have serious consequences in employment and social terms, especially given the large numbers of workers employed in related industries. What action will it take to prevent the impoverishment of the European manufacturing sector, and the serious consequences for the economy, employment and social inclusion, caused by the increasingly more frequent instances of relocation, which in a great many cases are occurring even when there is no crisis in the companies involved? The Commission reaffirms the need to anticipate and prepare as far in advance as possible any restructuring operation.
Daarin wordt gemeld dat vakantiegangers die deze zomer met de auto naar Frankrijk gaan, rekening moeten houden met een nieuwe wet die navigatieapparatuur verbiedt die de locatie van camera's toont die de snelheid meten. Bovendien wordt in juli mogelijk een verkeersmaatregel van kracht die automobilisten ook buitenlandse verplicht een ademtester in de auto te hebben. De ademtester kan door de rijder gebruikt worden om zelf te testen of hij te veel alcohol op heeft.
Hoe verhoudt deze Franse wet zich tot het vrij verkeer van goederen, waarbij navigatieapparatuur die legaal in een lidstaat is gekocht, wordt verboden in Frankrijk? Wat is de opvatting van de Commissie over het feit dat, ook wanneer de maximumsnelheid niet wordt overtreden en wanneer de navigatieapparatuur niet is ingeschakeld, de berijder van een voertuig beboet kan worden voor het bezit van legaal aangeschafte apparatuur?
De Commissie is op de hoogte van de door het geachte Parlementslid genoemde wijzigingen van de verkeersveiligheidsregels die Frankrijk onlangs heeft ingevoerd. De nieuwe regels voorzien in de verplichting wegwerp-ademtesters aan boord te hebben en in het verbod op het gebruik van apparatuur die bestuurders waarschuwt voor de aanwezigheid van snelheidscontroles. Geen van beide aspecten valt op die moment onder het EU-recht. De Commissie onderwerpt de nieuwe regelgeving op dit moment aan een inhoudelijk onderzoek en zal de Franse autoriteiten indien nodig om verduidelijking vragen.
Zij zal het geachte Parlementslid zo snel mogelijk in kennis stellen van de resultaten van haar onderzoek. According to the article, tourists travelling to France by car this summer must take into account a new law that prohibits navigation devices that show the location of speed cameras.
In addition, a traffic regulation may become effective in July that obligates motorists including foreign ones to have a breath analyser in their car. The breath analyser can be used by drivers to self-test whether they are over the legal limit. President Sarkozy wants to reduce the number of traffic accidents with these measures. Where does this French law stand in relation to the free movement of goods, as navigation devices legally purchased in a Member State will be banned in France?
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What view does the Commission take of the fact that, even when the speed limit has not been exceeded and the navigation device is switched off, the driver can still be fined for the possession of legally purchased equipment? The Commission is aware of the recent amendments to the road safety regulations very recently adopted by France referred to by the Honourable Member.
The Commission is examining the content of these legal provisions and will get in contact with the French authorities for clarification if this is necessary. The Commission will inform the Honourable Member of the outcome as soon as possible. By abolishing the Organisation, among other things, the question of the ownership and administration of the abovementioned property arises.
Who is to assume proprietorship and management of the property in question following dissolution of the organisation? Has the impact of this move on the local economy, tourism, social cohesion and employment been studied? Does it intend to cooperate with the Greek Government to find equivalent measures to offset the impact of the closure of these organisations?
Information that the project contract does not clearly specify whether payment will be linked to the progress of the project has caused anger and surprise. Whatever views one may have on the expediency of specific military expenditure, particularly at this time, and given that the Commission has restricted HSY to carrying out only military orders, and given furthermore the tragic state of employment in Greece, will the Commission say:.
What is the total cost of the order? How has it been recorded? How will it be recorded in the accounts in the next few years? In the contract signed by the government and HSY, are the payments related to the progress of this project? Does it intend to re-examine its decision and lift the abovementioned restriction so that HSY can contribute to combating massive unemployment? As regards the information requested in points 1 and 2 of the question, it must be recalled that the Commission's decision does not include any prescriptions on military activities.
The Commission does not have the information requested by the Honourable Member. Over the past fifteen years, Greece provided repeatedly unlawful and incompatible aid to HSY giving it an unfair advantage over its competitors. At this stage, no recovery even limited has been realised. In these circumstances and in the absence of a full recovery, lifting the ban on civil activities is not justified. According to reports published in the Turkish Cypriot newspaper Star Kibris , the castle in occupied Kyrenia is deserted, is not being maintained by the occupation authorities and has begun to fall into ruin.
Potholes, broken wooden stairs and smashed window panes pose safety problems for foreign visitors, while dirt, plastic objects and rubbish greatly detract from the castle environment. What does it intend to do to end this inadmissible situation and start protecting the monument, a prime example of the historical patrimony of Cyprus and also of Europe? Does it intend to impose specific sanctions on Turkey for this desecration of the cultural heritage of the Cypriot people?
Will the Commission give its view on whether actions of this kind are conducive to a positive climate for a resolution of the Cyprus problem? The Commission is aware of the situation of Kyrenia castle. This was one of monuments which underwent an in-depth technical assessment under the Study of Cultural Heritage in Cyprus, which was implemented by the United Nations Development Programme and funded by the European Union.
Kyrenia castle is not on the list of the 40 monuments which are a priority agreed by the Bi-communal Technical Committee on cultural heritage, operating under the auspices of the United Nations. The Commission is working in close cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme UNDP and the Bi-communal Technical Committee on cultural heritage to fund priority projects which have been agreed and approved by the bi-communal committee, with the aim of providing EU funding in the short and medium-term for projects on the list of the Committee.
The Honourable Member's question once again underlines the need for a rapid comprehensive settlement in Cyprus, which would constitute an effective remedy to address the issues of cultural heritage. Specifically, nine births in every thousand are miscarriages or end in death.
Moreover, the latest official statistics on infant mortality date from , testifying clearly to the total absence of a national registration system for recording these deaths. In this context, and given the necessity for combating perinatal mortality:. Does the Commission have statistical data on the incidence of perinatal mortality in the Member States? If so, what fluctuations have been registered in the last three years? How does the Commission judge the fact that Greece does not keep official records of the phenomenon, making it impossible for any annual evaluation of the perinatal indicators?
Does it intend to issue any relevant recommendations? Which other Member States do not possess official data? Does the Commission intend to promote the exchange of best practices between Member States, so as to identify the most appropriate means for dealing with the problem? How does the Commission assess the absence of regional perinatal centres in Greece?
Member States provide perinatal mortality data to the Commission regularly on a voluntary basis. Die Ergebnisse basieren auch auf den Erfahrungen, die bei der Umsetzung des ersten Programms gesammelt wurden. However, a leaked version of a preliminary debt sustainability analysis drafted by the Troika throws very serious doubts on the capacity of the deal achieved to reach its objectives.
Would the Commission confirm the existence of the document and the assessment mentioned above? The negotiations of the Commission and its Troika partners with the Greek authorities on the new programme aimed to reconcile the necessary fiscal consolidation and internal devaluation with social cohesion and growth enhancing reforms to address the challenges of Greek competitiveness and debt sustainability. The outcome also builds on the lessons learned from the implementation of the first programme.
In particular, the growth forecasts at the outset of the first programme underestimated the depth of the recession. It is clear though that there can be no sustainable growth without sustainable public finances. The latest Debt Sustainability Analysis projects a debt level of The Commission has always endeavoured to present a fair and balanced presentation of the programme risks in its compliance reports including for the new programme: Programme implementation will be key for Greece including to re-gain market access.
Mechanisms will be put in place to reduce the downside risks: Representatives of Spanair stated that the company had never received any subsidies, only investment from public bodies and government agencies. In this connection, the Commission recalls that when an investment of a public authority would be deemed reasonable for a private investor in similar circumstances, then it is generally considered that it does not constitute state aid prohibited by European Union law. Der Rat ist daher nicht in der Lage, zu den im Rahmen dieser internationalen Vereinbarung festgelegten Bedingungen Stellung zu nehmen oder Informationen zu erteilen.
Would the Council confirm the existence of the document and the assessment mentioned above? The Council has not discussed this issue, as the stability support to Greece was set up outside the treaties, under the European Financial Stability Facility EFSF , a public company whose shareholders are those Member States whose currency is the euro.
The conditions of the loan are stipulated in a memorandum of understanding attached to the loan agreement between the lenders and Greece. Therefore, the Council is not in a position to comment or provide information on the conditions agreed under the international agreement. Deelname van het maatschappelijke middenveld en maatschappelijke partners aan het Europees semester.
De deelname van het maatschappelijk middenveld en sociale partners aan het Europees-semesterproces is cruciaal om het democratische verantwoordingsplicht, draagvlak en legitimiteit te geven.