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The prior incarnation and only incarnation of Maitreya, the Lord of Consciousness, according to some interpretations not C.

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Sanat Kumara is regarded as the great guru, saviour of Earth. It is maintained in most of these versions of Theosophy that Venus , the 'Planet of Love', is the most spiritually advanced planet of our solar system. The beings living on the etheric plane of Venus are said to be hundreds of millions of years ahead of us in their spiritual evolution. According to Theosophy, once Sanat Kumara arrived here, he directed the construction of the city of Shamballa on the etheric plane above the Gobi Desert to serve as his headquarters.

Ashtar : Tuella :

Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaches that Shamballa was built physically on the White Island in the Gobi Sea now the Gobi Desert , and was only later withdrawn from the physical to the etheric plane. The main temple of Shamballa is topped with a golden dome and is surrounded by seven smaller temples—one for each of the seven rays. These temples are located on a number of wide boulevards resembling the Champs-Elysees. Leadbeater also states that an important duty of Sanat Kumara is to participate in an elaborate ritual every Wesak the Full Moon of May led by Gautama Buddha , and also participated in by the Maitreya the being Theosophists identify as Christ , in which cosmic energy is focused from the "Solar Logos" to Earth in order to keep our planet's cosmic energy in balance.

The ritual is said to take place in a ravine in southern Tibet the Frontispiece of Leadbeater's book The Masters and the Path has a picture of the ritual taking place and, it is stated by Leadbeater, can be viewed by in the etheric body or in the physical body by those who have etheric sight.

Paradoxically, two other common appellations of Sanat Kumara are two opposite titles: Another of his titles is "The One Initiator" because it is said by C. Leadbeater in the Masters and the Path that he personally performs the initiation ceremony for anyone who has reached the third level of spiritual initiation. Bailey indicates the same in her writings.

Sanat Kumara's symbol of the authority of his office as Lord of the World is a 2-foot-long 0. She is said to have incarnated as an Avatar in Atlantis where she served as the high priestess at the Temple of Healing and in Sassanian Persia , where she married a mortal and had three children. In the Ascended Master Teachings, she is revered as the Goddess of Healing and is the patron deity of doctors and nurses.

He became a master alchemist who formulated an elixir of immortality made from rose petals , tea leaves from mcleod ganj and other ingredients. This enabled him to quickly achieve ascended masterhood.

Ashtar : Revealing the Secret Identity of the Forces of Light and Their Spiritual Program for Earth

He uses small amounts of the elixir to heal people. He is the protector of all Zoroastrians.

= The Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command =

He works with St. Germain to bring about the New Age in the West Americas. The colors of her Ray are purple and gold , and also ruby. She is also considered a Member of the Karmic Board ; she handles the appeals of those on the third ray. Designed after the pattern of a rose , with each "petal" being a room, this Retreat is the etheric counterpart of the "Temple of Love" on Atlantis where Nada once served as a High Priestess. In another human incarnate life in Atlantis, she was a lawyer. Although the Lady Master Nada's home residence called in the Ascended Master Teachings her "retreat" is underground on the etheric plane on the Arabian peninsula, according to the Ascended Master Teachings, she teleports to Shamballa every workday to her day job on the Karmic Board , hearing the cases of those souls who are on the third ray.

Many theosophists believe the "Masters" utilize the cosmic power of the Seven Rays to advance the Plan of the Masters to encourage the continual advance of civilization on Earth toward higher levels of consciousness. One of the beliefs of adherents of these belief systems is that the Masters of Wisdom have united together in an organization called the Great White Brotherhood. Leadbeater and Alice A.

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Bailey stated that Sanat Kumara is in continuous telepathic rapport with the Solar Logos the Being considered by Theosophists as the consciousness of the Sun. It is believed in Theosophy that Sanat Kumara captures the mystical power of the Seven Rays from the Solar Logos and distributes it to his assistants who guide the spiritual evolution of humanity, the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom the Ascended Masters , who then focus the power to us. According to the Alice A. Germain , the Master Jesus and the other Masters of the Ancient Wisdom , of which it is said there are 24 principal council members, to assess the progress being made in implementing The Plan of the Masters to bring the human race to higher levels of consciousness.

Leadbeater, it is also here that he periodically personally receives ambassadors from other solar systems. Bailey material , Sanat Kumara has many assistants who help him in his arduous task of spiritually governing Earth as its presiding Regent. These include The Watcher also called the Silent Watcher or the Great Silent Watcher , whose function it is to continually watch the Akashic records and download daily all the information on them relevant to the life waves of Earth and forward it to the Custodian of the Hall of Records. Bailey mentioned three Lords of Karma but did not name them; they are called in the Ascended Master Teachings the Karmic Board and they are stated to number seven and each of them is identified by name: The raw data is first downloaded daily by The Watcher from the Akashic records and fed by him to the Custodian of the Hall of Records and thence forwarded to the recording angels and their volunteer helpers.

Even Alexander the Great is said to have consulted the Oracle of Delphi, seeking information about his future military conquests. For the common person not embroiled in the machinations of war and politics, the oracle was available to answer personal questions. Another important link in the historical chain of channeling is John Dee, a Welsh mathematician who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Dee was a devoted student of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy. He devoted much of his last thirty years to attempting to commune with angels in order to learn the universal language of creation and unify mankind prior to the coming apocalypse. This was at a time when witches and occultists were still being persecuted. Apparently, he made some predictions and some of them were very successful.

So he was channeling angelic beings. He did not draw a distinction between his mathematical research and his delving into angel summoning and divination. He considered the various efforts to be part of the same quest to find a transcendent understanding of the divine forms which underlie the visible world. Moving ahead a few centuries, Beckley also considers the widely influential occultist Aleister Crowley to be a significant channel. Crowley was an avowed bisexual, a recreational drug experimenter and a social critic who claimed to be in a revolt against the moral and religious values of his time, the early 20th century.

He seemed to have been very much adept at trying to promote himself and to create an aura around his personality. He hyped the fact that he was supposed to have done all these terrible things, but one cannot really attest to them. I think the only thing he ever got caught doing was having a couple of orgies, which perhaps might have been out of place in that particular time period that he lived. It was up to the individual who was performing the magic ritual whether or not they were doing the work with good intentions.

Because the angels, it was thought, were of a higher power and closer to God and therefore they would also have a better connection with other entities that existed.

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He actually even called up and materialized an entity that looks remarkably similar to the Grays that a lot of people claim to have been abducted by. So perhaps Crowley, in his channeling and spiritual work, was the first individual to contact an extraterrestrial that we would know as the Grays today. Oliver, who was born in The first section is a complex first person account by Phylos of the culture of Atlantis, which had reached a high level of technological and scientific advancement.

The Phenomenon of UFO Channelers - From Ancient Astronauts to Ashtar

It includes a detailed history of the social, economic, political and religious forces shaping Atlantis, and relates how daily life in Atlantis featured inventions like antigravity air and submarine craft, television, wireless telephones, air conditioners and high speed rail. Obviously, some of these devices have become reality.

Throughout the book, there are images of what are clearly cigar-shaped vehicles drawn while the channeler was in a trance. These illustrations look almost identical to the tubular space ships George Adamski purports to have observed through his telescope. The book also deals with esoteric subjects like karma and reincarnation. I understand Shirley MacLaine was in a bookstore in Paris one day when the book literally fell into her hands.

So that was one of the channeled books of the last years or so that has had a great appeal. In fact, I remember I was selling copies of it when I started out as a bookseller in my middle teens.

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  3. Sanat Kumara.
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