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The Travel Agent (A Short Story)

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The Travelling Companion Story - Stories for Kids - My Pingu Tv

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The Travel Agent’s Story

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This was back when the dial up modem was the height of speed. It was this new, slick thing and many of our corporate clients, failing to realize it would ultimately cost them triple, jumped on the bandwagon.

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  • The Travel Agent (A Short Story) by R.G. Taark on Apple Books.
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So we backed off of the corporate side for a while and started specializing in High End Leisure Travel. The rise of Online Ticketing Agencies in the late nineties was hard on many travel agencies. The industry took a big hit and a lot of agencies went out of business. We had to make a decision: To stay in business for the long haul or bail? Obviously we decided to stay. During that time we mostly grew by acquiring other agencies and their book of business. The overarching, public perception is that the internet has critically wounded the travel industry.

However, in our case, the internet has actually really helped us. Have I lost business because of it? For example, people come to us informed.

Travel Agent Business Success Stories | Starting a Travel Agency

The business of Travel, like any other, has evolved in the Internet Age. The James Acton Thrillers Series: A Teaspoon of Trouble. Wrath of the Gods. Ballarat Charter volume 1. The Circle of Eight.

Her Rebel to Kiss. When The Spirit Moves You.

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Beauty and the Geek. Wishful Sinful Rock Royalty Book 5. The Complete Freshman Year: The Jacques Futrelle Megapack. The Girl in the Ice. The Road to Garrett. The Sherlock Holmes Megapack: Honor of the Fallen:. How to write a great review.