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Library staff interested in technology trends and applications. Webinars are free of charge, you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button on this page. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event. May 8th, Wednesday, December 9, , presented by Laura Solomon Webinar 2: Wednesday, June 15, presented by Laura Solomon Webinar 5: Wednesday, October 25, presented by Laura Solomon Webinar 6: Tuesday, February 21, presented by Laura Solomon Webinar 7: This level of autonomous car will likely appear on the market in the next decade.

Here are the 12 tech trends that will dominate business in 2018

Autonomous driving Level 5 labels vehicles operating autonomously in all situations and conditions, and controlling all tasks. Without a steering wheel, brakes or pedals, these cars could become another living space for families, having far reaching societal impacts.

Emerging technologies in general will require support from new technical foundations and more dynamic ecosystems.

These ecosystems will need new business strategies and a move to platform-based business models. For example, blockchain could be a game changer for data security leaders, as it has the potential to increase resilience, reliability, transparency, and trust in centralized systems. Also under this trend are digital twins, a virtual representation of a real object.

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This is beginning to gain adoption in maintenance, and Gartner estimates hundreds of millions of things will have digital twins within five years. This will range from simple diagnostics to neural implants and be subject to legal and societal questions about ethics and humanity. These biohacks will fall into four categories: For example, biochips hold the possibility of detecting diseases from cancer to smallpox before the patient even develops symptoms.

These chips are made from an array of molecular sensors on the chip surface that can analyze biological elements and chemicals. Also new to the Hype Cycle this year is biotech, artificially cultured and biologically inspired muscles. Though still in lab development, this technology could eventually allow skin and tissue to grow over a robot exterior, making it sensitive to pressure. Technology, such as that seen in smart workspaces , is increasingly human-centric, blurring the lines between people, businesses and things, and extending and enabling a smarter living, work and life experience.

Emerging technologies require revolutionizing the enabling foundations that provide the volume of data needed, advanced compute power and ubiquity-enabling ecosystems. The shift from compartmentalized technical infrastructure to ecosystem-enabling platforms is laying the foundations for entirely new business models that are forming the bridge between humans and technology.

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Biology can then be hacked, depending on lifestyle, interests and health needs. Biohacking falls into four categories: However, questions remain about how far society is prepared to accept these kinds of applications and what ethical issues they create. Emerging technologies in do-it-yourself biohacking are moving rapidly through the Hype Cycle.

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Mixed reality is making its way to the Trough of Disillusionment, and augmented reality almost reached the bottom. Those pioneers will be followed by biochips, which have just reached the peak and will have moved on to the plateau in five to 10 years. Technology will continue to become more human-centric to the point where it will introduce transparency between people, businesses and things.

These technologies extend and enable smarter living, work, and other spaces we encounter. The advent and mass popularity of cloud computing and its many variations have enabled an always-on, available and limitless infrastructure compute environment.

Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries - Part 8 | Infopeople

Technologies supporting ubiquitous infrastructure are on track to reach the peak and move fast along the Hype Cycle. Riding the Innovation Wave".

2. Deep learning

With profiles of technologies, services and disciplines spanning over Hype Cycles, this Trend Insight Report is designed to help CIOs and IT leaders respond to the opportunities and threats affecting their businesses, take the lead in technology-enabled business innovations and help their organizations define an effective digital business strategy. IT executives rely on these events to gain insight into how their organizations can use IT to overcome business challenges and improve operational efficiency. Cape Town, South Africa.

We equip business leaders with indispensable insights, advice and tools to achieve their mission-critical priorities today and build the successful organizations of tomorrow.

1. Computer vision

Our unmatched combination of expert-led, practitioner-sourced and data-driven research steers clients toward the right decisions on the issues that matter most. Katie Costello Gartner katie. Robert van der Meulen Gartner rob.