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Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Bill Angel gives an entertaining narrative of his campaign to oust a local Democratic party Chairman in small-town Lima Ohio. In the early 's, in a county where the Democrats are outmanned by Republicans, and saddled with an ineffective party leadership, Bill Angel is recruited by a team that believes their party can do better.

Angel and his team organize a challenge to the sitting Chairman and pull off the upset taking control of the party apparatus. Then the tough part begins. Running a political party that is expected to do poorly by potential donors and potential candidates makes for a challenging environment. In this book Angel brings you there. You experience the promise of change in the organization, and the dissolution of fighting the uphill battle of electing candidates from the "wrong party". If you have always wondered about the inside working of party politics this is a great read for you. Or if you are a party insider who enjoys hearing political war stories, you won't be disappointed here.

Ever find yourself sitting on a bus or plane beside someone who, like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, insists on telling you his life story, even though the story is unlike that of Coleridge's uncanny narrator essentially empty of significant content? This is a big problem compared to nuclear bombs that smashes the few pounds of bomb material compared to a plant blow up with a few tons of fuel of all sizes getting into everything, take your chances ever day for years. Not many meters read Plutonium and alpha producing radiation or do not tell you the percent that is Plutonium in the tested area or object.

The lies and deceit with TEPCO leads me to believe that they maybe comparing meters performance to select the ones that reads the lowest, do they make readings over hard surface that clean easy, we know about some metering sites deliberately put the battery in front of the sensors to read far less than actual, do they look for windblown hard surfaces, do they prewash the area, do they take an average of several readings or do they publish the lowest reading, when they get a low reading at first do they stop and if high take more readings to average it lower, do they use a clear tape over sensors to reduce the reading of Alpha particles, do the staff lie to make their industry look good so they have a good job, do they meter at high ground level where decree is washed away with rain, how many other thing can reduce the meter readings.

Most of these listed have been done before, so how many times higher is the actual reads that are published. After seeing the miss use, it would not surprise me that meters that are bought in bulk or destined for Nuke plants are set to read as low as they can get away with, so that their product will be on a favored list of products.

If some of these are not done, their past actions have made us dist trust them forever and ever. I sure wish that they would have built plants in proper location and to handle natural and manmade mistakes, how long before a drugged up or mental case person causes a meltdown. This is enough for now, thanks listening. Protect against that risk. Are these plants still spewing radiation into the air and sea and when will it stop, now in north America we receive radiation in the wind and rain intermit as high as 1. The info on the net has persuaded me to use solar, the problem is the cost of storage for night production, this seems to be a problem yet the cost to deal with nuclear waste is higher so for me use solar.

What would it be like if solar was the only energy for every requirement, no oil required equals no middle east conflicts with distant countries BILLONS saved on armament, lose of life and health compared to the damages with other energies. I emagen pumping water from existing salt and fresh lakes or seas to a higher elevation where life is sparse like mountain and desert areas creating great living areas and abundant life around water soars. The new water sources are then fed back to the source, generating electrical power.

This will also reduce the water levels around the world. I cannot see a better out come for the world and it is possible at a price we can live with. Not worried about that though. Do you even know what a carcinogen is? The Chiba Oil refinery near Tokyo erupted into a giant 10 day long inferno due to the Tohoku Earthquake. And of course plastics, mercury, lead, antimony, cadmium, PCBs, asbestos and a hundred other deadly toxins were vaporized and released into the atmosphere to settle all over the countryside. Every citizen in Japan, is eating, drinking and breathing those deadly Mutagens, Carcinogens, Teratogens, Neurotoxins, Embryotoxins and Endocrine Disruptors.

And historic towns in Germany that are being forcibly evacuated and destroyed to make way for giant Coal Strip Mines. And large areas, much larger than Fukushima evacuation zone, permanently evacuated of more persons, for a smaller energy production from Hydro Reservoirs in many places around the World. And giant Coal Ash ponds and spills covering vast areas of land. Get some perspective dude. No one has responded to my statement of 4 Sv radiation with.

How many types of radiation are not known about. Please respond as I believe nuclear power is needed but I need it to be safer then what has been done so far or is less destructive to the world, how will it look when our descendents year from now come into this world after 50 melt downs many plants may not survive a sun burst like a years ago that melted large transformers.

I can feel your anger and fear in your post and I feel for you. But the remarks about Airforce pilots navigating by the radiation that would come from Indian Point, does tell me something. Similar with the idea that millions of deaths would happen if a serious nuclear accident would take place. I came from a position similar but less fervent than yours, mildly anti-nuclear to my current pro one by reading on the subject a lot since Fukushima.

I was dissatisfied with the quality of the news I saw and wanted to know more. It was the start of a journey that gave me much to think about and led me to revice many of my earlier ideas. I agree that the effect of the tsunami on the Fukushima complex was the initiating event that required people to leave their homes where, key point here , the tsunami had not already destroyed the local infrastructure. However I disagree that the radiation cleanup efforts are entirely the cause for keeping people from their homes at this time. Current policies regulating the access to the Fukushima district were developed during a period of understandable fear within the moment partly caused by lack of good communications due to the enormity of the tsunami itself, partly due to the lack of good data about the status of F-D complex at that time, and partly due to the lack of an effective emergency oriented organizational structure within the Japanese nuclear industry.

The development of the current set of policies regulating access to the Fukushima area were also influenced by various anti-nuclear groups that were poised to take advantage of a nuclear crisis to further their own political aims. Additionally, the current policies were affected by the effects of the tsunami itself which caused far greater damage and loss of life then the loss of the F-D reactors.

I also submit that the current Japanese policies regarding access were affected by the extremely ill-advised, ill-timed and suspect technically accurate proclamations of the previous NRC chairman. One of the major benefits of having a strong regulatory system is that we have so few accidents to investigate unlike natural gas pipelines, oil refineries, natural gas power generation facilities where accidents happen far too frequently.

The entire nuclear industry should take advantage of this situation to ensure that all policies relative to the low level radiation issues are not developed to address politically expedient concerns but are developed based on sound engineering and scientific assessments.

My point is that we have a perfect opportunity for reasonable engineering assessments and scientifically based reviews of the Fukushima data juxtapositioned with the current Chernobyl and TMI data. As an industry, we should now be in a position to effectively evaluate that data from our current level of knowledge as well as a historical perspective due the decades of safe nuclear power plant operation which includes decades of safe use of medical radioactive equipment.

This review is needed as the current updating the cancer research being conducted with the NAS starts Phase 2. This review ultimately could lead to a change in mindset and to the governmental policies that were developed post-WWII and were more based on nuclear weapons data not data from operations of commercially viable nuclear power plants if the scope of the study does not become unwieldy. This review of the Fukushima and Chernobyl radiation data should also be used to educate the populace that shares the area around the many nuclear power plants in the United States with the goal of explaining the risks relative to other risks that are surrounding us at all times.

People want facts not fear induced diatribes about how the plant will kill them, and future generations, if the slightest level of radiation or contamination is released. I would expect that the NRC continues works to maintain its neutrality on the issue of regulating commercial nuclear power plants. This does not just mean regulating nuclear power for the public safety concerns but it also means regulating nuclear power taking into consideration that both sides, pro-nuclear AND anti-nuclear have agendas they would like to have met. The NRC must maintain its neutrality and independence from both sides while ensuring public safety and maintaining commercially viable power plants.

I do not see why we need this product that is turning out to be very costly monetarily and health wise.

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Hear in central Canada rain had up to 1. Before they turned it off Vancouver was over 50 pulses. They are finding that workers have sabotaged the plants in the past. Where does it end. What havent the nuclear industry made public that may concern us all, these plants pushing into 50 and 60 years when built to last 20 to 40 years, how can inspections catch deep faults when stressed like berried pipe etc. If Fukushima would have been in central America it would have been twice as bad as the ocean to the east of Japan toke the brunt.

I just cannot trust anyone in the nuke industry.

The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy

Their still a huge number with thyroid problems, it is not common, I or anyone I know have never heard of anyone under 20 years old having thyroid problems and I am 65 years old, It may change some of the numbers. Surely any scanning equipment will show up cysts larger than 5. You may have missed the blogs in May, when a American ship went near Fukushima and were told by Japan officials that radiation was not very high and the US naval commander sent several men by chopper to visit the Japanese vassal and when they returned they scanned the men and found very high readings on their boots and pant legs which caused friction between the two.

They scouted around the plant at sea and found out that the winds carried radiation their direction. For a naval personnel to sue a company in another country is serious and I am sure that if they go forward their careers are ended and the US gov. They must be sure that they can win or are stupid.

They have other problems with the Alpha, Bata, Gama mix because of the plutonium in the mix, it is not near the same as studies in the past assumed they had, this must worry everyone when there is new radiation of low amounts, most hand held meters do not show Gama radiation. They are on their own good luck cleaning when radiation is still spewing into the air past plant dropping to the ground several miles away and into ocean and other countries and radiation moving from mountains to major cities. It will take 5o years or more, how many times will they have to clean areas as radiation moves around.

I always thought nuclear powered vessels monitored radiation levels. Have any sources for the increased thyroid growth? It is the same process. If you drink a large amount of water quickly your body will be more radioactive for a short amount of time water has a natural concentration of radioactive tritium.

Our best guess would be: A Big Fat Zero. It ought to be required viewing, especially for Mississippians. I lived in Honduras for three years, got to know the country fairly well, traveling to 17 of its 18 departments. As most Americans fully understand, all eight of these countries have stra ta of classes of people, which—to varying degrees—are vastly different from our own economic layers of income and lifestyles. In other words, the lowest echelon of the very poor down there represents a vastly higher percentage of people than anything remotely correspondent in the US.

These folks in the so-called caravans are from the poorest and least-listened-to classes in the region. No one cares what they say. And the proponents of both should just admit their goal is open borders for all. Torres-Small won the CD2 race by 3, So quite apart from the electronic absentee ballot application issue, Herrell has quite a number of possible irregularities to examine once the ballot impoundment finally begins. Herrell should definitely continue her efforts to be able to finally review the mysterious absentee ballots, applications, and other returns that the SOS and the judge have not wanted her to see.

There may be nothing there, but there may be something—irregularities that while perhaps not decisive, nonetheless need to be rectified. And there could be a significant finding that benefits the overall goal of elections integrity. One thing that did come from the State Canvassing Board meeting is the fact that the Office of the Secretary of State did in fact create an on-line electronic absentee ballot application system without authorization in statute and with procedures that do not comply with current statutes regarding the processing and validation of absentee ballot applications.

No one actually validated it. Whenever there is fraud in an election, it is almost always absentee balloting that represents that element of the elections system that is most susceptible to manipulation. In the primary case in Dona Ana County, State Representative Mary Helen Garcia was able to show numerous absentee ballot applications which were filled out to have them sent to the same address. She also had testimony from a Sunland Park voter who said that most of the ballots were being voted by one person — and that witness was indicating on the stand that he was the one who was doing it.

The judge, in an unusual move, almost immediately stopped the testimony. A Democratic Party attorney who was present in Las Cruces the day after this year's general election made this statement: These are kids who have been separated from their mothers or fathers because these very same parents were arrested for illegally entering the United States. And by the way, these parents deliberately placed their own children in harm's way in order to sneak into the country—jumping the line in front of their own law-abiding countrymen from Mexico and Central America.

All observers and talking heads swooned. So the United States Armed Forces have been causing "irreparable damage" to the children of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines for centuries, and no one happened onto this discovery until the phenomenon of illegal immigration came along? All of this immediately begs the question: In those 16 years, how many times do you think I heard from a single, solitary person—whether a constituent or even a witness before a committee—who said New Mexico must not incarcerate women or men because it separates them from their children?

That we should not separate children from their parents just because their mother or father broke the law and landed in prison or jail? Not one single person ever expressed one iota of concern about that to me. Nor did I ever hear it even mentioned. Not a single damned person cares—or has cared. It took propagandists promoting illegal immigration for this sentiment to surface.

But let illegal immigrants break our laws, jump the line in front of their fellow countrywomen, deliberately place their own children in danger, and as a result end up separated from their children for a couple of weeks and suddenly what do Americans hear? Americans at that point begin to see the coordinated efforts of the entire United States news media together with the Democratic Party and every special interest group that supports open borders as they all pull together in a comprehensive propaganda effort to convince the American people that something unique and unprecedented is happening at the border.

It's the same thing that has happened for 5, years—however long human beings have had some way of addressing crime and punishment: It is nothing new at all. But in today's America, if a criminal happens to be a foreigner, you never hear the end of it. What about these illegal immigrant children of incarcerated parents? Oh my goodness, it's tragic. What about American children of incarcerated parents? Then why are you incredibly worked up about people breaking the law being separated from their children?

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It's been going on since the beginning of recorded history. The answer is they are being led to repeat the same slogans, talking points, and catchphrases used by the propagandists on TV constantly. As frequently seen on television, fewer and fewer Americans can answer even the most elementary questions about American government or history, or even answer some of the simplest questions about our nation.

Never mind being able to find a foreign country on a map. With falling educational standards over the past 50 years, America has truly dumbed down. They are easily swayed by emotional appeals and slogans. The Logical Next Step. If what you are hearing and perhaps believing is true—that family separation, even for a short period of time—is an enormous psychological catastrophe, then it only follows that the US Government should suspend policies that allow mothers to serve in the Armed Forces, or be deployed as their careers require.

If a Honduran parent should not be "separated from children" as a consequence of breaking the law, then why on earth should Americans who break the law be separated from their children? After a harrowing, challenging year in which the total number of passengers on the Mayflower had been reduced from to 53 by the numerous deaths in the terrible winter of , the congregation which was made up of Separatists , not Puritans decided that a Thanksgiving celebration should be held for them and for their fellow travelers who may or may not, in their view, have been saved because they were most likely members of the Church of England.

The true Pilgrims lovingly and affectionately referred their fellow Englishmen as "strangers. Exactly years ago today at exactly 2: Indians Not on Time. The Indians showed up quite late, perhaps 30 minutes late to an hour behind schedule. But the Pilgrims being a tolerant and non-judgmental people, carried on as if nothing had happened.

Far be it from Calvinists to point out failings in others. The Indians brought five deers a correct rendering, as the Pilgrims were still speaking a good deal of Middle English which they still had to dress out and prepare—and unpleasant task as we all know, which considerably delayed the proceedings even further.

But a ball was produced for the youths to pass the time—which they did. And it is from this first Thanksgiving Day ball game which we get the current tradition of football on Thanksgiving Day largely because the owner of the Detroit Lions was a descendant of the Mayflower expedition and had long wanted to revive the tradition, which he did 83 years ago.

At last, when all was in readiness, a prayer of blessings was offered up—for all in attendance, both those among the Calvinists who and for the Anglicans and Catholics both of whom the Pilgrims loved with all their heart, though they believed them to be lost, most likely back home across the sea. From that prayer, emanating from these most ecumenical and forward-thinking Calvinists, we get the American tradition of religious tolerance, to be enshrined in the First Amendment only years later.

It was fortunate the Pilgrims had shot more than 50 geese, turkey, and ducks. The record shows they also served shellfish. There was also corn — and this was a big deal because until a year earlier the Pilgrims had never even seen it before. But perhaps the biggest surprise of all was that over the course of the year the Pilgrims had produced corn syrup — and that allowed them to take the pumpkin and turn it into pie — a concept totally unknown to the Indians.

There were no potatoes — even though they were native to America and the Indians had tons of them — as the Pilgrims were suspicious of them. The Irish and Germanics later became enamored of them. And of course the Russians and Finns used them exclusively to produce vodka which the Pilgrims would have condemned , so much so that usage of potatoes as actual food in Russia and Finland is of course virtually unheard of today.

As for fruit, the Pilgrims did use the locally-found, brand new to them cranberry, confecting a sauce for the turkey. In any case, it was a successful meal, lasting some five hours into night, the Indians famously being overcome with the effects of tryptophan, and becoming increasingly listless and drowsy, finally falling asleep to a man. But the Pilgrims were careful to cover them with blankets after all it was Massachusetts in late November and to not touch their arms at all.

This kind of openly demonstrated trust and humanity touched the hearts of both the Indians and Pilgrims alike and ushered in nearly years of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between settlers and the native peoples of the First Nations — only to be marred in very recent times by demonstrations and clashes in North Dakota over a proposed pipeline.

Thus occurred the very First Thanksgiving, November 22, Happy Thanksgiving to all, and may God bless us, everyone! Also, the following true story provides a history lesson which can be instructive to both libertarians and conservatives alike with regard to the considerable mess which has ensued in the wake of the so-called "Gay Marriage" uproar.

Susanna, by the way, was one of only four adult women to have survived. Susanna's first husband, William White, had died almost exactly nine months earlier and Elizabeth Winslow, Edward's first wife, had died almost exactly eight months earlier, on February 21 and March 24, , respectively. The surviving spouses Edward and Susanna then experienced something of a whirlwind romance perhaps suitable for a fairly racy HBO Miniseries , somehow fell in love, and ended up marrying on May 12, , 49 days and 81 days after the deaths of their spouses.

The congregants, naturally, wanted to be able to help the newlyweds off on a two-week honeymoon — perhaps to the Caribbean, or a ski vacation in Vermont — but neither had been invented yet, plus no one had any money or transport. So, by all accounts they honeymooned right on site. You may be thinking this was practically impossible because of the requirement of the reading of the Banns for three consecutive Sundays in front of the congregation as well as the publication of the same in the marketplace or local municipality.

However, keep in mind that the Pilgrims at Plymouth were "Separatists" unlike those arriving in the follow-on landings within the next decade at present-day Boston, about 40 miles to the north. The newer arrivals were "Puritans," technically still affiliated with the Church of England, with hopes of finishing off its purification by eliminating the last of its more ghastly Romish habits. The Pilgrims, therefore, viewed marriage as strictly a legal contract in the civil realm rather than a religious rite.

This is because Puritans and other Protestants saw no biblical foundation for church control over marriage. Marriage was only established as a sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church in the 12th century, and Separatists viewed that phenomenon as a vain and un-biblical invention. So the marriage ceremony was performed by Governor William Bradford.

This may be seen by libertarians and conservatives alike as a classic example of how the entanglement of church and state leads to coercion in the area of religious belief. For the Pilgrims, because marriage was a civil contract, questions of inheritance were handled by the state rather than the Church. While much of this account was true, it must be said that there is some embellishment, strictly for the purposes of adding color to the story.

But any and all additions are well within the standards adopted by Hollywood when a movie provides the opening statement: This is a somewhat ungrammatical recounting of the statement and therefore confusing.

A Visit to Japan: Reflections from the Chairman – U.S. NRC Blog

What Adair said, as he has stated before on a number of occasions something more along these lines: NOTE about the meaning of this quote: The catastrophic losses in the House this year, coupled with the loss of the governorship, mean that the GOP has no serious chance of having a say in the September redistricting session that will draw the legislative districts and the congressional districts in the manner they will be contested throughout the next decade to come.

This means the GOP will have to wait 13 years to have the kind of chance that Governor Martinez gave the party when she was leading the state GOP efforts. Here is another passage that was not attributed to Adair—or to anyone else—but which contains an accurate narrative that Adair has did provide to the author:. Here is are some somewhat jumbled statements that are attributed to Adair with explanations of the accuracy and precision for each:. What Adair said is that certain people in the party wanted to run the party and the campaigns and did not want Martinez and her team involved anymore.

By , there was no "squabbling," the people who wanted to run the party by themselves were doing so. And everyone else let them. The same was true for The fact was, as far as Adair said he has been able to tell, that was ALL gone this time around. The "leaders" of the GOP effort did nothing to save the legislature.

They were focused solely on the governor's race and the CD 2 race, both of which they lost. The word "advance" makes no sense in this context, and he insists he did not say that. What Adair said that the future leaders of the party are probably not visible or identifiable right now. He gave examples by asking the questioner if he knew in that Xochitl Torress Small would be a leader or the CD2 Congresswoman in ? The questioner responded by saying "no," that he would not have heard of her at that point.

Adair then said that his response was: Adair said he then posed to the reporter the same question about Susana Martinez—would he the reporter have known in that she might emerge as governor in ? Again, the reporter while stating he knew at that point in time that Martinez was a district attorney, nonetheless admitted he would not have foreseen that she would be governor. Again, Adair says, he made the same point was with the Torres Small example. Adair is also quick to point out that he does not "generally speak in terms of 'diversity' because the way the term is always used by the MSM and the Democratic Party is a way that reduces Americans to the Democrat Party's Balkanized view of politics and life itself—that people are nothing more than their immutable demographic characteristics.

Republicans, who are much closer to the NMPJ philosophy, think in terms of peoples' ideas, hopes, philosophies, goals, objectives, and dreams.

Not All Politics is Local - Reflections of a Former County Chairman (Paperback)

They don't say, as Democrats do, that people ARE merely their immutable characteristics and a should VOTE based on such unchangeable characteristics as race, ethnicity, skin color, sex, the way they live their sex lives, or anything of the kind. Adair acknowledges that he did in fact say something very close to this or exactly like this report captures it. This is truly a remarkable story. Lyons has Barker dead to rights—lying outright—no question whatsoever.

What was Barker's motive? We have no idea. He certainly has in previous shows, done some accurate reporting. But in this instance, he just flat lies. See the video here: We don't blame Lyons for refusing to shake hands with Barker. If Lyons is ever questioned about not shaking hands with Barker, we would recommend the following reply:. Larry Barker has slurred me, falsified my record, and lied to the people of New Mexico.

Today gives us a great opportunity to educate our readers about how the Lefty blogger spin cycle works. The Martinez Haters and Monahan: For years, the Martinez haters have been very close to Joe Monahan. In turn, Monahan seems to imply he is quoting Yates directly, while Yates appears to provide Monahan with straight-up pro-Democrat, anti-Martinez narratives while Monahan tries to shield the Yates crowd from criticism.

This isn't hard to understand when you remember that Yates, Murphy, and Monahan wildly enthusiastic supporters of Democratic Senator Tim Jennings and strongly opposed Republican Senator Cliff Pirtle in his successful effort to end Jenning's year reign. Murphy and Yates didn't think that was long enough. We will get into what he spun this morning, but to understand the proper context, we must look back to what he said in when Barack Obama had been re-elected in a landslide.

No bang for the buck? But what was the reality? Of course, all of this was actually crystal clear immediately following the election—but that was apparently not what the Yates-Billingsley-Murphy crowd was urging Monahan to say. The Murphy-Yates-Billingsley crowd were and are his bread and butter, so Monahan went to work trying to paint an anti-Martinez narrative. Monahan then goes on to reprint an anonymous email that was sent to Republicans trashing Martinez and her team. Republicans lose an unprecedented and astounding 9 seats in the legislature 8 net losses , all 12 statewide races, and the southern Congressional District, and fail to even put forth an independent expenditure effort or any kind of ground game, turnout effort, or even the most rudimentary form of campaign plan or organization.

Meanwhile, in other states, Republicans were not suffering the same fate—precisely because they had competent state party organizations. They failed and thus the party failed at the polls. That's what happened in when Martinez came in by riding a wave of anger against Dem Bill Richardson.

Monahan couldn't get further out of the mainstream if he tried to take an ocean liner down the Rio Grande. Who is doing all this "thinking"? In there were tons of ads, mail, and TV directed against the failed policies and failed administration of Bill Richardson—it weighed the Denish campaign down like an anvil tied to a rowboat. Did you see any such advertising this year aimed at Susana Martinez? But they want you to imagine that it existed. There was no evidence of any "wave of anger" imagined by the Monahan Boys, or Harvey and the gang. So it was just made it up. After all, it's easier than manning up and taking responsibility for incompetence.

But at least we can say that Monahan stays on message: Due to their own ineptitude. There is no one else to blame. The mail has scurrilous charges that have no basis in fact whatsoever. But legislative candidates were left defenseless. The Cangiolosi-Billingsley-Yates-Murphy team appears to have provided them nothing to fight back with.

That amount of money would probably have saved three or four seats. But the people who pushed Martinez out simply did not know what they were doing. They destroyed the GOP's entire election effort. So it becomes laughable when you consider that back in , when the GOP: Compared to their analysis about this election , when Republicans literally lost everything and ended the election with a historic low in 24 House seats…..

On this particular question, New Mexico election law is pretty plain. It says in Article 14, paragraph The action shall be brought in the district court for the county in which the precincts are located. The petition shall state what specific items of ballots are requested to be impounded. Oddly enough, the Secretary of State and the Attorney General both tried to block the impoundment for good.

So much for transparency. Both of those elected officials continue to pile onto their already substantial records of opposing open government and transparency. One thing discovered in this whole process is the existence of a new way to make an Absentee Ballot Request. This year, the Secretary of State—without any rulemaking or public notice—created an on-line electronic absentee ballot request that does not require the voter's signature. An absentee ballot request without a signature at all? Below is an application for an absentee ballot that has no signature. First, both the statute and her own administrative rule say that the application must be signed.

So, apparently, NONE of the electronic voter registration applications have signatures of the voters applying to vote. What is the significance of that part of the law? But Maggie submitted who knows how many of her "electronic" applications—with no signature at all—to the county clerks electronically, and they were accepted. How many people got to vote without providing their signature on their ballot request?

There is no statute and no rule that authorizes this new double standard for absentee ballot applications in New Mexico. Just a secret decree from Queen Maggie. Did the Democrats know this? But in the end it wasn't proposed by anyone in the state legislature. Maggie just did it. Maggie Toulouse Oliver took a beating from the Supreme Court on her effort to single-handedly invent the straight-party ballot without any input from the legisature or any law to authorize her edict.

As for this additional power grab, she appears to have kept her "no-signature-required" idea under wraps and away from public scrutiny. Here's what a real application for an absentee ballot looks like: But we hope the other members of the State Canvassing Board will be asking that question on November The reason for the signature requirement is obvious. The integrity of elections depends on ensuring that one person gets one vote, and one vote only, and that that vote is actually his or hers.

The key to that principle is centered on the individual, his or her personal identity, and the signature especially in the absence of Voter ID in New Mexico is the only remaining lynchpin in that process. What we do know is that some 11, absentee ballots were requested in this year's mid-term election, with some 8, being returned. Two years ago, in a presidential election, 3, absentee ballots were cast. Maybe it was all fair and square. But we have to wonder why a Democrat District Court Judge does not want the state police to be guarding the ballots right now.

Milan's headline sets the tone for his bad advice. It would be a rare thing indeed for when any party's "best hope" is a candidate who "just lost in a rout. They dropped nine seats in the state House of Representatives while picking up one. What election in ? That's not consistent with what we are hearing coming out of Lea County.

What the hell does that mean? Pearce IS "the collective organization around him. Pearce and whatever is left of the Republican Party of New Mexico are fully integrated. He built the present structure and supplied it with people. He is at the root of the destruction of the party. His statement turned into the best news of the night for Republicans.

Again, where does Milan get such an assumption? Did he go back and re-read this sentence? If so, how did it manage to stay in the column? Pearce gave up that seat to run for governor. And he would certainly be a better philosophical fit for the district—that much we grant. But imagine the contrast in the public mind—and the way the media would portray it: A young, dynamic, good-looking enthusiastic Hispanic woman versus someone who would just be accused of trying to get back a seat, just for the sake of getting it back. Along with the usual challenges of being a freshman representative in the gridlock of Washington, Torres Small will have to start campaigning again almost immediately.

She must raise tens of thousands of dollars every month for her re-election bid. Who among us doesn't know all of this? It is true anytime you've hit rock bottom. But again, this is hardly a helpful observation. By default, a self-promoting contractor named Mick Rich became the Republican nominee for the U. This is BS, pure and simple. First of all, most candidates are not "enlisted" by the party chair. Oddly enough, the couple of candidates that Cangiolosi and Pearce did recruit together had to drop out—as they had not done due diligence in their background checks on them.

Second, there was nothing wrong with Mr. What political candidate is not "self-promoting"? You think Gary Johnson was not a "self-promoting contractor" when he ran for governor in ? The reality is no party wants any candidate for any office who is not self-promoting and enthusiastic about selling himself or herself to the voters. Simonich is not your friend. Be careful as you weigh his "caring counsel. Third, the Republican Party had quite a number of superb candidates—including a slew of very fine, highly respected judicial candidates, Hank Bohnhoff and Emil Kiehne come to mind as having reputations at the very top of New Mexico legal profession, but all five statewide candidates were very highly regarded throughout the state.

Only four years ago, it was New Mexico Democrats who were pulverized in an election. Sam Bregman, then the Democratic Party chairman, presided over that disaster. This is a great opportunity to make a point that allows every New Mexico Republican to understand the relative disadvantages the Party operates under in the Land of Enchantment. What does "pulverize" mean? In New Mexico elections, the term means very different things for each party. If the Democrats lose 4 of 8 statewide races, as they did in , that's a big setback for them.

But their party fundamentals are so strong that even in a "big Republican year" they are still winning half the time. Not so with the GOP. When the Republican Party gets "pulverized" they can lose 12 out of 12, as they did this year. The Republican ceiling is limited. The Democrat ceiling is unlimited. The "floor" for the GOP is zero, but for the Democrats their "floor" is so high they can weather the worst of storms and keep right on winning at least half the races. Their bench is empty, except for Pearce. He just took a licking. Can he keep on ticking until they find contenders?

But do New Mexico Republicans really want on old Timex watch as the symbol of its leadership? We have little doubt that's what "neutral" unbiased "reporters" like Milan are pushing for. But is that what the possibilities for leadership in the future of the Republican Party really are? We don't think so. All of this leads us to our final point: Did anyone know even a year ago, much less two years ago, that Xochitl Torres Small would be a congresswoman in a year or two? New Mexico Republicans are not restricted to the gentle advice of hostile reporters.

Nor are they locked in to candidates of the past, especially failed candidates. Somewhere there are people none of us has ever heard of who are thinking about entering politics. For all we know, there could be a year-old politically-unknown Hispanic woman entrepreneur somewhere in the state who has already made a fortune in business.

Now she's thinking about whether she can make a difference in state government. She may be wealthy, a self-funder. She may be from a traditional New Mexico Democrat family, someone who doesn't like the direction her party has gone—someone who thinks Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are economic illiterates. She may have already switched parties. And she may feel she's stood on the sideline long enough. We chose to suggest that one demographic, and this one possible story, but in reality the possibilities are endless. And that's the way we believe Republicans should be thinking as they ponder their future here in New Mexico.

This article explains a lot! Every 'conservative' NM voter who is concerned about politics in this State should consider reading this post. They bit off the hand that fed them! Now we are doomed to be even worse than californication because unlike them we have always been poor as a state. I read the article and was taken by surprise. We seem to like destroying our selves.

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  • Every party has morons. New Mexico Republicans need to find better leadership! Our morons have out done themselves! How a handful of corrupt, self-serving political hacks could wield so much influence is sickening. While they've handed total control over to the dems, sadly there will be little or no repercussio ns for them or the liberal left regarding New Mexico's dismal future.

    Our totally blue state will remain last in economics and education I love my state, but am disgusted by the sick, selfish, petty politics we must endure. T he leadership of the Republican party is a big part of the problem. Good analysis of Republican condition. I do hope you are wrong that we are lost into the s. Dems will screw up enough so that we can come back. Martinez won by about 40, which tells me NM voters are capable of switching. Forty thousand margin is unheard of for a Republican. We hope we are wrong about the s too, though we outline why we believe that is the case.

    And yes, Martinez won by big margins—which makes you wonder why these haters decided to turn on her. You are right about left wing bloggers, Monahan, getting stuff from R discontents. The Democrats are much smarter in that regard. They would never do the equivalent.

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    Please contact me personally as I am a big Martinez supporter and we need a Republican Party overhaul immediately in time for the December 8 party vote. Your analysis of the Republican disaster and what lead up to it is extremely interesting. I would be interested to know who the major contributors were to this analysis.

    Our staff drew on a number of sources, but mainly the considerable archives of electoral data, campaign records, and the commentary by the naysayers and the records of their internally destructive tactics. I did seem to me, patently obvious, that the Pearce campaign was not, in any way, trying to leverage any of the successes of the Martinez administration. Your observation is accurate. Pearce even attacked, either by directly, or by inference, a number of Martinez reform efforts. Can you help me understand more about why the people you identified as the Martinez haters became so selfishly engrossed in destroying the Republican Party.

    We wish we could. Some of them have a record that is based purely on division, stretching back quite a number of years. Others wanted to be able to dictate policy and did not get to do so. Normal adult Republicans would not react by deciding to make the governor an "enemy. I am a conservative who looked for and found a home in the Republican Party of Lincoln County. The author does nothing to heal divides within our party, but rather relishes augmenting the wounds, and to what purpose?

    The writer has apparently not read the article this letter appears dictated otherwise she would have read that the wounds were inflicted over a period of years, with predictable results. We have simply pointed out the individuals who inflicted them, and [implicitly] recommend to Republicans not to follow them in future.

    Not All Politics Is Local

    When leadership is lacking, expect the vacuum to be filled, and not always to your liking. Again, the writer appears not to have read the article, but merely to have signed on behalf of another author. Otherwise she would know that the party had great leadership, with excellent results—capturing the House and winning 4 of 8 statewide elections.

    That was not in any sense of the word a "vacuum. They became, in effect, "the vacuum" the writer describes. I applaud her for doing so. She had eight years to do something, yet her tenure has largely been marked by personalizing politics, attacking potential allies on both sides of the aisle, and being unwilling to learn in areas where she had no experience. The writer is repeating the attacks not surprising in a dictated letter of those who caused the Party's destruction.

    Being "perfectly willing" to give credit to Governor Martinez is a pretty empty statement when one 1 just won't actually do so, or 2 is ignorant of what has transpired. The high school graduation rate has increased to an all-time high. More students than ever have reached "proficiency" in reading and math. Graduation rates for Hispanic and low-income students are growing fastest of all. She cut taxes 61 times—something the writer is unaware of because the letter's dictator has always focused on tearing down the governor rather than promoting her accomplishments.

    Why has the state party not promoted these accomplishments? Show us where the state party has done anything to promote these positive accomplishments. During the primary, we invited all the CD2 candidates to debate the issues and answer questions from county Republicans. He actually said that? That sounds exactly like something John Billingsley repeated several times to our readers. We somehow doubt he said that.

    Furthermore, it is hardly a positive attitude. Again, we suspect the signer unwittingly translated the vitriolic attitude of Mr. Billingsley without stopping to consider how they did not exactly fit with her ostensible appeal to a "positive vision. I do know John Billingsley. Billingsley raised almost no money as state party chair, and left the party in dire straits.