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I had the extreme privilege of reading an Advanced Release copy of this wonderful new series by one of my favorite authors - Melinda Leigh!

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Morgan Dane is a widowed single mom with three young children, who abandons her new job, before it starts, with the Scarlet Falls District Attorney's office, to defend a young neighbor accused of the brutal murder of his girlfriend. Joining her in her investigation is her friend, ex-cop turned private investigator Lance Kruger. It was great reconnecting with ch I had the extreme privilege of reading an Advanced Release copy of this wonderful new series by one of my favorite authors - Melinda Leigh! It was great reconnecting with characters from the Scarlet Falls series I always secretly wonder what's happening with them when their story ends.

I loved this book, and cannot wait for the 2nd in the series - Her Last Goodbye. Former Prosecutor Morgan Dane and her three young daughters have returned to her hometown of Scarlet Falls, following the death of her husband while serving our country in Iraq. Now that she's near family and old friends, and with the promise of working with the District Attorney, she feels she's finally ready to put her grief aside and start her life again.

All goes well until her teenage babysitter is found murdered. The accused is her neighbor's son, Nick, who is just a few years older than the Former Prosecutor Morgan Dane and her three young daughters have returned to her hometown of Scarlet Falls, following the death of her husband while serving our country in Iraq. The accused is her neighbor's son, Nick, who is just a few years older than the sitter. Nick was a frequent visitor in Morgan's home, entertaining her daughters, playing chess or checkers with her father.

Nick's father begs for help for him and Morgan agrees. Deep down, Morgan just cannot accept that Nick could murder anyone. Her decision turns her neighbors and friends against her and she loses the lucrative job before she even begins putting together a defense for Nick. Needing an investigator, she turns to her friend Lane Kruger, an ex-cop turned private eye. Morgan and Lance are going to have to battle the community, the cops, the DA. As they systematically interview and question the girl's friends and family, they learn that just about every teenager in town knows something they aren't sharing.

Meanwhile more evidence is stacking up against Nick.

Never a dull moment in this book! I really enjoyed how law enforcement worked with a private eye There's an attraction between Morgan and Lance, she's a bit hesitant, he's determined not to scare her away. There's a little bit of everything here Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own. This is my first book by this author and I loved it! Great start to a series! Morgan Dane is a widowed mother of three girls.

Her husband was killed in the line of duty and she is still mourning 2 years later. She moved back to Scarlet Falls to live with her grandfather. She receives a phone c This is my first book by this author and I loved it! She receives a phone call late at night from the grandparents of a young girl who baby sits occasionally for her stating she is missing.

Morgan calls Lance Kruger, an old high school boyfriend, whom she has become good friends with since her return to Scarlet Falls.

See a Problem?

Lance is currently working as a PI while on medical leave from the police department due to a gunshot wound to his thigh. When Nick, her 20 year old neighbor, and friend of the family, is accused of killing his girlfriend, Morgan agrees to represent him pro bono. She goes to the PI office Lance works for to ask for their help. Morgan and Lance work well together. Morgan is still dealing with her past while trying to move forward. Lance is dealing with the loss of a job that defined him and trying to figure out his future. Lance comes across as a stand up guy with unquestionable integrity, honesty and a big heart.

Morgan shares those qualities. I loved that there was no histrionics, immature meltdowns, or ridiculous outbursts between Morgan and Lance. I never saw the killer coming! This rarely happens for me, so I was impressed! This book is a real page turner. There is also a great cast of supporting characters as well. Grandpa is a real sweetheart and very encouraging to Morgan. Her youngest is a bit of a spitfire! Lincoln Sharp is a retired detective and owner of the PI firm where Lance works. He is a father figure for Lance and another stand up guy.

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I will be watching for the next book in this series! View all 5 comments. Sep 04, Kylie H rated it really liked it Shelves: This is the first book in the 'Morgan Dane' series and I really enjoyed it. Morgan is a lawyer who has returned to her home town to take up a job with the DA's office.

She is a widow with three young daughters and lives with her grandfather who raised her. Just before commencing her new job Nick, a neighbour is accused of the brutal rape and murder of a local girl. Morgan opts to ditch her new job and take on the defence of Nick. In doing this is she throwing away her career?

Is she ostracising h This is the first book in the 'Morgan Dane' series and I really enjoyed it. Is she ostracising herself and her family from their own community? Can she trust her instincts or is she biased? A lot of skeletons come to the surface as the story unfolds. Christian Grey rated it really liked it Shelves: But the fact that I cared about the injustices happening to fictional characters says a lot of good things about this author. The story was fluid and kept me on my toes. But that's fine with me. I didn't figure out who done it with absolute conviction.

He not a spoiler was among my list of suspects, but I hadn't settled on him. This is a good thing. I look forward to more in this series.

Hell, there is a relations 4. Hell, there is a relationship to grow and more bad things that are happening in this small town. I look forward to it.

Say You're Sorry (Morgan Dane #1) by Melinda Leigh

Oct 11, Debby "Piene Raven" rated it really liked it Shelves: The story is about Morgan Dane, who is trying to get a handle of her life. She is hired as an assistant district attorney and comes from a line of cops in her family. She is a widow raising three young children with her maternal grandfather, who just happens to be a retired cop and a young woman living with them who has severe medical issues. He is hurriedly charged with murdering Tessa to bolster the political appearances of some.

Morgan finds herself on the defense side for the first time rather than prosecuting people. In an effort to help Nick, she turns to Lance Kruger, an ex-cop turned private eye and long-ago boyfriend now friend for help. As the two began to unravel the case, they set themselves on path of danger as well as others involved with the case.

This story had me on edge quite a few times with its twists and some unpredictable turns. I thought the suspense was good and Morgan and Lance are a very sweet couple although the romantic tension dragged out a bit too long. I wanted to see them hook up a bit sooner since they were once high school sweethearts. Lance is a nice Hero that has many facets to his character in the story, especially one who loves and cares for his mother despite her many problems. This was a very good suspense romance and I thoroughly enjoyed this first in the series. Jun 16, Under the Covers Book Blog rated it really liked it.

I am still relatively new to the thriller genre, I like to dip my toe in every now and then, however, in this book Melinda Leigh has tempted me to belly flop right in. Morgan Dane is our main character, she's been widowed for two years and has 3 adorable small children, who she parents with the help of her father. No I am still relatively new to the thriller genre, I like to dip my toe in every now and then, however, in this book Melinda Leigh has tempted me to belly flop right in.

Now, she has decided it's time for her to go back to work as a prosecutor. But, just as she's about to start her baby sitter is horrifically murdered and her neighbour is accused of the slaying. Morgan doesn't buy it. So with the help of her private investigator and former high school boyfriend, she decides to take up his defence. This book is so easy to get into, Morgan is such an identifiable figure, a single mother trying to do the best for her children and now juggling a stressful job. A stressful job where she isn't sure she's doing the right thing.

And then there's Lance the PI assisting her with the case and a guy with some pressures of his own. The murder case itself, although interesting to follow, as soon as the murderer popped up I figured it out correctly but that didn't stop me from enjoying the ride to get there. It was Morgan and her relationship with people, her blossoming romance with Lance, her devotion to her family, her dedication to helping Nick - the young man accused of murder - that kept me glued to the book.

I can't wait to read more in this series and I will definitely be looking up some more Melinda Leigh. Subscribe to our blog by email! I have not read the Scarlet Falls series that was published before this, so some of the connections were not clear at the beginning of the book, but it did not diminish the enjoyment I had while listening to this book. The narration was well done with a lot of expression that added to my enjoyment of the story. This story picks up two years after Morgan returned home.

Book Review: Say You’re Sorry by Melinda Leigh

She has been offered a job working at the DA's office when her life is thrown into chaos. Her young neighbour has been accused of murdering her old babysitter. The family can not afford a top notch lawyer, and on impulse, Morgan offers to take his case pro bono. She is sure that he is innocent. Recruiting an old boyfriend and ex-cop, who is now working as a PI, they begin their investigation to prove Nick innocent. The only way to do that is to find the real killer. Morgan is an incredibly strong and brave character, in fact some may think she is rash and impulsive.

She also has a great sense of loyalty for those she cares about which is how she ends up involved in this case at all. I love that, as busy as she is, she still makes sure she spends quality time with her daughters. Lance is dealing with his own issues. He was shot while still working on the police force and even though he enjoys the leeway he has working as a PI, he misses his prior job.

I really enjoyed the working relationship Morgan and Lance have. They feed off each other well and Lance is very protective of Morgan. I will be watching to see if they develop a romantic relationship as this series moves forward. The mystery surrounding Tessa's death and the disappearance of another girl was intriguing. Each of these suspects often revealed another secret in Scarlet Falls.

I suspected several people, but never actually the person figured out the killer until just prior to the reveal. Some other readers thought the book was slow, but I felt the pace was just right. I listened to it in one day and didn't want to take any breaks, as I was pulled right into the story. This book is listed as a Romantic Suspense, but I think it was more Suspense Mystery, as I mentioned earlier, perhaps the romance is yet to come.

If you have kindle unlimited, the audio version of this book is available for members right now as I write this review. A young widow with 3 little girls lives with her grandfather. It's been two years since she lost her husband in Iraq and she is thinking it is time she gets back to her "pre-widow" career of attorney. With a family rich in law enforcement, Morgan has been raised with a mindset of justice for the guilty and vindication for the innocent.

A brutal rape and murder of local high school girl finds a polite young neighbor of Morgan's under suspicion for murder. Finding it hard to believe that the same A young widow with 3 little girls lives with her grandfather. Finding it hard to believe that the same boy who regularly plays chess with her grandfather and spends time in her home among her daughters is capable of such a heinous crime, she agrees to take on his case.

I enjoyed following the story as it played out and thought the characters were well developed. The author gave you many opportunities to place blame on multiple persons only to take back the gleam of hope that you figured out the case. My only objection was that perhaps there were too many possibilities. A pretty good mystery, well written and perfectly ended to engage the reader in future cases and investigations for Morgan and Lance. I personally can see this story and future stories of Morgan in a Hallmark movies and mystery series. I received this ARC free of charge for an honest review.

Thank you for the opportunity to partake of this first journey in the adventures of Morgan Dane and wish the author continued success in her future publications. It took me a little while to get into Say You're Sorry , but I ended up really enjoying this mystery thriller romance. I borrowed this in audiobook format through Amazon Kindle Unlimited. This is probably one of the best crime thrillers I've read in a while, and that is for a couple of reasons: From the first page of the book until the end, you will be riding a roller coaster that never stops.

There are no boring or slow passages in this book. It's super fast, a lot of things are happening and it really is what a thriller is supposed to be: Each time you feel like the roller coaster is about to stop, something booming happe This is probably one of the best crime thrillers I've read in a while, and that is for a couple of reasons: Each time you feel like the roller coaster is about to stop, something booming happens: I honestly loved them.

They really were familiar to me, I was able to picture them perfectly: I was in a constant state of can-you-please-kiss-already. Even though I had some suspicions, but no, I wasn't able to figure out who the criminal is. There are 4 more books in this series!! The all-round maturity certainly helps. Leigh ratchets up the tension from the start and very much like every episode of a TV crime series, begins the show with the panicked pants of a potential victim who flees an unknown killer, who surprisingly, acts uncontrollably because of his own self-preservation instincts.

I liked both Morgan and Lance together, and loved their partnership which seems to bode very well for the next few books that Leigh has in mind. View all 4 comments. Check out all of my reviews at: Morgan Dane returns home to Scarlet Falls with her three young daughters after the death of her military husband in the Middle East. Living with her grandfather and a teenager rescued in a previous Scarlet Falls book, two years has passed and Morgan d Check out all of my reviews at: Living with her grandfather and a teenager rescued in a previous Scarlet Falls book, two years has passed and Morgan decides to return to work as an ADA.

She wants to start moving forward at least professionally with her life. Lance Kruger was an SFPD officer, but is currently training to be a private investigator while recovering from a gunshot wound. His mentor, Lincoln Sharp started his own P. Even though the evidence is strong, Morgan just cannot believe Nick is guilty. Morgan turns down her ADA job and decides to not only defend Nick against false charges, but to find the real killer with the help of Lance and Lincoln. This book takes off and keeps a fast pace throughout. With multiple suspects there are many unexpected twists and turns in the plot.

As you turn the pages to find justice for Tessa, many other small town secrets become unearthed. I loved the multiple views because they pull you into the head and intense emotions of each character in every situation. I was happy to learn from the author that there are at least four more proposed books for this series and Morgan will continue being the main character.

This book has the beginnings of a new romance for Morgan with Lance and I am looking forward to its progression. I am looking forward to the next book and a return to all of these great characters! Aug 17, Anna's Herding Cats rated it really liked it Shelves: Well that was good. Morgan's babysitter has been brutally murdered. And the boy next door has been accused of the crime.

Morgan, though, is certain he's not guilty and decides to defend him in court even if it's the unpopular opinion. Now she just has to prove he's innocent. I enjoyed the mystery. The storyline bops around for different points of view-- Morgan, the boy accused and the killer-- as the crime is investigated and days go by.

It was a good mystery. Kept me interes Well that was good. Kept me interested and wondering how they'd piece it all together. There's a hint of romance between Morgan and her friend who is helping her. I liked them as a team and how they interacted. It'll be fun seeing how their relationship evolves now that she's back in town and they're coworkers.

This was my first time with Chris Dukehart. She took a little getting used to. Took me a bit to find the right speed. I ended up listening at 1. My main quip with her was the children's voices Morgan's kids. Not a deal breaker, though. But she did a good job with pacing and once I was used to her voice couple chapters it was easy to get lost in the narration and before I realized 11 hours had passed in less than 2 days.

I'll listen to the rest on audio without hesitation. It was Morgan and her relationship with people, her blossoming romance with Lance, her devotion to her family, her dedication to helping Nick — the young man accused of murder — that kept me glued to the book. My Musings Wow, another fantastic book by Ms. Really enjoyed this one. Great characters and amazing plot. Can't wait to read more books from this talented author. After taking a couple of years off work to spend time with her daughters after her husband was killed in Iraq, Morgan Dane is ready to return to work as a prosecutor.

Except before she even gets started in her new job, tragedy strikes in the small town of Scarlet Falls. Even worse, the crime is being pinned on someone Morgan believes is innocent and she's determined to do whatever it takes to see the right person bought to justice. Will she succeed or will she face a tough, uphill battle that co After taking a couple of years off work to spend time with her daughters after her husband was killed in Iraq, Morgan Dane is ready to return to work as a prosecutor. Will she succeed or will she face a tough, uphill battle that could turn deadly at any time?

What a highly entertaining, fast-paced, gripping read Ms. Not only did he cheat, but also he got the girl pregnant. Of course, I kicked him to the curb. Problem is, Chris is not letting it go, nor are our friends. He says I will eventually have to forgive him. Book includes samples of other Joyia Marie books at the end. Unapologetic, Book Three of the Sorry Trilogy now available. Books in This Series 3 Books Hide books already in your library 0.

Subscribers read for free. Buy now with 1-Click. Yeah, about that… Well, long story short, Chris is innocent. Although, he is the uncle… Yeah, Bo Grover, older brother to Chris, Marine and war hero is also a father. He and Janice had had one night of drunken passion and produced the baby, which Janice tried to pin on Chris.

Anyway, all this came to light when Chris after a year of letting Janice shine him on about a paternity test, held her feet to the fire and they got tested. Chris rushed over to my house to give me the happy news, right in time to find me in the process of moving to Dallas with my olive-skinned, former man-whore, new boyfriend Gabe. And if not, where does that leave Gabe and I? All I do know, is there will be a lot more drama before this is finished and more than one heart is going to end up broken.

Moreno is leading the charge to get our wedding planned and done. Gabe and I would have been happy going to the courthouse or maybe flying to Las Vegas, but Mrs. After all, things are pretty calm. Grover's Corner is small town Texas, where not only does everyone know everyone, you also get to see everyone, and the few times Gabe and I ran into Chris before he made his big move, things were a bit… tense.

You know the day Gabe and I get our wedding date set, the drama begins anew. Her lawyer is holding up the trial hoping Gabe will agree as if the baby is his, then this might get the jury or judge to extend her a little leniency. Time will tell if she wakes up from this coma.