How to make $4000 on Fiverr monthly

But later I decided to use that to build a business. This business was built around the services providing niche. To manage my sales and order, I am using the Woo Commerce Plugin. Oh, sorry I forget to introduce myself…. And by the grace of Allah Almighty and the prayers of my parents, on 5th of August , I got official featuring on all of Official Fiverr channels.

I built my 1 st business site in April , and from that time, I have been building a lot of businesses. And this business is one of them about which, I am going to tell you today. For giving you details and depth insights I am going to break this long Case study into blocks. Diving in any business without proper planning and business analysis, is like throwing your all of the money into the river, so let me tell you step by step how I did that?

When you start work on any niche, you should know your market size because the market size tells us about the number of people, who are looking for the solution of that problem. So when I did the market size research for this business, I found that there is a big community which is looking for the solution of their problem.

It is the most commonly used factor to check the size of the market. After viewing the keyword searches, I had the good mind set for this business. But before taking any decision, I needed to check the earning potential, which I am going to tell you in the next step! Discussion forums are one of my favorite sources to check the market size, because they do not only show the market size but, they also divide our niche into sub niches. For example, I am thinking to build up a website around pregnancy niche. So, now you can easily get the idea about, whether your niche is scalable or not?

Now, as I had done my research about my market size, so now it was very easy for me to get the idea of earning potential of the business. After calculating, I was surprised to see the earning potential of this business, so I was going to start this business and I had made my mind that I would not care how competitive this market is! Keyword research in any project has very imp role, but if I talk about this project, then I did not do any deep keyword research.

Because after viewing the market size and earning potential of this niche, I had already decided to take this niche as a challenge for me because it was so competitive. I personally checked their PBN sites Quality. I just gathered top 10 keywords having a lot of searches per month and started my analysis to check the competition. I checked the competition not for taking the idea whether I was going to make site on that or not!

This is the main part of this site, where I had to work hard in order to complete the challenge which I accepted by taking the most competitive niche. Maybe you will be shocked to know that I ranked my site with just 29 backlinks against hundreds of PBN links. Now you might be asking yourself: This is what I believed and started work. At the time when there were a lot of bad cases on the internet about this combination, I decided to use all of these strategies.

Because when I was studying all these cases, I felt that they did not use it as it has potential. And they were calling the Google to penalize them. Anchor Text ratio has a very vital role in SEO. If you use highly customized and planned anchor ratio, you can rank in any niche, does not matter how competitive the niche is! The gyms said they needed time to see if they wanted to buy the glasses. With the quant sheet you can estimate the amount of sales you can get from all the different activities and then prioritize based on volume.

So we had our marketing sheet and planned to do activities per day to see what worked best for his business. Daniel searched Facebook for every single friend who listed climbing in their profiles and added them to a sheet. Then Daniel individually messaged them. Hire someone on fiverr. Daniel was already calling and emailing but not getting the volume of sales he needed from wholesalers and gyms.

I asked to see what he emailed,. He showed me this:. Make it valuable for them so they want to reply. Work to find the first name. Was thinking, we can email your members with a special discount just for you and we split the profit evenly. Love to see if this makes sense for your store. Other climbing stores are seeing promising results with it. Search their name on LinkedIn. I wait a day here as to NOT annoy them.

Wowthis Man Makes $4, Per Month From Fiverr - Career - Nigeria

Love to see if we make some magic together. Sometimes people get busy, so your email may just get buried at the bottom of their inbox. Also I use followup. Script out your answers to any possible questions during sales calls. This makes it easy to do your sales. I feel we will work well together… we are small and you are big. Since we are small we can keep costs low and pass the savings on to you and your customers. Since you are large and have the reach for distributorship we can do business on a larger scale at smaller margins while still making a profit. Match made in heaven.

We check each product by hand. We have a no-questions return policy for 30 days. Can you guys do net payment terms? The price is the most affordable on the market. What are your favorite sites for finding out about new products? If tradeshows, which ones do you guys go to? Each day Daniel was in town, he allocated at least 3 hours to try a new method of marketing. Who knows which will actually work? At the end of the week, we were going to re-evaluate and focus on the most effective ones. This involves posting your product to sites that already have your customers like eBay, Etsy, Craigslist or Amazon.

All totally free, too. The more unique — or direct the competitor — the better. But what works for me may not work for someone else. Otherwise, you will waste a TON of money.

Business analysis:

DO NOT buy likes either — they are worthless. You have to rely on Facebook to communicate with your customers vs. Get people to buy your product directly or give you an email. Daniel tried Google Adwords with no success. Luckily, he used a free credit he got from starting a new account.

How To Make $100 A Day Online - How To Make Money On Fiverr - AskMichael #7

You can get bonus AdWords credit via eBay. Daniel reached out to various Facebook pages and bloggers related to climbing.

How to Create a $4,000 Per Month Muse in 5 Days (Plus: How to Get Me As Your Mentor)

Wanted to let you know about these cool new belay glasses for rock climbers http: Love to send you a pair to try out. A better approach would be to mail out glasses to climbing writers and group owners and focus on building long-term relationships. In a non-spammy way, go through the first 2 pages of results on Google and leave a helpful comment or see if you can sponsor or get involved in that page.

Way easier than trying to immediately rank for a keyword through SEO. Daniel found a lot of forums and blog posts so he promoted himself on these pages. By looking at Google Analytics, we saw this drove a decent amount of traffic and sales to his website. This sold 10 pairs, which is awesome for Daniel! The key takeaway from the whole week: So from all the days activities, Day 2 seemed to be the most effective reaching out to personal network and wholesale retailers. By reaching out to his personal network and wholesale retailers and focusing what had already worked, we managed to make that happen.

Daniel got an email from a large online site named Sierra Trading saying they were interested in the glasses. Now an online provider is finally responding within a day. The store buyer originally responded via a Facebook message. Lesson of the week: Try new things and then focus on what works until it stops working.

Daniel and the Amigos. Step 1 — Create a video 2 min or less on YouTube explaining why you should be chosen.

Misspelled Domain Turned into $4000/ month Passive Business – Step by Step Case Study

Step 2 — Fill out this form. This is to ensure you know how to follow directions. Many of the world's most famous entrepreneurs, athletes, investors, poker players, and artists are part of the book. The tips and strategies in Tribe of Mentors have already changed my life, and I hope the same for you. Here's a very partial list: Check it all out by clicking here. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Remember what Fonzie was like?

Earn money on Fiverr: Gigs

Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration. I learned a ton about my own obstacles, and how to just knuckle down and focus. Like Liked by 1 person. I need to check it the full content of it. I have just left a religious community after 18 years. My wife and have both experienced our life stifled. I nothing about computers, web site building etc. Though to create the lifestyle needed to grow with my family I believe I need help. We d love to have property with small house and garden space ASAP.

Hi Noah, Tim, please help!!!!! But since discovering what you doing and how you helped so many achieving their goals it just blown away my mind…. Who can I talk to about it? Anyways, it was a great experience for me too, taught me a lot about how people learn and the importance of patience. Great article, and great step by step strategies for people with limited sales experience and confidence to pursue their dreams.

Misspelled Domain Turned into $4000/ month Passive Business – Step by Step Case Study

I use a very similar strategy every day linkedin, email and phone call when cold calling customers. I am always impressed at how fast Noah is in getting things done and validating ideas! A question about the mentorship: What about the non-US residents??? I am hungry to learn, guys!!! May be you could do a Skype lesson for all the rest non-blessed kids…! Would love if you can share some of the ideas that were sent to you!

What an amazing opportunity! This will be fun. Great idea Tim and Noah. Thank you Noah for that inspiring five day journey! What can I say? Will this then change the math in terms of the number of glasses that need to be sold per day?

What was the response rate percentage from those emails? This post just mentions the one order. The order from Sierra is fantastic, but how repeatable and scalable is it? Can I apply to have you mentor me? Coming to Maui any time soon? Get on youtube and start posting tutorials — link tutorials to sales page. Thanks so much for sharing. I have the vivid personal reminder right down the center of my chest. Makes me still trying different approaches and never giving up. Keep up the good work bros. I think Daniel has like 29 Twitter followers so it definitely was a challenge building relationships and getting results within a short period of time.

Good reminder to start building relationships now with people you may want to help out and work with in the future. Waiting to network, until you actually need it, is like waiting until age 65 to start saving for retirement. I really liked the way how the whole process was done in 5 days! For so many people including myself can be a limiting belief that you can not start your business right away and make it happen so quickly!

I am also a member in the Wantrepreneur course, I can only highly recommend to take the course, step to the next level and create your own business with a support of a great community! Thank you once again Tim Ferris! While I do not have a single muse I have tons!! Why only US citizens? The key is manually validating that people want your business so you can begin automating different pieces to help make it more passive.

It was very exiting to read this. Really appreciate the step-by-step explanation and info on google credit on eBay. I am very happy for Daniel that he overcame all of the obstacles and that his idea worked! This is a great case study and a really practical step by step example of how to use marketing to launch a new product.

Thanks Noah and Tim. About the mentorship, would you guys consider mentoring someone from outside the US if they paid their own airfare to get there? Noah — thank you for yet another awesome concrete example of how you are helping wannapreneurs become entrepreneurs. Both you and Tim are constant sources of great information, actionable tactics and strategies and awesomeness in general. My positive reviews were earned by working hard. I was polite to people even if they wanted unreasonable things.

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As a result, I maintained an unbroken five-star review streak. One negative review could have destroyed me in the early days of selling on Fiverr. With thousands of people offering services, and no competition on price, your reputation is everything. Want to start earning extra money on the side? I loved this article! Many thanks for writing. Online earnings opportunities are a great method to produce revenue on the internet.

I am going to attempt to bring in several of your guidelines into my life. I appreciate studying your threads, many thanks for any kind of tips you possibly can offer. I want to get emails from Cinnamon Sunrise. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. How to be a happy grown-up. My earnings from Fiverr. How to earn money on the side. How to spend less than you earn and why you should. The five steps to financial freedom. Dear Dharma visits Cinnamon Sunrise. October 23, at 4: December 13, at July 9, at 1: Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Comment.