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title results - 'german'
Start listening to Learn German for free with German-Podcast. Your subcriptions will sync with your account on this website too. Podcast smart and easy with the app that refuses to compromise. Learn German for free with German-Podcast. Manage episode series Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio streamed directly from their servers.
Today I will continue the story from Italy started in Lesson Hans writes from Siena what happens to him at the language school. Now that is what I call being part of "The Long Tail": Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. Hi everybody, as you might know there is an Android app containing the new lessons, a vocabulary trainer, different interactive quizs, etc.
Over the last weeks I got quite a few mails asking me for an iPhone version. As you can see however I am one of the last one might think PC users out there and iPhone apps can only be developed on a Mac. Lesson 11 - Die Zukunft The year is ending so this is a great time to learn about the future tense - about "die Zukunft".
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In German to say that you will do something you just need to use the correct form of the verb "werden" and ad the verb you want to use in its basic form. So, to say that you will read a book you just say "ich werde ein Buch Wieviel kostet das Buch? Some number exercises Luzern, In todays German lesson we will learn how to order einen Kaffee oder einen Tee. By the way, the audio file from lesson was missing. I updated the link.
If you don't find it in your Podcast program, come over to the blog at: The first German lesson starts with basic introductions. It contains a vocabulary trainer with all the words and the audio files. I just released a beta version of the learn German Android App. Take a look at it, give me feedback and I will try to get it final in the christmas holidays at the latest. You can find a list of my Android Apps here: Winter has come to Switzerland.
Snow and ice and closed airports and long evenings at home. So this is a good time to start some new projects. I am currently thinking about resuming the podcast and I would like to write some small helper applications for smartphones.
Word trainer, small vocabulary games and the like. So, if you own a smartpho Ein schriftlicher Reisebericht vom Ojos del Salado kann hier nachgelesen werden: In todays lesson of German-Podcast. I am back from my holiday in the south of France and will tell you a little bit about what I have seen and done there in todays Podcast. The next lesson is already in the making and it will teach you all you need to know about Pos Welcome to German Podcast.
All your mails and comments made me change my mind about the German podcast: I will continue with it! This lesson is not a German lesson, but an introduction. I will continue the next few lessons with text excerpts and exercises from the book Learn German with a story, which you can b This is the last session of German-Podcast. I just don't have the time for all my interests and need to cut back on some of them and as there is already such a large amount of material available for you to pratice your German.
Heut haben wir schon die Folge 72 von German-Podcast. Today we are at lesson 72 of German-Podcast. Another year is ending and that is always a good point in time to reflect on the past - and the future. So, what do I do with the Podcast? Let me think what YOU want it to be. What do you expect from it, how are you le Wien ist eine sehr bekannte Stadt, die von vielen Touristen besucht wird. Wie man auf diesem Bi Zwei Themen habe ich heute. Den Marathon in Luzern Das Spiel ist ein kleines Programm in C , dass ich geschrieben habe.
Es ist zwar nur sehr klein, setzt aber evtl. Im Verzeichnis gibt es eine Textdatei vocis. Diese Woche war ich das erste Mal in den Deutschen Alpen. Ich war vier Wochen in Antigua, zwei in Honduras zum Tauchen und dann noch mal zwei in Antigua, weiter Spanisch lernen. Sorry for the long time without a post, tons of things to do. I am currently planning a trip to Guatemala for 8 to 10 weeks, so this is a good opportunity to talk about the country.
Furthermore I have canceled the contract for my apartement and still need a place to store my stuff and somewhere to sleep when I am back You can find out more a Making a reservation in a hotel in a foreign country can often be a little difficult, especially when making the reservation by telephone.
This lesson will give you the necessary tools to achieve this daunting task. We already had this topic in lessons and , so you might want to take a look at the archive as well.
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The PDF we have 8 page There is no PDF for todays lesson, but you can find a transcript of the text I read and much more at www. Today we talk about a very important topic: Reflect dieses Muskels auf ca. Gently tease aus Bindegewebe aus der Halsschlagader. An diesem Punkt sollte die Spitze des Katheters in den Aortenbogen werden.
Mit dem gleichen Schnitt, stumpf sezieren nach rechts externen Halsschlagader freizulegen. Etwa 4cm der Linie sichtbar ist. Postoperative Pflege Teil 1: Saugen Sie das arterielle Blut des Katheters in die Spritze. Es muss sichergestellt werden, wie Luftblasen einen Schlaganfall verursachen kann.
Dadurch wird sichergestellt, das Tier in einem postprandialen Zustand und den Beitrag von Glukose aus der Nahrung wird minimiert. Set up Linien und Infusionspumpen, wie in Abbildung 1 zu sehen. Dies ist eine hohe physiologische Dosis. Dies kann direkt in die Spritze gesetzt werden auf der Infusionspumpe. Im vorliegenden Protokoll sind 3ml Spritzen verwendet. Advance-Insulin, um Tier-, Klammer mit hemostat.
In der vorliegenden Studie werden weitere Blutproben erhalten, sobald das Tier eingespannt werden. Sicherstellen, dass keine Klumpen oder Luftblasen in der Leitung vor Infusion. Passen Glukose Infusionsgeschwindigkeit wie erforderlich, bis ein steady state erreicht ist.
Steady-State-Glukosewerte sind drei aufeinander folgenden Messungen innerhalb eines definierten Bereiches.