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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. I know he is quite the narrator in his films but I never thought he could be so funny throughout a book. It is a pretty cool book telling of his escapades way back in the late 40's up until now. Man this guy was a real freak back in the day!

He quite the character himself is a magnet for the whacky.

I don't know why a guy that can tell funny stories and anecdotes about skiing wouldn't be more funny given the time and space. A good light-hearted make you laugh read. Bravo Warren you have made so I know he is quite the narrator in his films but I never thought he could be so funny throughout a book.

Bravo Warren you have made so many laugh and had such staying power in doing so. Sep 14, Josh rated it it was amazing. Mark rated it it was amazing May 11, David rated it really liked it Feb 06, Julian rated it really liked it Jun 20, Before the festival I blamed our film. Fancy wordsmithing for what our co-narrator Warren Miller calls " lurching from one near-disaster to the next. Tell that to the Denver-bound tour bus driver coming at me, wide-eyed at this swerving dervish hurtling down the highway with one tire in his lane.

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Our other narrator Robert Redford told us in the recording studio that his attraction to the mountains--and to skiing in particular for "Downhill Racer" click for photos Bob [Redford] shared with us --was a combination of "the speed and the thrill and the danger of it. The threat of physical danger resonated for me. I flashed back to just a couple months earlier.

  • Lurching from One Near Disaster to the Next.
  • Lurching from One Near Disaster to the Next;
  • Making Sense of Creation: Did God give scientists God particle?.

It was May, on the side of Aspen's Ajax Mountain. I'd clicked my ill-fitting boots into the very same skis that had last been worn by our movie's main character, Rick, the day he broke his back. There was a fresh coat of snow, a freak summer snowstorm, that had covered the prior day's rocks and stumps to give us an unexpected opportunity to film a recreation of the run that led to Rick's accident.

Lurching from One Near Disaster to the Next

That siren luring us further than we would ordinarily go in our balanced, sensible lives. That day in May I lurched down that ski run, not unlike this drive down Highway 40, on the belief that you just can't pass up an opportunity like this. As I cross into Utah, the windshield spray lines have unfrozen, providing a better view of the plains and mountains of the American West sliding past me. It was a very conscious decision to locate the Sundance film festival in the mountains.

Lurching from One Disaster to the Next | Inter Press Service

There is something urgent and invigorating about them. A guidance counselor accused her of cheating. She was transfixed, devouring the page textbook in a week. Graduating with a B. And she found time to master the viola de gamba, a Baroque, cello-like instrument that she still plays today. Earthquakes would take her around the world—Afghanistan, New Zealand, Japan—and introduce her to the Iceland-born seismologist Egill Hauksson, a Caltech researcher.

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The two have been married for 30 years and have two grown sons. In , she had to choose between continuing her geophysics research and taking the helm of a new project that she helped organize after Hurricane Katrina.

  1. FEATURE: Lurching from one disaster to the next | Caribbean.
  2. Meet Lucy Jones, "the Earthquake Lady" | Science | Smithsonian.
  3. Les huiles essentielles : Se soigner par laromathérapie (Eyrolles Pratique) (French Edition);
  4. NFMT #1 Facilities Conference and Expo.
  5. Lurching from One Near Disaster to the Next by Warren Miller (1998, Paperback).
  6. Point of Indifference;
  7. Lurching From One Near Disaster to the Next.
  8. And that would be doing pretty good. Did I want to get that one more level of academic achievement, or did I want to try and get the science used? Of course she chose the latter, and since this past October has served as science adviser for risk reduction at the USGS, working on a project to establish steps that people nationwide can take to minimize damage from all natural hazards.

    While sitting on a hard bench awaiting her turn to speak, she took out her iPhone and clicked on an e-mailed video of a landslide. Trees, rocks and dirt all hurtled down a slope and over a roadway, suddenly more fluid than solid. As she watched it, Jones—whose brown bangs and spectacles make her look far younger than her age—radiated delight, as if the earth had a secret that she was being let in on.

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    But enthusiasm—for knowledge, for inquiry and for putting both to work—has driven not just her mastery of geophysics but her ability to communicate that know-how with others, and probably save lives in the bargain. And probably your house is going to be OK. Amy Wallace , a journalist in Los Angeles, has both experienced and written about earthquakes. Subscribe or Give a Gift. Humans Reached the Roof of the World 40, Years. Learning to Speak Latino. Science Age of Humans. A New Treatment for Blindness.