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Cyprus, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, be obtained;. The external assumptions and parameters underlying the Commission's Spring Forecasts are explained in box I. In terms of forecast methodology, the preparation of European Economic Forecasts combines a geographically decentralised approach with central guidance and consistency checks. Forecasts for Member States MS are provided by country desks. The mutual consistency of forecasts is then ensured in an iterative process between geographical desks and the forecast coordination team.

The Commission is engaged in a regular exchange of views on the economic outlook with other international institutions, national authorities, private forecasters, social partners and academia through various channels and in various fora. Following the reallocation exercise in Member States, the Commission currently does not expect further substantial requests for programme modifications by the Member States towards the end of the current programming period. L'Unione europea possiede dati sufficienti sulla problematica dei senzatetto. La EMCO comitato per l'occupazione e la SPC comitato per la protezione sociale hanno definito la problematica delle persone senza fissa dimora come un'area specifica da monitorare attraverso il quadro di valutazione comune.

Per definizione i senzatetto non sono coperti da tale strumento di monitoraggio. La Commissione ha tuttavia svolto un ruolo attivo nel migliorare la valutazione del fenomeno. Il quadro di valutazione comune si basa essenzialmente su strumenti armonizzati dell'UE SILC, indagine sulle forze di lavoro, ecc. Il quadro di valutazione comune contempla attualmente indicatori riferiti all'insieme delle condizioni abitative costo, disagio abitativo e sovraffollamento in base allo strumento EU-SILC. Nell'ambito del Comitato per la protezione sociale la Commissione collabora con gli Stati membri riguardo agli scambi in materia di politica sociale ed all'elaborazione di dati ed offre idonee sedi di discussione.

Il pacchetto di investimenti sociali avvalora l'impegno della Commissione inteso a migliorare l'integrazione delle questioni di politica sociale nel semestre europeo e a formulare all'occorrenza raccomandazioni specifiche per paese. La mancanza di dati sul fenomeno dei senzatetto a livello di UE limita il numero di settori passibili di analisi approfondita.

The availability of reliable data is fundamental for the development of all policy. The Commission has indicated that it is already aware of the need for better statistics on housing exclusion: The lack of relevant data also makes it impossible to draw up a demographic profile of homeless people or to understand how their numbers have grown as a result of the economic crisis. The European Union statistics on income and living conditions EU-SILC do not cover situations of extreme poverty, such as those experienced by the homeless.

Can the Commission therefore state when it will start to use another category of indicators inspired, for example, by the ETHOS classification as a reference? Can the Commission indicate why the joint assessment framework is based solely on the EU-SILC indicators when this instrument has been clearly proven to be inadequate when it comes to including all forms of poverty? Can the Commission state how it intends to support the creation of such a network?

Can the Commission explain how homeless people will be included in the monitoring of social protection outcomes? Given the increasingly serious phenomenon of homelessness in many Member States, can the Commission say whether it intends to include this problem among the cyclical issues analysed in the report on employment and social development in Europe?

El Domicilio de La Aventura (Colección Signos y Cultura)

Homeless people are by definition not included in this monitoring tool. However, the Commission has been active in improving the measurement of homelessness. The Commission works together with Member States in the Social Protection Committee on social policy exchanges and data development and it provides fora for discussion. The Social Investment Package reinforces the commitment of the Commission to further integrate social policy issues in the European Semester and launch country-specific recommendations as appropriate.

The lack of data on homelessness at EU level limits the areas for in-depth analysis. Diritti dei cittadini europei che, esercitando il diritto di libera circolazione, diventano senza tetto in un altro Stato membro dell'UE. Nelle precedenti interrogazioni parlamentari relative ai diritti dei senzatetto nell'UE, la Commissione aveva messo in luce le seguenti questioni:.

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La Carta dispone inoltre che tale principio sia applicato da istituzioni, organi, uffici ed agenzie dell'Unione e dagli Stati membri, per questi ultimi esclusivamente nell'attuazione del diritto dell'Unione. Gli Stati membri, cui primariamente compete l'attuazione di politiche abitative e di azioni a favore dei senzatetto, hanno inoltre ratificato diversi accordi internazionali che contemplano disposizioni basate sui diritti intese a promuovere l'accesso o il mantenimento dell'abitazione come presupposto per una vita dignitosa.

Gli Stati membri hanno competenza esclusiva nel determinare le condizioni di accesso alle prestazioni assistenziali. Member States are not obliged to provide social assistance to citizens from another State who a do not work for the first three months and b are in the Member State for over three months and fail to meet the residency requirements in force in the host State;. European citizens may be expelled from the host State if they fail to meet its residency requirements or constitute a heavy burden for its welfare system;. A proportionality test is needed to determine in which specific cases access to emergency accommodation should be considered a heavy burden and whether a refusal to award such access is in line with the European Charter of Fundamental Rights;.

The Commission is devoting the following instruments to tackling the issue in question: The Charter also stipulates that this principle has to be applied by the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union and by the Member States, but only when they are implementing Union law. Member States — who have the main competence to implement housing and homelessness policies — also ratified a number of international agreements which contain rights-based provisions to promote access to or retention of housing as a precondition for a dignified life.

The identification of the persons who may benefit from the FEAD would be the responsibility of the Member States, as they are best placed to assess the local needs. Each Member State is solely competent to determine the conditions for access to social assistance benefits.

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Wie weit sind derartige Programme soweit vorhanden gediehen? Recently there have been more and more reports of a resurgence of measles and rubella in Europe. Immunisation has not yet been achieved, and the WHO has extended the deadline for the eradication of measles from to although this target will probably not be met either. These developments are due to growing weariness and scepticism among the population about vaccinations, caused in part by too little information about the side effects of immunisations.

The situation is even worse in developing countries where, on top of misinformation and rumours about the dangers of immunisation, the cost factor plays a major role. New studies point to the central role of social media in disseminating information and raising awareness about vaccinations and this can play an important role in future in combating people's reluctance to immunise. Protection by immunising everyone against the virus is urgently required, in particular in the light of the danger of epidemics. Is the Commission aware of the problem set out above, in particular the situation in developing countries?

If applicable, to what extent have such programmes been successful? Are there any plans to increase the immunisation rate among young and old people in particular, by linking social security benefits to vaccinations, for example? The Commission is aware of the situation of measles outbreaks in the European Union and of the particularly concerning situation in developing countries, especially in Africa.

These organisations have developed strategic plans that include elements of awareness raising campaigns. Vaccination, as well as social security measures at national level, are competences of the national public health authorities. Wenn nicht, sind derartige Programme bzw. Entsprechend hat sich die Kommission noch nicht eingehend mit der Frage der Lobbyarbeit an Schulen befasst.

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Speziell auf diese Problematik ausgerichtete EU-Programme gibt es nicht. Die Kommission hat derzeit nicht die Absicht, Programme dieser Art aufzulegen oder Datenbanken zur Bewertung von Lehrmaterial einzurichten. Lobbying in schools is becoming an increasingly urgent problem: One-sided, incorrect and biased information is thus imparted in the school setting, often without the pupils being made aware of the subjective way in which it is conveyed.

Financial support is not disclosed and content is taken over uncritically. If so, are there already EU-wide programmes in existence that aim to educate about lobbying and monitor it? Are there already plans at EU level to set up databanks to assess teaching materials? The Commission acts in support of Member States' policies through its programme actions and by facilitating policy exchanges and peer learning on issues of mutual interest. Accordingly, the Commission has not studied in detail the issue of lobbying in schools. There are no EU programmes dealing specifically with this issue.

The Commission has no plans to start programmes of this kind, nor to set up databanks to assess teaching materials. Dieser Ansatz wurde bei Erstellung der wirtschaftlichen Anpassungsprogramme verfolgt. There are increasing reports of austerity measures introduced during the financial and economic crisis now violating the fundamental rights of citizens and their right to equal treatment.

This is questionable in the extreme, particularly in a Union based on respect for human rights. Are there any specific measures which focus particularly on the civil and human rights of EU citizens hit by the crisis? The Commission has been calling for a differentiated, growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, as explained in the Annual Growth Survey of This means considering the social impacts and a more effective protection for the most vulnerable. This approach was followed when designing economic adjustment programmes. The Commission also plans to launch a pilot project on the protection of the right to housing in the context of evictions in the second half of The directive, once formally adopted, will apply to new credit agreements.

Studies, waaronder het PROSPER-project dat werd gefinancierd door de Europese Commissie, tonen aan dat het gebruik van ISA Intelligent Speed Adaptation, een techniek waarbij de bestuurder wordt ondersteund om de juiste snelheid aan te houden de verkeersveiligheid sterk verhoogt. De beschikbaarheid van en toegang tot snelheidsinformatie zijn cruciaal voor de implementatie van deze systemen. Bovendien is samenwerking tussen de lidstaten noodzakelijk om technische, wettelijke en beleidsmatige belemmeringen te verhinderen.

De Europese Commissie heeft geen aanbevelingen aan de lidstaten gedaan op basis van deze verslagen omdat er momenteel een onderzoek naar snelheidsbegrenzers wordt uitgevoerd. The availability of speed information, and access to it, are crucial for the implementation of these systems. Moreover, cooperation between Member States is needed in order to prevent technical, legal and policy-based obstacles from arising. The European Commission has not made any recommendations to the Member States on the basis of these reports since a study on speed limitation devices is currently being carried out.

According to the Alianza por la Unidad del Campo Countryside Unity Alliance , the Spanish farming sector that suffered the most in was the dairy sector. This was the first year in which one kilo of feed cost more than one litre of milk. Moreover, Spanish farmers claim that, on average, they are paid four cents less per litre of milk than farmers in France.

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Faced with this problem, in Cantabria the initiative was taken to appoint a mediator between dairy farmers and the industry when concluding purchase and sale agreements in the dairy sector. However, dairy farmers have said that the mediator is useless because the industry is still dictating prices. As I have already asked the Commission twice in the last year, why has it not yet mobilised aid for the sector in view of the collapse in milk prices? Is it planning to take other kinds of measures to rectify market imbalances in this sector?

According to the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, the minimum monthly milk price in Cantabria in was The adjustment in milk price levels observed in the first half of , following a high production season, is already over. Moreover, although market mechanisms were available for operators during this period, their use was rather limited only 1. Apart from what has already been foreseen in the legal proposals for the CAP after in terms of support for the milk sector, the Commission is currently running a prospective study on the most likely evolution of the milk sector in a quota-free environment, comprising, among other subjects, the capacity of the European milk sector to address market imbalances.

Regional Advisory Councils RACs play a vital role in the implementation of the common fisheries policy by providing a forum through which stakeholders can submit their own recommendations. A Council decision adopted in lays down strict rules governing the establishment and functioning of RACs. These rules are sometimes disregarded, however. In the case of the Regional Advisory Council for the Mediterranean RAC MED , some stakeholders have raised the issue of professional organisations or associations being denied membership or having their membership cancelled.

What is more, all the stakeholders represented in the secretariat and the presidency come from one single Member State. The following questions seek to determine whether the Commission plans to ensure that the rules governing RACs are properly enforced:. Has the Commission recently scrutinised the way in which RACs apply their rules of procedure, in particular in order to satisfy itself that they do not give undue weight to the specific interests of any one stakeholder? Given that the Commission is an impartial institution whose role is to safeguard the common interest, is it present as an observer when the RACs elect their chairs, so that it can be sure that the election process is fair and consistent with fundamental democratic principles?

Does the Commission oversee the use of funds in the context of the management of the RACs in order to satisfy itself that spending is justified and that funds are disbursed fairly? Does the Commission see a need to ensure that the composition of the bureaux accurately reflects the makeup of the RACs? It is indeed important to ensure that the interests of all stakeholders are duly represented. The current rules specify that in the general assembly and the executive committee of all the RACs, two thirds of the seats have to be allotted to the representatives of the fishing sector and one third to the representatives of the other interest groups affected by the common fisheries policy CFP.

The reformed Common Fisheries Policy has a provision for a more balanced composition. Referring to the Mediterranean RAC, the Commission is currently looking into the complaints received, concerning the functioning of the MEDRAC to verify that the current composition rules are respected. The Commission also has concerns about the representativity of the current Mediterranean RAC composition. The Commission is undertaking an initiative towards a more balanced composition through the opening of the procedures for new admittances to ensure geographical representation and the presence of small scale vessel owners.

Deficit di bilancio di Roma Capitale. The Honourable Member of the European Parliament refers to monitoring the budgetary situation of an Italian local authority, which falls under national responsibility. In Denmark the draft intercalibration decision was sent for consultation with Danish stakeholders and businesses with a view to enhancing the democratic input. It is normal practice for draft decisions to be sent for consultation in Denmark. It also highlights that ECOSTAT's work in relation to that decision commenced well before the vote on the final draft version of that decision.

Hoe beoordeelt zij dit? Verandert dit de positieve houding van de Commissie ten opzichte van vrouwenquota? Of is zij wellicht voornemens de bedrijven, die ten gevolge van vrouwenquota waardedaling ondergaan, te compenseren? Zij heeft nota genomen van al het beschikbare onderzoek. De Noorse situatie wordt in detail beoordeeld in de effectenbeoordeling en bijlage 9 daarbij. Deze bevindingen benadrukken dat het nodig is om het genderevenwicht in het bestuur van beursgenoteerde bedrijven te verbeteren, zoals in de door de Commissie voorstelde de richtlijn. Dit voorstel zou geen vaste quota invoeren, maar een systeem dat ervoor zorgt dat de selectie van niet-uitvoerende bestuursleden uitsluitend op basis van kwalificatie gebeurt, en dat tegelijkertijd de transparantie van het selectieproces verhoogt en de toegang tot deze posities voor hooggekwalificeerde vrouwen verbetert.

To take one example, in Norway, where a compulsory quota was introduced in , the value of businesses has fallen, according to a survey by the University of Michigan. Is the Commission aware of the adverse impact of quotas for numbers of women on turnover and profits? What view does it take of this?

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If not, why not? How does the Commission explain the adverse impact of quotas for numbers of women on turnover and profits? Will the Commission refrain from introducing quotas for numbers of women? Or does it perhaps intend to compensate businesses whose value falls because of quotas for numbers of women? The Commission has evaluated the impact of more gender equality on boards of listed companies very carefully in its Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for a directive. It has taken note of all important research available. These findings underscore the need to improve the gender balance on the boards of listed companies as in the directive proposed by the Commission.

This proposal would not introduce rigid quotas, but a system which would ensure the selection of non-executive board members strictly on the basis of qualification while increasing the transparency of the selection process and facilitating access to these positions for highly qualified women. Fatahdreiging bij vriendschappelijke voetbalwedstrijd.

De Fatah activisten veroordeelden de wedstrijd op grond van: Fatah uitte daarop bedreigingen op internet aan de deelnemende Palestijnse jongeren. De Commissie is niet op de hoogte van bedreigingen door Fatah van deelnemers aan de voetbalwedstrijd zoals het geachte Parlementslid noemt. De Commissie weet dat leden van Fatah hun afkeuring over deze activiteit hebben kenbaar gemaakt aan de organisatoren van de voetbalwedstrijd, maar is niet op de hoogte van druk die rechtstreeks op de deelnemers zou zijn uitgeoefend.

De Commissie verstrekt geen financiering aan politieke partijen, en dus ook niet aan Fatah. De Commissie financiert projecten die worden ingediend door niet-overheidsactoren naar aanleiding van een oproep tot het indienen van voorstellen. The Jerusalem Post reports that Fatah activists are threatening young Palestinians who took part in a friendly football match between a team of young Israelis and a team of young Palestinians.

The match was organised by Mifalot with financial support from the European Union. Fatah responded by issuing threats to the young Palestinian participants over the Internet. Will the Commission monitor more strictly EU funding of Fatah and the way in which Fatah accounts for its use of that funding? The Commission is not aware of threats made by Fatah to participants in the football match referred to in the Honourable Member's question. It is however worth noting that there is a discontent among a number of Palestinian political actors with any activity that brings together Palestinians and Israelis without acknowledging or addressing the issue of the occupation.

The Commission is aware that Fatah members expressed their disapproval of this activity to the organisers of the football match but is not aware of any pressure being applied directly to the participants. Given that the Commission is not aware of the validity of the specific allegations contained in the press report, the Commission did not raise this particular issue with the Palestinian Authority.

However, the Commission has met multiple stakeholders on the issue of. The Commission does not fund political parties, hence there are no EU funds allocated to Fatah. The Commission funds projects submitted by non-state actors selected through competitive calls for proposals. Can the Commission state whether it is working on any proposals in this regard, on what basis it is working and when these proposals will be ready? One way to release savings is to promote institutional investors' financing of long-term projects such as economic and social infrastructure, not least as all parties involved benefit if such investors can better match their long-term liabilities with long-term assets.

As regards SMEs, the Commission has tabled two proposals to enhance access to finance in the medium and long term. To tackle the problem of long-term financing more systematically, the Commission launched the Green Paper on the long-term financing of the European economy that explores avenues of non-bank financing of long-term projects and SMEs. Follow-up actions will be considered based on the answers to the consultation questions. The Commission is also contributing to international task forces at the G20 and the OECD to raise government awareness internationally on the importance of long-term financing and the growing role of institutional investors.

La estabilidad del sistema financiero es necesaria para facilitar los incentivos adecuados para que los inversores se comprometan a largo plazo. Can the Commission say what action it has taken or is planning to take in this regard? The first action taken by the Commission to ensure that the financial system is able to channel funds to long-term investment is to complete the reform prpgramme.

A stable financial system is necessary in order to provide the right incentives for investors to engage in the long-term. The Commission will analyse the replies received and will ensure an appropriate follow-up. In particular as concerns the prudential rules for insurers, the implementation of Solvency II is still under discussion between Parliament and Council in relation to the negotiations on the so-called Omnibus II Directive. In that context, EIOPA has recently delivered a report on long-term guarantees that should allow legislators to reach a final compromise on the text.

Furthermore, the Commission has asked EIOPA to carry out an analysis of the prudential calibration of investments in infrastructure, securitisation and venture capital. EIOPA has carried out a public consultation on the issue and is expected to deliver a report to the Commission during the summer. La 9 mai au fost confirmate 33 de decese datorate SARS. The Commission has kept Member States updated as regards the epidemiological situation and discussed possible public health measures with the Health Security Committee.

However, persons travelling to the Middle East need to be aware of the presence of MERS-CoV in this geographical area and of the small risk of infection. Although the reservoir of infection in the Middle East is unknown, other novel coronaviruses are zoonoses and have come from animal sources. Travellers should therefore follow standard good hygiene practise and avoid contact with animals or their waste products.

The EU advice will be updated as the situation evolves. This means that the official average arrears rate for this kind of retail mortgage lending is not 4. The tactic used by the banks to keep their official arrears rate down is to put off counting refinanced loans as bad debts. The methodology applied to the figures by the inspectors includes, for example, considering all second refinancing deals as bad debts, unless the client has paid on time for 12 consecutive months. The Commission is aware of the issue of refinanced loans and their proper accounting in banks' balance sheets in Spain.

The exact numerical impact of having revisited the accounting of refinanced loans on provisioning needs and capital position of banks is not yet clear. It should also be noted that the specific banks mentioned in the question revealed a capital surplus in the external stress test conducted in Hence, these banks would not necessarily have to raise capital in case of further provisioning needs.

Also for this reason, it is premature to speculate whether any further disbursement under the financial-sector programme in favour of Spanish banks would be requested or required. Whether refinanced loans should be regarded as impaired is a question of the particular facts and circumstances in each case. ESMA stressed the need for transparency and the importance of appropriate and consistent application of the recognition, measurement and disclosure principles provided within IFRS. With regard to the Commission decision of In the context of the state aid procedure on IBRC's restructuring, the Irish authorities made a commitment that IBRC would not carry out new business during the wind-down period.

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However, some restricted lending activities, under strict caps and conditions, were still possible to optimise the work-out of the legacy loan book. The Irish authorities made a commitment that IBRC would manage the legacy assets in accordance with normal commercial practice and fiduciary duties. In het licht van deze uitspraak wordt de Commissie verzocht de volgende vragen te beantwoorden:.

If so, could the Commission clarify how the ECB might be engaged in reframing the proposal? If it cannot, why has the Commission not yet withdrawn its proposal? The Commission is not aware of an official ECB opinion on its Proposal for a Council Directive implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of financial transaction tax COM 71 final. In the relevant impact assessments the Commission services came to the general conclusion that the impact of the FTT, as proposed, on the. The aim is to simplify the current rules on the marketing of seeds in order to safeguard productivity, adaptability and diversity in the agricultural and forestry sectors in Europe and to facilitate trade in seeds.

This is likely to come at a cost, however, since the proposals would appear to use the goal of simplifying rules and safeguarding biodiversity as a pretext to restrict the rights of farmers to replant their own seed. If introduced, the new rules would make it more difficult for small, independent businesses to secure official approval for the varieties they want to market and restrict the circulation and exchanges of seeds among professional organisations and individual growers.

It is also unacceptable that farmers should be required to bear the cost of seed registration and checks, giving them no choice but to use seeds produced by the agri-foodstuffs industry and leaving them dependent not only on the seeds themselves, but also on the slew of chemicals and plant-health products that come with them.

But then perhaps this is the whole point of the exercise? It is worth remembering that plant biodiversity can be safeguarded only by fostering a real partnership between networks of farmers and agronomists who do not look at plants simply as reservoirs of DNA, but rather as living things which evolve over time by adapting to the new conditions in which they find themselves. The Commission proposals are therefore woefully inadequate. The legislative package currently on the table is troubling for a number of reasons, as emphasised by the fact that even the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO is sounding the alarm.

How does the Commission intend to address these legitimate concerns? What is its response to claims that these proposals will throw open the door to the unrestricted marketing of patented plant varieties, some of which are GMOs in disguise? The future legislation does not cover the production of seed on farm for own use. It only covers the production of seed intended for marketing with the objective to ensure the identity, health and quality of seed for its users. Exchange of seed in kind between non-professionals is excluded.

A number of measures are proposed to support preservation of biodiversity and micro-enterprises. Traditional varieties of listed species are registered under a very light, low-burden administrative regime. Micro-enterprises are exempted from variety registration fees and even can market non-registered plant reproductive material with basic rules on packaging and labelling.

The Commission is not aware of any statements of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in relation to its legislative proposal. Der Kommissionsvorschlag, auf den die Abgeordneten Bezug nehmen, wurde von der Kommission am 7. November vorgelegt KOM endg. Euroopa Parlamendis leiab see meede kindlasti laia toetust.

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