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A rare gold aureus of Augustus circa 19 BCE also depicts this sphinx. Though in ancient history, Armenia never stayed conquered for very long.

Greek-style sphinxes appear on the bronze coinage of Roman Egypt; not surprising, since Alexandria was an essentially Greek city. A bronze drachm of Hadrian[21] struck in CE bears a sphinx holding an eight- spoked wheel. Erythrai was located on the mainland just a few miles from Chios. Modern Sphinxes Egypt adopted the Great Sphinx as a national icon beginning with some of its earliest postage stamps in The Great Sphinx its nose miraculously restored has appeared on a variety of Egyptian coins for decades.

Reward Yourself

The reverse of the current Egyptian pound banknote bears an engraving of the Sphinx as it actually appears. An alternative theory derives the word from ancient Egyptian: A sharper example in a private collection can be seen at http: References Berk, Harlan J. Atlanta Evslin, Bernard. New York Gerson, Stephen. T he Mes s age of the S phinx. New York Henig, Martin. On Naming S ceat Types: B ook of the S phinx. Nebras ka S eltman, C harles.

Sphinxes on Ancient Coins | Mike Markowitz -

G reek C oins. Emperors and assassins, owls and turtles, gods and goddesses, brave heroes and villainous rogues--all of these and more await you among the Greatest Ancient Coins. In this beautifully illustrated book, Harlan J. Berk, one of America's best-known ancient-coin dealers, takes you on a personal guided tour of the numismatic antiquities of Greece, Rome, the Byzantine Empire, and other parts of the ancient world.

Coffee-table-size, pages, full color, with enlarged photographs and stories for every coin. Thanks are also due to the members of my advisory committee, who helped me to pick the candidate coins for the voting.

Best ancient coin art

If you can think of another coins that could have been in this book, I am with you all the way, but we aren't rewriting the British Museum Catalog. My last words are these: As a dealer who has been in the business for more than 40 years, I can tell you that a really focused collector will know as much as, and sometimes more than, a very good dealer in the collector's chosen area of specialization.

From the publisher's web site: All of the coins included were worthy. It is my opinion that this book would be well-suited in the respective libraries of both the casual enthusiast and the serious collector.

100 Greatest Ancient Coins

There's a version of this book devoted to modern coins. For the price of a very worn 2nd century Sestertius , one can have a great book. I would recommend it to any library. I'm looking at it on Amazon. Want a used copy? Going on the "wish list" right away.

Cliff, thanks for that! Click here to see my galleries! I like this book, mostly for the photos. There are a few coins I'd put in a different order from HJB, but overall my assessment is the same as that of Cliff. The book is actually part of a uniform series published by Whitman, each volume of which can stand alone: There may be others in the works.

The shortcoming of the series is that -- with the notable exception of the Ancient Coins volume -- it only deals with US coins and banknotes. The volumes on Ancients and Medals are the only two of particular interest to me, though I've looked over the others and they are all very attractive, informative books.

100 Greatest Ancient Coins

Looks great, ordered myself a copy straight away when I saw that price. My Gallery - http: I bought my copy from HJB when the book was first issued, thus it's a signed copy Unfortunately I have just one of the said greatest ancient coins. My gallery My website: For those of you who are contemplating this book or have it on your wish list as did I , I just received it today, a gift from my sister-in-law for doing her taxes.

A big, beautiful book, worthy of your coffee table, with large, full-color pics of the coins and containing HJB's inimitable comments. I also enjoyed the book but, more, I enjoyed the idea of selecting my top and seeing where the coins that make my list dream coins or things I actually have matched or differed. For some, the best will be the most expensive or the best preserved.

For others there will be more personal reasons that would not translate as well to a book for mass production. Now that we live in the age of easy self publishing we could make our own book and have exactly one copy printed but something half the size would cost twice as much.

100 greatest ancient coins.

I started mine several weeks ago and then put the idea on a back burner. Picking coins is fun but actually writing a book about them is work. I have this book too long ago and of course with the signature of Berk.