New insights from acquisition. Emanuela Sanfelici at Incontro di Grammatica generativa, February Ein Werkstattbericht aus einem Forschungsprojekt". Subject and object relative clauses in German across different designs and acquisition types.
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Schulz ist soeben erschienen. Schulz has been published. You can download the complete text here: Workshop Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund pp.
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Workshop "Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund pp. Fachwissen und sprachliches Handeln. Goethe University Frankfurt , Germany, offers full funding for 12 graduate students who aim for a PhD in the domain of nominal modification. The particpating disciplines are: For further information see: Tuesday, May 13, , 4. It will be illustrated how the same type of analysis can be assumed for Romance-type causatives; this in turn will open up the possibility to explicitly characterize the relation between passive and causatives, which share crucial computational ingredients and features, also often manifested crosslinguistically.
The relation will be illustrated in connection with structures mainly from Italian and French , which combine both passive and causative thus constituting a passive in the causative. Data from acquisition will be discussed that indicate an early access by young children to this seemingly complex type of passive, also in combination with the computation of other well known complex structures such as object relatives.
We are looking forward to seeing you there! Room IG , Campus Westend. We look at a neglected form of recursion, namely Feature-sharing Chomsky which allows sentences like put the jar on the table in the box to exist next to DP-recursion put the jar in the box on the table. Feature-sharing will be discussed as Default forms in the context of results from the Rio conference on Recursion in August and new fieldwork from that conference on the Piraha, and Karaja, and other languages.
These arguments will be enlarged to include a vision of how the child proceeds from Unlabelled Adjunction, to Feature projections, Default Operators, and finally scope-delimited nodes. Their connection to acquisition evidence from possessives, relative clauses, and adjectives will be then explored. The talk will develop the analysis of cleft sentences along the lines presented in Belletti , , forthcoming.
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Particular emphasis will be given to the crucial role played by the required locality of the dependencies in clefts, which drives their possible interpretations. Specifically, the ban against intervention in terms of Relativized Minimality will be singled out as the crucial factor, in terms parallel to those at play in subject vs object relatives in combination with the specific structures and computations of clefts. New article on over- and underdisgnosis appeared in Child Indicators Research: Specific language impairment and early second language acquisition: Published online DOI Two new papers out: Paper on language assessment in bilingual children and LiSe-DaZ: Sprachdiagnostik bei mehrsprachigen Kindern.
Paper on language assessment in bilingual children — a challenge for pediatric practice: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, , Workshop Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund" Empirical and Philosophical Approaches". NP restriction, Specificity and Recursion: What relative clauses tell us about the syntax and semantics of complex structures in children. HZ 8, Campus Westend Uhrzeit: The focus of the talk is to present empirical evidence as to how language impairment presents in bilingual children where one language spoken is Cypriot Greek, an understudied variety on both linguistic-descriptive grounds and the empirical basis of speech and language impairments.
Overall, I hope to inform the audience on i how SLI manifests in bilingual children and ii the major clinical issues influencing the assessment and diagnosis of SLI in childhood bilingualism iii in countries where the main spoken language is not only understudied and not codified or even officially acknowledged but iv is used in parallel with an official standard variety. The conference will take place March, 4 - 7.
- Stammbaumtheorie.
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- Wilhelm von Humboldt (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
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A call for papers will be circulated soon. Funded by the Ministry of Education and Research BMBF and the European Social Funds for Germany ESF for an initial period of two years, the project cammino has investigated the risks associated with language misdiagnosis in bilingual children by educators, pediatricians, and parents, as children transfer from kindergarten to school. Our project aim to establish adequate assessment tools for multilingual children and minimize under- and overestimation of their language abilities.
A problem for typical development or only for SLI? Evidence from monolingual children and early second language learners of German" Angela Grimm. Neither Wilhelm nor his younger brother Alexander — ever attended a public primary or secondary school. Instead their father, and after his untimely death in , their mother employed private tutors at the family estate in Tegel who were recruited from among the leading figures of the Berlin Enlightenment scene.
Among them were Joachim Heinrich Campe, well-known educational writer, Ernst Ferdinand Klein and Christian von Dohm, two leading political thinkers who brought enlightenment orientation and ideas to the areas of constitutional law and public policy. Johann Jakob Engel, the renowned philosopher and writer, introduced the young Humboldt to modern and contemporary European philosophy in the areas of logic, aesthetics, metaphysics and language.
Yet at the same time both Humboldt brothers were deeply immersed in the study of the Greeks. As adolescents the two brothers began frequenting the literary salon of Markus and Henriette Herz in Berlin where they came into contact with intellectual luminaries of the city. In August shortly after the outbreak of the French Revolution and accompanied by his former teacher Campe, Wilhelm visited Paris, the Rhineland and Switzerland and captured his observations in a travel journal that he kept GS Vol After having successfully passed his examinations in jurisprudence, he entered the Prussian civil service in Berlin in January of and was appointed councillor Legationsrat soon afterwards.
But he found the position and the prospects it entailed uninspiring and boring and already in May decided to take leave from the service. He also befriended the famed Homeric scholar Friedrich August Wolf, author of the Prolegomena ad Homerum , and debated politics and political philosophy with the statesman and Archbishop-Elector of Mainz, Karl Theodor von Dalberg.
These writings formed part of a book-length manuscript that, because of the fear of censorship for its radical liberal position, was published only posthumously in under the title Versuch die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staates zu bestimmen Engl. The Spheres and Duties of Government.
The Marxists Lasalle and conservative nationalists Treitschke alike rejected his ideas and his staunch defense of the rights of the individual. In June Humboldt settled in Jena at a time when the city and its University became the center of German idealist philosophy and the Romantic movement and entertained contacts with the philosopher Fichte and with Friedrich and August Wilhelm Schlegel. He assumed the role of philosophical adviser and critical collaborator of Goethe and especially Schiller. While in Jena he joined forces with his brother Alexander and Goethe and together the three men engaged in a study of the evolving new discipline of comparative anatomy at the University.
But only years later when he attempted to lay the foundation for his newly conceived discipline of general and comparative linguistics, he would return to it and rework his ideas. Guided by his anthropological interests, however, Humboldt became involved in the problem of what constituted national character and how precisely one could within the context of modern Europe determine its essential features. He would soon have the opportunity to gather his own observations on those issues, when in the fall of he and his family moved to Paris where they would remain until the summer of This extended sojourn was interrupted by two extended journeys to Spain, from November to April and again in the spring and summer of , the purpose of the latter being a visit to the Basque country in order to study the Basque language and culture.
Meanwhile he studied and commented upon effectively the entire canon of classical and modern,—i. His comments on these writers and his astute critique of the philosophy of Condillac and his followers found in his Parisian diaries offer important clues for an understanding of his own philosophical position. A decisive turning point in his intellectual career occurred with his discovery and pioneering investigations of the Basque language, an idiom whose origin and structure had defied hitherto all attempts at an explanation by historians, philosophers and linguists following conventional methodologies.
His Basque studies coincided with his formulation of a new conception of language questioning and defying the representational view of language that had been dominant in Western thinking from Aristotle all the way to the empiricist and rationalist thinkers of his day. From until the end of he served as Prussian envoy Minister Resident to the Vatican in Rome, a post whose diplomatic chores he dispatched with skill and efficiency leaving him enough time for his own work.
Besides his Basque studies he turned his attention again to ancient Greek language and literature, translating from the poetry of Pindar Olympic Odes , Aischylos tragedy Agamemnon as well as smaller pieces from other authors GS Vol 8: The introduction to his German version of Agamemnon includes a succinct statement of his theory of translation where he formulated a new approach to the problem of translation and developed concepts that have been taken up again only in modern Walter Benjamin and contemporary translation theories.
His stay in Rome unexpectedly added yet another dimension to his linguistic interests that would become significant for his future linguistic research endeavors: He had already asked his brother Alexander before he set sail for the New World to be on the lookout for linguistic materials during his travels in South and Central America. These would form the basis for his own study of the American languages. Yet in the short period from to he was able to institute a radical reform of the entire Prussian educational system from elementary and secondary school to the University which was based on the principle of free and universal education.
Predictably, Humboldt soon ran into difficulties with the established landed aristocracy in Prussia when he insisted that the University be endowed with landed property in order to insure its independence from the state and the changing winds of politics. After quarreling with his superiors he was asked to resign his post and in was sent to Vienna as ambassador where, however, he soon became instrumental in convincing Austria to join the Grand Coalition of the European powers against Napoleon.
But during the initial diplomatic lull in Vienna he still found time for his linguistic studies. In he produced his first extensive philosophical and methodological statement, the Essai sur les langues du Nouveau Continent Essay on the languages of the New Continent that was to introduce his study of the Indian grammars of the Americas GS Vol 3: During the negotiations for the first and second Paris peace treaty and subsequently at the Congress of Vienna he was successful in defending Jewish rights but failed in his attempt to secure a liberal constitution for the German Confederation Deutscher Bund to be based on a statute of fundamental principles Grundgesetz that would have guaranteed the rights of all citizen.
After representing Prussia at the newly constituted Bundestag in Frankfurt on Main for a short time, he was appointed Prussian ambassador to the Saint James Court in London where, besides studying Sanskrit at the British Museum Library in his spare time, he was able, with the help of the Banking House of Rothschild, to organize a financial aid program for the reconstruction of the war-ravished Prussian economy.
He returned to Berlin to the ministry of the Interior to head a committee to draft a new Prussian constitution in But his carefully designed comprehensive plan for introducing a liberal constitution GS Vol 2: When Humboldt strongly resisted the repressive measures taken by the royal government in the wake of the Karlsbad decrees and in the ensuing assault on civil liberties, King Friedrich Wilhelm III on New Years Eve of summarily dismissed him from all his duties.
His dismissal marked not only the end of his political career but the de facto elimination in Prussia of the chances for the development of a true civil society, the creation of democratic institutions and thus for the middle classes to participate actively in the political life of the country.
Aside from a prolonged visit to Paris and London in , Humboldt spent the rest of his life at the family estate in Tegel which he had renowned architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel remodel in classicist style. There he concentrated his energy on his scholarly and linguistic work. Already in June he was able to submit to the Berlin Academy a bold plan for the creation of the new discipline of comparative linguistics and to outline the philosophy and methodology on which it was to be built in a paper entitled: In this compact yet highly complex presentation he offered a brief summary of his previous endeavors and proceeded to lay down the principles and the blueprint for a comprehensive research program that would guide his work during the following years but at the same time defined the tasks of a future linguistics.
Therefore it seemed obvious to Humboldt that a categorical separation between philosophy of language and empirical linguistics as it developed during the nineteenth century and still exists today, was unacceptable. For not only could there be no discipline of linguistics without a conceptual base and firm philosophical grasp of its many-faceted object of inquiry but, Humboldt maintained, empirical research into actual language use in different languages with quite diverging structures would provide the philosopher with concrete insights into the nature of human language that would otherwise not be attainable.
His wide-ranging and ambitious empirical investigations into the cosmos of human languages covered practically the entire globe. Alexander von Humboldt said about his brother that it had been granted to him. But Humboldt did not labor by himself in isolation, as some of his interpreters have claimed to this very day, but communicated with and entertained lively contacts with leading scholars in both Europe and America: Humboldt himself has utilized and understood his correspondence with the leading scholars of the world as an integral part of his ongoing research work.
He managed, with the help of his brother Alexander initially, to acquire what was probably the largest collection of linguistic materials in Europe for his time. There was in effect no language group on the globe that did not attract his attention. He was familiar with Hebrew, Arabic and Coptic of which he wrote a grammar. These form what we call today the Austronesian language group whose existence Humboldt was the first to demonstrate conclusively.
Among the papers in his remains we find studies, notes, analyses, observations and materials relating to well over two hundred languages. In his private and public life he mastered and used besides his native German French, English, Italian and Spanish. A self-imposed commitment to report on the progress of his research efforts to the Berlin Academy at regular intervals induced him to devise his own specific style of presentation that allowed him freely and creatively to combine elements of the philosophical essay with those of a scholarly exposition.
These and his other presentations formed part of the published proceedings of the Berlin Academy.
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The piece occupies a special place in the development of the hermeneutics of the human sciences. There he attempted, as he had done before in his Schiller essay, to interpret the various sides of the poet from one central point of view: During the remainder of his life most of his time and energy was spent on what was to be his magnum opus: Buschmann also edited and published the remaining two volumes in and About this work the American linguist Bloomfield wrote:.
The Diversity of Human Language-Structure and its Influence on the intellectual and spiritual Development of Mankind Ueber die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaus und seinen Einfluss auf die geistige Entwickelung des Menschengeschlechts Berlin, These, however, were not published until the twentieth century. During the nineteenth century Humboldt was for the representatives of the academically established discipline of linguistics with its positivistic historicist and strictly Indo-European orientation nothing but the odd man out.
What separated him from the mainstream was his philosophically grounded understanding of language and linguistics and his decidedly non-Eurocentric orientation, which preserved the enlightenment Universalist tradition by providing it with a new philosophical base. Before he died Humboldt bequeathed his entire collection of linguistic materials, including his own manuscripts, to the Royal Prussian Library in Berlin so that it would be accessible to the public for further research.
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Yet soon after his death in the integrity of the collection was violated, its contents were divided and dispersed and many items sent to different locations. Throughout the nineteenth and most of the twentieth centuries with few exceptions, his papers did not attract the curiosity of professional linguists whose attention was focused mainly on Indo-European languages. Astonishingly, the extensive body of his posthumous works and papers was not ever systematically examined or properly catalogued, let alone studied in depth until recently.
Until this day all editions of his works have remained incomplete. His texts consist of philosophical reflections, fragments, studies of varying types and length, notes, diaries, as well as entire treatises and monographs with themes ranging from political theory, anthropology, aesthetics, educational theory, literature and history to hermeneutics, ethnology, and last but not least, to philosophy of language and linguistics. This record, the second one of 5 that may outcome from the learn, seems to be at how summer season courses affected scholar functionality on math, studying, and social and emotional exams in fall A Comparative Study on the Role of Universities in.
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