Date of the telegram, Rome, November 24, ten minutes before twenty-three o'clock. The telegram seems to say, "The Sovereigns and the Royal Children expect themselves at Rome tomorrow at fifty-one minutes after fifteen o'clock. I do not know about Italian time, but I judge it begins at midnight and runs through the twenty-four hours without breaking bulk. In the following ad, the theaters open at half-past twenty. If these are not matinees, Transporto tronchi giganteschi--I ladri in casa del Diavolo--Scene comiche.
The whole of that is intelligible to me--and sane and rational, too --except the remark about the Inauguration of a Russian Chinese. That one oversizes my hand. Give me five cards. This is a four-page paper; and as it is set in long primer leaded and has a page of advertisements, there is no room for the crimes, disasters, and general sweepings of the outside world--thanks be! Today I find only a single importation of the off-color sort:. Sarebbe partita col suo cocchiere. Twenty-seven years old, and scomparve--scampered--on the 9th November. You see by the added detail that she departed with her coachman.
I hope Sarebbe has not made a mistake, but I am afraid the chances are that she has. Stammattina, circe le 7,30, mentre Giuseppe Sciatti, di anni 55, di Casellina e Torri, passava dal Ponte Vecchio, stando seduto sopra un barroccio carico di verdura, perse l' equilibrio e cadde al suolo, rimanendo con la gamba destra sotto una ruota del veicolo. Lo Sciatti fu subito raccolto da alcuni cittadini, che, per mezzo della pubblica vettura n. Ivi il medico di guardia gli riscontro la frattura della gamba destra e alcune lievi escoriazioni giudicandolo guaribile in 50 giorni salvo complicazioni.
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What it seems to say is this: This morning about 7. Joseph Sciatti, aged 55, of Casellina and Torri, while standing up in a sitting posture on top of a carico barrow of vedure foliage? There is a great and peculiar charm about reading news-scraps in a language which you are not acquainted with--the charm that always goes with the mysterious and the uncertain. You can never be absolutely sure of the meaning of anything you read in such circumstances; you are chasing an alert and gamy riddle all the time, and the baffling turns and dodges of the prey make the life of the hunt.
A dictionary would spoil it. Sometimes a single word of doubtful purport will cast a veil of dreamy and golden uncertainty over a whole paragraph of cold and practical certainties, and leave steeped in a haunting and adorable mystery an incident which had been vulgar and commonplace but for that benefaction. Would you be wise to draw a dictionary on that gracious word? After a couple of days' rest I now come back to my subject and seek a case in point. I find it without trouble, in the morning paper; a cablegram from Chicago and Indiana by way of Paris.
All the words save one are guessable by a person ignorant of Italian:. Nacque una scarica generale. Grande panico tra gli spettatori. The cop of the theater of the opera of Wallace, Indiana, had willed to expel a spectator which continued to smoke in spite of the prohibition, who, spalleggiato by his friends, tire Fr. It is bettable that that harmless cataclysm in the theater of the opera of Wallace, Indiana, excited not a person in Europe but me, and so came near to not being worth cabling to Florence by way of France.
But it does excite me. It excites me because I cannot make out, for sure, what it was that moved the spectator to resist the officer. I was gliding along smoothly and without obstruction or accident, until I came to that word "spalleggiato," then the bottom fell out. You notice what a rich gloom, what a somber and pervading mystery, that word sheds all over the whole Wallachian tragedy.
Category:Italian songwriters
That is the charm of the thing, that is the delight of it. This is where you begin, this is where you revel. You can guess and guess, and have all the fun you like; you need not be afraid there will be an end to it; none is possible, for no amount of guessing will ever furnish you a meaning for that word that you can be sure is the right one.
All the other words give you hints, by their form, their sound, or their spelling--this one doesn't, this one throws out no hints, this one keeps its secret. If there is even the slightest slight shadow of a hint anywhere, it lies in the very meagerly suggestive fact that "spalleggiato" carries our word "egg" in its stomach. Well, make the most out of it, and then where are you at?
You conjecture that the spectator which was smoking in spite of the prohibition and become reprohibited by the guardians, was "egged on" by his friends, and that was owing to that evil influence that he initiated the revolveration in theater that has galloped under the sea and come crashing through the European press without exciting anybody but me. But are you sure, are you dead sure, that that was the way of it?
Then the uncertainty remains, the mystery abides, and with it the charm. If I had a phrase-book of a really satisfactory sort I would study it, and not give all my free time to undictionarial readings, but there is no such work on the market. The existing phrase-books are inadequate. They are well enough as far as they go, but when you fall down and skin your leg they don't tell you what to say.
This work was published before January 1, , and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least years ago. Italian Without a Master by Mark Twain. Public domain Public domain false false. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other languages Add links. And only these holy men must know them! We are but so much He goes back into the monastery.
E questi santi soli han da saperli! Noi siamo tanti cavoli LEONORA An unhappy, disappointed, rejected woman, cursed by heaven and earth, who throws herself in tears at your feet and begs you to bring her back from hell. Come, trusting, to the Cross. Let the voice of Heaven speak to your heart. Leonora kneels at the foot of the Cross, kisses it, then returns, somewhat comforted, to Father Guardiano.
Leonora s'inginocchia ai piedi della croce, la bacia, poi ritorna, un po' confortata, dal Padre Guardiano. You know of her? For one so young as you the punishment would be all the worse. Who can read into the future? And can tell your heart won't change? If you send me, repentant, away, I shall wander through the mountains calling for help, asking refuge from the cliffs, food from the woods, and moving the very beasts to pity. Ah yes, here I have heard the voice of Heaven saying "Save your soul at the foot of this Cross" You send me away?
This is my haven. Who can take this solace from me? Chi immutabil farvi il core? May Thy will be done! Your decision is final? Among the rocks you will find a cave; there you will stay. At a nearby spring, each seventh day, I shall leave a frugal meal for you. At dawn you will go alone, on foot, to the hermitage; but first let the holy bread bring comfort to your soul. Sull'alba il piede all'eremo solinga volgerete; ma pria dal pane angelico conforto all'alma avrete.
Go now to put on your holy garb, and may your heart be strong, ah! He enters the monastery and returns, carrying a Franciscan habit which he give to Leonora. A strange new joy has told me - I am blessed once again! Within my breast I feel a new birth of life in my heart; sing praises, o ye heavenly choirs, for the Lord has forgiven me my sin. Thanks to Thee, O Lord. They enter the monastery. The great doors of the church open, revealing the high altar lighted by candles. To the sound of organ music, two lines of monks proceed down the sides of the choir, carrying lighted tapers.
They kneel on each side of the altar. After them walks Father Guardiano, followed by Leonora in monk's garb. He then leads her out of the church, as the monks group themselves around her. Leonora prostrates herself before him, as he solemnly extends his arms over her, chanting: Le sante lane a cingere ite, e sia forte il cor, ah!
Entra nel convento, e ne ritorna subito portando un abito da Francescano che presenta a Leonora.
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Grazie o Signor, grazie o Signor. La gran porta della chiesa si apre. Di fronte vedesi l'altar maggiore illuminato. Dai lati del coro procedono due lunghe file di Frati con ceri ardenti. Leonora si prostra innanzi a lui, che stendendo solennemente le mani sopra il suo capo intuona: For this soul, we open the holy grotto. Do you know where it is? No one shall approach it. Let Heaven hurl its thunderbolts to strike such a man to ashes. No living person will see you again. From your cave the bell will warn us if danger threatens you, or, if your last hour has come Then, we shall hasten to comfort your soul, before its return to God.
Leonora kisses the hand of Father Guardiano, and walks alone toward the hermit's cave. The friars, after putting out their candles, retreat into the church. The Father Superior stops at the door, and, extending his arms in the direction where Leonora has disappeared, blesses her. Il cielo, il cielo fulmini, incenerisca, l'empio mortale se tanto ardisca; su lui scatenisi ogni elemento, l'immonda cenere ne sperda il vento.
Dello speco il bronzo ne avverta se periglio vi sovrasti, o, per voi giunto sia l'estremo giorno A confortarvi l'alma volerem, pria che a Dio faccia ritorno. Leonora bacia la mano al Padre Guardiano, e si dirige sola verso lo speco dell'eremita. I frati, spente le candele, si ritirano in chiesa. Voices are heard off-stage. Five on the left. I seek my death in vain! Oh, night when all I love was torn from me! My sorrow shall have no end - it is written so.
Don Alvaro in uniforme di capitano spagnuolo dei Granatieri del Re si avanza lentamente dal fondo. Si sentono voci interne a destra. CORO Attenti al gioco, attenti, attenti al gioco, attenti Oh, notte ch'ogni ben mi rapisti! Della natal sua terra il padre volle from its foreign masters, and, by alliance with the last of the Incas, he hoped to win back his crown - but all in vain! I was born in a prison; the desert was my only school; I am alive today only because my royal birth is known to none!
My parents dreamed of a throne; the axe awakened them! Oh, when shall all my sorrows come to an end? O you who dwell among the angels, forever pure, lovely and untouched now by mortal sorrow - do not forget to look down on me, who, exiled and nameless, defying fate, seek battle, like a wretched man, hoping to find there death.
Leonora mine, help me, take pity on my anguish! Have pity on me! Oh, quando fine avran le mie sventure! O tu che in seno agli angeli eternamente pura, salisti bella incolume dalla mortal jattura, non iscordar di volger lo sguardo a me tapino, che senza nome ed esule, in odio del destino, chiedo anelando, ahi, misero, la morte d'incontrar.
Don Alvaro runs off towards where a sound of swordplay is heard;some officers cross the stage in disorder. Don Alvaro returns, with Don Carlo. I owe my life to you. Accorre al luogo onde si udivano le grida; si sente un picchiare di spade; alcuni ufficiali attraversano la scena fuggendo in disordine da destra a sinistra. Don Alvaro ritorna con Don Carlo.
I arrived with orders from the general yesterday; without you I should now be dead. Tell me to whom I owe my life? Con ordini del general sol ieri giunsi; senza voi morto sarei. Or dite a chi debbo la vita? United in life and death, men shall know us together. Shouts and trumpet blasts are heard off stage. They go out running. Si stringono le destre. Si odono voci interne e squilli di trombe. Scene Two A house near Velletri It is morning.
A drawing-room in the villa of an officer of the Spanish forces in Italy. The sound of fighting nearby is heard from off-stage. An army surgeon and soldiers enter the room and run to the window. His aide is rallying them - leading them in a charge! The enemy's on the run! Our men have won! ALL Victory is ours! Salotto nell'abitazione d'un ufficiale superiore dell'esercito spagnolo in Italia. Si sente il rumore della vicina battaglia. Un chirurgo militare ed alcuni soldati entrano dalla porta comune e corrono alla finestra. L'aiutante li raccozza, alla carica li guida! I nostri han vinto!
Don Alvaro, wounded and unconscious, is brought in on a stretcher by four grenadiers. At his side is Don Carlo, dusty and sorrowing. A soldier sets a valise down on a table. You will be rewarded with the Order of Calatrava. Un soldato depone una valigia sopra un tavolino. You shudder at the name of Calatrava! Alvaro beckons Don Carlo to come closer. Il chirurgo si ritira. Don Alvaro accenna a Don Carlo di appressarsegli. I entrust it to your honour. Within, there is a secret which must die with me. Burn it when I am dead I embrace you with all my heart.
The surgeon and soldiers carry the wounded man into the bedroom. What a tremendous thing! A man of such courage and daring, yet he will die! But he shuddered at the name of Calatrava! Does he perhaps know of our dishonour? If he were the seducer? And in my hands - alive! But if I am wrong? This key will tell me. Impetuously he opens the valise and draws forth a sealed package. Here are the papers! What am I doing? And the oath I swore? Il chirurgo e le ordinanze trasportano il ferito nella stanza da letto. S'ei fosse il seduttore? Desso in mia mano, e vive! Questa chiave il dica.
Apre convulso la valigia, e ne trae un plico suggellato. To him I owe my life? But I saved him, too! And if he were the cursed Indian who soiled my family's honour? I shall break the seal. No one can see me here. But I can see myself! I came here to redeem my honour - I shall not lose it with this new shame. An oath is sacred to a man of honour; these papers shall keep their secret safe. May the evil thought which spurred me, to an unworthy act be put away forever.
But if I might find some other proof? It has no seal - he did not speak of it - I made no promise - let it be opened, then. Don Alvaro is the wounded man! Now may he live! Then, by my hand, he shall die! The surgeon appears at the door. Ah, he is saved! What great joy I feel in my heart! E questa vita che debbo al suo valor? Niun qui mi vede. Getta il plico, e se ne allontana con raccapriccio.
E s'altra prova rinvenir potessi? Torna a frugare nella valigia. Qui v'ha un ritratto Ora egli viva, e di mia man poi muoia! Il chirurgo appare alla porta. Oh gioia immensa che m'innondi il cor, ti sento! At last I shall wreak my vengeance on the villain for his betrayal. Leonora, where are you hidden? Tell me - have you followed here the man who reddened your face with the blood of your father? Ah, I should be wholly happy if this sword of mine might dispatch both in a single blow down to the Lord of Hell!
He goes out quickly. Parte in gran fretta. Scene Three A military encampment near Velletri Forward, left, a pedlar's shop to the right, another, where food, drink and fruit are sold. Nearby, tents tradesmen's huts, etc. It is night, the scene is deserted. A patrol enters cautiously on reconnaissance. There is no sound, there is no light; everyone is lost in a sound sleep.
Comrades, let us move on, and explore the field, for soon comes the call of reveille. All'ingiro tende militari, baracche di rivenduglioli, ecc. Una pattuglia entra cautamente in scena, esplorando il campo. CORO Compagni, sostiamo, il campo esploriamo; non s'ode rumor. Non brilla un chiarore; in sonno profondo sepolto ognun sta.
Don Alvaro enters, lost in thought. I pray in vain to Heaven for peace and forgetfulness. Si fa lentamente giorno. Entra Don Alvaro assorto nei suoi pensieri. Pace ed oblio indarno io chieggo al cielo. But I do not understand You've had no message from Don Alvaro, the Indian? The secret, then, your oath, was broken? Tremble, for I am Don Carlo di Vargas. Soon one of us will die. Messaggio non v'inviava Don Alvaro, l'Indiano? Il segreto fu dunque violato? Don Carlo di Vargas, tremate, io sono. They both look down on us from Heaven, they tell you in your heart that I am innocent.
When I was well, I sought her for a year. Alas, I found that Leonora was dead. My sister was with one of our family. I went to her, but it was too late. She lives, thanks be to God! Ne guardano entrambi e dal paradiso ch'io sono innocente vi dicono al core. La suora ospitavala antica parente: Ella vive, gran Dio! Great God, that angel She lives, but soon she will die.
And she is still alive let us look for her together. I swear that a noble origin makes me your equal, and that my family's crest is resplendent, is resplendent as the sun. Between us there gapes a bloodied tomb. How, can I greet as a brother the man who took all from me?
Whether your origin is noble or base, my duty is to kill you, and, after you, the unworthy woman who betrayed her flesh and blood. What are you saying? If I do not fall in my own blood I shall find Leonora and I shall kill her with this sword still coloured with your blood. With my sword I shall kill an assassin; turn your thoughts to God; your hour has come. They draw swords and duel furiously. A patrol comes from the camp and endeavours to separate them.
His life - or mine - now. Sguainano le spade e si battono furiosamente. Accorre la pattuglia del campo per separarli. La sua vita o la mia - tosto. CORO Lunge di qua si tragga. Merciful God, illumine Thou my thoughts. To the cloister, the hermitage, the holy altars, let forgetfulness and peace summon the warrior. Drums and bugles sound reveille. Gradually the camp awakens to action.
Spanish and Italian soldiers of all arms come out from the tents, cleaning their muskets, swords, uniforms and other gear. Vivandieres go about selling drinks, fruit, bread etc. Preziosilla, atop one of the huts, is telling fortunes CHORUS When the sound of fife and drum deafens the very earth, then we are glad, for war is life and joy to the soldier.
Pietoso Iddio, tu ispira, illumina il mio pensier. Al chiostro, all'eremo, ai santi altari l'oblio, la pace chiegga il guerrier. Ad uno ad uno escono tutti. Spunta il sole - il rullo dei tamburi e lo squillo delle trombe danno il segnale della sveglia. La scena va animandosi poco a poco. Soldati spagnoli ed italiani di tutte le armi sortono dalle tende ripulendo schioppi, spade, uniformi, ecc. Vivandiere che vendono liquori, frutta, pane, ecc.
Preziosilla dall'alto d'una baracca predica la buona ventura. ALL drinking Our health! The attention of all is drawn to Trabuco, the pedlar, who comes out from the stand at the left. He carries a box of cheap trinkets. Le vivandiere offrono loro da bere. My prices are cheap - scissors and pins and wonderful soap.
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I buy and sell whatever you want, cash on the spot for all kinds of deals. I'll sell if you wish. ALL showing watches, rings, etc. ALL Just like your rascally face. ALL We're dealing with a thief! Forbici, spille, sapon perfetto! Io vendo e compero qualunque oggetto, concludo a pronti qualunque affar. Se vuoi la vendo. TUTTI mostrando anelli, orologi, ecc.
Category:Italian songwriters - Wikipedia
Let's talk about it. Maybe I can add a penny or two. Let me have it, now or never! ALL First, right away, give us the money, shiny and ringing. ALL giving him the objects Here you are. ALL all driving him off To the devil with you. My prices are cheap - He goes to another part of the camp. Some peasants enter, with children at their side, and begging. The war has destroyed our homes, our fields. Give us bread, for mercy's sake. Several recruits enter, weeping. C'intenderemo, qualch'altro soldo v'aggiungeremo.
Si avvia verso un'altro lato del campo. Detti e contadini questuanti con ragazzi a mano. Alcune reclute piangenti che giungono scortate. They have torn us away from all we love, our only wish is to go home again. We shall love you like sisters, and we know how to make you happy. Don't be frightened - we're not devils. Come now, dry your tears, for now it's plain - it's useless to think about the past. Handsome lads - have you gone mad? If you blubber like babies your comrades will laugh at you.
Take a look at what's around you, I'll bet you I can guess - you'll see lots of pretty faces which will comfort you tomorrow. Come now, courage, courage! Bei figliuoli, siete pazzi? Se piangete quai ragazzi vi farete corbellar. Su, coraggio, coraggio, coraggio! Everyone joins in a rapid dance. In a few moments the racket and confusion reach a high pitch. He finally extricates himself and starts to preach. And I'm in the midst.
I came from Spain to bandage wounds and to salvage souls. And what do I find? Is this a Christian camp, or are you a lot of Turks? Whoever saw such irreverent nonsense on the Holy Sabbath? In this army there are more bottles than battles! And instead of sackcloth and ashes, must we have Venus and Bacchus? The earth has become a house of tears, and every convent the haven of rascals! The sanctuaries have become the lair of cut-throats; and Christ's temples are a sorry sight indeed.
Everything's topsy-turvy, topsy-turvy - and do you know why? Pro peccata vestra, because of your sins. Le vivandiere prendono francamente le reclute pel braccio, e s'incomincia vivacissima danza generale.

Ben presto la confusione e lo schiamazzo giungono al colmo. Finalmente, riuscito a fermarsi, Melitone esclama: Venni di Spagna a medicar ferite, ed alme a mendicar. E invece di vestir cenere e sacco, qui si tresca con Venere e con Bacco? Tutto va, tutto va a soqquadro. Pro peccata vestra, pei vostri peccati.
All of you, you are sewers of sin. And as long as you befoul the earth the world will know no peace. They try to beat him, but he gets away, still preaching. Fighting with a monk! They can't hear me? Then the drum must save him. Tutti, tutti cloaca di peccati. Cercano di picchiarlo, ma scappa, seguitando a predicare. Far guerra ad un cappuccio! Sia il tamburo sua difesa. She picks up the first drum to hand and, with several drummers following, she starts to beat it. The soldiers come running back to gather around her, followed by the crowd. Rataplan, rataplan, the ranks are forming; rataplan, and they're off to war!
Rataplan, rataplan, the enemy's flag will soon be in retreat! Rataplan, pim pum pum, and fight onward when the foe turns his back and flees; rataplan, your glorious wounds will be rewarded by your triumph. Rataplan, the glory of one's country shines brighter for the soldier's courage! Rataplan, rataplan, our victory will conquer the hearts of all. Prende a caso un tamburo e imitata da qualche tamburino lo suona. I soldati accorrono tosto a circondarla seguiti da tutta la turba.
Rataplan, rataplan or le schiere son guidate raccolte a pugnar! Rataplan, rataplan, le bandiere del nemico si veggon piegar! Rataplan, rataplan, la vittoria al guerriero conquista ogni cor. A simple colonnade encloses a small courtyard planted with orange tress, oleanders, jasmines. On the left is the door to the street; on the right another door with a sign over it reading "Clausura" [place for seclusion]. Father Guardiano is walking about solemnly reading his breviary.
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From the left enter a crowd of beggars, men and women of all ages, carrying crude bowls, pots and plates. We must be on our way, we must be on our way, give us charity! Fra Melitone enters from the right, wearing a large white apron, assisted by a lay-brother, carrying a large cooking pot. They put it down in the centre of the yard and the lay-brother departs.
Do you think you're at the inn? He begins to ladle out the soup. Un meschino porticato circonda una corticella con aranci, oleandri, gelsomini. Il Padre Guardiano passeggia gravemente leggendo il breviario. Melitone, che viene dalla destra coperto il ventre d'ampio grembiale bianco, ed aiutato da altro laico, porta una grande caldaia a due manichi, che depongono nel centro; il laico riparte. Comincia a distribuire la zuppa. They want the lot for themselves.
Maria's had three helpings already! You wouldn't have them if, like me, you whipped your back with a rough scourge, and spent all your nights reciting rosaries and Misereres CORO Quattro a lei! I'm losing my patience!